The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 26, 1904, Image 1

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    mouth Journal
Volume XXIV
Number 22
And Other Ittis if Interest Prepared Es
peclilly tor the Jonrml Readers.
A woman run drive a nmn. of course.
Or a hois. If liv'a stiff mid numb;
But sberan't drive snsllfxevpt. of course,
I bv null of her flutter or thumb.
Yes, riattsmouth will celebrate this
A Plattsraouth man calls his type
writer his "recording angel."
"A friend In need" should be limited
to not more than five dollars at a time.
Graduating exercises next Wednes
day evening, at the Parmele theatre.
CommlsslonerCory is putting in some
pretty good licks on the streets now
Man proposes, woman consents if
she is satisfied that she can't do any
Some men's souls are so little that
a microscopic view would fail to bring
them to light.
A girl may be able to pose as an angel
during courtship, butafter she is mar
ried she sheds her w ings.
The greatest misfortune that befell
Adam was that he didn't have his ap
pendix removed inst ead of his rib.
The discovery having been made that
alcohol can be made out of sawdust we
look to see more people undertake to
"saw wood."
If the average girl doesn't play the
harp in the next world better than she
plays the piano ln this there is going
to be trouble.
The white lawns are getting much
more attention than the green lawns
in families where there are girls to get
ready for the graduating exercises. j
It is reported, after a careful inves
tigation, that fruit tree buds in this
vicinity are all In excellent condition.
Peach buds were never better at this
season of the year.
St. John's Catholic school will hold
its closing exercises at the Parmele
theatre on Tuesday evening June 1.
An Interesting program Is being pre
pared for the occasion.
A lot of clerks In one of the big east
ern cities have quit work rather than
be bossed by a woman manager. If we
had a little more nerve we'd say right
out that we glory In their spunk.
This is the last of May, all right, ac
cording to the almanac, but from pres
ent appearances It will be the middle
of July before the young girl can say:
"Mother, may I go out to Swim?"
Always remember this: There is so
much that is bad in the best of us and
so much that Is good in the worst of
us that it doesn't behoove any of us to
say anything about the rest of us.
Isn't it lucky for some people that a
newspaper man doesn't publish all he
sees when the dewdrops of ev'ning are
kissing the rose especially when his
name isn't Dew and her's not Hose.
The fourth of July celebration to be
held in Plattsmouth this year will be
under the auspices of the Eagles, and
they are the boys who know how to
get up acelebration that will bring the
people to town.
Mayor Goring seems to be coming
right up to the expectations of those
who favor a wise and economical ad
ministration. He is backed by as level
headed set of men as ever sat in the
If the city hasn't one already, the
council should pass an ordinance at the
novt nicotine restraining chickens
from running at large. It is not the
man who raises them that gets all the
glory the neighlors get most of that
Some city folks are so foolish as to
think that farmers have a snap. A
farmer has his troubles, as well as other
people, works hard early and late, and
puts as much bralnsln his work as does
the average business man. Hut lies
more Independent.
It is claimed by Nebraska ex peri
mentors that lawns can: be cleared of
dandelions by putting a few drops of
gasoline on the center of the plant
The experiment Is worth trying by our
Plattsmouth people who take so much
pride In beautifying their lawns.
Thni who have Drown y stolen
hereafter must pay all expense Incur
red by SherilT MclSrldc In telephoning
to adjacent towns and villages in an ef
fort to apprehend the guilty parties.
The county commissioners have de
creed, In their inW.m, that the sheriff
must pay all such bills.
A society Is certainly hard up for
a speaker when thoy call In a man to
address an assembly of Innocent chil
dren on matters of a moral and relig
ious nature, when his every -day life Is
tainted with some of the most glaring
frauds that was ever perpetrated In
Cass county. lie wears the cloak of
r.".M ,i j i-.lti'y ;-V'. 1 " , o; "'
Is It a Contagion?
