The Plattsmouth Journal It. A. BATES, 1'iuusiiEii. ri UI.lsllED WEKKLV AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Entered at the pnwlnffir-t it Plattsmouth, Nc bra-ska. a aocuudcluu mailer. Sknatoii Smoot should not overlook his opportunity, lie can make a for tune selling his photographs In St. Louis this summer. Dkmucbatic newspapers and leading men In the party should put In more time attacking republicans instead of members of thclrown party. As Ohio couple took an oath that they'd never be divorced. Newly mar rled couples always feel that way, but they usually wake up at the end of a month. Akk Mr.Tcegardcn and his deputies sticking closely to the text of "equal assessments to all special favors to none?" The peoplo will know bye and bye. The Pun commercial agency reports 241 business failures last week against 1(10 the year before. This unfortunate hitch in the prosperity campaign will not be called attention to by republl can spellbinders. It would appear, from all accounts, that thcl'latUmouth Republican Ring has agreed upon I. F. Dale, of Green wood, for one of Its candidates for rep resentative. At least one would Judge so from the ring's mouth-piece the Evening News. "The Hand Writing on the Walt!" A Washington special, under date of pril 30, says: "Representative John Sharp Will- lams, of Mlssisslpl, the democratic leader of the house, in an authorized statement today, says he believes that the nomination of Juo'e Parker at St. Louis is assurred. " 'It seemscleartomenow,' said Mr. Williams, 'that Judge Parker will be nominated by such an overwhelming vote that there will be substantially no opposition when the time for the convention arrives. .Individually, I favor his selection.' "Mr. William, when questioned con cerning the report that he will be a candidate for the presidential nomin atlon, said: 'I think you know me well enough to know that 1 have never been Idiot enough to take this talk seriously. There has been some talk of the nom liiatiun of a southern man. I do not think such a course would be wise just now. That time will come and it w ill not be very far distant, as history counts time. When it does come the south will be able to find 10,000 men abler and 100,000 better men than I am.' " Tub News editor Is so given to lying that he will resort to a "little white lie" when the truth would suit better, L - Ma you Geuinu will do his duty Ir respective of the Polk-Farlcy coterie, It Is better to have the 111 will of some people than it is the good w ill, and we would guess that Mayor Gering will carry out his administration on this line. Tub republican idea of reciprocity is to grab all you can and keep all you get. The clawlesscat in Tophet would have a better chance than this pet of Blaine and McKlnley in a con gress whose policy is "stand pat." Mayou Geuinu Insists that he has remitted no fines, the court record not withstanding. News. Well, Mayor Gcrlng's word goes for more than that, of the editor of the News that should settle it. - t In a speech on the tarilt last week in the sciatc, Senator Bacon proved that our sewing machines, sold for $1 In England cost t'25 in this country, and American steel rails could be bought 85 ft ton cheaper in England than in T hnsylvania or Alabama. Wondkii if thero Is a mad-stone in .Ibis vicinity. Some of Farley's friends fear he Is somewhat afllictcd with the "rabbies,"and they are on the look-out for a mad-stone, the usual remedy for such hydrophobic creatures. It is a fact that Dietrich is lending 'what little Influence he has for Blow bard Burkctt to succeed him in the senate. Dietrich's idea Is to be suc ceeded by a man with less ability than himself, and he gets him in tiic person of the brainless fop who mi-rcprescnts the first congressional district. The greatest exhibit that Nebraska could make at the St. Louis Fair would be to link together Midget Mickey Bribe-taker Dietrich and Blowhard Burkett three of the greatest nln compoops on earth. To charge an ad mission fee of ten cents, the republican party would derive quite a campalg fund. However, the exhibit wouldn' reflect much credit