The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1904, Image 5

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s Rugs - Rugs
Another ten-dozen lot of Velvet and Moqucttc Rugs
anu one-na t vnnk nr nt
j . -j ..,
Kemnants of Carpets and Mattings at Half Price
Bargains in Lace Curtains, from 98c up to $2.9$
Ladies' Shoes from
Children's Shoes .at 48c,
48c to $1.48
69c, 75c and S9c
$1.00 Corsets at ....50c
$1.50 Corsets at 75c
Our Sale of Summer Underwear
Is still going on. Don't forget we sell the Defender Brand, the
kind you read about in the magazines.
Six days of Fun.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Itcad Uayden Bro's ad in this paper.
Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald
l'uter. The Poll Horse. A Little
T. II. Pollock was a business visitor
to Lincoln Friday.
William Stotler of Union was in the
city on business Friday.
J. CVSpangler of Louisville was a
business visitor last Thursday.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Offlcc with Dr. E. D. Cummins.
District Clerk Robertson went to
Franklin, Neb., on a business trip Fri
day. Wasted A few steers and horses
to pasture. J . It. Vallcry, E ight Mile
Fred Egenbergcr nude a business
trip to the west part of the state the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ithoden of Eight
Mile Grove, were county seat visitors
Saturday. They arc most excellent
The name that means quality isFat
, f ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Gerlng & Co.
Goes further, looks better and lasts
longer. Patton's Sun Proof Paint,
tiering & Co. agents.
It costs a little more but is by far
the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint.
Gerlng & Co., sole agents.
A. B. Todd, who was out In the Big:
Horn Basin country on business for two
weeks, returned last week.
Otto Becker was down from Louis
ville last Thursday, and was a business
caller at Journal headquarters.
La Book, Omaha's leading constum
cr. Ladles tailored gowns and shirt
waist suits. 513, Karbach block.
For sale one good, high-grade, rubber-tired
top buggy and single harneu
-good as new. Ahtiiih Heli.
Mrs. George W. Glliuan and daugh
ter were visiting the family of John
Gllman In Nebraska City the past
Tlio best physic: Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Ky to
take; pleasant In effect. For sale by
all druggists.
St. Louis Millinery company, atSny
,lnr'o In.inlrC ntdTO. Oil Sale all tllC
high class Easter hats at halt price,
Seeing Is believing.
For sale-cood olght-room modern
residence, (new) situated In ono of the
most desirable locations In the city of
l'lattsmouth. Authik Helps,
miuo Luti of the B. & M. blacksmith
shop, met with an accident to ono of
ills feet last Friday, which necessitated
, an enforced lay-olT.
Thomas Keckler and Charles F. Lau
were here from Manley Saturday.
Hats trimmed free of charge. St.
Louis Millinery company. That's all.
Get off the earth by taking a ride In
the Ferris Wheel. Free Street Fair
and Spring Festival.
John Lohnes and his son, J. G., of
Cedar Creek, were callers at demo
cratic headquarters yesterday.
C. E. Tellt, tho Weeping Water at
torney, was a business visitor at the
county judge's olricc Saturday.
W. A. Ilaynes, a capitalist of Chi
cago, was visiting his cousin, A. W
Atwood and other relatives in this city
Miss Blanche Sullivan of riatts
mouth, who was In the city on a visit
with friends, returned home Saturday
evening. Nebraska City News.
Thomas Keckler recently purchased
three acres of land of Joseph A. Con
nor, east of the Missouri Pacific rlght
of way in Manley, for which he paid
rUcrd From.
About die yearagoau old gentleman
sited thii city, claiming to reveal
hidden mysteries, and to receive mes
sages from t!:ose lot'g since paeuorr
the great beyond. Several years ago
Henry Yailery joined the great maws
ho went to the klomlueiosec meir
irtunes. For several years his friends
could get no news from him, and they
had given him up for dead. Due or ins
brothers visited this mysterious oiu
man at the Kiley hotel, and he revealed
to him the fact that his brother was
alive and well, and that he was then
ivinir In Dawson, Yukon territory. A
letter to the postmaster brought forth
the facts Just as revealed by the mail.
