The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1904, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
R. A. HATES, PruLisiiKK.
Knterfd t l)ii pMloltl' t I'lutunmutli. N-
It will heeompaiatlvelyeiisy for the
republicans to get a candtdaie fur vice
nresident. willliur ori'lberwU. Let's
have an executive onlei!
l may he just as well fur Judge Tar
ker tosav iHillibik' most of the time as
it woiiM be fur Mm to s:iy identically
the same thing all the time.
A MKMHKU of the l'anaina commis
sion frankly admits that he didn't do
much on the Isthmus except draw Ids
salary ami Ids breath and l."a day for
IU'hkkit's speech, after ho had re
ceived the nomination for senator,
reads like that of an oration delivered
by a fourteen-year-old lad on the last
day of school.
Tkiiy de.nands "a very short plat
forin"attheChlcagoconveiition. Why
doesn't he Issue a decree that the plat
form shall consist of o mention of what
congress lias done?
Tiik I ivastiry surplus entirely disap
peared a few days ago, andunlll after
election the deliclt will be Increasing
Into the millions. If this Is prosperi
ty, what Is adversity?
Jam ics II. (iakhki.u, of the depart
ment of commerce, says he has enough
evidence to enable, him to destroy the
beef trust as soon as the "accidental"
Is elected. Why not before'.''
1 v is understood that Senator Smoot
has received warning that. If he wants
"to read his title clear" next winter
he hail Ix-tter be mighty careful and
not let I'tali and Idaho no democratic
In November.
W i i.i.i .m Kammih-h IIk.vkst denies
the yarn that lie Is getting ready to
bolt, anil llatly declares Hint, he will
suup'.Vi'c the democratic nominee, who
- ever he Is. lie says that no polit ician
can expect to always have blsown way.
Good for Hearst.
It.wic IIicNDicitsoN has posted back
to Iowa with his crutches, reputation
and rheumatism. Ills ambition for
metropolitan methods has vanished,
lie says that all the. time he was In
New York, like Josh Whitcomb, he
kept asking, "Where's the. lire?"
Ciiaihmam CnwiiKiti), of tho demo
cratic congressional committee, gives
notice that the democrats expect to
carry New York, Connecticut, New
Jersey, Indiana and Illinois, besides
those states which "Teddy, the Ter
ror," concedes. All of them are warm
ing up.
Tiik Nebraska republicans, In con
vention assembled, unanimously en
dorsed Hlowbard lturkett for I'nited
States Senator yesterdsy. Now will
lio withdraw from the congressional
race? Or will he continue to run for
Iwth senator and congressman? We
hope so.
Knurr on the top wave of prosperity
we exported to Great Hritain last year
only two-thirds as much wheat and
Hour as we did the year before, the de
ficiency being made up by a double ex
port fioni Canada, Kussia, India and
Argentine. The question recurs, un
der prosperity w ho prospers?
Tiik democratic platform will de
mand self-government for tho Fili
pinos, whoever heads the ticket. Gen
eral Miles In his speech before the
Iroquois Club, Chicago, remarked In
cldentally that "about two hundred
days would be long enough to effect the
transition from a satrapy to n re
public" lx a speech made by "Teddy, the
Terror," at the Wool Exchange In New
York City In October, ISM, he said
"Mr. Hryan and his adherents have no
pealed to the basest set In tho land
the farmer." This man whoso vicious
ly traduced the character of the best
typo of Amerlcancltlenshlp, nowasks
their votes for president.
Is his last stump speech In congress
General Grosvenor declared "the hys
t Tical cry uf Imperialism has been
laughed out of court by the people as
unworthv of consideration." lias the
fact been laughed out of sight that Im
perlallsin has thus far cit the people
about 80O,OOO,(X)O, with no dividend
cither on republican preferred stock or
"steal common?"
The Mattson Glove Works, capital
ized at MUXW), has Just been removed
west from Chicago, and the J. J. Ilatz
Pickle company, with Jl.UKX) capital,
lias also gone west, but did not stop In
Plattsmouth. What are the oftlccrs
or the real estate exchange doing?
