The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1904, Image 4

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    1' 1 ;'
The F !ntl5;.o;ii) Journal
i a i : ; : a .'
: ' s v.-
: i
. p. o i
t , i x i '. v I v; i 1 i . w i.: I is ..
,i I . . -Mi.- i .ii : i i w '.'.' In. i
f I
( i
.i '
I ii.'. s .1 I' ' v ii Kites Is t" he
:i ' ' I ' I u-1 i 1 1 . I (if till'
I .V, .l.i . i-M nm: n-niMi'ii'.l
i, r . i. .ins! M;lM'l' llel i'ic
( i : m l.i; we. I. ! ; e li;mk i ll!i l h
ill .1 ;;.; ntes :'. 1 ' , oil- lei ! With 'aiue
sin -.. I'hfir :ri. 'mis vM-ncra !lv an
u miai .1 t h'-x 'A i le "iiiihiiliilieeil,"
Mil 1 1 I V ' i I'llllv1 i hell Li inks Well
H Ii, I s I lie nailer with .1 i.s! lee 1 1, 11
kill tnl' I'lesiilelit .' lie insists thatl'iill-
i.' ress h ilovv s I lie 11 mst it ut ion ami t hat
In iiv Mie i !. M .. 1 1 1:1 1 I", mi v to a
I ': 1 ! 1 1 " i.. .1 v 1. ' : 1 ' '. : 1 ' ! 1 ...'hi .
.h -I I II I . .1 ... Ml ,s, .III I II I Uses
t.i i'. ."i,le a' t !.e M I .niiis convent I'. 11.
I le ke.'As 1 1:' , ,,., 1 I H 1 1 in I Kit con-
J . . " 1 1 ' is se.i ! I!m' ie esiiielit.i.i In hi
m: . '. 1 il.l ,.ivi a . .1 il rl'.i 'K'e it ki !.
Ill 1 ,ei i 1 1 a I 1. ins i! M, -si, hi an
.1:1! Ih Mist ti l' '.' I" III I'le.'l rliilU
e pia 1 in sP';miI 1 he eamli'lat e vv lm
111, iv l e 11, nun ate, I :il M ,ni,is 1 1 , -1 : 1 11 s
th 'il '.i .His 1 ' : e ' 1 . 1 .1 ' 1 ' .itl av ahlV.
'I'll 1 i,i:aie :. hiiinlaiil iwlicat 1 ais t hat
t lie ,',,iie 1 ! . I ' niU'ii M .iti s have
c hi e tut he 1 in,, 'hi inn ! a arty
I hat has hail a Usui in e ivM nil fur el lit
veai s is sun' to he col niit ami "lejht
tg he s::M'rs,Meil.
Tin' 1 ( 1 11 1 1 11.1 n i li t In isi'i.iisin
s' hi ' en' nines iinahaleil in lis IV roe it v.
I'he j,,. si, l, 'tit refuses In take a haml.
Ih' ! "".n't ,'aie hi'W le.iieh Inn thev
h.'l'.'i 'Mill i.'ii'h "I hel , li' I he) all vote
Inl I ii.i ill Niiveinhi'l'.
" M "I Wl-i'iH slii, Ihe lu.-ZJ
W U i 1 'I III,' srlia I e, see 1 us t he in t he
i' Is 1: ie his i", es Hi' wlio has always
traii.",i viiih the 1 en 11 lain iiiiil thestal
vvi'i is 11, iw Mnilsliiinself classilleil with
t he I- ' 1,,'is anil I he snleheaiU.
'l.i: national I reasiiiy seems to have
s'ini'1 'il I nsle.iii 1 1 a -ut phis of til.,
iiiiii, ii.i 1. as NivietaiY Shaw iiiouiImmI,
Illi'leWlll he a (lelil It (if al'OIll tlll'Cl'
(inns 1 hat auidiiiit. Tor a season of
' in,,' xaaipli'tl i'l'esn i Hy" t his Is very
ih' les,lm.
