The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 07, 1904, Image 6

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. A .V A
The Yellow Front Saloon
IVIioh SJ'.t
- 5
Acjcat for tlu Popular Willow Sprinys Beer
Ku'iv t ii v I Ki'r Hears the 1'iiion Label
Note the Prices We are Mining on Fine Old Wines and Whiskies
CiiiiiiiIIhii Chili, imllon..
H illdlni.' 1 1 l II I t Itvr, Killliill..,
Sliver S tnlillllK. KM I lull
MltVvllll ( lull, Mill !
Old I'iihIiIhiiimI t hikwiMiil. u'lillnn
M. S. Iluiiil Siur Mnl. K.llloii
Miinlmw Kyi', l'iiIh'II
Jli Uii
lilti' Kvt'. milmn I .'
(.urliiiiliillm-r Kyi', milluil .1 ,'itl
AiiiUtmiii ('4i. W lill.ev. !nll(in ... .'t ."xi
Alroliol. Ini inif. k'kllon. .. ... 11 M
Mniiiiiiirnlirln Itvi', k'lllloli :i IKI
(Hil dlury. ciillo'ii II mi
Koviil TIltt (.In. ir l Ion ..('.'I ii
NcImmi I mini v Wlihkey. (Mllnn, . - .'m
IVm-li I miiiinl, trillion, J ml
Miiii iilel Inc. l-iiIIiiii J ml
It. -vu I I'nrt Wine, trillion.. 'Jim
liovul Slu rry. kuIIoii 2 im
An'(ti'll' ii Wine, trillion im
Miiliiim Wine, irnlloii ' mi
1 1 1 in - k I nr ry llriinily. yiilliin I M
Ki'K ll i r elk'lil trill Unit J J.'i
li'K llur ixinles 1 ii
Ohmii lleer -1 iiitrts, two ilium 2 :.'.'
Cuie lleer plnin. three dozen !!.
; is
Call and See Us or Send Your Orders by Mail
NO. 415 MAIN
V 4 O O si w v srf O s " o - j J o ; o J i V-
New Fabrics
For Spring
In RuitinH, trouHcrin'S ntul for
ovommts nrc now to lie 8(n in nil
tlio latcHt novelties from English,
Scotrh nnl AmiM'irnn innnufiu'tu
rcrri. Wo will ninko your Spring
ovtuvont or suit in tho best nnd
BwillcHt stylo nnd of artistic ph.
ganco nt n rciisoimbli' price.
Frank McElroy
Fifth nnd Main Sts.-Uphtairs
Send Yocr
Mail Orders
to lit
The Reliable Store
You Will Always
Sate Money by
Buying Your
Goods Here
During the warm weather nothing will surpass one of
our stylesh high Grade
Regular 8.oo to J 12.60 val- 7 Cf 5 C fC
Ties, Special Trice 4 Jv7 d cJ.VW
Consisting of coats and pants, the greatest values ever
offered at the price. Homespuns, cheviot, tlannels, tweets
etc., in plain blue, brown and gray mixtures, Scotch and
fancy mixtures in all shades and sizes, excellently tailortd
throughout, with hand padded shoulders, self-retaining ha r
cloth fronts, pants turned up at bottom. We secured th( m
at a bargain and are offering them to our customers during
the next few days at less than manufacturers' cost
$7.50 or 5.00 Bu 'ou ? suit wPrth ,,25
or $S.oo of anyone s money
We are Going to Move
ThL entiro line consisting of &0 high grle suit, from our counter, to
th wnlrobei 0f 300 to 350 customer who appreciate a GOOD Til INC.
Send ui your order at once, lee tbeae iuit, If you are not perfectly aatbfli d
return at our ftxpenM aod receive yo ir money back. Get la quUk
It wont last Ions.
Georgian and Nebratka Head Poculiit
National Ticket.
Springfield. Iil.. Jul 6. Thomas
Vat!ou of Georgia for preeidini ar.J
TLouia H Tibiei o! NVjratka fcr
rice prckiOent a the tltkot conn
cateJ by tbti l'o;iuI!st convention Tte
r.aaies at V:ll:aiu V. Alien of Nebrh-
ka aci Samuel ULIiuti. of luj'.ar.a
1 wore alto plated before the coiivtr.
