The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 05, 1904, Image 1

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Tim Jimrni.1 m
buriiiK fir Did l t
Kwrr iVnuvrnt In Ci count?
IimiUl Pi'Hil Hi Journal, llu'only U-
K. A. KATES, Piulisiikk.
OFFICE No. 112, Sovth Sixth Stuekt
Volume XXIV
Number 19.
IllU-mUof l'llu- f
mi i
And Other Items of Interest Prepared E$-
peciatl) tor the Journal Readers.
Another hIkii there Is of spring,,
ror lit, we m tho glint
III plnrxs liere lliey mil tlie tiling
lulu duy-tlrvums of uilut.
Tragedy: Seeds, chickens, deeds,
Take a day off and come to the street
fair next week.
A woman's Idea of a man with loose
habits Is one who frequently gets tight.
Let us hope that Miss Sprint? has
bnught her trunk with her this time.
The little a man wants hero below Is
usually Just a little more than he sett.
Reware of the man with a perpetual
smile; he may belong to the hyena
Several vexing problems are nearing
solution. The high school graduates
have begun their essays.
It is said that married men make the
most satisfactory workmen; they are
used to being bossed at home.
A hypocrite wants people to think he
thinks what he doesn't think, riatts
mouth has 'em In abundance.
Girls, don't marry a handsome man
simply because ho Is handsome. Our
wife made a mistake by doing that.
Now that the ball season Is opened
one can look for a decimation in the
ranks of kind-faced old grandmothers.
An Omaha man has gone Insane from
drinking too much water. Suppose he
will be sent to Kentucky for treatment.
There seems to be a growlug belief
that a roan has a right to rob his fel
lows If he will only pay the victims a
The man who expects to get some
thing for nothing usually gets nothing
for something. It will be well to re
member this.
IVople may rnvo and blow. '
Hut you unnYrKtiinri that's no go.
Buck luxe must conio. you know,
ItecitUM) tlio "scuveiiHiT" act buys so,
A funny paragrapher says winter
took a serious relapse in April. Win
ter is now convalescent and will soon
go out of business.
It Is entirely too easy to get married
and unmarried In this great and glo
rious land of the free. But then what
are we going to do about It?
A beautiful girl Is one who Is beauti
ful and doesn't know It, says a writer;
but a girl who Is homely and doesn't
know it lias just as good a time.
'.'Can you tell me for what purpose
the Panama canal is to be used?" asked
a Plattsmouth father of his ten-year-old
son the other day. "Yes sir; cam
paign purposes." Smart kid, that.
If a man gets up in church on Sun
day, makes a long prayer asking the
Lord to forgive his sins, and the next
day beats his fellow man, what would
you call him? A scoundrel, of course.
Hastings has a woman who has been
married seven times In nine years,
while I'lattsmouth has several women
who haven't been married once In i
thirty-seven years, which is the differ
ence between the two towns.
When distress warrants are served.
Don't display your luiiiKlnary nervo
lly madness Imh-oiiiIiik a miner.
Hut rememlier who Ik to blusiu
l''or the dolnit of the. same
Tim law and not the olllcer.
"This is a great country, nine months
of winter and three months of early
fall," exclaimed a traveling man com
ing down from Omaha not long since.
Call around next July or August after
the lid Is taken off, Mr. Man, and we
will show you some hot stuff.
"Marriage," remarked one of Platts
mouth's old bachelors the other day,
"would not so often be such a dismal
failure if women would come to under
stand that there are times when a man
is excusable for coming home at two
o'clock In the morning and placing his
shoeson the center table in the parlor."
We know of an indulgent mother In
this city who sent her son out in the
garden nearly two weeks ago to plant
sweet peas, and she has been wonder
ing why the seeds haven't sprouted;
but the truth of the situation was
forcibly thrust upon her the other day
when she could not find her box of
liver pills.
These arc busy days for Treasurer
Wheeler and his deputies. Never In
the history of Cass county has so much
work been accomplished with the same
number of assistants and lnthe same
space of time as lias been done In the
county treasurer's olllce for a number
of weeks past. And there seems to be
no let up on It. '
The small boy has gotten out his
"bean sluAitcr" and Ismaklngllfc mis
erable for the song birds. These boys
do not know that It Is a Unable offense
to have a bean shooter, and perhaps
they do not know that It Is a crime to
kill certain birds. The parents' of
such boys should give them a few
wholesomo Instructsons and thereby
save trouble.