Sunday sickness is a disease peculiar
to church members and others who
are expected to go to church. The at
tack comes on suddenly every Sunday;
symptoms are felt on Saturday night;
the patient sleeps well and awakes
feeling well, eats a hearty breakfast;
about church time the attack comes
on and continues until the services
are over for the morning. Then the
patient feels easier and eats a hearty
dinner. In the afternoon he feels
much better and Is able to take a walk,
talk about politics and read the Sun
day papers; he eats a hearty supper.
but about church time he has another
spell and stays at home. He retires
early, sleeps well, and wakes up Mon
day morning refreshed, and able to go
to work, ann does not have any symp
toms of the disease until the following
Sunday. There is considerable sick
ness of tills character In this vicinity
with Indications of an alarming In
crease as summer approaches.
To Enter the Contest for Rosebud Reserv
ation Land.
Many inquiries have been made in
the past few weeks regarding t lie land
that the government has throw n open
for settlement, and as to how it will be
paid for. A correspondent, writing
from Uonesteel, situated in close prox
imity to the reservation, writes as fol
lows, giving many particulars of inter
est to the average reader of the Jour
nal, and we give them for what they
are worth: Iionesteel is a village of
700, is confronted with the problem of
expanding into a little city of 10,000
within six weeks. Every registration,
except those by soldiers, must be made
in person, and while Chamberlain,
Yankton and Fairfax will have offices
for registration as well as Uonesteel,
practically all the 50,000 will come here,
because this town is on the edge of the
tract to be thrown open. Of the 50,
000 It Is estimated that 10,000 will stop
over until the drawing is pulled off.
During the fiftcerukys the offlcc will
be open for registration, the Chicago
& Northwestern railroad, the only line
to Bonesteel, expects to run trains
Forty buildings are now In course of
erection to accommodate the visitors.
There are five hotels and will be more,
besides big temporary eating houses.
One lunch house will seat 500. Awning
companies will rent tents to sleep un
der and many shacks will bo put up for
sleepers. The Iionesteel Commercial
club submitted to the government in
spector a guarantee to take care of 10,
000 at one time, to charge no more than
35 cents to 1 for lodging and 25 to 50
cents for meals.
Four dollars an acre is the price to
be paid the government, 1 upon en
try, 75 cents in two yearj, 75 cents in
three years, 75 cents In four years, and
75 cents within six months after rive
years. The land is exempt from taxes
until proved up, and under the South
Dakota laws cannot be taken for debt
The first number drawn from the
wheel at Chamberlain July 2.1 will en
title the holder to first choice of the
2H00 farms. A townsite company has
already posted an offer of 10,(i(M) for
No. 1, for location of a new town.
Holders of lucky numbers will have
their choice in the order in which the
numbers are drawn. No. -J' may
have first choice. Certain days will be
fixed by the government for entering
the claims of the winners, probably
the first two hundred the first day and
the next 2oothc next day, and so on.
The holderof a winningnumber who
fails to appear for entering will have
first choice when he does arrive. Land
locators. In addition to taking charge
of filing of registration papers, will as
sist the lucky ones In selecting land,
for a nominal fee. If the winner does
not care to settle on the land he may
relinquish the claim during the first
six months fur a consideration, and the
locators will make a business of buying
the relinquishments.
The Way to Do It.
As the Illizzard stated last week, the
citizens of l'lattsmout h have been pay
ing Interest on outstanding warrants
and "lloatlng Indebtedness" for more
than ten years. Within two weeks
after the election of a new mayor and
treasurer, 1.1,000 was paid off and the
Interest stopped and the treasurer will
take up fifteen or twenty thousand
more- of the samo kind of "floaters" In
the very near future and the city re
lieved of her financial distress. Possibly
an Investigation might disclose a slru
llarc'inlitlnn horeand relieve this city
of s ime of her financial distress. Ne-
-r,'l" l'" -7T'l.
Til Fiudir it till Joirml Writes it tit
Crops, Etc., it that Stiti.
