The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1904, Image 7
"I JotinW.Crabill RELIABLE JEWELER tnlon Block Plattsmouth. Neb. Fine Watch and Clock Hepairintfa Specialty. .V cimi'.ete line Watebes. Jewelry and Silverware. vvn F.xtra Fine Eiht-Hay Clock k $2.75 (uarantecd l'arker Alarm Clocks, Guar antcefl Sl.00 R B. WINDHAM ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. IMiitisinuutli : : Neliniskii, Probate, Commercial Law, Real Estate Litigation and foreclosure of mortganesa specialty FOLEYSHONIYHTAR top th cough tnd hla lunffi Notice to Taxpayers. The Ixwr.l of lint v I'HiiMiilNsliiiiiT.t nf Cuss county. Ni-liraskit. will sit Imiiril nf iiUiil l.;itlon fur tin- piiriNisc nf iMiimllzliii; the as sessment of Cuss county for the yciirllM. in tin1 eoniinisslnners' elmrnlicr ut tin- court house, rialtsuioiitii. Ik'W'IimiIiik Tuesday. June 14. 1). ut luo'cliN-k a. in., and contlmilnji from (lay tn day. up to an. I IncluiliiiK .Inly I. Hull. All pertons ownlm; re;il nr personal roM rty Mili.ici-l tal Inn shfiulil call anil examine their assessments. Unit any errors as to valu ations may In- ;nlj u-,i.-U liy said Inianl as 1 1 if law provides. I.. A. Tyson, Cmiiity Clerk. Notice. In Tim Cnr.vrY Ciifiir in Cass County. .N en. In re estate of John Kinu. deceased. Tn all persons interested, and the unknown heirs of John Kin::. deceased. Vim are herel.y notlhfd that the adminis trator has li If. I In-, petition for linal settle ment, and airnui.t. hIIckIiik that there ari' no lieir.s of John Kinir. deceased, and that said es tate should esclM at to the slate of .Neliraska. and all)lni; thai Hit' personal estate Is insuf ficient to pay nil the dents anil expenses of ad ministration. hikI asking for an order to re iliiire him to apply to the district court for a license to sell the real estate. Said petition for linal settlement, anil ac count, are set for liearlni: upon the isth day of July. A. I). r.HU. at In o'clock a. in., hefore me the iindersivued county ude. at my office In the city of I'latlsmoulh. county of Cuss, Nebraska, at which lime said account will he examined, adjusted and allowed, and a hear ing hail as to who are the heirs. If any. of the said John Kinir. deceased, and If none lie found said estate will be decreed us escheated to the slate of Nebraska: and that at said lime such other orders will be entered as may lie lust and proper for the administration of salu estate. II.MIVKY !). TllAVIS. County .Indite. Notice Of hearing on petition fur distribution of res idue of estate. State ok Nkhimska. ' County of Cass. ( v To all persons Interested In tiieeslateof Keln- hnlil Schuelke. deceased. Notice is hereby itlven that 1 1 u ir A V I vif en horn, administrator of said estate, has tiled his petition in said com ., theobjeciand pray er of which are that a decree of distribution may lie madeof the resldneof said t slate now in Ids possession. tolhe partiesentltled bylaw to receive the same. Vou are hereby iiotllied that said ietltlon will lie heard by the county .Indue at tl nun ty court room in the city of I'laltsmouth. in said county, on the :;ith day of July. I'.Ol. It Is ordered that a copy of this notice lie published once each week fur three successive weeks In the I'latlsmoulh Weekly Journal, a in wspaper printed and published In said county. hated thisiitli day of June. I'.ml. IIaiivk.Y I). 'I HAVtS. County Juiltfe. Notice to Creditors. State ok Nkiiiiaska. i . n ,n Cass County. i ' County Court. In the matter of the estate of Margaret Kast erday. deceased. Notice Is hereby clven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before mi, county .Indite of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room In riattsmoulli. In said cuunty. on the Until day of July. and on the '.INI day of licccmlicr. HUM. at In o'clock a. ni., each day. for the purpose of presentliut their claims for examination, adjustment anil allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their tlahns. and one year for the administratrix to settle said es tate, from the Jdtli day of June, I'.ml. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at IMattsmouth, Nebraska, this -1th day of June. IIMI. 0(SKAI.) llAIIVFY I). TllAVIS. County Juik'e. Notice to Credors. it State of Nkiiiiaska. , Count v Court Cass County. t -ouniy v.ouri. Ill the mutter of the estateof Khniles (i. Spen cer deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate. Iiefore me. county .Indue of Cass coun ty. Nebraska, at the county court room In I'lattsmoutli. In Mild county, on the IJtli of July. I'.4. anil on the IJth day of January. I!K. at In o'clock a, in., each day. for the pur pose of presentlmt their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims, and one year for the executor to settle said estate, from the 3oth day of June. I:i4. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at I'latlsmoulh. Nebraska, this Dili da'v of June. 1IM1. (HKAI.) llAHVI Y l. TllAVIS. County Judge. Probate Notice. Is TIIEClU'STVCofHT. Cass County. Neb. In the matter of the estate of John C. I'tak. deceased. All person Interested In the said estate are hereby not Hied that a etltiiii has been tiled In said court alleging that said d vised has left no last will and testament, and pray ing for administration ukui said estate, ami that a hearing lie had timh said petition Is fore said court on the bth day of June A. I., I'.M. at one o'clock p.m.; that If they fall to apiiear In mild court on said day to contest the said veiltlon the court tuny grant and Issue letters of administration to Antonle I'tak. or some other suitable person and pro ceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of this court tills -Jr li day of May. A H.. I'.vt. l"EAi. llAitvrv 1. Tnvi. County Judge. MRS. EL.IAS UNDER ARREST. Cetectiveg Batter Down Front Dr Of Her Residence in New York. New York. June 8. IVuvtivos bat tered down the heavy frout iluor at the rosUU-m'e in this city of Mrs. Hannah KUas, the negro wo:t:an h' Is charged with elitait'.ing nearly .?r"".-. ?F If !!,.- ii A.N NAB ELLAS. t70U,iHHi from agod J.ihu li. I'lutt by blackmail. They thfii plucitl her un dtr aiiost on a warrant charging her with extortion In hitvliiK socqrod $7, 5H0 from Mr. l'latt in May last. Mrs. Ellas was in bed whin the warrant was seryed. Immediately aft erward the papers In the civil net lop. brought against her by Mr. I'latt wore served. PEACE FOR DOMINGO. Rebels Induced to Quit War by United State Naval Officer, WashiiiKton, June ti. Peace now reigns in San Domingo and Command er A. C. Dillingham, U. S. N., Is r sponslblo for this bajipy condition. He prevailed upon the warring fac tions to meet on board the cruiser De troit with a view to bringing about peace, and he has succeeded admira bly, as shown by a communication re ceived by the navy department. The dispatch was sent by Hear Ad miral Sigsbee and was as follows: "Hepre.sentatlves met aboard the De troit and. according to arrangements made with the commanding officer of the Detroit (Commander Dillingham), peace has been agreed upn in Santo Domingo and the cessation of hos tilities to obtain the consent of the recognized government. The New ark arrived opportunely, as the con ference made better arrangements. The Newark remains several days and then sails to San Juan." British Warship for Tangier. London, June 8. The foreign of fice denies that the British Mediter ranean squadron hag sailed for Dan gler, as cabled from Gibraltar. Only one ship, a- originaly reported, will be sent. It Is believed that with the cooperation of France, satisfactory arrangements can be made for the re lease of Messrs. Perdicarls and Var ley. The statement that the United States Intends, In the event of the failure of negotiations, to seize a Moorish port Is not credited at the foreign office, whore It is said that the United States and Great Britain are working with the co-operation of France to secure the release of the prisoners, with the least, possible dis turbance of existing conditions. Hunting Owner of Pistol. New York, June 8. Detectives at work on the shooting of Bookmaker Frank T. Young, which occurred in a cab here last Saturday, are slowly tracing the nistory of the revolver which caused the horseman's death. Around the ownership of the weapon may revolve a solution of the whole affair. Young's friends all assert