The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 21, 1904, Image 1

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Tl... I...i..ul will
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IH U101'( IK'UKK TiiCy 11) mo ivumy.
vuuly. (
n. A. BATES, TlllLIMlElt.
OFFICE No. 112, South Sixth Strekt
Volume XXIV
Number 17.
And Other Items of Interest Prepared Es
pecially tor the Journal Readers,
Now to tin' lull uik) uni'iit wi'imIs
'Dim mid I'iru iiiiiii lilt' :iy.
Kur Mari'li l pusl nml April lirru
lilirill'll SIIS Will SOOII HlM'lir-
Anil li'iiii-f.ii'iHl l.i-nt. (lit- M-usnn dri'iir.
Is msl uiiil koiiu, Hit' buuliirs nay.
Cheer up, boys. The Fourth of July
will be here In less than three months.
riattsmouth will have nine licensed
saloons the coming municipal year an
increase of one.
If you can't loost your home town,
you can at least refrain from using the
hammer on it.
A college professor claims that peo
ple who eat apples are virtuous. This
is one professor that don't know it all.
That tired look upon the face of the
average man you see coming up the
street is caused by liousecleanlngat ills
Had you taken our advice and kept
'cm on until winter was gone for sure
you might have escaped that hacking
Every dog has lils day, but some of
the dogs In this town should cut their
nights out, In order togive some people
much needed sleep.
A young lady of riattsmouth says
she believes In long engagements be
cause it gives time to look about and
see if they can do better.
A correspondent wants to know what
a man should wear on Sunday nights.
In this old town some of tlic leading
hypocrites Wear an air of pious resig
nation. Tlic devil nimkIm llio wleked wind.
To Wow your Nklrts kuuu-liigli,
Hut llriivcn Is just
Anil ncihIs tin' tluxt
To blow In lliu bud man's eye.
One of experience says that the
honeymoon is sure over when the hus
band forgets to ask his bride how much
money she needs when she goes out
Louisville has four applicants for
saloon licenses. The people up that
way must be getting awful dry, after
doing without their "regular morning
eye-openers" for a whole year.
A St. Louis girl lias forgotten her
name and says she doesn't know
whether It is Annie von Kressc or Rene
von Kressc. A riattsmouth girl with
a name like that would change it and
forget it, too.
Wlii-n tlio senile Hprlnu conn s suslilni?
Ami the fiiriniT will ho ruslilnj?
To plant dm hwitI porUtnr.
Hut If you'll notli'i- up-lo-ilati
Tin) vent lu Hprlntf Is soini'whiit lutu.
And lite tiller will bo latiT.
ly the extra work to perform In fill
ing out the tax schedules this year it is
doubtful If the assessors of the larger
precincts will complete their work be
fore the Fourth of July-and maybe
A Missouri preacher smiled sweetly
and thanked Cod that it was not the
whole foot when he cut oil two toes
with an ax. If that isn't genuine
christian religion, it is an Imitation
that wonld deceive even tlic watchful
l'eter at the gat e.
Some people make a specialty of try
ing to excuse themselves for their
"pure cusscdness" after their schemes
have been defeated at the bar of justice.
I?ut their "little white lies" don't
go with those who understood their
hypocritical mannersof doing business.
Tlic man who went to milk and sat
down on a boulder in tlic middle of tlic
pasture and waited for the cow to back
up to him, was the eldest brother of
tlic man who kept store and reasoned
that the purchasing public would back
up to his place when It wanted some
thing. A riattsmouth bride made her first
effort at cooking one day last week,
and a pic was the result of her effort.
"I'm afraid," she said to her loving
hubby, "that I have left something
out and that it Is not very good." lie
took a bite and said to Ills wifcy, "No
there Is nothing on earth you could
leave out that would make a pie taste
like that; It's something you've put
in it."
