The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 14, 1904, Image 2

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Ki'Hil ll.ivdeli lll'o's ad III I ills p.l . I.
lr. Marsha!!, I t . piates jhat
IT. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald
l'r. M.i:Vi..:i. lis', t .) i,t !
work. j
Tht- best mi.I.i .v.r.e: in the n i j 1 1 .
CeillU V ( ii.'v j
Smoke tin- vi:rl n.' ceiehi.Ue.'i
"tii;t lift!'' i li;. Us. I
Mrs. Call I 'rieke a,h was i v i ! ,
last w i-t k Is 1 1 1 I'M i ik.'.
Mr. and Mis. I.. U. ji-r a i visit
lug tlii' Kit tor's patents.
M. Watva. of llave'tk. was a Mil
day visitoi in Plat tsinoiit h.
Jnlin Campbell of .smith lleud was
county seat caller Saturday.
Ir. Frank L. Cummins,- dent 1st
Ofllee with lr. I). 1). Cummins.
Ir. i:. W. Foster .,f Cedar Creek
was a county seat Isitor Monday.
i nai real, sinooin, tasteful lee cream
soda costs only .V, at tiering & Co.'s.
Crushed fruit of all kinds with W
cream soda, onlv ,"ie at tiering Co.'s,
James Archer, who has heen in St
Louis lor a month, returned Monday
Assistant County Attorney Madsnn
i i . i . . . in ,
ui i.iiieoin, was in ciown 1 lU'Siiav mi
Not how cheap but how good, l'at
toon's Sun Proof Faint. Sold only hy
Oerlng Co.
The name thai meansiuallty Is Pat
ton's Sun I'roof Paint, Nl.ld only bv
Cerlng Jk Co.
lr. A. P. P.arnes returned Mimilin
morning from a professional trip t
Akron, ( olorado,
Tuesday was the day that the It. -
M. paymaster made his usual monthly
visit to t his city.
tioes further, looks I ett r ami lasts
longer. Pittmi s Sun PriKif Paint.
deling .t Co. agents.
If you are a Judge of a wood smoke,
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
Dr. Elster, Dentist.
Waterman Block.
Frit. Frit ke left Sunday for a point
near Minneapolis, where he will recre
ntc for several wicks.
Fred Katun, who vvasvlslting friends
In Plaltsinouth, left Friday for his
home In Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. L. M. Woods, after a visit with
relatives In Plattsmmitli, returned to
her home In Seward, Neh.
Miss Anna Kanka returned Friday
from Peru, Neh., where she was at
tending the state normal school.
. I'. Ackerman. master meelianli
of the ILlvclnck shops, was a Sunday
visitor wltli Plattsmouth friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ciodwin are re
jotting over the arrival of a '.(-pound
girl at their home last Sunday night
J.Us Mai Ilia, after a short visit wltli
her friend, Miss Violet lodge, return
ed to her home in Council lilulTs, Mon
After a hiiel visit with friends in
tins city, Waller Stieet n turned to
his home in Hastings. Neh., Friday
I. P. Falter. Phiilp Thicrolf, Au
gust .lohuson and .1 lni llolst ronnvent
to rialnvicw, Nebraska. Tuesday
a land deal.
Kalph At wood left for the east Sat
urday to join his parents and C. C.
Parinele and family who are visit ini;
in New York and other points.
Misses Margaret Weher and Chris
tina Hansen, returned from Peru,
Neb., Friday, where they had been at
tending the state normal school.
Mrs, I. V. L'gcnherger departed Sat
urday morning for Salt Lake City,
where she will lslt a month with her
son, Albert, and other relatives.
The packing house employes at var
ious points throughout the county are
on a strike. It makes hut little differ
ence as long as the consumer pays the
Now Is the time to make your ar
rangements for a furnace. Kcmcmlicr
that.Iohn Paiier guarantees the old
reliable Twentieth Century Furnace
us the best.
Mrs. Joseph Cray went t Omaha
yesterday to receive treatment at otic
of the hospitals, she was accompan
ied by Mrs. J. Sit, and' Mrs. W. A.
