The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 05, 1904, Image 5

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Mugs Rugs Rugs
Another ten-dozen lot of Velvet and Moquette Rugs T
one and one-half yards long, at i4MZj
Remnants of Carpets and Mattings at Half Price
Bargains in Lace Curtains, from 9Sc up to $2.98
Ladies' Shoes from 48c
Children's Shoes at 48c, 69c
to $1.48
75c and 89c
$1.00 Corsets at 50c
$1.50 Corsets at 75c
Our Sale of Summer Underwear
Is still going on. Don't forget we sell the Defender Brand, the
kind you read about in the magazines.
Six days of Fun.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Head llaydcn Bro's ad In this paper.
Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald
I'etcr. The Doll Horse. A Little
George Hanson of Nchawka was a
county scat visitor Friday.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Otllce with Dr. E. D. Cummins.
,S. S. and F. II. Carncs of Wabash
were county seat visitors Monday.
A. 15. Dickson and D. McCaltf of Elm
wood were here on business Friday.
Brush upand have everything in fine
order for the street fair next week.
Wanted A few steers and horses
to pasture. J . II. Vallery, Eight Mile
The name that means quality Is Pat
ton's Sun Troof Taint. Sold only by
W. H. Pool, the live real estate agent
of Weeping Water, was In the city on
business Monday.
Henry Tartscli came in from Mcfjook
Monday on business and to visit his
parents and friends.
Goes further, looks better and lasts
longer. Patton's Sun Troof Paint,
Goring & Co. agents.
It costs a little more but is by far
the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint.
Gerlng & Co., sole agents.
La Book, Omaha's leading constum
er. Ladies tailored gowns and shirt
waist suits. 513, Karbach block.
For sale one good, high-grade, rub
bcr-tired top buggy and single harness
good as new. Artiiuu Helps.
Mont Strelght and wife arc rejoicing
over the recent arrival of a boy baby
at their home. Long life to the little
nolile Rector, aged twenty, and Miss
Bessie Armstrong, aged eighteen, of
Weeping Water, were granted a mar
riage permit Monday.
The best physic: Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
take; pleasant in effect. For sale by
all druggists.
For sale-good eight-room modern
residence, (new) situated In one of the
most desirable locations in the city of
Plattsmouth. Aimiuu Hklhj.
Hereafter return passes on the B. &
M. will be issued to all persons going
to market with stock, just the same as
before the roads decided to cut them
James Cook, jr., was In thecity Mon
day, and was a business caller at Jour
nal headquarters. Mr. Cook is a new
comer to Cass county, and seems to be
a verv clever gentleman. Ills home is
in Cedar Creek.
Mrs. James Herold entertained the
following persons at dinner Sunday In
honor of her husband's forty-fifth
birthday. James O'Ncil, William Her
old. AVill Balrd, Miss Tresham and
Miss Dora Herold.
Fred Shomaker, one of Cass county's
most enterprising German farmers
was a caller at Journal headquarters
Tmwidav. and while here renewed his
allegiance to the Old Reliable. Mr
Shomaker lives about two miles south
west of Nehawka.
fieorte Brlnklow and family have
turned from Texas, where Mr. Brink
low was employed as engineer on the
M. K. & T. railway, with headquar
tcrs at Temple. George has given up
railroading for the present, and Is now
enirau'cd In farming seven miles south
of the city.
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble. When the stomach
falls to perform Its functions the
bowels become deranged, the llverand
kidneys congested, causing numerous
diseases, the most fatal of which arc
painless and therefore tho more to 1h
dreaded. The Important thing Is to
restore tho stomach and liver to
healthy condition, and for this pur
dosc no better preparation can be used
than Chamberlaln'sStomaeli and Liver
Tablets. For sale by all druggists,
Tlxlraas Keckler and Charles F. Lau
were iierc from Manley Saturday.
lies Time on Earth -Hoi1
. William Deles Dernier of Elm
wood , vas here on business Friday.
Ma.i 17-18-11)
Lcei May Meld of tho Courier was down
from .ouisvillc on business Tuesday.
Plal Lsmouth
DIs' t let Court Clerk Robertson and
familj Sundaycd with Louisville
GeorV'cS. Upton and William Chal-
r ...
fant oi Union, were county seat visit
ors Friday.
Mrs,1 George M. Spurlock, of Omalia,
was the guest of Mrs. W. L. Tickett
over Sunday.
May 17-18-19
W.J. O'Brien, superintendent of the
state fisheries at South Bend, was a
business visitor Saturday.
Mrs. J. II. Thrasher visited with her
sister, Mrs. W. M. Coates, in Hillsdale
la., several days the past week.