that he never carried a pistol and the Inti mates of "Nan" Patterson, who was with Young in the cab, declare she had a horror of weapons. Flood Situation in Arkansas. Lit tin Rock, Ark., June 8. Cessa tion of rain brought some comfort to the flood stricken localities along the Arkansas river. Although the river Is three feet alove the danger line at Little Rock, the announcement Is made that it will come to a stand to day. Reports of Irreparablo damage to cotton and corn crops In the low lands multiply and tho result will be disastrous, because it is now too late for replanting. Much live stock has been drowned. Austrian Swindler In the Tolls. Indianapolis, June 8. Jack Sibley, an Austrian, unable to read or write, and upeakir? English with difficulty, was arrested here charged with ob taining money under false pretenses. Ho Is paid to hare advertised In sev eral papers offering to take a number of men to Alaska for $100, In return for which they were to be allowed to work certain gold claims which he alleges he owns. The expedition wa3 advertised to start from St Paul. Moors Invade Engllsn Residence. Tangier, Juno 8 Armed Anjera Moors Invaded tho residence of an Englishman here ami compelled his wife to give up the rifles of her hus band, who was absent. The outrage took place In broad daylight. The British consul demands th arrest of tho tribesmen, but the Moorish offi cials hesitate, because the perpetrat ors are Influential. Six Drowned In Backwater. Muskogee, I. T June 8. Alfred lie nr his five children were drowned while trying to cross backwater In a small stream nr-ar the Arkansas river. Lee nrl the children were In a wagon, which was turned over In flftten foet of water The six bodice were recovered and brought here. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Had Ont. Fill a txttileorcoumitm ;1jsm with your water ati.l let it taitd twenty-four hours ; ii k... 1 1 ill,. til i r : - l'JJ Sn tiiiti;iu.luaU-s:m s-V V --a utihcjltliv XI Vkll jtr 1 Y ,u'!,; 11 nr-vTl I votir litn ti it is t vi.K-tii'c of kill ni'v ttoul'ii-; t.s tre.tii-tit iUmic i I'.iss it or .mi m the that the l ack is kiiltu-v s also com iiu'ini; proof and bladder arc out nf order. What To Do. Theie is cotiitott lit the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Suamp-Kont, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part nf the urinary passaec. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, nr bad effects following use f liipmr, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity nf being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times (luring tiie tii ;ht. The mild and the extraordinary elfect of 5vsainp-koot is soon realized. It stands the highest fur its wonderful cures uf the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by dtng gists in fifty-cent and sizes. You luav have a sample buttle and a book that tells all about it, bothsent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling hamton, N. Y. When writing mention thi: IIoida of PwamfUoot. paiHT Ulltl llull't make liny mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Hinghamton, N. Y. Avoca Special I'orrestlouilelice 1. F. l!ihi(lel mid wife of Murray vis ited in Avoca Minda.v. The ball game Sunday between A viva anil Weeping Water resulted in a .score of 12 to s In favor of the homo team. ('. D. tjuintoii had business at the county seat the first id Hie week. Joseph Main dm was at Neliawka Saturday. Kalph Graham and Heinv Kushoil left the Hi st of the week for Si. Louis. Ora K. t'opi-s, J. V. Ibindel and Jos eph Graham attended Masonic bulge at Weeping Water Monday evening. II. I. Harding, deputy for the Royal Highlanders, was in Avm-a Monday. Henry Moseinan is painting his resi dence. V. W. Stiaub returned the li 1st of the wi't'k from a visit t Lincoln rela tives. N. Tames ot Syracuse was on mir streets Monday. .1. K. Opp left Monday for Fremont, where lie will attend summer school. Miss Etta Gordon of Kim wood is vis iting Avoca friends. A. Mtitb of Omaha spent Sunday in A voca. G. V. Haishman, sr., was at Omaha a few days last week. Joseph Graham is having his resi dence painted. William Morley Is the artist. John