Hoover, her daughters, who reside In
Clarence Atkinson, son-in-law of M.
A. P.ates, arrived in the city Monday
for a few das visit previous to going
to St. Louis, accompanied by his wife,
where they will perhaps remain for
some time. They will also visit In II
linois before returning to their l ore
In iH'iiver.
Paul Roberts entertained fiends to
r.umU'r of about twenty-live at his
home last evening in honor of bis cous
ins, theMisM.s.ebaaml Lula lieasoner
of Iavld City, Neh. Tlmv pns"nt
were highly delighted with Paul's
manner of entertaining.
No man or won, an In the state vvili
hesitate tospeak well of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets after once
tiyingthem. They always produce a
pleasant movement of the Nnvols. Im
prove the appetite and strengthen the
digestion. For sale by all druggist.
JET (C?e
i o-
Big Summer Sale of
These foods are placed on our front ta
bles at greatly reduced prices from .".o a yd.
A number of extra passengc"t trains
passed thioiiL'h this ity Sunday over
the iturliiu'tun loaded with tourists
for ( 'olorado and other points In the
James Shields returned to Havelock
Tuesday to resume his work in the II
& M. shops, after spending u vacation
of three weeks amoiiL' Plattsmouth
Clans Jess called Saturday nniVre
nevved his faith In the Journal for an
oilier year. Mr. Jess sas he has to
have the Journal his children refuse
lo do without It.
Henry CTIgncrof thiscityand Miss
Aura Peed of Murray, were united in
the holy I Is of wedlock in this
city Tuesday. Julv Ii l!iu4. .Im kr
Travis oiliclaling.
Small waists are no longer in style.
Its the round plump walststhat conn
hy taking llolllster's Kocky Mountain
1 ea: t hat s all t he l-o. .I." cents. Tea
or tablet form. Cieiinir ( o.
Chas Matmis, who has been reereat
Inn In t his city for several weeks, re
turned to llavclock shoiis Sunday.
IHirlnjf his vacation he visited the St
Louis exposition for several days.
For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's
stomach and LIverTablets. They in
violate the liver, aid the digestion.
reuulate theliowlesaiid prevent bilious
attacks. For salebv all dniLa-isis
While eiikrakred In driving some cows
fiom the yard in from of the ivsi. lenee
Mis. Kate Oliver stepped on a lonsi
hoard on the sidewalk, which causci
her to fall, t ract in Inn her riht arm.
Hon. William Ivlles Pernler depart-
eil troin this city Tuesday for Hone-
steel, S. H., where he will enter the
and race. He will stop, irolnif. at
Neikthlinh. to transact some business.
Louis lose, of this city called Tues
lay and renewed his subscription to
the Journal for another year. Mr.
I'ose Is a true-blue democrat and says
Parker and I'avisare rop'l enouirh for
1!. W. livers returned from the west
part of the state Monday, where he
entered a section of land under the
Kinkadelaw. Kube was amonu the
lirst to land there and savs he lias tot
a dandy section.
Constipation, headache, backache,
feel mean, no appetite, all run down,
llolllster's Kocky Mountain Tea will
make and keep you well. Money hack,
if It fails, r, cents. Tea or tablet
form. Cerlntf &Co.
The Journal's old friend, Ceo. W.
Harshman and son, Floyd, were In the
city Friday, and while here made the
Journal a brief hut most pleasant call
lhey report the wheat In the vicinity
of Avoca tadly danuikted by rust.
It. (i. Watklns was here from Cuion
Monday, and called at Journal head
quarters ami renewed for another year.
Mr. Watklns Is one of those genial fel
lows you don't meet every day. and his
visit was a very enjoyable one to us.
Krncst Wells, of the Journal force,
went to South Pcnd Saturday on a re
crcatiiik.' tour in the way of annllnn
or the tinny tribe, but he failed to L i(!t,1Vll d:n)k.0I, ,(!
'linn us ,t mess, aim we pitsume lie
met with the Usual fisherman's luck.
W wh o -In this vicinity at once,
reliable man toad as our representa
tive. We can furnish bank references.
