The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1904, Image 3

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    l Jjf
Catalogue Free. Write I's.
For Spring Tonic
S Try a case of the Favorite .Mm Cunrl V
One of the Purest Beers on the Market N
Call on Ktl Donat at tho lWless Sa- Q
loon, or telephone 1 12 and Idl will do V
the rest. All we ask is a trial for this Q
popular brand and you will buy no M
other h
S Try a Case To-Day. S
jj ED. DON AT,
"The Early Bird
Catches the Worm"
This is im old saying, but a very wise
oik in many respects, nml serves to riminil
those who nre on the lockout f..r
Spring Suits
For Men and Hoys
That William Holly is prepared to -till the
bill" in this lino to a dot, mid invites idl to
cutne ami inspect his now arrivals and iM
prices. Tit anil quality mmrantecd. and
prices to suit the times. Also, a tine line
of Men's and Hoys' Shoes of all grades.
Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Remember the place,
William Holly
East Room Waterman fllock
Corner Fourth and Main Starts
New Fabrics
For Spring
In suitings, trouserings and for
overcoats are now to be seen in all
the latest novelties from English.
Scotch and American manufactu
rers. We will make your Spring
overcoat or suit in the best and
swellest style and of artistic ele
gance at a reasonable price.
Frank McElroy
Fifth and Main Sts. I'pstairs
Then- In :i Ntciuly tliiiiMlid fur yoiuiu ami yinini; we
turn ulni iin- tin .rouiiily traimil fi r liiislnrs. We pre
pare youni; people In meet the demand.
Business, Shorthand and Typewriting.
Preparatory and Telegraphy
Features - I. Teachers of sucei-Nsfnl huslni'ss
fxpt-rii'iifc .. i--nirii k-iuliini'uts. :t. tIiomusIi,
ir:icllc'al rourvs. 4. Personal Interest III caii stndi'iit.
.'i. Aslt imi'f In si'i'urliiL' employment.
Lincoln Business College, Lincoln. Noli.
Proprietor. JJ
Lehr In Party Chair.
Lincoln. May ;s. The Kopubllran
state central committee reorganized
for the campaign liy fleeting Henry
F. Lehr of AlMun. chairman, hp I A.
P. Allen of I.lnei.ln. pecretsry. It win
decMeil to remove the headquarters
of the ciunmtttei' tvem Uiuvtu to
Solditr Killed by Comradj.
Crawfoiil, Neb.. June 1.- l'nvatf
Walker of treoj) K. Tenth cava'.-y. of
Fort Kohinson, was t-l'.ot mul kilUiI
hy Frivate Wllst n of treop o. The
two men were eareusiiii; In Crawford
and the shoot Itn; follow eil a tls:ht he-
twinn them Wilson escaiied ami Is
still at large.
Photographed His Scratches.
Omaha, May Jil. A photograph of
the back of his head procured William
H. Heverly a decree of divorce. Ho
Is a well known Insurance asent
Mrs. neverly Is twenty-clmht, whllo
Ile( rly Is seventy-seven. Tho photo
graph plainly showed the scars made.
according to the testimony, by Mrs
Beverly's finder nails.
Victim of Assault Is Dead.
Norfolk, Neb., June 1 Five-year
old Maude Stortz Is dead nt a hos
pital here as the result of a disease
communicated by Deli Sweet, a farm
hand, at her home neur O'Neill. Sweet
Is In jail at O'Neill under a serious
chaw, which may now lie tnado on
of murder. Fearing 1. nchlnK. Sweet
has been n moved from the O'Neill
Jail. His whereabouts are unknown to
the public. Excitement is hUh.
Cloudburst Causes Much Damage,
Columbus. Neb., May L'tl. A cloud
hurst lu the northwestern part of the
county has caused much damage from
hinh water. The passenger train from
hpaldiiiK, on the Union I'acillc, Is tied
up at Genoa, the truck being under
water. I-o!t creek. Shell creek and
the Looking Glass r!vT are out of
their bnnks. At I'lntte Center water
Is running through the streets to tlu
depth of two fei't. Trains on the
Sioux City branch of the Union I'a
cillc are delayed.
Boy Aeronaut Up Once More,
Omaha, Juno 1. Willie Roberts, thrt
boy aeronaut, made another ascension
in sp.te of an Injunction obtained by
his parents to restrain him from en
gaging in the dangerous occupation.