The old town was crowded with vis
itors last Saturday and business was
lively, Plattsmouth Is extending Its
trade week after week, and new buyers
could be seen our streets Saturday from
almost every section of tho county.
Square dealing, rellablo goods, cltwc
dealing and advertising Is tho Journal
Is thecausoof all this." With Its twelve
hundred subscribers tho Old Reliable
reaches overy nook and corner In Cass
'; Supnmc Court Decision.
. Tl judgment obtained in the dis
trict court by II. M. Cameron, admin
istrator of the estate of Joseph K.
Goa h, against the county of Johnson,
Is se (aside and reversed by the
uprime cou'V Gooch was driving a
tracl'lon englu. over one of the county
brld; ree, and the structure giving way
beneith him he was killed. This was
on J ly 25, 1901. Suit was brought for
5,00) damages.
The court says that the county can
not j held as Insurer of those who
have occasion 10 use its ortuges, and
that jlf there are any defects, latent In
character and not discoverable from
the c'dl nary tests and examinations,
and If the county is not negligent In
that Regard, It is not liable. The court
hold, also that the lower court erred
in instructing the jury as to what the
plaintiff was entitled to recover for, In
not stating that no damages wouln be
allowed for the bereavement, the loss
of thfl society of deceased and for the
mental anguish of his family, these
not being proper elements of damage.
Parmele Brothers of This City Pay $50,
i 000 for the Property.
A special dispatch to thcWorld-IIer-ald
from Louisville, under date of May
1, says:
"The big Holdrege ranch of 800 acres,
one mile east of here, changed hands
Saturday, tfie purchaser being Thomas
E. Tarmele of riattsmouth. The con
sideration is said to have been $50,000.
The sale includes the old Stout house,
or castle, built years ago by "Ross"
Stout for housing convict laborers who
worked in the stone quarries along the
Platte, river.
"It is said that Mr. Tarmcle will sell
the bouse, with about five acres of
land, to the National Swedish Mission
association for $10,000, to be used as a
training school for clergymen. To help
out the mission in the purchase the
town of Louisville will donate $2,000 to
the association.
"Tho Holdrege ranch has been im
proved by Mr. Iloldregc, general man
ager of the Rurllngton railroad, until
it is one of the finest ranches in Ne
braska. Enormous hog and cattle
barns have been built regardless1 of ex
pense iind everything that is required
for an up-to-date ranch has been put
on the place. Whether Mr. Parmele
will preserve the big ranch Intact or
sell It is not now known."
The name of C. C. Parmele should
have appeared in the above, as he is
associated with his brother, T. E., in
the deal.
" Coming to Town.
Our old friend Jacob Tritsch, one of
the best citizens that the Lord ever
put breath in, was In town Saturday.
Mr. Tritsch expects to retire from farm
life in ' the near future and become a
citizen of riattsmouth, having pur
chased1 the Henry Miller property In
the Second ward, the price being $1,-
600. riattsmouth bids wclc ome to all
such citizens as Mr. Tritsch and family.
L Rural Mall Boxes.
A subscriber writes to know whether
or not he has the right to erect aruial
mall box of his own make. A patron
has no such right under the law. All
mall boxeserected by Individuals must
first be approved by the government.
The rules and regulations prescribe the
kind of a box that must be used. A
carrier is not obliged to serve patrons
who have no regulation mall box.
How Ready for Business.
, M. Archer, attorney at law and Jus
tice of the peace. OMlce in tho Wet
tencamp block, on the second floor, on
the east side. All legal business will
receive prompt attention. Houses to
rent and sell. Collections without
suit a specialty. Marriage ceremonies
performed, and a nice ccrtillcate will
be given free. If you want to make
your will give me a call. Deeds and
mortgages made out and acknowl
edged. Office hours from 8:00 to 12:00
a. m. and from 1:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to
8:00 p. in.
" ':or two years I suffered ter
ribly from dyspepsia, with great
depr tion, and was always feeling
poor )T. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa
paril a, and In one week I was a
new man." John McDonald,
""tton't forget that' it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
thai will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your, time and money by
tryiig some other kind.
Ust the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa-
rillj II II kotllt. AlUmiiliH.
A mr doctor wi,i ,. ttiinkt A?r't
Nana, trill, lit kuawt all abnil llili iiranit
14 li ill? IMMlIrm, fulls bit ad? let aud
carta co . Iwii. Mil
Chester Deles Dernier, Son of Hon. Wil
liam Deles Dernier. Is Relieved.
