The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 07, 1904, Image 3

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and Others
1 'cx
war- lf
still have on hand. Thev are the Lrreatet har
jjains ever otTered, as so manv of our customers can tell von about.
We arc Judges of Clothing and We Certainly
Call These Honey Savers for You
They must leave our counters at any price, and they are simply waiting t
be judged by you, and we are waiting to see your look of pleased surprise.
The Leading Clothier
The Old Reliable Dealers
H.C. McMaken
and Son
And are Ready to Deliver it
in Any Quantity.
Orders Promptly Filled
Plattsmouth Nos. 72, 7.) and 21!i
Nebraska No. 72
& Ramge
Still lead all other Meat Markets In
furnishing the people of I'latts
mouth and vicinity with
First Class Meats
Of Every Description.
Fresh and Smoked Meats,
Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc
They have removed to the first room
west of their old stand.
By courteous treatment to all they
hope to retain their present patrons
and gain many new ones.
Independent Cigar
ClinlU-nnMOoniimrMnn In yunllty
m:il WorKtiiiiiislilp.
Know a Good Thing
Whan Timv w. it
iivii ssvj
So we are not afraid that the jutM'to ! not
appreciate the splendid bargains we are olTer
in on a few of those water soaked sjoods we
Sf"iiil Corri-sx indent.
James Loughrige and little daugh
ter, May, spent the Fourth at Mil ford
to be with Mrs. Loughrigc who is in
the hospital at that place.
Sheriff Mcllride was here last week
and returned Mrs. John Connally's
tine team and cow.
Dave l'ittinan spent a couple of days
in Omaha this week.
Mr. and Mrs. !. M. Churchill spent
the Fourth at the Old .Soldiers' reun
at Elm wood.
Ernest Carroll had the misfortune to
have a horse fall with him last week,
and since then Ernhasbeen taking his
time to get around.
Mark liurton went to I'lattsmouth
Sunday evening. Mark makes
trips pretty regular and we think he
has won a home up there.
Those who drove over tj I'latts
mouth to spend the Fourth, were
Homer Miller and Lizzie Edmuns,
James Manners and Lula Leek, Ernest
Carroll and Nellie Creamer, Walter
Sans and Uirdle Creamer.
Jeff llrendel spent the Fourth in
Omaha. Who went with you, Jeff?
Dr. Drendel is in his new home and
can truly boast of as tine a house as
there is in town.
Little Olga Minford celebrated her
ninth birthday last Friday and enter
tained about twenty or her little
friends. Some very pretty little pres
ents were left as remembrances of the
happy afternoon.
James Manners had quite an acci
dent while on his round of duties
which might have resulted seriously.
While going down a steep grade his
team became frightened, and the
ueckyoke came down causing the wa
gon to run onto the hoises. They ran
into a ditch and freed themselves from
the wagon, and It was only with the
aid of a wire fence that Jim managed
to catch them. The only damage was
to the harness and a little scare for
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night
long," writes Mrs. Clias. Applegate, of
Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly
get any sleep. 1 had consumption so
bad that if 1 walked a block I would
cough frightfully and spit blood, but,
when all other medicines failed, three
11.00 bottles of Dr. Klng'sNew Discov
ery wholly cured me and I gained "S
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
to cure Coughs, Colds, LaOrlppe, Eron
chilis and all Throat and Lung Trou
bles. Price :.0c and 1.00. Trial bot
tles free at F. 0. Fricke & Co.'s drug
Magpie Grove
SlH'i'UI Cirrexiinl in'i'.
Miss Laura Puis visited at the home
of V. 11. Pul. last week.
yulte a number from tills commun
ity spent the Fo Mi in Plattbinouth.
Miss Nina Shangling of Lincoln was
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Young and
family last week.
An eight pound girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. H. Peck, Wednesday. June
(Men Phoden purchased a new rub
ber tired lmgiry last Tuesday. Who
will be next? "Come on, young men,''
the girls say.
Mrs. Rustcrholtz and daughter, dor
tie, left for Cedar county last week to
a f v v as.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
. Purest and sweetest
of ail wheat foods.
m I' 3 lb. packages.
All high-class grocers.
visit their daughter and sister, Mrs.
Quite a number of friends and rela
tives visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Adam llild Sunday.
Otto Puis and Herman (Jansemer
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H PuU Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cathey and son,
Cameron, kit Tuesday for a week's
visit in Custer county.
Cured of Brighfs Disease.
