WOMEN BREAK DOWN. L i JJaAr ouuii'iinies women Cltil t -balf Invalid - Con- OJU tlnual 1,n8Uor. all 8 urea out, run down. A backache, norves Bhat- -4'VTi1C ,'re(, h'alaoin torrl- ble pain, no appetite. mjv ryi-ur uiKfiHlnn. in nln coses out of ten Ifi be cause the kidneyi fall to do their work of filtering the polsonouj yntem waste from the blood. The kidneys are weak and need the Btreniitlienlni? hnin , t Poan's Kidney lMlla. Read how these pills repair a weukened physical con dition when this condition Is caused by sick kidneys: Mrs. Sudle Mettles of 33 W. 4th Ave., Columbus, Ohio, says: ' Prior to the year IS'JS sufTored considerably from backache, pain In tho head, lan guor and depression and weakness of the action of tho kidneys. Tho pain was always worse in the morning, and I felt miserable. I was Induced to procure a box of Doan's Kidney nils and I began their use. They proved prompt and effective. They cured me and there has been no return of the trouble since taking them. I owe all the credit to Dunn's Kidney Pills." A FREB TRIAL, of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mrs. Met tles will be mailed on application to nny part of the United States. Ad dress Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price 60 cents per box. A pompous person applied to the elder Ilenner for a Job as editorial writer. "What are your qualifica tions?" asked the editor. "I know all the literary men of Englnnd," replied tho applicant. "H'm, h'm." said Hen nett, "you must know DickenB, then?" "I was a reporter with Dickens." "And l"hackeray?" "I helped Thackeray with lis 'Hook of Snobs. And Tenny- Jon?" "I have broken manv a nloo with Tennyson." "And George Eliot?" I roomed with him." Absence Is a tonic for love onlv when men and women love with all their heart and soul. When they do not, the ancient proverb is still true: "Far from the eyes, far from the heart." Mm. fVinslnw'n soothing rtyrnp. For rbllilrrn tc.tliliiK, aufteua the tiiirua, roducot fty flaniwailuu, ajlaya palu, curat wluUoollu. S&utUjiUa. If a man Is satisfied with one meal a day he can afford to write poetry. CITC rrmnpiitlT rami. Nn fltnor nrrrnnww arte VI I V ilrot duT'a uwnf llr. Kllnr'alli-fiit Nt'fvr Hi-mi.i fir. Hnil Ic.r FltKK D'J.IIII trim tmttli. mul tr.'stlta, lid. U. U. Luke, LUL, imi ajiIi Mreet, 1'IuUuIuIijUU, l' Self-made men generally act as though they were proud of thoir job. ARE TOl'K CI.OTUES IADEOT TTro Iteil Cnwti RiUl I!h:e and muko t hum white agiiiu. Largo ii oz. piuiliag ji 5 cent Few men ran argue about religion And keep cool. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch Is taking the place of all others. One way to dodge tho dlvorco courts Is to stay single. W. L. DOUGLAS S4.C0, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 ViSS SHOES "W.L Douglas kIioos tiro worn ly moro HEAT IN THE WORLD. men than any other inakf. Tho reason is, they hold their nlmpe.titbetter.wear i i i f 1, 1 !7 Kreaier liunnsiu value than any A Oilier slioca. JFv. , i.imik Kir niim" nml orlrw mi liotlitin. Itoiiulita - ( iiroim t'olUUiii, villi li l mryu lii-icciinieih'il toliotlift lmil I'lutcnt Irf-nlliiryi-t priiilm-ril. fait Vo'or I iirltltutrd. biiwa hT uitiil.r.n-iioi'YirA. Wmnf.ir ('aiiilnir. W. L. DOIK.I.A, ltrtH-kton, Mua. tnt OSKMU. fOVVCA't II tft n AHJIUH tllZ .t Mcdt n bluk or ytllcw for all kinds of wi worV On ! twwhtrt lock forth JifnoM'wMiwrfLr" Ik. T(-MfB ...tk-kntt. I J vm I-..T. IVITLn VII UK VUhlllt.. Awayfl $500 Given U'nu na or nartlratara and Im aamipla-awi of Tho Mnltary otlnir T.troridiRwicrmiiTniiln. M . V... .nlwll mlXWltu onlflwuff. ratiful(frlohllnd l.ilrsutint. Notl.br. J.eut-I alt hnt 'iur ln WHumiioB. HJ f A lnbt In In lb. rkM. proi-rW !-1 iwiii f ..suit hirdwirtuHl aruc dol.rt I iarir.tr". tiaulUt C7Jltt4 IwlO. Uci. trltillluU.1.1. vJKyS BINDER SIIGHICIGAR always reliable lout joiMur ur iliini imui tiur)', l'url, 1U. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 181904 mm A Bad Fix Wt-.M rr. ".'ilea, up ocKin (rem tifaj to fx:!, ad ;h t!to licih leader t J tha tJuch, when Soreness and Stiffness naVd "ry m'ln c' tti K dy p-.Hwl, th" cjrrt iJ qjit?.it -y out cf tt.c trcul.o is lo u.o St. Jacobs ; Oil promptly, It wajnn, raUiet. curc. Fries, aSc. end 50c. Kites as Scapegoats. Everybody know the fondness of the adult Otiinese fur kite flying. The Korean, however puis this pastime to a use altogether novel. Wheii the timo of good resolutions emues around at the new year the Korean writes on a kite all his faults. "Evil disposl tion. impatience, had words, street rights," etc. "li was bo dark," bay one America:! residing In Korea, r latlng mien an Instance, that no klt could be seen, but when he had run the string out to its full length h cut it and let it go, Imagining that so he had rid himself of his enemies and could hepim the new year with new courage." A California senator, who recently returned to IiIh heme from a Kuropean tour, has been telling a Mory of his adventures which redounds to tho credit of the Loudon bus conductor. On a veiy rainy day. the senator got Into an multibus. Very soon he no ticed that drops of water were putter ing down upon hU head from the roof. At that moment the conductor entered to collect the lares. "What's the mat ter with the roof?" said the dump sen ator; "does It !o this always'.'" "No, sir," replied the seiiHible eouduetor; "only when li rains." Prophet Joseph Smith, of the Mor mon church, says that for a man to live with but one wife, is as bad as to be an infidel, as polygamy was com manded by God direct. If a man has a wife, and she objects direct to a second, or a third, sho will be de stroyed. Now will the woman be good? Death Is one thing that never fails to come to the man who waits. Deafness Cannot Be Cured tr Iik uI iitli.tn, na ibi r rumiot trteh th dt eairil portlou of ih cur. 1 iipiv I only one way lo rurs ilrnlni-ai. and flint la by rinalllutliial renieillrt. tlraftlraa la ra.iard liy an lltnalned condition of the niucuua 1 1 11 1 11 of tho Maim lilan Tiilio. W hen Hit. tulie la Inflamed you tunc, a nt n i II tiu Hound or Im perfect bcarlnic.aud when It la entirely c.locd. Hcaf ne la I lie re. nil an, I uiiloa Hie liilUmniatfon can tin lakcn oul and tbla lulic rt-olored I" lla normal condi tion, hcarluit sill Iw dcairovt'd forever; nine cac out of ten am cun.rd by aurrli. which lanoiblog but an Inflamed condition of the inucoii aurfacf a. .Ve win ulve our llundted Hollara for anv cace of Denfnena i euuacd bv cm a: r 111 I Mai cannot lid curtd by Itali a Cuiarrb Cure. Send for ctrculara. free. ., V. .1. CHUNKY CO., Toledo, 0. Sold bv Drutrtr'iit. ;.v. lake ilull'a Faintly I'llli for conillpatlon. Some men talk and talk, and never seem to get relief. It is the Interest of everv member of tho STATU FARMER'S MUTUAL INSl'RANCK CO. to help It along. The Company belongs to tho members. Tho officers ere their servants. Each member Is only liable for his share of louses and expenses, according to the amount of Insurance ho carries. Members are assessed at the end of two years, after the Insurance was nrtit written upon all their policies for the time insured, and assessment follows every two years. e have paid our members over IfiO.OOO In losses. Cunnot. you help some of your neighbors to its bene fits? B. R. STOl'FKEU. Sec'y., South Omaha, Nebr. A woman's Idea of mutual pleasure Is to spend the money her husband earns by the sweat of his brow. To the housewife who has not yt become acquainted with the new things of everyday use In the market and who Is reasonably satisfied with the old, we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once. Not alone because It Is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand, but because each 10c package con tains 16 07.8., while ell the other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It Is safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Stnrch will use no other. Quality and Quantity must win. When a man rer.ches the hotting stago he Is na the end of his argu ment. ITnn.l rower Hnjr I'rcag C28 OO. Greatest, simplest, best invention of the np. A boy inn make regular sized MxlSxIS In. bales like fun, nnd two bovs can bale llirpo tuna nor rlnv easily. snsn this notice to-pat to the John A Kllrror Won. I nn T - ' n v. . , i m Crosse, Is., with nc stamps for matl- iiik. Hint ineir DiK raining, rully de scribing this great Hay I'ress, so