MEXICAN Austang Liniment fur Muu, lliust or l'oultry. AiiiSfdiKji Liniment .ir. I'm-, ! .;u iin, Ui-uUcm. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment a uw for rr ity tur. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment l'.ctit fur Hurwe tuluu-iita. Austang Liniment Hiulii rH up SthTJoiists. Mustang Liniment curt- Frostbite uuJ Chilblains. mkxioan MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustanq Liniment MEXICAN . I it , . . . . MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN .."fi""?.!1"1 ?"0 J"ncnt Mus tang l Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment iHaHiHitii iuti lor I iioh t ur.H all form ofKbiumnllsiii. cure- Caked Udder In cow u, .. cu. :, ... ., . . MEXICAN MEXICAN always gives satisfaction. driven out till intlanimutlou. MEXICAN Weeping Water I tin Hi I .1. an At a it i i ! nit; n I In' schii'.l I man I Mi iin !. v ewiini,: V. V I'lun'liiT nf Cliiiiliiui was rli'i li'il siiici inli'iiili'iil , Miss lirrilliv (i Illli W.'In clri'tol to takf Miss lluwanl's pl;ice mi tin- liiM iiitninciliali'. Miss Wurt. nf M unlock as cUvtctl to till tin' varai't-v 1 t 1 Miss I .ai'r s ri signal i, in , 'I'lic assist- llllt- pi lln'iji.ll Hot i 11 ' 1 1 c'-r!ri ! . Miss v 1 1 , III'! ivnHirti'dat I'lalts- MIIMItll to ti'arll Hi,' tilH, ;,u, si If nidi's Wearc Vriv Sol iv In iim' Miss IjIh'i'.v from mir ciirps of trachrrs, fur sin; isnin'nf inn lii-st nisi mctors aiul we do nut likr Ik niw 1 1. r iii. We cull Uratulati" I 1 1 sun nit 1 1 upon Iht l'immI judgment. In adding her to ilicir force of Inst nit'lois. . K. Croinweil, the Miinlar land lord of the Hotel Cihbnii. met will) an unfortunate accident Friday after noon which partially disahles lilm fur the present, lb' was carrying a case of strawlierries to the hack door of the hotel and In passing t he hay window lie stepped oil' t he narrow walk and fell In such a way as to strike his right hand with considerable force on the sharp edge of the crate, cutting a deep gash of some length in (he lleshy por tion of the hand ahovo the thiiinh. Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. O'o Olson, a daughter, on Wednesday, .lime I, l'.HU. Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cap pen, Jr., on Saturday, June I, a daugh ter. Mrs. Christ ensei) was down bedfast last week. Her health has heeu very poor for some time. Fur mm report Ing at thisoillce state that prospects were never brighter for a big fruit crop of all kinds except the pears in some localities. Joseph Ilaslain returned from Alva, Okla., last Friday. Mr. Haslam will remain hero during the summer, and lias not yet decided whether or not he will move down there In the fall. Marrled-.U the home of Mr. Holm, Tuesday evening, June 7, Rev. (i. II. Moulton, ollU'latlng, Mr. 1!. F. Rey nolds of Penver, Col., and Mrs. Sarah Henninger of Weeping Water. Miss llattio Lyman, who holds the day position at the central telephone olllce, lias been coutineil to her homo for some days with a painful case of Ivy poisoning. She Is improving nice ly, wv! are glad to learn. Married, at the home of the bride's parents, in south Weeping Water, Mr. William 1'. Wright ami Miss Lilly! "Htzpatrlck, on Wednesday evening, June I, P.ev. I. S, lionegan, of liable, ullldating. There were about tifty friends and relatives present to wit ness the ceremony and to oiler hearty congratulations. The quests partook of an elaborate wedding supper pre pared by Mrs. Fitpatrick. The hap py couple received a large number of wedding presents. After a short trip to Missouri they have gone to house keeping' on Mr. Lasch's farm east of town. M in ui's team, hai tics and lnu'i-v I r r week, the guilty out's are the ame thai dime oil I.oi.K u: ei sen's mules and rig The peo,i!e in He Wi-inHy of Neiiawk.i may hive 1 1 i i iiiin jet, but as i t t hey ai'' mil in pus it ion to fasten I lie guilt on t lie suspects. SukiI By His Doctor. "A docloi luie liassiii'd me or iL'.'iil which I claiiin'd was rees.sive lor a case ot choir i a moi mis." a s 1 1. Wii ite of Caoclirila. ( al. ".l Hie dial be praised his medical sUiiland medicine. 