Thn Journal has iu Us possession a
copy of the Dawson Daily World, from
which we clip an Hem in reierence 10
Henry Yailery, whom his relations sup-
nosed was dead. The paper was sent
to George W. Snyder oy nenry, ana is
dated April 1, 1W4:
'John F. Balrd and Henry allery
loft with a blir outfit or rreignt lor
Fairbanks yesterday. They are tak
Inir In about 1.000 pounds of various
supplies much needed In Tanana. The
trip is being made witu Tour sicigns,
drawn by fifteen dogs. Two drivers
are accompanying Messrs. Baird and
"Baird and Yailery expect to make
the trip In about fifteen days. They
will Drobably remain in the Tanana
country for some time."
Not how cheap but how good. Pat
toon's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Gering & Co.
Lorenz Bros, have just placed in
their butcher department the linest
refrigerator In tho city. It holds
about six tons of ice and cast the boys
near five hundred dollars.
Julius Krecklow recently sold to
George and Frederick Stohlman an
eighty acre tract of land for $ii, 00.
The land joins Manley on the nor tb,
and Is very desirable property.
A social will be given at Eight MI 1c
Grove school house on Saturday even
ing, April 30. Everybody invited. The
ladies are requested to bring baskets.
Rilljl Holleniieck, Teacher.
F. G. Simmons of Seward, Neb., D.
G. M. W. of the A. O. U. W.,was here
Tuesday In the Interests of thcorderhe
represents. Mr. Simmons is a former
newspapetr man, and we were pleased
to meet him.
Now Is the time to clean house-
clean your system first, drive out the
microbes of winter with Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. It will keep
you well all summer. 3 cents,
or tablets. Gerlng & Co.
A deal was consummated last Satur
day whereby tho riattsmouth lele-
phone company becomes the owner of
the South Omaha Independent line.
This will prove most satisfactory to
those interested in tho Plattsmouth
system, and will increase the value of
the Plattsmouth Telephone company's
property to a considerable extent.
Dr. T. J. Todd came In Monday even
ing, after a tour of Inspection of vari
ous places to locate, and has finally de
cided to locate at Sedalla, Mo., for
which city he took his departure yes
terday. Dr. Todd Is a young man of
excellent qualities, and a Hue dentist,
and the Journal wls'ieshlm unbounded
success In his. new home.
Gus Lehnholl was down from Louis,
vllle on business Friday.
Don't foriret to visit the Electric
Theatre. Free Street Fair and spring
Festival. I
All the newest fashionable untrim
med hats, at matchless prices. The
St. Louis Millinery company.
Rt. Rev. A. L. Williams, co-ad justor
Bishop of tho diocese of Nebraska.will
preach at St. Luke's church Sunday
evening, at 7:30 o'clock. All arc wel
come. Mrs. A. W. Atwood, Mrs. Isabel
Rlchey and Mrs. L. A. Moore and
daughter, enjoyed the interesting en
tertainment given in Omaha Tuesday
evening by the Dixie club.
Tho Nebraska City News says that
"John W.Stcinhart has been appoint
ed guardian of MlssIIallie Bruce, who
is heir to part of an estate in Cass
H. Spangler, one of Cass county's
most enterprising farmers, called Sat
urday and extended his subscription to
the Jou rnal one year ahead. M r. S pang
lcr Is one of our most prompt paying
W. S. Leyda and family of Falls City,
Neb., spent Sunday in this city with
his brother, J. M. Leyda and family.
Mr. Leyda Is u manufacturer of cigars
at Falls City, and was recently mayor
of that city.
Now is the time to take a spring
tonic to purify the blood, cleanse the
liver and kidneys of all Impurities
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do the business. 35 cents. Tea or
tablets. Gering & Co.