to the state abroad Ik Dietrich is exhonorated from the charge of bribery, and the republican party feel that ho has, what Is the matter with bis re-election? Most certainly a senator of Blowbard Bur kett's calibre wouldn't improve the state's representation in the U. S. sen ate. But Dcrhap as a slv schemer is more of success, and then railroads can use him to a better advantage. The total capital of industrial trusts is $7,21(1,342,533. Those organ ized since January 1, 1S'.I8, represent the enormous sum of iy0;)013,,r00. That is to say, more than nlnc-tentl of existing trusts have been organized slncc.the republican party returned to power in 1807. They have sprung up and nourished under a republican ad ministration to an extent beyond any thing previously known, and the far mcr contiuesto pay the freight, In the three years of republican "re demptlon" the state debt has been In creased $."3.',72!),4!), and all because tl 'redeemers" arc spending the peoples money with a lavish hand. Here are the plain facts: i . KTATK DKI1T. PoulUt reduction In 4 year. ltepuhllean hicrviiM! In 3 year.... AlTltorUIATHlNS. Populist In 1C Jk'pulllll'RUH In IU03 Keputillcnn Incrcimo fl.4m.ij?.: is it any wonaer your taxes arc so much heavier? Study the figures and understand tho reason why. In creased state taxes are absolutely ne ccssary to pay for the luxury of repub lican redemption. .f??.nm. . Mi.rY .f:.TO.i:i a Clear mil." ,'or Is tho last Issue of the Weeping water Herald Bro. Olive copies tl article of the News In reference to tl findings of Judgo Jessen In the l'olk Kupkccaso, and heads It "Gives l'olk Now will the editor tho Herald be so kind as copy the sections of the findings last week slssucof the Journal? The show a different face on the matter that Is among those who understand the modus operandi of letting a folio down easy. Tho News was nev known to give a fair statement in any thing It publishes, and only publlshe that of a political nature that iuIU tho ring, of which the editor Is one the members. The decision Is only m(xtli attempt of "whitewashing" we believe that Is what the principal The Right Spirit. In sending out advertising to the L 'ious newspapers of Cass county for the Street Fair and Carnival next week, the Union Ledger was the first on the list. In reply to our request to publish and send bill to this offlce the following reply was received: li. A. Bates, Ek., Plattsmouth, Neb. Iear Sir: Yturs of the 2d inst. received, in which you request the Ledger to do some advertising for your Street Fair to be held next week. You also request me to "send in bill for same." I will cheerfully comply with your first request by advertisement to ap pear iu the Ledger this week, but your request to "send bill" will have to be Ignored, for the reason that it has been paid many times in the past. I remem ber how liberal the newspapers of the county have always been in advertis ng our "Old Settlers' Rc-unlon" here each year, and this Street Fair ad. only affords the Ledger an opportunity to repay In part the generosity of Platts mouth newspapers and citizens, who have always been loyal supporters of "Union's He-unions." Yours very truly, C'HAULES L. GltAYES. "IIoo-IIoo" MI8S SUSAN IS. ANTHONY at 84, as chipper as a blackbird and merry as a cricket, says, "I may not be here when the campaign opens, but if anywhere. I shall be somewhere." This is lucid diplomatic, a little mysterious and de llghtfully non-committal. She would make an excellent secretary of state if anything should happen to John Hay Ouu republican friends insist that the scandals of this administration should have no part In next fall's cam palgn, and that the grafting, boodle snatching arraignments, indictments and convictions which have filled even conservative newspapers to overflow lug, are "ordinary incidents." Why not see what the people think about It? The republic of Panama did not re ceive that tlO.000,000 about April 1st as the Associated Press announced that It would. There are still complica Hons, law-suits, appeals, obstacles hitches, snarls, and other impedi mcnts. And now Colombia actually