'Iblattsmoutb 5ourn Volume XXIV PLATTSMOUTH. (NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 1904. Number 25 al TART CURB STONE JOSHINGS Culled, Clipped, Penciled and Prepered for the Readers of the Journal. - Tin1 nice horse or hliiml polltU-liin Klnils life hut a -liiimv tit most : Smut-tliiies lie wliii om with priM-UUiii. Ami otiii'lliiif lit- nets left ut thu post. Fourth of July one week from'next Monday. Celebrate in Plattsmouth. No man can successfully preserve friendship in alcohol; it won't keep.' The successful man roots while his unsuccessful brother stand aroundand squeals. ' i When a girl begins to encourage her best fellow to save money she mean business. , i. If fish could talk some of the anglers in I'lattsmonth would have to revise their yarns. ''!' It may be vulvar to po about in your shirt-sleeves, but it Is mighty comfort able, you bet. Are you coming to Plattsmoutli'on the Fourth? You bet you are ifou want to enjoy a good time. It isn't what the average man knows about the hereafter that frightens him; it's what he doesn't know. Some men in this city would rather tell an agreeable He than a disagree able truth, and never shudder. Why can't the man in the moon get rich? Because he only has four quar ters and gets full once a month. A summer girl's Idea of economy is to make one hammock do for two. But will that work in Plattsraoutb? The farmers are very busy these days, consequently but few venture to town unlessupon very urgent business. An old bathelor of this city says "a married man can live on less than one of his number provided his wife takes in washing. Bear In mind, boys, that when you get a justice of the peace to marry you then you are in line for an appeal to a higher court later on. The school marms are with us this week. That Is easily discernable when one sees so many smiling and pretty faces upon the streets. In Maryland they fine gentlemen for kissing their typewriter girls. It is an outrage to rob an honest taxpayer in that cowardly manner. The coal barons have added another ten cents to the price of coal not that they are in need of the money, but Just to show us that they can. That Nebraska City girl who grad uated this season and was married the next day, probably wanted to save the worry of a second new gown. Cherries are plentiful and cheap in this market. The prices range any where between G5 cents and 11,00 per bushel, and of excellent quality. Work upon the streets giei bravely on under the supervision of Commis sioner Cory. John is a bustler, and is making some commendable Improve ments. A Lincoln man attempted to drown his trouble by turning the hose on his mother-in-law. Wonder if any of our l'lattsmouth men ever tried this sort a scheme? An old bachelor in tills town gives as a reason for not marrying, "that there is apt to be trouble when the better-half discovers how the other hair lives." Some men In this town try hard to hide their rascality by assuming the role of Sunday school teachers, but It won't wash. They may fool the chil dren, but with grown people nit! Judge Weber fined a fellow the other day100for whipping his wife. The tine is big enough, but is the punish ment severe enough for for a wife beater? Insomecommunitles it would not be. Be careful! A counterfeit lOO bill, bearing a very poor likeness of Thomas II. Benton, Is in circulation. It might pay you to scrutinize your roll very carefully every night and morning. We do. An old maid of this city says about the meanest thing one girl can do to another Is to accuse her of having dis covered the secret of eternal youth, l'erhaps she knows what she is talking about. These are the days when we think of our happy boyhood, "the old swlmmln' hole," the creek full of lish waiting for the hook, going home In the evening with a string or twenty or thirty lish, the largest of which would measure about six inches. They were not worth cleaning, but our good old mother had them prepared for our breakfast next morning lust the same. After break fast we would hike out again for the creek, lish and swim all the time that we were not engaged In tying knots In other boys' shirts. Happy boyhood days, never to return. Clean Up! One week from next Monday Is the Fourth of July, and as we are expect ing the largest crow d that ever visited our city on any similar occasion, it w ill behoove our people to put on their best "bib and tucker." Dress up by having your business houses look tidy not only this, but see that the sur roundings of your home make a tine appearance. If every citizen will put in a few hours each day in cleaning up about their premises what a wonder ful change it would make! Pride is the up-building of our character and the chief Incentive of the younger generation. Let every citizen he a help In making our little city appear her prettiest on the great natal day, on which date: many strangers will be here. . V THE BIG FIRE AT HAVELOCK. B. & M. Blacksmith Shop Destroyed Which Employed Nearly One Hundred