The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1904, Image 8

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Mustang Liniment AAustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
cnrv Cut, i:uru, ISrulmr. In uc fur uvvr siity ytur-. for Man, T.cuM or l'oultry. it for llor.e ailments, liml.-r. snr T..!m. cure Fro.tbite. and Chilblain.
,imbrn up Ptiff Jolut.
core Frostbite and Chilblains.
inn Lin
Auslang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Austang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustanq Liniment
curt' Sjirftln niul Strain.
curt- Spuvln ami Kinghutu-
bculn Old Sorcn quickly.
Utrut fur Cuttle uilim-nt.
penetrate to the very bone.
Heat thing fur a lame hurae.
Wustang Liniment AAustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Musta ljn;mfnt
i n oliii-euro for Tilt . i urt-a till forma uf KhvunintlMin. cure Cakwl I'dder in tow h. i;ct for Sheep ailments. , nlwaya gives satisfaction, drive- "'J
m an inllammation.
Weeping Water
l r- 1 1 1 llir I!i im !' I. an.
Two ue U'K'pliimc ws are bring
put in iii'ith i'f town. Tins i.n grtt iiii:
to Ik' one 't tin' ln-st u i H1 tele
iln'iii' districts in tlic t'liiintry.
Hen Miller has accepted a position tn
goon tin- roaii ami sell banl.are. Mr.
an.l Mrs. Miller left Tuesday fur ( m
alia. where they will make their lieail
(iiarteis. Jobn tionlon, tin liliml veteran, was
up from the Leavenworth soldier's
borne to visit relatives and friends and
attend Decoration day services. Mr.
Gordon Is looking well.
Miss Travis left Saturday morning
for riattsinipiith, to visit her brother
and family before leaving for tier home
in Ohio. Miss Travis has been trlm
mlngfor Miss 1'aliu' (or the past twelve
l'rof. Searson uf Wahoo was In town
Friday on business. Mr. Searson was
principal of our school admit ten years
ago, under l'rof. Waterhouse, and has
a large circle of friends here who were
pleased to see hi in again.
Mrs. A. L. Wlnchell, late or New
Mexico, who has heen keeping house
for her brother, Will, out at
llallett, Neb., accompanied by her
three children, came In Tursday even
ing with Will. Mr. Wlmlwl )s expect
ed to come to Weeping Witter before
long, and they will again make tlis
their home.
Mrs. Arthur Jones has heen sick fur
the past week and the physician tells
licrthat she w never get hettcruntil
hi goes laclv to thiJ iin!t!'.' 9"tf ''as
another operation. Tliey tlilnk the
stitdjes taken "lieu she was operate;
"tlii for appendicitis iiave pulled out.'
Mrs. Jones Is having more than her
share of trouble wc think, and'hope for
a permanent cure for her and good
health as a recompense for all she has
Charles T. Walllck died at his home
in Omaha of appendicitis, on Friday,
May -7, l'.'Ol, aged twenty-live years,
eight months and ten days, after an
illness of only three days. Charles T.
Walllck was born September 17, 17,
died May 27, lnol. The body was
brought here Saturday evening for bur
sal, Hie services being held at the Con-
fCg;illo,ial v!1111'1.'1' V! 'jnuday after
no.ui at 2 o'clock, Rev. D. S. I
of tingle conducting the services, av 1
slsted by Kev. S. I. llanford.
, special train came down from t!ii-
alia on Sunday bringing about 1,",0
friends and members of he, brother-'
. Iioeu or Ritlirff-' TUOilmen, of which
he a uainbpr. They brought with
them ft '-'iiitiful tloral piece In the
for1, of a wheel. The dowers were
abundant and beautiful. The stricken
wife has the deepest sympathy of all
in her sudden Wreavement.
Krotn tlie HrniM.
J. 11. Inhelder moved his confec
tionery stock last week to Stanton,
where lie will In the future do busi
ness. Earll'arkinscaine down from Spring
field last Friday and has accepted a
Job with the Commercial Land Co. as
lime keeper.
yuite a number of fanners found It
necessary to replant part of their corn.