Judge Chapman received a teleohone
message from lion William Deles Der
nier of Elmwood, Monday, stating that
ins son Chester had been discharged
from further duty in the U. S. navy;
tnat he had Just received word to this
effect direct from the authorities at
Washington. This is a matter wherein
young Deles Dernier joined the navy
at a recruiting station on the Pacific
coast. He was several years underage,
and said that the recruiting otticer
made it appear that he was of the
proper age to enlist.
The particulars in the case arc about
as follows: Chester was attending the
university at Lincoln, and he together
with several youni: men who were also
attending that institution, took a no
tion that they wanted to see more of
the world, and followed the star of em
pire In Its westward course towards
the sun-kissed wavesof.the blue Paclile.
When they arrived at their destina
tion they came to the conclusion that
California was not so "golden" in op
portunities as some people imagined.
Atoneof the points where young Deles
Dernier stopped was a recruiting sta
tion for the navy with a sergeant In
charge. The young man paid a visit
to these quarters, and the officer In
charge mado the pathway of the aver
age sailor so rosy that he was Induced
to enlist. He told him what a briclit
future there was for the young men of
this day who went Into the army or
navy of the United States. In fact It
mattered but little to him what he
told the Innocent youth, so that lie ob
tained enough recruits to make his
own position more elevated.
After a while young Deles Dernier.
getting weary of his Job, and longing
to visit the scenes of his homo, there
to be welcomed by a kind and indul
gent father and a loving mother such
visions haunting him In his slumbers
he made up his mind that "there's
no place like home," and for that
hearthstone he lit out without the con
sent of his superiors In rank. When
he arrived at home his father, fearing
the consequences of this act of hisson.
and with that fatherly love that usu
ally throbs In the breast of all affec
tionate fathers, set about to have the
boy relieved from further service and
also restored to honorable manhood.
After several attempts In this direc
tion, Mr. Deles Dernier and Judge S.
M. Chapman proceeded to Washington
a week or two ago In behalf of the boy,
and the above Is the result of their
The Journal is more than pleased to
note the release of young Deles Dernier
for manv reasons, the Drlnelnal nnnhp.
'g that It will relieve the father and
moiner or many a heartache. liesides
it will serve not only as a lesson to
Chester, but also toother boys who are
so eager to leave the comforts of the
home fireside, and a kind mother to
look after your many wants and soothe
them In their ailing moments. In
leaving home the boy, or even the
young man, who goes out into the
world to do for himself should, and
many no doubt do remember many
times over the words, "Let it be ever
so humble there's no place like home."
"Commodore" Matt Gerlng.
Speaking of Attorney Matt Gerlng.
who recently visited that city, the Ne
braska City News says:
"The construction of a llotilla here
has attracted considerable attention
all along the river, and particularly in
riattsmouth. where Commodore Matt
Gerlng has a vessel that he thinks will
float, and until his visit hero was of
the opinion that It was equal to any
boat on the river. While In the citv
yesterday he surreptitiously Investi
gated the boat, and being detected in
his actadmitted that it promised to be
the finest craft on the river. On being
Informed that it was to carrv cruns of
sixteen inch size and the Hrst attack
was to be made on the boat at I'latts
mouth, Matt threw ud both hands.
surrendered and as an Indemnity of
fered three cases of Missouri river wa
ter. His oiler was not accepted, but
may be changed so as to call for the
actual expenses of going from here to
riattsmouth and return.
"If the Jealousy existing between
the two Missouri river fleets can be
burled, there may be several pleasant
visits this summer. It mav be that the
Plattsmouth club will be Invited to the
launching of this now celebrated boat."
J. G. Koct) Entertains.
J. (1. Koch, leader of the Presbyter
ian churchcholr, entertained the mem
bers of the choir and a few others who
were not members, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry lioeeklast Thursday
night. A most delicious threo course
luncheon was served. The evening
was very pleasantly spent. Those who
enjoyed the hospitalities of Mr. Koch
were Mcsdames L. K. Hassc, C. D.
hads, James Donnelly. O. L. Farlev:
Misses Kdna Marshall. Dora Swearln-
gen, Lucllo Hates, Olga Hajck, Verna
Cole; and Messrs. M. W. Twltchcll II.
A. McKlwaln, It. W. Whlto and O. L.
IJcst Time on Earth
Plenty of Work.
