The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1904, Image 6

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Kidney TruuMc Makes You Miserable.
Almost i-vctvUxly who lends the lirw-rai-its
is Mire lo know of the wonderful
cures inaile l'V lr.
Kilmer' Swaliip-
II KiH.t, tin- great kul
L IK'V. liver ulnl lilad-
- der leinedv.
11 is tin- art: in moil
ical tiiuiiiih of the
nineteenth crtittirv ;
ilivi'iitnil iiftr vciim
OS,fl'l scientific leseatch
l'V I'r. isiniier, mr
Clllllllllt LllllH'V H 111 1
Madder f.;ociulist, mill is wonderfully
successful in I'totiiptlv curing I. one back,
urn- acid, cat.uiii of.tlie bladder mid
tiii;lit's 1 istasc, which is the worst
form of ki'lnrv trouble.
in. Kilmer's amp-Root is not uc
oiiiiiu ii'lr.l for i vctytlitng but if yon have
ki'lnt'v, liver or bladder ttouble it will be
found jn-t tin- remedy you ni'itl. It lias
Iutii tested in mi many w.ivs, in hospital
wotk mil in private luactiie, mid has
proved so successful in every case that h
s'ii:ii arrangement lias been innilf by
which nil readers of thispapci, who have
net tried it, may have il sauipU
I ot llo wilt free by mail, also a Iniok tcll
ini more nliont Swamp Root, ntld how to
Imdoulif vouhiivekldnc) or bladder trou
Me. When wi iting meiitioii rciuliug this
c,cnciousollcl in this paper atl.lseml your
address t Dr. Kilmer
,N; Co., Kiiigliamtim,
N. V. The regular
liltv-ceiit unci one
dollar sio bottles lire
Horn of Bwutip-Kuot
sohl lv all khi1 druggists, Don't make
iinv mistake, but remeliiher the name,
Swamp-Root, l'r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
anil the address, Itiiigliatnton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Typewr er
"nr. oliveh-
nr. South 15th Street
( inn:;i. brnska.
and CURE the LUNGS
Or. ling's
Nsw Discovery
60c 4 $1.00
Fres Trial.
Surest and Uuickeit Cure for all
toi: lifts mum
'. M""--; 1 '. I.n.llf. k 'ifi.-eM rrr
" IIII I1 k.X.I.IStl . t, I Mid
l i.'li'i 1 .,vl. .-', hi,,. ' !t',.n,
'S'o no wllu'r. It.-tusr ili.iit,-r.ti ,'..t.
luiionaitnu i.nli itiioii. 11 . . ,r -:-.
it mmhI . in ft !np fur I'Mrili-'.i.,,- rH.
uunlaU n.l "l;rlirl' li.r ... . t
by n-lura Id. coil I .. hi .-.-Mli;
kit lTUti,..
l0 .TlaUUura '.i)itnr, IMIII.A Vt,
Are due to lnd:jfftlon. Nlnety-nlna of trtrj
ono hunirej pnopla whs hive heart troubla
can remernbor when It iu ilmpla Indices
lion. It i a icientllto fact that all case ol
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to. but are the direct result ol Indi
gestion. All food taken Ino the atomach
-hich fails of perfect dlcestlon ferments and
awflli the stomach, puffing It up aftlnsttha
heart. This Interferes with the action ol
the heart, and In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr D !Uibl.o NtJ. 0 . urt h) omKh
,',.V"irlA ,,",M 1 hti ktartWi
. Kp,V Dfw'' Cur. for .bciil low
onlui tod it ojrfj m.
Kodol DlsesU What You Eat
anJ reiirvrs the stomjh of all nervous
traih and th? hejrt ol all pressure.
BttKMi;, Hi;, hljirr 2Stimfi ih. trial
ur.whkzh w.lil 50c,
trwd by t. 0. DWITT A OO., CHI0A0O.
For Sale by F. C. FRICKE & CO.
5 t-J&w
Lo -J.
Seme Delay on Account of Recent Rains lo
Various Sections.
