1 M ' ; t I:, v' :'f ( '. r h ) : t THE EFFECTS OF LIMBERGER A Small Boy 6etj into Trouble Over i Mysterious Package. A ynuiik' fclluw, nut a tliniKiiid iiilics from riutlMiiciiith. not himself into trouble l:y tin acii'i'taiic of a ;u-k;tre of hmhuturr iIhtm !r. in tin rm'ery man. where his father puichavil tils supplies, ami tliis K tin' 11 Hiiiicr In Iikli he relates hlsexptileiit'e to the Journal: "Maviitiiie to buy a hill at the $ .ver'snot lomr sliur. The Ws ImikI the counter tinw me a pn-senl of wmetlili'tf wppred In a piece vt silver papr which lie tuld me wa-liiiihiirjror cheese. When 1 uol ontslile the simp 1 opened the paper, ami when 1 smelt what was Inside 1 felt tired. 1 took It home and put It In the wood shed; in the morning 1 went to It a'aln No IkiiIv had taken it. Father and moth er were netting ready to no to church. J put a ieee in the hark pocket of pa's pantsand another In the lining of ma's lnulT. I wa ked U'liiml when we Minted to church. It was lieninnlun to net warm. When we k,'"t tochunh father looked anxious and mother lo iked like siimetliiin; had happened. Aft-r the lirst hymn mother told fat her imt to sinn aniiln 'ul to keep Ids mouth shut and hreathe throunh his nose. After prayer perspiration Mood on father's hrow ami t he people In the next pew to us n"l up and walked out. After the next hymn father told mother she had better n" out ami air herself. Alter the second lesson some of ihc church wardens came around to see If there were any (lead rats In the chim h. Some more people near our pew ot up ami went out, holdlnn their noses as they went. The parson said they had heller close the sermon and hold a meet inn outside and discuss the sanitary condition of the church. Fattier told mother they had better no home one at a time. Mother told father to no home Hie nearest, way and disinleel himself be fore she not there. When they both p't home they both not Into the front room, Inn they didn't speak lor some time. Mot Iter spoke lirst. She told father to put the cat out doors as she thounht It was noinn to be sick. It was sick before he could net it out. Mother told father not to sit so near the tire as It, only made matters worse. Just then the servant nirl come in n ml asked If she should raise the win dows as the room felt very close. Fath er went up stairs and channeil his dot lies and took a hot hath. Mother took father's clothes and offered them to a tramp who said: Thanks, kind lady, they are a hit too liinl) for me.' Mother threw them over the fence In to the creek. Father was afterwards summoned for poisonlnn the llsli. Mother went to bed. Just then fath er had a note sent him. lie came to wish me nood ninht about ten o'clock in the evening with the note in one hand and a razor strap in the ether. 1 fi"t under the bed. The people next door thounht we were heatinn carpets In the house. I can't sit down com fortably yet 1 have niven what I li!d left of Hint limhiirer cheese to my little sister. I thounht it was a Jity to waste it.'' That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you ir you used I'r Kinn's New Life Fills. Thousands or sufferers have proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. They make pure hlo.nl and build up your health, Only lY cents, money hack If not cured. Sold by V. Frlcke - Co., drunnlsts. c W. M. BARCLAY -I'Koi'HIFTOi:- $ The Yellow Front Saloon Wltolesjle and Retail WINES, BEER AND LIQUORS ; ! t'X ( tH s. ; Agent for the Popular Willow Springs Beer F.very Case and Keg Hears the 1 'iilon Label MJh! PrisJl are Making on J Canadian Cluh. k-allmi Wisldllli! llollillet live. Kill, m .1 Silver WedilliK. itaillm. v; Maysvllle Colli. K iilen ( I Md Kashltiued t'iik,sl. k-iVlnii XI. S. Ilond Siur Mash. i;:;i,in j .Vlontnise live, gallon ,. White Hye. k'allon ' t ttiichetiheluier liye. ualleuj 7 Anderson Co. W hiskey, k-alloti!. ('I Ali-nliol. ltl iMof. (tallnn .. .i MoiionitalieU Kye. Kulleii ( Hid Olery. ailon (' Cal! and See Us or ,'l HI I HI 4 IM 4 in 4 !! ;i :i :t ;i :i :.i :i :.i .1 KI ;i hi Scntl NO. 415 