The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1904, Image 3

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    ft '' M I
Women who work,
store, office or factory,
ability to stand the strain. The case of
Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass.,' is
interesting to all women, and adds further
proof that woman's great friend in need is
Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"DnAB Mrs. IIskiiam: I sutTcred misery for several years. Mv hack
ftched and I had bearing flown pains; and frequent headaches'. I would often
wake from a restful leep in such pain and misery that it would be hours before
I 'could eloso my eyes again. I dreaded the long nights and weary days. I
ouUl do no work. I consulted different physicians hopiiur to ret relief, but.
linding that their medicines did not cure uie, 1 tried Lydia Eii l'illkliiimN
' ' v f"0411'!10 OIlipouiKl, as it was highly rccomeneleel to me. I am glad that
a did so, for I soon found that it was tiio medicine for mv case. Very soon I
was rid of every ache and pain and restored to perfect health. I feel splendid,
bay a fino appetite, and have gained in weight a lot." JIibs Frankie Onsen,
li Yi urrentou St., ltoston, Mass.
Suroly yon rnnnnt wish to renin in wa!.-,filck nrtl discouraged,
nnd exhausted with ouch clay's work. Some dernr?einent of the
feminine) organs is roponsiblo for this exhaustion, 'following any
kind of work or effort. Lydia I). Pinklmm's VogetnLlo Compound
will help you Just as it Las thousands of other women.
The case of firs. Lennox, which follows, proves this.
I bad for years. I gratefully acknowledge its merits.
Mrs. Hi:utE. Lennox, 120 Last 4th St.. Dixon, 111."
FORFEIT " forthwith produce the. orlelnal lfttr and lgnturo of
abut tobliuiouiaU, wli.cti will i.ruvs th.'ir absolute ieuuiii.ii-..H.
lyd'.a li. I' .Mini. Co., Lynn, Mats.
, v . . .
V v(V ixty-alx year orj our
NJ fuftramoe we bacK. of
y vory carmeni ooinng the
CI-.M ""IB. -run ci e'ii
wiv.un wi 1 1 iu r iJl 1.
There we many imit&tions.
Be aure of the name .
y TOWER on the buttons.
. J TOWER CO. P04T0N. MA4SU . A.
S4.C0, $3.50, S3.00, $2.50
"NV.I Douglas sliors
nro worn ly mom
nwn than any other
make. The reason
ic tlmv bulil
....... ... , .
shaiKslitouttiTjAvoar 1
longer, ' nml have v-;7 j
greater intrinsic w- 'i
4I...M tt rf -
ntb,.rc1,.u.u f'W
f.onk flir intnir nml rlr iu lioltim.
rv.ryw litrriimoltil olnl Itncnt rutrni
L Bt hiTt't irMlniarl. Aut Vn or yrrf usid,
biiwi m-mk i-Ttrn. H int fur Csinlo.
M. L. JOI I AM, UriKhtoii, Mutt,
The FREE Homestead
BRED Western
WM Canada
Million of nrrrs of nmunltirrnt Cmtn nnd C.rnr
inrf Uti'l to hA hs h free ift. 01 i f Mifch.'
fiuin Railway Coiniumi-h. t.aiul CoiM)inutnN ttc.
('mid ( rt'I'". tlcMclif '"I rlliuiitr, dplrn.l: I
Ri'tutol (.vhIi'IM, I'erfi't l Kin hit ronilllliitiK,
ri'cilloiinl mllnii.v inliinliiifi', iiml niullli
nml Hfthn'iire m iiiln il inll.v,
Th' poiiil.ilien rf V.Vili-ti ( lii.-' r .1
min) iv iiithiikinli'!! tiilttnl lhi3 Xcl, i.V.'I
fn,!.1 lu'llin AmrlK
W'ritr In ninrrl nillh'iri.rH Cnnn lin ("..'Vrmir-ii
Acrnl fur ( aimlinii Atl;i n'nl nlli-r Hitfniuttmn -l"l
flJlri. Srpl t)l l'.ii.n!iiliiMi.()twfl.t'nnil i
V. V, lirimril. H'l iNi-w Yolk Liln lluiiuu.j.
Juialn, Ni'b.
