The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1904, Image 7

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    ': 1
Notice to Taxpayers.
Tin- U-:trl i'f is-ui:ty i'.'t:iiiii-...iT i-f C;i
county. N-iin.U:i. wiii !: a.i K.:n, ,.f f.-r Tin- ,.irK.,, ,,f .,,,i:i .;. ,;. ,.
.-uwii I'l Ci.M'.ijiiiv fi ride ve:.r I v4 i
tlit ivtrini ii'iu tV i l.'i'i.hir ;tt t;,,. ,
Iniiiv. I'lausinmii ii. I i : 1 1 n i ! Tih-siI.'iy ,u'i,
it. i.'h. :u iic .-IU.-K ;i. ';...Mhli',.i:ui:.i;n.-fr..t.i
...y i m.i. up in ! ili.' I. I:f4.
" ' "' IU- ri' i; i.r personal T HTI1
,." . "' - i 'ii u - .iii mi i iii i
ntl.u.s n::tv N
In iv pr. hies
i iii ii ii"i vinri:i Mill! ! IV i rr.'N :u v i ii
.in -iisvu l.y MNI Ii nir.l as tin
!.. A. Tv -e.v C .!:.! (", rK.
In ii. Corvrv Cnrur m
1 :ts V nun!)'. Ncl.
Ill tv stile uf .luliii K in.', ill i'l l.M'.l.
T. nil persons inti n-sti-.i. ami tho m.liiiow
licirsul .Inliu Km.'. ileo-asi-il.
V.iu art' lirrrl.y iintiiiil thin t. :t. r . i i i
triltur has tl,e.l liis Jirtll lull fur limil villi
lilt-Ill. Illlll liriMHIIII. Iliil-U'llll! tlilil there are no
H-iii.M .mini Kin.'. !!. us.-ii, ami t!iatviii
late siin.iltl escheat to tlic Mine i.f x, l.rasku.
iumi iim-niiii; iiiiu iiw personal i-,n,. , nM,f
ii i.-ni m iia.y an inr iii-iiis linn expenses of ,
tiilnistrall.iii. anil aikiii-.' fur all nrili-p t.i
lUlri- him to apply to 1 1 ,,-tlii.i ri t court for a
license tii sell tin- real ril.ili'.
.-am pennon urliiial settlement, ami
V l i i Mi'iirilik.' Ilixll I li- th ilny
... .J. . ... ii,.,. in ,,, ir,-iii,-K a. I,,., iii-fur,
im- uiincrsik'iii ii county luik'i.. at inynlll,-,.
v i "' ,'.'''y"' l'llli"i'tuh. county of ens..
... ..h un, ,ii nun n uilll' s.ll.l aiVnlllil Kill 1.
cxuuiineil. uillustcil ami allnweil. alula hour
Inir hail us to ivhoaro I he hi-lri. If any. of tl,,
".... .ii.iui itnnt. in'ri'iisi'd. anil ir 1 1 1 1 1 1- Ii,
..nil. i sum csiau- will in ili-.n i il as cscheati i
to tlie state uf Ni l.rasUa: anil that in sad.
'" such othcror.lcrs will In cntcrcil as mav
"c lint anil proper for tin-ailmlnlsirallon (,f
Mill ."Mill t.
ll.WiVKV I'. Tn A vis.
County ,Iiii1i'i
Notice to Creditors.
State or Nkhhaska. i
(.ass County.
ss. In County Court.
In the mutter of tl, restate of Marirarrt Kust
enliiy. ili'i i-asi'il.
Notice Is hrrrhy uiven thai tin- rrcilitors of
mi i (leoeaseil will iiii-t-t tin- ailiiiinisirati- of
salil estate, hefore me. county (uilk'c of l ass
..uiu., .si-iirasha. ill t in- riiiuny I'ouil room
111 I'liittsmnuth. I II Slllll I'lllllltl 1. 11 I I...
itd ilay of July. I'.KU. ami on n. ;j,i ,;iv ,,f
M-. . iih.,1. nn.t, in in oi'iiii k a. in., rach ilay
for tlie purpose nf prcscntlnc their claims for
examination, adjustment ami ullnwanrc.
fix inontlis are allowi'il for tin- creditors of
.said (Iccuusnl to present ilu-lr tlalins. ami one
yrar ioi-uu-aiiininistratiu tosctili. salil ..
tlUf. from till' :ti It Ii llav i, f .hiiu. 1'hiI
Wltni'SN my li.-mil and seal of saiil count v
court, in I'liillsmouth. Nehraska. this 4th ila'v
t if .In ni'. l'.HU.'.AI.)
ai'm y Ii. Tu n is.
County .liiilu-o.
Notice to Crcdors. it
Cu.isCoiintv. "isv l County Court.
In the mutter of tin. estate of lilioiles (I. Spen
cer deceased.
