The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1904, Image 2

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"C.i.t U. il," tlic favont.' c'.k'ar
I., i.! 1 1 ..' 1 1 Urn's ad in this paper.
Pi. M.tishall. dentist, FitrvraM
: , ti t:iu- t" IVltlsiiieiitl,
id :.. ; -u r"iii Hi
JiiiLcS M. Chapman ai 1. 1 w ilV wen
t ,i Kit. 'is Monday
M vl ill pi 1 1 1 ,ir I 'ni u u
i V .lis i.i. .Hi isitoi f i iil;i .
! . . ! clil of t lie ( 'nui it i wa
.i : . 'ii l.i'tiK lilc M ! h i :i y .
r iv.ii..
yt;' ' Hi
'I if. 1. !
Mis Me
Nci' , is ;
i ll v
Wit. .
I 'l lis'
ii h;is cone tn t lir wcs'i i ii
slate mi lilisllirvs.
.1V is anil W iff I'f Weeping
cii lii Plattsiniiiith Friday,
i I'attcisnii cf Arapahoe,
-iting 1 1 1 r parents In tins
Mi Kay. hvuik mar Weeping
..i a county seat visitor last
'I fruit df all kinds with Ice
ii 1 1, nnly V at i m'I iug Co.'s.
'I 'i.' in .)( that nii'an.siiiality is Pat
ii.n's Si, i Proof Faint. Sold oiilv by
'nil '. ( 'ii.
" i.ini -simirr lianiiiiik' went I. (inic
Tin . l i v en i nc to look alter some
Ii;,ii;,".n n. alters, ri'i uriiiiikr today.
After a brief visit witli relatlvcsaiid
tririin-in this i'ity, lioU rt liallaiux',
I sun departed fur their home
wile I'
III I 'i i
I'm imI
I" 1 1 -.
ll.l .'I
M. v
in W
I ut.l i ma ii. who was visiting
- 1 1'ie fur si'Vi'iiu days, leturmd
n ne In sewaid, Neh , Thurs-
niM),' last
:;mies 1. N. Woodford, II. I'.
m and Ii. S. Wilkinson, of Weep-
i"l', Were quests of Mis. II I .
i. 1st Week.
li i. irnves of the Ledger says they
are pi paring for the "Ulggest Show
h i I.i.' I n'1 at I'liiiiii on the llitli and
-'ot.ii ni August. 'I a ie the dates
tor t'n "Id settlers' reunion.
Mi ind Mrs. Louis Severance of
I'anM; loiinty, South Oakota, after a
' I i-1 l N'sil, here with Mr. and Mrs. W.
1 Ih land, left Monday to view the
siuhis at the St. Louis fair.
.'. ii -i I pat Ion causes two-thirds of all
Mi-kii ss in the world. Why sutler
win 'i llolllsler's Kicky Mountain Tea
will kc you well and keep you we
;."i c :.i s. Tea or t.ahlet form, Gering
11 M'ii don't come to riatlsmouthon
the I'i urth, you will miss the grand
est and most elaUrate celeliratlon
ever , idled oil in southeast Nehraska
i'onu . and bring your entire family.
M-. and Mrs. r red llolka or iiear
Sunt , Hend, were in the city Friday,
and Idle here paid the Journal a
Inief visit, Mr. Ilalka for the purpose
of evening up his account on our sub
script ion list.
Iv you need more Mood, and more
Ilesl,, do you need more strength this
siii: Ilollister's Kocky Mountain
T-a will bring them all. If It falls
your money back. X" cents. Tea or
tablet form, tiering - Co.
Mis. 11. L. Klrkham and children, of
liel.e Fourche, S. )., are visiting her
pur nts. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ileal
Mr Klrkham Is one of the publishers
of the Northwest Post, at that place
and a former riattsmouth publisher.
Wantko - In this vicinity at once
reiiatile man toad as our represents
live. We can furnish bank references
A pleasant, well-paying situation and
sure money. Address at once, Kidg'
way Kemedy Co., -0 Mock
Omaha. Neb.
August l' and "JO are the dates llxed
for the Sixteenth Annual Ke-unlon of
o'd settlers of Cass and adjoining
counties, at Fnloii this year. The en
terprlsing people of Union and vicinity
are making preparations for a ' whop
per" this year.
Mrs. John T. F.vatis, wife of South
Hend's grain merchant and daughter
f Mrs. J. II. Wells of this city. accom
panied by her two boys, returned from
VA Paso, Texas, last week, and is visit
ing her mother. Mrs.' Evans spent
the winter In Florida and Texas for
the sake of her eldest son's health,
jvhlch suffers under the rigorous cold
of Nebraska winters.