V 1 hiipe t lie l'eihlie;ilis will use
then 1 I I vrj of the lull dlliliel' iail"
if 'Ii.i m: pa icu 1 1 1 is eat'. 1 1' I hey 1I1 .
iilii! 1 vi .y tinielhev. i.tlel' the Win-civ.
pvc a "luli (liuiier iail," we vv ill j.iin
t hem. if they w i", let us help in Ihe
mis! iiK.tii ii
A M .nl.l I'loN to eiulol'ai' Miekev
.1! t', 1 pul'liean iMiu're.s.sion eoiiv en
t!,i,i :il ilasli'Ks was lu'wie,! ,lovvi) h
the ,l"!'val"s ,nnl lilleil out hv the
1 h.t:i 1,1 less t urn I hail it takes to tell
it 1 'h yes, Miekev is vviy p. pii: 1 r in
his . .', i' par 1 v nil '
'I'm hill toaii'.pl a i;,i',il slaiulai,l foi
I'ana'e.i has heen ilel'eale.l in t he 1st h
mkiii i.'islatuie, ai'.'l the col.-i and
t e t 'ii of t heir fut ine euiTeiiey are
Mnlecei. il. This ureal ly eiiihariasses
Ih. II h 'love. I I " t .1" ', . S,;nil.. who has
I ,'l'!l S L'lli.ll 1,1 them.
1 1 seems t hat repuhliean ailminis
t :al e ,ii is rot t en ev ei: 111 so ei'M a eouii
trv as Alaska. Ih'oseveli has lust sent
a I'om'i, .s.iiiiier no to in v t sf jjat e t he
persistent st dries of otlleial i' 'I nipt ion.
We It new it was pretty rank, hut sup
P 'sed that it vvtu.l 1 ki ep in a e"lil
climat.' like that.
1 1' the merchant marii.c ci nr...ission
is frank ami honest, it will n port to
f digress that a ship subsidy hill is an
expensive luxury, .lames J. lliil tcsti
lies that the t wo merchant shipswhich
he hui'.t as an experiment, the largest
in the vvorhl, cost hliu , ne-tl.iid nide
than t hey would I aveest him m Fin
land. "I've ha.! i iioi;e!i," he exclaims.
v'i Soli! s,i, V l'i ! .',.', ; v I I' "!
Vot ; .,;i:ks ',: ,. vials i .il.t t"
rMi'is- t! e I'i'i; '.' s i i." ,-.M,it.' i' .le
pet. ! ,v, it.s;.. i i .: :. ..':,- m
'1' pi ': ; '..'"" e nt ' : '.,., I , - e,
th II. -. . M ' s s.; s !'.'' ;:, I ' ', p. ; ' 1
ei.t !':' i;.o up.' .,' :.i '. i , ; i p ,
I i'C I . 'I ,! ', C C ''. ! , : , v; ; v' . I ;,, , ,
I'': ':' i 1 lavs " U: I 1 1 s . : i ,
ill, 1 :
11', N s ! n .'o, '; xt ' T e 1 ,
; ! .. -. 't: i iss ", ,i.. i.m 'st.. !. .
lie is ,..; ..!, -s' . i ., I, !: ;..",it, ! ! I
c li,' l'i ! i. - i ' -t ,1. -I r el ; no;:. :
.. ' e 1 1 1 i I ' . S Se- .'. ''.' hy the l epiil .
nil s! i'e .si' id ..!', ."ml o vvxc'i is
the i. .vs that l: s vol! wa'.islu.:, !oi
a ret !,.i.' mate. 'i. I'.c v Mr l'. .i
lo It." es. thal 'sa l tp. i.- ., , him
hiv. a:i 1 eT' tisai
Ri'iiubliccii Prosperity.
e ... I. t ',.r 7 ..i I ii I '..ill :.. I
., .e , .'it .i.v'l, ii.'eil i r ; il. I i '.' t' :'.
; i. IV. '!l il ;!i' U h.'l. 1 hi il s. ! V ii'. V 1.1 I ' . .
; :. i ! !.c ie i . i ' i - I T'.i . t.., -,i :i i
I 1 1 v. .I, I ,',e I ;u. .,-.;. i i . ! - I 1. 1 ie with I
: , ei ; tit .1 ! '.lie . to i. vv i.i", tie i I ..tV
i ' s I t i . ' .1 ' 'i 'A : : I , ! I i M " . .
