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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1904)
MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment fur Man, Ucut wr Twultry. Dt for Uore ftllmeut. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment heals Old Sore quickly. Best for Cattle ailments. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment cure Caked Udder In cow. J5est for Sheep ailment. MEXICAN MEXICAN The Mustang Liniment Austang Liniment limbers up StilTJolnta. cure rrwMtbite and Chilblain. OLIVER Typewriter MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment THE penetrate to the very bone. Best thing lor u lame horse. STANDARD VISIBLE WRITER ' MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment always gives satisfaction. drive out all inflaniniatlotu MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment curea Cat, Kara, Urals?. la use for over sixty years. MEXICAN MHXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment cur en Sprain and Strain. cure Spavin and Kingbonc. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment i a positive cure fur I'ilvs. cure nil forma of Rheumatism. Cash Given Away to Users of 13 Jv Wo are goinff to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Iion Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for have always given our customers, but n Addition to the same Lion-Heads will entitle make some of our patrons rich men The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Louis World's Fair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, l'J04. $zo,ooo.oo will be distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a n.nilJ I"" -1 nMI- Mf (C Afin HO to the one who is nearest correct on both UlUnQ rilSI lllZc 01 MUiUUUiUU contests, and thus your estimates have two Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion CO' Coffee Packages and a 2 cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: tC2i WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What will be the total July 4th attr ndnnce at tha St. T.fnill World'! Fair? At Chlinifo, July 4. Itm, tho attondunce was 28:1,27:1. For ncari'Bt correct estimates received In Wonlson Spice Com pany'! otlke, Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 311th, 19H4, we will give first prite for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 Flrt Frle 12,600.00 1 Second Prlie 1,000.00 id miea ouu.iHJ eaon 6 Prlie 200.00 10 Prlie 100.00 SO Priies 60.00 60 Prlree 20.00 250 Priies 10.0O 1BOO Prliei 0.00 " " " " " 3130 PRIZES, 4279 Distributed to the Public-aggregating 545,000.00 In addition to to Grocers' Clerks (sei particulars In HON COFFEE cases) making & COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF u 1 WOOLSON SPICE CO., anzsiflanssB&sEs I if" kt-ckrthtn' Free While A Beautiful Lithograph of Dan Patch With Every Package of International Stock Food . Get Your Stock in Shape For the Heavy Spring Work. You don't have to buy a barrel, get a 25c or 50c package Try it and you will buy more. F. G. Fricke & Co. PHARMACISTS Union Block, Sixth St. Plattsmouth, Neb. the Regular Free Premium you to estimates in our $50,000.00 and women. You can send in as many TWO GREAT CONTESTS cppunuuiuesoi PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will be the total Popular Vote cast for President (vote for all candidates combined) at the election November 8, 1W4? In l'JtH) election, 13.9VJ,ti5 peoplo voted for President. For nearest cor rect estimates received In Woolson Spice Co.'s, office, Toledo, O., on or before Nov. S, l'J04, wc will Klve first prlie for the nearest cor rect estimate, second prize to the next Dearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 First Prize $2,500.00 1 Second Prize 1.000.00 l.ouo.uu ..l.OOO.OO 6 Prizes 200.0O 1 ,000.00 1,000.00 1 ,000.00 2,500.00 9,000.00 10 Prizes 20 Prizes 60 Prizes 250 Prizes 1800 Prizes 100.0O 60.0O 20.00 10.00 O.OO TOTAL, 120,000.00 2139 PRiZES, PRIZ (CONTEST DEPT.) S2U3BZ32E2BQ "The Early Bird Catches the Worm" This is nn old saying, but n very wise ono in many respects, nnd serves to remind those who nro on tho lookout for Spring Suits For Men nnd lioys Dint William Holly is prepared to "fill tho bill" in this line to n dot, nnd invites nil to como nnd inspect his now arrivals nnd yet prices. Fit nnd quality guaranteed, nnd prices to suit tho times. Also, a tine lino of Men's and lioys' Shoes of nil grades. Hats and Cops, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Remember tho place, William Holly East Doom Waterman Clock Corner Fourth and Main Streets They Last Free E2 MUIHVJB P J2233 Coffee. Not only will the the valuable premiums wc s Grand Prize Contests, which will estimates as desired. There will be winning a Dig casn prize. Printed blanks to vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es timate is recorded. 