Mrs. W. E. Coolidge and children,
of Central City, South Dakota, ar
rived in Plattsmouth Monday night
for a visit with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs! Washington Smith. Mr.
Smith met them at Omaha.
Our democratic friend, Nick Moore,
of Murdock, was here yesterday, and
of course could not resist the tempta
tion of calling at democratic headquar
ters. That's right air. Moore, ior you
Notice of Application for Liquor
the Will my ul April, inn. urn miner
s Cmik, Jr.. tiled Willi l!ie eimnn
b ,',f n,M emiiiiv. Nelmtskii. mi untillm
linn unci IK-lltklll for II liCellSU to Hl'll limit,
Kiilrltuous mill vinous liquors In 11 eertul
KmIIiIIml' hIIuiiUmI nt tVdur Creek. I
KlKlit Mile lirnvn preclm't, Cush enmity. Ntv
hniskll. for ttllll minim me r iiwuu
lifter tlio Hsimneu of mirli lieense. 'I hut sue
n....t.i w ite remiesieu uv me unm-num"
nt. the llrst session of tlio Ixiiird of count
of Cuss county lifter the) mil
it y urt
llcutlon of this notice us niulrc(i
of the Stiite ol icnrus o,.
Iamks Cook, .lit.. Applicant
At the Old Stand
You will always find the
Choicest Fruits
Fine Confections
And the most delicious
Which he Is prepared to furnish In
any quantity for. family use
or social gatherings.
511 Main Street
SvUI Ciirrviiid'iil.
The school here dox-d Friday with
a nice little program.
John Laudermilk spent Tuesday of
this week in Omaha.
Homer Miller and his best girl drove
over to I n ton to the aance given ny
Miss Hopping Friday night.
Mr. Ai Kennedy, who has been on
the sick list for the last two weeks, Is
thought to be some better.
Mrs. James Larkigs spent one after
noon this week in Plattsmouth
A young man in our vicinity wore a
long face Saturday. This young man
had planued a visit to Talntr, Iowa
and It rained -but there Is another
Saturday coming.
Noel Manners of Alvo Is here visit
Ing his brothers.
Mrs. Mary Young is spending the
week with her daughter, Mrs. Meek
Davis, west of town.
A. L. Baker was an Omaha passen
ger Saturdaj.
Albert Young left for Wyoming
this week.
Bob McClannahan spent Sunday
evening In Omaha.
Miss Iieisley of Omaha Is the guest
of Miss Farley Mateer.
Miss Agnes Kennedy Is the possess
of a beautiful new piano.
Mrs. James Allison and daughters
entertained at dinner last Sunday, Mr
and Mrs. W. S. Smith, Fleming and
Gussie Robb and Charles S. Stone.
Ed Parrott of Peru, and deputy
grand master workman for the An
cient Order United Workmen, Is In
town this week in the Interest of the
Dr. B. F. Brendcll is having a hand
some residence erected on his property
east of his otllce. When completed the
doctor will have one of the most com
modious homes In Cass county. J. A.
Shaw, the natural born mechanic, and
his worthy assistant, Beo Beiger, arc
doing the work.
George E. Bcrgcr, Postmaster A. L.
Baker and our worthy harness maker,
Nick Kalurens, were transacting bus
iness In Omaha last Saturday.
The dance given in the Manners &
Loughridge hall last Saturday night
was very well attended, considering
the Inclemency of the weather.
Dr. R. L. Newell, the dentist of Un
ion, was attending to professional bus
iness In town Tuesday and Wednesday
The doctor has made arrangements to
visit Murray every Tuesday of each
Charles S. Stone, A. L. Baker, F. W
Robb, Homer E. Miller, J. W. Holmes,
Carrie Allison, Gussie Robb, Mrs. J. W
Holmes, Mrs. A. L. Baker and Lizzie
Edmunds attended Miss Hopping's
dance in Union last Friday evening
All report a very pleasant and social
II. C. Long has been laid up with the
rheumatism for about three weeks,
His many friends will be glad to know
that he is improving, as Henry is
greatly missed from his usual visits to
R. M. Shradcr and wife drove to
Plattsmouth Tuesday to do some trad
ing. Fleming Robb went to Wyoming
Tuesday to try his hand at farming for
a while.