. ; . . . ei . ei ii in. niii ' . 1 1 :..v i i .ce ,,
1 v . I ' V !:...!. (t tie I I'.. s s illl.l t -If II'- I
, ' !."t:i i,m .: . ! '. ' ri'"i."r :tt
' . I i ! .i!i ' .:.::' 'oil i I . I v I ! ,'s.
I l.'it i.i . I . v jil! i,. i'ii: I ; ! i, ie. I L "i ;i : i j
1 1. . i r at ti.. i "t. I; c i.-.'s i" 1 1"' i'"ii- j
; - i " "I . ' I l 1 1 iv a: In v .: e V "I II! ,
I ' 1 1 i ' . i sj. 1 1: v aii-l t he "I'.i' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-r j
i 1. 1 . 1 ' l'i ,i v it:iw'.' ne. ii i 111 I
! ' I
'ei ,'i i ! auiv e I he panic (Hires III (
'.si., Wisteiii I. It'll. "is Inaihit tat
i a' ' ie .ii c In seal eel) h i in.1 i i ices
ii. 'I 1 1,.' v'i 'iisii hum pa.vs siai a t i. .ii li-
ur.-s li.f ne at . Cm Hiial vv 1 1 ! rule !
I 'i' , I". II I.I It si ' Ii II w' .'Is I he 1'iiht . I lie
vu'eis liiak" lu.liM'S k;ovi'i'liti:.s Mnl
ilcsi(i, lit -,. F'ail' ( Nell. ) l;eilihlii'ail.
Ti: k (eiinev ( Id.) Ih'view' 1 liepiili 1 h::s I his to sav ahnut Ihe lu'i'i
(lelital pl''siilelit ' "It IS a fiil'ivoin.'
eonehisii.ii that le es. '. 1 .1 will he t he
I'eplllilleail lioilliuee for pi'i'.sif ll'llt. hilt
neverl heless there arc thiiusainls of
;; 1 i'.i I repm 'he ins who do nut. helleve he
has I he ahihl i lie pieslilent of I he
I'tilted Stales ainl who will not vote
I'ol' hi 111 leu iscv.-it hi- 1!' : ; ! "iJ t ! I'
I'epuh'.ieaiis ' 'I I h" w hole , y .'
N'ali s I as done tor Ihe I epu l! leans of
I 1 1 Hi, 'Is. IJ. 10 .i'Vi 1 ;.. i a 1 , ,t I s! I ess
mi the hut II, al. he ."Mini the coal
iiiine si 1 ike hut hesias 11, a hint, as to
vvhv hehasnul punished t lie coal Opel
al .. h I t hell ii." . . 1 1 ' Meal I , 11 el the
ant t-t rusl laws Thousands' of K"(il
ici uhheaiis eon lemii l.'onsev ell 's Pan
ama canal met hms ami 1 he;, a'so lisu
'..".((Willi hi in 1 ll I he i 'hilippil.e (',les
tloii and ut her Hull's. 1,'oosevelt. is
not ihe unanimous e;.oiee c! llepuh
eaiis hy a w hole lot
T'11 1 : taxpavers (those who pay their
taxes prompt ly ) will si mnl hy Mayor
(ieriiin' ii) his elhHts to rid the eity of
lis present ind hledness as tapnl
ly as pnssihle. noI vv itlislandiiii.' the
eold water showered upon his ad
min is! rat ien hy I he ! o,, of a in t leeol e
rie of hliHidsiiekels who preleiiils to
edit the News lie never posstsi'satl
idea of hlsown hut always wans fur
Sin lie who h.'e a peisnlial t'l ievaiu'e
a' ine. I M,:or licrin to tell him
what In write, or write it for him.