At the nextmcctlngof theclty coun
cil we would suggest that some action
be taken to have the sidewalks and
dilapidated crossings in various parts
of the city repaired. If property own
ers refuse to repair their walks there
is certainly somo way to compel them
to do so. The cussing on some of the
streets arc dangerous for both man
and beast.
A republican of tills city remarked
to a Journal reporter the other day
that "the riattsmouth Republican
King had their slate already for the
county convention and Jake lieeson's
' name didn't appear thereon for county
attorney, cither." No, you b.-t it
don't. And Just a few days before the
convention the Journal will publish
he ticket in full, as slated by the cel
ebrated rlngstcrs.
That t'.V00 attorney fee Is met with
indignation on all sides, and many go
so far as to censure Judge Jessen for
the allowance of such an exhorbltant
fee. Many remark: "That amount
would pay the expense of going to Ken
tucky many times over and then have
enough loft to buy a small farm, ir they
could llnd Rome heirs to 'pull tho wool
over their eyes' llko was done the
Kupkc heirs of Kentucky."
Mrs. John Phillips Dies.
The ahove named lady, wife of John
Phillips, died at her home on Winter
Kteen hill on Monday morning, April
18, T.W4, her death'being duo to dropsy
of the heart, of which she had been
suffering for some time. The deceased
had teen a resilient of riattsmouth
for many years, find leaves besides a
husband one daughter, Mrs. Levi rat
ion, to mourn the demise of a loving
wife aad mother. Tlic funeral occur
red Tuesday at 2 o'clock, the services
being conducted from the family home
by lie V. Burgess, and interment was
made in the Horning cemetery.
Winter Wheat in Excellent Condition, and
the Fruit Prospects Uninjured.
The past week lias been very cold,
averaging about 10 degrees below the
normal In the eastern half of the slate
and 4 degrees below in ttie western
half. The lowest temperatures were
recorded on the Kith, readings about
10 degrees below freezing being re
corded throughout the state.
No rain occurred during the week
except a trace in scattered localities.
The week has been an excellent one
for sowing spring grain, and this work
is nearly finished in all sections. The
early planted oats are coming up in
the counties along the southern bor
der of the state, l'lowing for corn lias
begun under favorable circumstances,
tho soil being sumeiently moist to
plow well except in some western coun
ties. In the eastern half of the state
winter wheat is in good condition and
no damage is reported from the dry
weather ot the week; in tho western
and southwestern sections, however,
much damage to winter wheat has re
sulted from the many weeks of dry
weather. The unusually low temper
ature of the Kith, which was the low
est on record during the last twenty
days of April in some localities, did
little if any damage; fruit buds wore
not far enough advanced to be harmed.
Potatoes are about all planted. Spring
grain, grass and gardens are starting
slowly because of the cold, dry condi
tions. A period of warm weathcr,with
rain, would be beneficial to all vegeta
tion. Let Kim Keep Up the Good Wor!(.
Assessor Teegardcn was busy the
greater part of last week going over tho
records in the Recorder's ollice and lo
cating those holding mortgages. Ho
will also look through the records of
the county clerk and county judge. In
the recorder's cilice alone is found
enough taxable property In the way of
mortgages, to much more than equal
the assessor's salary when taxes are
paid on the same. When those holding
the paper realize that falurc to list it
with the assessor means oO percent,
added, they will not try more than once
to evade the law. Weeping Water
He Exists Here Also.
Everybody respects a man with an
opinion of his own and with the cour
age to express the same in a gentle
manly manner. But the fellow who
goes about t making slanderous asser
tions and Insinuating remarks to your
back, is the most vile and putrid wretch
that exists, lie Is lower than the
sneak thief and more dangerous than
the murderer. lie will not murder
outright, but lie will blacken and kill
the character in order to carry his
point Nebraska City News.
Somewhat of a Surprise.