Men. We glean from the Lincoln News of Tuesday evening a few notes In refer ence to the burning of the B. & M. blacksmith shop at Ilavelock Tuesday morning: "The blackmith department of the Ilavelock machine shops was almost completely wrecked and ninety-six men thrown out of employment by llames which broke out in the southeast cor ner of the shop near the large furnace about 3:30 o'clock this morning. "The fire spread so rapidly through the oil soaked woodwork that an hour and a half was sufficient to make the destruction of everything combustible complete. "Nearly one hnndred men have been employed in the shop and were with out work this morning. Most of these will be provided for in one way or other by the officials. Some are going to take a vacation of a month or more, while others will be sent to work In the shops at McCook, Alliance, l'latts mouth or some other place on the system. The plan is to get things cleared up as soon as possible and start the w ork In the open. The officials say that within four weeks they think that it will be possible for part of the men to go to work again. "The building, which was erected prior to 1802 and was occupied in June of that year, cost 40,000. It Is esti mated that the machinery is worth in the neighborhood of 150,000. Much of It is of the most modern description. The master mechanic Is inclined to think that the roof of the shopcaugbt from the flue of the big furnace located In the northeast end of the building. "The shop men examined the ma chinery this morning and found that much of it is not damaged to any great extent. Some of the cranes, and finer machines were, of course damaged, but the anvils and hammers were practi cally uninjured. The damage Is not known exactly, but will probably reach ten thousand dollars. "The building will be rebuilt as soon as possible. If the walls are not dam aged and more than is at present ap parent the work w ill not 1 such a long job, and the size of the building, which is about 200 feet by seventy-five feet, will not be changed. I f It is necessary to tear down the walls of the building may be made larger than the present one." An Enjoyable Event. Last .Sunday Peter Munim, sr., was fifty-five years old and a few of his near friends dropped in to assist him In celebrating the event. It Is said that Uncle Peter "stood the storm" most manfully and made his guests feel right at home during their visit. Refreshments were served and those present speak in the highest terms of the capabilities of M r.and Mrs. Mumm for entertaining. The Journal wishes Uncle Peter may live to celebrate many more such events. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Soennichseii, Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. William Otter stem. Mr. and Mrs. (Jus Pit., Mr. and Mrs. August Mumm, Mr. and Mrs. Louis l'ouls lKal, Mr. and Mrs. Oco. Tarns, Peter (loos and Max Ploehn. Not Much After All. A little furore was created In the the city Monday by the circulation of a report that there was a case of small pox discovered within our limits. It seems that (ieorge Elldgc came from across the river somewhere to visit his mother, when he was taken sick. Sev eral physicians visited the home of his mother and found a very mild form of verlolold, and as soon as possible the patient was removed tothepest house. The case will not amount to much, as such cases seldom do, but to relieve all worry It was thought best to remove the patient from the city limits. THE GLORIOUS OLD FOURTH Plattsmouth Will Make the Eagle Scream Loud and Long on Independ ence Day. The several committees having in charge the management of the cele bration of the Fourth are working like beavers to make this the greatest event In the history of Cass county, and nothing will be left undone to ac complish this object. The program of the day is complete. The orations will be delivered In Ciarlield park, where also the Eagle quartette of Omaha will will render some of its choicest selections. The Bohemian band will also be on deck to furnish music. After the carrying out of the program In the park the crowd will adjourn to Main street wherethe fun will begin w ith all manner of amuse ment sack races, wheelbarrow races, water-tub races, etc., and daylight fireworks. At 1:30 In the afternoon will occur the grand parade, In which two prizes of five and ten dollars each is offered for the best tlower-decorated vehicle. It is the desire of the management to make this one of the principal attrac tions, and all are requested to Join In making It so. The various orders of of the city have been invited to Join the Eagles in making a fine display of their various lodges, and thus assist In making this feature of the celebration a grand affair in every particular.' There will also be exhibitions and competitive drills by the active mem bers of the l'lattsmouth Turnverein," and also a similar drill by the ladies' class of the Bohemian Sokol society. It is impossible to give the full pro gram in this