Shekman Ranch, nkau Iaiuy,
Klamath Co., Ore., May 17, 'W. (
My Pkar S( hlatek:
As It Is raining today I thought I
would drop you a line. Haven't much
to write about, but then It might be a
reminder that I am still on earth, and
that 1 fully appreciate your weekly re
membrances. With a few exceptions we have had
nice spring weather hcreslneethe last
week in March those exceptions lielng
some cold rains, winding up with a
coat of snow, which went off In a few
hours. The, ground was so thoroughly
soaked during the extraordinary wet
weather in February and March that
the farmers have made slow work in
putting In their spring grain, but the
range has been In asplendid condition
for the growth of grass, and stock Is
rapidly recovering from the effects of
the late winter and Is doing nicely.
Everybody Is anticipating a rousing
big crop this season.
You would be ashtonlshed to see the
number of fields that were sown in rye
last year that are going to furnish a big
crop this year without rosowing or cul
tivating. In fact, however, I hoar
people say it Is not an unusual thing in
this country to be able to raise two or
three crops of this cereal, and some
four, without rosowing. You might
say that is a lazy way for a fanner to
do, but when it can tie done, what is
the use of going to the trouble and ex
pense of turning the soil under and
sowing or drilling in a new seeding
when nature will do the work Itself?
It is not to be wondered that farmers
say tills Is the easiest country for the
farmer to make a living in they ever
saw. l rue, the summer season is us
ually dry here; buteventhat condition
has its compensation. When It comes
to harvesting, and men are cutting and
putting up hay, It Is pleasant to rellect
that a rainstorm is not likely to come
and spoil the grain and hay in the field.
That never happens here till late in
True, again, the climate la not suit
able for raising field corn; but after
the crop is sown in the spring the far
mercan have probably two months of
leisure, which he can put In getting
out fuel for the coming winter, getting
out posts and rails for new fencing and
repair work In general. To be sure he
has no timber on his own land, but on
the adjacent hills, still belonging to
our beneficient Uncle Samuel, he can
rind an abundance for many years to
come, and it is a common Inheritance
of the valley farmer and rancher.
1 have often remarked about the
cheapness of land in these valleys.
The reasons are apparent. As long as
homesteads were to be had nobody
would pay much for farms already tak
en up, but now that this source is
abc;ut exhausted, farms are rising in
values. It has been so far from and
hard to reach a railroad that settle
ment has been slow. Hut railroads
several of them will soon be here.
Again, up to the present season no
general system of Irrigation has been
undertaken, and hay for w inter feeding
lias not been a certain crop, and the
winters are not always open, so that
stock could do well on the range; but
this spring several extensive irrigating
systems have been Inaugurated, and
there is a bright prospect that soon
every acre of valley land in the Klam
ath and Lost river basins will soon be
"under the ditch," and there will be
an abundance of alfalfa and timothy
to feed all stock which the range will
feed in summer. The indications are,
therefore, that the present Is the last
season of cheap lands in this region.
Hut if you know of any one who wants
to buy a farm large or small at from
$5 to 10 an acre, (and the latter figure
will get the best) just send him to me.
I can show him farms of WO to 3000
acres which can be had at these figures.
Farm renters in Cass county might
well take tills situation Into account.
Let me congratulate the democrats
of Cass county on the splendid record
they made at their county convention
last week. It did my heart good to see
them stand up so nobly for true demo
cratic principles. No Wall street dom
ination tliere! And then to see them
push Henry Goring for congress, and
Frank Morgan for delegate. Why, it's
too good all to betaken at one dose. 1
have nodoubt but Henry Gerlng would
make a good congressman, too. I'd
like to be there to help push on the
ball. The Indications, to my mind,
strongly point to a political revolution
and democratic victory in Nebraska
tills year of grace, and if thoy do win
it ought to send Mr. Hryan to the son
de, sure. As a senator lie would shake
up the dry lames of that lody in a way
that would he astonlshlntr.
Hut enough forthlstlme. With best
wishes to all my friends, I remain
our humble friend,
Ch s. W. Sit human. Su.
Ccasti After the first of July.
After the first day of next July all
the rural mall carriers in this country
will receive tt0 per month Instead of
the present salary of I50 per month.
At present the carriers are allowed to
solicit subscriptions for newspapers
and magazines, but after July 1, this
will lie stopped. No carrier will Ik al
lowed to solicit orders or act as agent
for any business Institution, but he
can carry articles for pay when asked
to do so by patrons of his route, but
under no other circumstances.