Ilhugeof I'nadilla spent Sun day visiting his parents south of town. Dr. G. W. Davison had business at Omaha last week. W. A. Hollenberger and Ora K. Copes, with their families, attended the old settlers' picnic at Palmyra Thursday. Magpie Grove Special Correspondence. ttiite a number of lady friends vis ited at the turnip of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hild and family Wednesday, where they engaged in a iillting party. Dr. Wint I'.riiwn left Wednesday for On. aha, where lie will go into the liv ery business. W. II. Puis and I'. A. Hild made a business trip to Louisville Thursday. (Julte a number fr un this locality were among the I'lattsmuuth visitors Saturday.' Mrs. Kgger, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Scharer. re turned home to Halleni Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. I'uls were aim ng tlie Murray visitors Saturday from this city. "Good llealrfj tt.ndt all those i I WHO t)RINK f&A PEERLES3 DEER JlJ-V Abtaluttlypurt, v.S.olomt, dtliciaui. , , , , jAi Vr. ai d Mis. A.laiu Kraeger, jr.. is ttel wlMi M:. ;ti. 1 Mrs. Ilcmy F.tvel ketr.eier Sunday. Alfieil ti.ti sen . i n, ;.''. a call to I, n isvtlle Sunday. l'uitc a numi-ei- 1 Mi.-snN aul ivi;. tives visited at lie Ikuhc of Mr. and Mrs. Willia.ti l'uNan.l l.i:n: !v Sun.l.ix , where a birtiuiai p.ntj :is 'ic.i n: ' linnui' ,i! Mr 'u ,,: i lN;:, j I birthday I j Miss Ma Fi;t,.. ,. Nd.awka n i, ' iltini: old it. .va.r.v this! I tlllte a lilimhct el' nui e p.-npie ;tt- I j tended the dat:iv a; Ciiaiics l'ln'.to; ; ; satt;n:a Union I'r.'l i tlie l.cduiT I' .ink. Harming and Haw Us woi Hi were holding iviistilu linn here Wednesday al'tei'noon. Mack Ilavger came down from I'latts mouth last Sunday to make a tew days' vwit here and at Weeping Water. James Truck and wife, residing cast of town, are the proud parents c: a line new daughter, hum sal urdav iiiornii'g May . .lames Faster and I'harles banning, twiKil'oiir weil known fanners, brought in a line lm d cattle Monday for ship ment to the South t Miiaha market. Miss Fiuily Shoemaker, a niece nf M. H. .shoemaker, arrived here last Sat urday from Muncle, l'a.. to spend t he summer at the Shoemaker home near this village. . II V... I. I. . I , . ... . . s--. i .. ,-iimi u. i ne Keeiai i laiisinciiiii postmaster, passed here on the Tues day evcningtiain, retiirninghoine from Howe, where he had been visit ing his daughter. Mrs. J. H. Teegarden. Kngiiieer .1. II. Hoover, who was re cently assigned to the Myer run on the Lincoln branch, brought his family anil household goods from St. Joseph, and they are now comfortably at heme in the residence south of I he M. . church. Such valuable additions in our populat Ion are always welcome. A serious accident occurred last, Fri day morning In which Mis F.ditli dish inji was ipiite severely injured, ncai the residence of W. G. James in Wyo ming precinct. A horse hitched to a biigiv became frightened and ran away, throwing Mrs. dishing out, and she was unconscious when carried into Mr. James' house. At last report the in jured lady was getting along very nice ly and no permanent injuries resulted. Twenty years ago Monday was the date upon which Hallie Dclaney tirst opened his eyes and began to .. jtiall. but now he Is iiiite a chunk of a lad, almost a voter. In honor of his twen tieth birthday Mrs. Dclaney invited a number of young friends to call and .spend the evening, and as Hallie was not untitled it was a very pleasant sur prise for him. The evening was one of genuine enjoyment for all, having nice refreshments and music, playing games and having a general good time. Murray Special 1'orresp.iiiili'ht. The Ice cream social given here by tlie Iloyal Highlanders, Sat urday even ing, proved quite a success. Miss Florence McDonald returned from M unlock Monday morning. Mr. F.rnest Car ml and Miss Nellie Creamer attended the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. Remember the Children's kiy pro gram at the Christian church. Sunday morning. Miss Agnes Kennedy and Lula Leek spent one day in Plaftsmoi.t b this week. Miss Mae Fulton Is the gi.cstnf Min nie Herren. Mis. James Loiinhrigo has bceint;itc sick