F. L. Mary, employed in the land dc
partraent of the Union Pacific, Sun
dayed here witli his family.
Best Time on Earth
II. R. Neitzel, the Murdock banker,
accompanied by his family, were guests
at the Perkins house over Sunday.
May 17-18-19
Clyde McClain.managcr of the Platts
mouth Telephone company's exchange
at WepDlnir Water was here on bus!
ness Saturday.
Samuel Vanllorn of Murray was in
the city last Friday, en route for Med
ford, Washington, where he expects to
make his future home.
Miss Margaret Dovev went to Om
alia Saturday morning, where she was
the guest of her friend, Miss Caroline
Barkclow, over Sunday.
"Hoo-Hoo" What?
Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Long, former res
idents of Plattsmouth, are rejoicing
over the recent arrival of a girl baby
at their home In Tabor, Iowa.
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chambcrlain'sStomach and LIvcrTab-
lets. They arc easy to take and pleas
ant in effect. For sale by all druggists.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wells and child
ren came In from Missoula, Mont., Fri
day night. Mr. Wells Is an old Platts
mouth boy, and was In the newspaper
business In that city for some months,
Now Is the time to take a spring
tonic to purify the blood, cleanse the
liver and kidneys of all Impurities
Ilollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do the business. 3.) cents, lea or
tablets. Gerlng & Co.
William Dotyof Weeping Water was
In the city on business Friday, and
while here called and renew his
faith In the Journal. Mr. Doty Is a
pleasant gentleman, a rock-ribbed dem
ocrat, and we were pleased to meet
A spring tonic that cleans and puri
lies and absorbs all poison from the
system. Ilolllsters Rocky Mountain
Tea will make you well and keep you
well all summer. 35 cents. Tea or
tablets. Gerlng & Co.
Mr. Joseph Pomlnvllleof Stillwater,
Minn., after having spent over $2,000
with the best doctors for stomacl
trouble, without relief, was advised by
his druggist, Mr. Alex Richard, to try
a box of Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver 1 ablets. He did so, and Is a well
man today. If troubled with Indlges'
Hon, bad tasto In the mouth, lack o
appetite or constipation, give these
tablets a trial, and you are certain to
be more titan pleased with the result
For sala at 2."i cents per box by all drug'
St. Louis Millinery Company
Arc allowing a new lino of hats for
misses and children, In white clmm
pagno and browns. Blue In the lead
Ing shade, at popular prices.
Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated
Gut Heil" cigars.
"Hoo-IIoo" When?
Miss Fern Miller of Glcnwood spent
Sunday in this city.
George B. Lehnhoff of Omaha spen
Sunday w ith his mother and sister,
Crushed fruit of all kinds with ice
cream soda, only 5c at Gerlng & Co.'s,
Don't forget to visit the Electric
Theatre. Free Street Fair and Spring
Miss Mabel White is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. J. A. Donclan in Weep
ng Water.
Revs. Baumgartncr of Murdock, an
Youncr of Louisville, were county scat
visitors Monday.
Mrs. Jackson of Denver, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wise, arrived
few days since for a visit with her pa
The enforcement of the "scavenger
section of the revenue law In this
county is bringing many "to time" on
their hack taxes.
Elks '
Mr. John Bradin of South Omaha
and Miss Georgia German of Council
Bluffs, were united in marriage at the
M. E. parsonage In this city, Sunday,
May 1, 1901, Rev. G. W. Swan olllciat
ing. Mrs. B. Elson left Tuesday morning
for North Platte, where she will visit
her daughter, Mrs. G. Wolf, and take
a glimpse of her grandson, who made
his appearance a few days since.
Stops more pain, relievesmore suffer
ing, prevents more heart aches and
diseases than any other remedy. That
Is what Ilollistcr's Rocky Mountain
Tea will do. 35 cents in tea or tablet
form. Gerlng & Co.
The railroad track on the other side
of the river, built for various purposes
in the past few years, contains several
hundred box and flat cars, which Indi
cates that freight tralllc Is not very
brisk for this season of the year.
Lee Allison, of near Murray, was In
thecity Thursday, and we were pleased
to note that he was gradually Improv
Ing from his Illness, which continued
nearly all winter. While here Mr. Al
lison called and renewed his allegiance
to the Journal.
It only demonstrates the narrow
mindedncss of a newspaper man when
he goes to criticizing an official before
he has had time to get his affairs h
working order. Damphools arc every
w here, and one sneaks into the news.
paper business once In awhile.
The return leap year dance given by
the young gents of the city at Coates'
hall Monday night was well attended
and proved a most enjoyable affair,
Tho J'armcle theatre orchestra fur
nished the music. The hall was very
handsomely decorated and reflected
great credit upon those who had this
matter In charge.