'I. On tbe eve cf i turn for pr . ii r.t. L.. tx-tore the l:t
New York Juritt'a Manajera Inast
He Will .Vln on First or Secona
Ballot Fight Over Platform Will
Be Warm.
hlte Russian, Diamond C, Boat 'Em
All. Swlft'i Pride, or Armour's
Laundry per box of 100 bar. . . .111)5
Host pure cane granulated sugar per
100 lbi
Good Japan rice lb 3c
Best pearl tapioca, aago, barley or
farina per lb 3!c
Best bulk laundry starch lb 3k
Best corn starch package 4!c
Fancy ground splcea, any kind per
pound -c
1-lbcao fancy Alack salmon 10c
Oil sardines per can 4c
Imported macaroni, packan He
J-lb can solid packed tomatoes.... lie
Potted or deviled ham, can Sic
Gallon jug pure tomato catsup or
French mustard 4c
Large bottle pickles, aborted. '....He
Most soda, oyster, butter or milk
crackers par lb Oo
Vigor, Vim, EggO'See, Xcelo or
Neutrlta per package. 8io
HhoLmal. DrU4 Pralt Pric
Large California prunes, per
Fancy California peaches lb K'
English cleaned currants, lb......"
Vostlna cleaned currants, lb He
New York ring apples, lb H3
Virginia blaokbcrrlos lo
California seedless ralslni, lb ',io
Hay den Bros ft
St. Umla. July
the Ii'inii( r'ltic iiatiur.a; icr.vir.'.iv.!.
In v.Mch tin' truK'.e for Uu- ncrair.u
:inn h bftn a Iiveforail contert.
the piohit'(t is thai Jurist Alton ii
I'at ki r of New York, tl.e can l..!a;e 'f
tb cuiiM-rvntlve forte, will w.n baud
lly. Where a week ago there was
doubt, ur.rer'alnty, aparrlr.K for pos:
tlon, purWyii'.K for time, factior.a'
sdienilnK Mint manipulating to over
throw the lavorite. it is n w the fore
gone conclusion that th fit Id will
come in a poor second. Not :..y dots
It appear thut the control of the nomi
nation for fl;t pluco will be ic tbe
hands of tboHe Democrats who wer
In thr minority In lKUrt and atiuin 19u0
but t lint they will select the nomi
nee's running mate and dominate tbe
platform on which the race will re
made. In defiance of such hnr.dlcapa as
wore created by the ambitious friend?
of Gorman, Cleveland. Gray Oluey
McClellan and favorite err. who hal
a following; that divided the conserva
tive columns, the element whicb ad
vanced the claims of Democratic re
kabilitation struggled against tbe
combined opposition of Bryan, repre
senting the ruling Democratic force
in tbe last two presidential contests
and the personal campaign conducted
by William Randolph Hearst.
Throughout the week the Parker
forces received material accessions,
oat) candidate after another, who
threatened to supply strer.gH; for the
opposition being eliminated until the
opposition Is now confessedly in the
minority and seemingly too unorgan
ized to present a fighting front. Tbe
band wagon seat are In such demand
and that tbe nomination la confidently
predicted on the second Uallot and the
surprise would be small if the first
waa decisive.
Thoinh the result of tha contest for
tbe presidontlal nomination seems to
be as good as settled that spirit which
moves factions to war against each
other hat not been so far removed
that the convention will be lacking In
enthusiasm or Interest. The changed
poeltlon of those who are In power
bow and those who controlled four and
eight years ago la attracting wide at
tention from delegates and persons
who are assembled as spectators.
William J. Hryan is th moat pic
turesque figure. Twice the candidate
of hit party for president, but running
on a platform forced upon the nomt
natlng conventions by his compelling
personality and which robbed him of
harmonious party fealty, be is in the
position of fighting for recognition
against the element which baa re
turned to power.