Notice Is hereliy jilven that the creditors of
sain ueceaseii will meet tlie executor of sniil
esune. iieiore inc. county Jul4fe of Cllss Colin
iv. .ciiraska. at the eoiinly court room in
I'lattsiiiniith. In said county, on the lr.'th of
. inj. jmn. iiiiii on in,, i-ki C.,y,if ,lanUiiry
...u. in, iv u i iik k a. in., eacn nay. ror the iiur
seof presenting their claims' for exiinilna
tion. adjustment unit allowance.
Six inontlis are allowed for tlie creditors of
aiu uece.iseu in present their claims, and urn
year tor the executor to settle said estate,
rrom the Jutli day of June, hull.
Witness my hum! ami s,., ..i.i ,.,.,
court, at I'latlsiaoiitli. Nehraska il.lnal, .i-.i
nf June. I!H4.
.... IILl. ''
Haiivkv I). Travis.
County Juilire.
Probate Notice.
I. tiu: Cnr.NTV Coi iit.
Cuss County. Ncu.
In the miilterof the esti.teof John C. I'tuk
All persons Interested In the said estate
n r leri'iiy iioinieu nun a petition has lieen
iled In siild court alleirliiK that said deceased
lias left no lust will ami lestaincnt. and priiy
lnit fur uikui said estate, anil
that ii lieiirlni.' he had ii,xii said petition lie
fore said court on the lnh day of June A l
V.1I4. utoni'oVliHk p. in.; that If they fail to
appear In said court on said day to contest
the siilil iH'titlon the court nmy Krant mid
Issue letters of administration to Antonie
I'luk. or sonic other sultahle person and pro
ceed to ii settlement of said estate
Witness my hiiinl and the seal of this court
this !Mh day of May. A. 1).. IM.
Ixkai.1 Harvey Ii. Thavis.
County Juilsre,
Of hearliiKon petition for distribution of res
idue of estate.
Statpok Neiiuaska. I .
County of Cass. 'NV
To all persons Interested In tin eslateof Koiu-
hold Scliuelke. deceased.
Notice Is herel.y ulven that I In no A Wlirireii
liorn. administrator of said estate, has tiled
us iieuiioii in sain court. tiieol.i ct ami iirav
Tof which are that a decree of distribution
ii iiiii.iei.i in.- resiiiiieoi said i state now
ill his iMissessloii.tothe p; rtlesi niit;ed hv law
to receive t he sail. e.
Vim lire hereliy nolitied that said petition
.. in iiiiii. i ... in.-1 - mi ii i y nun;,, in tin- co nil
ly court In il. . -i i v of I'latismom h.
said .'ouniy. on the i.ith iHy of July, .j .lt
It N ordered that a copy of this notice In
iiuiisiM'ii oiieei aril week lor t li n-e success! V
weeks In the I'laltsiiioiith Weekly Journal.
newspaper printeii anil iiilnished In said
. i.ii in .
Iiali'il tuis i;th day of June. IK J.
Uahw y I'. Timvis.
County .Inil.'i
Notice of Administration.
lx TUK Cot sTV Cm i:t III and f t Cas. roup,
ty. Neliriiska:
111 the matter of the eslateof Alton llelirv
W eckliai-n. Deceased. '
All persons li.ien-sted In the sulii esim,- are
nereoy nonneii mat a petition has heen tiled
III said court alli-L'lm: thai the said (leccaseil
men ii iivinif no last w in aDil pravlic for ml
inlnlsi ration upon his estate ami Hi;,i hear-
ina win ih. nan on said pciltlou U-fore said
oiirion i Tinny, the nrst ilay of July I ml
and that If they fall to appear at salif court
on the said first day of .lulv. I'.,i4. at M o'clock
a. in., to contest sa d iM'Hii. ill t lie (' tn rl ,i.-i
rant thesame mid Krant administration to
rieui.. r.ifeiineri:er. or some other suitable
pervin and proceed to a settlement thereof.
Js"' Ciillllly.lllill'e.
John WXrabill
Union Block Plattsmouth. Neb.
Fine Wutcli and Clock Hopalrlnir a
Specialty. A complete lino W'atclics.
lewclry and Silverware.
1 ' v' i v P'J y '.i xV SiV.iiIvv
Kxtra I'lno Kllit-f av n ck CO 7C
(uarnntcfrl wZifj
I'arkcr Alarm t'l'vks. (luar-
. Bla.-xi. i'.-)ikJJ il sS
Often Tfi3 Kidneys Ars
Weakened by Cver-Work.
I'nliealthy KUncvs Make Impure BIimJ.
It usoil to le ciMisiiliTf.l that ,m!i
untiury utnl lil.ul.U-r truubUs xcre to 1-.-
tr.icul to tlii: ki.'.nos,
lnt imw t'loilirn
sciencv jnnis that
nearly all ,!ii iscs
liavt.' then hi -luiii
in the il'.M' r i t
thi'st- tiuisl t'lij. t.:;t
The ki.hicys filter
aml jmnfvthH.UHHl - -
Thcrefurc, when your ki.lnevsiire weak
or out of onlor, voti can uttilerstauil how
quickly your entire IhkIv is aifccteil ami
how every orau seems to fall to ilo its
ji.u i.i ir mu ui :eei iiaiuv, lii'Cjll
taking the reat kiiluey ren'ieilv, lr.
