Last Two Ms of Specia SALE CLOSES APRIL 23d our Last Chance to get the Greatest Bargains ever Offered in these lines BARGAINS IN Shoes and Oxfords BARGAINS -IX- Embroideries ai)d SilKs I E.G.DOVEY LOCAL BREVITIES. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar Head llaydcn Bro's ad In this paper. Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Ofllce with Dr. E. D. Cummins. A. B. Smith or Denver was a busi ness visitor In Tlattsmouth on Mon day. Wanted A few steers and horses to pasture. J . It. Vallery, Eight Mile G rove. C. L. Sharp and J. W. Aldcn, of Papillion, were here on business last Thursday. The best physic: Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take; pleasant In effect. For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Virginia McVlcker, Judge Travis' efficient assistant, Sundayed with her aunt, Mrs. Alice Boles, In Malvern, Iowa. Refrigerators, sofas, tables and chairs, cheap before removing to new location, at the Second Hand Store, Uocck building, riattsmouth, Ncbr. Fred Mumrncame In from Sheridan, Wyoming, a few days since for a visit with relatives and friends. He Is an employe of the B. & M. at Sheridan. Mr. V. ,T. Melvln and family de parted last Thursday for the slate of Washington, where they go with the intention of making their future home. In the Omaha Bee's fourth contest for ten free trips to the St. Louis world's fair, which closed last week, Mrs. Lydia B. Todd, of riattsmouth, was seventh In the list of winners. 1. 1). Ilarmer, of Avoca, was In the city on Thursday on business In the probate court connected with the es tate of his brother, Barton W. liar mer, deceased, of which ho Is admin istrator. .While here Mr. Ilarmer was a niwisant caller at Journal head quarters. S. M. Stradley of Greenwood was In the city Tuesday and Wednesday of this week looking after the affairs con nnrtPfl with the settlement of his mother's estate In the county court, When here Mr. Stradley called and en rolled his name for the Journal. He Is a most genial gentleman, a genuine democrat and a splendid citizen. Miss Anna Boyd, for tho past three months one of the Journal's force, departed for her home In Creston, Iowa, on Saturday. Miss Boyd was compelled to resign her position on account of poor health, which we trust she will speedily regain. She Is an excellent compositor, and we were sorry to see her go, as sho had become almost as one of the Journal iamuy IPlnillip rUTTSMOUTII, . . II A BARGAINS IN CorpctsordfAotti HQ Remi)ar)ts AT LESS THAN COST We Quote Below a Few of the Bargains 17K yards All-Wool Carpet, . ..$3.50 21 yards All-Wool Carpet $10.50 11 14 yards All-Wool Carpet, .. .$8.63 16 yards All-Wool Carpet, .. .$8.25 18 yards All-Wool Carpet, .. .$9.25 UVi yards All-Wool Carpet, .. .$7.25 20 yards AJl-Wool Carpet, $7.50 T. E. rarmelc was In Louisville on Monday on business. James Cook, jr., was here from dar Creek on business Saturday. Hats trimmed free of charge. Co st. Louis Millinery Co. That's all. H. R. Neitzel, the Murdock banker, was a county seat visitor Friday. J. '.V. Newell and wife of Omaha Sundayed with riattsmouth friends. The baseball season is opening up. Will riattsmouth "be In it" this sea son? Larl Travis came clown from the state university to spend Sunday at home. Mrs. Nellie P. Agncw and daughters returned to their home In Lincoln Sat urday morning. W. A. Snyder returned Friday even ing from a business trip In the interior part of the state. The genial countenance of George Horn of Cedar Creek was seen on our streets Saturday. La Book, Omaha's leading constum- cr. Ladies tailored gowns and shirt waist suits. 513, Karbach block. Street fairs are becoming quite pop ular, riattsmouth will have one be ginning May 0, continuing the entire week. Gant Keith, well known to many riattsmouth people, and a brother of Buck Keith, died in Omaha last week. His remains were taken to his old home In Nebraska City for interment. Will Rummcl, one of Cass county's unterritled democrats, living south west of the city, was a caller Monday and left the wherewith to pay for an other year's subscription to the Jour nal. If the street fair proves a success It Is safe to bet that we will have another next year. They have proved benefi cial to other towns, and why not here? Glcnwood and Nebraska City each held street fairs last season, and both arc arranging for them this year. "Doc" Williams and little son of Pa cific Junction were riattsmouth visit ors Monday, and while here made the Journal a pleasant call. "Doc" Is em ployed as wltchman for the Burlington at the Junction and is an old friend of B. A. Bates of this paper. Come again, Doc. On Monday last Judge Travis Issued a license permit to August Stohlman of Louisville and Miss Louise W. Jochlm of Manley. The Journal did not learn when tho happy event occur red, but let that be as It may, we take this opportunity of extending congrat ulations, and wish the happy couple long life accompanied with all the pleasures this old world Is capable of letting loose. Zbc 3Scet XKIlbfehe to tbc Cheapest in tbc EnM Toor Whisky is not only din agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to thestomnch. A lit tle good Whisky is n fino tonic and helps instead of hnrming. Such Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in Btance, will do you just ns much good ns r doctor's proscription. If you don t know how good it come in and try it. PRICES: GuclccnhclnjcriRye, per gallon, ..II 00 Yellowstone,' . Honey Dew, ., Bitfllorn, , .. 