also hlinrll-IHlfl nf tnnla nnri ll,,.iiB.niu rlettes of Farm and Vegetable Seeds. IT XT TT "Sardoti represents a distinct type of the drama which he originated," said a pupil In Itrnnder Matthews' dramatic literature class at Columbia university. "What description of that type do you offer?" acked Professor Matthews. "Theatrical plays closely packed with Interest mark the Sardine drama," replied the youni.: man, promptly at.d earnestly. "Young man." laughed the pr.ifessor, "with a can opener you may yet evolve the great American play." At an "at homo" n young man came In and made his way to the hostess, greeting her nnd apologzing for his lateness. "Awfully glad to see you, Mr. Blank," said the hostess; "so gootl of you to ccme. Hut where Is your brother?" "I am commissioned to tender his regrets. You see, we are so busy just now that is Is Impossible for both of us to get away, so we tossed up to see which of us should come." "How nice! Surh an original Idea. And you won?" "No," said the young man. absently. "I lost." Tho war in the fur east has resulted in torpedo lints, a new snrltiL' stvle following Hip interest In the cast. Heavens, what if interest in the Reed Smoot case results In n fashion of plural wives. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS LOOK TO GOOD INSURANCE. Complaints Pourinj in from Nebra.ka Policy Holders. LINCOLN Complaints from Ne braska policy holders have been pour ing Into the office of Deputy Auditor Pierce at a Lvely rate during the last few days and as a result he has de clared war on wildcat concerns. These are companies not authorized to do business In the state. They solicit policies by mall and their tempting offers have led many farm ers to "0116." Mr. rierr e lias notified tho public J in a statement mat the .Mercantile Fire Insurance company of Chicago, which has been flooding tho state with circulars, Is not authorized to do business in Nebraska. The American Underwriters of Chicago Is in the same shape; also II. A. l'otter & Co. of Chicago, and tho Union Fire of Chicago. None of these companies are authorized to solicit In Nebraska or Illinois. The following other com panies are not authorized to do busi ness In this state; Security Fire of Chicago and the Firemen's Fire of Chicago. Policies In "wildcat" companies are void In Nebraska, but a policy in an unauthorized insurance company, which has complied with tho provi sions of the insurance brokerage sec tion of lue laws, may be recovered on. None of the companies named have complied with either the insurance or brokerage sections of the law, con sequently their polities are void un der tho statute, which reads as fol lows : "All fire insurance policies isseed to residents of this state or upon property situated In whole or la part In this state by companies, corpora tions, associations, partnerships or persons who have not complied with the laws of the state, unless procur ed under and by the provisions of this act, are hereby declared void." WIFE DESERTER SENTENCED. Hunter Gets Six Months In the Peni tentiary. NEBRASKA CITY John Hun ter, who was arrested and brought back here from Carbon, la., charged with wife desertion, was taken before Judge Jessen and pleaded guilty. Ho could not give bond for tho support of his wife and children, so he was sen tenced to the penitentiary for six months. This Is ihe first conviction in this county for this crime, although it is the second case that has been in the courts here. The county assessor has returned nearly all of the schedules to his dep uties in tho country precincts to be corrected and the value of live stock raised. Promised to Be Good. DAKOTA CITY Upon promise to the court 'lint he would provide for his wife and family and bo a good and true husband, the case against William Salisbury in Judge Elmers' court was continued for thirty days and Salisbury was released from cus tody on his own recognizance In tho sum of $200. Salisbury was arrested nnd placed In jail on complaint of his wife that lie had failed to maintain and support herself nnd their children nnd that he had wilfully abandoned them. Sustained the Demurrer. LINCOLN The district court has sustained the demurrers