The cool weatiier prevented itssprout
ing. Win. 11. Fool has been on the sick
list the past week with stomach trou
ble. He Is grieving much for fear the
strawberry season will be over before
lie is in shape to partake.
.Mrs. tieorgc l ohi, living six nines
west and one mile smith of Avoca.
died very suddenly Tuesday, May '.V.
Her death was a great shock to the
husband, as she had not complained of
illness, and had been up and around a
few days previous. She leaves a baby
ten days old. The cause of her death
is said to be heart trouble. The fu
neral occurred Wednesday.
Saturday evening, S. V. thton
while descending the hack steps at
tlie store, stepped on a loose board
which turned over and precipitated
him to the bottom, where his left side
came In contact with some tlniU'is.
The pain sihiii caused hlni to take to
Ids lied, and Dr. Thomas said that
about two Inches of fat saved him
sonic broken ribs. If It hadn't lieen
daylight Steve might have noticed
the liHise loard by tlie rays from his
lautern. lie Is getting better. The
corps of teachers of the public
schools will be considerably changed
another year, l'rof. S. M. Moss has
decided to quit teaching. He says
when a person begins to lose in
strength In the prime of life It is time
to n.akc a change, and he will go to
Ids home In Falrbury and later on en
k'age in some business. Misses Murrie
Johnson. Jusie Howard and Maiguret
('ontryinan have also dteitoei to
teach here. Miss ,loliii..n defatted
Sat unlay for St. Louis to visit ln-r sis
ter and the fair. Miss Howard has In
mind a I 'Diversity course. The bal
ance of the teachers have consented to
teach another year.
For a Hundred Years.
I'ora hundred years or more Witch
Ilael has been recognized asastlperior
remedy, but it remained for K. (J. 1 e
Witt Co of Chicago, to discover how
to combine the virtues of Witch Ilael
with other antiseptics in the form of
salve. DeWltt's Witch Ilael Salve is
tlie Ih'sI salve hi the world for sores,
cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The
high standing of this salve has given
rise to counterfeits, and the public is
advised to look for the name ''DeWitt"
on the package, and accept no other.
Sold by F. (J. Frlcke &Co.
From llie KnteriirUe.
Miss Kate Laughlin has returned
from a visit to Murray and J'latts
mouth. John Kimberlylsto conimcnce the
erection of n new residence In town In
the near future.
Miland l'.lair has been suffering for
the past week with the mumps. It is
said his jaw resembled a toy balloon.
It ii IWW time that we get the 4th of
July celebration under headway and
make this one of the best and most
glorious ever held In the county. Fall
jn line and help the cause,
Our clti.ens have organized what Is
known as the Greenwood 1'arK associa
tion, and expect to lease a park and fix
it up for picnics and celebrations. The
shares are selling at 2.r0 each. Alxiut
sixty shares have been subscribed.
At a meeting held Monday evening a
brass band was organized with a mem
bership of twenty-four. There Is
nothing better a town can do toward
advertising than by supporting a good
band, and it Is hoped that everyone
will lend a hand toward its support.
They expect to be in readiness to play
by the Fourth.
The town park in the south part of
town is undergoing a transformation
' r... . . . .
' Ws have 1 Wl U'nuneci ana tue ,
trass s to be etit. !ind new seats are
be purchased and placed, Ibis Is a
k'rr:U linp'VVeuicut, to l!.r town and'
will uc lpiecialed ly our citizens.
Greenwood hasagalnovgauized abase
ball team with C. S. Coburn as mana
ger. At a meeting last night new suits
were ordered and enough money has
been raised to defray the expenses of
ine team tor some lime, ine ooyse.x
pect to put up good clean games and
are ready to meet any and all compet
itors. Teams looking for a game will
be accommodated by addressing Mr.
