The Plottsmouth Telephone Co. started in busiuevs the Viars ao with UK' telephones. They now have l.Vm subscribers, -Jk mill's toll lir.cs. iTn of fanner lints, and art addinc new nms dai y. The company is ihw hnililinr an ex-, chance iu The I'jiii ti st-i'k Yards Ex chance buildinc. at xuitli Omaha. The new telephone building at I'iattsmoutli is heme tit ted up for the general uttlces of the company, and when completed will he the tinest ortlce buildinc in Plattsmouth. Worst of All Experiences. Can anything U- worse than to feel that every minute may he your last Such was the experience of Mrs. S. 11. Newson, Decatur, Ala. 'Tor three years," she writes, 'l endured insuf ferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. leath seemed In evitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Hitters and the result was miraculous. 1 improved at once and now I'm completely recovered." For liver, kidney, stomach and bowel troubles Electric Hitters is the only medicine. Only . 10c. It's guaranteed by F. 0. Fricke & Co., d nudists. Notice to Taxpayers. Tlie Ixmril of enmity eotnnilsslotiers of Cuss county. Neltriiskii. will sit hsii Imurtl of i-quiil-tzittlon for tliv of eiiuiilizliii; the as sessment of t'Hsnciniiity fur tlie yeitr l!(4. Ill the euniniissloiieri' eliumlter lit the rourl house. I'lititsuioiivli. IN-Kliiniux Tuesdiiy. .lunt 14. Iwi4. ut lUo'nliM'k u. in., and roiiUiiuliiK from tiny to tly. up to itml Indudlim July T. I'.W. All pertinis iiwiiIiik real or personal property Mih.leet luxation should cull and examine their assessments, that any errors us to valu atlon may IfHdjusted hy said lioard as the JivT provider , L. A. Tvsox. County Clerk. Notice. l.N THE Cllf NT V Cor HT I IK Cans County. Ned. In rt-fstiite nf .lulm Ktutf. lie tsi-il. To nil pcrvuis Interested, mill the unknown heir of John Kins. ileopasetl. You are herehy notilled that the adminis trator has tiled his petition for linal settle ment, and itreiuiiit. alleuiiif that there are no heir of John Kinu'. ileeettseil. and that said es tate should escheat to the state of Nuhtiisfcit, mill alleuinir tiiat the personal estate Is liisiif tielelit to pay nil the deMs and expenses of ad ministration, and askiiiu for an order to re MUlre him to apply to the district court for a license to sell Un real estate. Said petition forllnal settlement, and ac count, art- sot for henriircr upon tlif -th day of July. A. D. I!4. at lu o'clock a. in., Itefnre Jiie the tintlerslKiied countv jutitre. at mvollli e In tin" city of I'iattsmoutli. count v of Ca-. Nehraska. at which time said account will In examined, adjusted and allowed, and a heur- inir hail as to wl re the heirs. 1f an v. of the said John K'inir, deceased, mid If 'none lie foiind said estate will be decreed as escheated 1o the state of Nehraska: and that at said time such other orders will lie entered as may !e lust and proper for the administration of said estate. II AllVKV I). TltAVIS. County JinUc. Notice to Creditors. TsrA-:- inc-fycourt. In the matter of the estate of Marsitn-t Kast erday. deceased. Notice Is herehv irlven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, Iiefnre me. county .Indite of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room 'in IMattsniotith. In said county, on the :tnth day of July. Ii4. and on t lie 31 st day of liecemlier. Iitn4. ut 10 o'clock a. m each day. for the purpose of presentlne their claims for vxamlnatloii. adjust meiit and ullowmnce. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their tlalms. and one year fur the administratrix toseMlu sahl es tate, from the ith day or June. VM. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at I'iattsmoutli. Nebraska, this 4th day of June. 1VU4. (SKAI.) H tn t.v 11. Tkavis. County Judxe. Notice to Creditors. State or Nemiiaska. i Cass County. I In County Court. In the matter of the estateof Ichntles (1. Spen cer deceased. Notice Is hereby jrlven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, lie fort- me. county Jinl;: of Cass coun ty. Nebraska, at the county court r"t m In i'iattsmoutli. iu said county, on the I Jit. of July. I'.M. and on the I. Hi tl.iyof January. I.'t'i". at 10 oYlifk a. in., each day. for the tiur p se of nresetitltiK thtdr cl tlnis for examina tion, adjustment ami allowance, Six months are allowed f.r tl red Itors of saM deceased to present their claims, and one vear for the executor to settle said estate. the Until tlayof June. I'.i"4. W Ituess my hand and seal of s tld county court, at I'hitlsniiiiith. Nebraska, tills litli day of June. 1!H. (seai.i llAiivt.v li .Travis. C"inty Jtid.'e. ISoTice Of hearing on petition for distribution of res idue of estate. State of N hiuaska. Countv of Cuss. i" ' To all persons Interested In thcesUtecf Ki ln hold Schuelke. tleceused. Notice Is hereby iflven that lluifo A WL'i'en horn. administrator of said estate, has hied Ids petition In said court, the object and pray er of which are that n decree of distribution may tie matleof the resldueof said tstate now In his possession. tothe parlieselllltled bylaw to receive the same. You are hereby notified that said petition will lie heard by the county Judk'eat the coun ty court room In the city of I'iattsmoutli, la said county, on the I lltb day of July. at lu o'clock a. m. It Is ordered that a Copy of tills notice be published once each week for three successive weeks in the I'iattsmoutli Weekly Journal, it newspaper printed ami published In said county. 1 land this; tit I day of June. IM4. IlAitvr.r li.Tii.tvi. County Judiru. Notice of Administration. Is th c CorsTY Cttt'KT III and for Cass Coun ty. Nebraska: In the mutter of the estateof Anton Henry W'ef khttcli, Ifes'cuscd. All persons lnterestetl In the said estate are hereby untitled that a petition has ttccii tiled I u said court tilleitliitf tltat the said deceased tlletl leavtnit no last will nod praylttK for ad ministration niton Ids estate and that a hear IniC will lie bail on said petition in forc said court on Friday, the first day of July. I'. anil that If l hey fall to appear at said court on the said tirst day of July. r.4. at : o'clock a. tu.. to contest said petlt'lon. the Court inny Kraut the same anil ur nil adtulnlst ration to Fretl (i . FifenlttTk'er. or some other suitable person ami pr'sved ton settlement thereof, IIAKKY It. THAVIs. (seai.i County Jltd.'e. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF NEIIHtsKA. k. r,11,,v TonH CassCoiinty. t"'- in lount Court. In the matter o? the es'ate of John C. I'tak. deceased. Notice is hereby l'Ivoii Hint I lie creditors of s ild deceased will ii (be ii.l.t.liilsi rat 1 1 v of sit lit est tie. before too nntv lud.'.' of t'ass county. Nebraska, at the county court rna In I'lattsni.uitli. In said countv. on t ii i ilay o' July. I:. and on tlie ..Id i.'.iy o! January. IWtCx lit IU o'clock a. 111. each day. for the pur nseof present liu tin Ir claims' for examina tion adjust ii it-1 it itml allow mi,',-. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceit soil to iiresent t lulr cl I ins. and one ear for tlie administratrix to settle said es tate, from ti e :.l I iliiy of July. Iin Witness my hand and sent of al l county oiirt. nt I'lattsinouth. Nebrusk.t. tltl 1'tli tlay of June, lisi. IUiivcy 1. Tn wis Ismi.I Countv Juilire, FCIEYSKlDNEYCDrlE Makot Kidney and Bladder Rlflht or any other hour in the morning, the best breakfast food is kigh grade grocen. 