of the stnto In the Hoyd comity land cases. The attorneys for the settlers Immediately asked leave to file amended petitions, and this was granted. Attorney Gen eral Prout has returned from Uoyd county. Tho cases now go over to the next session. THIEVES ON PASSENGER TRAIN. Relieve Discharged Soldiers of Eighty Dollars and Decamp. NEHRASKA CITY H. A. Jennings was robbed of $80 near this city on tho .Missouri Pacific passenger due here at 12:40. Jennings and two oili er men were In a gnme of cards and when they drew near this city one of the men covered Jennings with a gun while the other relieved him of $.80. Tho mnn with the fT'in kept Jen nings covered till the other was safely off the train and then he. too. took to the woods, Jennings stopped off and reported tho matter to tho author ities, but so far the police have beca unable to find the robbers. Bit Fire Crrckera Barred, flit AND ISLAND At tho meeting of the ci'y. council an ordinnnce pro hibiting the sale of fire crackers of greater dimensions than three Inches In length nnd half nn inch In diameter the sale of dynamite canes or other dynamite exploding contrivances, and of blank cartridge pistols, was passed on Its first reading. Carl Markow Drowned. LINCOLN Word has been receiv ed by the Lincoln relatives that Carl Markow, second mate of a tnins-Pa-clflc ocean merchantman, was drown ed In tho harbor of San Francisco. Few details or the accident have as yet been learned. Mr. Markow was well known In Lincoln, having visited In this city at several different times. Two brothers and two Hitters of tho drowned man are residents of this place. Mr. Markow had rxpect"d to visited his Lincoln relatives during tills spring. Buried Like White Child. in'SIIVII.I.E-The ,nlo Mnionths old baby of Luther ftaiidlng Hear, tho Interpreter, died here, nnd Itnsliville witnessed nn Iniiiin funenil. The little mite, who was born last year In Knghn.l. was iiiny. d in pink and repined In a li:aiifnl while enskct. obtained from the lo,;il under! :i!,er;t. The remains were hid In the Pair View (Cillot'Tv, Rev. Nil.en of the United Presbyterian i Imrch conduct ing the service. The procession num bered several conveyances and sixty braves In uniform. THE STATE IN BRIEF. Farmers about Waveiiy have decid ed to build an elevator. Fairfield changed from dry to v.ct at the recent election. If deputy assessors in 1-ancastor county do not list property at full cash value they will lose their jobs. W. J- Willeford's residence at To bias was destroyed by fire. Tho loss was about $l,2ou, partially covered by insurance. Tho contract has been let rn the new system of water works which will be constructed in Spencer, and werk will begin immediately. The State Hoard of Public Lands and liirildings a few days ago awarded the contract for the erection of the hospital at MUl'ord to H. T. Ward of Tecumseh. for $1S.(',00. A twohciuV'd sheep is the latest ac quisition to tho museum of freakish animals in northern Nebraska. It came to Norfolk from Emerick and Is being prepared for mounting. Detail plans of tho normal school to bo erected at Kearney are on exhi bition at the office of State Superin tendent Fowler. Hids for tho erection of the school will be opened April 26. Mrs. Sarah L. lilair, sister of Ezra Rogers of Auburn, dropped dead at thg home of her nephew, Alvr. Rog ers. She was in her usual health, having walked from the home of her brother. The town of Auburn Is much wrought up over the sudden disap pearance of Robert Watson, who has left a wife destitute. A saloon busi ness which he had is in the hands of creditors. A prairie fire started In the eastern part of Mcl'herson county and driven by a hard wind swept the country for thirty miles, nearly to tho North Platte river. No casualties have yet been reported. Sunday evening saw the close of a five weeks' series of successful evan gelistic meetings In Norfolk under the leadership of Rev. Milford H. Lyon of Chicago and his singer, Mr. Coul ter, resulting in 450 converts. Deputy county assessors in Lancas ter must list property at full vulue. So announced County Assessor Miller. He called a meeting to Investigate the reports that the officials were following the