. -:r c. . v. i Vs
I - i . W t 1TIV IB if? l
I "--J i' r ill'
That Has
That is tho kind wo linve,
Not only now but all limes.
lWf tlint lias been pro
duced from rich, 8wot
country r,lrt3 nud fine
nourishing com. It lius the flavor that is so highly npire
ciiUodby thosj' who know what k:kx1 meet is. It id tender,
juicy and delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting.
Our prices invite purchases. Also boar in mind that our
is up-to-dato nnd that tho quality of our goods cannot bo
surpassed nor our prices cannot be boat. We divide- our
profits with our customers, because- we give thorn tho best
goods for the same money that you have to pav for poorer
quality. Don't bo backward, but give us n trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office Plattsmouth, Neb.
Bottled in donu.
Zbc JScst Wlbteh?
io tbc Cbcnpcot
tn tbc nt!
i IKilMIIU..
Toor Whisky ia not only dis
Hgfeeablo to taste, but undoubted-
lu ini'nriniiR in t hf Rtoillfich. A lit-
tlo good Whisky is a tine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in
ctnnon. will do vou iust as much
good as a doctor's prescription,
you don't know how good it
como in and try it.
Tea i ir,UIUr v urn alwavs clad to see vou.
A. C Loder of Greenwood, one of
the prominent democratsof the county,
was here on business Monday. Mr. Lo
der served as county commissioner for
two terms, during which time he mhde
many friends who are always pleased
to meet him
0,. V. Vallcrv. who went to Omaha
several weeks ago and was operated
upon at one of the hospitals for appen
dlcltls, returned home Saturday. The
Journal is pleased to learn that he is
gradually Improving, and will sooonbe
lils former self.
The Journal last week, from over
sight, neglected to mention the return
of Henry Donat from his Oregan trip,
While absent Mr. Donat disposed of
several farms to eastern parties seek
ing homes In Oregon. He contcm
plates taking another party of home
seekers to that country again soon
11. L. Kirkham, a Plattsmouth boy
and one of the publishers of the Belle
Fourche, (S. D.) Northwest Post, was
ivccnllv re-elected a member of the
board of education of that place.
Rush Fellows was also a candidate for
millco iudce. but was defeated. This
would indicate that the people out
there thought one otllce In the family
was sullkicnt.
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble. vMicn the stomacn
f.illj to ncrform Its functions the
bowels become deranged, the liver and
kidneys congested, causing numerous
diseases, the most fatal of which are
painless and therefore the more to he
dreaded. The Important thing is to
iwitnrn the stomach and liver to a
riiealthy condition, and for this pur
pose no better preparation can be used
thanChamberlaln'sStomach and Liver
Tablets. For sale by all druggists,
Is a weighty one, but we solved it fifteen years ago. We
have been sole agents ever since for
Sherwin-Williams Paints
and -r
Heedh & Milligan Paints
Your neighbor has used either one'of them ask him about
them. Our Barn Paint can't be beat.
F. 6. FRICKE & CO.
Ira? A
1-1 13 S TT 7"V!
A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and
olnssv and orevents solittine at the ends. Cures dandruff and
always reaiurca uuim Kia7 r mmw..
Plow Shoes
Genuine M ilwaukcc Oil Grain ( not cow
hide) the kind that wear ann
won't fall to pieces inc nrsi i n
time they get wet... I,,u
Arc you looking for a good wide seam
less dirt excluder, single sum .n rn
In a leather that won't get Sil Rfl
hard. We've gofcm v.iw
Sherwood & Son
CiUckcnhclmcriRye, per gallon . ,
Yellowstone, " "
Honey Dew, " "
Big Horn, " "
.11 00
. 4 00
. 3 00
. 2 00
Don't allow money to lio around.
is easier to spend it ana easier
to lose It.
b5 keeping It In a safe place such as
TheBanH of Cass County
Cleanse the Streets and Alleys.