2 lb; packagei. PRE-EMPTED BY BIRDS. The Noddles That Own Bird Key, In the Gulf of Mexico. Out In the pylf of Mexico slxty-Cve miles from Key West townt the set try; stjn ris hidf a' dozen luim'n ttinnl burs from the extitilsltf tunniolw blue wuters. One of these, (iiirdt ti key. in u govertinient furt iunl ennllnn stutloii; aittithiT Id Die IjnKerlieitd key. otir hiM outpost toward t'uki atnl ('entral America. Other islet.s tire tiMteiuintetl wive when the great ne:i turtles crawl. One alone. Illrd key, Is trv-einited by the birds. It would tn? hard to find a more desolate or Isolated region. Though the climate Is warm through out the year, it is not until May that the feathered hosts arrive from the fur south at this sandy rendezvous. In the van come tlie noddies, n few ntiotit the 1st of May and the rest within a few days. A week later the sooty terns pour In, and it is said that within a week of their arrival both kinds liegln to lay. At the time of our coining nearly all the birds had eggs and were devoting themselves to their family cares. To reach the buildings from the little landing place we bad to puss through a tract of bushes, and hire It was that I saw the first nests of the twiddles, fp on the tops or In the forks of the bush es euch pntr hd built a rather rude yet fatrly substantial platform of sticks, only slightly hollowed, and upon each one sat a dark gray bird. There wan soruethfnff about fwwe graceful little creatures that Instantly took m by 4-torra, a case of love at first sight. Th noddy is very much like a dove ex cept for Its webbed feet In sl7e. In forin. In th? softness of Its plumage, the expression of Its large dark eyes and Its gentle, confiding ways. There Is no wild uffright as the stranger ap proaches. Just a shadow of fear Is evi dent, but the birds sit quietly on their nests, hoping and trusting, and do not fly unless approached almost within arm's reach. Then they flit gently away, alighting upon a neighboring bush until the Intruder has withdrawn, when they return directly to their charge. It seemed remarltnbte to find birds so perfectly tam. Oatlng. Mean, Miss Mugrey I always try to retire before midnight I don't like to miss my Iteauty sleep. Miss Pepprey You really should try harder. You certain ly don't get enoigh of It Exchange. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civilization, a family Is of ten driven to desperation in case of ac cident, resulting In burns, cuts, wounds ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of liuck len's Arnica Salve. It's tiie best on earth. 'Jocat F. . Fricke Co.'sdrug store. Telephones. Order a telephone now and (jet your name In our new directory. Fl.ATTSMtH TII TELEl'HttXK C. Gray "My hair was falling out nJ turning Rray ver' ias'- But your Hair igor stopped thc'falling inJ restored the color." Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Colioes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you arc seventy, and you like your gray hair ! If not, use Aycr's Hair Vior. In less than a month your pray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. SI. CO.! Ntli. All ritlH. If yinr drntruit Mnnot 'trpltr yon. wnl n ontt ntl will M).rr t mi lntt le. l" H'ltf nnt irlT tlio n.ttnn of Jour liP:irft rt r etl. i. AtM'rt, .1. 1. AYFH It., Lowfil, .Mam. KNOWN DEAD IS I'l.V L.ST CF VICTIVS C.c SLCC'-M C'Z ASTER STILL GRCtUNu. I Every Paiing Ste.tmer ear ?cc-tf c f j th Wreck Crturns Water na ft , New Victim Trires nwnuiea mc ttill Musing. New York, l-:t.e Z L'-n.l t. e it :t I starUU.g i.ittu.-i. which ,.i i.e.-.- w:;; fckve aa Imir.ur.'