2 Prize $500.00 each 1,000.00 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 1.000.00 . 1 ,000.00 .2,500.00 .9,000.00 TOTAL, $20,000.00 79 which'wa shall givt $5,000 grand total of $50,000.00. TOLEDO. OHIO. jccccceocceoeoecooos Ij Perry's Restaurant iJShort Order House NVSCOOOQCOSCCOCOCOQOSOOSO Monls Served nt Regular S Meal Hours. k Fresh Oysters (IN SEASON) Fish or anything in Market, b GXECX33XD3XEGXS GIVE US A CALL. P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, h MARTIN BUILDING, S North Side Main Straet cccoosocooososoeo Wall Paper I have just received my new stock of Wall Paper. Remember, our stock is all new no paper left over from last year. Come in and let us show you what pretty patterns we have. You'll be surprised to learn how nicely you can paper a room. 6co. W. Gilman Zbc XDruoolst COATES BLOCK JOHN M. LEYDA, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. t'rrpnrlnc ltri'tmif tltlit, rnnvcjrmirlnn I1IKI I'Mlllllllllltf lllll'S 141 PHtMM ft RINTIHl- ly. Wnrk iirvprrly lm hiii! churae rvnwin nlili'. OIHru Kni 0 rtml 7, John Uiind Hiiliillnir. Lew Court Uimsti, 1'luiuiuuuUi, SOOGGOOr Spring Rains ARE ALMOST DUE How is Your Roof? If You Need a New One, Now is the Best Time Remember, that wc are fully prepared to place a new tin roof on your house, new spouting;, or repair the old ones. Wc Make a Specialty of Roofing and Spouting And are Prepared to Give You Close Figures on This Kind of Work. John Bauer No. 506 Main Street Goods MAVRIKM' pte Best The Reliable Store Lowest Do You Want To Earn Money? Money Saved is Money Earned, and you can un doubtedly save money, by trading at HAYDEN'S. I D If V - N 0 L AND SOLD OR EASY PAYMENTS We bellev that comparison will show that we carry tho most com plete line of itirictljr High Grade instruments of any houso in tho west and at prices below any competition. -Our Pianos and Organs are made by tho old est, largest and most reputable makers in this country. Concerns whose rep utation for the manufacture of only Illjh Grado goods is In itsolf a guarantee of quality. WE ARE OFFERING New Upright Pianos at $123.00, $127.50, $132,50, $147,00, $157,00, $163,00 And up to the famous Chickerinj, Fischer, Estoy, Wogman, Trlco & Teeplo, Decker, Kalnes, Franklin, Jacob Doll, llobart M. Cablo, Brewster, Kohlcr & Campbell and twenty other makes to select from. A complete line of &Btoy and Burdell ORGANS in stock. 16th nnd Dodge Streets. WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE PERCHERON pit. MAIMUALU DKNTICT All Vlhcta of TVntal work. I'lntr made that fit, SSyoRM piM rience. I'rk'M reaaouaule. WorkKunrantm'd. OKKICK KlTIOIHALD ItUKI. T(LirB0lN0.l0R(7 Plattsmouth, Nebraska m n a BUI '' -.,'f. 4 wm HUE 1 A In 3B a Opposite Nrw Post Off Ice OMAHAi STALLIONS Imported and Sued bt M. L. Ayres, Shenandoah, la Krl In the fall I arrived with mr Hot lmiKirtitllon of IVn-liertm nd lliilRlan Hmllloni, all of the good sort, hnnvy txine, low down, block J kind, ltlmiks, buys and gtj. .... One hundrrd or more Heoorjpn Anl main n fiirm to ai'lcrt from. Wear-ll all with a (riinriinte to bn aerr;e foal Bi'tlfTK. Wo alii la orusiililiiK Com 1h nli to buy. We Rive Imiu lime on Imiiknlile piippr at lx prr cent. If you want a good animal come ana toe Die. Houd lor Uutaloir. M. L. AYRES. Write or ti'tephnne mo and I Will meet you at ttie depot. The picture Is of Blaado, tha beat IVrolioron Blalllon la America, im portrtl by anl at the head of M. I Ay its' Htud of I'ercberou Htalllons. R. B. WINDHAM ATTOIINKV'AT-LAW. IMattMimuth I I Nrlira.kiv Probate, Coinmcrclal Law, Ken I Cstate Litigation aud fyrcclyiurc of tuortkrarics a specialty Absent-minded People. The Omaha-World Herald says "the statesmen at Washington are fond of 'spinning yearns,' and it has been presumed that they never Indulge In what, In the parlance of the street, is known as 'chestnuts.' Yet two of the distinguished men at the national cap ital recently palmed oil as new stories that will be very generallyreeognizcd as aged by many Nebraskans. The New York World gives publicity to the following:" "I suppose," said John Sharp Will iams, the democratic leader in the house, "that the most absent-minded man in the south lives in my town in Mississippi, lie is a lawyer, and for gets his name half the time. One day last summer ho had to go up to the court house on some business, lie took a pieee of paper and wrote on it: 'Hack at three o clock,' and stuck tho paper on tne door or hisotllce. lie linlslied sooner than he expected, and came down the street thinking out some weighty problems. When he climbed up the stairs to his olllcc he found the sign, 'Hack at three o'clock,' staring him in the face, lie took out his watch, found it was but a