Volume XXIV PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. JUNE 1(3. 1904 Numl). r 2b TART CURB-STONE JQSHINGS Culled, Clipped, Penciled and Prepered for the Readers of the Journal. :is :i f :i i r M sec. I :i f:i l she w.is ;l pc:i.-i : Hill lit-ltcw m . . 1 1 ;i f :i r : i i y tri e. A:ul w:i ii. yun.l my n .n-li. Co;;!!- to I'lattsmouth the-ith. Although it is Loup Year, there will bo !io dearth i if Juno weddings. Tho man w ho tins right can stand up and look tho world in t lie face. No man, if ho don't try to got bigger than i j ' , can expect to jrot pro all too fust with tho weather. moted. Wo are a Summer w not luiii oiliciallv until J line 1. Tho man who ina.u-s hay while thu sun shines doesn't lot tlio grass grow undor liis foot. Tho Eagle (tuartt to.of ( hnaha.ohe of tho host in tho country, w ill ho here on the Fourth. I he good looking school ma'ams will he with us next week, and Cass county lias lots of thorn When a man nets hard up and can't net anything to do, they oiler him the vice presidency. If undertakers would many mid wives they could then catch them a-coming and a- - i i i k There are men . ''odon't know what to do with their oppoi ' 'initios any more than a dog knows wha to do with a tin can tied to its tail. Pointer for I'lattsmouth girls: Five New Jersey young ladies won husband. by toying with a lawn mower in front of T lie house of evenings. Fireworks will be restricted some what on the Fourth in this city, and ought to be. The cannon-cracker, one of the biggest nuisances of the age, m ust go, We have had Uncle Tom's Cabin and the week will end with Happy Hooll gan at the Parmele, Saturday night. That ought to be enough to do us for a while. AJgentleiuan remarked the other day that the reason why some people don't talk about their family tree is because it's a little too shady. lie ought to know, perhaps. Next Tuesday night the closing ex ercises of St. John's school will occur at the I'armele theatre. An excellent programme has been arranged for the occasion, and everybody welcome. A reader of the Journal wants to know what becameof Midget Mickey's boom for vice president' Detter ask what has become of his boom for re election since the republican conven tion? The employes of the railroad shops got another taste of the "full dinner pail" and "Koosevelt prosperty" again last week. All that's left for them to do is to "stand pat" and grin and bear it whether they want to or not. The Elks have again been compelled to postpone their fair and carnival in definitely, on account of the serious illness of David Ilawksworth.a member or the order. It is probable the event will not occur until some time in the fall. We heard of a young lady bogging her best follow for ice cream the other night, and when he told her he hadn't any money, she took him to the ice cream parlor and bought it herself for the two. That's the kind of girl for a fcllcw to have, but is it the kind of a fellow for a girl to have? The man who has nothing to do but stand around on the streets and talk atout his neighbors, is worse than any old woman gossip. Hut still he is to be pittied, for he has become so noted for defaming the charactersof some of our very best citizens, that they have named him "Plattsmouth's First-class Liar" not lawyer. The following story is told of modern surgery: An old lady, who went to Omaha to visit herdaughter, was met at the door by the hired girl who said that her daughter had gi me down town to have a kimona cut out. The old lady sank fainting into the nearest chair and tearfully asked what hospital she had been taken to. Some of those fellows who have nothing else to do but stand on the streets and condemn Mayor Coring for doing his duty, should understand that the reduction of :n,ooo of the city's indebtedness speaks louder in his be hair than these wheezened voices can work to the contrary. So blow on, ye kickers, toyoiirhearts' content! An esteemed subscriltfrsouds us the ten commandments and asks us to pub lish them.. Under the circumstances wo must decline, to do so. It Is true the commandments were written sev eral thousand years ago, but If we pub lish them some person might think they were aimed at him and stop his paper. The publisher of a newspaper has to be very careful about such things. Lodges Decorate. Several of the fraternal "idoiso! this city held memorial services last Sun day. The Odd Fellows met at