Kilmer's Swaiu)-KiHt, t'ccause as sihui
as your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organs to health. A
will convince anyone.
If you ure sick you can make no mis
take lv first doctoritiir vour kidneys.
... ..v. ........ 1'ic.iu
The mi M and the extraordinary elfect of
Ir. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the ureal
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the hiihest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits liv all f " V
drui'ijistsin fifty-cent
anil one-dollar sizeKfj.-Wit'iG
bottles. You mavtk
i i. i. ..r
..ncu naiiioie oouie nome of Swamp-Root,
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling von
how to find out if you have kidney' or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
w hen writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., l!ini
hatnton, N. Y. Don't make anv mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swanm-Root. and the ad
dress, llinhamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
t'KlilNANCK Ml.
He lt ordained l.y the .Mayor and City Council
or tne ( ity or rialtsniouth:'
Sec. 1 That there he and herein- is inmr.,
printed from the funds of the cilv of I'liits-
liioiit h. to defray the expenses and lial.t,-s
of said c tv for l ie ellsnlnir Us .1 ... . .
low iiiL' sums of monev in.uh 'v'its,,.i ...
follows to-w it :
Mayor and Council . . .
Clerk. Treasurer. Attorney ami Po
,M mi
l.:ir."i iii
l.l.sil . II
I Mil (i
-.'M in
;ti ni in i
l.'JCU no
4.11 l III!
M'.'.'l 111
;vi in
i im
nce .niii'.'e
I'ollce and Street Coiiimlssloiier..
Hoard of Health
lloardliiK city prisoners '..'. .'.'.'..'.'.'.'
Streets and lrrailhiL'
Fire Hydrant rental
h ire department
Incidentals . ....
Interest on reriiinliiiK Ih.iiiIs Issiie of
June I, s.ii
Inli rest on n fiinuinif iuids issiu-of
4.7.'il li
Jan. I. I:nl
To pay IhiiiiIs No. li and 1 . due June im
i. rii.i .
. . M.IMI (HI
'"'"I;-, : WUHI IKI
i'l i . . i us oro iiiiiii-i. s .i. i ... i..
rrom aim after Its passu ire. approval and put
Mi'-ii.lliiriiiiHK ii laiV.
4 1 ' ' T ... .1 11,11
i.s-.-ii iiiii it nun l I'll I lis lllli i -. f ..r In...
. I'. OVl.
Att- si : IIKMIV li iii-'Imm:
II. M. StiK.NMCIISKN. ;,avor
AN UlilllNANCK iirovldini' for H .,.
leiyoi taxes ror the city uf I'latlsii.oulh
UK IT OHIIAINKII. hv I In- M:iv,.r 111..I f'l.
r o ... .i .... .... -".'
-""'" " oi im- city or riattsmouth.
.isH a :
Sec. . That there lie ami Is hereliv I... I.
lilMiii the dollar valuation on all real, person
.1 mi., iin.xeu property within the corimratt
iiiMiiii.i im- i nj oi I'liiusnioiitti. .eiiraska,
Hot exempt from taxation hv h.h Ih. ,,r .i..
.-u.i ie oi .xenraska. luxes, to-wlt:
lieneral I and s.
Ii'oad Kund
l ire lleparltliellt I'lllld iii
l.ihrnry Kund .
I'ark I- iiihI nj
I'ollce Klllld
Kire Hydrant Ki ntal Kund '. la
Interest on refunding Isuuls. Issue
sue of June I. ly.'.i in
Interest on refundlm: honds. issue
of Jan. I. Hid pi
To pay Inillils No. II and III. ilue
.luue 1. I'.m.'i . 4,
'!' lal
1 hi. I the said several amounts so levied an
oi me use oi sain cil y ilnrlmr lie- fiscal yea
coniinencini.' on the sec,. ml .Monday In An
L'llst. A. I. Hill.
I lie levies lierehy made slllll lie lliiniediati-
i v i crimen in i lie county clerk of Cass county
... i.isKii. oy me eny cu rl, of said City or
in 1 1 sum im n. .xenrasKa.
Passed and approved t his I ltd day of J. ,
iir-iii i i.. i . r.iii .xii.
Attest : Mav..r
M. .M.M.KXNICIISKX. Clerk. '
AN t'KIHXAXCK to prohlhit I he use and ex
piosion oi iireci ackers. nuns, toy pistols.
i"...... i. on iii iioes. i x .ii 1 1 is i r other explo
sives on the streets, alios ii ml ttn ll I'
iroiindsof the city f I'lattsmoulli. Ne-
orasKii; in proiniui the sale of certain ex-
iHosn.-s. nun in provme a penalty for tli
vlolalion of the sun..