A pleasant, well-paying situation and
sure money. Address at once, Pidkr
way Remedy Co.. :M Frener Block,
'maha. Neb.
Treasurer Wheeler was the tiist of
the Plattsmouth delegation to t.
Louis to return home, coming in miii
day evening. II. I. Travis came In
Monday im nuintr. F.J. Morgan Mon
day evening and superintendent Won
man Tuesday.
Kd Spies, of the Havelock shops Is
vlsltinu his jiarents in this city.
Mrs. J. L. llartson went to Alma,
Neh yesterday for a visit with friends.
T. M. Ayers, of Thedford, Neb., was
a business visitor in Plattsmouth yes
terday. Henry Donat and L. Wml went to
noiiesloel, S. P., Monday to try their
luck in the land contest.
Miss Kditli Mann of Onawa, Iowa, is
the nuest of her cousins. Misses dar
nel and Florence Cory, In this city.
K. (i. Kriuar, of Hellinhain, (for
merly Whatcome) Wash., came In last
Saturday for a visit with relatives and
Misses Kimiia and Irene Straus, and
Miss Stella llrendels of Omaha are
quests of the Peppei Ii ts. The two
former are neiees of Mrs. Pepperherr.
A. II. Austin and little son of Cuion
were, in the city Tuesday, and while
here Mr. Austin called anil squared his
account on the Journal subscription
bonk. Mr. Austin is one of those j.'en
tleinen who believes in keeping even
with the printer.
While en route for Omaha Tuesday
on the fast mail. Frank Richey was
standing at the door of the car with
his left hand placed on the door jam In
such a manner t hat the door blew shut
with such force astocutoirthetipend
of the little tinker. It wasquite pain-
tul for a while, and Frank says he will
never be caught doin such a trick
Nine years akio Mr. and Mis. Mike
Waiva were divorced in the district
court of Cass county by Jurtne Ram
sey. Tuesday a license was issued at 1
Lincoln perniittiiik.' the marriaire of
Mr. Var-a to Miss Jo.sie Naledly. his
(hvorceil spouse, of Havelock. and they
were reunited in the holy bonds. Mr.
War;a made his home in Plattsmouth
for many years.
Most everybody who knew Cnele
Henry Weckiiach for the past dozen
years, will no doubt remember his
faithful do: "Hardy." Well, the old
dos' is dead! It is said that Hardv has
never felt rikrht since the death of his
master, and the other day died. The
poor' old faithful companion of Mr.
Weckbach uilnht havedied of a broken
heart. Who can tellv
I hi' Hill Hint will. w! im n, ,. ,;;,
Without :i fiipr.
I o elniM; the IhiT. without a hiiIvit,
Tukt' one :it nlirlit.
Hewitt's Little Karlv are small.
Shoes and Slippers
Kverythlnkf In Shoes from Rabies' No 1
m Slipper to Men's No. 12 Shoe. We sell :
the best made. '
2 Forest Mills Hosiery and Underwear
"Defender" Muslin Underwear
Gage Down Corsets
The "Elite" Under Skirts
Bissell's Gold Medal Carpet Sweeper
- c
f'i '
Don't Miss It If You Want the Goods!
And The Stock Must Be Disposed Of to
Make Room for Other Goods Cloth
log at Almost Your Own Price.
Having purchased and removed the
remainder of the Hub Clot h I uu stock
to my department store, and desiring
to dispose of it to make room for my
fall stock of dry noods, milinery, etc.,
I am offering Clothing and Cents' fur
PItICK I ! ! Hear in mind that these
goods are ALL r.RANI) NEW. re
calling and letting us show you just
what you may want and need you will
at once see that we mean business
when we say they must go If we have
tn sell them at cosl or less than cost
This Is an opportunity of a life time
to get something you need.
Grand Free Concert Saturday after
noon at our store, by the Ilevvett Fam
ily r.rass Hand. Jion't miss it.
M. Fan.. i-:i:.
I'epartmeut Store.
Attention, Farmers I
Pitch Forks, Stoves. Hinges
And Numerous Other Articles at Half Prices at
Give us a chance to put in one of those
Twentieth Century Furnaces
If you contemplate putting in a furnace
hefore cold weather comes.
