LOCAL BREVITIES. "Hut lloil," tin- favorite cigar LVad llayden liro'sal In this paper. lr. Marshall, il.Mitlst, FltgeraM block. The I n"st soda wati-r In the woild at Cum ing Co 's. .1 udije Tra is was ill i w ii if NrluasUa City Fnday on business Pr. Frank 1.. Ciimiiiius, ili'iilist. Ptliiv with lr. K. I Cummins That real, sir.. ml h. tasteful icecream soila Costs oti! "'i'. at CotllV , Co.':- Cruslieil fruit of all kinds wilh itv cream soda, mily at I i i 1 1 v; Co.'s Mr. ami Mrs A. C. l.odor ot Green wood were I'lai iMiU'iit li visitors Fri day. II K. i lerini; went to Fremont Tws- tlay t" at tend a state meet ink' of drug gists. Mrs. K. L Itniis ' ami suns ile arteil Siturlay inorniiu.' for Kiwanee. III., where they w ill spend t he summer. K C lull eaine ilnw n from Tekamah, Neh , ami spent Sunday wit h his par ents in tliiscity. returning: home Mon day. Mr. Calvin .1. Lois mil Miss Lot Ho. I. Kodgcis uf Miirdni'U, were inarrled in Ciiiineil I'.luffs. la., Thursday, .'line J., w. The name that. nieansiiiallty Is Pat ton's Sun Proof l'aint. Sold only by Gel illg & Co. Prof. K. L. Utilise went to York, Neh., Saturday, where lie Is encaged as tine uf the Inst rut-tors lu county Insti tute work this week. M is. C.C. Parmolo departed Tuesday for llroken Mow, Neh., to attend the state meet lot; of the 1'. K. . sin-let y, of which she Is president. Mr. and Mrs. August Mumm of (ill icit e, W yo., are visiting relatives In this vicinity. Mr. Muinm Is an em ploye of tin II. M. atC.illetta. County Superintendent Wortman left, two silver dollars in our colTers Monday to renew his own subscript ion and that of Ids father at South Itend Mr. an.1 Mrs. Henry lioeck departed Monday for SI. Louis, where they v spend a week viewing the sights at tlie exposli Ion and Isit inn his hrothei and family. A niairkigo permit was issued to It I-'. !! y nobis, aged forly-tive, of Penver Col" . and Miss Sarah llonegor, agt d twcnivcight, of Weening Water, last Tin sday. I'iliv illlesple, a ureat friend of tin Journal, w'u.s here from Mynard Tues day nliiht to attend the initiation of three c ndidates into lloo-IIoo mysto ry of 1 1 to Klks. The city council met as a board of eiiualiat Ion Monuay evening and ad Journed to Thursday evening, June 23, and will contlnuee to meet; for the two following evenings. Mrs. i race P.onnctt Miller of Klvci side, Cal., arrived Intheclty yesterday morning for a visit with her parents, Captain and Mrs. I- 1. Itcnnclt, and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Louis Finest, F.vansville, hid. "Ilolllster's liocky Mountain Tea Is splendid. Makes sick people we Cured me after others failed." Tea or tablet form. J.1 cents. (Soring & Co, Misses Kmina Koessonor, Margaret Weber, Mav Larson and Kebecca Haines, all of whom were recent gratl nates of the I'lattsmoiith high school left Saturday to attend the summer term of the state normal as Peru. (Jeorge Horn and wife were In from Cedar Creek Saturday. While Mrs Horn was having some dental work done George found time to step in tt see how the Journal was getting along Mrs. A. Howman and son, Albert who have been making their home in I'lattsmoiith for the last two years, left for (,uincy, 111., Saturday morning where they will make their future homo. Mrs. Julia Atkinson, daughter anil sister of the Journal family, came in from I onver, Colo., Friday morning for several week's visit, at the end of which time her husband will join her, and together spend some time. taking In the sights at the St. Louis fair. Chamberlain's Stomach and Live Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a taste In the mouth. They will improve your appe tite, cleanse and invigorate your stom ach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by all druggists. , Geo. Horn and lr. Foster of Cedar Creek, and Geo. Woods of Louisville, furnished amusement for the F.Iks Tuesday night. The mysteries of the order was revealed to the Uiys In the most approved style, and they returned home feeling that they had run up against a hard proposition when they attempted to ride the Klks' goat. "I have been troubled for some time with Indigestion and sour stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis of Lee, Mass., "and have been taking Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which have helped me very much, so that now-1 can eat many things that U-fore I could not." If you have any trouble with your stomach why not take these Tablets and get well? For sale by all druggists. John J. Itultery of Lincoln was a business visitor to l'lattsmouth last Friday. M.u.i me Lehnho!! went to Newton, la., where she will spend the summer w itli her grandmother. Mis. William