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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
MEXICAN MEXICAN 1 Chilblain, MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustanq Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Sprain, and Stral... crei Spavin and Rlasfaom. heal. Old Korea qalckl,. Beat for Cattl. all-enU. ptrte. to the ery bone. Beat thin for a Um bora. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment is a poeltUe care for rile. rare all forma of Rheantatlem. care uaaea uaaer ia cawa. Beat for bneep aiiatenia. uvkji Miinaniuu. unvn mi aii imnammauoa. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment crCat,Itr,UrUe. Ia mmm for cer mUij for Ma, Ut or INmltry. Bt for llor allmeaU. limber. p Stiff JolaU. cure Froetbltt and Chilblain Weeping Water I-m the Ui putillcan. (). T. Lryda 1ms Iwn enjoying a visit from Ills uncle, Mr. I Lryda, of Ohio. Manager MeClaln Is very busy with a force of men In the country connect tag up a lot more farm residences. The continued cold and wet weath er causes some apprehension among the farmers who have com planted, lest It should rot hi the ground. Prof. 1'atterson of the Manley schools Informs us that ho has been elected principal of the Nehawka schools for the coming year. David Amlck, one of the prosperous owners of a valuable farm In the vicin ity of Murray, was In town Wednes day and paid this oillec a social call. Dave was In Weeping Water twenty years ago, but his visits of recent years are not very frequent. He said ho was unusually busy this spring as In addition to his large amount of farm work, he Is building a line house oil his farm. Word was received by Mrs. I. N. Woodford, on Sunday, of the deatli of her nelee, Miss Mary Woodford, at On tario, Oil. No particulars were re ceived at that time. Miss Woodford was a teacher in our schools for a num ber of years and ha.i a great many warm friends here, who will te pained to hear of her death. She was teach ing at the time of her death. Miss Woodford leaves six brothers and a large circle of relatives. Last Thursday afternoon Miss Irene Armstrong was driving to town, and when near II. D. Heed's home the liorse took fright at the cars and ran away. Miss Armstrong was thrown out and her collar bone broken, besides being badly bruised. She was carried into Mrs. Wolfe's home and Dr. Kick- ard sent for, who made the patient as comfortable as possible. This Is the same horse that became frightened In the same place and ran away with Mrs. Armstrong a few weeks ago. We understand It Is an old horse and been In the family a good many years and that about 11 f teen years ago It ran away with Mr. Armstrong and he was badly Injured. We would think they would get afraid of him after so many exciting exciting experiences. From the Hi-rald. Jas. Mlnnlear reports a case of scar' let fever at his home. A nine-year old son is atlUcted. Horn-To Mr. and Mrs. R. C. llalley, Friday, May 13, 104, a boy. To Mr and Mrs. A. L. Uranson, Sunday, May 15. 1',hi4, a girl. Nehaovkoc From the lloglitiT. About 100 people gathered at the home of AmcllaNuUman to celebrate her twenty-first birthday, Saturday evening. Mrs. C. D. Keltner returned home Sunday morning after a pleasant and profitable visit with relatives and friends in Herrlngton, Kansas. Ray Pollard, foreman and part owner In his father's farming estates, said they had planted 2S0 acres of corn, be sides the wheat and other small grain crops. Mrs. M. II. Pollard, accompanied by her mother, Mrs.Oren Rates, returned home last week from Vermont, where she had been visiting friends and rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Altiert Dow and child ren from lioreas, (Jol., visited at the home of J. W. Maguey last Saturday. lhert is a cousin of Mr. Maguey, and expects to return later on and locate In Cass county. We have been Informed by an old and experienced farmer that the apple crop this season will ho the linest for several years. The trees nre full, and if only one-tifth remains to the good the harvest will run up to the top notch. Charles W. Manning's six-year-old girl had a narrow escape from being mutilated In a runaway a few daysago, The horse became frightened and ran olT.ncvcr stopping until reaching home, where the buggy was completely turned over, throwing the little occupant out Luckily no serious damage was done. carl stone, one of rehawka s pro gressive young men, and Miss Mertha Humphrey, the handsome and accom pllshcd daughter of Sam Humphrey, accompanied by Mrs. Katie West and Miss Stella Manning, boarded the early train last Wednesday and Journeyed to Lincoln, thence to Mcthany. At the latter place they vowed "for better or for worse." Having previously Joined hearts they now stood before the altar and solemnly repeated the words that Joined their loving lives together "un til death do us part." Carl Stone is a son of our estimable fellow-citizen, J. M. Stone, who is president of the Ne hawka bank and owns large farming interests In Cass county. The happy couple have made a temporary home with the groom'9 parents. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. (1. Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He 'writes, "a patient was attacked with 1 violent hemorrhages, caused bv ulcer Phil Davis was down town Saturday alton of lhe stomach, lKl(l 0flcn Tor the tirst time In several weeks, but ;f0UM(, Klectric Hitters excellent for did not look like he was able to with-1 ,.,.. etnni!i,-h nni livor tmnblos ,i 1 a few other trinkets and some money, but they gave a satisfactory account of how they came Into their possession, and after conferring with the sheriff and comparing notes Constable Saxon decided to release the men. They were Greeks and did not have the ap pearance of being bad men. From mn a In-r aourcv. The Union public schools closed Fri day and the teachers are scattering In various directions. Mrs. Dugay to her home at Rock RlulTs; Miss Osten berg has also departed for her home at Mead, and Prof. Gamble expects to leave In a few days for Seattle to spend the summer. The Union band gave a concert and free auction on the streets Saturday afternoon, and In the evening an en tertainment and supper at Upton's hall. An interesting program was given. The band recently ordered new uniforms at a cost of $'Xr, and the en tertainment was to raise money to help pay for them. Principal D. J. Standley of Du Hois. Neb., has been chosen as principal of schools for next year. Miss Alice Strahl gave a farewell dancing party at Upton's hall Friday evening. Misses Helen Dean and Dovle Harkhurst presided over the punch bowl. Miss Strahl leaves for her home at Miuden on Monday to spend the summer. Misses Minnie Taylor and Nina Lynde. two teachers In rural districts near Lnlon, held a Joint picnic for their pupils at McQuln's pond, east of town, Saturday. Farmers In this vicinity have almost llnlshed planting corn. The fields are all In excellent condition. The Union high school base ball club, which has been playing fast ball this spring, disbanded today, as school has closed. The boys did not lose a game during the season, although play ing several larger teams. county commissioners this week to fill a vacancy as constable for Salt Creek precinct, caused by John Montgomery going west. Judge MclK)nald has had a few cases of too much booze to handle lately. He has given them a fine and trimmings in each case. Keep the good work go ing and we w ill have less noise on the streets at night. There Is a small amount of sickness in the vicinity for this time of year. The only prescription your sidewalk needs is a hammer, nails and and a few boards. Try It. Some people would prosper better If they would pay less atteutlon to the business of others and attend more strictly to their own. When the Sap Rises Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs and colds are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to the lungs. Mrs. G. E. Fennerof Marion, Ind., says, "1 suffered with a cough until I run down in weight from lis to !2 pounds. 1 tried a number of remedies to no avail until 1 used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured mcentirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by F. G. Fricke &Co. F. G. Fricke & Co. Do not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia cure to their friends and customers. Indigestion causes more ill health thanyanythlngelse. Itderanges the stomach and brings on all manner of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you eat, cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Kodol Is not only a perfect digestant, but a tissue building tonic as well. Re newed health, perfect strength and In creased vitality follow Its use. '-" '4 -1Sr- , d '" ' F.G. Fricke & Co stand a very heavy windstorm. Phil has had a long siege of rheumatism. Steve Orton doesn't know how near he came to being lynched. In the year isss, after vlsitldg in Michigan, brought home two dandelion roots to plant in his (lower bed, but says both of them died. J. W. Gamble of Union will have charge of the Ehnwood schools for the coming year. Mr. Gamble is a thor ough school man and w ill undoubtedly give the best of satisfaction. Louisville has an occupation tax or dinance. It Is noted that while the drayman pays 11 per year for each ve hicle, and the dentist 10, the printing olllcc pays 1.00. Wonder who Is on the board? Frank Spangler was In town Satur day, having Dr. Rlckard dress the third linger of his right hand. Mr. Spangler held a rope that was at tached to a cow, when the latter jerked the rope through his hand so quickly as to break they bone. Hugh Ramsey, of Laramie county, Colo., was In town bust week, and had been visiting his brother John Ram sey of Manley. Mr. Ramsey has spent twenty years In Colorado and now the brothers are nearly all located there. His mother went out last winter to make her home. He says the pros pects for a big beet crop Is tlattering, and rain In plcuty has come Just In time. prescrllied them. The patient gained from the tlrst, and has not had an at tack in fourteen months." Electric Hitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, Indigestion, constipation and kidney troubles. Try them. Only :oe, at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledgu of erliena, Ala., w;vs twice in the hospital from a severe case (if piles, causing 2 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Muck len's Arnica Salvejuickly arrested fur tner lnllammatlou and cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. F. G. Fricke Co , druggists. Union. Krtu i tin' l.rdiiiT. John T. Pope departed Tuesday for Thomas, Okla., having received notice of the serious Illness of his mother, who resides there. Mr. and Mrs Dell Cadwell have cause to rejoice on account of the lirst addition to their family circle, a nice little daughter, boru Tuesday evening. K. D. Clark came oyer from Carson, la., on Tuesday to complete arrange ments for opening his store here. He expects to get his large stock of