His father has relented and the Indi
cations now are tho boy may resume
his chosen profession. Roberts said
that he had fully decided to follow the
life of a balloonist and while he real
Ized the dangers attending such a
life, on the other hand he declared
there was such a fascination with It
that every ascension mils for another
High Water in Madison,
Norfolk, Neb., May 110. A steady
rain fell here all night.. Much of tho
land between hero and Columbus is
tinker water and tho Union l'aclflc
tracks were inundated. The trains
are moving, but go slowly through the
water. Northwestern section men
were called out at midnight to work
on the bridge ovct the Elkhorn at
Flattie Creek and prepare it to with
stand the fl(K)d. The worst rpjKirt
comes from Hat.tle Cm'k, where the
Elkhorn is out of its banks and
threatens to carry away tho mill and
dam. The rain Is the heaviest ever
known In this pnrt of the state.
Applicants Contend Accused Man
Should Go to Iowa for Trial.
Lincoln, June 1. Governor Mickey
for several hours heard arguments
from Iowa officials urging him to hon
or the requisition of Governor Cum
mins of Iowa for Thomas Dennlson
of Omaha, who is accused of complic
ity in the Pollock diamond robbery.
Governor Mickey took the case under
advisement and will render a decision
tomorrow. While not Indicating plain
ly his intentions, the governor Inti
mated that, he would not grant the
requisition. United States Marshal
Thomas represented Governor Cum
mins and County Attorney Fallon np
peared for Harrison county, whero
Dennlson was Indicted. Dennison
was not represented.
Fee Will Be Required In Securing En
try to Rosebud L?nd.
Omaha, May 2C officials of the
land office and others who would be
supposed to have exact information
regarding the time and manner of
opening the Gregory county, South
Dakota, Rosebud Indian reservation
lauds to occupation are receiving
very many letters from people think
ing of registering for homesteads.
The official proclamation of l'resldent
Roosevelt opening these lands has
bocn roci'lvisl and gives some Infor
mation not before made public.
1'erliApa tho most interesting is tho
fact that tho lucky imrsons in tho
drawing will bo required to pay on tho
day of entry togother with tho land
ofllcy foes the turn of fl fur every
acre, or f 10. This applies on tho
et price of (4 an acre, tho rent of
the money being paid, 75 cents an
acre hi the end of two years, 7." rents
within three- ynars, four years ami
Fix month u-fter the expiration of the
fifth ymrs. No oiie can sell bin
chance of claim.
HeglnnlnR July i'S. at Chamberlain,
a drawing will fake jdaco which will
determine the order in which tho
winners will he, allowed to gelcct their
land for tiling. Then Aug. H, those
who have drawn tho numbers from
one to and Including H'li, will be con-shir-tod
and allowed to file In order
for the lands which they desire.
Aged Man Shoots Hlmse'f.
Falrbury. Nb, May 3i Luke K,
committed suicide by shoot in g
Mmseif through the bend, dyln In
aliont an hour after flrltn the nhot.
He was seventy three yer-i old, and
lor Mime nine n. been in oor
health and despondent.
Norfolk Get Tcurn.'.mrnt.
Norfolk. Neb. Viy i:s Ncbi-eLa
firemen decided t,. h.dd their annual
tournament in No-felk some tm.e the
latter part or July, lhe bvirname: t
will continue fer three iliivs and it
l.i expected that ln.eee r..,,t,le w ill he
drawn here by the ccr.i.
Charged With Sccre cf EurtjUrirs.
Kalamazoo. Mich, May 'Jv wd
Quinn was an-estea lu Fremont. N, '. .
at the request of Sheriff Shlpinan ef
Kalaniaoo, (.Jmnii. alias ejuu-. Is
charged with ImSicat .un !n twniiy
burglaries, a jail delivery and a dar
ing escape from a sheriff at Grand
Rapids. Mich.
Biggest Broom Factory In the VVcrld.
Deshler. Neb., May :h.- The new
Deshb r broom factory, now In coarse
of construction, will be the Inrgest
In this country, if not in the wirld.
The walls or the main building are
of massive brick and 3:11 root h tip.
from fifty to ninety feet la width and
fhlrty to thirty six feet high. Wh n
In full operation from -Jimp to ,'iiin men
will be employed and a capacity or
one carload of brooms and whisk Is
Probes Into Beef Trust.
Omaha. May lis During the last
five weeks Thomas M. Robert son, a
Ferret agent of the bureau ot' corpora
tions of the department of comnierce
and labor of Washington, has ben
Investigating the South Omaha pack
ers. He left for Kansas City to com
plete his mission. It Is hinted that
the secret agent curries away from
South Omaha with him a volume of
Information which will go far toward
proving that there Is a combination
among the large meat packing con
cern ;.