J. W. Newell has been promoted to
the position of traveling auditor fur
the B. & M. lines west of the Missouri
river. His many Plattsmouth friends
will bo pleased to learn of his promo
tion. It has been but a short time
since he was transferred from the store
house In this city to a position in And
Itor Durkec's olllce In Omaha.
Our old friend, Harmon Bestor.callt
Tuesday, and after spending a few mo
ments In social chat, renewed for the
Journal another year. It Is always
pleasure to meet Mr. Bestor, as he al
ways has something of Interest to ta
aooui, ami mere are nut few farmers
that arc better posted on all the pies.
cnt Issues, political or otherwise.
Amember of the last legislature from
Douglas county was in the city re
cently, and In conversation with
numlier of people, Including Treasurer
Wheeler, lie claimed that the "scav
cngcr" cectlon of the revenue law was
really only Intended to clean up the
back taxes of such places as Omaha
and Lincoln, which heretofore could
not be done.
The best soda water la the world at
cring & Co.'s.
J. M. Kolr tson went to Lincoln
esterday on business.
Frank Richey went to Fremont yes
terday for several days' visit.
That real, smooth, tasteful Icecream
soda costs only 5c, at Gerlng & Co.'s.
J. M. Saxton, B. & M. claim agent of
Lincoln, had business lu the city yesterday.
Not how cheap tut how good. l"at-
toou's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Gerlng & Co.
Hon. George M. Spurlock of Omaha
was here Mondayand gave the Journal
brief call.
Take a look at Jumbo, the largest
horse in the world. I ree btreet ialr
and Spring Festival.
The Journal regrets that Mrs. J. A.
Walker of Murray has been quite 111,
and hopes for her speedy recovery.
If all this world was chicken pie,
And all the sea was ink,
And all the trees were bread and cheese
What would we have to drink?
A marriage license was Issued yester
day by Judge Travis to John II. In
helder, aged 25 of Weeping ater, and
Miss Minnie Fcnnett, aged 55 of Lou
George B. Craig and wife went to
Soutli Omaha Tuesday evening to at
tend the funeral of Faltlne Ratchley,
mention of whose death appears In an
other column.
Asa Snyder came up from Nebraska
City to attend the return dance Mon
day night. He was accompanied by
J. C. Thygesou. They returned Tues'
day morning.
Quite a lively game of ball was played
between Larson s Originals and the
high school team Saturday, which re
sulted In a victory for the Originals by
a score of 14 to 8.
A fine girl baby arrived yesterday
to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
E. Parincle. May the little lady live
long to comfort her parents as old age
conies creeping on.
If you are. particular about your
headwear, you can easily find what
you want at our store, as our selections
are by far the largest.
Sr. Louis MillinkkyCo.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will serve meals and lunch In thebuild-
formcrly occupied by Kunsman &
Ramge every day during the street
fair and carnival. Also ice cream and
John McNurlin of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct was in the city Saturday, and
also a caller at Journal headquarters.
Mr. McNurlin left a dollar to renew
his faith in the Journal for another
Light or Heavy Soles
$1.50 to $2.50
On stylish and comfortable lasts. Our
shoes very seldom run down at heels,
Why? Because they come direct from
maker to wearer, and we Insist they
Insert solid leather counters.
You are cordially invited to
make use of the rooms over
our store during the Street Fair to do
as you please. There will he tables
chairs, and accommodations for brush
ing up your clothes and washing dust
off your face. 'Twill be a idee place
to rest w ith the babies and children
Don't Forget Us on Children's Shoes
Sherwood & Son
At the Old Stand
Do you need more blood, and more
flesh, do you need more strength this
spring? Ilollistcr's Rocky Mountain
Tea will bring them all. If it fails
your money back. 35 cents. Tea or
tablet form. Gering & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. William lirantncrliave
removed from Murray to this city, and
are occupying a. residence near the
old Burlington hotel, for which Mrs.
Brantner traded sold her hotel pro
perty In Murray to A. M. Graves.
Failed to Comply With the Law.
When the new village board recently
met In Louisville to grant saloon 11
censes, they were confronted with a
remonstrance sinned by a number of
anti-saloon people, who were rcpre
sented by Attorney Darnell of the Nc
braska Anti-Saloon League, protest
ing against granting licenses on the
rounds that the applicants had not
tiled their petitions according to law
with the village clerk. The applicants
were represented by Matthew Gering
and the village board by Jacob Bccson
of this city. The saloon men were ad-
Ised by Mr. Gering, that, as they had
not complied strictly with the letter
of the law, that it would be best tore
advertise and again apply for license
on the 17th of May. It seems the drug
gists arc in the same predicament and
are also compelled to readvertlsc. Thus
Louisville is totally dry for the first
time since the town became an incor
porated village.