It seems that the citizens of Green
wood were surprised to learn of the
marriage of MissCraec Meekcrof that
place to a Mr. Moore of Oliiowa, Neb,
The ceremony was performed at Lin
coln, where they met wliiie attending
school. They were married and had
started for the Pacific coast before her
family were made aware of tho fact.
Not an elopement, but the next thing
to It.
For Sals.
One fresh milch cow and two young
calves. Call on George Tarns, two
miles south of city, on Bock Bluffs
1 1 lUlj tkJIUl
"I first used Avcr's Sarsaf-nrilia
in the fall of 1348. Since then I
hme taken it every spring as a
blood purifying and nerve
strengthening medicine."
S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves arc weak, and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take t !ic good old stand
ard family medicine,
Aycr's JjarsapariMa.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
it.Miklllc. AINmulnli.
AiK ym dp or whl tie ililnka of Ayr'n
fliT.Mtrlllft. ku.i. nil nlmni Mil. irriiiiil
,,) family lirlna toil,, hi. ml v kn ml
will to till .ttnl
i v.. ATIH TO., Lowell. Mmi.
Pirns Arranged for tie Ve:k Camiosing
May 9 and Continulcs Entlra Wesk.
Mr. K. E. Garner, representing the
Metropolitan Street Fair company of
Chicago, was in theclty Monday and
Tuesday for the purpose of making ar
rangements to hold a week's carnival
in this city. When the matter was
first submitted to Mavor Gering la-
was not favorably impressed with the
proposition, but when Mr. Garner uro
duced recommendations from various
city authorities regarding this com
pany lie felt more favorble to the
lu the first place Mr. Garner asked
a donation of $r0 to pay the expenses
or getting the company here, which
seemed very reasonable, and Hob
Mauzy and 11. A. Hates were named by
Mayor Gering as a committee to as
sist Mr. Garner in completing the ne
cessary arrangements. Monday after
noon was spent by these gentlemen in
soliciting subscriptions, and ere the
supper hour tlic desired amount was
raised. Tills demonstrates that some
of our people are not at all niggardly
in giving money that is calculated to
assist in a movement that will in all
probability result benelicially to tlic
The Metropolitan Street Fair com
pany is highly recommended bv the
city authorities and flic press in the
cities where it lias been, and carries
with it about one hundred and fifty
people and some of the iinest attrac
tions on record and such other features
as will attract large crowds.
This is the first attraction of this
character that has ever met with en
couragement in riattsmouth, and Mr.
Garner has given his word as a gentle
man of honor that everything will lie
carried out in a respectable and legiti
mate manner, and that nothing will
occur to mar the morals of the most
The people of Cass and adjoining
counties can begin to arrange matters
so that they can attend the street fair
at least one or two days during the
week commencing May 9.
Eighth Grade Excminctions.
Luring the past week lias occurred
the regular eighth grade examination
of the pupils of Cass county. County
.Superintendent Wortman tells us that
a larger number than ever before were
in on this examination. They were
held in six different towns in the
county and were conducted personally
oy the superintendent. Mr. Wortman
devoted the entire week to the matter
and examined 11.") pupils orally in the
subject of reading. All other branches
taken were in writing. As we under
stand it, the law authorizing these
examinations provides that such
pupils who pass satisfactorily will Re
ceive a diploma from the county su
perintendent which will admit them
into a high school without further ex
amination, thus bringing about a uni
form requirement throughout each
county for admittance into the various
hfgli schools. These examinations will
show what Is being done by our
teachers who have eighth grade pupils.
There is nothing more important than
thoroughness in the common branches
and this should be assured before stu
dents are permitted to begin on the
h'ghcr branches.
Now Ready for Business.
M. Archer, attorney at law and jus
tice of the peace. Oillee in the Wet
tencamp block, on the second floor, on
the east side. All legal business will
receive prompt attention. 'Houses to
rent and sell. Collections without
suit a specialty. Marriage ceremonies
performed, and a nice ccrtiticatc will
be given free. If you want to make
your will give mo a call. Deeds and
mortgages made out and acknowl
edged. Ollice hours from 8:00 to 12:00
a. in. and from 1:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to
S:0o p. m.