H. A. Dabcock Passes Away.
Dincolu, May 3d. While talklni;
with his wife at their homo here
death came to II. A. llahcock, deputy
state treasurer. For wome weeks Mr
rtahcick has been finding 111 and for
sever:. I days tins bun almos t con
stantly confined to his home, but his
death was not looked for by bis fam
ily or friends. Two days before bis
death he was down town and ex
pressed himself ns feeling lietter.
though very weak. If Is supposed that
heart trouble resulted from bis Flck
ness and was the Immediate cause of
his demise.
Stockmen Will Quiz Klnkaid.
Alliance, Neb., May He. Elaborate
preparations nre being made for the
reception of tho Nebraska Stock
Growers' association convention,
which will be held in this city Thurs
day and Friday of this week. Con
gresnnan Klnkaid will be one of the
principal speakers and great Interest
attaches to Ms address, for It Is n
matter of discussion In the minds of
many stockmen whether his ue-.v f.4o
acre homestead hill has In It nil the
meTlts for stockmen it Is claimed.
Tho commission firms of South Oma
ha, and also of Denver, will be fully
represented, a special ear mmlng
from South Omaha on Thurs-day.
Flood Damage in Nebraska.
Lincoln, May UK. Division Super
intendent I'.lgnell of the Iiiiiilngtun re
turned from the flooded regions In
Greeley and Nance counties and said
that thousands of head of stin k wore
drowned and three persons were
drowned or Ftnnk by lightning:
Trains were tied up from washed out
tracks and some of Vu smaller towns
have been without mall since Tues
day. Twelve Inches of rain fell, over
flowing every creek and small stream
In the two counties. The known fatjib
Itles are: John Pollard, drowned:
Edward liennendor, drowned; Will
iam Ray, killed by lightning. For
three days the town of Greeley wart
without mall, telephone or telegraph
Mutiny at Fort Riley.
Junction City, Kan., June 1. Alxnit.
noon nineteen soldiers of troop K.
Eighth cavalry, at Fort Riley, re
bellisl on account of an insM' tioti that
was ordered for the afternoon. They
camo to Junction City and paraded
on the streets in defiance of the of
ficer who was sent to take them back
to the post. A detail of men was sent
from tho iost to assist In the capture
of the mutineers and all but four of
them are in custody. Only seven of
the men resisted the patrol and it in
probable that they will N: charged
with mutiny when they po before a
court-martial for trial.
Williams Found Guilty.
The Dalles, Ore., May 2S. After d-
liberatlng for four and a half hours,
tho Jury found Norman Williams
pillty of murdering Alma Nohbltt,
near H'nmI River. Ore., March 8, ID'").
Tho penalty for the crime Is death.
Williams' attorney Immediately asked
for time to file a motion for n new
trial. Miss Nesbltt nml her mother
ramo from Omaha four years agn to
take up a claim. IVoth disappeared
and It was not until a short timo ago
that discovery was made that they
had been murdered.
Engineers Fill Two Offices,
lion Angeles, Cal, Juno l Tho
sonvcntlon of the Urotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers elected McAdlu
of Smlallii first assletant grand chief
engineer. E W. Hurley of 1 lout on
wan elected second assistant grand
chief engineer by a large majority
over M. II. Hhtiy. It In thought that
tho convention will be In session until
next Tui sd.iy.
Famine Prices Prevail and Cost of
Provisions Increasing.
London, June 1.- The D.iuy Mail's
corresHudent at New Chwung fa.-:
ou;e Chinese fugitives from I'ort Ar
thur who arrived here describe the
bittiaMou ef the ii.h al itun's t hi re a.
iio: 1 1 rate. Famine prices t lai The
cost of proilMons Im I. a.-ci. weekly.
Mar.y person am ledured to catit.g
Chinese t h i.l. and ccn that Is ib-ar.
Millet Hour costs )ii a bag Who.e
tree'. and several ;m!dic luildiiigi
l.a' been wrecked by Ja ,ll:-'si shell
fire. The ho.-.p:ia!s are parked with
s'e k ai d wounded. The work of repair
li.g the damage to the warships has
lei ii shopped. All civilians have
been given military duMes. '.he g. n
t ral healih of the Inhabitant.-, is good,
except that the Chinese ire dvii'.g ,f
s'arvaMon. Theft bus hi on made
punishable by death The railway
was completely destroyed as far u
K'.n Chou and there are frequei '
raps In It between Kin Chou and Wa
f.ingtlen. At Wal'ai.gtien th. ie ar
IS, (ion Japnuese ti-mips. tut no sign
of troop farther north lir!tig 'I -fighting
at Kin Chou ihlrt Chinese were
killed by the Japanese llnv
The Tohlo correspondent of the
i nronicie felegraptm: Rinslan stra'
egy has undergone another chnnge
Ytn Kow Is to be again fortified.