Mayor (lei iiu: is no wohhier, ami lie
will do his dutv h'lesprel he of the i-.l-llorof
the N'i'w.s and his few kiekiim'
ha e kefs lie has the tiriiuiess toeiirry
out his eoiiviet Ions, ami the honest
taxpayers ii:e alieaily lauding' his ad
ministration tor treating all ahkt, ir
respective of the professional kicker,
w ho souiier or iaterw ill kick himself
tod. at h.
l'i m 11 a lac'vass ma lender. spot ami
see him kick. When a eompiirisoii Is
mailed Alexander Hamilton, whose
men. or) is laud, il to the skies hv sonic
lepuhlie.ies who hnast of their ceiilra'
hvil envei mneul ideas, you can iva.hly
note t heir kick iiipT. Tlieilaiiiphool who
made an ellort to reply in l'i iday eveii
n;e Nqws lo a little suili that ap
pe.iic l in the .lou.nal. The fact that
the repiihlican party of today isapm
atter the sent inii'iits advanceil hy the
pvat enemy of a free hallot in his day
is perhapsu lea.soii lor the Newshoiidoo
rushmi! to his d, fence w lnle t he editor
was al s. nt .
Tin constitution created coimres.s,
and yet the si: preir.e court lias decidcil
that the creature is greater than the
creator and t hat the const It ut ion docs
not to t" the I'hllippine islands unt il
editress sends It. Kdltd'S ('Irietl
and Ioir of the Manila I'ledoin must
now speii I months in jail after havint
in vain demanded a jury trial. It would
he interest hit to know w hi ther they
will chan.'c the name of their i;icr
when tl ey remove the Msihlc Mrlrs
winch lor some months will cover (lie
Invisihle st ripes.
TiiosK pestilent feliovvs known as
"ant l-hrpct la'ists" piedictel two or!
three veais tuo that our milional Im
morality In il niddinv the ITiipinis
an l c'.icatiin: t he Fd t" Ficans would j
react at l upon outsclu". l"hltliei
I I-., .. I., i ..f t Y , t -i . , . -i ,,l . ... . i L I
j , v ,, , 'i ,,in -,.iti,,i,.ii nil,'., il
, time when thciewas so n.uch emhez
lemcnt, hU'liway tohherv, and n ot-
I ley violation of the rights i f otlers?,
! lYrhaps this is the pi nty of oar ad- j
miiustr.iti 'ii a''iead leilccte 1 t:o:i the '
peop.e at
pre heteil.
U I XV. ''
O 't t ' I I
t " d e, .
er.e. ils V l:.i:,'l FcVt I i,l.:e
l .lull-
t e ."
r.n i
.11 i ,
i:ethi;i.' I l,t he V ,
i c ot ' ,iss I- ;
1' p' I VV 1 1
::''e :'.ent "I t i ,
i ihev o ,.' s'T
'1 s n.
To t .e ;:::: V.,1er !l ( i;h. y.-.
t it w,.t : ,i' . i.l th se two i, j , I ' i -i'
ii s The .1 oiirual w il, k ; t h, i r
1. 1 : es as v i; iis we c.iii Ii ti i lew ! i .
A i u -k tor w .', n't I li.'V e I n c is
. ;' .ot tl at xv iv II ".v a ,',::. crt.t
c l'i ' e lo." Il ' scv.-.t . the "l n;st- ,.s-.
d.'' is a,, r than wi cm nmlersM:; 1.
Villa's a Liar?
in.'1 last v.. eke '.1.1:1:1:, .'. t
, .!n ,:.r
..!.! .i.i..:ia!
1 1
1 1
ill'':. a;.d the hsp.iia.'em"!:! ot .lelh i- ;
son !v ie( uli.i.'.in nevvsjainis and.
1 1.: tors is.isiei icant sin ilauiiltou ' 1. "-t p!iinoiii;eed ir.oiiarchist
.,' le.s ve.'i.iti ai. Ih- vv.i'i'e.l ii vii
1 ! i '. 1 I ' .I iol I lie ii lid a pel'.i laiieli'
i n sidi ei and ii.'l.i.ity. and tl he :: !
have ha 1 liis wav the states '.vv:M have 1
'l ''.: iiv,,l'.heil ;.-. s,,h: etei; (o a ,
st I ! ,' Hint " .Wei . 1 1 ne ,'..i e al : v i !
I, o.v !.' w,,,ii,l h He he a 1 1 1 1 ; inierial
Ms as the arch eneuiii-K of tnankiin'.