I. t'r itn;. n or v i f Hi I Ii
ADtt J. KKOLL A CO., It A.r iU thif io,
iii bom H'H'it an iti t""- j
7 :
whether in the house,
very rarely have the
"Dkah Mrs. Pixkiiam : Last winter I
broke down Muldcnly and had to seek the
advice of a doctor. I felt sore all over, with
a pounding in my hpad, and a dizziness which
I had never experienced before. I had a
miserable appetite, nothing tasted good, and
gradually my health broke down completely.
The doctor said I had female weakness, but,
nlthoiifh I took hit medicine faithfully, I
found in relief.
" After two months I decided to try what
a change would do for we, and as Lydia 1,
I'iiikhum's Vegetable Compound was
strongly recommended to me 1 decided to
try it. Within three dayn I felt better, my
appetite returned, and "l could sleep Iu
another week I was able to bit tip part of
the day, and in ten clays more I was well.
My strength had returned, 1 rained fourteen
pounds, and felt better and stronger than
cry sincerely yours,
Love is a lioreo eomhlnatlon of the
world, the flesh and tho devil. At
Ions lrtervals Konu-tlmos au "X"-ray
of heaven is thrown In.
Defiance Starch
shouM b" In ivery liunsomilil, nonn so
Kimil, 1m p1.Ii n 4 (,.. mi'ic for M eenls than
any olhi-r bruinl of enM water atureh.
No condemnation of wrong Is so ef
fective as the commendation of right.
Clenr wlilto clothe are a lgn that th
hoiihekneiKT Heil Cross Ball Uiufc
Large 3 ui. pn kne, j coata.
A man Is worth what ho ta!;es out
of tho world, not what he leaves In It.
The SHortoatWar
Out cf an attack of
S Neuralgia
It to uu
St. Jacobs Oil
Which ittordi not only tan rM.
til a pM-ipt curp. II arrihea,
auWutj, and and ths wlfarlnc.
Price, 25c. and 50c.
:0 C2: H S:rttl . LINCOLN. NCHP.ASK
Vok r ni i: .1,1 ,i,ui , . .i.-i i it,
I' .n- i.n . r.
i 1 1 1 ih:nt ktyi.ks.
V,..,,tin,. r 'iiH'UH..n.
V-i' 1 ' I.V A TS llil T, t O.
MCir beinr Quality than, nost 10 Cian
lour jiAWr ..r U.w. t i M (.lo,yi j.,,, ,,,
W. N. U., Omaha
. Cjn
No. 181904.
1 Ritl
1 "0;
Citplsy One tHat the State Ne:d Not
Be Ashamed Of.
James Walsh, supei intendeut of the
aRrclniltrul exliihits for the NehrasUa
eommlssion to the Louisiana l'urehase
exnosition, has returned from St.
Ixnils on husiness connected with tho
Xehrafka exhibit, says the Omaha Iiee.
"We are Retting the Nebraska cx
hlhlt In rdiape," he said, and few states
will surpass us in the variety and ex
cellence of our display. The Nebras
ka corn exhibit will he one of the
very best at the exposition grounds.
While not the largest, it will make
up In excellence what it may lack in
quantity. Our tdicaf grain and grass
displays are exceptionally tine and wid
surpass anything at the exposition.
We nre purposely a little slow in in
stalling our exhibits, for wo do not
desire to give our competitors too
much of an advantage to profit by our
ideas, and then we want to keep tho
exhibit fresh and continuously inter
esting. "The other state contiguous to Ne
braska aro extremely anxious to know
Just what we are going to do. Most
of them have thrice the money impro
priated for exhihltlou purposes that
Nebraska has and they are going into
if very extensively, but I want to say
right here that even with our meager
appropriation the Nebraska exhibit
will he a thing that no Nebraskan
need blush for.