their hall in the morning and about nine o'clock inarched to Oak Hill cemetery an. 1 decorated the graves ot deceased members. They vre puvoded ly the K. M. baud. The ii.emher-.nt the A . O. I'. W. lodges Nos. and -I. also met at their hall at about the same hour, and headed by the I'.oheniiaii band, niaiche ! t"lho cemetery and de corated tiie gravis of their deceased members. At'ter reluming turn ti e cemetery apprm iate memorial si i :ees were held at the di'Vreut halls. The Knights l I'ytniasaisn h"ld meirm i.il services, at their hall in the afternoon. FREED FROM SUFFERING, A. H. Wecktoch Dies at His Home Iii This City ot Diaoetis. After a C'Hilinonient of eight day A. II. Weckbach died ol Mia bet is at his home in this on Saturday evening, June 11. 1'.h4, being unconscious for some time previous to his death. From the beginning of his last illness, but slight hopes at any time were entertained for his recovery. Most of the time he was unable to take and retain nour ishment, which perhaps hastened his demise. Mr. Weckbach has been a resident of I'lattsmouth for thirty-six years, coming to Nebraska from Germany in 1n;h, when twelve years of age. since which time he has made this city his home. He was born in Waldhatisen liaden, Germany, on the Mth day of April, K14, and was married twenty years ago, the wife, made a w idow by his death, survives him, but no child ren ever blessed his home, except by adoption. One brother, Win. Week bach of Omaha, also surviveshim. For the past fourteen years he was engaged in the grocery business, and considered one among our most popu lar, prosperous' and Influential mer chants and citizens. Being naturally of a genial and jovial disposition. he was highly respected by all whoknew him, and his acquaintance was quite cxten sive in Cass county and also Mills coun ty, Iowa. He was a member of the Iff - r ii . . . , . ooumen 01 me orio, Ancient order of United Workmen and Modern Wood men of America. The funeral services occurred Tues day morning, June 14, at 10 o'clock from St. John'sCatholic church, Fath 1h ? v v 'v: .7 vy A. H. WfX'KliACII or Ilradloy, assisted by I!ev. liartok of the liohemian Catholic church, con ducting the same. After which in terment was made in the Catholic cemetery. The remains were followed to their last resting place by a very large number of relatives and sympa thetic friends, the cortege number ing sevent y-one vehicles, hearing those who desired to he present to w itness the last sad rites toall that was mortal of A. II. Wockback, before the bodv was consigned to the silent tomb. dermania lodge, A. O. I . W., of which t he deceased wasaciiarter mem ber, attended in a body, while quite a number of members of both orders or t lie Woodmen attended. The pall bearers were selected from each of these lodges, as follows: John l'.auer, sr., Henry llirz, William Ilassler, Jos eph Innege, C. Janda and Abe Kupley. Paint Bargains Special. Linseed oil, raw, 4."c per gallop. Linseed oil, boiled, 4."c per gallon. Carter's white lead, Kit j per loolbs. Southern white lead, Jti.ii.1 per 100 lbs. 1'atton'sSun Proof paint. 1.". per gallon: . gallons or more, tl.M pcrgal. Turpentine, 7."c per gallon. Gkkino & Co., I'rugglsts. Painting, decorating and sign writ ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders at Frlckc'sdrtig store. L. Baldwin. mm wir&j&N THE MASONIC HOME FORMALLY DEDICATED. Five Hundred Members of tiie Order Attend the Ceremonies. GmVID LODGE OFFICIALS 0FF:C;ATE. A Number of Former Residents of Plaits mouth Participle In the Excises. ( ne. ot t lie i.iost nn pi. 1 1 ant and in terest ing events thepa-i wn-k oc curring in t ins ci! V was ; he toi toa I 'led icatiollnf the Mas'illic l.nmeo'i Thlil'S day atleriuinii, .lime :i, l.-oi. In the alteiiinnii a sprcial 1 1:1m ar rived at the 15. ,v M. depot, ennsisting nl' ten coaches, bearing a large number of Masons, tln-ii wives and daughters Here they were met by t he local lodge city council and many leading and prominent citizens. Carriages were in waiting for the ladies to envoy tiiem to the homo. Headed by the Omaha High School hand, following in order Mount Calvery Calvary Commandery No. 1 Knight Templars in uniform with other Masons, the line proceeded up Main to Sixth street, not t h to Vim thence northwest on Washington ave nue to the homo. The ceremonies oc cur red on the front steps ol the build- I On arriving at the home Past Grand