Coming Buck..
On Friday last George llallance, of
Ilavelock, closed a deal wherein he be
comes the owner of the Elias Sage
fruit farm west of the city. Mr. 1'al
lance will not take possession of the
property until next spring. In the
meantime, however, ho contemplates
making extensive improvements on
the farm. Mr. Ballanee is a former
resident of this city, and the family
well known here.
Mrs. J. Benson, 210 S. 16tl), Omaha.
Saliiin 1'ertect Form and Corset com
bined. Cultivates fashionable straight
front effect and the erect tlgure. lias
no hooks, no clasps, no laces, unstrings,
no heavy steels. Recommended by
leading physicians as a health pre
server." No pressure on lungs or stom
ach. Full bust. Summer weights,
with or without shoulder straps-11.00. a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing like doing a tiling
thoroughly. Of all the Salves you
ever heard of, liucklen's Arnica Salve
Is the best. 1 1 sweeps away and cures
lhirns, Sores, lirulses, Cuts, Hulls,
Ulcers, Skin Eruptions awl riles. It's
only lie, and guaranteed to give satis
faction by F. O. i'rlckc Si Co,
Fireman Falls From His Engine.
The fast Ilurlington meat train, No.
70, which runs from Omaha through
this city to Chicngo d iily, pulled into
GU nwood, la., Inst Friday with a
double-header and stood for twenty
minutes awaiting otMers before the
engineer discovered t;iat his fireman
was missing. Investigation showed
that he was not in the yards and a
searching party was ent back along
the track. At a bridge a mile and a
half from town were found unmistak
able evidences that It was there that
the ti reman had fallen from the engine.
His hat was found near the edge of
the creek and on the steel girders of
the bridge- blood was discovered. The
dead body was brought up from the
bottom of the creek. It is thought he
was dead before he struck the water.
Tlic victim of the accident was 15. C
Carlson, aged -i, unmarried, and made
his home at Creston, He was
well known by railroad men and atone
ti;i.e resided in riattsmouth.
Will Meet In Delegate Cor,n?nilon, at Louis
ville, Thursday, May 5, 1904.
The democratic electors of Cass coun
ty are hereby called to meet in con
vention at tiic tom of Louisville, in
said county, J
at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
selecting twenty delegates to repre
sent Cass county at the democratic
state convention at tliecity of Omaha,
on Wednesday, Juno 1, lliOi, called to
elect four delegates-at-large and. four
alternate delegatcs-at-large, and two
delegates and two alternate delegates
for each congressional district to rep
resent the democratic party of Ne-.
braska at St. Louis national conven
tion. Also, to elect twenty delegates
to the state convention to lie held in
the city of Lincoln to nominate a can
didate for governor and other state
officers to be elected at the ensuing fall
elections; also to elect delegates to the
congressional and lloat representative
conventions. The basis of representa
tion is fixed at one delegate to said
county convention for each fifteen votes
and one additional delegate for the
major fraction thereof cast for John J.
Sullivan for supreme judge. Accord
ingly each precinct will be entitled to a
rcsprcscntation in said, county conven
tion, as follows, to-wit :
Suit I'rwk
Si'ive Creek
.... IVI'luUsmoutkrrc 0
!'.'.! nI Wrt'pliisVt'aUTCUy,
M'irst Wurcl
S"U!h lleii'l 4
Wivpliis; Water Pre,. :i
('filler fi!
I .inilsvillc ...... It
. nd "
Third "
rhitlsmoutli City.
Avoni 5 I'irst Ward..
.Ml. Pleasant II S d " ..
Mt-lit MiliMirove.... k Third " ..
Nelmwka i fourth " ..