for tlie past lew days, but is .some what Improved now. Harve Manners is spending the week in I'nlon. Lots! pretty girls in 1'nlon. J. M. Leek lias begun a tine residence for J. L. Carper near I'tiioii I'roin ail"! In r uirce. Fleming Knbb Is assisting in the bank this week. . li. Stone and family spent Sunday with Luther Hall near I'nlon. Miss Ka and Carrie Allison were do-Ing-some, shopping In I'lattsmuuth last ."Saturday. Mrs. J. W. P.erger and Mrs. Charles Carroll dmvc to I'lattsmoutli Monday to do some shopping. Charles S. stone went to Nehawka Sunday to see tils father, who lias been on the sick list, tint at this writing Is much Improved. Charles S. Stone and M.G.Churchill drove to I'nlon Monday afternoon on business Hon. Jack Shaw Is the proud posses sor of a tine new rubber tired buggy. Now w lien Jack hitches up his road ster you can Just get a glimpse of hi in along the highway. Miss Katherlne Laughlin departed for tier hotr.eatfireenwdod last Thurs day, after spending a couple of weeks with tier sister, Mrs. T. J. Hidden. II. i. Todd .shipped two car loads of fat cattle to the Niuth laiaha market Tuesday. F0LEBH0NEYnlAR t Parmele - Two Nights Wf Ifi Tilt' IntiTlUtinnal I Iin-i njir C. jivr:itmc a (T:r- n! Moving Pictures I an I. He of Chance ,, l'rtiram rai li lT!ornuiihv s b PRICES: Lout r iloor b KV. I.ailirs Imw uitli C only. Clnlthvu untK'i- 1J 0 on sale Ml)ll(l:iy Uliirnimr HIS KEY Ml i 4 j hiiii iiiri-vi trmnn Tn nnn nnn iiiinn FM-iillip PLATTSMni'TII. y Bottled in Bond U IT .1 r. iy llUr fl ' r' i IaVv fin rvM Rrrrri f 1904! Ve take this oi)ortiinity of returning,' our most Kincerc tlinnks for favors, and nolieit a (niitiniianct' of your imtronfic in tho future. During l'.H), we shall endeavor to supply tho market, as iihiiiiI, with that Which Suits the People! hoth in quality and prices. ishino; all a happy and prosperous year, we invite all to come and he comforted by making your purchases from tlie largest furniture house in PiMtsmoiith Sattler & Fassbender .. '. .-.'r-t U 'A V, W. M. l'KOl'IlIF.TOi:- The Yellow WIIOLKSALF. Beer, Wines ; .; ; H Agent for the Popular Willow Springs Beer Kvery Case and Ken Mt th Prlcts Wt arc Making OuiiikIIiiii Cluli. irnlloit H (m Wisldlim llollillet liye. trilllnll.... & Ul Mlv.-r W.sWliiu. null 5 mi Miiysvllle C'luk KmN.iii 4 ml Hlf K:tslllonei OukvtisMl. inillon.. 4 III M.S. II.1111I s.ur Mush, uiilloi)...!! 4 01 .'i.imrose liye. 1C1IU.11 While Ky milliin lillehellhellin'r Itye. Ititllolll Alliers.ill (11. Whiskey. Ifillloll. Alis.hol, 1 -si proof, irullon .. Minioliit iheln live, K.iiioN 'hi I. lory, iMlli'ii t ml 3 .VI . 3 ; 3 ;i 3 :i 3 i 3 tM Call and Sec Us or Send Your Orders by NO. 415 MAIN STREET . y. t tt. w. , rt. Theater I o Without Vil. ration or Kln-kir The Trip to ihe Mo. .ii Tunnel's Ti awls Line.. in Fire Depi Knn I 'ncle Tom's t aliin War Chicago Theater Fire i. leal Train liobheri lialliincre Fire inkle l.'ohinsoii Crusoe an A incricau and id hei s S M Rih-om Jit.-, paid M- tii la t fir (l.ilkrv 0 t nijvrhi b vt'ars anv srat Id.-. Srats 8 Inn.. 1 5t i, Q ,v 1 . ' 1 1 1 . in the Cbcnpcot in the uSnM I'nnr Whisky is not only din-ii-rci nlile to tilHle, lint Ululouliled Iv illjlirii.llH Idlli.'HlnlllHcll. A lit tle ikkI Wliihliy is ii tine tonic and lielw iiiKtend of Imiinine;. Such Wliiiskics un VellowHtoiie, for iti Htimci', will do yon just iih imiicIi piod as a doctor's prewrijit ion. If yii don't know liuw ood it ia come in and try it. PRICES: Gucki nhcimer l.'yc, per gallon ... I 00 Yellowstone, " " ... 4 (10 Honey lew, " "... :i 00 Pig I lorn. ' " . . 2 no F In i ore 1 XKIMJASKA ...s BA CLAY Front Saloon AND HKTA1L and Liquors Hears the I'nlon Label on Fine Old Wines end Whiskies Uoyill TUer (till. Itllllilh Nvlson County W Iilskry. K.1II011. I'eu. li Orelmrl. trillion Musriitel lm. trul tori Koyiil I'ort Wine, irullon., Iloyiil Sherry, v.illoii A Mtfi'lleit W Ine. itnlloii Miilnirit Wine. lmIIoii IllnekU-rry llrunily. itnllnn Keit Ihs r eU'ht millons Kerf ll.s r - Ml. s C'lls' lleer iilnrts. t o inen . . . C.lsf Heer-illltS. this ( il.uell .f:i M . .' i . 2 lU . ; 10 . i . '. ml . I .VI . s . I U'i Hi 5') Mail t. ,.. V-V-T' V- V- 8 I