MAIM $2,000 la Premiums Is offered for County Collective Ki hihitsal the Nebraska State Fair, to tie held at Lincoln Aunust Jl'thto Sep tember 2, l'.io4, and these premiums will In-paid in full without occount. It is also piovided that a!! County Collective Kxhlbits winch meet certain requirements as specitled in t lie pre mium list shall be awaided at least I'M (XI. Harvest will soon he at hand and this Is the lust time to secure choicer peci mens of nrain and grasses tor a Collec tive Exhibit. In each congressional distilcl in the state the followinn premiums are offered to school child ren for collections of Iwth native ami cultivated grasses, viz: To any pupil or student Is yeais of line or under, of anv school district in either the Firs' Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth or kjuth congressional district in Nehr.vka: I lest and largest eollectlr,u of Native grasses, lo. Second lcsl , t llest and largest collection cultivat ed grasses, HO. Second hrsti, .'. The total amount thusoliered isbo, or ;io to each ctuigrcsMonal district. These are piTiulunis worthstrivlng for and now Is the time to begin makinn the collection. Send lo U. V. Furnas, llpiwnvilie, Nebraska, for a premium list which nives full particulars Count Them Double. Van ( Irheeck. the I Hitch painter, noted for his extravagant life, fell sick, and physicians assembled at his bedside, were fnundiun some hopes on his age. Hut the artist said: "(!ent!e meii, have no renard for my Id years: you must count, them double, for I have lived day and ninht." A man of best age, hut exhausted, because he did not know the value of life. Many of us do the. same; relvinn on their physical strength, they give no rest to their body and mind, they do not re new the vinor and enemy spent, and thev usually die prematurely. Tri ner's American Kllxirof Hitter Wine, would restore their strength, would renew their blood, would make them healthy and vinoroiis. It cures every stomach, every indinest lou, every bioodflisease. Heing made of pure grape-wine, it has a delicious taste, and a decidedly stimulating effect, on all parts of the body. The advantages over other blood-purilieis are that it contains no potash or mercury, that it does not spoil the stomach, that every member of the family can use it, air.l that its effect is In all casesadmirable. At drug stores. .Jos. Triner, V.i.i So. Ashland avenue. Chicago, 111., I'ilseu St it ion. Mrs. J. Benson, 210 S. 16, Omaha, Htb. The P. !. Corset No. MiU, of French Ciutille, sl.es 20 to :M, is a special fa vorite with all stout figures, ;!..0. 1'. I). Corset No. 1.".4, for stout, medium and slender ligures, J.thi. Nemo Cor set from 1. no to !."iiH. 1'. N. Corset, with cork pad, steel protector, from I.iki to .'.oo. We carry all popular makes. The most popular Corset Waists are the Eiiui poise, Ferris and the new iMuhlc V. How's This? Wt'UlTrr lli- llllllilri'ii Hollars liew:tnl fur liny cum' of Catarrh lliul rummi lie cured hy llull' Cuturrli C lire. I . .1. CIIKNKY CO.. Toledo. ( I. We, the undersigned, have known K. .1. Clieiii y for I lie lit-l l.i years, anil In lleve lilni perfeeily luuioralile In all Inislness iransae llniis mid II mi ii-lit I ly anle to rarrynut any uli llk'alliius nuide liy Ills linn. W 'AI.IH.M1. Kisnan & Maiivix. Wholesale I inm'tflsts, Toledo. O. Mail's Catarrh l lire Is lake Internally, iiet lun illnvily on the IiUhhI and nnircnis surfaces of the s) st fiii. Test Inionlals sent free. Price J cents imt Isittie. sold hy all druititlsls. 'lake Mull's I'amliy I'lllnfnr cuiisilpittleii. A- Fine Old Wines and Whiskies Ki'Val Tl.-i r t.iu irai'.on Ne.soii Count v hUUey. k-allnn. J'eaeh I r. li:r.l. k-:llii Musi-atel U inc. kMiinu jioyal Pert inc. k-ailon.. .. neva! sin rrv. i;;,.n Aiik-cllea Ini'. Dillon Muiim'a Wine, k-uilmi IIIiickUTry llrmidv. miUon. Mk- Ih.r elk-lit k-ar.ims . .. hei! He r- incs Case lleer- unarts. two doen .! ( use I'., cr- ilnts, threv doi n.. . :i im ,-i i en HI . hi . J HI . '.'HI . J HI . i :.i . ; . I '. 