Mr. UobcrtO. Kurke, Klnora, X. Y.,
writes: ' Ilefore 1 started to use Fo
ley's Kidney Cure 1 bad to get up from
twelve to twenty times a night, and 1
was all bloated up with dropsy and my
eyesight was sohn paired I could scarce
ly see one of my family across the room.
I had given up hope of living, when a
friend recommended Foley's Kidney
Cure. One ideent bottle worked won
ders and before I had taken the third
bottle the dropsy had gone, as well as
all other symptoms of Brighfs de
sease." Sold by F. f. Fricke & Co.
.pt'i'lul Currrsuoiiileiire.
K. (J. Spencer, formerly a teacher in
Avoca schools, arrived here Saturday
from Pied Oak, Iowa, for a short visit
with friends.
John Ilabelau, of Lincoln, was
among visitors Monday.
K. T. Jones left this week for a visit
to Oklahoma,
Mrs. (iustave Buss is under Dr.
Davison's care.
W. I. Smoots made a trip to Berlin
Monday afternoon.
Several Avoca people celebrated at
Miss Stella Opp was home from Fre
mont several days this week.
Misses May Graham and Florence
Wllkerson spent the first of the week
with Elmwood friends.
Dr. Davidson reports the infant
child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alhuss
among the sick.
T. E. Ciarity was a passenger to
Omaha Tuesday.
Lese Mojeste.
Colonel Bates, editor of the Platts
mouth (Neb.) Journal, says: "Possibly
the reason for so few port raitsof
velt appearing in the Chicago Coli
seum was that the committees were
not advised whether he should be pic
tured in military uniform or in the suit
of a capitally or In the garb of a poli
tician. Boosevelt s 'a good many' in
his various attitudes to try to 'fool
all the people.' "
This Is a very near approach to lese
majeste. Colonel Bates may offer ns
Justification the fact that he has told
the truth; but the I'lattsmouth editor
should reinemltor that In these stren
uous days It is not good policy for
men to be candid In discussing politi
cal affairs, port icularly In consideration
of one who Is "a law unto himself."
Omaha World-Herald.
Latest from St. Louis.
St. Lor in Jri.v 7. a. m.
i.i tin- .lunriiiil.
Contention met at noon yesterday,
and was called t,i order by SenaW r
James K. Junes, chairman of the na
tional committee.
John Sharp W illiaius of Mississippi
was elected temporary chairman, and
upon assuming the duties as such made
a powerful speech, out -II n ing the issues
of the campaign, and anaignli.g the
leaders of the republican party, par
ticularly the man at the White lions
who in hisstrenuosity, "carries water
on both shoulders."
Ol her temporary officers of the eon
vent ion were elected and honorary vice
presidents named.
The various committees appointed
lire hard at work. The convent ion ad
journed last evening until 12 o'clock
Evciy Indieat ion points the nomina
tion of Judge Alton 1!. Parker on
the first ballot, and bis most bitter op
ponents now concede his nomlnat ion
not later than the third ballot. But
the most accurate prophets fail Hoine
t lines, and many "dark horses" are
lurking hi the rear with friends to
push them to the front at any moment
George W. Rennie Dead.
(1. W. Itennle died at his home in
this city Wednesday morning, July'.,
1H04, of typhoid fever, after an illness
of about two weeks. Thedeceased was
born In (Jreenburg, Vermont, on the
isth day of January, is;;s, and had been
a resident of Plattsmouth for nearly,
if not quite thirty-live years. He was
a member of theA.O. V. W. lodge,
and carried a 2,0(H policy. His wife,
three sons anil three daughters sur
vive him. He was an employe of t he
Burlington shops, and was highly re
spected by all who knew him. The
funeral will occur from the late home
of the deceased lo-inorrow, and will be
conducted by the I!ev. J. W.Swan and
Dr. J. T. Baird.
Ordered Tak.en to the Asylum.
Tin.' board of insanity passed upon
the condition of Kohert W. Black this
morning and decided that he was a lit
subject for the insane hospital at Lin
coln. This is a pitiable case, and shows
toa great extent what t lie excessive use
of intoxicants w ill do. Bob is a son of
Dr. John Black, deceased, and was
raised in Plattsmouth. lie went to
O-egon nearly a year ago and bought
some land wilh the full Intention of
remaining there, but a few weeks later
returned, and has since continued his
excessive indulgence. Bob is a kind
hearted, inoffensive citizen, and the
Journal regrets to chronicle his unfor
tunate condition.
Is Now a Mid-Shipnjan.
Noel B. Bawls, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Bawls of this city, Is now a full
Hedged niid-shipinan, having entered
upon the discharge of his duties as
as such last Tuesday. Noel graduated
from the Plattsmouth High school two
years ago at the head of his class, and
is one of the brightest young men that
has graduated from the city schools.
