The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1904, Image 7

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Notice to Taxpayers.
Tin' :! r ! ' c, uuv
(unity. V I'f.twi. , i,',
.'!: u.-.s
as .1 !
1 Uion f"r li e pi.rii.vs. of
'i I of I as. com ty 'or t.- ), .rhl ;n
tin coii.ii..-.M"i,mV ci.un.tM r -it ii, c .-"i:rt
liotts... I'mtlsinouil!. !, .'.1:1:11;.- T u,i.,. .1,11.1
U. I'.x 4. lit luo'clock ;,. ...,ii col Utiu.u.'fr. 11.
1i.1V I" ilay. up to in:.) ii.cL .iu J.., y i. 1 ,.,
A. i iM-rtoiisoniiini: r .;. i-r . r..i:,! .r riv
Milijcct 01 -iiion i, ,n:,l ,.;m mill iMi'inmV
their h.m'smiii iiis, licit in,v , rrors as 1 v.ii.i
:ition Iiiliv In :i,i'. is!, ,i In '..,:, I. nr. I us li e
law proviilcs
I. A. Tvson. County l". rk
In tiu: Coi si v I'orur 01
l ass Count y. Nib.
Inn- estate of John K in.-, mo a- ,1.
To nil imtsoiis int.-ri st-o ami tl.c uiiKii wu
hclrsof .I0I111 Km.-, ipvcascil.
You arc licrcliy notiii'.l that the n.liiiinS
trator has lilcil his petition for limn s. tt.i
iiicnt. anil account, iilli-itlnir that there are no
licirs of John Klmr. ilcceasnl. ami that -uj, es
tate should escheat to the state of Nebraska,
anil iilleultiK that the personal estate U ln-.11:-tii'lcnl
U) pay ml the del it ami expense of ad
ministration, anil iiskini: for an onler to re
mit re I1I111 to apply to the district court for a
license to sell the real estate.
Salt! petition Tor tlnal settlement, ami ac
count, art) si't for liearini; tiion the t h ilay
of .fitly. A. I). VM. at in o'clock a. 111.. before
tue the uiiilerslL-neil count v luiluc. nt iiiyotHiv
In the city of Plattsnioutli. county of Cass.
Nebraska, at wliii-h llnii'salil aecounl will he
examined, adjusted ami allowed, anil a In'iir
inir had as to who are the heirs. If any. of Un
said John Klnir. ileccasid. ami If none he
found said estate will lie decreed as escheated
In the slate of Nebraska; anil that at said
time such other orders w ill lie entered as tmiv
be lust and proper for the administration of
said estate.
Hahvk.y . Tiiavis.
County .luili;e.
Of lieiirinif on petition for distribution of res
idue of estate.
State ok Nkiiiiaska.
County of Cass. iMl
T'o all persons Interested in theeslateof Wcin
bolil Srliuelke. ileceased.
Noliee Is hereby (riven that lluiro A WTu'L'en
liorn. administrator of said estate, has tiled
tils petition In said trim rl. theobiect and pray
er of which are that ti decree of distribution
tuny lie niadeof the resldueof said estate now
In Ills possession, tothe partlesentltled bylaw
to receive the siinie.
You are hereby notilleil that said petition
will bo heard by tin' county Indigent tlieroun
ty court room in thecllyof I'laUsmouth, In
said county, on the lllth day of July. imi-l. at
lu o'clock a. ni.
It Is ordered that a copy of this notice be
imbllslieil (inceeacli week for three successive
Weeks In the I'latlsinoutli Weekly Journal, a
newspaper printed and published In said
Pitted this nth day of June. '.Hi4.
Hahvky 1). Tiiavis.
County Jiul.-e
Notice of Administration.
Is the Cot NTY Cot'ltT 111 and for Cass Conn
ty. Nebraska:
In the matter of the estate of Anton Henry
i ecKiiacn, iieceaseo.
All iiersons Interested In the said estate are
licreby untitled that a petition has been llled
111 said court alli'Klliv that the said deceased
tiled leaving no last will and prayinir for ad
ministration upon his estate aiiil'that a heiir
1m: will be hail on said petition before said
court on Friday, the tlrst day of July. P.KI4,
and that If they fall to appear at said court
on the said first day of July. I'.hiI. at '.' o'clock
u. in., to contest said petition, the Court may
L'rant tue same and uraut administration t.
KredU. Kifcnberncr. or some other suitable
lierson anil proceed to a settlement thereof.
Maiivky I). Tkavis.
(skai.I County .Indue.
