The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1904, Image 5

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liar k;
e Early Bird
Catches the Worm"
18 IS
an old 6nying, but a very wise
Spring Suits
For Men and .Boys "
Cb "Churchill
"Gut Ilcil," the favorite cigar
Read Hayden Bro's ad In this paper.
Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald
ITarry Newman of Omaha Sundayed
in this city.
The best soda water In the world at
Gcrlnjf & Co.'s.
Smoke the Wuil Bros.' celebrated
"Gut Hell" cigars.
Jay E. Worley, foreman of the News,
Sundayed In Lincoln.
Asa Snyder came up from Nebraska
City to spend Sunday.
C. A. Blchey was down from Louis
ville Saturday on business.
W. S. Super went to Lincoln Tues
day to attend the state conveutioii of
Charley Stone, the wood loo'Jnn cash
ier of the Murray bank, conns upevery
evening to take In the carnival.
Misses Ida Woolsev of Wvominir.and
trie in many resiK'cts, and serves to remind Kara Hawke of Nebraska City, were
thoeo who ore on the lookout for guests of Miss Mina White Tuesday.
Treasurer Wheeler has collected
nearly H,000 in back taxes, some of
which It was thought never could be
We have been having line growing
WPftfllpr vlni'fl SC'ittirrl'it. nm Minf-irm.
That Willi.'.m Holly is prepared to "fill the ers have ..maki 'hay wlllle Uie
bur in tlii.iline to a dot, and invites all to sun shines."
come and i aspect his new arrivals nnd get Frank Boston, who lias been spend-
pricoa. Fit and qunlity guaranteed, nnd Ing some time in Montreal, Canada, is
nere lor a sliort visit, lie is a former
riattsmouth boy.
W. J. O'Brien, superintendentof the
state fisheries at South Bend, came
down yesterday for his car, which has
been undergoing some needed repairs
in the shop.
The supreme court has denied a re
hearing in the matter of George N.
LaKue, guardian of William Albion
vs C. C. 1'armele, appealed from this
county. This Is a matter wherein Mr.
Parmele purchased a farm of Albin,
who It is claimed was not capable of
transacting business being of unsound
mind. This restores the property to
The supreme court has reversed and
dismissed the case wherein Armour &
Co. are plalntilTs and John Arrcs, of
this county. The matter was a dis
pute over the possession of 8!) apple
barrel. The matter was appealed
from the district court, where the de
fendant got Judgement, and the final
result Is as above stated. Thus the
dispute over about $35.00 worth of
barrels is settled.
prices to suit the times. Also, a fine line
of Men's a'id Boys' Shoes of all grades.
Hats and Cops,-Cents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Itemember the place,
William Holly
East Room Waterman Block
Corner Fourth and Main Streets
. - w
i ernaps you like your eny hmlr; then keep It. Perhaps not ;
then remember Hall's Hilr Renewer tlways restores color to
gray hair. Stops falling hair, also. "ST,JZ.rJlM"
In the ordinary course (f business, but
there's interest to be considered if part
of your earnings Is left with us for
safe investment. Then there's another
story, which will make two plus two
equal five in time. Ask us and we will
gladly tell you now it is uone.
Salinas Baoik
Ernest llolmberg returned TuesJay I
from his visit toBurwellandOni, Neb.
A. B. Todd and Robert Sherwood
have returned from their trip to Gar
Meld county.
The Klks carnival has Won post
poned on aeo.unt of the death of Otto
The dance at the Turner hall last
night was remarkably well attended,
and all enjoyed a good time.
Among the visitors from Nebraska
City Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. John
Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. William Hay-
waod, Miss Lillian Browne. T. F.
Roddy, J. C. Thygeson, Chauncey Al
len, Charles H. Schmlnke, K. II. Finl
gan, A. B. Wilson, Frank F.. Ilelvey,
Frank Cook, R. W. Kelly, Al Meyers
and George Stroble.
W. II. Tool was here froru" vceplnft
Water on business Friday.
1 B. Smith was here from Murray,
taking In the sights yesterday.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Oillce with Dr. E. D. Cummins.
Miss Jennie Critchlleld of Weeping
Water is here spendingthe week.
Lee Allison of Murray took in the
street fair several days this week.
F. L. Mary came down from Omaha
and spent Sunday w ith his family.
Thomas Kastncr of Nebraska City
was a riattsmouth Sunday visitor.
That real, smooth, tasteful Ice cream
soda costs onlv Gc. at Gcrintf & Co.'s,
(1. G. Melsinger and wife, of Cedar
reek, were Plattsmouth visitors Sat
Wanted A few steers and horses
to 'pasture. J. R. Vallery, Eight Mile
The name that means quality Is Pat
ton's Sun Troof Taint. soidovjyby
Goring & Co.