Master George W. Limnger, of Omaha, brletly stated the object of the occa sion, and incidentally remarked that the building had been most, elegantly furnished free of expense to alio order, and that it was free from all incum bianco, and that it was now presented to the Grand Lodge of the state. After the remarks of Mr. Llningor Kev. II. I. burgess of St. Luke's church of this city repeated the Lord's prayer, which was followed by the band playing"Ani erica," in which all joined In singing. The be niti ful home prepared for maimed and aged members of the or der was then dedicated in a most im pressive manner, characteristic or the order, by Worshipful Grand Master Frank E. Ilullardof North Platte, who said: "In the name of the Creator and Sovereign P.ulerof the Universe, 1 ded icate this home to the order." Ashe did so he scattered com, wine and oil, as emblems of charity, virtue and be nevolence. In the course of pust Master Linin ger's remarks he said that it was not the home of all Masons, and while the order recognized charity as a duty in ciimbent upon all Masons, it was not a poor house, but a home in every sense the word would imply-our home and will he supported by the free oiferings of true and loving Masons. Judge M. P.. Leese of Lincoln, past grand master, delivered the principal address, and among other things said that he had left I'lattsmouth thirty years ago with the intention of making La permanent home elsewhere, but Ik was very emphatic in the statement that after ail these years he returnsto I'lattsmouth where ho has a home which ho was delighted to call "our home." Shot t addresses weie delivered by Judge A. W. Critcs of Chadron, Past Grand Master II. K. Lvans of Ia- kota City and C.J, Phelps of Schuy ler, all of whom spoke in gratifying and loving terms of "our beautiful home, this day dedicated and turned over to the Grand Lodge." This is the twentieth home to bo founded in the United States by the Masons. It is a beautiful thiee-story brick building, containing nineteen rooms, a modern structure in every respect, situated as it is upon a beau tiful knoll overlooking the city and ad jacent to one of the principal thorough faros, making Its location an ideal one. The original cost for the construction or this elegant home was somewhere in the neighborhood of .'0,ooo. It was erected by Jacob Vallery, jr.. several years ago. It passed into the hands of Hon. F. K. White, present grand secretary of the order, who occupied it as a residence until he removed to :n aha, then it was transferred to the Grand Lodge nf the state at a great deal less than one-third the original cost. In this Issue we present to the Journal readers a half-tone of the home, taken early this spring, from which can be obtained a splendid view of the building and surroundings. Among the ladles present on this occasion were Mrs. Anna C. Sampson of Omaha, grand secretary of theOrder of the Eastern Star; Mrs. T. W. Mat thews of Fremont, past grand matron: Mrs. Gordon, past associate matron, and Mrs. Jessie Grldley, grand matron, both of Omaha. Among the visitors were several former I'lattsmouth residents, among whom were Judge Reese of Lincoln, Hon. Frank E. White of Omaha. Judge A. W. Critesof Chadron, I). II. Wheeler Kebrnsla Masonic Home Dedicated at Plattsmoisth. Thursdny, Jur.j f;t!i, VXA. and laptain II. i: Palmer present post master at hnaha. The exeiiisionisls vveri- aeeoinpanied by the ( tinalia II igh School hand, w hich for yoUUList ers discoursed eseellellt music. The visitois (leparled on the Mum trip to Omaha, no doubt feeling that tliev weii' dulv received ami ppip'-rly entertained during their short s'ay in I'lattsmouth. THE TEACHERS ARE COMING, Open Wide Your Doors and Give Them a Cordial Greeting. The teachers' institute convenes in th is ci ty next Monday, continuing until the following Saturday a! toruoon. ( n Monday evening w ill come the regular reception at the High school building, at which all are given an opportunity to meet eaeli other again afteranother year, as well as to meet the ni w inem-bf-rs who join the ranks annually. ( f the High school graduates from our own city schools this year, we are in formed that no loss than a half a doen will teach the coming year. ( n Mon day evening aNo, in connection with the reception, will be given a lecture by Mrs. Stouteiiboroiigh. who can at all times be counted on to give them somethi.iggood. Follow