We will nake it an object for you to do so.
Bauer's Hardware Store f
Teachers' Examination.
Teachers' examination at Platts
mouth. July Weeping Water, July
27, and Greenwood. July J'.i.
C. S. Woktman,
County Superintendent.
M. P. Excursion Rates.
On July is and 2: the M. P. railroad
will sell coach excursion tickets to
Kansas City at .K.'o for the round trip
limited to seven days.
to take, easy and gentle in effect, yet
they are so certain in results that no
one who uses them is flu:i
For quick relief from hillluusness. sick
headache, torpid liver, jaundice, di.zl-
iiessandall troubles arlsimr fi inn nn
Inactive, sluggish liver, Karlv Risers
are unciiualled. Sold by F. ;. Fricke
& Co.
Mrs. Lucy Wml had the misfortune
to fall on a side walk on Lincoln ave
nue Tuesday afternoon, by which she
sustained very painful injuries on one
hip and one wrist. She was unaiile to
rise vv it bout assistance. The accident
was caused by her striking her font
against a loose plank. No hones were
broken and her Injuries are not eon.
I his is another .. . .
evidence that property owners a:e he- r i ! l'' 'Ll ''" t'icmoU-
Ceding to keep their walks i , li1'1"!' U,!,,ral '"
,,,,1,.,., , yesterday in"rning and the tower bus
about disippeared. As the Journal
Attoman KMing h,r na.i.e a. Mis. nnderM.nnIs the upper story or the
l.e hitting was arrested Tuesday I liulMin.r k t.i... tni-.. r n...i ..... ,..
,.,, , ., , ' ' " "'I Ull'l INI' III-
night while waiideiinj i:n and lnuii Li,i.,,,r i .
Nehavvka and Omaha have eacii se
cured a new flouring mill, but what
does Plattsmouth get?
Painting, decorating and sign writ
ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders
at Fricke'sdrug store.
The Nebraska state press Is com-
menting upon the fact that Platts
mouth lias a real estate exchange and
recently organized a commercial club.
The latter hasn't been organl.ed lonu
enough tu do much good, but what,
oh, what, has the real estate exchange
accomplisl.e 1? Now. don't all answer
at once.
Ml.rv Li:
it i;
I :i !lli;.- I'nl
f.-nv lllir lii 'I .
i a.'li iiIl'IiI In' h:il a drink
ky Mnunialti Tr.'i.
(ir.i.iNo .v Co.
Coroner's Verdict In Litchfield Wreck.
Litchfield, III., July 11. The jury
selected by Coroner William A. Gray
of Montgomery county to Investigate
the Wabash wreck at Litchfield on
July 3, has fixed the number of dead
at twenty-five. Twenty of the dead
were Identified, one remains unidenti
fied and four are mlbsir.g. The Jury
returned the following verdict: "We
find from the evidence that the
switch was disconnected find that the
keeper on the switch bridle, which
held the connecting rod on the bridle,
was broken off. We further find from
the evidence that Margaret,
rtonjamln E. Council, Fannie Conneli
nd Mary Irene Conneli were killed
and burned In said wreck and that
tbt'.r todies were never recovered."
Kow's Tbis?
Wccll. r une llumln-il i..;i.',rs ;,.ar. fr
liny ea-.'.if tmarrli Urn eiini,t . Ci,retl ,y
Hull s Catarrh Cur.'. .'"-u iy
vv ,i M-nil:NI:VA: Toledo. O.
We. the limler-iimi'd. have known f ,1
C heney for the k,,.. i;, year,, and l'e h ve ,1m
er eeily honorahle 1 all huslness trans "
IlLMtlons ti.ailf hy hMlrin. J
W AI.IHMi, Kinnan M.UIVIN.
il .li' r . lioli-uH- liructfM,. Toledo. O.