methods of last year. William T. Turlcy, tho Grand Is land man who was sentenced to sev enteen years In the penitentiary for murder In the second degree, was granted a stay of sentence pending a homing on his appeal from the lower court. Heroic efforts on the part of Ster ling's fire brigade and a heavy rain saved Steiiin;.; from what might have been total destruction by lire. As it was. four store buildings and most of the contents were destroyed, entailing a loss of nearly $15,000. A petition Is being circulated by the W. C. T. U. In Grand Island ask ing the city authorities to have all screens removed from saloons, to close up promptly at 12 o'clock each night and to remove offensive signs from the windows and doorways. The Durlington bridge, nearly a mile long, spanning the Platte river between Grand Island and Phillips was found to be on fire. Section men from Grand Island and Aurora were sent and short before noon got the fire under control, with tho aid of farmers. Payson, youngest son of John T. Marshall, was seriously Injured on the head with a baseball bat at tho school grounds In Pananin. He was carried to the offlre of Dr. Was, who made an examination and found tho skull to be fractured. An operation was performed on the head with good results. F. J. McGee of Fremont, Ralph Osh ton of O'Ncil nnd Milton N. Dodds of Omaha have been appointed railway mail clerks. Jane Abbott, librarian nt tho Fre mont library, has bt en elected libra rian of the Public library at South Omaha and will probably enter upon her duties at that place soon. Miss Abbott has made a specialty of library work for many years nnd was at ono timo acting librarian of the North Carolina State library. Edward A. Rclmera died at tho Sioux Falls (S. D.) penitentiary last week. The Relmers, father and son, wero sentenced to live years In tho Sioux Falls prison by tho United States court for wrecking tho First National bank of Ncligli, Neb., the older lieimer, "C. A.," being the pres ident of the bank and Mie son the as sistant cashier. Alarmed by the numerous cnpllol fires. Representative Sweezy of Webs ter county will have a bill to present J" Tile ll'-vt Wklnt'irn t o. i.-ieu si 1 1. s Ht-t ol Pawnee I Ity. were Mole, Sunday tikxlit licit the ':ttli.dl- eh.,,-,!,. Mr. Oltnuin's son drove the .,,,, ,, (h(,m '"':' '" chiiivh. Ills overcoat and two robes disappeared with th. tig Pnilti,. n-"s were Miirt-d bv loco motive., ,,.. ,,.1!V(,U nni line A hh:h i, v.liippcd t),,,,,, along for in,,...,, ,, ni)(lv ni)) them Into a civ, t(. At ,;,,..,, army of m,.., ,,,, , , P,ht finnios. No scrim damage was dono Tree' Wonderful Vitality. A curious lucldeut occurred durln the gale at llansworth, a short titn go. ays it Scotch paper. A large tree was blown down across the roa'd ay. A number of men were told off to remove the obstruction, which thfy commenced to do by lopping off some of tho larger branches. After about half a ton had been thus removed, the tree began to lift Itself from the ground, and as soon as a little more weight was taken off It sprang Into a vertical position, which it retained de plte tho subsequent rough weather. It was found that the roots had been stretched, but not broken, and were sufficiently clastic to pull the trunk after it tad been relieved of sonio ot Us weight. Value of Carrier Pigeons. The best carrier piguons are worth several hundred dollars in the mar Set, and some cannot be purchased at ny price. During the unnual pigeon show in New York last year $:Mti and ?von $300 was refused by the owue-;; for some of their choicest pets. The iverage exhibits were valued nt $2."i ind $:(. Trices, however, do not Stand In the way of tho pigeon fan cier today, for excellent homing pig ons can be purchased for $3 and less. Ono can start a loft with half a doz ?n breeders, and within a few seasons lave all the birds desired. Tons of Diamonds. It Is estimated that the total world production ot diamonds up to date approximates 85,000,000 carats. As we are not In the habit of weighing our diamonds by the ton, we are In 6ome doubt concerning the proper system of computation, whether troy or avoir dupois, long ton or short ton. Accord ing to tho system used by those who do weigh their diamonds In ton quan tities, the result would be in tho neighborhood of twenty or twenty five tons of sparklers now appearing as factors In tho Joys and tho miseries of a world which has substituted dia monds for tho beads aad the wampum of its ancestors. "I am disgruntled," said Senator Foster recently: "I'll never give money to a street beggar again as long as I live. There was a very pitiful-looking beggar in the avenue, a few minutes ago, and, my heart going out to him, I stopped to hand him a few small coins. 