Four guns have been brought from
New- Chwang, the garrison lucre ised
and the harbor p.dned.
Togo Sends Report.
Tokio, June 1 Four gunboat, two
destroyers and two torpedo boats sent
to l'ort Arthur early on Monday tin ru
ing by Vice Admiral Togo fleeted a
careful reconnolssance, facing a
heavy fire from the land batteries.
They discovered B lew Russian
searchlight station and one or two
new forts on the l.hio Tien Shan
promontory No. H gunboat was
struck by a shell, which killed one
petty ofllcer. Injured three men and
d, imaged one or Its guns The other
boats escaped without any damage
Remains of Officers and Men Killed
by Moris Interred In Mindanao.
Manila, 1'. I., Juno 1- Maor Gen
eral Leonard Wood has returned from
Zambontiga, Island of Mindanao,
where he I. as been organizing a puni
tive expedition dispatched In pursuit,
of the datto. Alt, and his baud of
Moms from the Rio Grande, who on
the l'Jth Inst, surprised arid massa
cred tlfty-thren Filipinos, men, worn,
en and children, employes ot the gov
ernment at Camp Overton. I'filted
Slates troops are now trailing All, de
termined to either capture or destroy
him and his followers.
The remains of the officer.-; and men
of the Seventeenth Flitted States In
fantry, recently ambushed and killed
by Moros, have been Interred at Cota
bato, Mindanao. The ambush took
place May h nt Slmnatem, on the east
shore of Lake Llguasan, bland of
Mindanao, when Lieutenant Wlnfleld
Harper and thirty-nine men of the
Seventeenth Infantry wen- attacked
by several hundred Moros Those
killed In the nmuush were First Lb'ti
tenanf Harry A. Woodruff, Second
Lteiitirant Joseph H. Hall and fifteen
men of the regiment.
Three Registration Places at Cham
berlain to Care for Big Crowds.
Chamberlain, S. D., May Ihi. Agent
Hunt or the general land otlli u at
Washington Ih in the ci'.y arranging
for the details a'tending the opening
to settlement of th Rosebud lauds
lying In Grt gory rttunty. He has se
cured the court house as the registra
tion place for the general public, tho
Congregational church for w t men,
wtilie the old settlers will record their
names at the United States land of
flee. In dividing up tho work In this
way it Is exported that a'.l trouhlo
may be avoided, no matter how largo
the crowd may lie.
Interest Is growing as the time art
proachi s for the r ViKtratlon, as the
land officers as well as business men
are dally receiving hundreds of In
quiries regarding the matter from nil
over the United Stf.tes, and the ad
vat ( tide has already reached the
rl'.y. Five fast steamers will ply be
tween Chamberlain r.nd the lands to
bo ojiened, so that all may have a
convenient means of examining the
land. Hy this means a person will be
able to reach any portion of the lands
In a few hours.
Remains of Distinguished Pennsylva
nian Are Laid to Rest.
lleavcr. l'a, Juno 1. All that Is
mortal of Senator Matthew Stanley
Quay was carried Ui tho little burial
plot In Heaver cemetery and burled
beside, the bodies of his children.
The services w re its simple tu It wan
pwslhle to make thorn, as the diiul
statesman had reqmi-d. Hut the
presence of tho executivo hiiul of the
eoiianonwi'nlUi which ho had helped
to make great, of representatives of
the high law-making body in which
he had played so prominent a part
and of the national government lent
to tho services an air of iximp that
could not be prevented. Heaver wim
crowded with prominent men. Nearly
all of thm were permmtil acquaint
atiees and friends of the tlorefiscd
senator, nearly all had known him In
life ami had witnessed thosi displays
of political acumen and generalship
which stamped him as ono of the haul
ers cf Ms agt. It waa a representa
tive gathering. There were men from
all the walks of life, each anxious to
show his mned of respect to those vir
tues of tho dead senator that cannot
te denied.
I Gray Hair
"I have used Aver's Hair Vigor
lorovcr tinitv vears. It has kept
my scalp ft re from dandruff and
ha prevented mv hair from turn
nil? gray." Mrs. -. A. Soulc,
Hilling, Mont.
There is this peculiar
thing about Aver's Hair
'ior it is a hair food,
not a dye. Your hair does
not suddenly turn black,
look deall and lifeless.