Cold, neiii'ially dry week: yixid tt.r
woikliut not lor tlic growth nf vewet;i
Hon. Tin" mean dully teniperatiui'
avi laved .1 le;rees U'low roriiiiil
1'ruht (Krurri'd In nearly all parts of
of Pie state on citlier the Utli, l;itli or
Hth and Kencrally mi two of Hiose
(lutes. On the Hth the minimum
temperature was generally near:t2 de
crees and In several central and west
ern counties was between and .'10 de
crees. Ttcianitall was confined to liylit
showers on the 12th and the last (lays
of the week. Tim total weekly amount
was less than one-half an inch, exo pt
i, si.-,' !. win counties where it
slightly exceeded an inch.
Corn planting generally proKres-scd
ra 1'.' i'IhI 1 well advanced except in
soul m alern counties, where the wet
coii'liMon of the soil lias caused con
tinual delay. In central and northern
counties many farmers have finished
p anting. Karly planted corn Is corn
Ink' up, hut low temperature has pre
vented i lick germination and rap d
tfr Kin. routines are coming up
slowly. Wheat, nuts and grass hae
grown 'veil. Alfalfa is 12 or mine
Inches liik!h. Winter wheat in west
ern conn' les Is a thin stand and many
llelds h im' heen plowed up, which will
prohahh result In an increased acre
age of com In that part of the Mate.
It, Is to curly to stat definitely the
damage lo fruit caused by the frosts,
hut It was probably very small In most
The Best Family Salve.
lie Win's Witch II a el gives Instant
relief from Hums, cures Cuts, Hruises,
Sores, Kc.ema, Tetter and all abra
sions of the skin. In buying Witch
Hazel Salve it Is only necessary to see
dial toil get the genuine DeWitt's
and a cure Is certain. There are man
cheap counterfeits on the market, all
of whl h are worthless, and quite a
few are dangerous, while DcWitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo Is perfectly harm
less and cures. Sold by F. (. Krickt
Orders to KevoHe License.
I ud:'' .lessen last Mo alav IsM.ed
pieint") writ of mandamus agalns
the me nheis of the hoard of trustees ol
the vl iage ol i ieenwooil, wipming
them t convene In special session and
I n.stan I ei revoke and cancel tin' license
giiihl. i1 to Peter A. Smith to sell - I' ll
eye." The order also require the
closing of the saloon until the mallei
Is settled ut the ensuing term of o
district court. A remonstrance signed
by forty-one resident free-holdcis of
Greenwood, asks that the saloon be
closed until their protest can be heard.
The petitioners allege that Smith's pe-
titlon did not contain a sufficient
number of names of the bona tide resi
dents of (Ireenwood. Also, they claim
that there is no ordinance in force at d
effect in toe village under which n
license to sell liquor could be grantei1.
The Iniard of trustees have complied
with the mandates of Judge Jcssen,
and Greenwood w ill be a "dry tow n"
for a few weeks, at least.
A Startling Test.
To save a life, I r. T. (!. Merritt, of
No. Melinopany, Pa., made a startling
test lesulling In a wonderful cure. He
writes, "a patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages, caused Icy u I or
ation of the stomach. 1 had often
found Klectilc Hitters excellent fm
acute stomach anil liver troubles, s i 1
privs, i Tlied them. The patient gained
from the first, and has not had an at
tack in foui teen months " Klecliic
Hitters are positively guaranteed fot
litspi psia, indigestion, coustii atlou
aiid kidney troubles. Try them Only
hv, at V. ;. PiTcke Co.'s.
Paint Bargains - Special.
Linseed oil, raw, 4."c per gallon.
Unseed oil, boiled, per gallon.
Carter's white lead,") per 100 lbs.
Southern white lead, per 100 ,bs
Pntlou's Sun Proof paint. ! . per
gallon; ." gallons or more, tl.rm per gal.
Turpentine, t.'ic per gallon.
C.Kitixi vS: C., Hiugglsls
F. G. Frlckt & Co.
IKi not hesitate to recommend Kodnl
Hyspepsla cine to their friends and
customers. Indigestion causes more ill
health thany anything else. It deranges
the stomach and brings on all manner
of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you eat, cures Indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders.
Kodol is not only a perfect digestant,
but a tissue building tome as w ell. He
ncwed health, perfect strength and In
creased vitality follow lus use.
Whooping Cough.
