The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1904, Image 8

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    I'LATTSMOillll JOt'RML
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Brief Telegrams
Henry R. Crothers, raHhler of the
Can Francisco Evening Bulletin, died
iTter an operation for appendicitis.
Reuben 8. liovlnggood was born in
log cabin and is now president of
Sum Houston college at Austin, Tex.
GU'iin Brown has been elected an
Honorary corresponding member of the
Itoyul Institute of British Architects.
Clark ii. Sampson, one of the moKt
prominent citizens of St. Louis, tiled
after a year's Illness from complica
tions of rneunuitism and Uright's dis Lie Intent reports from St. Johns.
N. F., say the seals captured up to
:he present number 250,oou. which will
jrohahly be Increased to 00,U00 dur
ins April.
William N. Armstrong, a member of
.he cabinet of Kalakaua, the last kins
jf Hawaii, has written nn account of
i Journey around the world with his
royal master.
A special from Miles City. Mont.,
ays: Fully two-thirds of the rest
donees and business portion of Miles
oily are submerged by the Hood wat
ers of Tongue river.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt, who
has Just announced Ms Intention to
retire frotu public life. Is one of the
few men to whom King Edward vain
ly offered a peerage.
The war department lins refused the
application of Colonel Charles II. Heyl
Df the inspector general's department
to bo transferred to the retired Hat
after thirty years' service.
Owing to a refusal of tho bosses to
'.ho demand for an eight hour work
day instead of nine hours, and 30
?onts per hour, 300 carpenters went
on strike at Dubuque, Iowa.
A circular Is out announcing the ap
pointment of John K. Utt as general
agent of tho Rock Island at Omaha.
Mr. Utt Is In Chicago conferring with
the high olllelals of the road.
At Evansvllle, Ind., Philip Veatch.
charged with having taken part in tho
July riot In this city, was fined $50
and costs in tho circuit court. Veatch
is one of the best known young men
In tho city.
At Greenville, S. C, In the state clr
cult court, Mrs. Susan I Franklin of
Newberry, S. C, obtained a verdict
for $25,000 damages In a suit against
the Southern railway, half of the
amount sued for. -
Walter Westlake, who with his
young wife had been living for several
days at a hotel In Indianapolis. Ind..
was arrested on a charge of having
passed worthless checks drawn on a
Salt Lake City bank.
Secretary. Taft has made an adverse
report on the bill which provides for
the promotion to a major genoralcy on
the retired list of Brigadier General
George M. Sternberg, retired, formerly
surgeon general of the army.
There were 12,719 deaths In the
state of New York In the month of
February, an average of 440 deaths per
day. One thousand eight hundred and
twenty of this number died of pneu
monia, an unprecedented number.
The name of J. Clark Sprout, a for
mer editor of the now defunct Grand
Rapids (itllch.) Democrat, charged
with conspiracy In tho I.ake Michigan
water deal, hps been added to tho In
formation against tho other respond
ents. A favorable report was authorized
on tho bill granting statehood to Okla
homa and Indian Territory under the
name of Okalhoma, and Arizona and
New Mexico under the name of Ariz
ona, by the houso committee on terri
tories. At Trenton, N. J., the United Stales
Steel corporation, through Its counsel,
filed 'n tne court of chancery a de
murrer to the bill of Alfred Stevens
of Newark, who sued the corixtration
because of its passing of dividends on
the common stock.
At the Union raclfle railway ofllce
In New York It was said that the re
port received from tho west to tho
effect that A. I. Mohler had been made
president of the Union Pacific was In
correct. K. H. Hnrrlmnn Is president
of the Union Pacific.
A report received at the navy de
partment, from the New York navy
yard announces that about eighty days
win tie required in the repairs to bo
made on the Illinois, which was in
jured In the collision between that ves
sel and the Missouri.
Rev. John Gordon, formerly presl
den tof Tabor college. Iowa, on April
1st was formally Inaugurated president
of Howard university, of Washington
The principal feature was a public
meeting at night at the First Congre
gational church, when the keys or the
university and the charter of tho in
stitution were formally turned over to
Dr. Gordon.
Lieutenant Commander Edgar Town
send Warburton, t hief engineer of the
battleship Maine, now In Pensacola
harbor, committed suicide In his cabin
on board that vessel. A bullet from
a revolver was sent crashing through
the brain and death resulted within
forty minutes afterword.
Traffic officials of the western roads
have decided to refuse the request ol
the live stock associations for the re
sumption of passes to live stock ship
pers. It was held that no state has
the right to pass a law requiting a
railroad to give something for noth
ing. A girl of about 1S years of age Is
being detained at the emergency hos nt St. Louis because she Is un
able to remember antyhlnij about her
self beyond the fact that her nnmo I?
either Annie von Kresse or Rene von
Kresse and that she was born In New
The French nilnstry of finance Pays
no project I now contemplated of ilir
government assuming a nionomly of
the Insurance buslm s In Prntfc.
At Lor AiikcIcs, Cal . J. Overh it, -.or,
formerly a member of the Inwu leg!,'
latino, was sentenced to servo (wo
years In prison for forgery.