stands boldly up, declares that she has been plundered, and Is ready for war, Boi'ukk Cochuan made a trcmend ous sensation In congress recently by his brilliant and eloquent speech against Teddy's usurpation of legisla tlvc functions. The accidental presi dent will probably hereafter rank him with Senator Carmack, whom he not! fled that "he would sec him in h 11 before he would grant him any favors. The proposition to suspend a state from the Union on account of Its re liglon Is about as rank as anything ever heard of. But It can be done. Congress refuses to make a martyr of Senator Smoot because President Smith has six wives, President Itoose veltcangetln his patent by simply Issuing an executive order that Utah Is no longer one of the United States, Congressman Baker, of New York has a keen sense of Justice. He has made five efforts to hitch on to the ap propriation bills a provision to rclm burse the railroads of the country for the .amount they have expended In dead-heading Roosevelt and his suite The republicans do not seem to appro elate Mr. Baker's liberality. In fact they secra to resent It. They probably think that a frequent railroad train is a proper pcrqulsito of the executiv otlicc. in Recent speeches In congress, direct cd detininely and with mature consld cration at the issues of the coming campaign, disclose no sign of conflict The Intellectual party spokesmen both houses, representing all sections of the country, have given precedence In tho deliberate arguments to the same Issucsof government. They hav adaresseci themselves to the same faults of republican legislation and ad ministration. In the situation of par tics there Is not a timely or pressing issue upon which the democracy Isdi vlded. There Is every reason except the reason of Individual selfishness for a consolidation of all the elements which naturally range themselves un dor the banner of democracy. Notice of Probate of Will. n thkcoi nty coi i;rtr cass rui x- ty. Nelrl. Iu the malLTuf Hie e-.UU' f UUhU-.i:. SK li fer. UtHt'ttNU. All prison Interested In said eMail1 are hereby notified that iirllllon hi Ih-vii tntti ii shIiI iurt praying ' ' prol'.'ile 01 er ,aln luMruinriil no on Hit in uti ,vnrt pi,r :rllnf l he the hil IU unit tvMameiit of KlKMte hpt'IHtT, tltvr.iMil. klel thai li hear urn will lit1 hatl on .ml petition U-fotv uilil court on the lit li day of Juno. I'.ol. at ton o'clock a. in., mnl If you fall l upx'nr nl saltl court on the Mh day of Juno, to coi.ict the prolmte of vttu will the I'oiirt niav ailow unit prolmte saiil will and irrant tiiitulni-t ra tion thereof to llocti A. Wliriri iiliorn. or some other unliable person and proceed to a settle ment thereof. 1 Mi tod this Uli day or May. A. IV. 114. IUk ly li. Tkavh. County Jiul-'e, Seed Corn. Silver Mine seed corn for sale. This corn matures early. Made near sixty bushels per acre last year of good sound corn. D . M. louMi, j it., It. R. I). No. 1, Plattsmouth, Neb, "IIoo-IIoo" ' Or u genial andablo district Judge laul Jessen, may have some future po litical ambition that Induced him to show so much leniency towards the In stlgatorof the fraudulent transact It with the Kupke heirs, but the resul of thelasttwoclectlonsln Plattsmouth city and Cass county ought to indicate to a blind man that any attempt to palliate the cunning trick by which this smooth attorney turned these Kentucky people, Is almost suicidal to him who attempts It. Sptirgeon says: "Leniency to the bad Is unklndness to the good." The political Inlluencc of tho Polks Iu this county Is a thing of the past. It is said that Slg. and Milt made quite a team In their day when they w orked in unison to gain the same end. Slg. was a high dignitary In tho church and the other a frequenter of saloons, thus focusing two elements of society In aid of one cause. Fora time "they got thero with both feet," but political aspirants will now do well to avoid nueh Influence or meet certain defeat. "IIoo-IIoo" Plattsmouth St. Louis Millinery Company. All the newest creations In fashion able hats. We are showing daily new hats, at matchless prices. Cleanse the Streets and