. txurlr.i ui. lt mate rvsult ut' lie a.roi.vrb ;i.t, llito the tit-nerbl S locum .if.sus'.c:, vw fonhct.m'.r.g at :tu inq-.ifbt. 1 ertiuos ij.e n.oot uu'Xi cHV. dent utts the cimtln-.icti rcr.-itl v un swer quwt'.otis of Hetry Lui..:'.f- i I'nlU-d Stales 6leait.Umt --v . r. who was tiiii'jHisttl tn have :t J'tt .1 the life preservers ai.ii the hull ut t!.e '.IWatetl steamer. HI rcttiMil rm tascd on the ground an anwer might ter.d to incriminate him. am! ho acted on the advice cf his -i.utel. Tke coroner ccmmlited Ltn.t'.berK to the house ol deteiitlor.. tu t '.a't-r in cepted $300 hall fur tis apitcaram-e at the Luailnt;. 0Ld I'i'ot Weaver of the S.iH'um test.tled that be but! purchased the rr.?JR 05 THE BCRMTSO no AT. fln? hop? for that boat and Mr Oarvnn lntrodutvd evidence to show that the price paid wis 16 cer.ta a foot. Daniel O'Neill, who. according to his Bwoni statement, had nevr worked on a Itoat tintll he wag hlr"! on the Slocum a Ehcrt time ago, ad mitted that he bail Jumped into a row boat fi!!s?d with people from the S'.o cum, capsizing It. Asked If he saved anyone, he aM tfcere were others dolr.g that ar.d he was not an expert swimmer. He swam ashore himself, however. By the use of dynamise and hrary unins fired bjr men from the Steond battery, scores of bodies were brought op from the bottom around tfce shores near North Brother island. Th searcher along the beach and In the boats gathered In 112, brirfsrlnir the number of bodies recovered to da' up to the appalltnn total of ITlV Of these, 700 have oeer. identified, and the missing still are approximated at something more than 300. Many of the bodies last found never will be Identified, because of the charges that have taken place during the week they have been under the water. STORY OF ENGINEER C0NKLIN. Gives Graphic Account of the Fire on the General Slocum. New York, June 18 H F. Conklln, chief engineer cf the General Slocum, Is at his home in CatakllL N. Y, 111 from the effects of his experience, but had so far recovered that he was able to talk about the catastrophe. He did cot know how the fire started, but said that while he was talking to his assistant, Everett Brandow, when opposite One Hundred and Thirty eighth street, the first mate reported the Ore. Mr. Conk'.ln continued: "Two minutes or so later the fire alarm sounded and some one on deck cried 'Fire,' Instantly there was a roar as the terrified passengers arose like one person and made a rush for the stern. Never shall I forget the horror of that scene and the terrible conflagration that followed. There was no checking the frenzied crowd. Most of the crew were busy fighting the fire and those who were on deck were unable to calm the fears of the women and children. The capuin rang the bell for a full head of steam and the boat shot forward like a race horse. A thick volume of smoke rolled from the forward and filled the lower part of the boat I was com pelled to cover my month and nose with my arm In order to breathe. Min gled with the smell of burring pa:r.t and wood was the sickening odor of burning flesh. The and chil dren rushed aho-it as though bereft of their senses. Mothers gra.-tpM their children and rushed tc the side of the steamer and Jumped ' th water, only to drown. I tw several children wl'h the-r clothing on fire and their mother vainly trying to put out the flames wl'h their hards I r.tver saw fire sprevl w'.'h such rapidity, ar.d In lefs tln.e than It h taken for mo to tell ynu this the who'..? f.trward rrt of th" tessel was in fames Thosii whl were on th" Inwer ('.ft k rus he I aft nnd many children wtre knock" I tlowr. ar.d trr.rrplt 1 to death, xry M f run, M Is Impossible 'n tnipe that ?rsr.e from memory. Whrp I clno my ey at night I can see tho trug. g'.lr.g