Mhenv n I'lfih "
It'wk llhill's. First .. Ii
Second. 4 Tot:i!
, i:w
1 1 is requested that primaries be held
in tlic various precincts, at the usual
voting places thereof, on Tuesday, May
", liiJl, at 7:150 p. m. It is also urg
ently requested that all democrats
and those opposed to the present
extra vagent and corrupt national and
state administrations, attend these
Hen'iiy II. Gkiuxg, Chairman
Democratic County Cent. Committc.
M. A. Hates, Secretary.
Caugtit In Bad Company.
Ollice rs made a raid upon a disorderly
resort in the upper story of a brick
building on lower Main street Sunday
night and round-up four young men,
claiming tlic capital city as their home.
The resort was recently opened by
three women who came here from Lin
coln. The young men
as Charles Smith, James McLain,
Ralph Frcy and W. C. Myers. They
were taken before tlic police judge and
lined frVOO each. Only one of the party
had this amount, and the other three
were let olf by the payment ot the
costs in their respective cases. It's
marbles to chalk that these young
gents won't visit riattsmouth very
soon again to have "a time"
Notified Clubsi
Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenborough of
this city, secretary of the Nebraska
Federation of Women'sclubs, has sent
out notices to the president of each
club in tills state that for the seventh
biennial meeting of the General Fed
eration of Women's clubs, to be held
in St. Louis May 17 to 2.1, the execu
tive board has chosen the r.urlington
as the official route for the Nenraska
delegation. The ollice rs and delegates
of t lie fedcrat ion expect to depart for
St. Louis May hi, arriving there the
next morning. Tho day of the celebra
tion at the fair grounds will be May
10, known as the "Louisiana Purchase
day." deceptions at all of the state
buildings will be held upon that day.
The headquarters for the Nebraska
club women will be at the Odeon.
Punished for Vslfe Desertion. f
John L. Hunter, who was sentenced
a few days ago by Judge .lessen at Ne
biaska City to serve six months in the
penitentiary for wife and child deser
tion, Is the first man to servo time In
that Institution on that charge.
1 know a Jolly old maiden lady,
A lady of high degree,
Who never goes to bed without
A drink of Ilocky Mountain Tea".
Scusible woman. (Jcrltitf & C'o,
-)( W
:1 :'V
O Bl,t that's ter
V awake long enough to
nave our entire line of
be please to show our
And the Citizens cf Greenwood Take II
for Granted Ks Is U Liable To.
Two weeks ago Fred Ech, a saloon
keeper at Greenwood, left the village
unceremoniously, hut, the citizens
thought nothing; of his so doing, hav
ing left his business to the care of an
other party. A week rolled around
and Fred falling to show up, not only
tho gentleman who was holding down
the business at the old stand, but
some of his creditors began to smell a
good sized rat, and began an investi
gation. It was soon learned that there
was '-a woman lu the case," and that
"trouble was brewing" on this score.
Not only this, but upon further inves
tigation it was found that numerous
citizens were "left to hold the sack"
for varioussums that he had borrowed,
and that the wholesale liquor houses
came in with claims for dill'erentsunis
amounting to hundreds of dollars.
After all the facts in the case came
to light those interested S'on decided
that Kch had gone for good, and his
place of business was taken possession
of by creditors to be closed out for
what it would bring. It is claimed
that lie owed the wholesale dealers
about $ii00, and that other debts would
make the sum run to over $1,000.
The Journal is informed that Kscli
always bore a very fair reputation and
did a good business in his line. In his
departure he leaves his bondsmen "in
the soup" also. He Is a single man,
and we understand the friends of the
woman whom lie lias left to suffer from
his perfidy will make a desperate cITort
to seek his whereabouts and have jus
tice take its revenge.
Right Royally Entertained.
Miss Florence hovey entertained a
few ot her young friends on Thursday
evening last, the occasion being In
honor of her birthday anniversary.