6 ' I- : !''"' Your Orders !v M.nil STREET T-, I : FINE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE . . L ! Murray-AtrjMKe,m.dy, Tina Ha- Reception at t!u Higli Sshesl Building ij(u-tt.mrMe Alllvm All,,.onve Int.rntlr Iffilr I."'.'l'a "dieand Nehie Hell. interesting Affair. c,,i,rt cvkAi1l(. Wl ;Ti, M;llKle The teachers of Ciss ce.i'ty. aei-onj I'a J lug to Mayor (it-ring, have H.e tr.v - dom of the city Tliey can Wilt" they please ami f.o as H ey without Interference I nun toe At the nceplioi) Motnlav . i i . i ... . i : t. loin tneiii tins iii so iii.tn ,,,f delivered tliem over .v.. ,., , tn.t l.umo.ous appprj,,'.. speech. After the. r.-.jyojXj afH,ess a Pr gram P'.eparxsl tir the n-casion was rt'"'nl. Vis Lucile Hates sang fhr S'urutier Hoafand in response to ciKHire rendered "Iavie Jones' Launh-tt-r." The audience seemed to appre ciate lxith pieces very highly. Then followed the address of Mrs. Stoutenboiougli, and it is needless to say that her remarks were of that na ture as to inspire every teacher pres ent. Mrs. Stoutenliorougli is a most pleasing speaker and has a (acuity for drawing the most strict attention. Her address Instilled in th- minds i t tluise in whose inteiest she spoke many thoughts for future reference in then profession. Mrs. Stoutciiiroiigli was followed hy Miss Kdith Martin, who sam; "Mayti " in a most pleasiin: manner and wliich delighted hei hearers. Miss Maitio is one of those happy little souls who is right at home wherever you place lier in the school room, or as an instructor i'i the insti tute. Siiperiutdndent ionise was calieu upon by County Superintendent Wort man, and of course, the projessur, al ways being prepared forsuch emergen cies, entertained the teachers with a few well chosen remarks. Superin tendent Sherman followed I'M. Koiim and as this was an evening for a go m social iime, in- interspersed his re marks with witticism-, the same as the gentleman that preceded hiie. After the remarks of I'm. Sherman, Superintendent Wortinan read the following telegram dated at Waboo: "Knthusiastic Saunders cuunly teachers send greetings to Cass county teachers." .1. W. Masolk, Co. Supt. The following reply was sent: "We unanimously vote thanks and return greetings with best wishes.'' Fruit punch was provided by the city teachers, which was served by several of Plattsmouth's most, beauti ful little misses. The regular course of lectures' as planned Is heing attended by the teachers generally and by many of our citizens. The subjects are interest ing and are well received by the audi tors. I'criiaps a larger number of teachers are present than were expect ed. The ladies (Cod bless them!) can always be depended upon to be on hand when there is anything enter taining going on. Let it al-o be said, to their credit, that the ladies largely preponderate at the institute, which is perhaps the reason everything Is working so smoothly-they have the power to make the male attendants "stand around and behave them selves." X'tmsiderhik' evervthltiv' rhp auenuaiice is quite large and more than usual Interest Is manifested. Following is a list of teachers pres ent: l'lattsmouth Mrs. May Morgan, Misses Loretta Clark, Klla Kennedy, Maude McCullocli, Emma Edwards, Mary Tutt, Mabel Freest;, Anna John son, Hertlia Kennedy, Francis Iliber, Alma Hodman, Hilda Hoswlck, Lydia Taylor, Amelia Martens, Cora Walker, Matde Hayes, Nellie Whaleii, Clara M. Walker, Lettle Smith, Hattie E. Fight, (Jladys Ackerman, Evelyn Tav- lor, Hlrdella Smith, Emma Freshman, ernaCole, Myrtle Levlngs, Anna Helsel.Mary Trilety, Julia Kerr. Susie Shopp, Elizabeth Mason.Josie Velinek, and C. C. MotTet. Weeping Water-Kate Ku-sell, Es ther Mansfield. Nellie Hird, Ella Iom Ino, Annette Woods. Mildred Hart, Lena Hums. Mabel Ha vis, FloydCana dy, Ina liarmer, Sterling Emmons, Edith M. Johnson. Hernlce Coodale, Walter Kressen, Ethel Cordon! Sarah Coleman, Fern Halston. Lee Holden, John Fate. Mertle Fowler, Pearl Wil kinson. I'nion-LueHa Taylor. Carrie Han ning, Alice Thrall, llosa o'Domiel', Nettie Turner. Louise Mlekle, Minnie Taylor, Mina