F. G. FrlcHe & Co.
ask the readers of this paper to test the
value of Kodol Dvspepsla Cure. Those
persons who have used it and who have
been cured by It. do not hesitate to re
commend it to their friends. Kodol
digests what you eat, cures indiges-
tlon.dyspepsiaand all stomach troubles
Increases strength by enabling the
stomach and digestive organs to con
tribute to the blood all of the nutri
ment contained In the food. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure is pleasant and palata
ble. Louisville
from tin' Courier.
Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. John Gobel,
Thursday. June L a girl.
Horse stealing seems to be an epl
demle In Cass county, and tlie farmer
with a good team of horses rests un
comfortable in his bed, fearing that his
barn will be the next to U entered
Mivs Willie Herger will return home
Saturday from Wavne, Neb., where she
has Just closed a successful year's work
Miss l.erger has accepted a position in
the Lincoln schools for the coming
We are pleased to learn that John
Lohnes, one of Fight Mile Grove pre
cinct's most substantial farmers, has
decided to move to town. He purchased
a neat residence on upper Main street.
John S pence brought the blood
hounds to tow n Thursday and put them
on the trace of the team stolen at Ne
hawka. and they followed the trail to
a point north of Springfield, when It
was necessary to abandon the trail on
account of rain.
At the German Lutheran church on
Wednesday, at 2 o'clock p. m., occur
red the marriageof MIssEmllie Kraft,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kraft.
to Mr. Henry Vogler, a well known
young fanner of Louisville precinct,
liev. i!enige performing the cer
emony. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. M'iuv-1 U-turned
Monday evening from their wedding
trip and at once went to housekeeping
in their own hmoe in the north part of
town, a cottage erected and lurnished
throughout and presented to them as
wedding present hythe groom's grand
mother, tin Tuesday evening a num
ber of the young people gave them a
charivari party, and alter a short open
air service they were Invited in and
spent the evening very pleasantly.
Sued By His Doctor.
"A doctor here lias sued ine f or 10
which 1 claimed was excessive for a
case of cholera morbus,"says It. White
of Caochella, Cal. "At the trial he
praised his medical skill and medicine.
I asked him if it was not Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea he used,
as 1 had good reason to believe It was,
and he would not say under oath that
it was not." No doctor could use a
better remedy than this In a case of
cholera morbus; it neirer fails. Sold by
all druggists.
rrtuii tlie Hi'hcoii.
Zachary Smith of Charlotte, Mich.,
spent Decoration day in this place.
Jake Heitter's girls came down from
Lincoln and spent Sunday and Monday
with lilm,
Mr. A. M. Gleason left for Omaha
yesterday for a month's visit with her
Miss Zetta Venner left Tuesday
morning fur a couple of weeks' visit
with relatives at I'lattsmouth.
Walter l'eterson and family of Ilave
lock visited relatives here a couple of
days the tlrst of the week.
Charley I'rice was taken very sick
Wednesday evening, but he is resting
easier today (Thursday. )
Charles Kenner. wholias been section
foreman for the past few years at this
place, has unit railroading. Ed Ham
ilton of Dunbar has taken his place.
Guy Adamsleft for riattsmouth Sun
day morning to visit friends for a couple
V! it'!'.! V' rtuenu ill? graduating
.1 1 1 . , . .
cxrc ses ut the hlgli fehoo.
Charlie Mlehaoh who ha been sick
and was staying ttt llC hotel for the
past two uv thiri weeks, has recovered
sumcieiitlv lo be around again and
went ("At home Wednesday.
Joseph Sack, who enlisted in com-
, IT I f n t fi. nf tlirt fnilp1
' I pail j 11, 3 L 1 1 I1HI1UIIJ ui
States army, and who has been serving
in the Philippine islands for the past
two years, has received his discharge
and returned home last week.
Considerable corn has been replanted
by the farmers around here during the
past week. Some of It had been washed
out bv the heavy rains, and a great
deal of it never sprouted on account of
poor seed.