The invited guests were most delight
fully entertained by the young hostess.
The principal part of the evening was
spent in high live Miss Marjorle Wal
lace and Jamie Patterson capturing
the king prize. A three course lunch
eon was served, after which music and
dancing was iu order until a late hour,
when all departed wishing Miss Flor
ence the return of many more such
happy events. Those present wen-
Misses Ida IVarhnan, Kva Fox, Hazel
Dovey, i'.essie Tyson, Marjorie Walker,
lone and Helen Dovey and Miss l!a!-
ley; Messrs. Sam MeCallan, Will Hub-
crtsnn.Jamie Wlndliain, Millard Klein,
Jamie Patterson, Henry Cutlinian, Kd
White, and Fleming Uobbof Murray.
Good for Children.
The pit asant to take and harmless
One Minute Cough Giro gives Imme
diate relief In all cases of Cough,
Croup and Ladrlppe because It does
not pass Immedately into the stomach
but takes effect right at the seat of
the trouble. It draws out the Inllain-
mat Ion, heals and soothes and cures
permanently by enabling the lungs to
contribute pure life-eivlng and life
sustaining oxygen to the blood and
tissues. One Minute Cough Cure Is
pleasant to take and It is good alike
for young and old. Sold by F. (i.
Frlcke & Co.
If you are a judge of a irood smoke,
try the "Aconu" C cent cigar and you
win smoke no other,
& Thf.Qo nitc DiniA n! r? cm . - enn
O ;"Drop in and take a look. K
g The Leading; Clothier Plattsmouth, Neb.
You SI
" mnr nm riTini m n in
It would seem as -if some people hail been
asleep lonjj enough, anil it is time they awake
anil look a rou ml them, anil see what has been
going on in the world
here nor there with us, all
call in and compare prices
Spring and Summer
goods whether we make a
Let Us Have Fair Play.
Editor Journal: I hope 1 shall not
be intruding by asking for a little
space In your valuable paper, as 1
should be pleased to offer a few re
marks anent the mcetingof tax-payers
at the court houso last week. This
meeting was called for tlic ostensible
purpose of securing a just and equita
ble return and valuation ot all property-cash,
personal and real in tills
city, and to prevent shirking by those
who have property in such shape so
that it can not be readily ascertained
by the assessor, etc., but the real pur
pose of the meeting was apparently
lost sight of, and the enforcement of
the "scavenger act" in this county was
the only thing up for discussion, a'
committee was even appointed for the
purpose of bringing the matter before
the county board, but 1 will make you
guess that it will never be heard of
Now, I have heard it intimated that
strong pressure was brought to bear
on the projectors of this meeting to
side track the purpose, by a class, as
usual, who desire to shirk their cart
of the tax burden as in the past, and
make a 'Tour Hush" of the new reve
nue law.
The county assessor, as is his chit v. T
am informed, is very busy preparing a
list ot mortgages. Judgments and tnv
sales In tlic county owned by residents
therein, to be sure that no "mistakes"
occur in returning and listing same
for taxation. The law should also
permit him to go to tlic banks nnd
other kindred corporations receiving
deposits of money, to ascertain that
no "mistakes" occur In returning
amounts on deposit on the 1st, of
April, but it is nob tobcexDected that.
this will be done. There is just as
much liability to "error" In returning
cash for taxation as notes, judgments
and tax sales. The assessor should
not stop with the court house records,
but will he?
Now, Mr. Editor, this l:iv wnfl
framed and lobbied through tlic legis
lature by the banks, railroads and
other corporations, and I for one
would like to see it enforced to the
letter, and then if the good people of
this state want another republican
legislature they can vote that ticket
and pay the liddler. The class who do
the governing and consume the money
paid in taxes do not realize wlier the
money comes from as a rule. '
If all the property subject to taxa-
tlon In this city is listed at its proper
value, t lie tax rate should not be over
four or live per cent, Instead of ten or
eleven last year. As a matter of self-
defense each one should see that it Is
done, and then if the law is found to
be unjust and unreasonable possibly
the next legislature will correct It.
especially should It be democratic.
tours truly, Fa in Play.