Take One Day Off, Anyhow.
With fair weather next week, a large
crowd will attend the street fair dally
Those who have seen the attractions
carried by the Cosmopolitan Carnival
company, say that some of them arc
wortli many miles of travel to see, and
It may be many years before you will
have another opportunity of seeing
such feats as performed by Lunctta
the "Flying Lady," "Loop the Lo
on a mcycie," me jiiku mvc" aim
other daring feats. Take at least one
day off and bring your family. Re
member the children want to see these
performances as well as yourself.
Improving Right Along.
Considerable repairing and improv
Ing of property Is Iwing done In Piatt
mouth. G. W, Osborne has torn down
and rebuilt the cottage on the corner
of Tenth and Granite, making a most
comfortablcsix room house. Dr. Schlld-
knecht Is having some repairing done
on his property on the corner of Main
and Seventh, and the J. V. Egenberger
property on the corner of Sixth and
Marble, In the way of improving the
grounds. We notice numerous resi
dences being repainted, new roofs he
lug put on, etc Let the good work
go tin.
An You Going to Oregon?
Henry Donat Is getting ready for an
other homeseekcrs' excursion to Ore
gon, to leave about t he middle of June.
Already (iiltc a numler have signified
their Intention of going along to sec
the country, and purchase land If the
outlook Is favorable. If you contcm
plate changing your location, or if you
desire to make safe Investments In
land, niako your Arrangements to go
w ith the next party. For further par
ticularsscc Henry In person, or address
him at riattstmoutl).
You will always find the
Choicest Fruits
Fine Confections
And the most delicious
Which he is prepared to furnish In
any quantity for family use
or social gatherings.
511 Main Street
BPrit 9-Mm y (I
That Has
That is tho kiiul wv have,
Not only now but all times.
Hoof thnt has been pro
duced from rich, Bweot
country grass and fino
nourishing com. It has the llavor that in m highly tender,
dated by those who know what good meet is. It is lasting,
juicy and dolV'ous. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting.
Our ir;ces invite purchases. Also bear in mind that our
ia up-to-date and that tho quality of our goods cannot bo
surpassed nor our prices cannot bo beat. Yo divide our
profits with our customers, because wo give them tho liest
goods for the same money that you have to pay for poorer
quality. Don't bo backward, but give us n trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office Plattsmouth, Neb.
v -v---k,-v' V -:..aV T:tV-;
Ayers Pills
Sugar-coated, easy to take,
mild in action. They cure
constipation, biliousness,
J. O. Ayn Co.
a ocauuiui crown or ncu uiatfc r use
rim en. or uiuuuun u 1. 1. ma t w- nuumt, i. u.
And marching
straight to
where you will bo re
paid for your trouble
by gotting the best
on tho markots.
Canned Goods,
fresh daily from the markets.
gathered fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
Wiitrrman nioek IMutUmoutb.
A Judge
Don't allow money to lie around,
is easier to spend It and easier
to lose it.
Zn&rJC Mir
-1.1 V'A
by keeping it In a safe place such as
The Banl of Cass County
You can dve a check for anv part (
It at any time and so bave a recelp
for payment without asklni! for one.
hen you have a hank account you
will he anxious to add to It rather than
spend mm It. Hun t you want to
know more aoout it.
IMiittximiutli i t Nnhrahha.
Probate, Commercial Law, Rea
Estate Litigation
au J foreclosure of mortgages a specialty
Prime Heats
A 1 1 ' A - 1.
v .always Knows just wnai
IvJ he wants, and he knows
that he can always pet it
from our choice stock.
If you want a Delicious Roast, Steak, Chop or
Cutlet that is tender, rich and succulent, and cut
by an expert 'hand, trimmed and got up for your
table to suit the queen's taste, you will always find
it here at lower prices than elsewhere.
Our grocery department is complete in all lines.
Jonathan Hatt & Son
-TT.-.vryf 'V,'
"The Early Bird
Catches the Worm"
This is nn old snying, but n very wise
one in many respects, nnd servos to remind
thoso who nre on the lookout for
Spring Suits
For Mtn'nnd IJoya
That William Holly is prepared to "fill tho
bill'' in this line to n dot, and invites all to
como nnd inspect his new arrivals nnd get
prices. Fit nnd quality guaranteed, and
prices to suit the times. AIho, a fine lino
of Mens and Hoys' Shoes of nil grades.
Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Remember tho place,
William Holly
East Room Waterman Clock
Comer Fourth and Main Strata
i i