Itn IroiiiiAiNKii. l.y the Mayor and Cltv
Council of (he City of I'latlsmouih. Nehraska
ectli.n I. Il shall lie unlawful or anv n. r-
w in. or pi r.v.ns. or company of pi rvuis. except
pulillc olllcers In dlschari:eof innv. in k.nii..
... .-Miioue iiirpeiioes. ui inns, tirecrackers. kuiis. or any uevici ntalnlnir Willi-
cot ton. I vnaliiile or imwiler mi il.i.
alleys, and piihllc urounds of tl n ,.l
i..n... i. v.. i ....
... , -..iii.ui ii. ...-iiriisKil.
M'Ctloli'. Tl Itv nu ll .in.,- I, o I,.
lion permit anv ihtsoii. nersons. .'.r i..,i,n.,,u
toexlilhlt tire works on tin- streels or public
crotiiids of the clly. hut such person, persons
or company, tiuisi Hrst ohtalu a written order
from the mayor, and such exiiililil..iissi,,.ii i-.
made under the suiervlslon of the police olll
cers of the cltv,
.-ectioii 3 llsliall lie unlawful forimv ner-
si.ii or persons or coriB.ratlon to sell or t'oirlve
away to any in-rsoiis wliat Is called the "irlittit
firecracker. " "cainioii llrecracker." or any
hl.'h explosiveexcepl to persons enirati-il In it
In w fill liiislness In w hleh Ihe use of sucn ex
plosives Is necessary.
Section 4. No provision In this ordinance
shall I.e const rued to pMhlhll t he use of tire
Works on prlvale irollllds or the use hv net.
s 'tis on the private irrounus of the orillnaiy
small tirecracki r. hut the use of what Iscalleii
the "cannon tlrecracker." "irlant llrecracker."
or ar.y explosive coin a I nlnu' dynamite or irun
Col ton or other Iiiiii explosive. Is absolutely
prohlhlted up.n either public or private
k'nuiiiiis wlihimhi citv of I'iattsii.outh. Ni
M'Ctloli J. Ii shall I.e the duly of the police
M'cersiu ii oin-e arrest anv one il.ilaiinu'
my of tlic provisions of ilus i.r.lina mil
f 'tih lib . Hi. I,,, such person l fore the
ll.'e lll.l-.'e or Hie Ills' I f Ihe Ili a.-, . Hu ll
lllii there t" Hie a .11 . Ii'in ill t a 'li list such nf-
I ui A ii v person or persons i l"latln'
any of ll.c provisions of mtIIuiis I." 'l.i.rJ
of lhlsi..:ii,iui-i shall he ileeiin -d irullivof a
ii.lsileiiieiinur. -iii. I up . n conv li'ilon shiiii In
lined In lie-sum of not tnote than :,'i.i nor
less than r.l.i.'.
Mctlnn;. All ordinances or parts of sued
ordinances lu 'millet herewith snail he and
I he sa me are hereby re-aled.
Sections. Tills i tli linn.,' shall I In el'ect
from and after Its pas,iU'e. approi a! mid puli
llc iilou u.v.inlliiir lo law.
P is.ed and aiiiroied this I ltd day of June.
!"". litMiV K. I.I-'.KIM..
Attest: .Mayor.
II. M. Si iKNNK 11I N. Clerk.
tops th oough and Jhctlsluntfa
Cur Ooldti PrtwnU Pnsumonla
CRIPPLE CritL.-; CI jTi.i,
Former Ccyemor TI.JTij '.
C5S.T1 in Ccirrnenti ii, L t. "
Measurfj cy ti r f.: i.'. j
FS'Cti. t". Hci.i S,,. 'I ;.. ,
V;i ti r i ilo., Ju
. r.rii , i : , .,,n, ,i ; ,
i Thv men w,ro r .Meet:'
, tl.!(lll!i :, ,,a, !i?i.t,
: ''.V"1 1:1 ull'i,;- .if
I Tu'ri' ' ! ';. tivil n
tl :,. r
CUl1 t' i; i !o I'ivi k .-t.i" ci
I the iiici weic ! .a.l. ii i a f.-.e
j little cm Item, :it i i-,:i.i-:,
any Kind was m.i.
if military will ac.
uti'll they ar,- litiallv re
uuti sent out art' nearly all ni. i a .n i
or union syinimtl.izors. tjutte a i:n: i
t-cr of them lire marrli-l. I'm., I i;
laki p. on the trrln tor t!.o proiois
Pii'iutralloiis ure uiuler w.i. lu'ic
looking to tho ovcntiial ibrtnatioii
nuirtial law, which, it is said. xil! re
cur in one week. A law nunili -r of
deputy slierfrt's Wi'l he culiiniissioi'.ed
to take cliiirj: of the dislriil uiiili r
Sheriff Hell's direction whin martial
law Is called off. Older ih'i.rriat.nti
will bo i!iinli hut just when the next
traitiload of nion will bo ready to bo
sent on; Is nor staled at military
The deportation order, which v. as
rr.ndp puhlie, plainly re.uU that the
ricporteil men arc lo he taU. ti to tho
fnii!l:eni boundary of Colorado, via
AInmosn, on tho Denver and l(io
ri-ned., rnUr.m.l nn.l .1 ........ I.