"In the spring of I'.HH my children
had whooping cough," says Mrs. IV W,
Capps, pf Capps, Ala. "I used Cham
berlain's Cough remedy with the most
satisfactory results. I think this Is
the U'st remedy I have ever seen for
whooplngcough." This remedy keeps
the cough louse, lessens the ho verity
and frequency of the coughing spell
and counteracts any tendency towards
pneumonia. For sale by all druggists
Disobeys Holdup Man; Is Shot
Hardy. Nib.. May 15. Two tiga
wayiui'ti lie M up anil r..!. 'J a ihi,l
teacher named James Walsh. tiMa
$180. an.l threatened to kit! Llr.i If
ho ran. He disobeyed and was ihot
through the brenst. inflicting it proba
bly fatal wound. Illoodhuum'.s tiavo
bo n put on the trail.
Jamea Ktlley Held for Murder.
Columbus, Neb., May 12. James
Kelley, who Is charged with the mur
der of Arthur Snowden. near Humph
rey last Murch, had his preliminary
liourliiK beforo Justice O'Brien and
was held to the district court without
ball. The chain of evidence connects
him with the murdered man with the
exception of the actual commistilon
of the crime, of which thero aro no
Spinney's Election Not Final.
Lincoln. May 12. The reelection
of Dr. K. C. Spinney as head of the
llnr.kers' Union of the World, accord
ing to officers of the state Insurance
department, Is without effect unless
alleged IrreKularltlen romplalned of
are rectified. The meeting held at
O tn ah a was practically ordered by
tho Hiiprcine court, under whoso Juris
diction the reforms demanded must
bo carried out. The election eonBB
nupntly Is not necessarily final.
Bross Elected Commander.
Kearney, Neb., May 12. At the
Grand Army of tho Republic encamp
ment hero Hurmon Ilroitg was elected
department commander. Other offi
cers elected wore: Andrew Treynor,
Omaha. Benlor vice; Joseph Hoagland,
North Platte, Junior vice; Erastua
Smith, Alma, chaplain; Dr. J. B.
Ralph, Omaha, medical director. The
next encampment will be held at
Grand Island. Tho encampment de
cided to hold no more state reunions.
Officers for Knights of Pythias,
Lincoln, May 11. The Nebraska
grand lodge or the Knights of Pythias
elected these grand officers: J. N.
KUdow of York, grand chancellor; O.
T. Haney of Grafton, vice chancellor;
Julius W. Hulff of Norfolk, prelate;
W. H. Iove of Lincoln, K. of 11. and
S.; J. I). Wright of Lincoln, roaster of
exchequer; lrvln Dleh of Wahoo, ser-geant-at-arms;
J. M. Jessup of Nebras
ka City, Inner guard; C. L. Cramer
of Bancroft, outer guard; W. S. Ley
da of Falls City, trustee.
Nebraska Crop Conditions.
Lincoln, May 11. All vegetation
has grown well. Winter wheat has
Improved in tho western part of the
state, but a considerable area In a
few western counties will be plowed
up and tho ground planted in corn;
generally winter wheat Is In good
condition. Spring wheat and oats are
up, with a good stand In roost places.
Corn planting has progressed but
slowly, being retarded by rains; the
early planted corn In a few southorn
counties Ib coming up nicely. KrnlJ:
trees are blooming profusely In near
ly all parts of the state.
Burglars Visit Carroll.
Carroll, Neb., May 12 An attempt
was made here to rob the First Na
tional bank. The front door was
opened with a skeleton key and work
was begun epon the vault with tools
previously procured from the tool
house of the railroad company. The
nolso aroused persons who were Bleep
ing Just over the bank, but before tho
alarm was given the vault had been
blown open. Ify this time the alarm
was being so well circulated that the
not broken oponqeoqp taoln hrdluln
robbers fled after an exchange of
shots with citizens. The safe was not
broken open.
Riparian Owners Get the Water.
Sidney, Neb.. May 12. The district
court of Cheyenne county decided the
case of the Courthouse Hock Irriga
tion company against Wlllard & Hug
ger, of great Interest to tho Irriga
tion Interests of the state. The Irri
gation company sought to enjoin the
defendants from diverting water from
Pumpkin Seed creek to irrigate their
lands. The court sustained the ihv.
fendants In their claim to the use of
tho water as riparian proprietors and
refused to grant the writ of injunc
tion prayed for. The decision Is re
garded as a great victory for the ri
parian proprietors of this state.
Notorious Cattle Rustler Slain In Run
nlng Fight With Officers.