Nunc il nnphool. in t he ahsence of
Ihe i-.l.t. . 1,1 Ihe News I'liday. 1
lilsled toii,. detente of Alexander'
H.tmiho.'i's career, after the ahove hail :
appealed in the.lournal theday hefore
'I'll'' M.h.e lilol' takes exception to the
tin- it. in in a lout w Hided article. Usint
pi iiicipally halderdash innuendoes in a
ve:v veak and sillv elTort to can v his
,"i n: Ti.eie are perhaps uuineroi.s
iniuts for which Hamilton deserved
treat ere l.t, hut to hrinthiin forth at
t his t one its a champion of ;i reimhli f.ii in of tnveniment. is simply ri
diculous, and the suh-cdiior of the
News displays his itiioianiv hy his ef
fort in havint it appear otherwise.
That the .loin iial was cm rect in the
ahove statement, we refer the "siih"
I ' a hioiaiioie.n :, 1,'eteh ot llamliiou.
which appears in the Aincricani.ed
I'lncvclopaedia 111 ilanniea from which
we take t he follow hit ;
"He w :is elected I o ' he I'iii ladei pina
coiiveiil ion i.l 177. al w hieh the con
stltution of the the Ijilled Stiltes wa-,
adopted. Ill this h,!v he w,,, m a
hopeless mini lilv.hut he preselif eil his
Views III an tlli.e .speech, illid alt hollth
he w it h !:ew' fioiii I he convent ion tern
p .rari'.v, lie iixe I hi:, name to I he con
st il utl - mi, ; an ! ad v. ei lis adopi m
lliilliiltou vvm- a Federalist of t ;le ex
treme Ivpe. Ih' a!s-i inherit ed or ac
1 1 Ii i i' " I Ideas lis to Ihe svstein (jf toV
el'llllieiil, hased on the ancient, and
aristocratic methods. 'I'he plan he
prop.osed eontempiat ed '., i-'iuu ut
(n'oiif. nl i.ii, t,,.:tt fix ' ' . 'lie Ih-
,,iiin I hill I'm "I .or, ,, s '( t hi i,ii
linmll i fi chtiri ."
It I.s more t nan prohahi,- t hat t he
principles advocated hy llaaiilto;), and
defended so hi.dst eiiliy hy the repilhli
can part v, ;md lind "-o much favor with
its leaders Is heeause I hey tod;n
tavor the form of fvei nment cham
pioned hy he wlio l.'ilioreil so hard to
ceutrali.e the power of toNei'iiinenl
in t le' hands of the lew, even in A mer
ica's vei) ill til i:rv . This Is why then
is so much siiuirmint when inent Ion is
mad" ol Hamilton hi eonneet imi with
t he policy of t he lepiihliean party.
IiiM'nu.icAN prosperty has .struck
the railioad shops here another severe
jolt. I.asi week over inn employees in
the v;n ioiis depai I uieiits were let out,
and it is thom.'ht umie will follow.
This sort of a prosperity wave is not
appreciated hy the employees, espe
cially at a lime when they least expect
ed it. on the cU'oi a president ial ciiin-I'aitn-
Got Pxicf) QuicHly.
Thales, the I! reek philosopher, de
livered a -.i runt; speech against the
senseless mania to i-'et rich quickly. A
rich man remarked that all unlit to
aciiuire wealth speak the same way.
Thales answered he would prove it is
easier to .et rich than wise, llein
K'acd in hiisiness ami devoted all his
lime and energy lo it, as well as his
hiu'ii education. Within a year he
m;i le more inoiiey than his competit
ors made in their whole life. "1 had
one partner," he sank "a u'ood stom
ach. ' Whoever wauls to he succi ss
fid In lite has to have a u'ood stomach,
and the only remedy which will keep
every stomach strum; and healthy is
Trinei's American Flixir of Fitter
Wine. It makes t he digest ion perfect,
the blood rich and pure, the nerves
and the brain powerful l.ven if you
til e enjov me; t lie b"sl of he.lll h v o
should preserve it l.y this ureal uiape
wine remedy. Al drue, stores, .loseph
Tinier. .is.i. Ashland Ave., Chiea-o,
Triumphs of Modern Surgery.