crowd, the dead, upturned faee, and f. atlrg bodies car. yi t bear thnr nsor.lilng ar.d r'.rrcir.g scrvknis ar.d fei the scorchlrg Lames" BOBRIKOrF OIES CF WOUNDS. Russian Governor General of Finland Succumbs to Atn,n' Outlet lU'lstLfcfo:. P.i.W, Jui.c l.v The l;us-lttu tin ut Lull ti.iusl ittir the Kuvtrtiir's I a'.ace i rnv '.uinn .1 tu the pip;,. ,,I liel.s'.t s.i.; thltt U ill Hi.: lt)r:k( fr. H-etnl ol 111., was ct itd tf it t al.t-t In flicted by at, as:tss!::, who ct'liin'.HU .l BuMi'.c. There wits t.n i xt '.'etnt i.t in the city and ut u'leit.n at it ileint'ii stiiUoll with n.adt). The father, in, brotter and t-ti rs of Schuuiuuuu, the aASiu-slr., were arrested ul.d mth'Jt't ttit to a;!i u, but Inter on werw rt'Iea.sed tt'ul bi.tiwt',1 to t turn to their touLtry hutue How lar tht) Swesjitn party lb tuip'.Ua'id in the killing baa not been etatlibhetl It is ci!n. 1 that had ftccon.pltt t s, who found lu tbe half fanu'ltal stutletil it rtiu!y totd U Is said that Sfliuuiiiiinii's fattier, who wiut a nnmbtT of the senate, retired from public ltlo betaue be wu tp posed to l'ln'.itinl bet ititilng an Integ ral portion of the Uussian empire. It appears that (iol.crul ItobrlkolT never had a chance to survive The Ir.Jiirjeti infTit 'etl were .-ttt terrible as to Indicate that the burn t watt of an ex plosive na'tit'e Hit will be hurled Moniay in the fainl'y vault at Ser Blevt. near St. IVtcrt-litirK. PERISH IN CUBAN STORM. Mere Than a Hundred Lives Are Nov; Reported Lest. Santiago do Cula, June IS. The n1 cent fall of fourteen Inches of ruin In five hours, accompanied by a hurri cane, has resulted lu the nnuli of more than lull persons. The se vere was at. the villam" of CoLre, where sixty persona were drowned. The river rose rapidly, tie strojr' the lower part of the vt'.lairc. Codies were tarried eight miles out In the bay. Thirty bodies were recov ered Six icrsotis were drowned at Daltj'ilrt, fourteen at Kl Caney and many In the surrounding country The list is sMll Incomplete. All the bridges at Cobnv several at Dalnutrl and niiles cf track have been dv strt.yel. llo'ises were destroyed or damaged In Par.tlaeo ami five persons lost their llvs in and about Santiago The prop erty loss 'is enormt'is at the mine?, on the railroad, and In cattle and mer chandise. Prisoners May Be Released Saturday. Tangier, June 21. There is another hitch in the Pordlcarls and Varley ne gotiations, authorities at the British consulate expressing the opinion that Saturday would probably be the date for the release of the prisoner. It appears that Ralsull suggested to Mo hammed Ell Torres, la'e representa tive of the sultan of Morocco, that the exchange of prisoners bo made through Zelal, govertor of the Flenl M'Sara tribe. Zelal refused Ralstill's proposition to take the exchange away from the P.en! Aros tribe, which sems to Indicate far of his own followers. Eight of RalriU's men who were Im prisoned at Tetuan have arrived here Admits Zach Mulhall to Bail. St. Louis, June 21. Zach Mulhall, live stock agent of 'he Pt. Ixwls and San Francisco railroad, who hhot three men on the "Pike" at the World's fair, was released on bonds of $20,000 Ernest Morgan, the most critically wturided of 'he three men. Is In the emergency hospital at the World's fair. Morgan's wound Is In the abdo men. John Murray, the cowboy shot by Mulhall, Is recovering, and Frank Reld, the attache of the wild west show, with whom Mulhall was fight ing, tas been taken to the city hos pital. No serious outcome is experts! of his injuries. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trad ng and Closing Quotations. Chirac i, June i:l.