Lynn. Elm wood -Laura Miller, Anna Ho lcnback, Coyne Clirlstianson, Craee Tolburst, Millard C. I.etller, f-adle lllvett. May Sias. Wahash-E E. Fowler, Teresa Tighe, A.M.Towle, Evelyn Colden. Mahle Vauevery. Louisville -C. M. IVtcrs-m. Leda Koss. Mary MeCrew, Cora Isniav. Mynard-Nellie Jean, Millie Vuibbs, Edna 1'ropst. Murdi-ck-Euima l'lckwell. IMelle , Charlotte WurU. Alvo-Irene Nickel, llarhara Nickel. Hetlmny-Etta Crahtree, Certrudo Sias. Nehawka-Harris T. Massle. Ltra Pollard. Manley-Lillian C. Tighe, Eugene Tighe. Ashland-Edith Moon, Carrie Hrush, MaU-l Atw . .d. Lynn Hrush. ,ia? "': Etlxl lnl,n. ery, urace t- neuv i Mati dry'?, Omaha; M ie Camel- On. Stiuth lU-nd; Minnie llorsh. Lin- coin: Ltiuise Maiiuardt. Avtica: Eilie We'-ier, Ctuversiiy l'mce;Cuia Estnay, Valley: (ira!dln Mt.ckdale, Vutan: M. L. Fowler. Pacific Junction. The Old Reliable Dealers H.C.McMaken and Son HAXI'LE THE BEST ICE ON EARTH And are Ready t Deliver it in Anv Ouantitv. Orders Promptly Filled TELEPII'iNES 'lat Ismouth N'os. 2. 71! and N-'hraska No. "2 Kunsmann St Ramge Still lead all other Meat Markets in furnishing the people of I'iatts inonth and vicinity with First Class Meats Of Every Description. Fresh and SmoHed Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc REMEMBER They have removed to the lirst room west of their old stand. Py courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and gain many new ones. Independent Cigar FACTORY! Tut:. 5c CIGAR, ClmlleDtf'Coniiiiirlw n In (juuiit mid Worluinuislilp. JULIUS PEPPERBURG, M iinufiicturer. ED. FITZGEBAID, rnorniETon of c). Livery ; Hack and it Baggage Line. MOVING TAN. Heaiovitm of Household G ootid a SiH-einltv. Also, Ilenvy l)rnyini. FOLEYSHONEMCAR Curat Coldti Prtvantt Pnaumonla KILLthiCOUCH and CURE tmk LUNGS Dr. King's Now Discovory OXSUMPTION Pric OUGHttntf 60okI.OO OLOS Frc Trill. biirvat nd Uuickttt Uur for ail THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONET BACK. ICE There is ii Meit.iy ,Vt: an'1 fr yownir n,en ;i for l'u-li is. nrrr'nii i COURSES- Business. Shortbrnd and Typtwrttlng. Prtparatory sad Ttttgrtphy Special Frtturrf 1 Tea 'hers of ku.-cessfu l,usinessp, rU ncc . Kvcelieiit .,iuii)iiieiit. :i IIiomjIi. (irietlcul t nurses 4. IVrs-nal Inter, st Int a. h student, i. Ansls tiiiiee In e-urliik- iiiployment. Catalogue Free Write tV Lincoln Business Collerje. Lincoln, Neb. CEDA IbM The Home Poled Durham Bulls FOR SALE High Grade Pedigreed Stock Tele Cedar Lawn Stock Farm LOUISVILLE. Ayers Pills Want your moustache or beard abeautlful brown or rlchblack? Use rllSKEY f Bottled in Bond, Phillip PLATTSMOUTIT. - . w tr ..rmP-Jt wmm. jj jii Limit. ' We lake this opportunity of returning our most sincere tlmnks fr past favors, and solicit a continuance of your patronage in the future. During I'.XH, we shall endeavor to supply the market, as usual, with that Which Suits the People! both in quality and prices. Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, we invite all to come and be comforted by making your purchases from the largest furniture house in riattsmouth. Sattler Fassbender. I'd yo.inif umn ln Kre th. isiunhly tmincd o.- eol,.c In meet ll.v u. n.al.d. STOCK FARM J. D. FERGUSON NEBRASKA. The great rule of health Keep the bowels repular And the great medicine Ayer s Fills. i. C. Avar Co LOwi.ll. mm. DIIPIIMPLIAM'O nvr MfluHMffiA J" J.f " -3 Tl fvm of m n.J Choice 1 G. FRANZ EN " Merchant Tailor. The nly otic in Plattsmouth that car ries a lare assortment of suit ings, fancy pantins and vest ing for you to select from. All work firsc-class and of the latest styles. Cleaning and repairing given prompt attention. Room 227 Coates Block Plattsmouth - Nebraska. is the Cheapest In tbc JCnM Toor Whisky ia not only dis-acret-nble to tnste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't kuow how good it is come in and try it. PRICES: Guckenheimcr.nye, per gallon. . .14 00 Yellowstone, " " ... 4 OG Honey Pew, " " ... 3 00 liltf Horn, " "... 2 00 Thierolf. - - NEBRASKA & 1904! k C.reei.wood-M;,,,!!,.! Lee, W. p. i