AN ORDINANCE, entitled an onllnatice. t(
re(iulre the removal of teleifraph. lelephoni
anil electric llirlit (xiles from Mailt street. In
the city of I'laltsmotith. Nebraska. lH'tween
1' irst and hUblh streets, ami to require tel
eifraph. telephone and electric liu'lit com
panics ownlni; the same to place said ioles
(11 the alleys of said city; to reieiil all ordi
nances 111 conlllcl tlierewltli. and to provide
a penalty tor uiu violation tuereoi:
He It ordained by the .Mayor and City Comic
of the City of I'lattsniouth. Nebraska:
Section 1. That the Nebraska Teletilioiic
company, and all other telephone, telegraph
and electric liirht companies, havlnir tele
phone. icIt'Kraph or electric llu'hl ikiIcs on
'lain street, between First anil KlKlitn streets
Inclusive, are hereby required to remove said
poles to the alleys adjacent thereto by .la nil
ary I. VM.
Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of
ordinances In conllict with this ordinance an
hereby reuealed.
Section :i That iiny person or persons, mm
pany or corporation vlolatlnir the provisions
of tills ordinance shall be liable to a tine of not
less than s;ki nor more than f.'sio
Section 4. This ordinance shall belli force
from and after its passaire. approval and pub
I lent ion itccorillux to law.
I'lissed ami approved this iTth day of June
I'.v4. Husky K. IlKltiMi. Slavor.
Attest: II. .M. SOKX.MCHSK.N. City Clerk.
Probate Notice.
Leniiii. infants, and to Max l.cmni. their fathi
mid adinliilstrator (Ic bonis nou of the estate
of William (iiithnian. deceased, non-residents
of the state of Nebraska, and to Mary Wreck
low. Anna lotos, lmlsa (.iithiiiiin. Kdward
(iuthman ami Ida (iiitliman. you and each of
you and all other persons interested are lien
by untitled that on the Jstli day of June. 11HU
William liuthman llled his petition in the
county court, of Cass county. Nebraska, In
the matter or I no estate 01 vt liiuini (.11111111:111
deceased, askinit for settlement of said estate
and that lots 7 and s in block 7J. In the city of
I'lattstiiotith. In Cass county. Nebraska, and
lotsj to 7. iHith Inclusive, in lownsend's add!
Moll to said cltv. be asslirned to said William
(.illinium. Mary krecklow. Anna (cms. Ioulsa
fiulbmau. Kdward (1111111111111 and lilaoulh
man. each a one-seventh part thereof, and l
said Hernia l.emiu and Frederick l.enini each
undivided one-fon rteentli part thereof, as the
linlnesteiid of the late William (rttthmaii. and
free from nil claims of the creditors of Wll
Ham (iutlitnan. and of the costs of atlmlnls
terlnn his estate and for eitiltable relief. You
are reuu red to answer said petition on or Is
fore Monday, the Mb day of Ainttist. l'.)4. and
a hcarlmr tlicreon will Im' had on the lot li day
of Auiriisl, 1!U4. at 10 o clock a. In.
Hakvky D. Tiiavis.
County .Indue of Cass County. Neb.
.Iksse Li. IJiiot. Attorney for I'elllloiier.
AN ORDINANCE prohlliltinu the hanu'liiK,
pro is'tiiiK. or suspemllnir or stuns ami awn
I nits over the xldcwalksof the city of Halts
mouth, and to urohlblt the thrnwlnu of pa
iH.r. rubbish and manure on the public
streets: to have sliade trees trimmed tip
elirht feel from the sidewalk, and to liavo
proerty owners clean off the snow rrom Tin
walks in tne winter time, ami to provide
penalty for the violation thereof.
lie it ordained by the Mayor anil the City
Council of the City of IMat tsmoutli. Neb.:
Section I. That no slirns shall lie suspended
or prolccteil or huiiKover the sidewalks or the
ell y of I'lattsniouth. ebraska.
Section i That all slirns that are now pro
1ecte(l. siisH'ildeij or hum; over the sidewalks
or the cliy or riattsmouth. M'brasKa. snail ih'
removed, together wltli the rods or Hiles used
for siistHndimr. prohs'tlntr or hamilnx such
hk'ils. on or Is fore ten days from the passion
annrov al iiml publication of this ordinance.
section . 'I. I bat all sinus shall be humr Hat
uiralnsi the bulldlnvs. and all sinus si andini:
Usn the sidew alks shall Is' placed close up
a.'aliist the t m 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 LT
seel Inn 4 That all awulius In-of uidforni
lirlirlil. seven feet from lower cilirc of frln
to liie surface of the sidewalk. That all shad
I rees Is. trimmed upel'.'ht feet from 1 he lowi
limbs to surface of sidewalk
Section , That all propcrl y owners w it I1I11
the city limits shall mow Hie weeds al least
I n (tin feel from their lot line, and burn
same: that there shall Is' no brush or maniiri
throw n on street, or nam r or dirt thrown 1
lia ni si reet ; no brush or manure tn be I brow
In ditches, unless bv iiermlsslon of proper 1111
I horn v; that all property owners clean olT
snow In winter as soon as weather permits.