article. Suffice to say that If you come to Plattsmouth on the glorious Fourth of July, 1904, you can depend upon enjoying all the amusement you may desire. So be sure and come. Quite Complimentary. In speaking of the teachers' insti tute held at York. Nebraska, the Tell er of that city has the following to say of two of our educators who assisted In the work of the Institute. It re fers to Trof. E. L. Rouse, superinten dent of our public schools as follows: "Mr. House, In his lectures on arith metic, history, geography and gram mar, presented thoughts that will make every teacher broader and bet ter. No one can tell better how to teach history than Mr. Rouse. All his talks were along these natural lines ana ins every statement was made in such a way as to carry con vlctlon with it." And referring to Miss Edith Martin says: "Miss Martin's room was always crowded when she talked on primary numbers, drawing or language. She is a good entertain er, not so much on joking, but goes af ter the meat of every question." The Teller also adds: "It Is good news to know that both of these have been engaged as Institute Instructors for next year." G. A. R. Reunion. Large, (laming posters are out an nouncing the district reunion of old soldiers at Elmwood, June 30, and Ju ly 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Elmwood people are making extensive preparations to care for a large number of people, and they never do anything by the half in that enterprising town. The old vet erans are thinning out rapidly and the people generally should turn out to these gatherings and by their at tendance prove U the old veterans that they have not forgotten their deeds of valor In the most critical pe riod of our country's history. Returned from Europe. Mrs. Ida C. Wagner and son, Earle, who had been touring Europe the past year, returned home Sunday night. Mrs. Wagner expresses herself as being much benefitted by what she saw in the different citlesand points of Inter est. Those who read her interesting letter published in the Journal several weeks since can best Judge of the pleasure she enjoyed abroad. A Dangerous Custom. Some people are very careless about getting their deeds recorded. Occa sionally a deed will come into (lie clerk's ortiee to lie recorded which may be tec. or fifteen years old. Tills Is certainly a very dangerous custom. It is not oil en true of luavy property owners, but is fiequeutly the case, where a person owns only a town lot or two; ant) sometimes when a farm has )een bought, the deed is not re corded for a long time. This Is ex tremely dangerous as the deedsare lia ble to U mislaid, lust, or destroyed by tiro, and the owner would have noth ing to slmw that he had title to the property. If the parties who had deeded It to him could not he found or had died, the parties owning the prop erty would lie compelled to go Into the district court to get title to their property. This would cause no little trouble and It might be a dinicult Job to clear it up. ANOTHER OLD CITIZEN GONE Silas E. Hall Dies Very Suddenly of Heart Trouble at His Home In This City. " Silas E. Hall, one of Plattsinonth's most highly respected citizens, died very suddenly at his home in this city on Friday morning, June IT, VM. It seems that for several years he had been troubled with heart disease, and just before his death he had lieen en gaged In some work aliout the prem ises. He was lying on the back porch apparently resting, when his wife and and daughter approached him. lie waved them off with his hand, telling them to go away, that he would soon be better. They had proceeded but a a short distance, when they noticed him raise his head and let it fall again. They again approached him, and the daughter raised his head in bcr arms, and almost in a second after he was dead. The deceased was born In James town, New York, and was seventy years of age. He came to Nebraska in 1H84, and for about sixteen years was engaged In the hardware business in this city, retiring from active business one year ago. A widow and eight grown children survive him five boys and three girls, as follows: Frank II. Hall, of Salt Lake City; John S. Hall of this city; Mrs. Belle (loodwln, of Cedar Creek; Miss Annie Hall, of this city; Ed Hall, of New Martinsville, West Virginia; Mrs. Mary Brown, of Tecumsch, Neb.; Alfred Hall, Wheel ing, West Virginia, and (leorge Hall, of Holdrege, Net). The funeral services occurred from the late residence of the deceased on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Ilaird of the Presbyterian church con ducting the services, after which the remains were conveyed to their last resting place In Oak Hill cemetery, attended by a large concourse of sym pathetic friends of the family. The pall bearers were Thomas Pol lock, J. N. Wise, John Waterman, W. II. Newell, P. P. Gass and J. M. Rob erts, all old friends of the deceased. Thus has passed away a most exem plary citizen, a good man, a loving husband and a kind and indulgent father. Crop