Why do they not accomplish some
thing? Are they holding the offlces
simply for honor.
Tuk Nes editor, or the "man who
never known to express an opinion
of hi-, own" on such matters, makes a
pretended effort of publishing what lie
terms "Echoes From the Street Carni
val!" lie claims to have Interviewed
a number of business men In regard to
the good orlad effects of the street
fair held here last week. Like the
coward that he is, he desires to stab
someone In the hack over some one
else's shoulder. Then, again, he falls to
quote several as the same was given to
him, and "doctored" up some of the
Itervlews to suit himself. Why did
the News speak In glow ing terms of
the carnival the week before the com
pany arrived here, if he thought Its
coming would have a demorling
ellect? Notonly did the News publish
not Ices of Its own manufacture favora
ble to the enterprise, but It copied an
article from the Auburn danger high
ly commending tbecompany. Now, uf
ter the carnival Is over, nud perhaps
having a grievance of his own, which
he Is too cowardly to display, the
thought emanated from his narrow
cranium that he could best crack his
whip over the shoulders of the bus
uess men of I'lattsmouth and hit the
parties he desired to strike. Hut he
lias evidently hit wide the mark, as he
usually does In his hypocrital maneu
IKMo lurrc opportunity was never
plainer. The conditions which the
party has to meet are clearly defined
The times are with democracy, and
the people are behind It. Potentially
democracy Is greater than at any time
since its beginning. The situation
which It has to meet is now laid bare
to view. The republican party Is run
ning against the tendencies of Ameri
canism and the tide of popular favor
The conditions are totally unfavorable
to that party. It presents an aspect
repulsive to the American spirit. Its
doom, by all reference to natural cause
and probability, appears to be at hand
Its success can come only through nar
rowness, weaknessand blunders on the
part of the opposition. Thcdomlnant
voice of the people would doom the re
publican part y, and only the usurpation
of unworthy politiclanscan prolong its
power. I he Journal has faith In the
wisdom uf the St. Louis convention
The men who will there represent the
the masses of the democrat party, fully
understand the demands of the coun
try, and If loyal t o the party they have
the honor to represent, they will act
accordingly. The man whom that
convention selects as the democratic
standard-bearer will be elected.
tih k democratic editor thinks
more of his party than he does of the
success of any one man. It does not
become necessary for an editor to sac
rl lice his personal opinions to get on
the band wagon. The only question
tion is, whether he Is floing to "pit'
his Judgment against the overwhelm
lug sentiment of his party. Hiding on
the baud-wagon has no particular
charms for the editor of the Journal
but a majority opinion must be re
spectcd, If we expect to maintain dem
ocratlc principles In this country. The
editor who holds out that his Idea must
prevail although a majority of his party
nas spoKcn against mm is a very poor
Instrument to further the cause of his
party. Ills sh6uld be called a personal
organ, representing the Idea of a single
man, and not a party newspaper repre
scntlng the great and fundamental
principles of his party. One of the car
dinal principles of the democratic
party Is, "the majority shall rule," and
to this the editor of the Journal has
strictly adhered to for forty-five years,
will continue to do so as long as life
Tiik Hastings Democrat says that
ex-Secretary of State Porter, that peer
less son of reform, known to fame as
the man "who wouldn't pay It back,'
Is now devoting his energies Introduc
Ing as smooth a skin ganio as ever daz
iled the eye of a sucker. The game
originates In Hloomlngton, Illinois, In
which city all business Is done. The
sucker pays l,GO0; this is divided be
twecn tho originator and Porter, while
the sucker gets the blessed privilege of
returning home and working other
suckers to get even.ln certain territory,
Rut Porter Is not restricted as to ter
ritory; the world is open to him.
ever a game demanded the Immediate
attention of the authorities, or in oth
or words, a grand jury, this one does,
It is reported that thoso actively en
gaged are making barrels of money
It was tried hi this city, but found no
A coscLAVK of railroad bosses met
In Lincoln Wednesday, and as soon as
they cracked their w hips the bench
men fell right Into line to follow the!
masters' bidding; and as was expected
renominated Midget Johnny for gov
crnorand E.G. McGllton for llcuten
ant-governor. These two were nom
lnated by acclamation. The balance
of the ticket nominated Is as follow
A. Galusha, secretary of state; E. M
Scarle, jr., auditor; J. L. O'Hrlcn, su
perlntendent of schools; Norrls Hrown
attorney-general, and II. M. Eaton
land commissioner. John L. Wcbste
was endorsed for vice president, but
that, like Eyron Clark's brief boom for
chairman of the state committee, Is
the full extent of his candidacy.