He had no trouble in passing the pro
per examinations, and the Journal
prophesies that he will forge right to
the front in the navy of the Cnlted
A Valuable Discovery.
One of the greatest discoveries of
the age is that of the Yitaopathic
system of treating and curing disease.
It heals all manner of curable diseases
in which applied and a large per cent
of cases given up as Incurable. Itcures
without the use of drugs, medicines or
the surgeon's knife. It cures patients
at any distance from the operator.
We offer the advantages of this system
of healing to all those who are suffer
ing from chronic or other diseases. Ap
ply to T. II. Pollock, room 222, Coates
block, I'lattsmouth, Neb.
Dark Hair
" I hive used Ayer'a Hair Vigor
for a great many years, and al
though I am past eighty years of
age, yet I have not a gray hair in
my head."
Ceo. Yellotf, Towson, Md.
We mean all that rich,
dark color vour hair used
to have. It it's gray now,
no matter; for Aycr's
Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
lone; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
SIM a Wllk. All fntrlttt.
If ymir dmeiflit cannot (npplT Ton.
nd us on dollar mil e will iprrae
you a bottle. He Hire inl (iti th nam
o( your DMirMt niTfM ndlre. Adrirraa,
J. C. A W K CO., Lowell, Maaa.
t tinrartrrUrd na an Kpiilnnlr of
I lira ouarrtatUm.
"All epiileinlc of ultra e.iiwervatlsiu"
In the uuy Dun's review eliaraeter
Izes the present ihllltii'M In lutsliiess.
TIiIh wonlil Imlicate t!i:it eoiiNerv iitlsm
tins Imvii piishisl ho far that It amounts
t a disease.
The Inm Age ilees not ttilnli that
business men p'l.eriill.v lire netlng un
wisely In eerelshis' caution. It iloex
not believe that they are Intlitenee.l
largely by the theory that a eu.n of
depression iniist enine every ten yearn.
It thinks It but natural tluit men buy
conservatively when prices show a
downward tendency, (if the Inm and
metal trades the Inm Age says:
"lint It would be Idle to claim (hat
business lias Increased In the Inm
trade or that the immediate outlook la
perceptibly better. ln the contrary,
f iiiie branches which have I n active
with the sprlnc lmsltic-,rt have bis'ii
falling olY, and the Independent mills,
notably In the wire Industry, are cut
thiK to keep runuliiK fully. The tin
plate mills ale very busy, the I '.uIIiik
Interest having !'' to Hit per cent of the
capacity at work. The sheet Interest Is
less favorably placed, anil concesslotiH
lire behiK freely made. I'urliiK the
xprliiK till per cent of the capacity of
the consolldattsl works was operating.
Now It lias dropped to Ml to M per
'The billet. Htmctural and plate
pools are to meet In thlx city early
next month, but no radical action Is
expected. The feeling Is that the time
has limit passisl when it lowering In
prlooH by ncreemeiit would have any
atlmtilattiiK effis t on consumption."
RrpaMlrnn Tariff Trap Catrhra 'Km
t.i.lus and 4'umliiu.
Then' ta now no doubt that the Re
publican national cnmpiilk'u Ih to bo
carried out on the same theory that
Mr. Hahcock lias markisl out for the
coiiKreHNttmal campalh'ii. The (dank of
the platform adopted at ChleaKo on
the tariff plainly hIiowh that In states
or connresslonal districts that want to
"stand pat" the Republican platform
can be shown to Ntitnd for protection,
even to those trusta who sell their
products cheaper abroad than here.
For the platform hiijh: "Protection
which KUimlH and developH our Indus
tries Is a rardlnnl policy of the Repub
lican party. The measure of protection
should always nt leiiHt eiiial the differ
cure in the cost of production at home
and abroad."
In those slates and coiinresslonnl ills
trlcts that are demandlnu reciprocity
or t Tin t the tariff be reduced mi trust
products tlmt tire sold cheaper abroad
than here the platform will tit their
Ideas equally well, for It hii.vh. "We Is
lleve In the adoption of all practicable
methods for their (our foreign mar
ketHl further extension, Including com
inerclal reciprocity, wherever recipro
cal iirrnnKcinoiitH can be perfected con
distent with tho principles of probs--tlou."
Viewing all that Is said upon the
tariff as a whole, the declarations must
be lMkisl upon as a straddle, and like
the colored man's llsh trap that opened
up stream and down, "Will catch 'em
a-KohiK and n coining"
Root's linpaaalonrd I'lra to ult Wrll
tiiiotiKh Alori."