1 had difficulty, I ad mit, In finding my change, but was that any reason for tho beggar to frown at me and say, impatiently: "Hurry up, Bir, I've lost several cus tomers while you've been muddling over them pennies. What a "Yeggman" Is. The word "yeggman" is now ellgl Slo to dictionary honors. It has court authority. In a recent damage suit U Lynn, Mass., the plaintiff set forth :hat by calling him a yeggman the defendant meant "that the plaintiff was a desperado, a criminal, a night burglar, a tramp burglar, a crook, a freebooter, a murderer, a man who posed as a tramp in tho daytime and was a burglar In the nighttime." A well known actor wa3 telling his sixteen-year-old son, who he consid ers very, Immature and young for his age, that ho ought to be doing some thing for his glory and his country. "Why, when Georgo Washington was your age, my son, he was surveying the estate of Lord Fairfax." The boy thought a moment, then ho replied, quietly: "Well, when he was as old as you, pa, ho was president of the United States." Where do you put your shoes the Inst thing at night? Ia tho same place, and are you a crank about them being there? Also a s!gn of age. Some peoplo get so they can't sleep unless every piece of wearing apparel Is put in tho sauo place night after night. It is always n sad moment when Tl tanla rubs the lotion off her eyes and notices Bottom's ears for tho first time. An Easy Way To Do It. Mineral, Idaho, April 11. Mr. D. S. Colson of this place has something to say which will be of Interest to many men. Mr. Colson claims to have found a simple way to get rid of pains In the back, Sciatica or Rheu matism. He has cured himself and so claims personal experience in proof of his method. Mr. Colson says: "I had awful pains In my hip. They got so bad nt last that I could hardly walk. I tried several things, but got no relief till I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pllla. and I had taken but a few of these pills till the pain left mo entirely. "Dodd's Kidney Pills certainly did mc lets of good and I consider them a grent medicine." Tho remedy thnt cured Mr. Colson is tho samo that has been making such sensational cures of Plight's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy and Rheu matism nil over the country. The nnmo of the medicine is Dodd's Kid ney Pills, To be well preserved a woman, llko fruit, needs a good deal of sugar In tier composition. Many a man who marries nn holr- ess lives to regret monkeying with a get-rleh-qulek game. Thero's something radically wrong about n, woman who Isn't fond of 1ress parade. Most men like to give out the lm iresslon of knowing moro than they aro to tell. No rhromos or cheap premiums, but a better quality nnd mie-ihlrd Jtiore of Defiance Starch for the same irlco of other starches. When a man is unable to make a 1 1 v I ii nt anything else ho Id eligible for u government Job. Carpels can be colored on the floor Wth PUTNAM FADELESS- DYES. That which Is within one's grasp, yet ntioblnlnal le, makes our greatest sorrows. . A man U never satisfied until ho attends his own funeral. IX 0 ri.- ti ).. V .-" V is;. :.. 'N -.r.-.-; ; ;;V .-:-.-.r.