Evidently County Treasurer Wheeler
and his deputies have their hands full,
and a short visit to the treasurer's of
fice will convince most any one of this
fact. They are as busy as bees among
the honey-suckles, and have been for
several months past. Not only that,
but the enforcement of the scavenger
act of the revenue law will make them
double work for some time to come.
Already many thousands of dollars of
back taxes have been paid in the past
two weeks, and the enforcement of this
act will bring many back tax shirkers
to time. The extra work occasioned
is Immense, but Billy Wheeler and his
efticlent assistants will prove equal to
the emergency. It will take time, but
you may bet your bottom dollar the
work will be done right to tho end.
Ceremony Takes Place at German Lutheran
Church South of Louisville.
One of the Journal's old farmer
friends, In the person of Stephen Jo-
chlm, was In the city Monday and called
at these headquarters to make himself
solid for another year's reading of this
paper. Week before last we made
mention of the fact that August Stohl
man and Miss Louise Jochim had been
granted a license to marry, but we did
not know at the time the date the
happy event was to occur. So while
here Mr. Jochim gave us a brief syn
opsis of the affair.
The ceremony was performed at the
German Lutheran church on Wednes
day, April 27, 1001, south of Louisville,
In the presenceof relatives and invited
guests, by the Rev. Jung, pastor there
of. After the nuptial knot was tied a
wedding.rcception and feast -of good
things was given at the- home of the
bride's parents, in which about four
hundred relatives and Invited guests
participated. The occasion for rejoic
ing was enlivened by some excellent
music, furnished by the Louisville.or-
The bride and groom are among the
most highly respected young people In
Cass county, and in honor of the happy
event and as tokens of esteem the
happy couple were the recipients of
many handsome, useful and .valuable
presents. ' -. ' " t'
Mr. and Mrs. Stohlman departed Fri
day morning for St. Louis., wliere thev
expectr'to spend a week or ten daysTTT
viewing the sights of the World's fair.
Again the Journal wishes them long
life and plenty of happiness.
Reads Like a Romance.
Four years ago a young man namc3
Herman Engelkemeicr disappeared
from his home in Germany. Much
mystery was attached to the case, as
only a short time before announcement
had been made of his approaching mar
riage to the daughter of a wealthy
merchant. Several theories were ad
vanced at the time as to the cause of
his sudden disappearance, one being
that he sought to escape the military
duties Imposed upon all able bodied
young men by the German government.
Another theory hinted at foul plav.
The young man has relatives in Cass
county and at the time of his disap
pearance they were advised of the fact,
and requested by the relatives In the
old country to report to them should
any trace of tho missing man be found
A few days ago a newspaper account of
a railroad accident in Chicago con
tained the name of Henry Engelke
meler among the list of seriously in
jured and this, together with other
statements made by the Injured man
in the presence of tho haspital physi
cian, has caused the young man's rela
tives in this county to believe that
they have found a valuable clue which
may solve the mystery. Letters have
been forwarded to Engelkemcier, ad
dressed In the care of the Chicago hos
pital authorities.
Was He a Gentleman?
A certain editor In this county re
ceived through the postolllce the other
clay a circular Illustrating matters of
a local nature, andof which the sender
did not possess manhood sufficient to
goto thecditorand talk to him in per
son. The man who Is guilty of send
ing such literature through the mails
Is guilty of crime, punishable by heavy
line and Imprisonment. Besides, he
displays himself as a cowardly sneak,
and one that would not hesitate to
stab a person In the back.
Teach Tljem a Lesson.
The time of year Is approaching when
some over-cntliuslastlc road worker
gets Into the roadway to scour hlsplow.
Such men know the least about road
working of anybody, and they should
be looked after by the grand Jury. One
lesson of this kind will teach them to
take propcrcare.of their plows another
year. We want no road working of
this character.
Mrs. J. Benson, 210 S. 16th, Omaha.
Silk and lisle gloves. Black, white,
tan, mode and gray, floe, ",jc, (1 In
silk gloves. Lisle gloves, same colors,
50c and ."ic. New shades In kid gloves,
II and up. See our new styles la cm
broideries, edgci aud ioscrttou,
mm 'r
&f4 hWv
V .V'
0 The $6.50 is rather dark In a stripe
The $7.50
The $8.50 Is what Is known as
We consider them very strong when quality and
Of course, you are coming to the Street Fair.
K see them at that time.
g The Leading
Very Flattering for Crops of All Kinds,
Including Various Fruits.