-A I Ik It'erentte todtty In tbl rlsiti'. supply of whin' pretentftJ eri break in prlttit, tlie result of hwtr lab rrup sdvlein. At the cluse Sfptetiit.r wb'ut.wa down only a shuil". rum was up 1Vtt't:. onfi snlntd t.,c t.l provision ?tytilOe. Cluilr.a priori' Wh.-st-Ji)!, V: ilt-pt.. 7nT,c. toru-J-ily. 4V; "H-. s-V. (iti-J'l!y, Slc; Sept.. 32V. rork-J:r, llS.o;;, i;3..Vi. um-jutr. Kpt., $r.r. Rlbs-J jly. I7.'.2Vj. Sept.. I 7'Ji-i. Cilcago Canh rrlces-Xn. 2 spring whoit, PI'.' ; N.i. J hard whoat. VW.r.c, S t. 2 caiib rora, 47S"t47V. N'- 2 caib oats, 40c. Chicago Live Stock. CMfttg.), June 21. -rattle-lltH-elpttt. . ono: aiiiw to sttdy: gt'.d to prln.e steera. ? TVU .63: poor to niedliim, 14 ,.Vr(t3.'i: '.r,rkrs end f toderi. IJ T.VEt- Ho: eow. .:yn' hmfffit, $2."v,3M; cinncrs. H..ViU ttO; bulla. l.H fnlrra. li.StttJ S Teiin fud stK-rs, It ti7..' 1". Il(t-het.-lpti t'ttlitf. IJi'i. V.r.iH hlijtfr- mle. and t'itthitrs. ..liuC..1o: k'kj.1 to rhol.- tvy . ' muh tiaT. tvt, :. lifSt. ' lO-.fl 2J. hulk of sat-s. S3 aii.').2r,. Pe'p-ll-'folrta. 12,000: steiolr. guotl la Chot: vrtber. f4.73T32fl, fair to caul- mld, $4tr'j4.20. nr.-jt-Tn torp. 4 fiOf. ( 4 30. if rlrg lambs, J jt 7 j . cilrpul lairbit. S' C'ii'i Kansas City Live Stock. Kans:M ity. Junr 21.- Ciittlr-Ueeelptit. ."t)o; Inst n'rr.r.u. othon weak: rbolrr i f rt and dr- l b'.H-f rprs. SI 7.VV1.40 fnir to K -'jil, 14 iVifi ,V- WMtern f"d tet rn. S i'.Vjttl etj . stokers sr.d fofd' r. i'tf'l 4.70: nutlve a. S'2.t'ti4..W: r.ntlv halt ers. S2 .'Vu I .T.; rnlrea, 1: 4 2. II n lui'vll's. I.ltt" Vif.Oc top, $VV tuik ot :. S3.titfl.l3. psckft. $3 n( C.13: rltr urd !!nlit. S4.4V'.07n phtcp l.s.tlf's Ct. !). Intnbs ! CtUl.t", f l t- tit $4 "0f." !'), ttto'kt-r ar.i fioilfr, South Omaha Live Stock. S .nt ti tuniilia. J'li.a 21. - "n t tlw Ueril;it. 4.7't atr.iiii lot' lower; tatlr tt.ein, It fjtf'tti 2H- n. it lid hxlfvra. II 2.V.I4 7.'.: rant.ers. l.7.V.'.1. t ker and f-niort, I..:ii'.t4 V: ealtfH, 2 Tufi 23: hulls, tuns, tc , 12 3W4 .'O. Ilxf Uecelliltt. 12iti. f." hlk-Uer: tatf. S.M04ii.l3: mined. 1'ino It". U): ll!tt, 14 (V.t.-, hi: pig. S4.0of-i4.73. t 'ilk r,f sal. P, S3 O fu3 10. Miff p - lUc'dptl, 3,11-. aftiw to tOr lnttr; wrti-ni yearllt;t, S4 t.V;".l."i: ttethflt. S4.ftf fl 13: fttn, S4K 1t4V eotnmoti ktff JiOrkt-r, ?3 Oofi'i.CO, isn.ts, s; ;.it.s. Avoca iVrn s., n ,. I I.1 trpul tN .1, !.n 1', , U,,1!n atl'i ti j ! lie Sil k t'll.l Tuny (if li.-tllil v is ,, (,ir nI if I s I In: lirsl it tlie tt.vk. Mi-vs i;i:a t.i,l,,i, TucmI.i I, r Hillings, Mimt , wii.-i,. sM. ttjii XN lel:iti,'s The .hl IVII.iWMtl Aim-1 tdiv-neil Men tui.ii ilav 1 1 n i .i v . Mi. I.huIn M:irttiiiiilt iinitiil lit'iiti' truni I'tifii List S:u tiitl.iv Ivlw.inl ilusi in ami fa mil v ' t i.ui.t'il " tlttwii I ruin l.iii.nlii Siimhn, an,) syrnt 1 1 let lav w it 1 1 Illi'lliK mui I ic;ist (tl tnwi Mi'n I'iiiliai., is tisitinc at ;,. tiainl. eh. li t'. Mahiiianll ( ti aie having a new MKf Hil un their slmc hinliltiiu'. Il.lwaiil SlitK'klcy tnatli' a I no in ' hnaha t he lirsl nf I he week Mis. MtMilt', of 'I'alniiliie, visltttl t In- tirst of the week wilh relatives cast t f tnw II. Mis. hi. K. sirauh was an i tinaha isitnr Mniitlay i liiiiiln Tt'lTt Is harvest lne- his alfal fa crop Miss Louise M:ii'.ii:inll is al lentlnii; teachers' Inst li ute at Plat tsniout h Mrs. James Palmer nf NYhawka ar rived 'i'licsilav ami Is visit Im.' relatives cast nf low II. Jnllll Ithlle lias sei'liretl a pnsttltin with StclTeiis and .inimerer. .Inst'pli Malcolin h:nl liiisiiii'ss al I'n Inn several days this week Murray ('irresKiini nt Tht! many friends of (ilrn I'ciiy will he p-latl In lcaiii I ha I his opera I Ion wa.s sinrcssfiil ami he Is trctl inir alnnt; as well as could he expect etl. Mrs. Charlie