They Should Get Together For the Benefit
of All Concerned.
Plattsmouth merchants have this
year prepared bettor than ever before
to care for and fully satisfy all trade
demands. The goods now offered In
all branches have been, as usual, chos
en with that careful deliberation
which characterizes the experienced,
pains-taking merchants of our city.
Notwithstanding an evident advance
in general wholesale prices our mer
chants have held remarkably near the
low record made under a period of ex
ceedingly liberal wholesale values,
thus evincing a disposition to share
with their patrons the burdens of this,
a more expensive season.
Plattsmouth offers market possibili
ties for every merchantable thing
from a bag of rags or a scrap or iron,
to the most splendid specimen from
the field, the meadows, Hie bins, the
poultry yards, the dairies or the pas
tures, anil in turn offers to the farmers
a variety of commodities no loss lim
ited and equally as Important to the
economy of the farm.
Notwithstanding t lie undeniably
complete arrangement for the accom
modatlon of trade, existing conditions
reveal a lamentable want of unity and
an insufficient "nearness" of commer
cial relations between the city and ru
ral tradesmen. Let us get a little
closer together. The retail merchant
and the farmer are natural chums.
They have much greater need for each
other, much more natural affinity for
each other than exists between the
latter and the great department or
mail order houses of the large cities,
and yet, there are too many orders go
ing from the country to the city.
The time is here for the merchants
of Plattsmouth to extend to the rural
trade in the future a more cordial
greeting than thoy have in the
past. Department stores have solici
tors out among the farmers of Cass
county every day asking for orders,
These fellows are an Injury to the
home merchant thoy sell goods to the
farmer that ought to be purchased
right at home. The farmer who buys
of tliem evidently thinks he is getting
the worth of his money or lie wouldn't
buy goods of them. Hut how to pro
vent It that's the question. Mor
chants of Plattsmouth should cater
more to the farmer trade. Thoy
should endeavor to meet the price
given them by the department stores,
ISy doing so, and by giving the rural
patron so to understand, thoy will
soon see business boom in Plattsmouth
as it never boomed before. Lot the
farmer and the merchant get closi
together, and do business on business
principles, and keep our money In cir
culatlon at home by favoring one an
Their Own Quarters.
The Plattsmouth Telephone com
pany closed a deal this week by which
It becomes the owner of the J. W
Johnson bulldingon Sixth street.north
of the postolllce, and now occupied for
a second hand store. As soon as pos
session can be obtained the building
will be remodeled and many substan
tial improvements will be made. This
purchase becamea necessity on acoount
of the rapidly Increasing business of
the colnpany, as their present quarters
in the Coates block las become entirely
Inadequate for the purpose. The Jour
nal Is pleased to note the prosperity of
the company. As the Interests of the
Plattsmouth Telephone company has
boon so well taken care of by Manager
Pollock, It has become one of the safest
Investments In the land.
Here Too, Pete.
Louisville people should get together
andquit knocking against oneanother,
If you want to sec Louisville prosper
get In the baud wagon and help with
the music. A few fanatics can do more
to Injure a town than a dozen enter
prising citizens can do toward building
It up. Get the Idea Into your head
that what benefits your neighbor will
In a measure benefit you and the w hole
question Is solved. I Mn't he a knocker
Louisville Couriei.
J. W. Cnbtrei Elected Principal or the
Stiti Normal School it Peru, Neb.
Cass county has always hold a high
position in the educatiouul work of
the state and her sons have boon from
time to time promoted to bettor and
better positions. The last and best Is
the unanimous election of J. W. Cralt
t roe to t he head of t lie State Normal.