Rev. J. W. Swan occupied the pih
pit of the M. E. church at Falls City
last Sunday.
Not how cheap but how good. Pat
toon's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Goring & Co.
George Gilman, the druggist, spent
Sunday visiting bis mother and sisters
In Nebraska City.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hell, of Eight
MllcGrove precinct, were Plattsmouth
visitors Saturday. 1
Goes further, looks better and lasts
longer. Pat ton's Sun Proof Paint.
Coring & Co. agents.
Mrs. P. C. Nellson and little daugh
ter, wefit to Grand Island Friday for
a visit with relatives.
It costs a little more but Is by far
the best. Patton'sSun Proof Paint.
Gcrlng & Co., sole agents.
Geo. W. Snyder returned from West
virL'ina Tlnirsdav evening, where he
had been on a business trip.
La Book, Omaha's leading constum
or Ladies tailored gowns and shirt
waist suits. 513, Karbach block.
Mrs. M. U. Thomas, of Weeping
u-ntr V.K vlsltlnir with Mrs. L. E.
Rouse the latter part of last week.
For sale-one good, high-grade, rub
ber-tired top buggy and slnglo harness
good as new. Ainmu
The front of Perry's restaurant pre
scuts a neat appearance since belnR
nicely decorated with the paint brusii
The best physic: Chamberlain's
stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
tnkr: nleasant lii elTect. For sale by
all druggists.
For sale-good eight-room modern (new) situated In one of the
must desirable locations In the city of
plattsmouth. Autiuk Hkm-h.
Air. Fred Morgan, who lias been inir witli her mother In Nebraska
City for the past three weeks, returned
home Saturday.
. M r. and M rs. George Thomas are re
joicing over the arrival of a new Uy
baby, who made his appearance Niiur
day morning, May 7.
t M.-Mnkon returned from
St. Ixmls the latter part of last wccV
and expects to goto her home in
castle, Wyoming, this week.
When you want a pleasant physic try
i.amirhiln-aStomnch and LIverTab-
lets. They are easy to take and pleas
ant In effect. For sale uy an aru.,
Mike Warga was down from Have-
lock a couple of days this week.
Peter Melsinger.of.'near Cedar Creek,
was a Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday.
Taxpayers continue to throng the
treasurer's oillce, and money for back
taxes. Is flowing in
Nearly two mllliom dollars w ill be
expended by the Burlington In the
next few months for the purchase of
new engines.
II. L. Vestel, who has been visiting
In this city for a week, went to Ash
land Friday to visit his daughter, Mrs
W. C Babbitt and family
George Horn, the hustling Cedar
Creek grain buyer, was on our streets
Saturday. Mr. Horn has hosts of
Plattsmouth friends who are always
glad to meet him.
The district convention of the Re
bek;ih lodge was held In Weeping Wa
ter Tuesday night. Mrs. Adam Klntz
of this city attended as a delegate from
riattsmouth lodge.
If you are particular about your
hcadwear, you can easily find what
you want a our store, as our selections
are by far the largest.
, St. Louis Millixeuy Co,
George Tortcr returned Saturday
from Seven Mile Ford, Virginia, where
he w'enti to see his mother who was ser
lous'y He reports her much better
and on the road to a speedy recovery.
Iiynry Hucklnsof the Nebraska Bliz
zardi accompanied by his wife, were
here Tuesday and Wednesday taking
In tP8 street fair, and while here they
both favored the Journal with a pleas
1X you need more blood, and more
fieshi do you need more strength this
sprlpg? Ilolllster's Rocky Mountain
t.. will bring them all. If it fails
your money back. 3") cents. Tea or
tablet form. Gering & Co,
Stops more pain, relieves more suffer
ing, prevents more heart aches and
diseases than any other remedy. That
Is what Ilolllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea will do.
form. Gering & Co,
M)w is the time to take a spring
tonlo to purify the blood, cleanse the
liver and kidneys of all Impurities
Ilolllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do the business. 3j cents. Tea or
tablets. .Gering & Co.
A spring tonic that cleans and puri-
A Startling Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of
No. Mehoopany, Pa , made a startling
test resulting In a wonderful cure. He
writes, "a patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcer
ation of the stomach. I had often
found Electric Bitters excellent for
acute stomach and liver troubles, so
prescribed them. The patient gained
from the first, and has not had an at
tack In fourteen months." Electric
Bitters are positively guaranteed for
dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation
and kidney troubles. Try them. Only
50c, at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s.
A Cure for Piles.