Chamberlain, 8. D., May 17. The
notorious desperado Jack Sully, who,
for many years, has been the terror
of the Rosebud country, was killed
In a running fight w ith officers on the
Rosebud reservation. Many bullets
found lodgment In Sully's body, while
tho horso on which he was attempting
to escape also was killed. About a
week ago, Sully ran off a bunch of
nearly 200 rattle, disposing of a por
tion of them In Nebraska. The bal
ance of the cattle were recovered.
As a result of this exploit United
States Commissioner Tldrick of this
city sent out Deputy United States
Marshal Pet re with a posse with or
ders to bring In Sully, dead or alive.
They found Sully at his home on
Blackbird island and ordered him to
surrender. He sprang onto his horse,
however, and made a dash to liberty,
cloely pursued by the posse. A run
ting fight was kept up between pur
suer and pursued, which soon resulted
In the killing of Sully's horse and the
fatal wounding of himself. He died
thirty minutes after being hit Sully
for tho past thirty years has been ree
ognlxod as the head of a band of rat
tle nrtlers whose depredations have
rausel serious troublt and expense
to the stockmen of this section.
Entries From Aug. 8 to Sept. 1, Reg
istry Afttr July 5 at Chamberlain,
Yankton, Boneiteel and Fairfax.
Land Office to Be at Bonesteel.
Washington, May H. President
Roosevelt signed the proclamation
opening to settlement on Aug. 8 the
Rosebud reservation lying la Gregory
county, South Dakota. After deduct
ing lands withheld to state fur school
purposes the proclamation opens to
settlement, about 38u,UU0 acres.
Under the provisions of the procla
mation registration will begin July 5
at 9 a. m., at Chamberlain, Yankton,
Itonesteel and Fairfax and continue
until 6 o'clock Saturday evening, July
23. As has been stated heretofore,
land will bo disposed by drawing.
The drawing will take place at the
Chamberlain land olllce commencing
at 9 a. m. Thursday, July 28, and con
tinuing for such period as may be
necessary to draw from the box all
envelopes contained therein. Three
persons of the highest Integrity will
be selected by the commissioner of
the general land office, who will bo
present In person to supervise tho
Entries will be made at Ronesteel,
beginning Aug. 8 and continuing until
Sept. 10 inclusive. Tho land office,
for convenience of cntrymen, will be
temporarily reraovod from Chamber
lain to Ronesteel In order to facilitate
the rush which Is expected. After
Sept. 10 subsequent entries will be re
corded at Chamberlain as usual.
Those contemplating filing registra
tion must do so In person at one of the
four towns mentioned above, with the
exception of soldiers or sailors, who
may employ an agent. No one per
son may register for more than 100
acres. The actual opening of this
vast domain will occur on the morn
ing of Aug. 8.
The price of land as provided by
law Is as follows: Lands taken dur
ing tho first throe months, $4 per
acre; within six months, $3; after six
months, $2.50 per acre. All lands re
maining undisposed of after four
years shall be disposed of by the sec
retary of tho Interior under such
rules and regulations as be may pre
Prices Show Gradual Drifting Down
ward From Recent High Level.
New York, May 14. Uradstreet's
says: Weather conditions havo been
favorable, crop planting and growth
havo made fair progress and retail
trade has been benefited, the Improve
ment extending in some lines to re
orders from Jobbers. Dry goods,
shoes and groceries note relatively
greatest activity. Rather more Is do
ing also in fall goods. General in
dustry has remained rather quiet, no
tably so In cotton, woolen and shoe
manufacturing. The Iron trade Is
quieter as a whole, with prices easier.
An Immense area of fall sown wheat
has had to be abandoned, but this
will probably go into other crops.
Prices show a gradual drifting down
ward from the high levels of early
Foreign trade In breadstuffs Is at
a very low ebb, but exports of high
priced cotton swell trade totals.
Wheat. Including flour, exports for
the week ending May 12 are the small
est reported in sixteen years. Corn
exports are small compared with last
Failures for the week number 201.
Two Mass Meetings Held by Y. M.
C. A. In Buffalo.
Buffalo, May 10. Two mass meet
ings, one for women and the other
for men, services In several churches
and an evening meeting nt City Con
vention hall, ended the thirty-fifth con
vention of the Y. M. C. A. of North
America. At the meeting for women,
Miss Helen M. Gould read the lesson
of the day. W. M. Banner, general
secretary of the association's health
farm at Denver, told of the benefits
of the health fiirm, where young men
In search of health are helped to pass
the time In pleasant companionship.