Prof. Crabtreo is very largely a self
made man. His parents were pioneers
in Cass county and M r. Crabt roe for a
number of years worked on the farm
with his father and attended country
schools. In lss: r graduated from
the school to which ho Is now called as
president. While he was a si udent at
the normal ho spent some lime touch
ing public school to help pay his ex
penses. At other times lie chopped
wood and dlil chores for the professors
and worked as a farm hand during the
Mr, Crabtreo has been supei intcn-
ent of the Ashland schools, principal
of the Ilea t rice I hull school, and for
veral years inspector of high schools
for the l'niversily of Nebraska. Ho
be missed by every one connected Willi
the high schools oi t lie slab' lioin pu
pils to siiperintepdents.
1 1 IS Keen jutlgiuciil , line I at I , Ills
mwer as an organizer, bis largo sm-
hy and professional enthusiasm
will be felt in the normal ami will
reach every b,iy ami girl who conies
under tin; t uit ion of I be teacheis from
thai school.
We congratulate not only Mr. Crab
treo hut the entire teaching force of
astern Nebraska, and the boys and
girls who will lie in school during the
next quarter of a century, let us hope.
Crop Prospects.
Warm, dry week; favorable for work
and the growtli of vegetation. The
mean dally temperature averaged 2
degrees above normal.
The rainfall was confined to light,
scattered showers; the amount of rain
fall exceeded half an Inch in only a
few places, while generally it was less
than a quarter of an inch.
Winter wheat, spring wheat, oats,
and grass have grown well. In a few
places oats are a thin stand and the
fields are becoming weedy. I!ye is in
good condition and heads are just be
ginning to show. Alfalfa has grown
well and in the southern counties Is
nearly ready for the tirstcuttlng. Corn
and sugar boot planting are about tin
ished; early planted com Is coming up
rather unevenly, and considerable re'
planting is being done; in a few tiehh
cultivation of corn has begun. The
damage to fruit by the frosts of last.
week was very slight. Apple tree
generally are not blossoming profusely.
other fruit promises a large crop.
Sunday School Convention.
The foiirthanniial convent ion of tin
Cass County Sunday School assoclat ion
will be held at Murdock June !i and in.
The state association workers will be
present and a program of especial in
terest to Sunday school workers is in
preparation. Kvery school in thecoun-
ty is requested to send one delegate for
every fifty members or fraction there
of. Kntertalnment will be provided
for all accredited delegates.
In issuing this call the county offi
cers desire to emphasize the import-
nice of being present at this couveii-
t ion and to urge upon every superin
tendent an early interest in the selec
tion of delegates and a preparation for
the meeting. Programs ami creden
tials will be sent out within the next
two weeks.
C. C. W ks( i 'i"i', President.
G. L. Faki.kv, Secretary.
License Granted Just the Sarne.
The Law and Order League appeared
before the village iKiard for a hearing
Friday afternoon In support of a re
monstrance against the Issuance of sa
loon licenses to Otto Pecker, J. L
Hums, William Ossenkop and Spence
kt Johnson. They had tiled the ciiS'
tomary number of allegations, all of
which they withdrew except the
claim that the bonds offered were not
legal and that the newspaper In which
the application notices were published
(the Plattsmouth News) was riot the
paper of the largest circulation in
Cass county.
After hearing an unlimited amount
of wind-jamming by the attorneys on
either side the board by unanimous
vote overruled the remonstrance and
granted license.
An appeal was at once filed and the
case will he taken to district court.
Louisville Courier.
$2,000 to Loan
on real estate security, first or secom
mortgage, at reasonable interest. J
M. Ley da, Plattsmouth. Neb.
A Youthful Couple.
Mr. Herman D. Hllhnau ami Mlm
Maude M. Compton, of Weeping Wa
ter, were married In this city Satur
day, May 21, Judge Travis officia
ting. The groom Is only sixteen years
old, while the bride is one year young
er. This Is starting out in married
life rather young, hut they secured a
license upon presenting a written con
sent. Sometimes early marriages re
sult most happily, and perhaps as
much so as those at the ago of twenty
five or thirty years. The Journal
wishes the youthful couple a long and
prosperous career through life, and
may happiness always he theirs.
Interest on the Outstanding Warrants En
tirely Cut Off.