"I had a bad case of piles," says G
F. Carter of Atlanta, Ga., -'and con
suited a physician who advised me to
try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. I purchased a box and was en
tirely cured. It Is splendid for piles,
giving relief Instantly, and I heartily
recommend It to all sufferers." De-
Wltfs Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled
for Its healing qualities. Eczema and
other skin diseases, also sores, cuts,
bums and wounds of every kind are
quickly cured by it. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
I . Jl
. ii mis t
That Has
nourishing corn
That is the kind wo have,
Not only now but all tiuns.
lWf that has been pro,
ducod from rich, sweet
country grass and fine
no tlavor t int n i,;.,i.i ... i
i-iated by those who know what good meet is. U ia lastim?
juicy and delicious. Choice cuts for broilu,.. or rousting
Our prices invito purchases. Also bear in muni that our
is up-to-date nnd that the quality of our goods cannot be
surpassed nor our prices cannot be beat. Wu. divide our
profits with our customers, becauso wo givo them tho Ix'st
goods for the same money that you hnvo to pay for poorer
qunlity. Don't be backward, but givo us n tiiul.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office Plattsmouth NoU
- - f -r
Died In California.
Word was received in Louisville last
Monday that C. 1). Topper had died
very suddenly at Pasadena, Cal., of
heart trouble. The decased was form
erly a resident of Louisville, where he
was engaged hi the milling business.
The mill burned two years ago. He
then sold his other Interests In that
place and removed to California.
Another ten-dozen lot of Velvet and Moquette Rugs T 1C
one and one-half yards long, at JMZnJ
Remnants of Carpets and Mattings at '...Half Price
Bargains in Lace Curtains, from 98c up to $2.98
Ladies' Shoes from ....48c to $1.48
Children's Shoes at 48c, 69c, 75c and 89c
$1.00 Corsets at 50c
$1.50 Corsets at 75c
Our Sale of Summer Underwear
Is still
on. Don't fortret we sell the Defender Brand, the
kind you read about in the magazines.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mofiltt are re-
35 cents in tea or tablet jolclng over the advent of a fourteen
pound boy baby at their home.
Dr. L. R. Danes and family arrived
In the city last Thursday from their
former home In Valparaiso, Neb., and
are occupying the ISabbington brick
cottage on North Fourth street. Dr.
Danes recently purchased the business
and oillce fixtures of Dr. Todd In the
Acs and absorbs all poison from the Coates block. Dr. Danes comes highly
system. Hollister's Rocky Mountain recommended as a member of his pro.
Tea will make you well and keep you fesslon, and bears the appearance of a
well all summer. 35 cents. Tea or splendid gentleman. TheJournal wel
tablets. Gcrlng & Co. comes him to our city
nv j- j i it I
v. w. ureen ana grandson, noiiis, Mr.Jnsenh romlnvllleof Stllhvnter.
departed Tuesday morning for Kear- Mlnn ftpr n,vlr)vr snent ovpr jlm
. .i. i.i I '
ncy, wucre xar. ureen win auenu inc .,, the l)Cst doctors for stomach
annual siaie encampmciuoi me u. a. trouble, without relief, was advised bv
u. lion is is a son oi t ranK ureen, re- hls (lni,,L,ist. Mr. Alex Richard, to trv
porier lor uie Kearney nuo. . b(lX of chamberlains Stomach and
i -
L. It. Ostran has sold the Eagle Liver Tablets. He did so, and Is a well
Deacon to Alex Rough. The Ileacon man today. If troubled with lndigcs
was improved somewhat In appearance tliin. ba.l taste In the mouth, lack of
und r the management of Mr. Ostran,
and we hope It will continue to do so
under the new management.
Tl e commissioners started out Mon
day on a tour of bridge Inspection, in
ordc: to ascertain the true condition
of tl ese structures with a view of mak-
appetite or constipation, give these
tablets a t rial, and you arc certain to
be more than pleased with the result.
For sala at 2 cents per box by all drug'
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble. When the stomach
Mrs. J- Benson, 210 S. 16, Omaha, Neb.
A nice quality of nice black voile
skirts inverted plait In back and
handsomely trimmed nothing In the
market to equal it, shown at $8.25.
rretty black voile skirts at $10.87 and
up. Just received, tailor made wash
china silk waists, black or white, price
$3.50 and 85.75.
A Bold Hold-Up.
A negrcss hailing from Omaha held
up John H. Hartlctt, late of Auburn
and now In the employ of August
Gorder, last night and relieved him of
his bank roll containing about 9140. It
is claimed by Rartlett that after dis
playing his money to get some change
at the Ferris wheel the lady of African
descent, followed him a short dis
tance and asked him what time it was.
While he had his watch In his hand
she grabbed both with one of her
hands, while with the other she wen
down In his pocket and got the money,
The name of the woman Is Marie
R joker, and it Is thought her husband
g t away with the cash, as no amount
of money was found on her person
She will have a hearing today.