Section (i. Any person or persons, or coin
11:1 11 y. vlolatiun the provisions of this ordln
mice, or falllmr to comply with the provisions
of this ordinance, shall upon conviction oriu
same be lined not less than ilt ' or more than
.'.Y in 1.
SvcilonT. That all ordlnarces and parts of
ordinances In conllict herewith. Is' and tl
same are hereby repealed.
Sections. Tills ordinance shall be In for.
anil elfei'l from and after Its passage, appniMil
and publication, aocnrdlni: to law.
I'nssed and approved Ibis ,th day of Jinn1
A. I. IM. lllMtv If. iHlllxn. Mayor
Attest: II. M. Sot XMCtlsi s. City Clerk.
fxnsEmssssEzsgm '
; 'l--Yj !
i 1
3 b
i'ure, u ho'esoms
John CLn nutwo-a cj..
Urn &rc.. nil.
Notice to Creditors.
TATI. (IF N I timshA. I u , n ,. ,-, ,,,
CassConntv. 1
In the matter of the estate of John C. I'tak.
Notice Is hereby lilven that the creditors of
lid deceased ulll meet the administratrix of
aid estate, before mi, count v iudiie of Cass
utu y. Nebraska, at the count v court room
In I'lat tsmoutli. In said count y. on t he r.':d day
t July. IK14. and on the ild day or .lanuarv.
IVNii. at 1(1 o'clock a. m. each (lay. for the pur
pose of prescntlnit their claims for examina
tion adjust m 1 1 1 1 and allowance.
MX 11 1. 11 it lis are allowed for the creditors of
aid deceased tn present their claims, ami one
year for the administratrix to settle said es
tate, from the ..Id day or Jul v. V.M.
Wit ness my hand and seal of said county
ourt. at I'lattsuiouib. Nebraska, this I -Hi
day of June. l!'l.
SEAl.l County .Indire.
ourth of July Rates of the M. P.
n .Iiily'2, ; iind 4 the Missouri l'a-
ciric will sell tickets at tlie rate of one
lire plus "nt cents for the round trip,
'are and one-third will apply when the
latter basis makes tare less. This rate
is jroofl for any distance and limited to
July 5.
C. F. Stouti:nt.(iu(U(;ii, Auent.
The Burlington's Low Rates to Sum
mer Tourists.
lo somewhere this summer: if not
to St. Louis then to the mountains.
lakes and seashore. Examine this
ureat scheme of vacation tours:
.Vtlantic City and return, .1 uly ! and
10, mm.
Cincinnati and return, July l." to IT,
Denver, Colorado Springs, l'eublo,
(llenwood Springs, Salt Lake. Ulaek
Hills practically half rates all sum
Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin,
the lake resorts and lake steamer
tours very favorable rates slop-overs
at St. Louis on through tickets. See
the grandest creation by the hand of
man. Ask the agent for full details, or
write L. W. WAKELKY,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha.
World's Fair Rates to St. Louis
Via Uurlington Route.
Tickets to St. Louis and return
Good fifteen days, i;.so.
Good sixty days, $l.".:i..
Good all summer, !ls.4o.
For full information about train ser
vice and other details see the ticket
The St. Louis Exposition the great
est show the world has ever seen is
now complete and in harmonious oper
ation and it will be a lifetime's regret
if you fail to see it.
A Strong Heart
is assured by perfect digestion. Indi
gestion swells the stomach and pulls it
up against the heart. This causes
shortness of breath, palpitation of the
heart and general weakness. K'odol
Dyspepsia Cure cures indigestion, re
lieves the stomach, takes the strain oil
the heart and restores it to a full per
formance of its function naturally. Ko
dol increases the strength by enabling
the stomach and digestive organs to
digest, assimilate and appropriate to
the blood and tissues all of the food
nutriment. Tones the stomach and
digestive organs. Sold by F. G. Frlcke
& Co.
" 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for a great many years, and al
though 1 am past eighty years of
age, yet I have not a gray hair in
my head."
Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md.
We mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it's gray now,
no matter; for Ayer's
Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
lone; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
SI 00 a botlk. All drti(litl.
If your druggist rannnt ntpply yen,
send in) one dollar nnd will vxprcu
you a iKittlP. Hn ur nnd give tlie nanio
ot your tii'.iriKt i iir(n AddrcM,
J. C. A KK CO., Lowell, Mam.
Dark Hair
i tti '-ship is srK
1.V4 - I.-.-OUJI lO OL .MY
Clfjbt Separate Attac'si M.iae ty J.:r.
nese TorpeSc Bcatj Lpt-n Pert
Artiiur Sc;jadron r.l.ka-.c s Fc'-f
Move Steadily Fcrvvara.
Li t Li-L. JuLf " -":'! e t't ..T;.l
Km s l.:ii n.i.i.! tic lolli) vtf.P, lis
j'ltti'h iroia its Tiii.u i-onvs'K'U j.T.t:
"A uttiiiicl .U'uut:t i t ilii i. aval Lit
tle at I 'ort Arti.iii' hits just ( n pi'.
I'.-sluil hctv. The Kussuii lui'.t'c.-l.ii s
lVresvW'i, I'otutvu nnd tfevasvi-oi aul
the cruisers lUynr., AbkoUl ui:d Ncvik
Httcmptcd to !iiir'.o fit'tn the! i r
at dawn ui June 3, le;l ly tiar. i is
used for clearing trio n.' At 11
a. tn. the taUlesfcir Ctatvviteli. lie'
vUan FtiMtila juineu tl.? otbers.
Ail the sliipt" theu Hiivatueil. eialeavi r
tt.g to dispose of tl.e nlrrs laid l y tlio
Jtiracete, but they were hindered ly
two Japanese torredo boat destroyers,
which had betn ptiunluiK the mouth
of the hurl or. At o p. m. f o Japa
nese torpedo heats cxrhar.ted f.ho'3
wifh the seven Kneslnn destroyers,
which were covering the clearing op
erations. One of the Knssian destroy
ers was set on lire und re: In iriik
the hnrher. StihseqiK i:tly t'..e .1 ;i n
nese dcicyed the Kusslins out to sea
ar.d awaiti d nn opportunity to lirin
a per.ernl action, hut letween R and ''
p. in. the Russian ships made lor the
harbor. The Japanese torpedo boat
destroyers find torpedo boats chased
the Russians and at 9 : 3i delivered the
first attack, in consequence of which
the ciemy was thrown into disorder,
inirlng the night eight nparate at
tacks were delivered, lasting until
dawn Friday. In one of these its
satilta the Chlrataka twice torpedoed
a battleship of the Pcresvlet type nnd
sank her. A bnttloship ef the Sevas
topol tyre nnd a cnisier of the Minna
type were disabled nnd towed away.
The Russian vessels re-'ntered the
harbor during Friday. The newspa
pers published eulogistic articles u;nn
Admiral Togo's rrompt action."
Three Armies in Motion.
t. I'ttershorg, June 2s. Dis
patches received here emifirrn the be
lief that the great decisive tattle of
the campaign between General Kouro
patk!n's army and tlie armies of Gen
erals Kuroki and Oku Is imminent.
The three armies probably aggregate
3W,W'0 men and their outposts are in
touch all along the Hue. Thu Japa
nese evidently tried to draw Koiiropat
kin as far south as possible, holding
out as an incentive a check to the ad
vance of Oku's main array. Meantime
Oku swung sharply to the eastward
to join Kuroki toward the Chupan
pass, Kuroki at the same tirr.o mov
ing a stiTkng force by the right flank
towards Hal Cheng. The main Japa
nese advance continues along the
main FenR TCang llicngLiao Yang
road, avoiding the- Mflo Tien pass by
a detour to Uie north-ward. The ad
vance In all points is being attended
by skirmishing.
Nothing Is known heTe of the exact
point at which Kouropat kin's main
force is concentrated. Aeconllng to a
dlfpateh from Ta Tche Kiao a largo
force has pushed southward from
there against Oku. While Kouropat'
kin Is tlnis extending himself, the Japa
nese, with great mobility, seem to bo
trying to concentrate for the purpose
of striking the Russians In flank and
A brief dispatch from Rear Admiral
Witsoeft, naval commander at Port
Arthur, throws little additional light
on the fight off Port Arthur. The ad
mlralty and the emperor are waiting
further derails with the same eager
ness as the general public.