"I have been troubled for some time
with Indigestion and sour stomach,"
says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis of Lee,
Mass., "and have been taking Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets,
which have helped me very much, so
that now I can eat many things that
before I could not." If you have any
trouble with your stomach why not
take these Tablets and yet welly For
sale by all druggists.
Some people who own property in
this city and rent it. are very slow to
tlx It up, when It would be money in
their pockets to keep the same In a re
spectable shape. They evidently think
that if one wont rent It another will.
The trees In the orchard want looking
after, the fences are down, the bam
going to rack, all for want of a little
intention. The renter can't afford to
keep these things In shape, and pay
bik' rent, too. Yet to a certain extent
the man who rents Is blamed for the
condition of the property In which he
lives, but unjustly so. It Is the duty
of the owners or their agents to l-x k
attc these matters.
The Ust soda water li
j t'-C! tug ' o 's.
! l.rr ii.ll , i I I llll.'ll.a. Slll'll.iyed
1 with his ii, other lele.
lr. frank L. Cummins, dentist
Oilicc with lr. I.. I', Cummins.
F. W. Fowler f Weeping Water
was a i'oin.t si a! visitor Monday.
That real, siiiix.) h, tastef'il icecream
soda costs niily .' (ierilV.X, Co.'s.
lion William I vies I .'rnier, of F.lm-
wood was a county seat visitor Satur-
(i'M's further. 1'ioks hetti r ami lasts
"iik'er. Fa'twii s Mm I'roof I amt.
ei iiii Co ak'eiits
W. II. Ileil the bik' cattleman ol
F.ik'bt Mile I ; rove, was In the city Sat
urday and n portsUiecurtiduiiiirtlncly.
hau Smith, foreman of the II. & M.
paint shop, l as Urn sulTerlnj; from a
severe attack ol Inllaiiiinatory iheu-
mat ism.
Mr. and Mrs liyron Clark departed
Sunday lor a trip to West Virginia
mil thence to the Keystone state to
visit relatives.
A mariiak'c permit was granted by
Indue Travis Monday to Fred Fowler,
ik'ed twenty one, and M iss 'live Cood-
mau, iik'e l seventeen, both of Weeping
Into each life some ruins must fall,
Wise people don't sit down and bawl;
Only fools suicide or take to lllk'ht,
Siirut people take Kocky Mountain
Tea at nlk'ht. -(iei lny & Co.
Nelnuska City Is enjoying a street
fair Mils week The Faiker Amuse
ment entel pi ise, one ol t he lu st street
fair companies in the country, is en
tertaining the people.
Mrs. Wellinan returned Moi.dayfrom
heiiver, to which point she was called
on account of the Illness of her daugh
ter in-law, Mis. John l!mley. She re
ports that lady coiivulcscliik'.
(ieo. II. Meisliik'er, a member of one
of the lines!, families that ever crossed
the M Issoiirl river Into Nebraska, hand
ed us a dollar Tuesday eveuliu to ad
vance his subscription another year.
Cards are out announciiik' tin: mar
riage of Mr, Louis Lorcnz and Miss
llessle Lauvct.. which will occur at
St. Mary's Kosary Church, In this city,
on Monday, June 27, HmU, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. (1. (i. Iodd who have
been vlslthik' at the home ,or J. II.
Kichey, have k'one to Missouri Valley,
whi le they will visit a Miorl time he
fore returning to their home in Kan
sas City.
Kev. Wiley Solmaf or I'niversity
Fiace and Miss Nellie L. Sams were
united In marriage at the home of the
bride's parents, near Klinwood. on
Tuesday, June Jl, Iimu. The happy
couple will reside in Colorado.
Treasurer Wheeler lias a bitf force
assisting on the delinquent tax list,
and he expects to have the same ready
for the printer this week. It has been
a bik' Job. The banner precinct In the
county is Tipton, which shows only
about if J., vi back taxes. Tins speaks
well for the farmers of Tipton.
Joe Tlk'he and son, Kuene, drove
over from Wabash Monday, the son to
attend Institute and Mr.Tlk'he to com
bine business with a visit with friends,
lie honored the Journal with a brief
visit Tuesday evening, which was a
very pleasant one to us. Joe Tk'lio Is
one of Cass county's liest citi.etis and
we are always pleased to meet him.
The remains of William II. Iliskey,
who met with a fatal accident at
Lincoln last Monday, arrived in the
city Tuesday for bur a'. The deceased
was a former resident of riattsmouth.