W. H. Miller, army and navy secre
tary, told about some of the work In
his department and at the close of
his adihess several bluejackets from
the V. S. 8. Massachusetts came up
on the stage and spoke for them
selves. All were emphatic In praise
of the Influences of the Y. M. C. A.
Resume Fight on Armenians.
Paris, May 14. An official dispatch
to tho foreign office from Constantino
ple confirms the reports that Turkish
troops have burned the villages
throughout the Sassoun district of Ar
menia, killing the Inhabitants. The
French ambassador, M. Constans, has
Joined with the Russian and British
ambassadors In sending consuls to
Erxeroum In the hope of limiting the
destruction and bloodshed.
Two Per Cent Dividend for Creditors.
St. Louis. May 1C Official notice
was Issued to creditors by W. D. Coles,
referee In bankruptcy, that a dividend
of 2 per cent on all approved claims
against H. J. Arnold & Co., .the turf
Investment concern which failed a
year ago. with liabilities of $3,000,000
and assets of $75,000. will be paid by
the trustee for the bankrupts.
Capital to Be Increased.
Jefforson City. Mo., May 18. The
secretary of state granted authority
to the Maryvllle and St. Joseph rail
road, with offices at Maryvllle, to In
crease Its capital stock from $700.fK
to $1,500,000.
Catalogue Free. Write l. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln. Neb
kJ Tha i RaSiabla Store Fnses S
W't: will positively undersell any mail order house east
of Omaha. Send for samples and prices for comparison.
It will ;ty you to do so.
1 "ill .hf yyw.' -?r m
ii isv".. szr
desired. If you are not satisfied with your bargain when
you see it and examine it return the suit at our expense and
we will refund your money. But whatever you do DON'T
Why Pay Retail
Prices for GROCERIES when yon can buy them at the
BIG STORE at the usual Wholesale Prices. Consider this
proposition carefully. Read these prices. Send us on order.
It will pay you.
I'uro granulated sugar per 100 Ib 94."''
White IluQan, Diamond C, Armour's
Swift's IMde or Deat-'Em-All, 100
bars in box 2.00
1-gallon cans Golden table yrup..3jc
The best soda, oyster, butter or milk
crackors per lb '. 0c
Good broken rlco per pound 3!c
Fancy Japan head rlco per lb 6c
Hulk laundry starch per pound.... 3ic
Klastic, Electric, IXL, or Celluloid
starch, packago 7jc
Cround spleen, auy kind, par lb. . . .25c
16th and Dodge Streets.
i'? -5,V
llieru is 11 Meady demand for vounir hihI voum: wo.
men who are tliorouilily trained for business We im
pure young people to meet the demand.
Business. Shorthand and Typewriting,
Preparatory and Telegraphy
Special Features -I. Teaehersof suiri'ssful business
experleni'i'. J. K.vellent equipments. a. 'I linrnuili
priietleiil courses. 4. Personal interest In eaeli ktudeiit
a. Assistance in .securing employment.
New Fabrics
For Spring
In Miitins, trouserings and for
overoimts nre now to he seen in nil
the latest novelties from Euu'li.-ii.
Scotch nml American manufactu
rers. We will make your Spring
overcoat or suit in the host mul
Bwellest .style and of Hrtistic !!-
krnuce at a reasonable price.
Frank McElroy
Fifth and Main Sts. Cpstair-
Don't Fail
To Get in on Our
$10.00 SUIT
j:oo Suits purchased
at a creat bargain from a
large eastern manufactur
er will be on sale this
Regular Si 5.00 to
values at $10.00
Giving size and style
Fancy I'earl tapioca per Ib 8Ie
Fancy Pearl Darley, Sago, or Farina
per pound 3jc
21b package macaroni Ho
1- lb packago best corn starch 4o
3-lb can solid packed tomatoes "jo
3-lb cans Boston baked beans 8k
3-lb can pure apple butter Pie
2- lb cans early Juno pea "Jo
2-lb cans fancy wax, string or
Lima beans ?s
2-lb cans fancy table peaches, apri
cots or pears 12ie