The Iops of throe vessels trf the
Port Arthur fleet la admitted to be a
severe- tdow, especially If not pur
chased by greater loss to th Japa
neso than reported by Admiral Togo,
The moagemesa of the reports la
greatly mystifying the authorities
who continue to believe that there
has been a later fight, -vhlch has not
yet been, reported.
There Is a belief that the Vladlvo
stok squadron put to sea Saturday and
Is likely to bo next heard of in the
Korean straits.
Five Japanese Shlpt Damaged.
Che Foo. June 27. A Chinese who
has arrived here from the vicinity of
Port Arthur. In a Junk, reports that at
daylight last Friday morning he saw
two large Japanese ships arul three
torpedo boats withdrawing from the
fleet oft Port Arthur. The vessels
were all damaged.
Japanese Moving Forward.
Llao Yang, June 27 Reports of
fighting between the advance guard
regiments are continually coming In
The battles are Indecisive, but they
show that the Japanese are movlnu
forward regularly on each front. This
Ib corroborated by official dienatehes
Japanese Losses at Teliasu.
Washington, June 27. Tbia cable-
grain was received at the Japanese
legation from Tkiu: "Or.eraJ Oku re
ports that our casualties at Telissu
were 24" killed, Including seven (.Hi
errs, and 146 wounded. Including for
ty-thrte c.Ticers.
High Water in Kansas.
Emporia, Kan., June 27. rlleavy
rains here and northeast of hero havo
brought another flond, nearly as bad
Is that of a month ago. The Neosho
river is ns high as It was at that time,
ana mo unumwonii river is now
backing out of Its banks and shin ts-
Ing. Helow the. Junction of the rivers
th Neosho valley U all under water,
Reports from above here Indicate that
the (lood 19 at Its highest point now
and will begin to fall soon.
'- ' ':!v,v' r-'
,(. ,t,.,.ki:.s 1:. i!.c U, ; :....:,.iii'.en tl.oui .! :;i ii
t.o no
Si t i e of ( I '! ".-' i". ' :r
vl. u o.ia-.i n j ;-!.. .', . !.'.; .:.
t . : 1 1 i;ua'.l' y. I-'i r r, . -.' t' t i
t!.i i;m ii' tl.:-. !.j l. '. '. Ii i; ; .-'
CI the i I vi '.Mo-, , , e ti r
rm !.s
i ll i't
'..;. s
r ', ' '
; r -1
t'ci t. Tl c i ut:.e .f Ko. :: a; .
f'.i'!". e ry ii .i Tie Ni a V, . i!i '.
ialr par.ti'.t U I a',1 .-1.. v.'n.g
the UTS i: M.ivv e:c: filler i'.i '.c
patioi s loll. i i ii . i "'.. I. a':d li'i
weV. ird f i'. lo..y el I :il, ,it. 1 . ;r be
fore wib h rl.'.f'nii: . tt si :a
I lane ef ergai".z.i':en pre. V.'hi'o
the c.t'i!U'".et. wic ai H.- he'.ul'.t
Cl.alnnan t'at.i'.oti s'eppod to the froi t j
of the ttiifii . He held in l.l-s hiiv.d tl.e
banner whlih was t.t! m ISi'.e,
when Llr.coln was iinmiiut'i nnd
which has bun used ir. every m river
tier, since. The ling sbovted M e wear
and 'ear if tunny similar ictitists
"I'r.cle .loe" waved It vigorously and
kept time with his body Son the?
whole convention was swayir.g In ex
act nieiihtire. The chairman retired,
nnd his place win taken l y a ytiunx
man. who tool; the ting and. with a
megaphone. l-d the yelling He start
ed to call "Roosevelt," "Rimseve!',"
"Roosevelt," repiii'i'd over nnd ever
aga'.i:. with tl.e system ot a colli co
yell It was taker, up by the throng
nnd the cry of "RoiKOM'lt" rolled owr
the hall in volume so great and so
terrific t!:nl He screeching of a bun-
lreil ileiiii; whisihs wi'ihl have been
dwiirfed in comparison.
At the conclusion of every second
ing speiih. the performance was re
pented. T!.o speakers thetnsilves
were generally applatidcd.
When Senator Fairbanks hail betn
nominated for vice president tf.i ro
was no diminution In the demonstra
tion. Voices were hoarse, but the
noise for tl.e second choice was just
as unnr.'.rr.o'is as It was in 'he fir.-t
When Illinois. Nebraska. Missouri
and (eorgta wire caned, nr.iioiince
nier.t w as made that the candidacies of
favorite sons had been withdrawn.