The funeral occurred yesterday after
noon under the auspices of the A. O. V.
W., of which order he was a member.
A widow and Infant child survive the
J. A. Walker and Dr. Ciilmore were
here from Murray Mouday, and while
Doc. let the Ikjht of his genial counte
nance beam in upon the Journal force
our old friend seemed to stray away as
far as possible for fear we mlk'ht set a
tfllmpse of him. We were pleased to
learn, however, that he Is netting
quite stout ak'aln and thinks some of
attending the democratic convention
at St. Louis July ti.
The M. W. A social at Mynard Sat
urnay nik'in was a k'rami success so
cially and financially. There was a
I atve attendance, and ice cream and
strawberries were there in profusion
and everybody enjoyed the occasion.
The members of the Woodman camr
at Mynard are noted for their enter
tainhik' qualities, and It Is said by one
tie world at! hr. Marshall, hnitist, plates that
Harry Kulniey and wife wcic tiuabu
isitois Monday .
Smoke the Wuii Ilros.' celebrated
"Cut lleil" cik'ars.
Fred W.ik'rier was down from L"iils-
iiie MltUlday "'Ii lillsiliess.
l;ev W. Hint., of Murdock. was a
1'i.ittsiiioiith visitor Tuesday.
I'eter Fvi liind and wife of Murd'K-k.
were county seat visitors Tuesday.
L. W. Lorcnz. of tlieriniiol Loien.
Ilros , was a husiness visitor toOmaha
Not bow cheap hut how k''od. rat
loon's Sun From Faint. Sold only by
tiering ,: Co.
If you are a judk'e of a irood smoke,
try the "Acorns" " cent clk'ar and you
will smoke no Other.
W. II. Mchaniel, the new merchant
ol Murray, was in the city Friday. He
sas he Is ready for business.
Why do the bik' shows shun liatts
mouth? Is it because they have top'
s far out to k'ct k' round to pitch their
Mrs. Floyd l'hebus and children de
parted lor Heaver City, Neb., Tuesday
where they will visit for some time
with friends.
Mrs. 1'. Wilke and daughter who
were visitiiik' the family of I'. F. Coos
hi this city, departed for the state of
Washington Tuesday.
(ilenwiKCl had the l'an-Amerlc;iii
show last Tuesday. Hut very lew peo
ple knew It over here or they perhaps
would have had a crowd.
Washington Smith and wile spent
Sun-day in Central City, Nebraska,
with their daiik'hter and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Cicrth.
Mrs. J. I''. Com lis of (leneva, Neb.,
came in Monday evening with her. son,
J. M. Combs, the latter having Uen
on the sick list for some time.
MissUuth ratlersonof NorthlNatte,
Neb., and Miss Stella Cox of Murdock,
are visiting friends in the city and in
cidentally takhik' in the institute.
Ceo. Iloin, the Cedar Creek yrain
merchant, gave the Journal a call this
inorniiik'. Mr. Horn was enroute for
Nebraska City to see the Street Carni
val. .
Judk'e Jessen Mulshed upall business
connected w ith he May term of dis
trict court, and left for his home Sat
urday. No more court imw till No
vember. F. M. Massie of Mt. I'leasant pre
cinct, and one of the hustliiik' demo
crats of Cass county, was in Hiq. city
Monday, and favored the Journal with
a brief call.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lntz, accompan
ied by their son, went to Omaha Tues
day, where they placed the latter In
.... SUMMER SALE ....
fW!NG to the lateness of the season we have a lare stock of summer
dress joods on hand in Lawns and Tissues, Embroidered
Swisses, etc., and in order to reduce the stock we have placed these
ale at from
k'oods on
5c to 19c per yard.
Plenty of Cheap
From 4Sc per pair up.
Don't forget we are agents for
None better.
New Line Just Received.
We have a lieautiful line of these goods in the ACORN brand, from
$1.00 to $3.75.
Ail Departments Complete.
No Broken Lots.
The Burlington's Low Rates to Sum
mer Tourists.
(Jo somewhere this summer: if not
to St. Louis then to the mountains,
takes and seashore. Kxaminc this
k'reat scheme of vacation tours:
St. Louis and return all kinds of re
duced ratesdaily. besides special coach
excursions each Monday in June.
Chicago and return either direct or
via St. Louis, daily low rates; also very
cheap June Hi to -0.
Iudianpolis and return, June2iiand
27, l'.u;.Y
Atlantic City and return, July ! and
10, .flU.oo.