quarter past two and sat down to wait until three." After reading the above, our old old friend, Conrad Hchlater, related to the Journal a story of absent-minded ness that occurred right here In TlattS' mouth, to which he was an eye-witness, and from the circumstances surround ing It, would seem a more complete complete case than the above. Years ago, Turner Marquette, then a proml nenc lawyer of this town, and well re membcred by all the old residents, had made all arrangements to get married on a certain day to a Miss Uorder, and the hour set for the ceremony was 11 o'clock a. m. Shortly before this hour Mr. Schlater and Dr. William Donelan were standing In front of tho latter's drug store. Marquette was seen slow ly walking up Malnstreet, with head bowed, as thoughln deep study about some Important matter. Arriving in speaking distance Dr. Donelan asked why he was poking along so when he should be at home donning his wed ding suit. Pulling up his pants, which was a habit with him, answered: "Yes, I am to be married at 1 1 o'clock and for got all about it. I must hurry home;" and oil he went in a dog trot. When forgets his wedding hour, it is most certainly a case of absent-mindedness, pure and simple. A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation In Lces- vllle, Ind., when W. II. Brown of that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. IIo writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon there after effected a complete cure." Simi lar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip arc numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Trice 50c, and 91. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist. Trial bottles free. A Big Mortgage. A legal representative of the C., R. I. & P. railway company recently filed with the recorder of Cass county, a mortgage for $103,000,000, which covers the entire system controlled by that company. The mortgage Is in favor of the Central Trust Company of St. Louis, and to ex-Governor David K. Francis of Missouri, as trustee. The fee for liling this Instrument was $40.70, and the same has to be filed in every county through which any branch of the Rock Island runs. Good for Children. The pkasant to take and harmless One Mlnuto Cough Cure gives imme diate relief In all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrlppo because it does not pass lmmedatcly into the stomach but takes effect right at the scat of the trouble. It draws out the inflam mation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling tho lungs to contribute pure llfo-glving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. One Minute Cough Cure Is pleasant to take and it Is good alike for young and old. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. An Old Instrument. While Mr. II. W. Iturkctt was look ing over the effects of the late Rachael Kearney he discovered a 95 county script drawn on the York Rank of York, Penn., bearing interest at the rate of ono per cent per annum. Cor respondence was opened with this bank and they replied that they would pay the face value of the script If It would be sent to them. It was issued In 1838 and the ngc of the Instrument makes It Interesting. Glenwood (la.) Opinion. The Best Family Salve. DeWltt's Witch Hazel gives Instant relief from Hums, cures Cuts, ltrulses, Sores, Kacnia, Tetter and all abra sions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it Is only necessary to sec that you get tho gcnulno DeWltt's and a cure Is certain. There are many cheap counterfeits on tho market, all of which aro worthless, and quite a few aro dangerous, while DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is perfectly harm less and cures. Sold by F. ( Fricke VCo. THE OLIVER RECORD HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., n6 South 15th Street Omaha, Nobraskni D3X5X5XDCX2! BY KEEPING IN LIME! And Dwelling straight to UeeKbael? ?o, where you will bo re paid for your trouble by Rotting the best on the markets. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, fresh daily from the markets. VEGETABLES, gathered freBh every morning. 'Phone 54. Waterman Block PUUsmoutli. EGGS ...For... Hatching From THOROUGHBRED BUFF - ORHPINGTONS. Write for prices and description of mating. W. C. Hamilton. i4f?x riattsmoutb, Nebraska. FORTUNE'S FAVOR'S ARE OF YOUR. OWN MAKING Those who try to win them by reckless speculation are most often unsuccessful. Legiti mate methods of acquiring wealth founded on the most solid of tinanclal principals are offered by THE PLATTSMOUTH SAVINGS BANK f . .-- 1 V Abstracts of Title V Ttyomas Uallii)4 OFFICE-Anlieuser-Busb Block. cffl JSnTAUTSoBILEr I B Btil an Birth Ritr4ltt of ft U B m W. tollilt ort..o.dfie Ir.m r.i.,.. II ilv.ktin RAMRLhR AUTUMOklLI II BCO. OMAKy NfeMK H