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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
The Plattsmouth Journal Som i of the most enthusiastic sup porters of Midget Mickey recognize the fact that lie has a race on Ids hands, I'l'BLlSllKU H KICK LY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. and with & man like Judge Sullivan DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. pitted against hlro, notwithstanding presidential year, there are surer things than Midget's re-election. A CLASS OF J K V. HATKS. ri'HLIflllKK. i Knterwl l the pontofflo t rutuimiuth. Ne hr.niUa. kwiuIi-Iwui matter. pKom'KitiTY lias again slrurk the railroad slions here more men laid otT this work. Politics will soon warm up In groat hh.tpc. Lookout for ureal do Iiiks after the St. Louis convention. Thk republican are very quiet on HUte politics. They have a heavy loud on i heir shoulders In trying to carry the midgut governor through, and they know It, too. Whii.k extolling prosperity don't let us fur.'t that the public debt was In creasi-d by three millions of dollars last month. This Is surely a strenuous administration under which we are living. Tiik midget governor Is In a hot box unit don't know how to escape the I re of the en .pie unci railroad magnates both at the same time. It Is a "you'll be dainncil if vou do, and he damned If don't" ease w ith Mickey. Kit mm i Ik tone of many of our ex I'himncs one would Judge that ex-Con grcsHtiuii Nhcllcnhf rgcr was the com ing man for the democratic noinlna t for governor, lie made u good record in congress and will make a good slate executive. Nkhhask democrats have plenty of good tlmlter for governor, chief among whom are Judge J. J. Sullivan. ex-Congressman Shcllenhcrgcr and M. V. Harrington. Kltherof these gentlc men are so far superior to Midget Mickey that It would be shameful to even attempt a comparison. Tiik Journal has every faith In the wisdom of the democratic party. We believe, In the first place, that hap mony will prevail In the St. Louis con vention. After wtijpli the democrats of Nebraska will nominate one of their must popular leaders for governor, who will be able to carry the banner on to victory In November. In case of his election to the senate, lilowhard Hurkett lias his successor In congress already selected In the person of Ed. H. Slzer of Lincoln. He don't propose that the republicans through out the district shall have any say In the matter. This displays the egotism of a narrow-contracted brain. liY a vote of three to two the state board of equalization decided not to tax fraternal securities and reserve funds, liy this act the ixmrd practi cally Ignored the opinion of Attorney (ieneral Trout, who decided that the lodges were subject to taxation. It turns outsince the meeting of the republican state convention that pre vlous to that event lilowhard Hurkett had promised four or live aspirants for his seat that if the convention endors ed htm for the senate he would with' draw ami give them a "free-for all" tight for the nomination for con gress. Hut he now declines to do so and "h-llls to pay!" Evidkntly republican prosperity has struck the Hurllngton railroad a pretty severe Jolt In the past few months from the way they are laying off employes. 1'erhaps It may tie caused from Teddy's "strenuoslty." They don't usually lay off laborers during prosperity waves. Is one respect McKlnley and lloose- volt arc alike. McKlnley was a very strong advocate of thesllvercause until ottered the presidency on a gold plat form. Roosevelt was strongly opposed to a high tariff until he became presi dent by virtue of a high tariff platform Republicans should be ashamed to twit demcrats for changing their positions on public questions. akka'h new revenue law, It Is helleved, will be the big Issue In the campaign this fall. From present in dications the law will prove to be one of the most unpopular measures ever adopted by a Nehraska legislature. However It lias many friends who are confident It will work out well, when Its provisions aro better understood. Phksidknt Jessk of the Missouri state university urges the youth of the land to study agriculture In preference to law or medicine, and makes this un questioned assertion: "If a boy will put the same amount of time and study into his training for agriculture that he would put Into his training for law or medicine he will In the great majority of cases make more money enjoy greater freedom, better health and develop stronger character." Ik everything would go olT harmon iously at the St. Louis convention and Mr. llryan would accept the demo cratic nomination for U. S. senator, wouldn't he make the great lilowhard hunt his hole and make him' pull the hole in after lilm? The Journal only hopes Mich things will occur. Under such circumstances the democrats cou'd i.arry Nebraska. TiiKtin shop8iiithe larger cities are be! ng kept busy now days cutting down the worklngmen's dinner palls. The place In the tin pall reserved for meats has bei n kept empty by the beef trusts and the owners are having them cut down for the sake of convenience In carrying. And Teddy Is in the com bine to keep the palls empty of meat by standing for a tarltT he condemned several years ago. Says the Nebraska City News: "J H. Mickey was renominated for gover nor by the Burlington railroad in Lin coin last Wednesday, Can the corpor atlons deliver him enough votes to se cure his re-election? That Is the qucs Hon that Is now agitating the minds of the republicans who would like to ser a complete republican victory Mil fall. The alwve question was asked by the South Omaha Independent, a paper that represents the labor organ Izatlons of that town. It an answer was necessary we would agree with the- Independent that the B.