Like till his Intellectual efforts, the
speech of Klihu Root at Chlcaxo wan
able, adroit, linlshtsl, jMTsuaidve. The
essence of his plen was the old one of
the party In power, "It well enoiinh
Hut this Is IickkIhk the question. U
a worwe than war tariff, which, an the
untraiinneled Iowa Republicans of
three years atfo nald, "sheltern monopo
ly," well enough? In the potdal cor
ruption, not half revcahsl and Inade
quately punished, well enotiKU? Is the
blustering flourish of President Koose-
velfa "Mr ntlck" over the hearts of
amaller A merican republic well enough 7
Are a hundred IHokuI trusts undlnturb
ed In their robberies well enough? Ia
reckless extra vaKnnce to appropriation
well enoiik'ht
Mr. Hoot In an able Npectol pleader,
but even he cannot make a case atand
on asHortlona and assumption.. New
York World.
HOTialoa of tk Tarta.
Tho Republican claim that tf the
tariff tx? revised H must be revlaed by
the friends of protection If the Repub
licans control the next contfresa la
there-fore likely to lead to increased
tariff duties on many article tuch aa
the Michigan Kepubllcnna demand on
iuar and a certainty that no tax will
be reduced.
On the other hnnd. If the Democrats
are successful their policy will provide
for a revlalon of tho tariff, aboludilnK
or reducing the protection to those
truatu that sell their products cheaper
to foreigner than to our own people
but at tho same tune provide for audi
clent tax to mn the government hon
estly and economically administered.
To Re Dralrrd.
The report that Mr. Roosevelt Is go
ing to refrain from saying or doing
anything during the campaign that will
make lilm ridiculous make one wish
tli ere won a campaign all the time.
Bnn Antonio (Tex.) Express.
Qalta laprrflaoaa.
It may be superfluous to add that
Penator Fairbanks counts hla millions
from a bar!. Atlanta Constitution.
Rathar llaahf.
The keynote Iloot sounded had a
rood many frogs In Its throat.
-m 1 1: umr. ouiv ,vi hi i
l in .i.; i ..i ..jiu.
Ij N i n. " T v :io yml ura
Ul or w:i.-.-e y ju mo
fi Peerless
nil uecr gi; f
M I' rtijnvi'.l .in! IS 'O
f v i iii'itn-i i iuti.
a a i .1 U.i iA l'M
r.riMi ,(t iiv I'm, r.'iiuttuii v.l'v
. i. iuil iT.n-i'.s ii i .1 . -r
'T'V'lj Hie II mI it ' 1 1 1 17
c.'llilllliile. (it I'lruiia-
lit"' lllluiM ' ,y s til-
II. II y Mirln'i'.
AH Your DnuKir
.bv.f .V,i (ifJur
la cuiii, wia
Dnloii mock IMatlsmouTh. Neb.
I'luc Watch and Clock llepairliiL'
Specialty. A connilete line WiilcheN.
Jewelry and Silverware.
Kxtra Fine Klght-1 ay Clock
(iiiaranteed :
Parker Alarm Clu'k.s, (iuar
uitced $2,75
. y
Perry's Restaurant
k and Short Order Housr I
3 M ... I u I i ii ..i K
o .tieuib oci veil III, ivt'HUllir Q
8 m.'mI iii.tnu s
9 ' 1 1 f 1 1 i tin i n, i"
Fresh Oysters 8
S Fili "r niivlliiiiK in Market. S
0 ' 6
main orrtcc
Filth and Robert St.,
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Boug-ht and aold hir canh or carried no reaannabtc
narf ina, arm which thrrc will tw a cbarge u( H oo
train, no atneka and H on flat.
Writ luf our markrt Irtlrr.
Ship Your Grain To Us
But FaCiLiTtss. Psompt RiTvans.
0 LiiatAL Advances.
Branch Office 223 Coates b.utk
l'lattMiiouth riiime 241
C . ''Q..IA
j P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor,
0 North Sldt Main Street S
Uo o d
A Well Known Cure fcr r"
Curat obstlnata tores, chipped
isma, tkln diseases. Makes burns i
palnleu. We could not improve :i
If ptld double the pnee. The t
that experience can produce or Ih.
can buy.
Cures Piles Permai
DeWllt't It the orlplnal and only pi ,
(enulne Witch Hatel Salvt made. Look lot
the name DeWITT on erery box. All oihera
axe counterfeit. ritMisott
For Sale by F. 0. FRICKt- 0.