Alleys. I hereby request all persons to see that the streets and alleys surround ing their homes be cleansed of all rubbish and trash, and that they be kept so during the heated period. In Justice to yourselves and for tho gen eral health of the city, this should be done. IIenhy R. GEitiNa, Mayor, Paint Bargains Special. Linseed oil, raw, 45c per gallon. Linseed oil, boiled, 45c per gallon. Carter's white lead, $0.95 per lOOlbs, Southern white lead, $0.05 per 100 lbs Tatton'sSun Proof paint. $1.15 per gallon; 5 gallons or more, $1.60 pergal Turpentine, 75c per gallon. Gekinq & Co., Druggists. Whooping Cough. "In the spring of 1901 my children had whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W Capps, of Capps, Ala. "I used Cham berlain's Cough remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this is the best remedy I have ever seen for whooping cough." This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia. For sale by all druggists The Best Family Salve. DcWitt's Witch Hazel gives instant relief from Burns, cures Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abra sions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine DeWitt'i and a cure Is certain. There are many cheap counterfeits on the market, all of which arc worthless, and quite a few are dangerous, while DeWitt'i Witch Hazel Salve Is perfectly harm less and cures. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. Murray. Hpcclal Correspondent. Grant Standish left Monday for Los Angeles, Cal. Charles Schwab and wife Sundaycd with Nick Clarence and family. Hugh Robb, who for the past week has been on the sick list, Is again on duty In Otoe county. Miss Ina Davis of Union Is spend Ing the week with Miss Jessie Drost, S. U. Brcckenrldgc and wife spent Sunday with J. M. Leek anJ family. Tho Infant child of Glen Perry is reported some better. Farley Wcldy of Plattsmouth spent one afternoon here this week. The A. O. U. W. gave quite a nice little supper in the brick hall Satur day evening, which was attended by a large crowd. All report an enjoyable evening, Mrs. Jim Dames and Mrs. A. L, Baker gave a farewell danco for Miss I"aullnc Oldham Thursday evcninir. About twenty neat little Invitations were sent out, to which all promptly responded. At a late hour dainty re freshments were served and all parted wiui a reeling or regret that Miss Old ham must so soon take her departure ror lsroKeii now. Harve Manners spent ono evening mis week in umalia. John Pauley and wife spent Monday evening in I'lattsmouth. Mrs. William Brantner has sold the hotel and moved with her family to riaiismoutn. Mrs. J. M. Leek spent one day thl ween in nausmouin. F. G. Frlcke & Co. Do not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia cure to their friends and customers. Indigestion causes more health thany anything else. It deranges the stomach and brings on all manner of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dl gests what you eat, cures Indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach disorders, Kodol Is not only a perfect dlgestant, but a tissue building tonic as well. Re newed health, perfect strength and In creased vitality follow Its use. "IIoo-IIoo" P.Iks Plattsmouth Now Is tho tlino to clean house clean your system first, drive out the microbes of winter with llolllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea. It will keep you well all summer. .15 cents. Tea Notice. To Whom it Mat Comkhx: On the 3rd day of May. li4, C. A. Kaufman, guardian of Jame VV. Itrnoks. Insane, tiled his eiltlon In the futility court of Cass oounty. .Nehraska. graying me court iu ni a wine uihi pno-e ior learlnn and examination of his hual account us such guardian. Said hearing Is lived for the liali day of May, 11W4, at eleven o'clock a. in., of nald day. linled this Jril day of May. 1iM. IUiivky 11. TltAVIS. County .luiUc. Notice. To Whom it Mat Comi fiin: On the 3rd day of May. 1 C. A. Kaufman, guardian of f rnnctx vt. nriKiKs. insane, nieii ins m uuni. In tho county court of Cass county, Ni hraska, tirayliix tor the court to nx a tune ami inace for heurtinr and examination of his tlnal ac count as such guardian. raid hearing Is llxed for the llithday of May. Wot, at the county court room, at 10 o clock a. in. of said day. Dated this Jnl Uuy or .May. I'M. IIauvky li. Thavis County Judge. Probate Notice. N COUNTY CoritT, CASS COl'NTV. NIv urunnii: ill 1,110 umiiii r 01 mi- vn.n- t. . L.... I I.. I. All Mi.rKi.rei, ratsbiTuity. iion-iisi-u; mi m-i.