Prospects. The past week has been warm w ith heavy showers In some southern coun ties. The dally mean temperature has averaged one degree above the normal. The rainfall exceeded an Inch in most of the counties south of the Platte River, and in a few places exceeded two inches. In northern counties the rain fall was generally about or somewhat less than one-half an Inch. The higher temperature of the past week has been very favorable for the grow th of vegetation. Winter wheat is well headed, and In a few places In southern counties is lodging slightly. Oats have Improved somewhat, hut In many places the st and is thin and some fields are spotted with yellow and un thrifty looking patches. (Irass In pastures and meadows con tinues in unusuaMy line condition. Alfalfa is being cut for the tirst time and the crop Is generally a heavy one. In southern count les the crop Is mostly cut and considerable damage was done by the rain of the week. Corn has grown well but Is still small and many fields arc weedy. However, substan tlal progress has liceti made In clearing the fields of weeds, especially In north cm counties. Summer and fall apples promise a fair to good crop, but w inter varieties will generally yield a ngtii crop. "Why Not Do It? A special Invitation has been extend ed by the Eagles for all the lodges In the city to participate in the parade on the 4th. Why not all turu out, and show to visitors what a demonstration the societies of Plattsmouth can make when they so desire. THE CLOSING EXERCISES. A Most Beautiful and Interesting Program Rendered By the Pupils ot St. John's School Tuesday Evening. The pupils of St. John's school gave a musical and drama! Ic entertainment in the I'iiruiele theatre at the close of the scholast ic year on Tuesday evening. In order t hat an oppoi t unity to do so might lie given those that desired to attend lr. Ross' lecture the same evening, the curtain was not raised until V4.V After a piano trio by some of the music pupils, the smaller girls to the number of about thirty, costumed to represent sedate young matrons and hearing doll babies lilcd onto the stage for the performance of the amusing comedietta called the "Rival Moth ers" or "The Bahv Show." Each pre ferred in strong, clear musical tones, a claim to the prize offered for the most beautiful babe, and when the Judge (Master Peter Chassot) had decided - necessarily In favor of one-the re mainder tiled olf, not as they had come on, hut In reckless Indignation at the slight cast upon their darlings. A not able feature was the song of remon strance sung very prettily by the ne gro mother, (lenevleve McElroy a tot of some six summers. These were succeeded by thesmaller I toys in a laughable drill entitled a "Two-Faced Fantasy," which owed Its comic effect mainly to the fantas tic dress of the little fellows, by which they were made to present a double aspect to the audience. The youth- ful performers seemed to enter thor oughly Into the spirit of the thing and to enjoy It as much as the audience. After the piano solo by Marie Fitz gerald, the somewhat larger girls gave a very pretty drill with hoops wreath ed In (lowers, the effect of which was heightened by the varl-colored lights thrown upon the performers. Another piano trio was followed by a song from Mary McElroy and this by a pantomime entitled the "Holy City," In which some twenty young girls il lustrated with graceful movement the various emotions and sentiments of that popular song, rendered on this occasion by Miss Luclle Bates, whose powerful voice filled the theatre with melody expressing in sound the ac companying poetry of motion. This concluded the first part of the program and the curtain fell. After a very short Interval the cur tain was raised on the "Bow and Ar row Drill," performed by the larger l)oys. They were clothed in jackets of Lincoln green, the traditional color of archery, and in rythmic motion kept time to the music of the piano, played by Francis Whalen, one of their com panions. Without any delay the principal piece of theevenlng, entitled "A Meet ing of the Nations," was then begun. This represented a gathering, under the tutelage of "Miss Columbia." of couples from the principal nations of Europe and Asia, habited in their na tional costumes and each singing as they came In two by twosome snatch es of their national songs. The spirit with which each one of the performers acted up to his or her part was commendable in the highest degree. The Scotch reel and Irish Jig were well received by the audience, and the songs of the (lerman, Bohemian and Italian, Swedish and Swiss couples, met with well-merited applause, but the house was brought down by the excellent diet ing ami remarkably st rong voices of the representatives of the yellow races, Master Chinaman and Miss Japan. "The Star-Spangled Banner'' was beautifully represented In pantomime by Miss Florence Fassbender, costumed as Columbia. The song was rendered in her customary happy manner, by Miss