'" .........,., nun ii. , i im . i-.i ii ti;i
tho terrllory within tho hujiulury of
the ftnto of Colorado.
Ex-Governor is Sarcastic.
Denver, .linn' li. "I have nut bins
further to s-ay about plans lor reopen
ing tho Portland mine," said forme
uoii uior i Hunt's tv i nomas, conn
scl for the Portland (iold Mininc com
Fany. "Wo all realize that Ii we opt
our moulds about anything coinHM teil
with Crlppli: Creek, wo !ay oiirselvi
liable to tho bull pen or some othe
tf .1. .. .1 .!..-..
ui me iiiiisiie iiioasuros ttiai conio tin
der the head o( 'military necessity
We have not (locideil fully as yet what
course will lie taken to reopen tho
mine. I Fiipposo that If I talk too
much I mleju fcer what Prank Han
received. His only offense was act
i . . i .. . .
ins "s ickhi counsel lor sonic men
charged with crime several months
afio. Perhnps if I should talK actively
In regard to my client, I mlh I
burned at tho stake."
New Mining Camp for Deported Men.
uenvtr, Juno 13. A new mining
camp will he opened in New Mexico
according t() the Post, to receive the
deported union miners from Cripple
Creek. The Western Federation of
Miners will work the claims on a co
operative basis and will have entire
jurisdiction over their development.
Provisions will be made by tho feder
ation for all deported miners, and to
this end a carload of supplies will be
sent to the new camp Immediately as
a starter. Tho ramp will bo located
near Tres Hedra, which is twenty
miles south of the Colorado line, on
the Denver and Rio Grande. There
!s a district ten miles square of virgin
ore, and the work of mining it will bo
rarn-led out to the union miners.
Exiles at Holly.
Kolly, Colo., .luno 13. About tea
of the deported miners from Cripple
trcek leit here at midnight for I.a
Junta, Pueblo and I)er.ver. The n
maimler are stayh.g in town and are
quiet ami orderly, and have been so
since their arrival. They have paid
cash for their meals and lodging and
made purchases at stores, and seem
to be well supplied with funds for
Immediate needs. They are worrying
over tho welfare of their families.
who were left behind in Cripple Creek
and say that they are willing to leave
the district forever If their wives and
children are allowed to Join them.
It is possible that a considerable num
ber of the exiles will go Into the coun
try to seek work on the ranches.
Lake Strike Declared Off.
Cleveland, June 13. Alter tdx
weeks of tieup on the great lakes that
has directly Involved only a couple of
thousand men, Lut Indirectly more
than lno.OtiO who have been Idle bo
cause of Its existence, a cessation
was brought to the strike ly the sur
render of the masters, who, with the
pilots, have been holding out for a
more uniform scsle of wages this sea
son than was offered by the Lake Car
riers association. The strike haa
been declared off. The strike has
heen one of the most costly in wages
and time lost and stagnation to busi
ness that has occurred In recent
Miners Deny Firing on Militia.
Rockvnle, Colo., June 13. Miners.
who were In the skirmish at I);;nn-
.lie, when John Carley, one of the
Cripple Creek, was killed by
the militia, deny the published report
tfcnt the miners wt re first to fire
Neither were they entrenched behind
rctks waiting for the militia, nccord-
Irg to their statements, hut they ap
peared on tho rrno and fled immedi
ately they were fired upon. The men
drnbd having fired a shot. They t.ay
It would have been easy for them to
have annihilated the small squad of
militiamen had they' desired.
Kills Father In Aiding Mother.
Norton, Kan., June 13. A. c. Jen
kins, living six tulles east ,f Norton,
while bentlng his wife, was shot dead'
ty his eleven-year-old daughter.
Jenkins was Insane and had often
threatened u kill his whole family.
fciejn er Caa.jj Cvou t Wan Coal
Cs-ihcr a. J iik,s. v n- . Ji.i,o j ; ..-The
tti .1 1 : 1 1 r C.ui.ei.i, 1 1 in. : : , -n (i
i.-r .M.'i.i.iai, i;.::.c i: . , ,. u,ih
t:.o i r Cape 1 r.-iou m , i.e.
low I. I Twi i.ty p.::. lies U;, : i.n
s'.ir.a.l.i in i.l in the 1 i M .m A- the
t-l'-e i I I' ' ol..-:, ;, ( ,, ,,. tv, ;,. ,
I ''eric f. 1'oar.i tl.,. Canada I ; e
I",., the ,::,,:-, m. ; . ,, setie.l
Thuse ;.i. p. Mshi-il All i,-,l
Thilieau'.t i,i: l,u .sn;,,, Pm.s,r lien
I'.etete ami a :;.at: r.w, , Hi ime'.