4 00 .. 3 00 .. 2 00 r JEBUAbhA I Sale I BARGAINS IN Wash Dress Goods BARGAINS -IN- Lace Curtains l SON Tom JciTers went to Red Oak, la to spend Sunday with friends. Preaching at Kenosha, Sunday, May 1, at 3 o'lock p. m. S. W. J acksox, If spring is delayed much longer Gentle Annie will get pugnacious and peevish. Miss Bertha Gathrlght of Louisville Kentucky, Is visiting with Miss Flor ence White. Not how cheap but how good. Pat- toon's Sun Troof Paint. Sold only by Goring & Co. Mrs. Ray Wiles of Hannibal, Mo. Is visiting the family of Captain Wiles, south of this city. William Krochlcr departed Friday for Havelock to work in the B. & M shops at that place. All the newest fashionable untrim med hats, at matchless prices. St, Louis Millinery Co. Goes further, looks better and lasts longer. Tatton's Sun Froof Paint Gerlng& Co. agents. Mrs. J. M. Combs and son departed Saturday morning fora brief visit with friends in Geneva, Neb. Fred Baumgart called Tuesday and left a dollar to bo applied on his sub scription to the Journal. A baby of the female persuasion ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Eads Tuesday morning, May is, Ld Hall and wife arrived In the city Saturday morning from Martinsville Ya., for a visit with the former's par ents. Thomas Bryan left Tuesday morning for Stanton, Neb., to visit with hi son-in-law, who Is farming near that place. Fred Kehne called Monday and drop pod a dollar In the Journal slot, and will get value received by reading the Old Reliable. St. Louis Millinery Co., at Snyder's Jewelry store. On sale all the hiuh class Easter hats at half price. Seeing Is believing. Sam Tschlrren, on R. F. D. No. 1 was in the city yesterday, and while hero added his name to the Journal riattsmouth list. A marriage license was Issued Sat urday to Joseph Yelinck.agcd twenty, of Omaha, and Miss Julia Skommel aged twenty-one, of this city. If you are interested In paint painting come to Coring & Co.'s store Friday and Saturday. Patton's Sun Froof Paint men will be there. Painting and brushing up generally seems to be the order of the day, and painters seem to be quite busy. Car ponters and plasterers arc also quite busy. John Urish and family of near Myn ard were In the city Tuesday doing some shopping, and while here Mr, L'rlsh dropped in and renewed for the Journal. I ho Democrat Is pleased to note that an old friend, Henry R. Gcrlng was elected mayor of Plattsmouth by a large majority. Mayor Gcrlmr will prove a valuablo ofllclal. Hastings Democrat. George Porter" received a telegram Monday announcing the serious Illness of his mother, who resides at Seven Mile Ford, Virginia. Ho left the same' evening for that place. The commissioners of Sarpy county have decided to Instltuto an Investiga tion of county bridge const ruction and tho expenditure of tho county bridge fund. A similar Investigation In Cass county would be in order. F. M. Massle, of Mt. Pleasant pre cinct was a Plattsmouth visitor Satur day, and while here paid his respects to the Journal. Mr. Massle Is ono of the prominent democrats of the coun ty, and it Is always a pleasure to meet him. William Nation, tho man sent to the penitentiary from this county for burglary, and who appealed to Gover nor Mickey for a pardon, has failed In the attempt, as tho midget governor says he must stay his time. Ills wife, who he married while out on parole, nlun m.lrlrt atrotur nnnn-il V M....'