gen eral merchandise here by the first of next month. D. W. Foster received last Saturday a nice new 4-horse gasoline engine, which will furnish power to operate the cream separator, feed grinder, corn shelter, and perhaps in a short time Mr. Foster will succeed In attaching the engine to his bootjack, knife and fork. SherllT Mcllrlde telephoned here yes terday morning to have otllcers watch for two short men who had robbed a store at Murdock Wednesday night, an.l stated that two men answering the description had been seen near Mur ray. When the local freight arrived at 10 o'clock yesterday morning Con ductor Rex reported that his train had passed two short men a few miles up the track. Constable Saxon summoned assistants and went up track to meet ic at I the supposed roMers. They were met osliort distance above town and placed under arrest, but a careful search failed to bring to light any jwf of their Greenwood From llio Enterprise. John Klmberly is preparing to build a new house In the western part of town. A small child of Henry Carr, south of town, was burled Wednesday. It had been sick for some time. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. May Held of the Enterprise returned Tuesday from St. Louis. They report a tine time and that the fair is now opened in line shape. Mrs. E.O. Maytield Is visiting friends In and around town tills week before joining her husband at Kansas City, where they will make their home in the future. T. F. Carnes was appointed by the EaLgle From the Deacon. Ross Crabtrce from near Cheney was visiting here Wednesday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Han track on Monday, May Hi, a boy. Prof. Charles Johnson of Blue Mound, 111., arrived here the first of the week and Is visiting Carl Sack. Dr. Townscnd reports the arrival of a si x and a hal f pound boy at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waldron on Sat urday, May 14. Charley Michael has been at the ho tel for the past week, too sick to go out home, but he was some better at last accounts. Mrs. VanSickle arrived from Cope, Col., Monday evening, to look aftcrher Interest here tnd visit friends for a few weeks. Prof. Morris and wife of Yutan were in town last Saturday looking for a house. We understand they rented the Heebner property lately vacated by Roy Ostran. Prof. Morris will be the principal of our schools next year. A pleasant little surprise party was given'to the teachers of the Intermed iate and primary departments of our schools last Friday evening by their pupils, at the home of Prof. Hronson. Games were played and refreshments served, and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Messrs. Roper and Castle of the firm of Heecher, Roper & Castle, undertak ers of Lincoln, were in town Monday and made arrangements for putting in a first class undertaker's establish ment. They have purchased all the undertaking goods of F. J.Rahrand J. Latroin, and will ship more from their house in Lincoln, and will also send a tine hearse. Their stock will be kept In the furniture room of J. Lat rom's store and he w ill act as their lo cal agent. Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human llesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. Wo will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT A BOWNB. Chmlt. 400-415 Pearl Street. New Yorfc ml ft m i ill 'mia'A. SOLE AGENTS Lincoln Business College Catalogue Free. Write Us. lliere Is u Kteiuly demand for young imil young wo men wlio lire thoroughly trained for business. We pre pare young people to meet the demand. - COURSES Business, Shorthand and Typewriting, Preparatory and Telegraphy Special Fetures-1. Teaohersof successful business experience. Si. Excellent equipments. 3. Thorough, practical courses. 4. Personal Interest in each student, a. Assistance in securing employment. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Neb. New Fabrics For Spring In suitings, trouserings and for overcoats are now to be Been in all the latest novelties from English, Scotch and Americnn manufactu rers. We will make your Spring overcoat or suit in the best and swellest style find of artistic ele gance at a renBonnble price. Frank McElroy Fifth and Main Sts. Upstairs 2 24 In the ordinary course of business, but there's interest to tic considered if part of your earnings Is left with us for safe Investment. Then there 'sanother storv, which will make two Plus two eiual live in time. Ask us and we will gladly tell you how it Is done. Plattsmouth Savings Baoik Independent Cigar FACTORY! rr. 5c CIOAB. Chullrnire Comparison In Quality anil Workmanship. JULIUS l'EI'PEKDUKG, M vi'ifn''irt'f. A w Iff t j Urn Gh Ctiarchtll" 'The Early Bird Catches the Worm" This is nn old saying, but a very wise one in many respects, and serves to remind those who are on the lookout for Spring Suits For Men find Boys That William Holly is prepared to "fill the bill" in this line to a dot, and invites all to come and inspect his new arrivals and get prices. Fit and quality guaranteed, and prices to suit the times. Also, a fine lino of Men's and Boys'' Shoes of all grades. Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Remember the place, William Holly East Room Waterman Block Corner Fourth and Main Streets MA T7 ? T7 0T VEGETADLE SICILIAN ALES Hair Renewer Always restores color to cray hair, all the dark, rich color it used to have. The hair stops railing, grows lone and heavy, and all dandruff disappears. An decant dressing. u tttZrrjrSSL'W' TheJouniaiDf0VilrS."