Woinlertiil thlnes are done lor the
human body by sniciy. Druans are
taken out ami sctaped and polished
and pill hack, or tiny may he lcmovcd
el'.tiiely: hones ate spliced: pipes take
the place of diseased sections (if veins:
antiseptic dressings aie applied to
wounds, bruises, hums and like
les before! ku sets in, w lucli
causes thea: to heal without matura
tion an,! mene-thii',1 the time reijtureil
lytheold ticiUmiut. t'hamberlain's
Fain lkilm tic's on thissame priuciple.
It is an an! iscptie. and when applied
I' s.U'h il'M.! ies causes the:n to heal
Vi iv , i.i, kl, . 1: ;;'.. i ,i!',;n s the ( :iin
a1..! s, i,-cs K p a ' :. of Pain
l',,,:n in Voiir home ami it vvid sive vou
' ie i . " ; t ' ., ct ion the
-v. :.v.: !: t .r. 1 . '. :." v l-e':-, ;eh
::. " i t.-.h 1', r -.-'. w . :j.
'j".ur,z ii) a Folcr hi'jjaT.l .i .
1 - com';, dea:' ,.', ;,. ti.'-' ! ' :!
I: ' !..o: , .' i '.v t ,n i . ,:lec! : 1.. ', i I
1 lit v ''is,-, i ;s. I' ,e s Ixi li.ej l ,:e
wi-! i: ' a s'.k'.' : ,:. i ie a f w l.iv s
iin ' -is c ';' :.:: 1 i.s,- uoi '.: the
'l s! ,. i ;ie e.iss. It l.:'.s x .led
i: a: v .- pi 1 l'.l uht'.s iliscav all,!
.il.l' i t - vv I -Mi le t hoajit t . be i, , ur
e. I: t ., have ki ihi v , r I l.i !d, r
! i" '.' ;'. c ..; :i.. nee t. ik in 1', 'i. v hid
li, v 0,.;,' t' lay, N'fo.e il is t -o !:itc.
Fl I s
F. :. i'.ixl.e Co.
Low I'uts ill all the I-'iishiohilhle
l-'ads for feininine fi Nit wear for.
We have a very graceful OXFORD.
Ilcxihle McKay sole, patent tips. Fifth
avenue toe. (,'uhan heel. Tis an ideal
shoe, tor a medium price, that has
service and style. Let us .show it to
you. See our Child's Slippers.
Sherwood & Son
5j Ferry s Restaurant
j$ Gnd Short Order House Served at Ucerulnr X
Men ll.uirs.
v iv o i.' i i'j i- O
Fi.-!i ur nnytliii: in Mnrket. N
H V. UTIEHr;PC:i. Proprietor,
North Side Main Street N
Beg Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
Moiils )it all hours Stx-ciul at
tciiii'iii to the fat mer patrons. The
talilos are supplied with the best
i lie noirkets nti'ord.
IOUX COUKV. Proprietor.
Up end Doing.
The Journal has received a copy of
the "Flue Hook," which was published
and sent out by t he Fremont Commer
cial cluo. Il tells of four new indus
tries located there within a few
months, which arc the Western Seed
and Irrigation company, the Atlantic
('anninn Factory, a new llouriiig mill
and a P.utter Tub plant, ami the
nicwtli and prosperous condition of
mure than twenty old established fac
tories, one having a pay-role of from
rCii.oiiH to iflio.oiM per annum; one
tJ,"iih per month; one . la.uuo per year.
Ilovv many new factories has Platts
lnouth received since the election of
the new otlleers tnth" Ileal F.slate F.x
chanyeV A Good Thing.
The city council last Tuesday night
in passing a lirecracker ordinance were
evidently looking to the good and
safety of the citizens of this place in
this connection. To call attention to
the statistics that have come to notice
of the accidents accompanying the
Fourt h ot .1 uly demonst ri'.t ions of pm;;,
h. 'sides those who were made cripples
for life, and accidents which did not
conic to the knowlcdgeof tin-statistician,
and others painfully though tem
porality disabled, there were -lot;
deaths. f tii. se I'.i 1.1 wa re caused by
the toy pistol and blank cartridge and
seventeen by1 camion crackers. The
city authorities have possitively for
bidden t be US ' illid S lie of these i;. libel
ous playthings am! it is a y.o"d thing.