Tuk colored brethren are making el
usive arrangements for holding a
national convention in St. Louis In
uly. They expect to nominate can
didates of their own race for president
ml vice president, and expect an at-
udance of two thousand delegates.
Evidently they are getting tired of
furnishing the votes that elects repuh-
an presidents and receiving no recog-
it Inn In the affairs of government.
liood fellows as long as they vote the
republican tlcket,"don't go with them
any, and they propose to organ-
y.e a party of their own. They are
ight a! Kin t it. If they are good
nough to vote and act with a party
they are good enough to be recognized
by tiie president In the disposition of
oillclal patronage. Perhaps they think
they can better their condition by act
ing Independently of either party, and
no doubt w ill.
A ititAii am Lincoln seems to have
ieen very much opposed to "criminal
aggression," for he said: "Those who
eny freedom to others deserve it not
for themselves, and, under a just (5od,
aunot long retain It. All honor to
elferson the man who In the concrete
pressure of the struggle for national
Independence by a single for national
Independence by a single people had
the coolness, forecast and sajaclty to
Introduce Into a merely revolutionary
revolutionary document an abstract
truth, applicable to all men and all
times, and so to embalm it there that
today and In all coming days it shall
be a rebuke and stumbling block to the
cry harbingersof reappearing tyranny
and oppression."
Tiik Plattsmouth Gas and Electric
Light Plant will be sold under fore-
closeure of mortgage, at the court
house. In this city, on Monday, June 11,
11)04. The sale will lie made by Geo.
II. Thumniel, special master in chan
cery of U. S. district court. A notice
tothlscllcct has appeared In several
successive Issues of the semi-weekly
News, and no notice locally calling at
tention to same, appearing In that pa
per, some of those interested in the
matter have requested the Journal to
all attention to the date of sale. Per
haps it Is intended that but few should
know the date of sale, by its appear
ance In semi-weekly edition of the
Truly, nature Is a great teacher, and
the coming of spring in all Its vernal
beauty Is the most forceful, most beau
tiful lesson. The clothing of the trees
and fields with garments of leaves and
grass and Dowers Is so wonderful; the
rejoicing of all living thlnits is so pro
nounced as life goes forth to build and
sing and sport In the sunshine.' We
cannot look at a single (lower of this
springtime without finding in It skill
beyond all our planning, beauty beyond
all our giving. Truly, spring is queen
of tho seasons, and all life love and
praise her.
Tiikkk never was an entertainment,
no matter what its merit, that ever
visited Plattsmouth or any other town,
for that matter, that pleased every
body. It couldn't bo expected. Some
people wouldn'tacknowledge It If they
were pleased. The same holds good
with the street fair last week. If the
farmers had rolled into town by the
hundreds, spent their money freely, It
would have been a great thing with
some. "There s where the shoe pinch
es" the hardest. We all hanker for
the almighty dollar too much to keep
from sight our extreme selfishness.
Tiik administration has decided that
a Porto Kican cannot be admitted to
the bar, cannot bo furnished with a
passport to travel, and cannot work In
the navy yards because he Is not an
American citizen; and that he cannot
be naturalized because he Is not a for
eigner! O, what a tangled web we
weave when the ancient landmarks
Tiik railroads own the republican
party and the republican party runsNe-
braska. That's how Hlowhard Burk
ctt got the nomination for senator.
And the railroads generally know their
man when they see him, and you bet
they will not be mistaken in their se
lection of the greatest wind-bag that
ever graced the halls of congress.
Two years ago "Teddy, the Terror,'
appointed a nigger named Dr. W. 1).