Atwood anil lit i grand daughter, Mrs. .1. V. Newell, are visit- iiic 1 1 lends iii I 'hlcago. Mrs. C. II. I'arinele went to Lincoln 1 111 lav, W l.ele she Is isit ill): lie) 'daugh ters. Mrs. At wood and Mrs. Acnew. ,1. lilies Cole, after a brief visit with his brother William, in this city, n t urneil to Haw-luck yesterday morning. Fred Cox departed for his home in I leiiM r vest en lav morning, altera wry pleasant visit with relatives in this city. Miss Kit a Staals, who has been ul- leudiui: the state university, returned home Friday to spend her summer's leal ion. "A lllg Show fur Little Price." Such Is Klgluny Clark's Mammoth Pavil ion I 'nolo Tom's Cabin, in this city 1 iievlav, June 1 1. W. A. Tub no Is a new reader of the niriial this week lie says he has done without the best paper In Cass oanty lougeiiough. Painting, decorating and sign wili ng. Work guaranteed. Leave orders it Friclie-.s drug store. L. Baldwin. tl A. May Held ol ' the tireen wood Fn terprise was a caller at then- head- liiarters Tuesday. Ceorge reports the little burg on the boom. 1. K. lumbar has retired from the management of Illley Hotel, and his son, I . II., assumes the governmental reins of that hostelry. L. C. W. Murray, ot mar Murray, was lu hero Tuesday. Mr. Murray be Moves the corn crop in his vicinity wil lie the best for several years. (i reen wood has organized a band com posed of twenty-lour members, and they expect to be in shape for playing for the Fourth of July celebration. Into each life some ruins must fall, Wise people don't sit down and bawl: ( )nly fools suicide or take to lliglit, Smart pontile take Kooky Mountain Tea at night,. tiering Co. About, twenty-live members of the local camp of Woodmen went to ( mu ha Sunday to attend the general mem orial ceremonies of that order, which wore held lu one of the parks. Mr. William I'.owlesaud Mrs. Mahala Woodward were united in marriage by Judge M. Archer Tuesday evening, June 7, l!H)t. The groom Is twenty eight years of age and bride forty-seven. Hotli colored. Now Is the time to take a spring tonic to purify the blood, cleanse the liver and kidneys of all Imphritles Ilollister's Kooky Mountain Tea will do the business. X cents. Tea or tablets Goring t Co. The Masonic Home in this city will he formally dedicated this afternoon by theCtiand Lodge of thestate. It is said that about four hundred members of the order will arrive on a special train from Omaha at 2:110, returning at il p. m. Thomas L. Campbell, one of the reli able patronsof the Journal, wasacaller while In thecity Monday, and renewed for another year Mr. Campbell lives three miles south of Kock P.lulTs, and has Won a resident of Cass county for forty-eight years. Ignite a large delegation from this city went to Omaha Friday to attend the annual state tournament of the Nebraska ltohemian Turners, which was In session in that city Friday and Saturday. Another large delegation also went up Saturday. The greatest mystery yet unsolved is how nil the horse thlevesolude pursuit and evidently make good their escape. H. P. Sturm's team, taken a week ago last night, was tracked as far as Spring; Held, and there all trace was washed out by the rain that followed. Some few days since Mayor (Soring addressed a communication to mana ger of Nebraska Telephone company requesting the a-moval of their polls from Main street to the alleys. He received a very polite reply stating that the matter would receive an early consideration. L. F. lhinkack of Avoca, accompan ied by William Peters of Loup county, Nebraska, while In the city last Fri day gave the Journal a pleasant call. While here Mr. IHmkack renewed for another year. They had loth neen attending the democratic convention at Omaha. Mr. Peters Is a former res ident of Cass county, but is now asso ciated In the cattle business with V. M. Hunter near Kurwell, Neb. The democratic city administration Is getting along swimmingly, thank you! Thirty-two thousand dollars of floating warrants have been called In and cancelled, and there Is still lll.ooo In treasury. Mayor Gerlng Is a hustler. If he receives the democratic nomina tion, for congress he will make Wow hard lturkctt move a more rapid gait than he ever moved to save his hide from being well tanned. The First district needs such a representative as Henry (Soring In congress, and not a wall-llowor of Wind-bag F.urkott calibre. The reports of all the deputy asses sors are now In. John Kvans of South Lend was In the city Tuesday on business. lr. Hanes, the dentist, has tone to Fremont in the hopes of finding a bet ter location. Three cases of scarlet fever are re ported at Avoca. this county. (no death lias occurred. The I lock