ing Mrs. Stoiitenboidiigh.eaeh evening will bo lecturesasfollows: Mr. Edward A. lesson the "Mind of The Mob;" E. II. Sherman of Schuyler, on "The Hardy Nnsemen" nn Wednesday evening; Saaniol Phelps Leland of Chi cago on Thursday evening 0:1 "Our Count ry's Tomorrow." ;t i c 1 on Friday evening the PlattMinian Quartette, assisted by two recital i' nists and a whistling soloist, willeiiterlain. It is an opportunity to hear these niimbers.allor thein. Those wboeiijoy something good will be. sure to bo there. The Ilossand Leland led ures and t he musical niiinber will be giveti in the Presbyterian church, and a vi. all ad mission fee will In- cliaiged. Daoth of Pat VcCallan. Patrick MeCallau, oi f the voter- anemio)es of the 15. ,v M. shops in this city, di' d at IJurlingtou, Iowa, on Friday morning, June In. I'.ml, aged o vears last April. His death was due to asthma, of w bich he had been atllict- ed for some time. Several innnthsago In1 started for Chicago for treatment it the hands of an expert, but when he reached I'.urliiigtnn ids condit ion be- came sued that it was necessary to re move him ttoni the train, where he nainen m,i h iicaiu rcieveti nun, and where Interment was made. Tin-de ceased was bom in Ireland, pril, 1P, miiig to Ameriea with his parents the same year, residing on a farm f 'r several vears in pes nines count v. wa. lie learned the trade of toiler maker at llurlingtoii, serving asan ap prentice for three years; then as jour neyman in the same shops for three years. In 1 -ii, . bo entered the employ of the 11. M. at llurlington in the same capacity, where he remained un til he came to I'lattsmouth In Septem ber, ls7.", where be entered upon the discharge of his duties as foreman of the H. X M. lioiler shops. lie repre sented the Fourth ward in the city council In K-Mi. The deceased was married In llurlingtmi, Iowa, In April, 171, to Catherine Ward, also a native of Ireland, whu with two children, surviveshim, Ilehasmany friends In tills city who regret his demise. Piano for Salt. High grade piano, good as new, only used a short time, can be had cheap. Sec AiiTiu n IltLrs. HAPPILY UNITED IN WEDLOCK At the Home of the Bride's Parents, Two Wiles South of Piattsmoulh. A most happy own! occurred at the home of Mr. and Mis. .1. . Tains, two miles smith of this city, on Saturday al'lernociii, June n, p.,ui, !.,, .r daughter, Miss Katie, was united In marriage to Mr. Henry barstens of Carroll county, Iowa. Theeeiemony was performed by b'ev. II. Ilai kinaiio. nastor nl the lio n Lutheran church of i hi, .-it e :..ni witnessed by a large number of rela tives, including the parents of both bride and groom. In fact all the rela tives of the bride in this si ctlon of the count ry, numbering about t went y-llve, were present to sec t wo happy hearts welded in one. Alter the marriage ceremony congratulations followed, then came the least of go id things to eat and drink, and you can bet there was plenty and to spa re. The Germans are noted for enjoying themselves on such occasions, and this one was no ex ception to the rule. Even t he old ones joined in the merry-making, and not only did it continue untila late hoiirin the night, but. all the guests remained over and carried the tost i vit ies t h rough the following day. It was a grand af fair, and one long to tie remembered by those who participated in this joy ous event . The happy couple departed for 'ar roij county, Iowa. Sunday evening, wl.'i'i" the groom owns a good tarin. and where they will make theirfuiuiv home. The Journal loins tin' many friends of Mr and Mis. Karsteiis in the wish t hat there pathway I hmugh lifemay be an easy one to happiness and prosperity. Cess County Sunday Schools. The Inui i h annual convent ion of t he Cass county Sunday school association was held in the M. E. church at Mur doek on Thursday and Friday, June Hand hi. and was largely attended, A ma mrity of t he speakers were prac tical workers in the cause, and t heir efforts are largely responsible for the success of the association. The ladies of Murdoek served a regul-n New Lug land dinner and supper to tie- delegates and other friends in attendance at Tools hall, and those present speak highly ot the manner in which they wore so royally entertained by the good eitien., of that village. Fifty dollars was raised for county work and iln.1 re state Sunday school work. This meeting is said to be by all odds