The entire vote therefore was cast
for Senator Fairbanks,
The tis-ial resolutions of thanks to
rfld rs of the'.'ion and to tlie
committees on arrangements were
adopted and the great hody was ad
Jourr.rd. Oorge TV Cortelyou wns chosen
chairman of the Republican national
committee at a meeting held lust after
the adjournment of the convention.
His Letter to John G. Woolley is Made
Public at Indianapolis.
Indianapolis. June The ua-
tlonal Prohibition committee selected
as temporary chairman of the na
tional convention today, Homer T.
Castle of Pittsburg, ar.d for temporary
secretary, W. 0. Colderwood of Min
neapolis. The treasurer's report
showed that $173,000 had been re
ceived and expended by the national
committee during the past four ytars.
leaving $11,000 in the treasury. A
letter written by General Nelson A.
Miles to John G, Woolley of Chicago,
is believed by National Chairman
Stewart and others to bo final and to
eliminate General Miles from consid
eration at? a presidential candidate,
although the Pennsylvania delegates
and others, who insist on G-nTaI
Miles' nomina'ion, have made no
statement. The arrival ol eastern
and western delegations has swelled
the attendance to LOO. The arrival
of the Illinois delegation has in
creased a movement to make Na'ional
Chairman Stewart the presidential
In his letter. General Miles said:
"The nomination at Indianapolis, al
though an added and greatly valued
token of approval and confidence,
would not. In ray Judgment, afford
that opiortunity for etfuient public
service which wrmld bn the chief mot
to for my resuming official Hie."
Walter R. Miles of Pacific college,
Newborg, Ore., won the first prize of
$100 In the prohibition oratorical con
test Mls Mamie White (if Wheaton
college was awarded tho second
prize of $5i Tho other contestants
wer W. Clifford Smith of tho I'niver
slty of California, Harry C. Culver of
Cornell college, Iowa, and James R
Welsh of tho University of Michigan.
Boom Williams for Second Place.
Jackson. Miss., J-une 29. A well de
fined movftnent, booming John Sharp
Williams of Yazoo City, minority lead
rr of the house of representatives, for
vlr president on tne Democratic tick
et iras started here by Mr. Williams'
friends and wlmlrfrs.
Paul Morton Enters Preaident's Offi
cial Family aa Secretary oi Navy
Washington, June 2i. A sweeping
change in the cabinet of PreMdeut
HoOBOvelt was announced officially at
the whito house. The announcement
came in tho form of a brief typewrit
ten statement It-sued ty Secretary
Loeb. aa follows;
"Tlie following cabinet appoint
metis are announced: William 11
MtiHly of Massachusetts, attorney
general; I aul Morton of Illinois, see.
rotary of tho navy: Victor H. Metcalf
of California, secretary of ci'rr.nifrte
and labor."
The resignations of Secretary CorUJ
you and Attorney G r.eral Knox havo
lien arrepfed, to take effect July 1
Educators at St. Louis.
St lul8. Juno 2'j. -Tho farty-thlrd
annual convention of tho National
Educational association convened In
Festival ball at the World's fair
ground. After tho adjournment of
tho genrrnl session, tho educators
scattered throughout the ground to
attend tl.e various departmental meet
lags. Thirty thousand people are In
(M!c !,U'U ;imiii'.I: I ; I .'on '
!:;c i I M.c uoi 1,
Mis K' mi Set -,i.;iii '.irolc i 111; 1 1
1 1 'inai.a 1 1. is vccl.
I; T ( o 1. 1 i . ! .1 :;l I r, n
I..I I ,i I . i '! ,N I .U'lise. 'I'l.i 1 1
I !ai nc I'.' I Is is 1 1 1 1 1 ik. t lio v ii
j I'.ule tor Ills , 1 I.I w ,,
I .lol'll lilvlllsoll icli tl:e I", s! ol
I week f I' M I.oiiIn
Kc .1 I I'l'lim ! I Is Isl! Iii; ( 'ii'lr
A line rain visile. I I l,is vet n 'ii if Hie
count Tiiesilav
Claud I'almcstiH'U lias acct pteil a po
sition w 1 1 1 1 (i. Uuss asclelk.
.Ii'lui t ipp left for Fremont Tucsdav,
alter spcinlint' a lew days isiiinu' bis
parents in A voca
F. G. FrlcHe d Co.
ask Hie icadeisof this paper to test the
value of Koilol I 'vspepsiu Cute, 'l'
persons wlio baxe used it anil xxlmhaxe
been cured by it, do not hesitate to re
coiiiiiiciul it to their friends. Koilol
digests xxhal nii cat . ci''''.s indiges
t ion.dxspepsia and all sininacli t roubles
Increases Micneth ,y cnalilinu the
sluiiiacli and digest I e oreans o con
trihute to the blond all of the nutri
ment contained in the fund. Kodol
I'vspepsia Cure is pleasant and palata
ble. Magpie Grove
Sn'ii;il (Vrn-s)"inli'iii'e.