Crum, collector of customs at Charles'
leston, S. C, and "swore by the pint
of his knife" that he should he con
firmed. Hut up to date he has not
succeeded !n doing so. Wonder if
he won't call a special session to have
this done before election?
In his "Ranch Life," (pp. 9 and 10)
"Teddy, tho Terror," wrote that the
cow-boy9were "brutally dissipated,'
but "they are much better fellows and
plcasantcr companions than small
farmers or agricultural laborer; nor
arc the mechanics and workmen of the
great city to bo mentioned In the same
Now Is the time to clean house
clean your system first, drive out the
microbes of winter with llolllster's
Kocky Mountain Tea. It will keep
you well all summer. 3.1 cents. Tea
or tablets. Geiing & Co.
Toko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 month. This Signature,
Have We a Similar One Here?
There was once a deacon In a church
who was a powerful man at class meet
ings, but who had a reputation of nev
er separating himself from adollarun
lcss he was compelled to do so by ne
cessity. He was In good shape finan
cially, but his wife never had a dollar
to spend and children knew better
than to strike him for a nickel, but he
was known as about the most pious
man In the country. Finally the dea
con died and wended his way to the
entrance gate of heaven. He sent In
his card and supposed that the gate
would be opened instanter, but to his
surprise ho was kept waiting on the
outside while a neighbor of his who
had a reputation cf being a sort of
careless sinner, walked passed him,
presented his card and was admitted
at once. The deacon concluded that
It was time to make a roar. "How Is
this?" he asked of St. Fcter as soon as
he could get that party's attention
"Hero I am kept waiting around on
the outside while that man Jones, who
never was known to make a prayer or
even talk In class meeting walks right
In." "Well," said St. Peter, as he
thoughtfully rubbed his chin, "The
fact is that Jones hasn't a great
prayer record but the books show that
his wife never had to ask him for
spending money In her life, and that
counts for a whole lot more In this lo
cality than a bushel basket full of
prayers that don't cost a cent. Unless
you can show up something to your
credit besides four class meeting rec
ord you will have to browse around on
the outside."
Tub Washington clerks now re
quired to sit at their desks seven
hours a day simply yawn and look at
the clock during the last half hour and
grumble at the way they are oppressed.
When they begin to receive yellow en
velopes in rapid succession they will
probably go to work, and perhaps will
remember that they are supported by
tho American taxpayer.
TriEKK is anxiety in some quarters
lest the democratic convention at St,
Louis be stampeded by a mere inci'
dental mention of tho name of Folk,
The way he has knocked over the
boodlc-snatchers without regard to
party Is certainly calculated to at
tract attention and even admiration.
Aktkk having fought with chalrsfor
an hour or two the llcrrlck-DIck fac
tion of republicans captured the Cleve
land, Ohio, convention and drove out
the Foraker faction with yellsof "Fili
pinos!" "Insurgents!"Traitors!" Now
what have the Filipinos done to de
serve this fresh ins lit?
Everything in Season
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Prompt Service
The Sixth Street Store
Platts. Phone 198
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Summer Homes
for 1904
It is none too early to plan your summer vacation.
You will be considerably assisted if you have at
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Chicago, Milwaukee (Si St. Paul
Lake resorts and other ideal summer homes in
Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa
are described. Books with rates for tickets and
board, information about routes and train service
sent for six cents' postage.
General Western Agent
nourishing corn. It has the 'flavor that is so highly tender,
eiated by thoso who know what good meet ia. It is lasting,
juicy mid dolicious. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting.
Our prices invite purchases. Also bear in mind that our
is up-to-date and that the quality of our goods cannot bo
surpassed nor our pricos cannot bo 'beat. We divide our
piohts with our customers, becauso we give thorn the best
goods for the same money that you have to pay for poorer
iuulity. Don't bo backward, but give us a trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office Plattsmouth. Neb.
Cam Crip
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on every
vox, 25c
1524 Farnam Street
That Has
That is tho kind we have,
Not only now but all times.
Beef that has been pro
duced from rich, sweet
country crass and fine