Lucile Bates, and as a gigantic national (lag was dramatically lowered in the rear of the stage, the audience broke into enthusiastic applause. Thejmeetlng of the nations then re tnrned to the state and sang their good-night chorus. The cantata was very ably accompanied on the piano by Miss Lorctta Clark. After a few re marks by Rev. W. H. Hrdley, the crowd dispersed. Both the sisters and their pupils are to be congratulated on the successor the evening, which evidenced careful and patient labor, as well as very con siderable talent. Perhaps the not least remarkable feature of the whole affair, was the smoothness with which everything worked, leaving nodull orembarrnsslng moment In the whole evening. This happy result was owing, the writer Is informed, In no small measure to the hearty cooperation of the manage ment and employes of the theatre. "Is This a Wrapper?" The following appeared in I he ( Inu la I Ue lust Sunday, ami or which the correspondent! ouchcs (or Its truth fulness. Rut as yet we have not seen any one here who lias seen the snake: "Last Frnlav Andy Songer was fish ing in the Missouri river, a few miles tie low t Ills ell y, on I he opposite side of the river. The lish weie not Idling very fast and while A inly was silting In the warm sun watching for his cork to bob under he was nearly slaitlcd out (it bis w Its at t he sight, of a huge snake which pioliudetl Its head over the bow of the boat. Recovering him self he grabbed an oar ami made a swipe at his snakeshlp, but missed 1 1 Int. The next moment I he snake ap peared right at Ids side and made a w Icked lunge at lilm. Andy ret rented to the other end of the boat, all the while striking al the snake with the oar. Finally the reptile had drawn nearly Its entire hotly Into the boat and was making for Andy with extended jaws, when a well directed blow struck its head and it was soon dispatched. M r. Songer brought the reptile to town and all who saw it say It was the big gest snake they ever saw outside of a show. It was a water moccasin, of a mottled brown color and over six feet long." Beautify Your Lawns. Well kept premises a I Mint a home have much to dt) with Its attractive ness mid saleable est filiate. Lawn mowers are cheap and exercise Is healthful and Invigorating and there Is no excuse for any one'syard to be all grown up In weeds and lull grass. We note with pleasure the general tenden cy on the part of Plattsmouth people to beautify their homes and the lawns tlierealiout. Pleasant and attractive home surroundings are conducive to physical, mental and moral develop ment. There is much pleasure In an attractive home and even an humble cottage may lie made attractive by a little exertion on the part of the own er, or even the renter; although t.ie former Is the gainer from the labors of the latter. "Don'ts" for rot Weather. Don't over-exert yourself. Don't wear heavy clothes. Don't wear a tight hat. iHin't remain In the sun after your skin becomes cold and clammy. Don't remain at work after your perspiration ceases and your pulse be comes feeble. Don't go about with uncovered head. Iion't eat as much as usual. Don't drink Intoxicating beverages. Don't drink water or anything else while hot. Don't get excited. Don't lose your temper. And, above all, keep cool. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony In great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump sumption Coughs and Colds to he une qualled. A recent expression from T. J.McFarland, Bentonvllle, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had bron chitis for three years and doctored all the time without Ixdng lienclitted. Then I liegan tak4ng Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effective in cur ing all lung and throat troubles, con sumption, pneumonia and grip, (iuar anteed by F. (J. Fricke ,t Co., drug gists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes Vie and Jl.no. Everybody Coming. The old man, the old lady, thu vms and daughters, the uncles and aunts, the young man and his lcst girl, and even the grandfathers and grand mot hers -the pioneers of the county for miles around art; coming to Plaits, mouth on the Fourth. Tiny know that by coming here they will attend the grainiest celebration ever held in Cass county. Quiet the Knocker. What are you going to do this t;u to help the town'.' Evcryliody should do something, be It ever so little. A few dollars spent in Improvement, a few words of praise spoken at t he right time, and a little personal effort in In ducing your friends to build property and locate here-all this will accom plish much. Let the "knocker"' hush and may the voice of progressive peo ple be heard. Three Physicians Treated Him With out Success. W. L. Yancy, Paducah, Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in Ken tucky treated me without success. 1 then took Foley's Kidney Cure. The first Untie gave Immediate relief, and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." For sale by Y. (J. Fricke Si Co.