-,,mi I-,... I I a. ......... ..... I. ....tlil..ll lunTusii'ii 111 aum i-siavi" mi' 1111, "j ii.',, that a nctlUon has Ih vii filed In said court al leging inai sain neccascii lias ten 110 inst moi and Li'sl amen I and nraviinr for iidmiiiislrat Ion 1.1 .......... .....1.1 1 -1.... iu. 1. ...1 uooil Blliil csiititi, nun mail it iii-.o iiik i imi, 11 Hiii said petition lieforu said court on the )lii uay 01 .nay, A. 11. nu-i. at nam o i-iock a. 111., that If they fail to ttp)car at said court .... U,.l,l ill. If ... lli.llli.ul II... .M.I, I I.I. III. ,111 III,, court may grunt the same and Issue letter of atiuililisirauoii to r.n.ifc i. nct-nicr, or soiut other suitahh) tiorson. anil proceed to a set tlement uicrooi. ity 1 ne court. II aiivkv 1). TltAVIS. ISoal County Judge. Notice. TN TIIK COUNTY COCK 1' OK CASS COL'X A ty, Neurasku. In tho matter of tliu estate, of Teter Peters. deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all persons Inter ested In said estate that a petiiion has In'en Hied In the count v court of Cass county. No hraska, for the probate of an Instrument pro pounded us the. last will and testament of said deceased, and that letters testamentary Issued to I'eter Oeorge Km 1 1 I'eters. If they full to anueiir on the dav hereinafter named and contest the same, letters testamentary will Ihi granted to I'eter t-eorgu Kmll I'eters or some other soil ahlu person. A hearing will lie had upon said petiiion In the county court room at I'lallsmoiitli, Ne braska, on the 4lh day of .lime, A. I'M, lit iuo ciih'K a. in. Dated this 30th day of April. V.M. llAiivtv li. 'I'UAVIM. County .ludgi Probate Notice. In tiis County OciritT. I or Cass County. Ntii. ( TN THE MATTKll OK TIIK KSTATK Oh' Norman Coon, deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons Interested in said estate thai the administrator with will annexed of said estate has Hied his Hual report anil peti tion for linal settlement of said estate in the county court of Cass county, Nebraska. A hearing will be had upon said petiiion in the county court room at I'lattsmouili. Cass county, Nebraska, on the 2.flh day of .May, A. D. 11)04, at 10 :0U o'clock a. m. Hauvky D. Thavis, Seal County Judge. Notice of Application for Liquor License. TxTOTICE IS IIERKHY GIVEN THAT ON J-' the liltli day of April, 1!4. the under signed, James Cook. Jr.. tiled with the county clerk of Cass county, Nebraska, an applica tion and petition for u license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in a certain frame building situated at Cedar Creek. In Eight Mile tinive precinct. Cass county. Ni hraska, for and during tliu period of one year after the Issuance of such license. That such license will lie requested by the undersigned at the Hrst session of the hoard of county commissioners of Cass county after the pub lication of this notice as required by the laws of the Mate of Nebraska. James Cook, .Iu.. Applicant. OOCOCOOOOCOSOSCOQCOCCC Ferry's Restaurant j gShort Order House Ncccoccoccocccoocco:coc Meals Served nt Regular Menl IIour9. Fresh Oysters Fiuh or anything in Market, g 3XKD33303XD Q GIVE US A CALL. P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, 8 MARTIN BUILDING, S North Side Main Street 8 soaosccccoooccoscoccooS sj" FORTUNE'S FAVOffs ARE OF YOUR. OWN MAKING Tlio.sO who try to win tlioni by rockiest speculation are nms't often unsuccessful. Legiti mate methods of HcquirliiK' wealth founded on the most, solid of financial principals are offered by THE PLATTSMOUTH SAVINGS BANK Bee Hive Restaurant, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OITOSITE COURT IIOUS 14. Menlri nt nil hours. Special nt tention to tho fntmor patrons. Tho tnbles nro supplied with tho best tho markets afford. JOHN COREY, Proprietor. COMPETT1 