I hereby request all persons to sec
that the streets and alleys surround
Itiir their homes be cleansed of all You can ulve a check for any part ol
rubbish and trash, and that they bo It at any time and so have u receipt
L.n .n rlnrlmr the iiPltnd nprlwl 111 or r!l''m,,lt W'tllOUt BSKIIIg lor OIIC.
kept so during the heated period, in hcn you havc ft Unk um,unt y
cral health of the city, this should bo
douc. lltM'X l, Uuiusy, Mayor,
What Is the Matter?
Few years ago you could eat and
drink all' you wanted, everything
seemed to do you good. ow you
havc to be careful. Vou can not eat
what you like nor as much as you like.
SHU you arc troubled with constipa
tion, indigestion and general weak
ness. What Is the matter? Your
stomach Is too weak, it has no power
to secrete cnoimh Juice, to assist In
the digestive process In consequence
your mood is ihicmy impure, siowiy
circulating. Triner's American Elixir
of Hitter Wine in such cases is the
only remedy, because it works on the
stomach directly, regulates the secre
tions and strengthens the muscles. It
assists peristalsis, therefore cures con
stipation without being purgative. It
will bring your digestive organs again
to the natural healthy 'state then
take care of yourself. It can be used
bv all members of the family, as It
contains no deleterious ingredients.
At drug stores. Jos. Trlncr, 78S So,
Ashland Ave.. Chicago, Ills., l'ilsen
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless
OneMinuto Cougi Cure gives Imme
diate relief In all cases of Cough,
Croup and Lafirlppc because it does
not pass Immedately Into the stomach
but takes effect. right at the scat of
the trouble. It draws out tho inllam-
mation, heals and soothes and cures
permanently by enabling tho lungs to
contribute pure life-giving and life-
sustaining oxygen to the blood and
tissues. One Minute Cough Cure Is
pleasant to lake and It Is good alike
for young and old. Sold by F. O
Frlcke & Co.
$15 to California and BacH.
April 2:id to May 1st Inclusive, tick
ets on sale via Hurllngton Route to
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return at HI. This Is less than the
regular one way rate. No more de
lightful outing can be imagined. The
trip Is made at the timo of year when
traveling is a pleasure and the climate
of California at Its best. Attractive
diverse roulcs are offered as well as
lllieral stopover privileges and return
limit. Folder ulvlng details mailed
free on request. Our agent can give
you any further information that may
bo desired. J. Francis, general pas
senger agent, Omaha.
A Judge
will he anxious to add to It rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
kuow more about it.
inwiiMMiimiiiiiniill! I
, ' I i i,-.V
tli "Fi"
v -''
Prime Meats
C Always knows just what
he wants, ana lie Knows
that he can always get it
from our choice stock.
If you want a Delicious Roast, Steak, Chop or
Cutlet that is tender, rich and succulent, and cut
$ by an expert hand, trimmed and got. up for your
tabic to suit the queen's taste, you will always find
S it here at lower prices than elsewhere.
Our grocery department is complete in all lines.
Jonathan Hatt & Son
Fainting, decorating and sign writ
ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders
at Frlcke's drug store.
L. Baldwin,
uThe Early Bird
Catches the Worm,,
This is nn old Bnyinj, but n vory wlso
ono in many respects, nml serves to remind
llioso who arc on Iho lookout for
Spring Suits
For Menjind Hoys
That William Holly is prepared to "fill tlio
bill" in this lino to n dot, and invites nil to
como nnd inspect It ia new nrrivals nnd K't
pi ices. Fit nnd quality runrnntml, nnd
prices to suit tlio times. Also, n lino lino
of Men's nnd Hoys' Shoes of nil grudoB.
Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Remember tho place,
William Holly
East Room Waterman Block
Corner Fourth and Main Street
TC - - -