. ... . i ... - i
ii.k rceueu reiMirj. or, u necessary, or- f:1ns tQ u,.rform ts fund nns the
der I cw bridges constructed. limv.,,, become deranged, the liver and
Janes Allison and wife were here kidneys congested, causing numerous
from Murray Tuesday, and while In diseases, the most fatal of which are
the city Mr. Allison took the oppor- painless and therefore the more to be
tml y to drop in and renew for the dreaded. The Important thing Is to
Journal another year, lie also ordered restore the stomach and liver to a
the Journal sent to his son-in-law, healthy condition, and for this pur
Johr. Hasenynger, Tecumseh, Neb. pose no better preparation can be used
Ja )b Trltsch was In the cltv Satur- thanChamberlaln'sStomach and Liver
uay inn nonoreu mc journal will) a
brie visit. While here he renewed
his I ilth In the Old Reliable another
year Mr. Trltsch Is among Casscouiv
ty's best citizens, and we aro pleased
to hi ow mat ne is soon to become a
pern anent citizen of Plattsmouth.
T. J. Rho-'en, of near Murray, (and
one f the Journal's staunchest friends)
was .n town Saturday. In his rounds
he o iled at these headquarters and re-
j 1. 1 i . . . . . . . . ..
newi a um uegiance 10 llie Uld ueila
ble. Mr. Rhoden Is a most clever gen-
tloman and we aro proud to number
Tablets. For sale by all druggists.
Abase ball nine, termed the "Con
quering Heroes" by the Nebraska City
Tribune, came up from that city Tues
day and crossed bats with a Platts
mouth nine, and the "Conquering He
rocs' got done up to the tune of VI to
!0. However the game proved a very
Interesting one, and was witnessed by
quite a number. In the evening the
visiting team and friends were enter
tained at Coates hall from about 0 to
11:30, where all enjoyed themselves In
"trl pplng the light fantastic" until the
hlia Wing the Journal's supporters. visitors had to take the train for home,
Light or Heavy Soles
$1.50 to $2.50
on stylisii and comfortable lasts. Our
shoes very seldom run dow n at heels.
Why? liecause they come direct from
maker to wearer, and we Insist they
Insert solid leather counters.
uhi arc cordially Invited to
make use of the rooms over
our store dining the Street Fair to do
as you please. There will be tables,
chairs and accommodations for brush
Ing up your clothes and washing dust
oil your face. 'Twill be a nice place
to rest with the babies and children.
Don't Forget Us on Children's Shoes
Sherwood & Son
Thursday, Mvy 19th
Jed Carlton Presents the Beautiful Pastoral
Comedy Drama in Four Acts
Miss Emma Jean Carlton
As Diana, the Artist's Daughter
The Best of All Rural Plays
Emphatic Comedy-Drama Success
PriC6S 25c, 35c, 50C Seats on Sale Wednesday Morning
Good Health
Good Appetite
Are dependent on good,
nourishing food. Prime,
juicy meats, tender and
easy to digest, makes red
pure blood. By buying
your meats here you get
nothing but what is first class in every respect. We
handle nothing but the best meats, and claim to be
experts in judging the quality and in cutting them
properly. Our prices can't be beat.
Our grocery department is complete in all lines.
Jonathan Hatt & Son
Catalogue Free. Write Us.
TIiitp Is k steady di'imiwl for youiiij nnd yomiR wo
men who am thoroughly triilneil for Initial's. We pre
)jiiru youiiK people to meet tho demand.
Business, Shorthand and Typewriting.
Preparatory and Telegraphy
Special Features- I. Teiichersof miccessful business
PNperlenri'. J. l.Ai'i llenl equipments. 3. TliorouRh,
jiMii'lli iil courses. 4. Personal Interest In eiieli student.
. A.vslstuiieu In securliik' employment.
Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Xcb.
If you are a judge of a trood smoke
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
SM'clnl Correspondi'iico.
It. T. Jones had business at Berlin
Monday. '
Joseph Latimer visited Douglas
friends Sunday.
A number of Avoca people were at
Weeping Water Saturday attending
tho circus.
Kda Marquardt was home from Lin
coln over Sunday.
S.J. Meyers was at Omaha a few
days last week.
Mr. Zimmerman uf Lincoln was In
town Saturday.
Mrs. J. It. Carter Is reported among
the sick.
Itev. Ross of l.erlln wason our si rects
the llrst of the week.
Miss Little lietts was at Kag;e last
Straub Ur. shipped three car loads
of cattle to Omaha Tuesday.
V. W. lllnige and wife were Omaha
visitors Tuesday.
St. Louis Millinery Company
Are showing a new line of liaU for
misses and children, In white cham
pagno and browns. Uluc In the lead
ing shade, at popular prices.
Lfigi1!- A" effort, in. tlic ritilit, ;. ;Cf?
1 -VrisKAciioN vJ .. I
1 i Hi ' : ' : 1
. C llnvni ftNuuGAN M'ig. Co. rmimeM
F. G. Frickg $ Co.