Carroll spent, one day this w eek in Plat I sinont I) The teachers who left Montl;i mornine; for the institute at Platts mouth were Antics Kennedy, Mrs. Iunay ami Maudie Iliisterliolt.. The Misses Tanner, of Weeping Wa ter spent Sunday evcnlm: with their aunt, Mrs. Mary Yoinix'. Mrs. A. L. Ilakcr ami little P.e.ssie llrltitlle spent Monrlav in Ntdiraska City. Mr. James Manners and Miss Lulu spent Sunday In PlaUsmouth. Miss Carrie Allison went to I'iatts moutli Monday evening to attend the Institute. Miss (tussle Ilohh who went with Mrs. James Lounhrlk'e last week has returned home. She left .Mrs. Louh ritfe much better, and we hope on a speedy road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Kawls of I'iattsmoutli spent Thursday in Murray. They at tended the entertainment, in the Preshjterlan church Thursday eve ning. lien I'.iiedeckcr spent Sunday in Murray. W careful, (ilun: If that host K'irl should hear what came in on the morning train there inik'ht he "siiinctliliii.'dniiik'." Jetr liiintllc went to I'nloii Monday to at tend the funeral of Mr. Ioutle Millard Kline spent one day here last week. Mr. Anderson, the Flotitf Konu Tea mail of Omaha made his usual visit here this week. A lame crowd of ymnur folks went fishlnif Sunday and all report 'no llsh hut a K'tod time." Charles Stone and Miss Carrie Alli son spent Sunday with the former's parents at Nchawka. James Manners made a business trip to I'iattsmoutli Monday evening. Lrnest Carroll spent Sunday at the home of Henry Creamer east of town. Clen P.awls Is spending the week with James Homes and family. Magpie Grove Correspondence. ( ur wet spell Is over and now the cry is "more rain." A iueer tiling about our farmers is that they are never satisfied Ed. Canseiner and V. It. Puis made a visit to Hallem last Monday and on on their return stopped oil at Lincoln and Havelock. Mrs. Charles Philpot and daughter made a trip to Omaha Thursday. Chloe and Itt-llc Tanner visited their folks at Wecpinn Water Thursday eve IlltU'. John Mish is haulinif lumber to erect a new ham this summer which will be a beauty. Mr. and Mrs. J. !!. Catl.ey made a trip to Weeping Water .Saturday. (uite a number from this locality attended the Ice cream social at the M. W. A. hall at Mjnard Saturday flight. Miss Jennie Philpot is reported as finite ill. A birthday was celebrateil at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lnnleke tiH'ler Sunday. Miss Ll.zle Schafcr of Mauley was visiting Mrs.' Schafer and family of Mjiple (5 rove last week. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Tlif it" Is .1 ilistMse ttev.nliiii; in tlli? ft m I it rv most tl.ttikii -t nils hecntiseMnlccri,. .1 1 1 sinl.ll'll ute t iiiisttl by it Iie.irt tits fuse, ptieiiiiii .in,t Ileal! I.ilhite til r- ;iim it v nre often the result ,,f lid IU' v dlseu-e. If kidney trtmblf it iilloVMsltinitlvatiCf " t tit- V. it I nt- v put s in , td hit-Hi will ut tuck tl - vital orp ins, lansnii; c.-it.uili . the lilailder, or the kitlueys tlieinsi-lvi-s break tlnu and waste away it II hy t t-II. Uladiler tmutilett ill most itlttays irsult frntn a tler inneiiit-nt of the kithiets ami it t ine is tibt. inieil iiuit kt st by a prnpt r treat n it tit nf the k id lit s. If ynil ate fetl liiH badly ymican make tin tni-.takt- by iitu I )r. Kilmer's 5wanipRnot, the Kteal kidney, liver mitl lilatltlir fitneily. It enrtet ts itiahihty In Imlil iirttie and si alditii; pain in passing it, and nvt-r-cntnes that unpleasant necessity of U-in cmupellcd tn k f'ttetl thnu;li the day, atliltiiKet up ituiuy tiinttt thirtii the tnht. The 111 1 1. 