For several days Mr. Bryan and the
hand-tied Tammany delegate opposed
to Parker have ben working to one
ond the defeat of- Farker, but they
have not moved in unlaon. The Tam
many delegates are listed as conserva
tives anu the Bryan forces as radicals.
and In contequence their work haa
been poor. Dryan was believed to bo
with Hearst before the contest
opened hore, but after Parker's
strength was shown he suggested that
the Pennsylvania delegation should
put former Governor Pattlton In noml
nation, but that falling to find favor
bo proposed Judson Harmon of Ohio
The Ohio delegation, though loyal to
Hartaoa. looked upon the plan with
iomt suspicion, and thlt Idea fell upon
barren soil.
Claim 490 Delegates Against Parker.
Tammany pursued iu fight in at
tempting to foster the favorite son
campaign and are claiming 400 votes
pledged against Parker. This number
Is mors than one-third, which would
prevent a nomination. The Parker
forces displayed no alarm at the re
port that vote were uniting in oppo
sition to th New York candidate.
Mr. Bryan asserted that Mr. Parker
had made no substantial gains and
that the opposition was becoming bet
ter crystallised. There are many
prominent politicians participating in
the convention who were compelled to
Isubmlt to tha will of Mr. Dryan tn
tks last two conventions who are tak
leg unaffected satlafaction In the fact
that they ars now able to dictate to
Platf.rm Fight Will Be Spsctacular.
1 Ths making of the party platform
will bs one of tbe most Interesting
of ths contests. It is certain ths
many persons, disappointed tn their
ability to axerclae their share of an
thorlty tn th ticket-making, will
taks part In th platform discussion
and advance Ideas as widely divided
as those presented In doiens of the
stat convention platforms offered for
the consideration of the convention
The New Tork delegation Is active
In th platform question and the Pry
an forces are equally alert. While it
Is unlikely any effort will be made to
reaffirm the Kansas City and Chicago
money planks, It l deemed Improb
able that an attempt wlU b mad to
declare for the gold standard. There
fore, both factions hav their Idtai
a to what the harmoclilng plank
should be.
Around the hotel lobbies there Is
little platform talk. Tbe nomination
for vie president has been talked of
In th lobbies, but no expression bat
been received from the real leaders
and antil scuo Indication comes from
that Quarter the ticket will net renter
for long on any poselbllity
It It certain that no conrtntlon In
years will bt more largely attended
of states hivl been cos.p.ettd in t!.e
roll call thc-'.r names were wltbcrawn
and Watsor. war nominated by accla
mation Former Senator Ailen maio
good hi word tl at he would not er.'.t-r
Into any scramble for the nomination
While the nominations were be:r.
made ht twke instructei the chatr
man of the Nebratka ielegation to
say that h:s name mutt not go before
tbe convention. In the face of this
however, he received over 4 i vo'es
Whether Mr Watson wii. accer: th
nomination or not no one In the con
vet, tlon seerr.e 1 to know and all efforts
to secure definite Information failed
Watson was quoted as saving that if
tbe Democrats at St Iouls would
nominate Hearst be won, I support
him for president Wiil'.arjs of In
diana received only a few votes, soon
withdrawing and m ovine tc make Wat
son i nomination unanimous There
wer? five nominations for vice presi
dent Thomas H Tibbies of Nebras
ka. Theodore B Rynder of Per.nsy'.va
nia. L. H. Weller of Iowa, George B
Washburn of Massachusetts and Sam
uel W Wir.iamt of Indiana The two
latter declined and Tibbies received
all the votes on the first ba'.lot
Tbe platform adopted it brief and
Is a practical reaffirmation of the
Omaha platform of 1S91. It was
adopted at reported by the committee
without a dissenting voice. Former
Congressman E. F. Rldgeley of Kan
sas attempted to secure the psstpene
mer.t of the nomination of a ticket
until after the St. Louis convention.
but the convention promptly tabled
his resolution. After the convention
adjourned a meeting of the national
ror.-.mittee was held and James H.
Farris of Joliet, III., was electeu chair
man and Charles DeFrance of Lincoln,
Neb., secretary.
Tl:i r.- I a Mt-mly ili iniinil for youni; tiu-ii himI yimiik' women who are tlinroutrlily trulut-it
f..r IiunIiu vv We prt'iiure yimnir ihhijIi' to tm-ct tin- ilimuunl.