--v-..:--vr 6 li A prominent Southern Tadv. Mrs. 131 1 1 f TVT 1 uiancnaru, 01 iNasnvilie, 1 enn.. te s how - - - she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain ful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia u. inkham's and lower limbs, unci fitful fclcp. . " ssi si jut, win, luuunu ill nuum uiuy IllOilll NUlllTing 10 1110. lictter health is all I wanted, and euro if popsil ,1c. Lyd la E. Pink bam s cffctablo Compound brought mo With nnd litmiiineRS in a few short months. I feel hko another person now. Jly aches and latins nave lett me. Life bcc-ius new and ewect to me, and everything Beema pleasant and easy. J " i " H bVttles ,brouSut e health, and wns worth moro than months under the doctor's care, which really did not benefit mo at nil. I am sat wiled there is no mcdicmo so good for sick women ns your VctreUble Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical help. Mrs. B. A. Ulanciiakd, 422 Uroad St., Kashville, Term. Inn W2CIlWOme?are tr2uUc1!th irrt,(?ula-. suppressed or painful tncnutmn tton, weakness lm.oorrh.ra, displacement or ulceration of the womb, tliut flI?n T.?Wa naition of the ovaries, bookuche, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, aud nervous Prostration, or arc elt' l'Jj- iviv . r ' VOUr " . f ,TA W9 g" f MM 1 J a iu i. t i , ,ul iw" "luuu-iiie, unu it uui mo po riiUcn pood that 1 purchased another, and tho result was so satisfactory that I bought six more bottles, and am now fc-slinjr like a new woman. I shall never bo without it. I hopo that my testimonial will convince women that your egetablo Compound is tho greatest medicino in the world tor iallm.fr of tho womb or any other femalo complaints." llits. IUt Cody, 2000 Lirch St, rhihdclphia, Pa. filneVJb,.r' efry woman Is cordially Invited to write to Mr. I In kuatn if there is anythinpr .about her symptoms sho does not ?inllrr1i1,n,,1 ,,or n1,lpess 1 Lynn, Mass., W advice is lreo taul CUcerlully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. aiaW1 GET' A" ON OUR TRADE MARK. GET TO KNOW IT AND TriLN NEVtR BUY 0EFIANCE STARCH IS WITI10IT EQUAL IT IS COOtt IT IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE CLOTHES. YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR VrILL GET IT If YOU (V enn it un i ur ii. n bAIISrACTION OR MONEY BACK. MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIANCE MKXICAN Mustang Liniment curvu v'utn. lltiriiM, Hi uIxoh. Lawn Fence ' ' r' " "l. I UU'llUI I "I !.!. 1 - 1 1 . 1 (u, '( lrt 1 (hirn,'iii Imi a.-rf in,. u.i. i, . T - l.il, H.-al IMroftwllli ia I urn i vi i.i i i i Mr. IMiriC.HXI I'i. I. I III-.-. I, rt..,,., I 1 ' ' -i. r i .- rn ' l' I I" '-''"'I t.T .- .i .,.!. ,,,r, ., ADA t. KKuI.l CO.. X Ch.ijc. lil, t.i'H.stt..t,;u,i tui;its. M kfc'J "'"' frii;. i wtci i(hkI. iVj H t'di.t. " y In rutu-- cffM I: 'd... : ';r:UV fV. A $2Z-.r-: ' V 'i'r : - .. V ..t.---.-...-SS T 'Vii.; -0 Ml rn J a. . Vegetable Compound 1 dreaded tho timo to come which mi Buiii symptoms as uizzini-Ks, faintni'fcs, las situde, excitability, irritability, nervonsm-wi. blci'plcssnoss, melancholy, "all-tfone" sud " WIinl-l,-lu.-l,.ft.nl,T !! tl -.v...u. itLiiiivo. ui ui's una l 1I1V nnv nf Iw i . , ' 'ffik k'(l Bn tru r''mely. I.jdia 13. Tinkhaiii's Rjij effefnblei Coin pound nt once removes such F- ttJ trouble. Kefuro to luiv A Severe Case of Womli Trouble Cured i in IMiihulelpIiia. "Dkau Mn s. I'inkimm : I have I'een cured of Kcverc forualo troubles by tho u,e of Lydla 13. lMnkham's VcpetaMo Compound. I was ui-aiijf iL-iuiy to give Up, lUt R'Cirig mlvcrlisPTllOllt. T tillrr.bnc.H rin 1...HI.. " . . v A . ... ,.... 1. villi U I L J VJ ...;. .1 .1 1 L .11 GRASP WIIP.N YOU Sf.E (T STARCH WITHOUT IT. n aj a STARCH CO., Looking for a Home? Then why not heap In view tha. fact that the farming land of Western Canada nio Miffirir iii n Mi,.:'nrt n rt'nlution rf .r"iK' f4 (r ovft '1 hn iittinui.itiuu lit t tin ( a-t in jul iiai Wvn I'lu iK int'iml. FREE Honi23?eatl Lands ccilv fli-rr il-lc. wluln pi!,- ' liinU nittt ha rnr I linvi ,1 fl in Kl.tl.'.HV iilul I ll'lli 1 t'lnl 1 l' k I in'l nhil r ; ailK lain! . el !- I II ;.ln.,l.i atr llfa l"'-t nn lln4 r, ;t'.iiiiti!, !. 1 1 I'" I nlnl i null' i-ll ii.i ni, Mi-, K-:nl I l n.uiki'l. Viirkrli, SiItiiIi. I'.iiMh ih imil nil i.t In r -inlli luna mill. i' ,-"lirn ( unii.l.i u invV ill..' sput f.ir thi' Ki'llli r. Win t,.Si. -.iii. ml M Ii-.'i.'U-inlii " I'llrixa ("i If fliln. I I II it i ' 1 I'll . i' A ' , . ill .1 i-' li 1 II fi I l?,..li.. in I, i'ip fl iilii'tircl I .in i.lil.'i I ii.M-i I n.i l.l Av il V.'. . ii, SI .Nitv .nk Lilu Lu.uUut. ('ina'ii. N. n BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh oi the stomach. mm