Tie eollisloli o.iini-.-il j:i;.t u.i (lawn
was breaking. The Cape Un ion lay
at the ettUiuiee of th.'ake Si P, '"f
elialitiel. w.iitnu lor dinlir.l'.t mi as to
find her way tiir. n-li. she was yet
tirg under way when ll.j Ci-iada.
ntakir.g lor Seiel at lull speed, cam"
into uew. The C.ip.i ltieton liini put
got headway on eunuch to atuwcr her
rudder, and she swerved pero-s tlio
path of the pass, in.,-r hunt, her how
striking the Canada Jmt forward of
tho paddle hoy mi the si ii l 'board side,
and tearing its way half throned Tho
Shock of the collision aroused t.,.
sleeping passengers Tho Canada nf
once hegan to settle and as tho Capo
Hreton did not appear to bo
damnkreil. the passengers were hur
riedly transferred to this steamer. In
the excitement sot f iho puss, n-
gers jumped overboard atnl were
plckeil up by bouts from tho Canada
a d tho Capo llieton.
Grand Jury Finds True Dill Against
Woman for Killing Bookmaker.
New York, June II -Mrs. Nan pat
torson, Iho in tress who was wilh
Caesar Young, the bookmaker, In a
cab on Juno I, when ho was shot and
killed, was Indicted lor murder In Iho
first degree. Young, who had been a
close friend of Mrs. Patterson for sev
eral years, met her by appointment
about two hours before tho time set
for sailing wl:h his wire fur Kurope.
They had spent most of the previous
evening in conference over the im
pending separation, and. It Is under.
rioiiu. mis larowcii meeting mm dii'ii
nimimeii ior tne transler m Voung i
certain letters in the possession
Mrs. Patterson.
Conflicting stories have been tol
of tho happenings In tho rah and Mth
Patterson has refused to give the de
tails of the shooting, except to say
that oung shot himself, jnd tht:
after the shooting she had picked up
the revolver and placed it In Young
right hand pocket. One eyewltnesM
has presented himself and his testl
mony was to the effect that Young
had phot himself.
Trouble Over Small School Results in
Death and Serious Injuries.
aeo, lex., June 13 As a result
of friction over the election of
teacher for a public school at Klk,
bloody street fight occurred there be
tween R. I). Torrence, his son, Hlvers
Torrence, and J. McAdam, a son in
law of Torrence, on one side, and Dr.
Holton, his son and Professor (1. W
Perkins on the other. Had feeling
had existed over the school math
ror some time and when the prinel
pals met they began fighting. Tb
elder Torrcncv was killed almoit in
stantly, his Ixidy being riddled with
bullets. l)r. Holton and the jiini
Holton both received dangerous-
wounds, while Professor Perkins am
Rivers Torrence were seriously shot
MeAden escaped uninjured. Shotguns
and pistols were the weaxuis uscl
Safe Blowers in Montana.
Hillings, Mont., June I.V Hohbers
blew open the safe in the postiilllee
at Laurel, near here, and scciirci
alIUt f2,hfMI.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.'ig.i. .Iiiiii. ll.-IlrL'ht Miiisliliir f.,r
III., tuirvest th'hls hrnuuht out nlT.-r
linis nf whciit ti.ihiy. 1 '. niiiliil. liMiii ier.
mi." light mid the July nptl ,.u m
.ss nf TV', (oni mis iIhuii 'sc. tint
wen- nlT W.i.c utnl . rm Isli. ns l.V.;;i."n
C'lixlng prl.-.'ii.
Wheat-July, Mc; Sept., vo.
Corn-July, 4si'; Sept.. 4S-l4....
:itsi July. :i:ic; Si-pt., a;,.,
I'urk July, Jt.'.:i.i; Sept.,
f.unl July. yu.Tl'Va; Sept.,
Klhs-July, 17.1.'.; Sept., 7..'-,.
flileHun Cnsli I'rli.'es N.i. si.rlnn ndont.
u.i'.i'.n.c; .n. .1 ,rliiir wheat, Kv.r.."w'; Vi. :
blinl wheat, Kiii'.i'Ji': No. n luir.l whiut
Ni!N'; No. 2 ninli onrn, 4:k."i-I'.ic; N, 3 enrii, 4k'i4!ic: S. '1 casb nut. 40c;
no. & White nut it, 4i.tJSe.
Chicago Live Stock.
ClilcniM, June t. f'nt t le- II. .'1.
(: Hti'iitly; tu (irlme stepr. ."i 7.".'it
. poor til 111. illlllll, J 1.7. .!.",. i.V Kl.i. ken
A Ml fceilcrs. t:i.ii'.i4.7."i; rnWH, l.7.Vn4.7.i;
I'lfeM. f 1.J.1; CillllliTlt. ?l.7.Vil.'.7.".;
nils. J.'-'i"''! I 7."i: vulveit, ;i.imif,.l'i, Hum
Ke.-ilptK, ti.iliiy, 17, ii. t.i rrniv, 'l,;i;
ft nvir, ::,."sll; .".c IiIkIht: nilxcil nu.l
lift hiT.t. $l.!i.V)i."i 111; iffieil tn rhnlce luMvy.
in".!.!.!!!; rniik'h lienvy, II msi.'i.nie u.,t; hulk nf sahn. ti I'.V.r.'i.o.Y
Shi. p- ll.'.clpts, MMt, pi., hlk' L"....l
I" id.. I... iM'tl;ir. l.7"'i." J.'i. natlv..
iRti.i.i, j."i,no''in."i.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kntisan Cltv. June H. fall!.. HerelptH.