"The special object of my return to
Nebraska is to procure klnetcscope
lectures of actual spring plowing
scenes in Nebraska. I tshnll go to
Henson and obtain a moving picture
scene of actual plowing with gang
plows there and this will complete our
list of moving pictures for the exhibi
tion. This moving picture series of
actual living farming scenes in Ne
braska la an unique nnd extremely
fascinating manner, a feature not as
extensively undertaken by any other
state. These views will be added to
during the summer harvest season and
they will have the merit of being fresh
and real.
"Prof. Harbour, superintendent of
the educational exhibit, is putting the
Nebraska school exhibits In the best
of shape and these, too, will be un
equalled In completeness nnd will re
flect the highest credit on the state."
To Enforce Scavenger Act.
PIjATTSMOI'TH The hoard of
county commissioners adopted a reso
lutlon authorizing the enforcement of
chapter il of the session laws fo
l!o:i, known as the "scavenger act,'
and Treasurer Wheeler has been ll
retted to proceed at once to collect
taxes delinquent May 1 on all real es
tate In the county. One of the fea
tures of this law is that it makes it
possible for the treasurer to settle
up the taxes on lota where the owner
has for years refused to pay.
Some Creamery Statistics.
Figures reported at tho creamery
convention in Lincoln show the num
ber of head cf milkers in service to
bo 1.186,000, valued at $37,000,000. The
products nre valued at $20,000,000 an
nually. Here are some figures show
ing the amount of business done by
the butter factories during the last
few years, which show the increased
interest being taken In dairy matters:
In 1S9S, $li;i.0!i:t.t.; 1S'J3, $Vj2.871.!I0;
moo. $ioi;.o.-.s.G7; 1901. 5r.07.221jii;
1902, $791,913.84; 1901!. $1,250,000.
Lincoln Wants . Engineers.
Llneoln is anxious to have tho next
convention of the Ilrotherhocd of lo
comotive Engineers held In Lincoln
nnd the delegates to the convention to
be held In Ias Angeles soou. H. J.
Wlggenjost and Charles Hook, will
have the harking of the Commercial
club In their efforts to secure the
Wheat In Good Shape.
LAWRENCE Winter wheat In this
vicinity looks very good. Plenty of
moisture has fallen to give It the re
quired vigor for rapid growth. l,ess
than five Inches of snow fell here dur
ing the past fall and winter but this
fact In no way retarded the growth of
w heat.
Dies Suddenly on Train.
COI-CMHrS Richard O'Neill, well
dressed nnd apparently about 2S years
of age, a passenger on I'nlon Pacific
Overland No. 2, en route from San
l'ranclsio to New York city, died very
suddenly of hnrt disease just before
the train reached this city.
Blow Dank at Naper.
NAPER Hnrglars entered and blew
open the safe of the Hank of Naper,
of which K. Crosby Is president. There
were two explosions nnd the men se
cured about $1,200. The whole plate
glass front of the building was entire
ly blown out.
Missionaries are at work In 247 of
the walled cities of China.
Press Association at St. Louis.
BROKEN HOW-W. O. Ptircell has
sent out the following notice;
To the members of the Nebraska
Press Association; There will be n spe
cial meeting of this association at the
Forest Park 1'niversity hotel, St. Uiu
is. Mo., Monday evening. May Hi, at
8 o'clock for the purpose of consider
ing any matters of business that may
properly come before the meeting. It
Is hoped tilers Will be a largo lltlend
Si'c. A. W. I, A IU).
W. C. ITRi-EI.I.. President.
Examining Colby's Account.
.'peclal L.i miner Wlc":ns J.
work on the bool.n cf (Inn ml Cnlbv
formerly adjutant of the M::te,
who was Indlct-d by the f,.rral r.rand
Jury nt Otnal-.a for Ii. u'l' sh,it in i.u
account;; to the' eti nt of 11 i,hiiii r of!