1 asked him If It was noi Chamberlain's ( 'ohe, ( 'inileia and I i;;i i -in i ,i He u.v'd. as I had yod reason to I ehe.' it was. and he would m,t say nu ler oath t hat it was n it," No doctor coiiM use a bet ler lemeilv t ban t his in a case ol cholera morbus: it never fails Sold by all d ru nists. Elmwood l-'Mlll Hie I.r.nli r IVIl.l. ierger left Weddesdav for a ; matter will probably be settle I one ' way or another very soon. Mrs. I.enora Harris of Massena. I Iowa, and M is (.ardner or Atlantic, ilowa, dairliteis of ,,nr worthy tit i j en. John Am, have been here this week visiting their father and ciher i reiat ives. ;ienn Iioinie lias been very sick sev eral days, routined to his bed on ac count of a severe attack of rheiima t ism. He is reported to be improv iui and it is tlioe.,l he WH v,h . .ls k'ood as new. :i rau e in I'roni tin- ller.tlil Win. I'olt. carried away from the city mill an so check for hH) husliels of wheat, last Saturday. County Superintendent Wort man was in town Tuesday holding teach ers' examination. About twenty teachers were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Wash lhillis departed Monday eveniiiir for St. Louis. From there they no to Canada, where they will spend the summer with his brothers and sisters In and near Wa terloo. The Weeping Water band will spend the fourth in F.limvood, supplying mu sic for the (!. A . . re-union which Is held in that place June W and July 1, 2, :t and I. W. J. r.ryau and family, and lnem-j hers of his newspaper stall, spent Sat-1 urday in Wabash. They were down for an outing and the children as well as the urown folks spent a pleasant ilay. A K'ood many of Mr. Hiyan's stanch friends reside in Wabash and vicinity. I!. A. McCanu returned from a three months' trip last Wednesday, and is now making preparations to move to Kansas, where he has land near Stock ton. He thinks the climate there will apree with Mrs. McCann's health bet ter than here. Ex-Represcntatlve Orton looks over a new pair of tfold spectacles since his fiOtli birthday last Thursday. If he'd bad some ifold tilled teeth to masti cate the (Jinner Ids better half pre pared that day for the compauy din ner, It would also have been appre ciated. From remarks heard rejfardlntf the parties whom it is believed stole II. p M is. visit at Wabash and l'lattsniouth. We hear that I. I,. Cartinell lias none into the real estate business at Lunene, irenoii. (liver iiothwell's little boy cut ids foot on a piece of tin last week, a very serious abcess result inir. Fool halls must he it paying industry In Lhnwood, applications for two more now lit'iner before the hoard John Hoover has been feeding a bin steer In his yards here. Tuesday he sold 1 ti m in South Omaha for the neat sum of -,. "Stand up for Nebraska." The little nii'l of I 'Jive Kunz, resid ing live miles southwest of Klmwood, fell olT of a chair one day last week and struck her knee on the screen door liinne, cutting an nnly lmsIi two and one-half Inches lonn just under (he knee pan. Several stitches were required to close the wound. Cjuite an exciting runaway, in which Miss IJhena Towle, primary teacher In our school, proved herself quite a her oine and an able manager of horses, occurred about midnight last night. K. K. Neit.el, of M unlock, and the Misses Lhenaand Eunice Towle were starting home from the dance. The girls were in the buggy and Mr. Neit zel was just stepping In when one of the horses kicked him, cutting a terri ble gash in one of his bands and throwing him to the ground. The horses then started to run. Miss Eu nice succeeded in jumping out but her sister remained in the buggy. The horses were going south on the dead run, and as tliey passed the gas light at the American Exchange bank Miss Lheua noticed the lines lying out on the tongue. Pluckily leaning far for ward, she succeeded in grasping them and had the team under control by the time they reached the lumber yard, so that It turned out to be a very lucky runaway arter all. Mr. Neitzel'shand was quite badly injured, requiring several stitches to close the wound. Neither of the girls were injured In the least, nor was a thing broken about the harness or buggy. (ieorge Fleming of ( Keen! Wednesday evening trom Lincoln where he lias been nttending school, and mad" Ins manv I'mon friends a visit. As he was only a small lad when tic lainllv lett here four years ago, he is not readily recognized be cause he Is now large enough to wear men's "galluses." Ihree of Cuinn's high school boys began college work tills week, cioyd Steele and Harry Mct'arroll went t r i i ....... i i-iiiroiii in iaue a niorougii course in Wesleyau University, and Ham Craves went to Nebraska City to taki up short hand hi the business cnllegi ine runs express determination to win, and all their friends will encour age inein with best wishes fortheh success. The Independent Telephone c mi pany ueai Keneu to me praver of our people and has a force of men at work setting poles to extend the lines t number of the' farms southwest of here, and they expect to run the wires next week. The material on hand at present is not sulllclent to run more than about sixteen miles of service, which will fail short of supplying all the farmers who are wanting 'phones, but the company will use what mate rial is on hand, and continue the work ns soon as some more poles can be se cured. For a Hundred Years. For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel has been recognized asasuperior remedy, but it remained for E. C. Tie Witt it Co. of Chicago, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics in the form of salve. DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve U the best salve in the world for sores. cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The high standing of this salve lias given rise to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look for the name '-heWitt" on the package, and accept no other. Sold by F. G. i'ricke & Co. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring lr. King's New IMscovery for Consump sumption Coughs and Colds to be une qualled. A recent expression from T. J. Mcl'arland. lientonvllle, Va., serves as example, lie writes: "I had bron chitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benetltted. Then I began taking Ir. King's New IMscovery. and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally cllective in cur ing all lung and throat troubles, con sumption, pneumonia and grip. Guar anteed by F. ;. Fricke - Co.. drug gists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes "0c and j l.oo. NehaovkaL Troth tin' IJi'tfNti r. Horn, Wednesday evening, June S, I )J, to Mr. and Mrs. V. I'. Sheldon, a by. M. G. Kime sold his bunch of cattle I I Spearman the first of the week, re chhig ,"i cents per pound. The brick masons arrived from Nc- Menrv Knabe, Mrs. Hehnis and Mrs. Hefs lehiniH home Tin's lav evening fl' "11 St. L nils. They did not see main os the wonderful sights nor eti j''' I h" trip, as they were up aainsi a continuous inin nearly all t.. nme they were there. I. F. Heekuer. from I n i- n. w ,1 b bis coin shelling paraphernalia, has been devoi ing the nasi v.e.'k t.i h.n' I work. In four das he shell, , ,.( ii.ji husli els of corn !'o a. F. M ui in. ai.d com. iiieiiced im:ii".!i i eiv atlerwaid on Frank Sln-l,!o,i c i crin, shelling out all-Hit li.noi) lu.shels The market price is up and' our business men ar taking advantage i,f t lie rise by un loading their coin cubs. F. G. Fricke & Co. asu the reailersor tins paper to test the value of luulol Dyspepsia (.aire. Those persons who have used it and who have neeii cured hy it, do not hesitate to re commend it to their friends. Kodol digests what you eat, cures indiges tion, dyspepsiaand all stomach troubles Increases strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to con tribute to the blood all of the nutri ment contained In the f.xid. Kodol Hyspep.sia Cure is pleasant and palata ble. Greenwood 1'riiiii tln I- no rpr lsi'. Clarence Hatfield is here visiting with the Clymer boys. Miss Hlack is here visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. S. Lytic. Walter Wiezenhurg left last Thurs day for Oklahoma to be gone several months. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harton of I'latts- moutli visited friends here one day this week. Mrs. S. M. Stradley and Miss Lillie are visiting In Lincoln at the home of Walter Cheuvront. MissCllne, of Colorado Springs, is here visiting her grandparents, Mr. j and Mrs. J. CI ine. Wm. WaUers was home from Kan sas City over Sunday visiting his fam ily. Mrs. Walters .accompanied him as far as Omaha on his return. John and Grant MelTord went to Jennings, Kan., Monday, called there by a message stating that their sis ter, Mrs. J. V House was not expected to live. Jacob Hardnock, an old settler of this county, died Friday in Alvo. Mr. Hardnock had been a sufferer from heart trouble and dropsy for about two years. He bad manv friends and acquaintances in this city who will be sorry to hear of his death. An Alarm Clock for 25c. If you want to get up early and feel good all day take a Little Early Riser or two at bed time. These famous little pills relax the nerves, give quiet rest and refreshing sleep, wltli a gen tie movement of the bowels about breakfast time. W. II. Howell, Hous- braska City Thursday and began work ' ton, Tex., says, "Early Risers are the on the new bank Sheriff McHride, as well as others who have been assisting in the search for a clew to the thieves who stole Sturm's buggy and team last week h ive so far failed to run the fellows down. best phi made for constipation, sick headache, biliousness, etc." Sold hy F. G. Fricke Co. Eagle Mi. 1 rem tne lleiu'un. Zetta Venner returned Mon Union. I'rel 1 Hie I.eiltitT. Chas. S. Stone, the Innocent and smiling cashier of the Murray bank, was here on business Monday after noon. Tims. Slagle and wife, pioneer resi dents of this part of the county, were here yesterday, and left on the noon train for Hurr. Neb. Mrs. Frank Holslngtoii arrived Sun day night from Julietta. Idaho, and will make an extended visit with her parents and other relatlvesand