Cincinnati and return, July l." to 17,
Denver, Colorado Sprinus. Feublo,
(tleiiwood Spriiik's, Salt Lake, Black
II ths practically half rates all summer.
Michluau, Minnesota and Wisconsin,
Asthrrja Sufferers Should Know This.
Foley's Honey and Tar has cured
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph I'.ues
intr, 701 West TUird street, Davenport,
la., writes: "A severe cold contracted
twelve years ak'o was neglected until
it finally grew Into asthma. The best
medical skill available could not nive
me more than temporary relief. Foley's
Honey and Tar was recommended and
one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me
of asthma, which had been ir row ink' on
me for twelve years, and if 1 had taken
it at the start I would have been saved
years of sutTerin." For sale by F. (.
.Fricke & Co.
tours very favorable rates stop-overs
at St. Louis on through tickets. See
the grandest creabiou by the hand of
man. Ask the ak'ent for full details, or
write L. W. WAKKLEY,
General 1'asseiik'er Ak'ent, Omaha.
World's Fair Rates to St. Louis
Via Hurlink'ton Route.
Tickets to St. Louis and return
Good fifteen days, $110.
Good sixty days, $l").3.".
Good all summer, lis.40.
Fur full Information about train ser
vice and other details see the ticket
The St. Louis Exposition the great
est show the world has ever seen is
nnw lYimnletn nnd In bnTnonioiis nner-!
if you fail to see it.
who was there that they "did Minus I tor republican was In the city Friday
up brown" even t ) waiting on tables, j on business and a very pleasant caller
washing dishes, etc., somethink' the j at Journal headquarters. This Is the
men are not used to at home. tirst time the Journal people have met
Fhillip Cook, wife and smi came in I Mr- Keithley, and we found him to be
from l'ierce county, Neb., Tuesday,
one of the hospitals for treatment foHthe lake reS(,rts and ,.lke steamer
The Davis property on the comer of
Tenth and l'earl streets. In which
Prof. House is now livlnif, and which
Is now owned by J. H, Ilecker, has
been ureally Improved In looks by be
inir nicely repainted.
Stops more pain, relieves more suffer
ing, prevents more heart aches and
diseases than any other remedy. That
Is what Ilollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea will do. ;ij cents In tea or tablet
form. Gerlng & Co.
II. V.. Pankonin of Louisville, was
down ou business Monday, and nave
the Journal a pleasant call. Mr. Pan
konin Is one of the rock-ribbed demo
crats of Cass county whom it isalways
a pleasure to meet.
Mrs. J. II. Becker, living west of the
city, fractured one of her arms Tues
day, by a fall while picking cherries
Dr. Livingstou attended her, and at
last reports was getting along as well
as could be expected.
Now is the time to take a spring
tonic to purify the blood, cleanse the
liver and kidneys of all impurities
Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do the business. 3" cents. Tea or
tablets. Gering & Co.
Mrs. Lelia Dugay passed through
the city Tuesday, enroute to Brewster,
Neb., to visit a sister. Mrs. Dugay Is
a teacher In the Cnion schools and
spent a few hours here very socially
with her sister and brother teachers.
Mr and Mrs. C. C. Parmele and
children departed for St. Louis Thurs
day evening last, where they will
spend a week or two at the fair, thence
to New Orleans by boat. From this
p lint they will go to the eastern coast
where they will spend some time.
J. K. Keithlev. of the Weening Wa-
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
A Strong Heart
is assured by perfect digestion. Indi
gestion swells the stomach and pulls it
up against the heart. This causes
shortness of breath, palpitation of the
heart and general weakness. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure cures Indigestion, re
lieves the stomach, takes the strain off
the heart and restores it to a full per
formance of Its function naturally. Ko
dol Increases the strength by enabling
the stomach and digestive organs to
digest, assimilate and appropriate to
the blood and tissues all of the food
nutriment. Tones the stomach and
digestive organs. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Feel Impending Doom.
i he feeling of impending doom in
the minds of many victims of Blight's
disease and diabetes has been changed
to thankfulness by the benefit derived
from taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It
will cure incipient Brik'ht's disease and
diabetes, and even in the worst cases
gives comfort and relief. Slight di
atlon and It will be a lifetime's regret ; orders are cured in a few days. "I had
aiaoetes in its worst lorm." writes
for a short visit with relatives. Mr.
Cook, in company with his brother.
Charley, nave the Journal a pleasant
call yesterday, and says he Is well
pleased with his new home, to which
he removed several months since.