Driven to Desperation.
Living at a i out if the way place, re
unite from civ iliatidi. a family is of
tendrivt u to desperation in case of ac
cident, rt sill; mg in ben s, cuts, wounds
ulcers, etc. Lav in a supply of Fuck
lch's Arnica Salve. It's the best on
caitli. -c:it F. C. Fricke I'o.'silrug
far chlldctnt iafe, cure. .'o cp'.atet
.J'1..' ' Vi x' I. :V..'-1'Ji'J
'.'. -'.': i ., . . r .
tl I II I I I t. S I.M.I vt . ,
I. ..I, I ii,. I,,.; , I. ,. . v..,,, . . I r 1 -1
nl.t no i.ll.rr. It.-fu! i1i.ii:'r'.i m.Iisii.
i,iiio,i nn.i in.ii.iii.iiiv i.i, . . i
. i x-n.1 le. in i . ( i l-iirll.-i !-
im.niiii ,t i i ;i r r..- i. ,.- i .
I rliirii Inil. iii.imhi i . .-v i :
K. 1 1 I .., :-!.
iH.i'ULtfniii ci;i::.!K.M. ro
8tM .aUlun S.iuurr. I'I.!L., I J,
Mi'i.llvB tli CJp-r.
Vjg x
liourishine; cnrti. It has the llnvor that is so highly temler,
ciatiilby those who know whut notl meet is. It is lastiu',
juicy iind ( Choice cuts for broiling or roasting'
Our prices invito purchases. Also bear in ruiml that our "
is up-to-date mnl that the ipmlity of our goods cnimot be
surpassed nor our prices cannot be beat. We divide our
profits with our customers, because we give them the best
goods for the same money that you hnvo to pay for poorer
pmlity. l)nn't In- backward, but uivo us a trial
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office
How is Your Roof?
If You Need i New One. Now is the Best Time
KL-mcinhcr, that v arc fully pivparod to
place a new tin nuf on your liouse, new
pouti:i, or repair the old ones.
Wc AUkc a Specialty of Roofing and Spouting
And are Prepared to (live Vou Close Figures
on This Kind ol' Work.
Xo. 506 Main Street
Try ; case of the
i ui a j j i (niii'
0 One of the Purest
Q Call on Ed Donat at the Peerless Sa-
loon, ur telephone 112 and Kd will do
Q the rest. All we ask is a trial for this
popular hrand and you will luiv no
h Try a Case To-Day.
5 ED. DON AT, Frcnrletor.
t-.-'?',j.V J
: ! xv;s
I Ct"hutcl)iW
K if t. . ' ,i4
That Has
That is the kitul we have,
Not only now" but all times.
I't'of that has been jiro
iluceil from rich, sweet
count rv irrass iiml tino
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Plattsmouth. Xehraska
Favorite .John Ciincl
Beers on the Market K
-m- VWIW
- - -
'The Early Bird
Catches the Worm"
Tliis is an old nayiny. but a very wise
one in niMiy iveipccts. nml serves to remind
those who nre on the lookmit for
Spring Suits
l r Mt u i,nii li-iys
That William Holly is .r, i,'irc,l to "illl the
I '-'l in this ;:!,. t,s ,;,lti ,,, j,1f. ,, (i)
a11 1 i'!-F- ft hi- iii-.v arrivals i.i.d l.i-1
l'1'''" '- l'i' n::d tjiinlity uti.'ir,:;it"r,l, nml
! ''" '''''I Ih- till!.-. Also, u lino line
"f M.'i.'s r,-i:j J ,.' S! s ,.f ; ..,-.,,,,.;.
H-ts en I C'jps. Gertb' rurrhhing Goods, Etc.
K- r.leu.h.T tl." .Ine,-.
William Holly
Last Hcom IVdtcrnjn lilock
Corner lV".-i.h .-mil Main Streets