Business. Shorthand and Typawrltlng.
Praparatory and Telegraphy
Special tfkturrt I. T :n-ln-r- of suiviful Ihin1u-nm-m rlcin-e 1 KxivlUnt (luimm-iits.
i. 'iii,in.u;li. r;n-t i. iii (iiiin-v 4. lYrvinul lull n l In acli luili lit. 5. Av.l
iuii. i- In M-i-iii-lii,' employment.
Catalogue Free. Write Us. Lincoln Business College. Lincoln. Neb.
mi Choice
Polled Durham Bulls
High Grade Pedigreed Stock.
Tele. Cedar Lawn Stock Farm.
I d
Ay er's Pills
Act directly on the liver.
They cure constipation,
biliousness, sick-headache.
Sold for 60 years. LcW,:i:
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
uti ere. ui vauwjun us a. r. hall . co., kabuia. , u.
Swailow for President With Carroll
as Running Mate.
Indianapolis, July 1. The Prohi
bition party, In national convention,
nominated Silas C. Swallow of Penn
sylvania for president and George W.
Carroll of Texas for vice rsl11'
The platform was adopted without ar
gument after a long deadlock in the
resolutions committee. It was de
scribed by I. H. Amos of Oregon, sec
retary of the committee, as the broad
est platform ever placed before the
people by the party. In addition to
the planlis on the liquor question, It
declares the party to be in favor of
international arbitration; a suffrage
law based on mental and moral quali
fications; uniform lawg for the coun
try and dependencies; popular elec
tion of senators; civil service legisla
tion, and the initiative and refer
endum. The trust question was rec
ognized by a demand for a rigid appli
cation of tbe principle! of Justice to
all organizations of capital and labor
A reform of divorce laws is demanded
and polygamy denounced.
General Miles put an end to the
movement to nominate him for presi
dent bv sending a telegram to John
O. Woolley, which reached him short
ly after r.oon. asking that his nam?
be not presented. This wat consid
ered final, and the movement to noml
nate Mr. Swallow was unanimous, no
other name being considered
Over $16,000 was raised by sub
scription pledges from the floor o.
the convenMon, which, with $11,000
In the treasury, will be the nucleus of
the campaign fund. National Chair
man Stewart and National Secretary
Tate were re-elected. Th Prohi
bition editors organlied for the cam
nalam br electing Edward Clark of
Indianapolis president.
Takes Oath as Stcretary of Navy In of Predecessor.
Washington. July 2. Paul Morton
was sworn in as secretary of th navy
Shortly befor that Mr. Moody, the re
tiring secretary, took the oath as at
torney general.
Victor H. Metcalf was sworn In as
secretary of commerce and labor.
Secretary Morton and Secretary
Metcalf wer the president s guests
at dinner at the white house. Secre
tary Hay called to say good-bye tc
th president and Chairman Cortel
you of th Republican national com
mlttea came for a conference on na
tional matters.
a 4
Merchant Tailor.
The only one in Plattsmouth that car
ries a lare assortment of suit
ings, fancy pantings and vest
ings for you to select from. All
work first-class and of the latest
styles. Cleaning and repairing
given prompt attention.
Room 227 Coates Block
,.-.-7 -.-
Vi. 1 JJ f M r'- ' .-.
Bottled ik Bc.:tj.
is tbe Cbcapcst
in tbe finM
' a'. u:nu
Poor Whisky is not only dis-.
nreenble to tnste, but undoubted
ly injurious to the stomach. A lit
tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just as much,
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you don't know how good it is
come in and try it.
GuckenhelmenRye, per gallon... $4 00
Yellowstone, " "... 4 00
Honey Dew, " " ... 3 00
Bit? Horn, " "... 2 00
- - - - NEBRASKA
We take this opportunity of returning our
most sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a
continuance of your pntronage iu the future.
During l'JOl, we shall endeavor to supply the
market, as usual, with that
Which Suits the People!
both in quality and prices.
Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, we
invite all to come and lie comforted by making
your purchases from the largest furniture house
in Plattsmouth.
Sattler &