1 1 : (ten !y t.i luc l.iiu r. ia .h ,(
ilrissi-.l I. .-. f i.i.'i'rt. f'.T.'.'nl in. tl.i. I.llu-st
I lie.' 1 .1 hi th!i year; f.ilr tn if ... I. f 4 ."'.(,
,'11; westi-i M fed sti'i r. . .".o.i; !; B,.-k
rr n:nl f. i-.l. r, J.'l.i'.i4.i. ..ui hern hiimt.
n."'.i."i.L'." . i.iitlvr c.iwu. ..' ",n'. I 7"i; native
h.'ifeiK, ,-Hf.i.-.. jtt; tniiN, .M.'.i4.J-,;
rnlvt'it. ?.'e'.4"0. I!..k" n.i'ilpis. l lie
.r-ii k' I" "ic lilk'h.T; t..p. $". mi; hulk ..f
nih'. 1 1 7.".'.4 P.' ; heavy, IW.i.',iii; pack
cr, t li''i I .'.'..; plii 11ml Hg,,, ?l.'V.isn.
South Omaha Live Stock.
Sniith tliiiulin. J iiiii- 14.-Cuttle -It ipt.
U..VHI, lii-nt tttrmiif, iitliem; i,utl..
nt"ir, 1 1. 7.V.ii '.'.".; r.iwn nn-1 In I fern. f.'t.:i
Ii-Vki; rainier. I.' '..1.:."i; uteekerit utnl
fi e JerH, i.7.V..a; riilve, J 1 1 '.(."'.. t .
bill'". tiit. etc.. JJ.7V.i-l.rin. Tlok't l,.
relpts. l:t.;iii; tr.T t.i tr..i; lienvy,
II .".'.(4 IO; nil.v.'.l. J I '.) I H.-,; K,f, (Kim
I M: pig", f 4.i". 4 .; hulk i.f mill-, J4.M
ti4 V". 8lii."-Hi'd'lpt't, l.jni; ntc.nlv:
wtrn ffarllnit. .Vr.ft..i; ether.
$.10ii'..-..Vi; i.'M, JI.7.V,i'.i.:j; rutnnmn inj
tnrkvr, 3 i ,(.".. 10; Uuiba. .'...i7 Aj.
s ill'i, 're - v -
Ml the food rlc
choicest white hcai Brw
in n licaloso il,,
( . (-..ISM
""IS. "AoM,(ltl.Jv ,u.
the rlutcn In
Bluien In am! all
Sold in 1 lb,
I- r.un Ihe ( 1'iirli r
'""ii, lo Mr. and Mr.v Ainlivw
Krecklow, nf Mauley , on l-'iidav, .lime
11 boy.
Mis. K. V. K. Ii'iiclil',, n eiihitaineil
I. I. I'eigiisnu ami wile at her home
i!. II. Wornl has piiivhaseil a connle
tif lots in Ihe Miiilliwi'sl nail ,,r i,,ii
mil will begin t he erect Ion of a resi
dence on them at once.
Miss l''loieiice Miller, who has heen
here for the past three weeks visiting
her aunt, Mrs. ('. . Phelps, returned
to her home in Chicago Thursday.
('lias, (iaehel this week sold his In
terest in the implement business to
Ills partner, Charlie Panknnin. Char
lie recently rct.urnci rrom Omaha
where he had titled himself rr the
business by taking a (.0, j a )I1S.
ness college. The Courier wishes Ihe
young man success.
I'. A. .lacohsnii went to Kuckfurd,
III., Tues-lay to attend a meetink' of
Hie national commit tee of the Swed
ish Free church which meets todeciile
011 the purchase of a building and site
for the location in the west of a college
for ministers. Mr. Jacol.son took
with him photographs and a descrip
tion of the large stone building castor
Louisville and a proposition which he
will present to the committee and try
and induce them to locate the college
here. He expects lo return the lore
part of the week.
on Friday of last week licit Me
N'caly, belter known as "Sandy" went
to Iir. Thomas' oillce to have the doc
tor write him a piercript ion for some
kind of break I n out on his race and
Imdy. He was aUut filcliteiicd out
of a year's k'rowth when the doctor In
formed him that he had small pox.
McNealy was hustled Imme as ipiickly
is possible ami the house placed under
st rid iiarant ine by the hoard of healt h
To satisfy those who doubted whether
or not the case was really smallpox I r.