Ha l C atarrh cure U take internallv net
Iiib -llreetly on the I,,kI and iiM.MMirfa,',.,
o! II, e sysiein. lest! nlaN sent fn c Pri.v
..eem per Untie. Sold hv all (LrnL- -Uts
lake Hall s I'aiNlly I'llls'for eonsupatlon
the st reels of this city. She didn't
bar the api e irence of a sane person,
and was soon n cocni.vd by ;,erltl ' evening L. A
Mi'llride as a iKitient uln, v is t,. ..
-.vol , v oil! ,L i
theasyliini last March from this coun
ty. There being nothing on the re
cords to show that she was paroled
from that Institution, the board of
insanity ordered her returned to the
asylum. Her home was South i;0inl.
Death of Samuel M. Jones.
Toledo, O.. July 13 Samuel M.
Jones, the "Golden Rule" mayor, died
at his home here as tho rpult of a
complication of diseases. Tho tamo
clato cause of his death was an
becess on his lungs The death of
Mayor Jones haa cnuped the greatest
sorrow all ovrr the city. Although
many did not believe In his Ideas on
sociological problems. everybody
loved ar.d respected t!m. His one
great stronghold with the people of
Toledo was his honesty.
Depo-tatior. Is Continued,
Cripple Creek. Colo.. J-ly 13. De
pnnaUor.s c. mtlr.'V' u, ) tnudo v th
nilU:n: y authoring, s n nf-or the'-
nrriv.d nt Victor eleven Palinns and
Aasfr;..!)s were sent sway on the next
train. State Peller I:-.fpe(,ir Taylor
wits arr-.-sfed when rrmlr.u t.
dlstrb-t ever the 8h rt Lire ridiwav
but vao pdeased a'tc r ho was briv.ght
to tV.o M'.r.o Owr.ern' aH?o.-!ati,.r and
ep:a;r.e,l hi? official tu.:r.s
ellermakert May p. rai,H n,,.
Topeka. Kan., July i?. TV.e t,(,!r
n-.nki rs cr. tho nt:r ,. t ....
'asement. anil many of the natron!'? will be calbv' nut ,.r . .
repainted, etc. At a special meeting
of the hoard of education Mondnv
Larson was awarded the
Hie work. The school
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten
Years of Suffering.
"1 wish to say a few words in nmUn
of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera nml
Diarrhoea Ileinedy," says Mrs. Mattie
liurge, ol Martinsville, Va. "1 suller
ed from Chronic diarrhoea for ten years
and during that time tried various
medicines without obtaining any per
manent relief. Last summer one of
my children was taken with cnolera
morbus, and I procured a bottle of this
remedy. miy two doses were required
to give her entire relief. 1 I 1 in flu.
elded to try the medicine myself, ami
did not use all of one bottle before I
"asweiianu i nave never since Ixm
tp-ubled with that complaint
cannot say too much in favor .,f
wonderful medicine." This remedy u
for sale by all druggkts.
house is four stoiles, Includin.
ien u,ai in us present condition it
was dang-rous. especially durinir se
vere storms. '1 he w..rk Is to he com
pleted hy the lirst of September.
the I Atehisi n. Topeka Rr.d
i . t .i.'.. , .... i. - . . . .
; Ke 111 HIil
t .0 fc'r'tro i t v
"t vim
m iol.sts on July 15. accordlr.i to n
tt'eo.ent made core- today
"Out Hell," the favorite cigar
Doctors scid fje Would not Live.
IVter I ry. Wo ruil. IV,.. vvntes:
"After doetorine- f,,r tw,, yL,.us h
'"J l"'st I'liysicians in Wavnesbur-,
iind still gel ting worse, t he doctors ad
wse.l me if I had ar.y business to al tend
''I had better attend io,t at once, as
I iMIlel nut possibly live another
""idliiis there was ,. nilL, lor M,Ci
';M'V i'!ii'' lire was rt'cmim-nd-
I, 1 t'"ie'h.y:if,iend,and I i.nine,liate-ly-'iit
son to U. M(1,v f,,,. a,1(
"ft-rlakiiig three bottles l;b( eailto
H'd belter contii,ii.., ,, Improve
II, 11 il I entirely well." Sold by
I'lieke C;).
I'l'. Marshal!. Ivr.tisi. (.vats' I'.ik.