The Best Family Salve.
HeWltt's Witch Hazel gives Instant
relief from Hums, cures Cuts, lit uises,
Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abra
sions of the hkln. In buying Witch
Hazel Salve It Is only necessary to see
that you get the genuine De Witt's
and a cure Is certain. There are many
cheap counterfeits on the market, all
of which are worthless, and quite a
few arc dangerous, while HeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salvo Is perfectly harm
less and cures. Sold by F. G. Frlcke
& Co.
Smoko the Wurl Cros.' celebrated
"Gut Hell" duars.
ake Up, t
while they slept.
we desire is to have you Q
or examine qualities. We O
Clothing in and would S
sale or not. Q
The New Revenue Law.
To the Editor of tlic Journal: As
the new revenue law Is the subject of
some discussion at the present time, I
should be pleased to call attention to
the unfairness of the provision thereof
relative to the listing of mortgages.
Where a mortgage is found in tlic
name of a local citizen It wilt be listed
for. "taxation, as well as the land it
covers, and to the extent of the mort
gage this will be double taxation.
However, this unfair provision will
apply only to the holders of mortgages
who reside in the county, and not to
the non-resident holder, life Insurance
loan and trust companies, and very
likely will not apply to any one resid
ing outside of tho county, as the law
docs not require the assessor to go be
yond the limits of the county on ex
peditions of "discovery." Of course,
this is as It should be, the large and
powerful interests should be protected
from taxation the same as our power
ful industries, called by our republi
can friends "infant Industries," should
be sheltered by a protective tariir.
This law goes after the small investor
within the county, but docs not touch
the loan, trust and I nsnrnnen mm.
panics beyond the borders of tho state
(and probably the county), and to that
extent places the local investor at a
disadvantage. Now the Inevitable re
sult will be that local capital will be
sent away from home to be invested
and local borrowers will be required to
get their loans from outside the statu.
Then how many of the mortgages will
pay laxes? to say the least, the law
Is very unfair, but it is nrnhahlv nrn.
sumptuous to expect fairness from tho
so.irce rrom which the law emanated.
It is pre-eminently a comoratlon
measure, but what else could be ex
pected from the legislature that en
acted it; I presume I shall be called
a "red liagger" or a "lippy populist"
lor caning attention to these thines.
but it matters little to me.
Yours truly, John M. Leyda.
Modern Murders.
A newspaper, In comnarlni? thn kit
tles of olden time, with those of today
ridicule iiicm saying that they were
baby-plays; armed with mnrlirn ma
chines and chemicals we can now des
troy millions of property and hundred
of lives. A great progress of civiliza
tion! And worse than this licensed
wholesale slaughtering, foolish hasto.
contaminated air, lack of rest and
other modern necessities rage in our
midst. Only those ot a stromr nlwui.
cal system survive; weakness means
death. 'Irincr's American Elixir of
Hitter Vtinc is a modern tonic acting
directly on the digestive organs, and
by strengthening them makes diges
tion complete and thus renews ti.n
blood. It Is composed of pure grapo
wine and selected herbs, is very palat
able and very effective. At (lriiustY.r..
Joseph Trlncr,7!l!i So. Ashland Ave.,
ii. i . it ...
wncago, ins., I'iisen Station.
A Cure For Headache.
Any man, woman or child sufferirjr
from headache, bllllousness or a dull,
drowsy feeling should take one or two
of HeWltt's Little Early Klsera night
iind morning. Ihcsc famous Httlo
pills aro famous because they are a
Ionic as well as a pill. While they
cleanse the system they strengthen
and rebuild It by their tonic effect
upon tho liver and bowels. Sold by
T.U.FrlckQ&C'o, . '