A. L. McDonald, president of the Ea
gle Telephone company, informs us
that the patrons of the line will soon
have communication with Lincoln
The I'lattsmouth company will con
nect with the independent line in Lin
coin In a few days, which will give us
direct connection Into Lincoln
liev. D. S. Donegan was called last
Saturday evening to preach the funeral
services of Charles Wallick, who died
In Omaha. May 27. and was buried in
Weeping Water cemetery on Sunday,
May 2s. The fraternity of the Urotlv
erhood of Railroad Trainmen fromOm
aha attended the funeral. The services
were held at Congregational church.
An Alarm Clock for 25c.
If you want to get up early and feel
good all day take a Little Early Riser
or two at i 'OH time, niese kiiiious
little pills relax the nerves, give quiet
rest and refreshing sleep, with a gen
tle movement of the bowels about
breakfast tiim. W. 11. Howell, Hous
ton. Tex., says, "F.arly Ilisers are the
best pill made for constipation, sick
headache, biliousness, etc." Sold by
. rr i . . . .
F. G. Fricke .S; Co.
from tlio I.i'iiilcr-Kelio.
Joe llolderness Is hauling out found
ation nvk for a new house on his farm
near Eagle.
John Connally and wife of Murray
were guests at the J. K. Ualrd home
this week.
Mrs. (,. l'armele and children of
I'lattsmouth were the guests of her
mother, Mrs. E. Tyson, over Memorial
! .1 I'
j fries: .'
I'.risOiu and fa oily of Com, (r
ue hi i' visitii.g u'atnes and
. :i:".l "i I t'Vji ably ie i.ain un
til aftei the iinl. n
II l. Wall and wife ivttiri.ed last
week troin their lilpaud visit to Cali
fornia, and came down from F.agle
Tuesday to see their n any F.!m n00fj
O,o day last voe T. Siv.ith dumped
on" liundred and sixty-tive loads of
corn in his eleva'or. This is probably
the in., st com "ei vc-'ved in F.lm
wooil in one day by oof firm.
Mrs. Stoehr and daughter. Mrs. Low
rey and daughter of l'ekin, III., and
Miss Meisinger of Cedar Creek, Neb.,
are visiting friends and relatives here,
the guests of .7. c. Hayesand wife.
Frank Kivert came in from Sheri
dan, Wyo., Wednesday morning, and
will spend a few days with Elm wood
relatives and friends. Frank expects
to commence work In the Ilavelock
shops about June 1.1.
The barbecue which Is to take place
during the Grand Army reunion here,
Is going to he a rousing success accord
ing to William liuster, and we con
sider him the best of authority, lie
states as his reason for this the fact
that the barbecue committee is com
posed of nine democrats and one repub
lican. Although not quite 16 to 1,
Uusler U MttUtk'd with the ratio, and
will hi ' coming, some" when the ox is
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in great iuantity
is constantly coming in. declaring Dr.
King's New Discovery for Cunsump
sumption Coughs and Colds to be une
qualled. A recent expression from T.
J. MeFarland, l.entonville, Va , serves
as example, lie writes: ''I had bron
chitis for three years and doctored all
the time without being benefitted.
Then 1 began taking Dr. King's New
Discovery, and a few bottles whollj
cured me." Equally effective in cur
ing all lung and throat troubles, con
sumption, pneumonia and grip. Guar
anteed by F. G. Fricke Co., drug
gists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes
."oc and ?l.oo.
Vr.illi till' liegNtT.
i!orn-On Friday afternoon. May 27.
to Mr. and Mrs. 15. F. Moore, a daugh
Mr. and Mrs. W illiani Stockhamand
their pretty little daughter, Alice,
were visiting at the home of Mrs, Ing
wersen last Friday.
J. G. Hansen Is having a large fine
stone monument erected over me re
mains of his deceased wife, in thecem-
tery near his farm.
Last Thursday night about twenty
young people gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Newman and
njoyed an evening's reception given
bv the Misses Delia and Jessie Newman
in honor of Miss Ola Newman. The oc-
ision wassplendidly programmed, and
mus e, games and retresiimeius were
the order of the evening's entertain'
II. F. Kropp, who has been very as
siduouslv at work for several weeks
making the rounds tif the Nehawka as
sessment precinct, gave the Register
the following facts and figures as gath
ered by him: Actual value of real es
tate, Jl,14'.i,"0: assessed value of real
estate, i).i14. Actual value of per
sonal property, 4'V,oo2: assessed value
of personal property, fM,oo.