Hutgraduallythe old color
conies back, all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops falling, too.
SI 00 a botllt. All druuUli.
If )'"iir iliiiKtint rniuint mi,ljr yon.
ml u mm i.,ll.,r nu, u will i-ier.-m
you x Imtiii.. n ,,ir,. nml bu tlin iminn
ef jour iiiirft )iri- ntlne. A ,1,1 r.-nn
J '. A V h it CO., l,wi'll, Man!
Four People Plunrje o Death Durina
Memorial Exercises at Pueblo.
Falldn. Colo, May ai.-While thi
Ineiiiorlal exercises were at their
height mid tho veti rims vveie casting
Rowers on tl waters of the Arkansas
liver In memory of the heroic dead,
four people were suddenly plunged to
death by tho breaking ol a footbridge
spanning tin- river at the lower edgi
er Kivcrtldo park. A number of oth
cis were thrown Into the stream, sev
eral of w hom are missing The p st
narrowly escaped with their lives.
The accident was wltucr-id by 1 .
persons, who seeini d powerless to
render assistance.
The known dead are Mrs Clar
etico Ti icphii.s, Hazel I.lrn s,
Morgan and I'enti llollani!
Nora Anderson, aged thirtei n. Is
milting an I the IkkIj- of a lioy. whoso
mime has not been lenrm-d, w as s en
floating two miles down the rivir.
Tllil peoplo who Witnessed the acci
dent declare there were twenty peo
ple n the bridge at the time of the
collapse. A wire netting bus been
stretched to'tims the river nt Wells
elite, sl mil. s below Salida It will
require a day's time before It Is d' fl
nltely known l.ovv many llvi were
Republicans at Springfield Expect No
Nomination for Several Days .
Sprlnglleld. 111., Julie 1- There is
no subetantliil prosjH'i t that the
guhernatoiial deadlock will end to
day. It Is reported that liwib n will
make another attempt to break lnl
the Yates forces. It Is said that ho
expects to get 1UU Votea, ::)
from Hamlin, Till from Sherman and
enough scattering votes to swell his
total to l, eo, hoping that this will bn
Hiillliienf to loosen enough Iioneeii
delegates lii Cook county to nominate
liow deii. Tin to bih'Uis small probabil
ity that either Hamlin or Sherman
will now shift their votes until It ap
pears reasonably certain that by s
doing they will be able to break tho
deadlock. All of tlie candidates aro
holding their forces together. New
badges wito distributed to the Yalta
fle legates tw Jiring Uie legend, "All tho
world lov a lighter end iiates a
quitter" All Is apparently qnlot In
the Item n camp. The Iowdori Ileti
Unants are actively at work, but It
remains to lie proven that they are
accomplishing Fuli5tantial result.
Tho FUty-flrst ballot resultexl:
Yati-a, 4H I ; Iiwden, :W-y, Heneen,
3N4V,; Hamlin, 11(1; Warner, 40; Sher
man, r,l; l'ien'e, 2R.
Prohlbs In Ohio Nominate.
CnlumbuH, ()., Juno 1 Tho ITo
hlbltlon state, convention notnlnateil
a state tloki-t he;ull by Harold KIn
llocklilll, for FinreUiry of state. Th
platform deelares for prohibition and
for woman puffrage.
Startling Evidence.
Fresli lest iinony in vrrcat i iiunti ty
is constantly coming in, declaring Ir.
King's New Iiisc.overy for Consiunp
suinpt ion Couglis and (.'olds to lie une
qualled. A recent expression from T.
.1. McFarlanil, llentonville, Va , serves
as exam pie. lie writes: "I liad bron
chitis for three years anil doctored all
the time without being- licnclittefl.
Then I heg-an taking I r. King's New
IMscovery, and a few bottles wholly
cured inc." Kqiially cITcctive In cur
ing all lung ami throat trouhles, con
sumption, pneumonia and grip. Guar
anteed hy F. ;. Fricke Co.. drug
gists. Trial Imt ties free, regular sizes
.Vic ami I. mi.
Noes further, looks heller and lasts
longer, l'alton's Sun I 'roof l'aint.
(icrlng Co. agents.
' Those, who nre gaining flesh
and Mrength by regular treat
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatment
In hot weithri omnller closo
nndn little cool milk with It will
do away with any ohlectlon
which attached to fatty pro
ducts during the huatod
Srtiil ..r lre Mmpl.
SCori ,Vi hOWNK. Ihemi.n.
4v-4is l'i'l Strrfl, Nrw York.
y nd ; all ilmguu.