the most successful of any vet held and the increased Interest manifested is greatly due to the work of the rural members. The following officers were (dected for the ensuing year: ('. C. Wescolt, president; John Earle, Mur - dock, vice president: G. L. Farlev, see - rotary; II, II. Frahs, I nion, treasurer: Edith Clisbe, superintendent of pn - mary work: Prof. E. L. House, super- intendeiit of normal wrk: Fred. s. Will of Mynard, Jainesstandernf Lou- isvllle and J. E. Noycs of Elmwood, district superintendents. Why Not? The 30th day of May of each year, as Is well known. Is set anart bv the w.v! ernment as a national decoration day, Since this has been done a day has also been set apart by the various or ders for decorating the graves of their departed momlrs. Why have these separate days for this purpose? Why not all join together In commemora tion of the dear departed by scattering Mowers over their graves? Thcliotlnlay of May is a national holiday, and what a day It would be If all these societies would Join the old soldiers In Its gen eral observation! Why not do It? A Lnnje luy Crop Fxpcdd. The past W eek has li'-e i I w it ll heavy showers in cenl nil and western counties. The mean daily to n cr lure has averaged two d'-go-i s bi low normal. '1 he rainfall has exceeded an Inch in most cent r.il an I w. stern count ie. W lllh' ill a coilsidel ab;.- purl of I he eastern count ies the raiulall h is been less than one-half an inch. The conl lunation of the cm I. moist, weather lias been. r,iM,ial.e im the I Hllwl 11 "f -'i.'ill gram and grass W tor wheat and rye aio most ly headed, while oats are just, beginning to show heads. Crass in pastures and mead ows Is in excellent condition with every prospect of a large hay crop. The lirsl cut ting of alfalfa Is just be ginning In soul hern count iesand some damage was done by ihe showers or the week. The allalta crop Is gi-neral-ly excellent . Corn has grown slowly and many corn Holds are st ill weedy. Fair progress has been made with cul tivation of corn in most, parts of the Slate, hut in some localities ami on low laud tho soil is still too wet to work. St raw hi ri ies are i ipening and are a good crop. ( 'hcrries are begin ning to I in ii red and most I n-es are well tilled Willi fruit. Fearful Accident. Mrs. A E. Slander, one of I he early settlers o t hisvlciniiyaiid lie- mother of l'.C. and .laniesMander, well known I.oiiisvide merchants, im-l with a I' i ig'il ful ace i del it ' hursday aft ei noon. Mie ,ai climbed upon a step ladder In arrange some vines on a pon h when she slipped aild fell. e,-, jvj ;1 ,.,,,. pound fracture of her I. It iiml, just above the ankle. When the inemhels of the household discovered her .'he was endeavoring to crawl into he house, and t hey were hori ilii-d to see t hat. bones of her limb were pint r ud ing through the skin about four or live inches. Mi" was carried into the house and a messenger dispatched f...,- In,. U'oriiuiian and Thomas, who Si -i the fractured limhwith I. opi-sof saving n, but the natnieof the fiactun and tin advanced age of the lady ma make amputation necessary. Mrs. Slander is sixty-two yea is of age. She is one "f tic i a 1 1 v pioneers of ( 'ass county, and her many friends will u-grel, to learn o h.-r gn at u is'oitune ille '',,i,,.- Louis He's All Rlgrjt. ( " ley presented tho ; n;i,-s of 1 bis vieinit y at t he d u ratie state convent ion last week. It is tit ting that Joe should have that honor, for he was about the tnst conveit. to Pryaiiism made in Weeping Waterand ! 'eluaska, an 1 ,as labored sine" his conversion he ng and faithful to keep ! r;mls unbroken. hen the light ; "f Ids star was dimined by clouds urn j !1"ght. have heard Joe whispering to I ""-' faithful words of cheer. As Hearst, j ''arker, Cleveland and others were I talked of as presidential pi ssilulities , ,, ,ias ,.,, cart.fll, t0 ,nfll.m u. friends that Mr. P.ryan is a young man yo1' Tlu Kans;s '"J' I'latrorm moans ,mR" lu JW as '"" wm' "istaith In the colonel has been as staunch and Immovable as the stone sidewalks in Weeping Water. His adherence to the principles of hi to 1 are as fixed as the boulders In our hills, and it will take a mighty big charge of dynamite to dis lodge them. Weeping Water Herald. $4.00 for Selling 25 Of our Champion Flat Iron Cleaners. Sells for 2."c each and everybody wanU one. Write for particulars. The At kins company, lox Mil, Omaha, Neb