Ilaukets amounting In vain,, t,, j.'.ohO,
Die legislature made 110 ni bin
to pay for thi examination nn.l Mr.
lg;;lnn will b p. ml upon t ho nnt
Vglslniur" t 1 ii' hini. Hie
work was delayed several weeks by
t!: rase of the l'ankerg' I'lilun of the
World. .
Tl'e ee'.ial suffr.u'e chi'i c' (letirva
will maintain ilowcrs at t!tf public
The hoi.t'p f Albert llarman, near
Nebraska City, was struck by 'light
ning and considerably damaged.
Dr. Miller of Omaha and Hon. Hub
ert W. Furnas were speakers ut tha
Cotner university Arbor day celebra
tion. The snlocn f William Nolan at
Parne.-ton was robbed. The burglars
secured 525 from th? cash drawer and
a small quantity of liquors,
The committee which is soliciting
funds for the Rockefeller temple at
Lincoln has secured 2.000 In pledges
nnd hopes to obtain the remaining
$1.(00 within n r.loit time.
Robbers broke Into the Haines
Ilros.' store at Hastings nnd carried
away fifteen or twenty high-priced
overcoats. Entrance to the Ktcro was
gained by'ng the windows in
the 1 ear of the building.
Some person or persons unknown
entered the dwelling it W. J. llogar-
diis of Nellgh Sunday night while the
family were at church nnd carried oft
the silver table ware and Mrs. llo
gardus' watch and chain.
The Henningsen Produce company
of, Superior had 400 cases of eggs
smashed nt Red Cloud. A box car
got away and ran Into the end of the
depot, smashing the eggs and tele
graph Instruments In the ofllce.
Z. H. Gardner, a prominent farmer
of Cuming county, died frpm a severe
attack of congestion of the lungs, fol
lowing a siege of measles, lie had
accumulated a large acreage and his
residence was one of the finest in that
Gertrude McKinley filed a com
plaint in Judge Elmers' court charg
ing Harold W. O'Connor with the
crime of bastardy. Doth parties are
residents of Homer, Dakota county.
Mr. O'Connor Is cashier in the Homer
State bank.
Articles of Incorporation of tha
Church of Our Lady Carmel of Til
den have been filed with the secretary
of state. The church Is of the Catho
lic faith, and the Incorporators are
Dishop Scannell and other officers of
the Omaha diocese.
Plattsniouth Is to have the first
street carnival in its history next
month. The local business men con
tracted with a representative of the
Metropolitan Street Fair company for
the appearance of that attraction on
May li to 19, and all look forward
to a big time.
Harry G. Shedd, secretary of the Ne
braska Ixuiisiana Purchase Exposi
tion commission, was home at Ash
land last week visiting his parents In
that city. He Is on a trip through
the state to secure photographs illus
trating Nebraska's resources for ex
hibition at the tair.
Tho trouble between the Burling
ton Railroad company and a number
of the residents of the little town of
Greenwood, growing out of the com
pany's action in attempting to erect
fences along its right of way through
that town, has finally reached the dis
trict court of Cass county.
The supreme court has declined to
appoint a receiver for tho Dangers'
I'nion ofc the World for Omaha, but
has enjoined the organization from
transacting business until tho abuses
complained of by Auditor Weston
have been corrected and the law relat
ing to fraternal insurance companies
la strictly complied with.
Melvin G. Hubbard, who was sen
tenced to the penitentiary for statu
tory assault, for seven years, though
having served out a portion of his
time, Is not yet reconciled to his fate
r.nd wants the supreme court to re
verse the decision of the Knox county
court, and has filed n brief In the su
preme court to show his reasons.
The Farmers nn.l Merchants' hank
of Clay City, Ind., was blown up by
robbers, who seccred $3,281.
Robert D. Roosevelt, an uncle of
.President Roosevelt, who was nomi
nated as an elector by the democratic
state convention at Albany, N. Y.,
last weelr, lias declined to accept such
nomination because of his relation
ship to tho president.