& M.can not deliver the votes." Tom Johnson, of Ohio, says Joseph W. Folk is the most available demo cratic candidate for president that he has the harmonizing power. II suits the Journal. And while he v'-uid make a chief executive that the eyes of the nation could look upon with pride, he emphatically says he has promised the people of Missouri that lie will serve them as governor, and he is going to do it if the Great Ruler of the Universe will permit. Tiik republican managers Intend to stand by the roblwr tarltT In the com ing campaign. A defense of the tariff means a defense of the trusts about whose exactions the farmers are com plaining so much. The beef trust Is giving the farmers and laliorers an ob ject lesson that ought to teach them something wholesome In domestic economy. The farmer Is getting less for Ins cattle and hogs and the laborer is paying more for his dressed meats- thanks to the beef t rust. Tiik republican party has troubles of Its own Just now to settle, and per haps some of the leaders will have all they can do to look after their own af fairs instead of sticking their noses Into the affairs of the democrats. WIS' cousin is a fair sample of republlca harmony, with a split In the party and two candidates for governor. Illinois, after balloting for over a week on gov ernor, took a recess for two weeks when the war of factions opens again Yates says he Is determined to have renomlnation, while his enemies say nit." Oh, yes, there's so much bar mony in tne republican party else where, probably they will have a sup ply to furnish Nebraska. They will need a lot of It In this state by the time election rolls round. In ihe appraisement of the tangible property of the railroads the State Hoard of Railroad Assessment must give tangible proof that It is not own ed by the railroads. The proof the pudding is In the eat Ing. -Omaha Whatever is said good or had of the liei editor, his stand on equal assess ments of railroads Is highly commend ahle. Edward Rose-water has always claimed that the tail mads of Nebraska do in ! pay their proper share of the ta.M in which he is light. The act ion of I !.. I" .ml on this matter will be e.i -ilv watched for by the people. M !!:; t Mickey Is in a bad position -'tvil the devil and the deep blue sea. Tiik consensus of tarltT expressions In republican platforms and by repub lican leaders, amounts to this: That In the dim future, should the need ever arise, there will be a revision of such schedules as are observed tobeexces slve; but that there Is no occasion for revision now and Is not likely t j be at any time. The Inconsistency of this proposition amounts to an absurdity when account Is taken of the gen eral admission that certain schedules are now excessive. Individual leaders In argument generally make the latter admission, but the otliclal and platform statements negative it expressly. But the current republican talk, in resol Hons, platforms and perora, has late reverted to the subject of reciprocity. It here serveseven better tolllutninate the party inconsistency and insincerity and throws into striking relief the na ture and extent of the tariff fraud committed upon the count ry. The de nunciations of reciprocity now heard render especially t imely a reconsider ation of l'ingley bill history. ....IS.... JHway Wmlcom. Pure, Wholesome AND.... Delicious. 1 . mam evw A UIT. , john euH amwrn UCtmm Vie. . - A (tit rat occasion Is offered this year for an exercise of the power of genuine democracy. The national government Is In control of a political organization which Is un-American and antagonistic to the organic principles upon which our institutions are formed and our social ixidy rests. The republican machine is a perversion of politics and political organization; an arrogation of power by corrupt means Into the hands of an exclusive ring; Its motive is per petuatlon and further consolidation of control and Its operation is palpably and directly Inimical to rights in the mi st comprehensive sense. This cen tralization of power, as it may be call ed, Is corrupt to the very core, essen tially, as Its pursuits have glaringly exhibited to the people during the eight republican years past. Under normal conditions, armed with proper means, the public Is superior even to the most highly developed machines It remains with democracy to provide the people with an effective Instru ment for undoing the machine and re leasing and distributing political power once more, it remains witn trie dem ocratic party to decide this year wheth er a suitable alternative shall be offered to the voting masses. The eye of the country Is turned anxiously upon de mocracy. What will It do? Will It so solve Its small Internecine problems as to concentrate all its strength at the polls? Will it lend Itself to the plain demands of the people? Inevit ably It will suffer If It does not. That real, smooth, tasteful ice cream soda costs only fc, at Gcrlng & Co. Vs. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlatn'sStomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take and pleas ant In effect. For sale by all druggists. Ladlts and Children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups and cathartic pills are especially fond of Little Early Ris ers. All persons who find It necessary to take a liver medicine should try these easy pills, aud compare the agree ably pleasant and strengthening effect wttb the nauseating and weakening conditions following the use of other remedies. Little Early Risers cure bil iousness, constipation, sick headache, Jaundice, malaria and liver troubles. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. FOR cn u j CQ H W a iu Q Everything in Season FIRST t CLASS t GOODS Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices Prompt Service DO YOUR TRADING O AT P. PEARSON'S The Sixth Street Store 1 x 1 3 : 8 D 8 & 8 j j Platts ... .............. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc Phone 198 H O DO O o o GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE To Cure a Cold in One Day to Laxative Dromo Quinine i&ex pvL c tvoy SmnaMaoa torn MMbM l Tfcb tStO, V?''! TOSc, School Ttachers Invited to attend the Western Normal College Summer School, Shenandoah, Iowa, opening June 7. Approved by state board. All branches of study and teachers' specialties. Expenses the lowest. Reduction In railroad fares Write for information desired. J. M. Ht ssKY, President, Shenandoah, Iowa. Kunsmann & Ramge Still lead all other Meat Markets in furnishing the people of Platts mouth and vicinity with First Class Meats Of Every Description. Frtsh ond Smokd Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc REMEMBER They have removed to the first room west of their old stand. Hy courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and gain many new ones. Summer Homes for 1904 It is none too early to plan your summer vacation. You will be considerably assisted if you have at hand the descriptive booklets issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee . St. Paul Redlw3Ly( Lake resorts and other ideal summer homes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa are described. Books with rates for tickets and board, information about routes and train service sent for six cents' postage. St. Louis Millinery Company. All the newest creations in fashion able hats. We are showing daily new bats, at matchless prices. The best physic: Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take; pleasant In effect. For sale by all druggists. (tors further, liks tu-tur an longer, ration's Sun Proof tiering & Co. agents. 1 lasts Paint. j Perry's Restaurant j gJShort Order House j ooooooocc ooooooooooooooc Meals Served at Regular I j1" h Monl llourB. 8 s Fresh Oysters f (IN SEASON) 8 S Fish or nnytliine in Market. S S GX90ffi303X!X-Xi) 8 (ilVK TS A CALL. 8 P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, 8 MARTIN BUILDING. 8 North Side Main Street S iiCCCOOCCC'JOOCOOOOOGO! KILLthi COUCH and CURE th LUNGS -""Dr. King's Now Discovery ONSUMPTION Prlti OUGHSaU 60c Ml. 00 OLDS Frtt Trial. SuxMt and Quick eat Cur for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or XONXT BACK. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent 1524 Farnam Street OMAHA rr v y . i eWiit DWln I Iht nrt t kc for hn "i to to bur "-:h Hnl S'm. o-'-'l i i W.ih runl it ih on. nil i m.f tH'H-i. lit -t DilVin in ih. o IrWitih HinlS.,t Ihit It midt lror IS u jduitrnJ i Witch-Hazel All other ir counterfoil h.M m. Ullont, chup irnl worthhut erart d:irou. DtWitt'i Witch HuolSilve li ipaclflc lor pil: Blind. Bine 1ln(. Itchlni nd Protruding Pll. AIoCut. Burn, Brui. Eprilnt, Lrntlon. Contuslont, JHIi, Crbuncle, Ei-mi. Teller. Sell Rheum, and ell other Skin DilftlMt. v i SALVE I PHM'AHXl) KT 3 I E.C. DeVitt 6 Co., Chicago For Sole by F. G. FR1CKE & CO. Beef That Has Taste. That is the kind we have, Not only now but all times. Beef thnt has boen pro duced from rich, sweet country grans and fine nouririhing corn. It has the flavor thnt is so highly tonder, dated by thoso who know what good meet is. It is lasting, juicy and delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting. Our prict'H invito purc'linm-H. Also bear in mind thnt our GROCERY DEPARTMENT is up-to-date and that the. quality of our goods cannot be surpassed nor our prices cannot he brat. We divide our profits with our customers, because wo give them the bent goods for the some money that you have to pav for poorer quality. Don't be backward, but give us a trial. Lorenz Brothers North of Post Office Plattsmouth, Neb. 4