friends in this vicinity. Harvey Manners of Murrav has been here this week to superintend work of extending telephone to some of the fatms southwest town. Joseph Malcolm came over from Avoca again Tuesday to Investigate the flouring: mill proposition, and the the lines of Fifty Years iha Standard in t Miss Goodale was a visitor here Mon- dav from a week's visit with friends tiay and met tnesciioi board, and on 'at I'lattsmoutli. her return home was notified by the! Miss Edna M. Townsend of Good Weeping Water school board that Iter 1 land. Kas.. ishere visiting her brother. application had been accepted. ! Ir. Townsend, and wife. I C. Viiiwl,.,-li,.l, ., i.. r u.. I Miss Nellie MeClintie had the oU ... .uiMLiiaii i' i.i mum ...... ..... v.,,. last Friday morning via the Missouri 1 1'H"tograph building moved onto her Paciiic, returning in the fveniiic i fan" a niilo cast f town last week. lie was accomnai! eil home bv Miss I'bnr lie l'rlciv who was r.ik-en vi.rir Lottie, who had been attending school 'sick Wednesday of last week, was able at University l'lace. , to reoort fordutv again Monday morn- Ing. ' The farmers are putting in good time in their corn fields cultivating, and but few have been to town this week. It was reported here this week that Al Money, formerly section foreman at this place, but now of Lincoln, was married at Wahoo Wednesday. Iied. at his home In Eagle, Nebras ka, on Friday, June J, I'.mj, Mr. F. A. Ollerinan. Deceased was in his .3rd year. Mr. Ollerman was a victim of that dread disease, consumption, and for the past two years bis health has been slowly falling until last winter when he had a severe attack of the grippe, since which he failed very rapidly until death relieved him of his suffering. He leaves a wife and three children one boy and two girls beside other relatlvesand a host of friends . to mourn his death. Mr. Ollerman moved his family to this vi cinity about nine years ago, and for several years was engaged in the nur sery business. A year ago last March he was appointed postmaster. Improvu thi flavor and adds to thi hialthfutnm of thi food. PftlCI BARIwa MWDIM 00. GHIOAOO F.G. Fricke & Co SOLE AGENTS New Fabrics For Spring In suitings, trouserings and for overcoats are now to be seen in all the latest novelties from English, Scotch ami American manufactu rers. We will make your Spring overcoat or suit in the best and swellost stylo and of artistic ele gance at a reasonable price. Frank McElroy Fifth and Main Ms. Upstairs 1 B2B33SCSiB3 The West's Greatest Mull Order to JflflWCK I Store I H The Reliable The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices WHY PAY MORF. When you can buy iroods at IT A Ynp.V .f . . . Pocket book Thound. of thrifty buyer, in the past month M ,Z,rey OIc their Have You Tried It Yet? Do So At Once. Notion Specials AM Nr-s. joo yards colln thread In blac ci white, iier spool 1c id yard Beldirj Bros, sowina silk in Iiyard iiool at 6c Si.oo pearl but:on por doiien 2 I 2c ti.oo psarl buttons per dozen 10c Spsolal line of n top sleeve laces worth -:sc to ti.oo on sale at 50c, jjc JSC and 19c Pure linpn Kinlt.n.hl.1. - . .. ...... usu, vUIHt c.u & . A Silks from Sweetser-Pembrook Silks for shirtwaist suits lor 89c Yard wide si!k and linen ponnee 69c Yard wide white and black wash silkt lot 7Sc 35- inch black Wateretle TaHeta for coats. It is waterproof, worth : 00 atll.4S New ihipment silks just received for a I.-J 19c and 33c Ladles' Lisle Vests 10c Fancy lislo thread vests drop-st.toh and fancy yoke in white ;.nd color- worth I'.lcto 3'Jo, all sUes IflC From the Sweetser-Perrr brook Stock All 50c silk pinyhams 50c Scotch suitings, 3Uc Scotch suiting and French orsandies ba tiitea worth 25c to 50c 10c French batistes, 33 new colorings, Scotch und Irih diiuitic, lin en 6uitinrs, 3U-in per cales, black watecn3 at 5c 50c Men's Shirts and Drawers 25c I3a!brijan shi r t s and drawers, sur plus stock of a large jobbing house, drawers have double scats, regular 50c values at 25c Men's Outing Coat or Pants $1.50 A lot of cdJ coats and pants out of suits which sold for from So to f 10. All 6iz's, great variety of fubiics. The great est 8nnp ever otTered in this kind ol goods. To dispose of the lot per garment $ . 5Q Ol'R CLOTH ING PEl'AKT ME NT Is the l.irucst and best enuip ltd to fulfill your every need of any iu the west and our prices the Liw. tit. consider ine 'jualltv. SEND FOR SIMMER CATALOOCB 25c Boys' Wash Pants 9c A job lot of l)oys wash pants which we secur6il at a great bargain but which aro regular 25c values. Aces O A . i "... o to iu years, a colors. Per jukir 9c All Groceries the Purest, Stock the Largest Prices the Lowest. To secure these prices mention this ad. as they are all specials DodVest. Hayden Bros., Ks