At a meeting of the Tecumscu
Ponrd of Eudcation Prof. C. N. An
derson was re-elected superintendent
of the clly schools for another year.
Prof. Anderson mis been with the
schools for several years and la con
sidered a very able Instructor.
The mixed bloods, consisting of ten
or twelve families who claim kinship
to the Omaha tribe, have been or
dered to leave the reservation. These
families are among the most prosper
ous and intelligent class. Joining
tho tribe several years ago they
claimed allotments, nnd therefore set
tled on some of the choicest nnd most
valuable lands, adding thereto valu
able Improvements, anticipating com
fortable homes. From tlmo to time
they have been ordered off by the In
dian department.
William (liirney, a painter living
In West Deatrlee, who Is charged wtih
Bltcmptlug to criminally m-siiult the
little daughter of James Pethoud of
that city, has mysteriously disap
peared. The matter has been report
ed to the county attorney, who Is
making an Investigation.
Prlvatn Dunning of Coint:iny A,
Thirtieth Infantry, died nt Fort. Crook
from poisoning through d.-inking bay
rum. He was barber of the com pan v,
and tktm had nady a. ess to the II
quid. He took It for the alcohol it
containi d doubtless, nad not w ith any
idea that it would ps ilt f p. tally.
There wil l n Juicing In O'Neill
when news arrived aunoum 'ua; the
in-'-ace of (Yngi-winan Kiulpld'i
i;0-i".jp ho.nes;. a, I bill by the na
tin'ml house of ivpvrs.sntatlvrs. In
qnhy at the loci 1;:mi t!!i.'s- develops
the f.wt thai the bill applies to that
'ami cPMrlet nr.d that there Is yet
l.bout 7iMMi:a ue;e:i of pli'ilie land III
the dbti'lct, divided niu rexir.Kiti Iv as
follows: Holt ninny, 1 Js.oim mrc?; j
Urown county, f.u:o acres; Garfield
county, ln.biO netcM; Loup county,
20l.nui acres; Ruck county, ni,ilCC
ftirej; Wheeler count)-, l'9,7:o acres.
Trij cf C.t Earn EanJits cn Vie S;af
fold. CHICAGO. Iil.-(.'o:v.;iel to te
carried tj the tcuRcld. Peter N.eder
ir.eyer, 1c:;;!.t of the car barn baa-
I cht-. was h.intifd here at 10:3j
o'clock. Weak and pale but with a
slight suggestion of a smiic, the ban
Jit failed to carry out his oft repeated
boast that he would die b fo.e reach
ing the gallow j.
Hanging of his asosciates, Gustax
Marx and Harvey Van Dine, quickly
Although It was expected at first
that Nlederm. yer would be able to
walk to the callcws with bat Utile or
no assitaiice, It was found at the last
moment that he was too weak.
Straps were placed over his ankles,
and just above his knees. He was
thou placed 011 a truck and wheeled
to one of the tloorn of O10 Jail, nfter
which he was carried to the scaffold,
and placed i:i a chair 0:1 the tin;).
II? was not asked tho customary ques
tion if he had anything to say, and the
rope was quickly placid about his
neck. He settled his neck Into the
noose and the tra:i was sprung.
The' body shot through the trap,
and for twenty minutes after it
moved convulsively, the physicians at
first being of the opinic n that he was
strangling to clca.n, that the rope, had
been plncel too low. Afler examina
tion, however, the physicians an
nounced that his neck had been brok
en. Nicdermeycr appeared on the scat
fold wearing a red rose, but without
a coat. Previous to the execution and
during the reading of the death war
rant, Noldcrmeyer snatched the paper
from the chief deputy's hands and
placed it in a pocket and made re
marks In anger at this time and once
or twice when he was being taken to
the scaffold.