Towneof the state hoard of health was
.cut lor, who at once suUstanllated
Ir. Thomas' diagnosis ot the ease. He
Mated, however, that the case was of
very mild form, and expressed hisopin-
ion that those w ho had conn: in con
tact with McNealy on the streets were
not likely to contract the disease.
F.very precaution possible is holne- ta
ken to prevent the spread of the ilk.
Special Cum sp'.iiih'ii. e
Ceorne F.asley, of Dunliar. was on
our streets Saturday.
MissLydia Nutzman has returned
from Mt, Pleasant, Iowa, where she
lias been attending school.
wiKes Kidny and Bladder Rlrjht
Always Delicious.
Peerless Beer
Ilre'lisl t.y (I,,, l.iriin.i
1. in. I I'r.K-i s im !, r
l'i.' cunt i-x.n':ini' r,.i,
Hill.. n i.t ,. 11,; ni., ,y ,iiiui
dl 1. l '. . .
A n..l ...,('.. r.
JUBM QL.MO BlltWINO CO.. Li Cr... i,.
1 V
' ' ' f .
i lia. -j -awn -v..,..-;, ,
- 1 -J
that Nntnrr r......
into the
in Californ,; i.
...i i
aim uCt 0
"nlv wheat foot
with all
,l,c indigestible f.hrc , .
, . hj .
Mr- 11111I Mis. Fivd I ninkak. id Ne
luaska City, were visiting 1 1. .1. Mey
ers ami himily the ih-st ot the week.
Avoca defeated Weepluu Water in
a name of l,ase hall here Sunday, in a
score nf In 7.
Mil-nave l.iissaiul wile isili 1
t ies mil Mi nf town Sunday.
Wayne .tones, of,
a lew days this week in Avoca.
William !,anliorsl, w ife ami daiiuli
ler. are at tending t he World's Fair at
SI. Louis.
Miss Louise Mariiianlt has ret u rued
from a isit to lied Oak, Iowa.
The Avoca Odd Fellows will ohserve
Memorial day Sunday at .1 p. m.
Mrs. Wes Clark and children came
over from I'ninn Moiulay, for a few
days' visit with Avoca relatives.
A. I.'. Smith was up fiuni Ounhar
liolierl Malciilm, formerly of our
city tint now located at Imperial, was
visit Iiik' Ids hrother, Joseph, the latter
part of last, week.
Henry St rauii had ,US ss ;il (
ha several days last week.
Pev. J. (i. Iteiinetl. visited Weepinir
Water Monday.
Palpli ;rahani and Henry Knslioh
arrived home from st. r,i,is Sunday
Special Ciirresp,iiiih-iit
Mrs. Frank Voiinj;, Sr., returned
last week from Iowa, where she was
called I i.v the serious illness nt her
;ien Perry, who has heen ilaiier
ously ill the past week will soon un
dergo an operation for appendicitis.
Miss Pauline ( (Idhani spent one day
In Omaha last week.
Mr. .Jim Crown and wife and tleorui;
Pernor spent Sunday with the two
latter.s' parents, Mr. ;u,d Mrs. n.
The many friends of Mrs. .lames
Loiik'lirlire will he sorry to hear that
she Is no hotter, and has heen taken to
Stella, Ne!., whore ,s. ,,,,(1,.,,
an operation.
Poy Frans made another lit tle visit
here, lie careful, p,.y, th,. p;,ttv
nio'ith k'irl may catch on.
dames Manners has heen MiM'crliiK
for the last few days with a slight at
tack of appendicitis.
.1. M. Leek spent. Sunday with his
Mrs. Pee Peiver has been on tin:
sick list the past few days.
Chas. Stone made a recent trip to
Harve Manners has purchased a tine
new sliik'le driver. Now watch and
see what younjf lady ets the tirst
Homer Miller has accepted a posi
tion in Churchill's barbershop.
Miss Jessie I Most boasts of liaviinf a
line new piano, and Is now entertain
Intf her friends royally.
Mrs. J. M. Leek has lieen sick for
the past week but Is imw .somewhat
,'uite a nice little prok'ram was ren
dered at the Christian church Sunday
evening. It was attended )V a are;o
crowd from the country as well as by
those from tow n. One of the licst
numbers on the pnvram was a recita
tion by little P.essie I'.rindle. Al
though hut a little k-irl she delivered
her piece with the ease and irrace sel
dom seen in one older. Another prom
inent number was the drill by yoime?
ladies. On tho whole, everyone was
well paid for K'niiik'.
Thrown Frorr) a Wagon.
Mr. Cieork'e K. Cak-nck was thrown
from his wa:on and severely bruised.
He applied Chamberlain's Pain Palm
freely and says It Is the best liniment
he ever used. Mr. F.alcock is a well
known citizen of North Plain. ( i ill n
There Is notliliu' c'iial to I'ain Palm
for sprains and bruises. It will effect
a cure In one-third the time rciutrcrl
bv any ether treatment. For sale by
all (Iruklsts.
r r-