The Cloriniis I'dtirlh ulll soon lie
ere. x neie xx ill we celel irate? 'i.
most of us will take I'laltsinniilh inon
that day. if Hie weal her man is good.
1 . 11. ('at hey made a business I rip to
'lal tsniout h Wednesday.
Mata ami Annie I'uls x isited al the
ionic of Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Puis I'ri-
Mrs. bciia and Miss Annie lllldxis-
ited at Hie home ol Mr. William Puis
md laihilv Thursday.
t,uite a number from this locality
were among the Plat tsniout h xlsilors
Sal urdax .
Herman tlanscmer and (ilcn line-
Ueker made a trip to Weeping Water
Abe llornberger and Ijoiile Puis vis
ited al tlie lioine of Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Puis Sunday.
o, my! How niecorndldgrowaflei
that nice little shower. Nothing
deascs the fanners better than a nice
shower of rain after a dry spell.
Mr. J. K. Cat,l icy made a business
trip to Weeping Water Monday
Troop and Louthers delivered hogs
to the South Omaha market Monday
our annual school meeting-was nit
largely attended Monday night. W
II. I'uls was selected moderator.
I. A. I tax is made a t rip In Nehaw ka
Mrs. I'. II. ( at hey and Mrs. W. II.
Puis visited at tlii! hoineof .1. A. Havis
md family Monday evening
Triumpbs of Modern Surgery.
Wonderful things are done for the
human body by surirery. iryans an
taken out and scraped and polished
and put hack, or they may he removed
entirely: hones are spliced: pipes take
the place of diseased sect ions of veins:
antiseptic dressing's are applied to
wounds, bruises, burns and like Injur
ies before Inllaminalion sets in, which
causes them to heal without matiira
lion and in one-third the time required
by tlie old treatment. Chamberlain's
Pain Halm acts on this same principle
It is an ant iseptic, and when applied
U. such injuries causes tliem to heal
very iiulckly. It also allays the pain
and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain
Halm In your home and It will save you
time and money, not to mention the
Inconvenience and sulTerhitf which such
Injuries entail. For sale by all driitf
Siiccliil Corrcsoiiiii iit
W. K. Copeland spent a few days
here this week.
Miss Florence Hoveyof I'laUsmouth
Is spendini; a fexv flays xvith Marble
Anna Kikenherry, who Is visiting
friends here, attended church Sunday
Mrs. PJioden of tireenwood Is spend
in; the week with her daughter, Mrs.
John Connally.
James Holmes and family are visit
inn his parents near Yates City, Kan
Postmaster A. L. Haker returned this
week from a very pleasant, trip through
M iss Lula Leek was shoppiin: in ( m
aha one day this week.
Pan Manners of Alvo is visiting his
brother this week.
Charles Stone and Will P.roxxn spent
one evening in Plattstnoiith durlnu the
teachers stay.
Miss F,diuunds Is speniliiik' the
week with her sister and family, Mrs
Will Sparey.
S. W. Hreekenridne of Platlsmouth
spent Tuesday with J. M. I.eck and
Miss Hamilton, who M the past two
Klil-ocv p-dutij MaVivS Vol: Mtvr..Mc.
ll'CI ..
-I cvet 1kK v ho h i. 1 , 1 lu news.
Is sill-.' to k:t"W ol Hie Mo!,.U-lllI
elites in. nil- o )t.
Ktltnei's S'.i;ittit.
i Koot, 11., kit
i in v, Iim i :iinl bi l l-
r r
r ilcr n it ii-. I .
It is I lie j;re:i! en d
. ii ii ti uilii Il of the
inncti i -nth i ciititt v ,
I ihscoM ti d . 1 1 1 1-r e us
'f sen -til i!i li st .iich
by Ht. Klhtier, the
-"'-'7 etinili:il ktilnev .111 I
bl idder specialist, mid is wntldi t f ill 1 y
successful III I'lotliptlv cut 1 tl l.' I. line b.icU,
utic acid, cataith of the bladder and
l!iiy.lit's lUscasc, which is the wotst
tot 111 of kidney tumble.