Wlille he will yet a while have a long
ing for the scenes of his childhood, he
says he has no Intention of coming
back here to live, lie Reports all the
Cass county people In 'S vicinity in
tine .shape, with splendid prospects I e
to' 'betn.
a very pleasant gentleman, and was
k'iad to make his acquaintance.
The Journal isalmost wlllingto wa
ger that Plattsmouth has more secret
societies than any town of the same
sie in Nebraska. There are four
lodges of the A. o. C. W. witli a com
bined memtxTship of nearly live hun
dred. We have Masons, Kid Fellows,
K. of p., F.Iks. Woodman of the World.
Woodman of America, Maccabees.
Lakies, G. A. K , to say nothing of
the lodges to which wmi.e
F. 1'. Sheldon, of Nehawka, was here
yesterday on business.
Mrs. L. W. Berger, of Lincoln is vis
iting riattsmouth friends.
Rev, Burgess, will hold services at
the Masonic ITome Sunday afternoon
at 4:30.
W. K. Fowler, state supertntendant
of schools, visited the institute Tues
day and Wednesday.
Quite a numher of Piatt. mlans are
attending the street carnival at Ne
braska City tills week.
It costs a little more but is by far
the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint.
Gerltig & Co., sole agents.
Invest some of your money In Platts
mouth Telephone stocks and get lo
per cent, yearly dividend on it.
Rev. G. J. Feeney, of Auburn: Rev.
Win T. McKenna. of Nebraska City:
and Rev. l'rount. of Palmyra, attend
ed the closing exercises of M. John's
school, Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Louis Ernest, Kvansviiie, Ind.:
"Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is
splendid. Makes sjck people well.
Marlon Lee of Dunreath, Ind. '"I tried
eight physicians without relief. Only
three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure
made me a well man." For sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Less than Half Rates to St. Louis
and Return.
On Mondays, Juueti, 13, 20 and 27,
the Burlington offers tickets to St.
Louis and return at fSA pood, for
seven days considerably less than one
fare for the round trip.
Tickets are good in coaches and chair
cars (seats free).
The magnificent exposition is now
complete and In harmonious opera
tion. You will regret it all your life if
you fail to see this wonderful exposi
tion. Illustrated folder free, and full in
formation on application to Burling
ton Route agent or to L. V. Wakeley,
I General Passenger Agent. Omaha, Ne-
i braska.
This Space Will Be
Occupied by
Commission House
Branch Office
223 Coates Block
Platts 'Phone 241
I'UTtsmouth : : Neliniskii.
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
and foreclosure of mortgages a specialty
iSuivcssi.r to Dr. ,1. M. Greene.)
COATS BLOCK. Plattsmouth 'Phone 28.
Tbrown Frotrj a Wagon.
Mr. Geoive K. Palcockwas thrown
from bis wagon and severely bruised.
i He applied Chamberlain's Pain Palm
I treely and says It Is the best liniment
jhe ever used. Mr. liak'Ock is a well
Cured me after others failed." Tea or known citizen of Norm Plain, Conn.
tiVet tor n r cents G.'iln - ( "n H bete Is nothing 0'iual to Pain Halm tor.n. .t. tints, imitu Co. ; for spralllS .,, ,(rmS(.s, n will ellect
Geoive IVatv ti is now engaged in! a cure in one-third the time required
making all necessary arrangements to ' hY "' other treatment. For sale by
establish an o!V;ce In the city under the 1 a" rimrits"
mine of ii;c"P;aUsniouth Credit p,u-1 Plattsrrjouth Telephone Stock
reau and Collective .U'cncy", to work j p;iys 0 per cent, dividend. P.uv a few
In harmony with state Institutions of share while y.,o ran mi it
a similar character. He has received
great i iK'ouiak'eim tit s.i far from the
business men. and should receive the
support of every business man In the
are j city. Mr. Pears n Nan excellent man
' t j man.'ik'e such a business,
Marshall. Ientist, guaranteed
top th ooutfh kBdhttU JunfC
$2.25 and $2.50
If You Want Tans We Hove
Them at $2.00 Up.
in smooth, fine Don
kToh, Military Heel,
Blucher Ctit,' a well
dresser's choice, for
Excursion Rates Over the M. P.
The Missouri Pacilie railroad will
sell "coach excursion" tickets to the
St. Louis Imposition from June to
the at ?s:.-ii for t10 mml tl.p
('. V. Stih TKNnounriiii,
Five Per Cent. Discount on Tele
phone Bills.
A discount of . per cent, will be
allowed on telephone rentals paid one
year In advance.
Plattsmoi'.mi 'Ji.Kr"i': Co.