Lowtcmperatures continued the first
two days of the week, followed by tem
peratures about or slightly above nor
mal. The mean -daily temperature
averaged 2 -degrees above 'normal In
western counties and 2 degrees below
in' eastern..1' ;';
The ralnfaU'was confined to light
showers, occurring principally in the
western counties.
The warm weather following the
general rains of last week lias been
very beneficial to all crops, although
all vegetation is still very much less
advanced than It usually U the first of
May. Winter wheat has grown well
and Improved decidedly in condition
In western counties. Oats are coming
up, with a few reports of a thin stand.
Grass has grown slowly, but in partsof
the state cattle obtain a living In the
pastures. Plowing for corn lias pro
gressed rapidly and is now well ad
vanced; corn planting is Just commenc
ing in nearly all counties. Apricot,
plum and cherry trees are In bloom in
southern counties, while apricot and
plum trees are just coming Into bloom
In central counties.
Teachers Are Selected.
At the regular meeting of the board
of education Monday evening the same
was reorganized by the election of the
following odlccrs:
I). C. Morgan, president.
George Dodge, vice president.
John I'carce, secretary.
After the election of the above olll
cers and the transaction of other Im
portant business, the following teach
ers were selected for the ensuingschool
term: Olive Gass, May Powell, Anettc
Sprung, Eleanor Wirt, Grace Mont
gomery, Verna .Cole, Myrtle Lcvings,
Bertha Kennedy, Margaret Farley,
Laura Kinkead, Ella IlulTner, Delia
Tartsch, Emma Edwards, Mrs. Mac
Morgan, Emma Trcsham, Euna Towle,
Maude Mason, Mrs. A. E. Uartlett,
Mary Tiility, Nettle Hawksworth,
Nellie Whalen, Mabel Hayes, Iiirdella
Smith, Lctta Smith, Mrs. Mattie Wil
liams and Ilattlo Fight. Three of the
present corps of teachers were not ap
aplicants, and their places were sup
plied by Mrs. Mae Morgan, Misses
l ight and Cole, all of whom arc said
to be well fitted for the positions for
which they have been selected.
The Mystery Cleared.
The mystery surrounding the Iden
tity of "Jack the Hugger" has been
cleared away by the arrest of Samuel
Mace, upon a complaint filed by Wil
liam Hudig, the father of the girl. In
police court ,Iudh'e Weber decided that
It was certainly worth the sum of II
and costs to have the pleasure of meet
ing a handsome young lady on the
streets of Plattsmouth and embracing
her, even though It was without her
- Ladles, Attention!
Wcarcshowlnga magnificent line of
pattern hats, and exclusive styles, at
prices always the lowest.
St. Lons Min.iXKitY Co.
"lloo-IIoy75 "
' V-t .-V I
Our Latest Suit 8
' T
We have three lines of Suits that should Q
please most anybody when it conies to a suit'
for knockabout purposes. They are all wor-' O
steds, and range in prices as follows: . V
$.5Q $.50
Is a stripe somewhat lighter In color q
Clothier ' Plattsmouth, Neb. g
Who Is the Busy-Body? .
The busy-body is the man who has
no business of his own, and to get busy
he sticks his long nose into the busi
ness of other people. Ho goes about
trying to regulate tho community .in
accordance with hlsown narrow-minded
way. He finds fault with matter?
that in no way concern him Ilut'in
order to get busy he thrusts his long
nose right Into the affairs of other. PQO-.
pie u'pto Ids eyes. , He goes about re
tailjngfalsohoods about his neighbors
and sets them upon each' other. That
gives him a job. He runs from one
side to the other with news and sug
gestions and then goes outside and en
larges the situation In order to create
prejudice. The more deviltry he can
stir up the happier he feels. It Is part
of his self-appointed job. He likes to
get busy along this line of work be
cause he has no other work to do, and
wouldn't accept a different Job at
double the pay. The busy-body is
found In every community. He fills a
place that no self-respecting man
wants. He is selfish. He doesn't want
any man to act on any matter without
first consulting him. Rut should he
be Indiscreet enough to act from his
own free will, the busy-body will at
once get busy In the endeavor to do
him all the Injury he can. There Is
one good thing to be said of the busy
body, he never stays long at one place.
His vile tongue and long nose soon of
fend decency and ostracism follows.