Shortly after 11 o'clock Marx was
led to the scaffold. Neatly dressed
and with a white rose as a button
iere, which had been given him by his
little sister the night before. He was
pale, but his courage never left him
while ho stood on the scaffold. He
made no r.tatement. Two priests of
the Roman Catholic church, of which
Marx had become a member, accom
panied him to the gallows. He re
peated a litany with them, kissed a
crucifix, after which the jailer sprang
the trap at 11:17. He was pronounced
dead at 11:34, his neck having been
Harvey Van Dine was hanged a
short Interval after his eon panion
Marx, a few days before a bitter ene
my of Van Dine, but now the best of
friends In their last hours of life.
Incidents- In Van Dino's execution
were slmilnr to those that character
ized the execution of Marx. Like
Marx, Van Dine was composed pre
ceding his execution.
Long Day and Night Sessions Are to
Be Held.
WASHINGTON IxmK clay and
night sessions are the program In the
house this week, ns the: leaders plan
to end the session Thursday. 0:i
Monday Mr. Williams, tho minority
leader. Is to be given consideration of
his resolutions calling on the attor
ney general, first, for informal ion of
any prosecution by hini of the inter
ested parties In the Northern Securi
ties company, and, second, what has
been tho result of any investi-atio;.
he has made on the coal trust.
The conference report on the post
office appropriation bill is to bo con-,
sidored Tuesday. Tho Alaska dele
gate bill is before the house ns a
"continuing order." t;j be conslel.-.-ctl
In the absence of the conference re
ports, which are yet to come 0:1 the
military academy, the general defici
ency and the sundry civil appropria
tion bills. There undoubtedly will he
many requests for consideration of
minor matters by unanimous consent,
and the outlook is declared by the
leaders to Indicate nn exceedingly
busy wlndup.
Asks Attorney General to Proceed
Against Coal Combine.
WASHINGTON. D. C Representa
tive William R. Hearst of New York
filed a complaint with Attorney Gen
eral Knox alleging that a combination
of the Philadelphia & Reading rail
road and the! Central Railroad of New
Jersey, under a common management,
has stifled competition and petition
ing the department of justice to pro
ceed nirainst them under the Sherman
anti-trust law. Tho complaint asks
that the action bo taken to restrain
the Reading company while the owner
of the stock of the Philadelphia &
Reading company, from owning, hold
ing or voting upon the stock of the
Central and decreeing that the stock
be returned to its lawful owners nnd
that all tho provisions of the anti
trust law bo applied to the parties In
these transactions when found upon
Investigation to bo guilty of wilful
viola. ion and disregard of tho law.
Hungarian Emigration Law.
Vienna The Associated Press Is In
formed on the highest authority that
Emperor Francis Joseph as expressed
great surprise at the opposition evoked
both In Hungary nnd Culled States
against the Hingirian emigration
law. His majesty attributes this op
position to a misapprehend, in ,,f tm,
real tenor of tho measure. The ein
peror has further declared his eo:i
vtction Hint when tho terms of the
law are fully ami completely under
stood the opuoslti.,11 to H win eiif,,,.,.
Fenced H Would Not Return.
MOSCOW Tho will of Vas-m
Verese hlieln. (,. Ru:.slan p..;, (, ,. ,,
went down 011 the IVr,mn l..-sk n!
Port Arthur, ha.c bo-u n id. It l,.,,.s
the entire estate t ihe widow. Tln
will was made Ju;t before the p-ilm,
er tiavtiil for the far 01st an, M t
!ic o.prc'iseil the c- iii ictloii ii,.,! ,
would not relni-M. Gencriil Koiiropm
kin has teet,rppind to Madame. Veres,
c'.uicln an exprcfslon of the nyinpalliy
he feels with hor In her alllietlcui aR
his regret nt the loss of on ohl com-rnelo.
"1 Know Pe-ru-na is
Worn Out
. .