. Mlbertv. but without avail. ten The Kidneys Are Weakened by (her-Woik. Unhealthy KMneys Make Impure Blood. It ustJ to be considered that only urinary uiul t-UMor troubles were to be v traced 10 me kuiueys, Bp irri tl. SI hut uow modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Tl..rrfore. when vourkidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is Affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. . If you are sick or " -'eel Dadly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because a soon as your kidneys ure well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take bv first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary eiiect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle nomaotsmmp-Rooe. by mail free, also a painpiuet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iling haniton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, bwamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, llinghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Fred Morgan Sundayed In Nebraska City. Mrs. Fred Morgan is visiting her mother in Nebraska City. J. Moneypcnny of near Mynard called Saturday and left a dollar for the Jour nal. The name that moans quality is Tat too's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by Goring & Co. It costs a little more but Is by far the best. I'atton's Sun Proof Taint, Gerlng & Co., sole agents. Mrs. George Hall has been very 111 for the past week from the effects of an operation recently performed. John Claus has traded his residence property In the Second ward to John II. Moore for the latter's property In the Third ward. The High school base ball team con tern plate going to Weeping Water Sat urday to play a similar team that Is If it don't s'.ow. If the Indebtedness of the city of Tlattsmouth Is not reduced somewhat the first year of Mayor Gerlng's ad ministration, the Journal misses its guess. A marriage license was issued by Judge TravisTuesday morning to John Heckner, dged of Weeping Water, and Miss Eva Bailey, aged 18, of Grand Island. The Nebraska City News complains of "Jack the Hugger" endeavoring to ply his profession in that city. We uive missed him from here, and won dered where he went to. George P. Stochr, of Cedar Creek, coming to the conclusion that it was Impossible for him to do without the great household necessity any longer, called Saturday and enrolled his name for the Journal. Now Is the time to clean house clean your system tirst, drive out the microbes of winter with Hollistcr Rocky Mountain Tea. It will keep you well all summer. 3."i cents. Tea or tablets. Goring & Co. Dr. II. Jensen of Weeping Water, one of tho best veterinarians In the state of Nebraska, has made arrange ments to visit this city every Thurs day. Those who need bis services will find his headquarters at Gering k Co. 's. The following item was taken from the Lincoln Star: "The case of Mrs Louise btamm, of Havelock, was set for consideration by the board of. In sanity Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock Complaint was made by her son that she was In a helpless state of demon tis. The family has lived In Have lock for some time." At the March terra of the district court.tlie case of Levi Bros, against the Bock Island railroad for damages done sonic horses they shipped over that line, was tried. Judge Jcssen took the matter under advisement, and Tuesday awarded the plaintiffs a Judy ment fort 1"0. S. M. Chapman and A N. Sullivan were attorneys for the dc fondant. The new Inspection car for the use of SuperlntendentCalvertof the B. & M was viewed as a curiosity bv a number of our citizens who watched its move ments when It was taken out of the shops for trial Tuesday. It Is about the size of a motor street car, aiul Is propelled by a gasoline engine. It was built In the shops here, and was re turned after the test for further im provements. A telegram yesterday to the rela lives of Mrs. Barton, neo Agatha Stull (formerly of this city) announced that she was accidentally shot at a hotel I Sturgls, S. D. It appears, from an ac count Inoneof theOmaha papers, th:i Mrs. Barton was sitting on the pore or the hotel conversing with a friend named Garner, from Belle Fourche when she suggested that they remov to the rarlor. As Garner started to get up a revolver fell out of his hip pocket, discharging as It struck tl lloor-the lull passing through Mrs, Barton s leg and Into the body. She Is reported In a critical but not necessa rily dangerous condition. Lawrence Stull and Mrs. O. T. Monroe, broth and sister of the unfortunate woman, left last night for Sturgls. Mrs. Bar ton, It will be remembered, was acquit ted some tlmo slnco of the charge of killing her father-in-law, Postmaster Uarlou, at Arvada, Wyoming. Murray. SjxvUl Curr--ik'ml-iit. Mrs. J. W. Manners if Alvo, who has bmi spending the week w ith her sju Henry, has returned home. Mks Mae Fulton spent a coup'.e of days here this week. Mr. James Riot lias added quite a nice little addition to his home. Miss Gertrude Fassbcnder spent a day here this week. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Manners, who for the past week has Iwen very low, is improving and Is thought to be out of danger. Rev. Black came from Omaha Sun day and preached both morning and veiling at the Presbyterian church. He came to declare the pulpit of this church vacant. A large number of young people went over to Union one night this week response to Invitations from that place for a dance. A good time is re ported. Mrs. Joe Cook has returned from the hospital in Omaha, and we are sorry report that she is little If any Im proved. Sho expects to return in a couple of weeks. A disordered stomach may cause no nd of trouble. When the stomach fails to perform its functions the bowels become deranged, the liver and kidneys congested, causing numerous diseases, the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded. The important thing Is to restore ine siomacn anu liver to a healthy condition, and for this pur pose no better preparation can be used than Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. Cedar Creek Ppoelul Correspondence. W. II. Hell sold a line bull one day last week. Eugene Reichstaadt visited his brother, Emil, In Omaha over Sunday. It has been rumored that Louisville will have foursaloons this season. Now, wouldn't Carrie Nation make things hum If she was there? Conrad Meislnger purchased a brand new top buggy last Monday. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Christ Gauer died April 13, being sick only about two days. The remains were laid to rest in the Glendale com ctery. Mr. J. J. Lohncs and family of Eight Mile Grove wore visiting with W. II. Lohnes last Sunday. The dance given here last Saturday proved a great success In every way. A large crowd was In attendance and a good time was had by all. John and George Heil shelled and delivered their corn last week. W. B. Spence done the shelling. Jacob Trletsch, jr., Is building a new addition to his house. GusSiekgost and George Stattler are doing the work. Mike Rys, the village blacksmith, was taking in the sights in Platts mouth last Saturday. Lives of great men all remind us We can reach fame's shining strand, If we'll only leave behind us Brooms enough to beat the band. At the Old Stand -OF- John -Schiappacasse You will always find the Choicest Fruits Fine Confections And the most delicious ICE CREAM Which ho Is prepared to furnish In any quantity for family use or social gatherings. JOHN SCHIAPPACASSE 511 Main Street Plow Shoes LACK OR (JONOKKS.S Genuine Milwaukee Oil Grain (not cow Mn kind t hut. wi-nr nnd won't fall to pieces the first CI 7R time thevget wet J Are you looking for a good wide seam Invu flirt . pti'luilnr. kIiiltIo milo In a leather that, won't get CO Rfl hard. We've got 'cm VLtOV Sherwood & Son la' W iCv j a - - nourishing corn. It has the flavor that is so highly appro dated by thoso who know whnt good moot is. It is tender, juicy and delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or rousting. Our pricos invito purchases. Also boar in mind that our .GROCERY DEPARTMENT is up-to-dtito and that tho quality of our goods cannot bo surpassed nor our prices cannot he. bent. Wo divide our profits with our customers, becnuso we give them the best goods for the same money that you have to pay for poorer qnnlity. Don't be backward, but give us n trinl. Lorenz Brothers North of Post Office PAINT THE PAIHT QUESTION Is a weighty one, but we solved it fifteen years ago. Wo have been sole agents ever since for Sherwin-Williams Paints and Hexth & Milligan Paints Your neighbor has used either one'of them ask him about them. Our Barn Paint can't be beat. F. 6. FR1CKE & CO. Varnish PHARMACISTS Ay ers Pills Ll"". aucauiuui uiowuof iituuiatr use VOOCGOQCCCOCOCOCOOCGGOOSOSOCO W'l JO TH iJW .... rrj, I! t VV".V If you want a Delicious Roast, Steak, Chop or Cutlet that is tender, rich and succulent, and cut by an expert hand, trimmed and got up for your table to suit the queen's taste, you will always find it here at lower prices than elsewhere. Our grocery department is complete in all lines. Jonathan Hatt & Son NO. W MAIN STREET if If 11$ iff Bit Beef That Has Taste. I That U the kind vt have, Not only now but nil times, lleef that hns been pro duced from rich, sweet U-l i-nimfrv crnjn mid tinrt Plattsmouth, Neb. Brushes The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. J. C. AjerCo., Lowell, BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rim cn- ur Muuuun u . r. Hti.i. co rwiu. . i A Judge -OF Prime Meats Always knows just what he wants, and he knows that he can always get it from our choice stock. The Early Bird PAINT soor Catches the Worm" This is nn old snying, but n very wist ono in many respects, nnd serves to remind thoso who nro on tho lookout for " Spring Suits For Men nnd Hoys That William Holly is prepared to "till tho bill'' in this lino to n dot, hikI invites nil to como nnd inspect his now nrrivnls nnd get prices. Fit nnd quality guaranteed, nnd prices to Biiit tho times. Also, n fino lino of Men's nnd Boys' Shoos of all grades. Hats and Caps, Cents' Furnlshlna Goods, Etc. Remember tho place, William 1 1 1 l Holly East RoonOVdtermantBlock Corner Fourth and Main Streets