Island afeiit at that place is one of the vic tims. L. F. suavely was down from Lin coln Monday. He Is a former citizen of Cass county, and graduates from the aw depart meiit of the stale university this week. We notice from our neighboring ex langes that the acreage in corn this year will he considerably less over former years, owing in part to the backward springand wet weather. Mrs. Kd Olive, who has been the guest of Miss Kiltie Cummins and other I'lattsmoiith friends, departed Monday for Texas. Mrs. olive was a resident of this city several years ago. lo you need more blood, and more llesh, do you need more strength this spring? Ilollister's liocky Mountain Tea will bring them all. If it fails your money back. X" cents. Tea or tablet form. Coring , Co. 4 THE HIGH DIVE Displayed wonderful nerve, hut our immense display of SU IV MB GOODS Is still more wonderful and attractive. WE ARE SHOWING New Shirt Waists Wash Dress Goods Waistings Hosiery and Underwear Queen Quality Shoes i ij If iv Oxforils Just Roa'ivL'il. 1 Carpets, Mattings, Etc. How about that new Carpet? If you have not bought it yet, we have Plenty of Choice Patterns to Select From. E.G. Dovey &Son Dies in Old Mexico. Mrs. McCauley of this city received a letter from her son, Fred, who Is at present sojourning In the state of Ox lea, Old Mexico, In w hich lie states that a young man by the name of Thomas Mast died there about the tirst of last month. He also says In his letter that the dead boy's parents reside i,n Eight Mile Grove precinct, this county. Ef forts have been made to locate the parents, hut so far without success, al though there are several families by that name living In other localities of the county. Tcntepec is the name of the place where Mast died, and Mr. McCauley seems very anxious to have his parents advised of his death. SrnoKlng tq a Powder Magazine. Is courting death more suddenly but not more surely than neglecting kid ney disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure w ill cure a slight disorder In a few days and Its continued use will cure the most obstinate cases. It has cured many people of lhlght's disease and dlalxjtes w ho were thought to be Incur able. If you have kidney or bladder trouble, commence taking Foley's Kid' noy Cute today, before It Is too late For sale by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. William Teague was over from Mills county on business Saturday. John Creach of Fremont county. Ia.. was in Plattsmouth on business Satur day. Wade Windham, who spent several months in California has returned home. If you are a judge of a irood smoke, try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you will smoke no other. It costs a little more but is by far the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint, (lerlng Co., solo agents. Attorney P.ayard of Omaha was in the city Monday tm business connected with the sale of the gas and electric light plant. The large posters advertising the Fourth of July celebration at Platts mouth, were printed by the Omaha Printing company. Mr. Ceorge A. Weberof tliiscity and Miss Kate Johnson of Cedar F.lulTs, Neb., were married in South Omaha, Saturday, June 4, 1W4. Frank Hull, for the past four years an inmate of the county poor bouse, died Monday morning, June li, l'.tol, of dropsy, at the age of sixty years. The remains were taken to Weeping Water for interment. 99 -2 For Sleeplessness. Anton Lypcnn of Lattlmor Minos. Pa., suffered greatly from sleeplessness but at last found a remedy which he w ishes to recommend to the public. "I advise all to whom sleep is denied, es pecially as the result of a stomach mal ady, to use Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine. For more than four years I was a sufferer from a stomach disease and could neither eat nor sloop No medicine gave me relief, until 1 tried Triner's Hitter Wine." There Is nodouht that Triner's Americau Elixir of Hitter Wine Is the only safe and re liable remedy for the stomach. By strengthening the stomach and the In testlues It makes them able to accept and digest all food. Thus new, rich blood Is made, such as Is needed for perfect health. The nerves and the muscles receiving nourishment from such rich blood, become strong and healthy. This remedy contains only pure, old grape-wine and Imported herbs. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner manufacturer. Tim So. Ashland Ave. Chicago, 111. $4 00 for Selling 25 of our Champion Flat Iron Cleaners Sells for 2ic each and everybody wants one. Write for particulars. The At kins company, Uox iJ, Omaha. Ne MIL-.. ljTI fJfff? v Not how cheap but how good. Pat toon's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by (Serin,' & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hansen of Weep ing Water spent Sunday with relatives in this city. Mrs. Olga Croskey and child went to (Salesbnrg. III., Monday morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. (loss. After a brief visit with relatives in this city Mrs. Carrie Wilson and son departed for their home in Lincoln Monday. Mrs. Anna I is of Havelock. lorm rly Miss Anna Adamsof Plattsmouth, has boon awarded damages in the sum f if.'imt for injuriessustained sometime igo at l Diversity Place, by the care lessness of a trollv car conductor. Miss Katie Mcllugh of South Lend ainodow n Saturday and w ill assist her uncle. Thomas Walling, in his otticial duties. Miss Katie is one of Cass coun ty's most handsome and estimable young ladies, and will be a popular ac- uisition to Plattsmouth's young, so ciety. Father Hennessey of the Mauley Catholic church, came in yesterday for i short visit with Father Bradley, and in company with that gentleman made the .Journal a brief call. We wore de lighted to meet Father Hennessey, and found him to be a most elegant gen tleman. William Weckbach of Omaha, and Mrs. J. V. Weckbach of Lincoln are in the city, called here on account of the serious illiness of Henry 'Weckbach. who has lieen lingering between life and death for several days. At last ac counts he was entirely unconscious, md his demise momentarily expected. The Journal's old and reliable friend, Jacob Tritsch, one of the best citizens of Cass county, dropped in Tuesday to see how we were getting along, ana ilsi i to subscribe for the Journal for his son, J. W. Tritsch. whose postotlice address is Cedar Creek. Mr. Tritsch says most of the farmers in Ids neigh borhood have finished replanting corn. The editor of the Journal has receiv ed a numberof very encouraging letters from leading democrats of the First congressional district regarding the candidacy of Mayor (Soring of tliiscity. Among which is one from that sterling young democrat. Hon. H. II. Hanks of ( Hoc county, who made the race against Ulowhard Hurkett two years ago. Henry's nomination for congress is al most a foregone conclusion. Oeorge Jung, who has Just closed a successful term of school at the Her man Lutheran church, southwest of Louisville, was in the city Tuesday, and while here called and enrolled his name for the Journal. Mr. Jung Is one of Cass county's most successful and energetic teachers, and he is justly entitled to spend a part of his vaca tion viewing the sights at the St. Louis fair, to which point he expects to go next week. The Prodigal Son. A paper in a neighboring town says "We cannot let a day go by without suggesting that the only way to build up a city is to keep money at home. The parable of the prodigal son is a case In point. He took his boodle and went down into another country and spent it. And what became of him? Well, he was glad to feed with the swine before lie could get back to the old place where they patronize home industries. There is only one way and that is to keep your dollars at home working for you and not sending them out to feed the merchants of other towns." Asthma Sufferers Should Know This. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of asthma that w ere cotv sldcred hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Hues ing.701 West Third street, Davenport, la., writes: "A severe cold contracted twelve years ago was neglected until it finally grew into asthma. The best medical skill available could diof''ole'-'sl'1'111''1'1'' me more than temporary relief. Foley Honey and Tar was recommended and one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma, w hich had leen growing on me for twelve years, and If 1 had taken it at the start I would have been saved years of suffering." For sale by F. (S. Frlcke & Co. Arrested for Stealing Money. In compliance of a warrant Issued by Judge Archer yesterday, Sheriff Mc Brlde arrested Joseph Hela on the charge of purloining from Mary Ptak the sum of I.mO. Hela was arraigned More Judge Archer last evening and the prellnary hearing set for this af ternoon. The prisoner was released by his father going on his lond for his ap pearance at the stated hour. Mrs. J. Benson, 210 S. 16. Omaha, Neb. Children's wash dresses. Yoke dresses In white months to three years .1.1c to K.io. Colored 1 to 4 years 5c to M."1. Princess, Hishop and Kilts Klc to 1."0 In white colored, ,1oc to 1.1. 75. Infants' wear of all kinds. Anything you wish In children's headwear. Paint Bargains-Special. Linseed oil, raw, 4.1c per gallon. Linseed oil, boiled, 4.1c per gallon. Carter's white lead. Km-I per 100 lbs. Southern white lead, KM per 100 lbs. Patton's Sun Proof paint, f 1.75 per gallon: 5 gallons or more. Lto per gal. Turpentine, 7.1c per wall' ri. (StltlNit Co.. IU'UgglstS. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Eighmy & Clark's Uncle Tom's Cabin company will be iu Plattsmouth next Tuesday. June H. The Journal fam ily has known Hell Eighmy, the seuh r member of the firm, for the past tw enty years, having been almost next-door neighbors for a number of years. The fact that this company is under the management of Mr. Eighmy is enough for us to know that it is a good one. And this being the case the Journal feels privileged to recommend it to its readers as tirst class in every respect and well worthy of their patronage. If you have not seen the play for some time bring your family in to see this one. It will pav vou. We .no sure it will be the onlvone hero thk A Strong Heart is assured by perfect digestion. Indi gestion swells the stomach and puffs it up against the heart. This causes shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart and general weakness. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures Indigestion, re lievos the stomach, takes the strain off the heart and restores it to a full per formance of its function naturally. Ko dol increases the strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and appropriate to the blood and tissues all of the fond nutriment. Tones the stomach and digestive organs. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. Grocery Store Burglarized. The grocery store of A. Hach, at the lower end of Main street, was entered on Thursday night of last' week and several articles, consisting of tobacco, pipes, shoes, etc., were taken there from. Entrance was effected by cut ting out the glass in the transom over the rear door. The cash drawer was pried open, but two or three empty pocket books was all that met their gaze. It is supposed to have been the work of tramps, simply because several were seen in the city the day before. The Grass-Cutter. 'I'lic thrifty man looks nt tils lawn. "Tliiil xruss." In1 says. "I'll i-ut at ilatvn." Ami tills li liotv tt looks nlu-n oYr Thr lann he runs his ilull law n-niuwi r. i -- i -- i -- r ; -- ; --i i "I M'f." say hi'. "It's tni ri'lv hi nt." Ami hark lie (fit's, thoucli well nluh sja-nt : ))))) I ) ) I 1 )))))) ) "Well. I'll he switched, fi nfotiml such hay!" He cries, "l'il to the other way. ( l ( ( ( I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 ( ( ( Crown desperate now. thi'shear- he snatches Anil cuts the crass 111 jftihs ioid patches: - rr: -mi-:-v v-nii -v v v Min-vv '''- Only t" Mini next day at dawn. A ilanilell'in-s)anv'led lawn: Ice Crearr) Social at Mynard. An ice cream social will be given by the M. W. A. at their hall In Mynard on Saturday evening, June 18. l!W4. The Woodmen of the Mynard camp al ways do things in the proper style, and those who attend this social will re ceive their money's worth. Don't fail to attend. Three Physicians Treated rjim With out Success. W. L. Yancy, Paducah, Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in Ken tucky treated me without success. I then took Foley's Kidney Cure. The tirst bottle gave immediate relief, and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. ' Quite a Curiosity. E. L. Metcalf and wife, living south of Plattsmouth, were in thecity Fri day doing some shopping, and brought with them a curio in the shape of a recently hatched chick with four feet, two forward and two backward, and with three wings. It died soon after it was hatched. This is no tish story, but cold facts. Worthy of Imitation. The new (thin m.'i itI:ick liw nc '1 aiH' t)assi' ,lV tlic 'eK'islature ui iimu Muie provitios mat uic oncie must have lived sixty days in the coun ty where license is asked; that both bride and groom appear In court: that drunkards and Imbecile persons be re fused license." Tills law will lessen elopements. Less than Half Rates to St. Louis V and Return. On Mondays, June (, 111, -0 and 27, the P.urllngton offers tickets to St. Louis and return at ..10, good for seven days considerably less than one fare for the round trip. Tickets are good in coaches and chair cars (seats free). The magnificent exposition is now complete ar.d in harmonious opera tion. You will regret it all your life if you fall to see this wonderful exposi tion. Illustrated folder free, and full In formation on application to llurllng ton Iloute agent or to L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Ne braska. That Throbbing Headache. Would iUlckly leave you If you used Ir. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back If not cured. Sold by F. (S. Frlcke - Co., druggists.