1 an, I tlu- et ratio It iiftry f I feet til' Swamp UimiI is sinui reiilinl. It stands the highest for Us tvotttU-t ful Clues if the tunst tlisttessiii cases Swamp KiHtt is pleasant tn take and is Willi by all ilruv;e,iNts m lifty-ient ntul ntie-ilollar sie ttoltles. Vihi may have a sample bottle nf tins uoinh-iful new dts cnveiy Htltl it hnnk Hint fells (ill ahnut it, Imtli sent free hy mail. Atl.lrt-Nt, I )r. Kil mer ,N: Co., Ilinnhainltiii, N. V. When wtititiK iiientitni reathiiK this etit-rtms nITer in this paper. Htm't iinike any mistake, but rememhet tlie liame.Swiitup Knnt, Pr. Kilmer's Swamp Runt, itml the iitldress, linihtttiitnu, N. Y., on every b.ittlc. 7 John I'ltit U ili lUcifil line's to Murray Miiiiliiy. (.'has. Philpot shipped tat cat tie to Soul h ( inalia Monday. Mrs. ,1. K. Cathway ami mui vlsitetl at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. W. II. Puis Monthly evening. Mrs. Schafer ami .son Albert were ainonif the Murray visitors from this locality Sunday . Union I n.t i the I.i iI.t. Mrs. J. C. Sherwood arrived home. Wednesday evenliik' from a visit r several weeks with her relatives in Plcive it i it I Cedar muni ies. Ir. P.. I'. Ilrcndcl of Murray was here on professional business Sunday evening, anil bail time to meet many of his I'nlon friends. Miss Verulc llarninn came home Monday evening from Lincoln, and will enjoy the summer vacation from her State f diversity st utiles. Mrs. M. II. Shoemaker and her niece, Miss Emily Shoemaker, went to Omaha on the Wednesday after noon train to visit a few flays with some of their friends. Nathaniel llarless returned yester--. day tothe Military Home at Leaven worth, to receive treatment for his oil malady, dropsy. About three weeks flifo he cana- home and wass HQ much Improved that, he ha I hopes of full recovery, but the old trouble came hack ami crew worse attain, and lie concluded that It was best tn re turn to the hospital. Mrs. E. S. iMinnan ami C. C. Ilowcn received a telegram last Saturday cvcnlmr notifying them of the sud den and unexpected death of their sister, Mrs. Charles Conway, who Te stified In New York cltv. A letter followed the message, ktlvinif further particulars, and stated that Mrs. Con way was ill only a very few moments death resulting from a sudden attack of tetanus. Last Saturday J. I). Cross and his two little boys, Carl and l!ay, bad & bit of experience that they wouldn't care to ko through ak'aln, and they were Indeed fortunate In escaping with no more serious injuries. Mr. Cross, with the two boys, were riding on a hitrh spring seat, hauling a younx bull which occupied a lower berth at bottom of the w anon. The bull man aged to loosen his ropes wlilie under the seat, and making a sudden plunge he threw himself and the three occu pants of the seat out upon the mules, a general mix-up and a runaway be Iiik' the natural result. As quickly as possible Mr. Cross cave attention to the Iwys, Ray appearing to be serious ly Injured, and as soon as the boys could be taken home Mr. Cross hastily summoned I r. Abbott. An examina tion was made by the physician, and It was found that Hay was badly bruised ami cut about the croin and & cut over the rlcht eye. Carl sulTered less serious injury, a partial fracture of the rlis'ht arm an I sllcht bruises of his hand. The boys are cettiiu along nicely, but we venture to say they will never have any particular love for their papa's bull. Hump Back W SC0TTS EMULSION won't maka a U ituii i lnluiu.n; won t tnakt hump back traight. neither will it make a ihnrt It j Inn;, but It fttds loft bone and htali diuaxd bone and li imone I the few genuine meant of recovery in mm ! fth. a ll,l II I 3 nutu ana none consumption. Snd f"f fr umplt. smrr hownk. )-4iS J'earl StrMt, Nw Yaf k. yK. tat i.oo; tu dra; eutt. 31 ac