The act ion of the city council last
Mnnilay night, In cleaning op the bal
ance of the outsl amling wai units I hat,
have for years been drawing interest
at the rate of six and seven per cent ,
and w 1 1 it'll have been 1 1 1 t I b local
hanks. Is c in i mi l e b-i I by eei cili.'rti
w ho lias the welfare of I 'la 1 1 siumii
heart. A resolution was unanimously
adopted ins! met iiig t lie I n asure i u
pay oil' paving bonds N'os. s .tit. I !', dis
triel, No '. a I ii I bun. Is i Nov ..'.i and mi.
list lift No I, Ingel her Willi Oil elesl
on I he same, were ordere.l pari mil
of I he general fund: and t he sum of
J.niio and Interest to June I. pmi, was
rdeieil paid on refunding I oiids o
the lirst issue. The lire and hydrant
rental fund was permit ted an over
draft to the amount of ',',ii to lake
up the balance of the outstanding
Mayor Goring Is very proud of the
fact that the members of the council,
to a man, are standing by him in his
many good deeds for the heneili, of the
city, and he was not, long in expressing
his most sincere thanks for their
hearty co-operation hi the notion ta
ken at this meeting, and at, the pre
vious one, by which they had saved
the city 2,2W per annum.
Chief of Police Fitzgerald received
instructions to notify the electric
light company that all poles considered
dangerous must be removed Instanlor.
A hill came up at this meeting, pre
sented by the proprietor of the Per
kins house for tl.tio, which he claimed
for a broken glass in a window, done
while workmen were Hushing Main
street several days since. The bill
was referred to toe claims committee
for Invcstlgal Ion.
After considerable discussion pro
and con regarding the drainage facili
ties on Granite between and
Tent Ii streets, it was ordered that a
culvert be put In diagonally across the
street at Tenth an ! Granite, and that
several smaller ones lie put in on the
north side of the street, jn order to
carry oil ihe surplus water.
Iteginiiing Monday, June n, the
council will sit. as a board of eoua iza-
llon, to listen toeoinplaiiilsol'cili.eiis
who think they have been ;ivcsscd
more than they should have I ecu. (See
not ice elsewhere in this Isvi- of the
Imirual )
The water 'nuigli -.11 Third street
vas ordered repa 1.
M!M t I I 0 I 1,
W . SeliniUM m ill, r 1 1 :
:I .'.11
r t' 7
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1 11
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s e I
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Ii l'i
:i 1..
I in
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S 7i I
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A. llerler. kllllii.' lio-s
I. I", t'.mk .4 .(I . It. p 1 , - -
We, kli:iel (',,.. .-e
It. ('. ('lively. sjre;i: ,
t'. Nellhi.'ill. Mime .
T. sliertumil. Mime
II. Ilellvill. Slime . .
it is. tins .V Klre. . n,.,t
K.veiilMU .News, print in.'
Hull, sir. ft wiirk
W. .1. Willie, Milne
C 1 1 innlelisen. Mime . .
1 ). .1, Smith. Mime
I Kuiilile. ti iini work
I. Meliiuili l, strt'ft work
K. H. ferry. Mime
S. f . siimr . . .
Umlsey, Mime
II. Hairs. Mttiic
II. C. MeMnkeii, sin,..' . .
Weeping Water Graduates.
A special rrom Weeping Water to
the Lincoln News, under date of May
22, says: "The fourteenth annual
graduating exercises of the Weeping
Water high school commenced today
and conclude on the 2'ith. There are
seven graduates, I Joy M. Coalman,
Mabel L. havis, .sterling A. Linens,
Mortal M. Powlor, flora L Garden,
Chester I!. Hall and John P.. Pate.
Class motto: Tacilis L'st hescensus
Vlgilatc.' Class colors, old n,.se and
olive. Instructors, S. M. Moss, super
intendent; C. II. PatclitTe, principal;
Margaret Countr.Ctnan, assistant. The
class sermon was preached this eve
ning by Ke P. W. Warren in the M.
K. church, and on Wednesday evening
Mrs. I5elleM.SUmteiibort.ugh will ad
dress the class in the Congregational
church, and on Thursday evening,
May 2H, the graduating program by
I the class will he gaeu in the Congre
gational cbuicti."