Plattsmouth Street Fair AND Carnival Week May 9tl) to 14tl) May 9trj to I4tl) And while there don't forgot that Ihc right place to make your headquarters is at 10 i ! P. PEARSON'S Ladies, for a nice Spring and Summer Suit see our Boston Botirettc. Gentlemen, we have the swcllest'linc of Hose in town. To the housewife we will say we have a stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Queens ware second to none and at prices that defy competition. During the fair we will have just what you want, a broad assertion, but come and sec for yourself. P. PEARSON'S The Sixth Street Store i ... i CANDY, NUTS IG 0) 8 8 8 m , To Cure a Cold in One Day Tflka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.? ( Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months. ThlS Signature, Cures Crip th Two Days. on cverv ynnri box. 25c. Independent Cigar FACTORYI 5c CIGAR, Cliallcnpos Compnrlson In Quality unci Workmanship. JULIUS PEPPERBURG, Manufacturer, JOHN M. LEYDA, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preparing abstracts of tit lo. conveyancing and examining titles to real estate a Hpecial ty. Work properly done and charge reason able. Olllco: lUxjms 0 and 7,- John Uund ItnlldliiK. uear Court, House, l'luUsmoulh, Nebraska. W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. PlattsmoutH, : Nebraska Plans. Phono, JOW OFFICE! W'lterman Block V Abstracts of Title V Tf?oma5 ualli. OI'KICE-Anheuscr-Bush Illock. Qlt. MA USU ALU DENTIST. All kind of Dental work. Plates made that fit. ai years ex )erlence. Price reasonable.. Work guaranteed. OI'l'ICK FlTZdEHAl.n I1I.OCK. Tki.mmionk No. 8oh47 ED. FITZGEKAID, ritOrRIETOR OF Livery, Hack and Baggage Line. MOVING VAN. Removing of Household Goods a Specialty. Also, Uonvy Draying. Kunsmann & Ramge Still load all other Meat Markets in furnisliinj; tlic people of l'latts niimtli and vicinity with First Class Meats Of Every Description. Fresh and SmoKed Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Et c REMEMBER Tlicy have removed to the lirst room west of their old stand. l'.y courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and twin many new ones. DR. J. O. BRUCE Osteopathic Physician Chronic Msetsci Spcllty Conies Illock. Moini'J-riaiid'.'X (inicelimirt I) to I'.' a. ln I lo : 11. in. ami 7 to W 11. in. by l imlnlineiil, Tclcili s, ulllco 34 1 i resld e at Perkins Hotel. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. THE GREATEST WESTERN Mill ; ORD ER HOUSE IWDEB The Reliable Store 75c heavy all linen cream - -damask 4oC 1. 00 extra heavy all lin en bleached damask 50c ready-to-use bleacned sheets 7 65c bleach ed sheets size 1 8c hem stitched pillow cases 12 1 5c pillow cases 45X36 inches 9c 1. 00 wash silks 69c 2.00 bed spreads Marseille pattern 98 3S in. all wool voiles any shade 39 Y man's silk waists 2,98 A neat calico wrap- E? 39 These prices are taken from our Sunday ad. Goods specially priced for Monday's selling. We arc always glad to give our out of town cus tomers the benefit of any special sales we may have. Wholesale Grocery Price to the Consumer 43 lb SHika Emenua'ii Bet Patent Flour $1.10 Largo tiaoks bt cormnoal. . . ,12Jc Lurgo sack (Inn buckn hat. . . ,20c 2- lh ikg uK risin; pancuke flour fo fal. cans Golilon titbit) syrup. ,13c -lb band pickod Navy beam ...10c )-lb pearl hominy 19c 0- ib pearl tu'loca l'.le 5-lb Japan rice 19c 0 bars Whlta Russian, Diamond C, Swift's Pride, or Armour' laun dry soap . ...13c Mb Hrrakfast rollod oats ISc t-ai'fs bottle fancy mUod, plain, chow-chow, eliuikini, or onion pickle Stc Large hottlo fino tomato ratstip 1- arje bottlefi plain or tuffcd olives 8ie 3- lb can Dultimore prachti 10c 90c hemstitched sheets 691 Black taffeta 27 inches wide per yard 11.25 ack taffeta 27 inches en wide Db $1.00 white honey comb spreads DO 1 2.00 rain proof covert best in . world 1.39 $16 voil skirt with drop 8.90 $2. 50 black moire 1 skirt I.UUi Women's Suits at half price and less. We received three manufacturers' stocks at a great bargain Hayden Bros. 16tkau4 DodtcSts., OMAHA, NEBRSKA. or tablets. Gering k Co. V, lawyers of riattsmouth call It.