Ht. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
(illltliendcd for even tiling but if J oil h.ic
kliltiev, liver or bl.tddcr trouble It will be
loiittd just the remedy you need. It has
been tested ill so lii.iuv ways, in hospital
Motk and in pnvalc practice, mid lias
I'loved sosiicccsslul lit every case that 11
special aiiani'diii-nt has been tnadc by
which all iciulcisof thiMpiipct, who have
Hot already tiled it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mall, also 11 bunk tell
iuy; nunc nliont Suattip KiMit, and bow to
liiidoul if you have kidney or bladder trim
hie. When w rituiK mention teaduic tins
,r - :.. tl.!., r w..,,.l t
eclici ims oner 111 1 111s '-'" 3
to 1 r. Kilmer f
Co.. ltiiH'liiiintiiii,ftirC!l
N. V. I be iceulai
lift v cent and otic-
dollar Mc buttles lite llimn of aiiiiK.
sold bv all iood dniei,;ists. Ilott't make
any mistake, but renumber the name,
Swamp Koot, 1 it . Kil met 's Swamp Knot,
mid the address, lliiiohaintoti, N. Y., oil
cci v bottle.
mi'iil hs has been visiliiik: her brot her,
Will, iciiiriii d to her liniiie 111 Kansas.
M iss Jessie 1 1 1 ost w as an ( Mnaba as-
nncr one
I t'l .III allot lit 1 solil-ri
Mrs. ('. A. b'axxlsi f I'lal tsmoni h is
isil inn M is. W. S S 111 1 1 h tlil.s week.
lr. Ii. 1,. Newell, the (lellllst of
liH'li, made his weekly visit here
Mrs. ('has. Carroll and Marie Her
r were sliopphio in I'lallsiiinuth
uesday afternoou.
Mont liohh was 1 ubbei inn, reading
sinus and lakliik! in the street fair at
Nebraska ( 'ity Friday.
ur k'enial Ii. I'. 1 . currier, .lames
Manners, was al lending' to business in
lat tsniout h last Friday.
The new resilience of I r. P.icndell
Is now completed and is one of the
the liuesf homes In Murray. Jack
Shaxv was the architect which Is war-
ant enoiioh that It Is "solid and well
lielatlves of Mr. and Mis. Ii. P..
Stone yave t hem a complete surprise
Wednesday evening of last week, the.
occasion heinc the lifl.h anniversary of
their xxeddiiu;. The quests counre
nated about six o'clock, laden xvith
ill inaiiuer of ood things to eat, and
tables were spread on the lawn, where
the feast was enjoyed by all. After
supper all repaired to the house ami
njoyed music and parlor names until
1 late hour, leaving with wishes for
many more such happy occasions lor
Mr. and Mrs. stone, and as a token of
esteem they also left a beautiful ina-
honany lounge- Those present were
Mrs. .1. M. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. I. C.
West, and daughter, (lladys, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Stmie, Isador, Iteadnn and
Alht rt Hall and licitrude Nelson of
Nehaxxka. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall
unl Mr. and Mrs. Ii. (',. Kendall of
1'nion and C'has. S. Si one of Murray.
For a Hundred Years.
For a hundred years or more Witch
I laze I has been reconulzed as a superior
remedy, but it remained for K. C. Ie
Witt X t'o. of Chicago, to discover how
to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel
with other antiseptics in the form of
salve. HeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is
the U'st salve in the world tor sores,
cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The
hinh standing of this salve has nixen
rise to counterfeits, and the public is
advised to look for the name ' I eWltt"
on the packane, and accept no other.
Sold by F. ;. Fricke & Co.
Cede.r Creek
SiMH'liti Correspondence.
Mrs. Ceo rue Lohnes, who has lieen
sick for several days, Is able to lc up
and around anam.
John Sattler and family of I'latts
niouth were vlsltlnu with W. H. Heil
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Terrylrry left
last Monday exeninn fnr St. Louis,
where they will take In the sights at
the exposition.
John Meisinuer says tliat he is net
tiiik' ahncst too old for such pastimes
as pumping water, and has erected a
new windmill on his farm.
Miss Mamie Heil is the proud pos
sessor of a tine new Caubler piano.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hell were shop
ping in Omaha one day last week. Miss
Lizie Heil accompanied them,
John P.urmeister was a Plattsmoiith
visitor last Sunday. I "Id you (jet an
other don, Jolinv
Driven to Desperation.
Lix ink' at ;u out of the way place, re
mote from civilization, a family Is of
ten driven to desperation in case of ac
cident, resulting in burns, cuts, wounds
ulcers, etc. Lav in a supply of Hlick
len's Arnica Salve. It's the best on
earth. J")cat F. C. Fricke .S; C'o.'sdruK