He then packs up and moves In on an
unsuspecting 'people and gej.s busy at
his old trade until public sentiment
drives him out. The busy-body and
the polecat make fit com panlons-their
smell Is the same.
A Cure for Piles.
"I had a bad case of piles," says G.
F. Carter of Atlanta, Ga., "and con
sulted a physician who advised me to
try a box cf DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. I purchased a box and was en
tirely cured. It is splendid for piles,
giving relief Instantly, and I heartily
recommend It to all sufferers." De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled
for Its healing qualities. Eczema and
other skin diseases, also sores, cuts,
burns and wounds of every kind are
quickly cured by It. Sold by F. G.
Frcke & Co.
Fa! tine Rothley Killed.
Faltlne. Rothley, a former Platts
mouth citizen, and at one time an em
ploye of the II. Si M. shops In tblsclty,
was killed In South Omaha Monday
evening by being caught undera string
of cars. For several years past he has
been In the cmpky or one of the South
Omaha packinghouses. Four months
ago )ils wife died very suddenly, and
by his death three orphan children arc
left. The eldest Is a girl of seven years,
who U now making her home In this
city with Mr. and Mm. George Craig.
Ladles and Children
who cannot stand the shocking strain
of laxative syrups and cathartic pills
arc especially fond of Little Early His
crs. All icrsons who find It necessary
to take a liver medicine should try
these easy pills, and compare the agree
ably pleasant and strengthening effect
with the nauseating and weakening
conditions following the use of other
remedies. Little Early KlM-rs cure bil
iousness, constipation, sick headache,
Jaundice, malaria and liver troubles.
Suld by F, o, Frickg &
... . r . :. 4
a pepper-and salt
price are considered.
You can come in and
Who Is the Benificlary?..
Most of the readers of the Journal
will perhaps remember the circum
stances which caused the death of An
tone Nebfcsta nearly otiey'earagoVt'hati-
!.ii..,. n.'.,f. .l.-1i.'....' Vto
ui idling Buiimui LiM-ii wum uiiiciten, .
..Tin; ,,i.,i.i..'i '! i r . ........
meinoerin goon -standing of thpSu--.
preme Court of IIouoV a fraternal. aud .
wueuciary insurance oraer. wniuicap
quarter" somewhere in ; Jlririols," in
which lie Hold apolicy furLQOO, "pay-t .
fc'l.lV - t. f. !..'. 1 .. l. T.I ...
iiuit: uu jiik (MMi.iLin imp .innn .4i'nnnrrr
a cousin of the deceased. , V hat'sce'roa, :
strange In the matter Is that the de
ceased failed to mention either his par
ents oT brothers and sister, of which
there were four boys and one girl, at
the time he obtafned said policy. Now
comes forth the parents, brothers and
sisters-Mr. and Mrs. John Sebesta,
Thomas Frank, August, Joseph and
Catherine Sebesta with the claim
that they have a better right to
the 1,000 than Schacfer, In the fact
that the principal clause In the policy
says that only a blood relation can
claim any part of the Insurance. So
far the company has refused to pay the
claim to any one, and the parents and
brothers and sister of deceased have
commenced suit In the district to re
cover the amount.
For Sale!
Five splendid Cass county farms,
ranging in price from $.")5 to JC3 per
acre; twenty line farmsin Jasper coun
ty, Missouri, at from f:!0 to U: ner
acre.. These arc money makers. Farms
In twenty-five counties In Nebraska at
rrom 9h to $.".0 per acre. Write and
tell us what you want and we will send
particulars. Fifteen cottages In Platts
mouth for sale at a bargain, and on fa
vorable terms. P.efore purchasing
elsewhere call "and examine our list.
We also have a numbcrof parties w ish
ing to exchange real estate for stocks
of merchandise. If you wish to buy
or sell, or exchange cither real real es
tate or personal property, call at our
olllce in Coates block, or write us in de
tail. It. H. Winmian, Agent,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Painting, decorating and sign writ
ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders
at Frlcke's drugstore.
AtIltlmei. 5.
In lUcasoat. . ll
No matter who you r .'-( .'I 111
or wliert you ir ( ;(,V I 1
Gund's I' jL
) Peerless V i
tBccr . V J
'11 1 enjoyed andl j
ilrtxrwHr thofumnui 5
iiinj l'rmi wvlr i JL
dm n:oH i'notlii 5fV
roliilllliina nf rkMilf. IJ STk
fill rnM Inifxniil tjf wil- r
I Aok Your DUr
-' r '