' K s
4 f 1" .i -X . tv!.; .' V.,,i"r ;W l b
Hon. Nelson Rico of St. Joseph, Mich., knows of a Lire rumbcr of
grateful patients in his county who have been cured by lJeruna.
Hon. Nelson Hiee, Mayor of St. Joseph, Miohic;..:., writes:
The l'eruiia Moiiieinei Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen: "1 wish to congratulate yen on '.!-e Firrr?s ef yenr cfiorls tt
win tho ciiiill.ieixo of tho public in need ef a re 1::. hie n.e ciieiiic. I A no IV
i'eruna i a fine tonic for a worn
cmarrnai ainicuiiies. run ituvu a iur);e aumucr 0 grmieiui pauems in
this county who have used Peruna and have been cured byit,&t:d who
pralae it above all other midlclnci. Ftruna h&a my heartiest good
wlshea.",elson Rice.
Weak Nerves, Poop Digestion.
Impure Bicod, Depressed
The sun has just crossed tho equator on
its yearly trip north. Tho real opiator is
shifted toward tho north nearly
miles every cb'.v. With tho ret'uva of tho
sun comes ilio bodily ills peculiar to spring.
With 0110 person tho nerves are v.e.ik : an
other Mrson, cliirestinn ikmii-; with others
tho blood is out of order: and still others
have depressed spirits and tired I'e -ling.
All these ttiiims are especially truo of
those who havo been suffering with cu'.ari-h
It b the purest, cleanest
ri 1 k n 1
It is free of injurious chemicals.
U can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid
to use starch of any kind.
That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it
iL. ri'isSv" - . Put n VMr 1.1,. C,., ..:.. I
not the
t Veal Leaf, Potted
-Ham, Ox
I'li 'My iv. ..
S.-r-l l.v.l.iv (... .'r ..
4 .li'iAi.-hs l.;.. !t
, I
LiLLy. ililill
Aiasteiiig LtnitRcct
l ti lioHitivc euro ;'..r 1'ilcM.
When Answering Advcrtiacments
K Ineily Mention This Paper,
a Pine Tonic for a
out system and a speJfic in cases of y
iu nny form rr ia rrirre. A course of I'o
ruiia Is m : u c -rivet a ! 1 hese conilittoiit,
H is nil iiienl i- ring medicine. I'criiiut
docs lift i-.-.t::1e it it.vii'uratej. H cto-'
net t-c u.perai i.y t iiiiilnl .t rt i-eugt Ii.mih.
It ecpia!:,-c t!.e e -i t. of Hi ) blood,
triiniiuille '. ! t n rvoi, i.v'em nod reuu
hit. -s tlx I. ,,.!. y ii,:n tio'ir. ' Pcruiiu, uulikn
so many spr.i.u i;.. c,'.-. it' not, simply a
pby. ie 'er M .ini.k.i.t ir icrvllO. It ii a
nat mi al tel...- :.:.! i-.-erntor.
if yon de 1.1 : r -c iv )'roii,pt and satifntio
tr.ry results J.-i-m the use ef 1'ertiiu writ
at once to IV. Hart-.i.iiii, vwntfr a full
Ftntein.-i.t f yc. r . .!!. ;.i,ii be'Svill ho
pleased to give nil vu.ui.lilo advica
Adclrey.j D-. K.ii-t n:!:r.. T're vnlenl, of Th
Hartuiau Sui.itar.Mii.Ci hiatus. Ohio
starch made
Put a variety into iivimr ita
time of to live n'.-ar tlic t
ran;:o. Li!i!- "h t
Turkey, Deviled t
Tnnfiuc. &c.
.' tl
ready to .mo,
...... i.-r,-.i nu.ii
C Libby, Chicago y
inn in
I olliO C'llcct
'Lawn FeUt
i, Attcnllfi'nl:
jtc rlnmlnn;!
V .1. .. .1 . f ,K .
''..-. "U'll Mill. Hfll
- tjcaic oiuer
wit fctui 9. 1
Cl'RLS c-Litth 4i llic ftomaLh.