Another successful robliery was com
mitted last Saturday night. Thistime
the thieves got about ador.en chickens
from Charles Wentz. Wenti and fam
ily have only recently moved Into the
village. During the past two weeks
there has been several attempts made
to enter houses in the night time, and,
we believe, by the same parties. There
are spotters out trying to run the
thieves in a corner, and If they are
caught there w ill not be any law suit,
but they will be dealt with in such a
manner that they will never make it
known to the public.
While working on a frame building
at the Ost brothers last Friday, J, W
Kaln, aged about M years, fell from the
scaffolding and sustained Injuries that
will incapacitate 111 m for work In the
future. He became overbalanced and
fell backward, striking on a stone col
lar eight feet below. His right shoul
dor bone was broken and was other
wise badly bruised about the arm and
elbow. Mr. Kaln was carried to his
home and medical assistance sum
moned Immediately. At this time
(Thursday) he is Improving, but lssuf
fcrlng from tirs Injuries.
F.G, Fricke & Co.
All Mail
3 b iiiti mm
Your Opportunity is
Dutin? the Sale of the
Purchase From
Sweetser, Pembrook & Co., N. Y.
This is one of the greatest sales of strictly high
grade Dry Goods that was ever attempted in the west, and
never before have such big values been offered.
Wash Goods Bargains
Arnold's celebrated dimities,
and hih finished, made- to
sell at 2.c yard at
A combination lot of Loralno tissues
honiton laces, printed Swisses, em
broidered and woven Swisses. The
celebrated Alease batistes, the cele
brated Scotch nainsooks. These
goods are made to sell at 25a, f)p
30c and 50c a yard at lUu
Oxford suitings for shirtwaist Huits,
goods that sell everywhere at 2He
per yard. The handsomest line of
French Voiles, in all the new and
dainty spring shades, made to 0a
oil at .I'll, it lUW
5c plain imported batistes, in all the
spring shades and linen colors, as
Exceptional Linen Values
Unbleached table damask, 001
worth 35c, at ...."2
Extra heavy cream table dumalt guar
anteed pure linen, regular QQp
devalue at
Dleached sheeting, 2J yards wide, At
lantic brand, sold regularly On
at 35c ptr yard at . . ,
Extra special on white lawns,
lace strlpo, doited swUj, open work
We carmot send samples of these goods but will fill all
open orders with the greatest of care and promptness. If
you are not satisfied on receipt of goods, return same and
we will refund your money. In writing please describe as
as near as possible color, kind of fabric, etc, you desire.
16th and Dodge Streets.
New Fabrics
For Spring
In suitings, trouserings and for
overcoats are now to be seen in all
the latest novelties from English,
Scotch and American manufactu
rers. Wo will make your Spring
overcoat or suit in the best and
swellest style and of artistic ele
gance at a reasonable price.
Frank McElroy
Fif th and Main Sts.-Upstairs
Guaranteed or
well as a vast variety of print- jnp -ed
batistes, at lU" '
Imported woven dotted Swisses, Im
ported woven mercerized fancy ba
tiste in regular 2oc grade, imported
Scotch Oxford, Roan Uatistes in 25
new spring printings, l!c grade.
Imported Satin de Haye, and other
goods worth up to 30c per T1
yard, now 1 2
An immense line of Cno dark Tin
15c percales at 2
30-in. fine percale, 2h fine dres
ginphams, 12$c and 15c fast color
dimities, 10c batistes, the celebrated
Wild Hose Irish Dimities, and
other goods worth up to l'Je at. .
and funcy stripe, regular n i
12c valu at 2
Silver bleached napkins, pure linen
regular J 1.25 per QQ
dozen 0 JU
12fc 4iMi. wide Silkoline " C
yard Ou
10c extra heavy shaker flannel
jH?r yard ,
12ie Drapery Cretonne
por yard