What Miner Demand and What Oper
ator! Are Willing to Grant A Long
and Hard Struggle Seems Likely as
Matter! Are Now Viewed. ,
DES MOINES, la. The Iowa miners
nd operators failed to agree, and 13,
5i0 miners are on a strike.
Every mine In Iowa is closed.
The conference adjourned a session
covering a period of six weeks.
Summed up the situation Is this:
First The miners demand a reduc
tion In the price of blasting powder
from 2 to 1.75 per ran. They de
mand a uniform advance in tho scale
of wages paid top men and that driv
ers In district! Nos. 1 and 4 shall re
ceive the same scale as In districts
Nos. 2 and 3.
Second The operators claim that
they are standing by tho Indianapolis
agreement and n so doing cannot sub
mit to general Increases In the wages
paid unskilled labor throughout the
district. There is no dissatisfaction
with the scale paid skilled workmen
In any district.
Telegrams were sent John Mitchell,
president of the United Mine Workers
of America, asking him to come to
Des Moines and aid In a readjustment
of difTeiences. Mr. Mitchell has agreed
Vice Admiral Makaroff, whose con
1uct of affairs at Port Arthur Is win
ning him golden opinions In Russia,
s famous as the Inventor of Ice-crush-?rs
used In Russian naval ports. He
as born In 184!), and made his first
rlslt to this country In 1863, coming
with the Pacific tleet to San Francis
'.o go to Colorado to assist In the labor
xouble there and It Is not unlikely he
may stop at Des Moines.
President White of the Iowa minr:-s
"Tho miners have made every at
tempt to arbitrate and were unable to
-each an agreement. There Is nothinir
else now to do but to fight It out to
he end. I shall never sanction an
agreement under the present condi
I-cadmg operators say the nnsltion
of tho miners ia untenable and tnat
they cannot reach them so long as
tney cling to their present position.
It is believed the lockout mav be the
beginning of a long and hard struggle.
I he strike and lockout will include
nines In Appanoose. Mahaska. Keokuk-
Wapello, Marion, Jasper. Polk. Itoone
and Webster counties, Iowa, and those
In Putnam county, Missouri.
In Polk county there nre 1.500 n-ln.
ers. while more than $2.000,ii(i(i is In
vested In the business in this countv
Japanese Refugee Says There la
Enough for One Month.
NEW YORK A Japanese merchant
who left Port Arthur in one of tho
many Chinese Junks which are now
driving a profitable trade supplying
Port Arthur with foodstuffs, estimates
that the rood supply Is sufficient for
one month, says a Wei Hal Wei eis
patch to the Times. He asserts thnt
the garrison does not exceed 10,000,
excluding the naval strength.
Work on damaged vessels Is pro
gressing diligently. In the bombard
ment or March 10, H0 per cent of tho
Japanese projectiles burnt. There
were three small fires as a result, but
no serious conllagratlons.
Guarantee Railroad Investment!.
WASHINGTON Senator Idge re
ported favorably from the senate com
mittee on the Philippines the I-odgo-Cooper
bill to amend the Philippines
civil government act by allowing the
Issuance of bonds for municipal Im
provements n,t guaranteeing a 5 per
cent Income on the cost of railroads.
Aged Writer and Reformer Die!
BOSTON. Mass.-Mrs. Abbey Mor
ton Diaz, the writer and reformer, died
at her home In Ilelmont at the age
of S3 years.
McKinley Memorial Trustees.
VNTON. O -President Day. of the
Na.ionnl McKinley Association has
Issued n rail for a meeting or the trus
tees of ihe association to be held nl
the Manhattan hotel In New York
May p. U s expected that some no
tion ou th. designs will be taken nl
Hut l!l;:e.
Cousin of Admiral Dewey.
INDI W.Unl.l.-l. (nd -George K.
Perrin. one cr t.,- oldest lawyers In
the stair nnd n cousin of Admiral
Iieuvy. died here.
I ; pgg.wcra ima Minimi ii
A Ruling that Leaves Mr. Bryan With
out a $ SO. 000 Bequest
NEW HAVEN. Conn. A findintc
that the sealed letter by which Philo
S. Dennett expressed a wish that $:.0(
000 should be given to William Jen
nings Bryan and his family was not a
part of the last ill of Mr. Bennett was
returned by the Jury Thursday In the
superior court In the trial of Mr. Ro
an's appeal from the decision of the
probate court.
This finding .which upholds the deci
sion of the probate court, was given In
accordance to instructions to the Jury
from Judgo Gager. who presided at the
superior court trial. Judge Gager's
ruling on a question which has never
before come directly before the court
of Connecticut decided thnt the sealed
letter could not be admitted as evl
dence in the trial.
The decision followed arguments
which had occupied most of the two
preceding days of the session, regard
Ing the admissibility of this letter as
evidence, counsel for Mr. llrvnti con
tending that it should be admitted.
while tlie attorneys for Mrs. Grace Irn
ogeno liennett, the widow, ami other
heirs presented opposing arguments
Decrease fcr the Month of March U
WASHINGTON, D. C The monthly
statement or the public debt shows
that at the. close of business. March
31, 1!04, the debt, less cash in tho
treasury, amounted to $015,422,101, a
co, in the Turkish war he distin
guished himself In some notable tor
pedoing exploits. Five years ago Ad
miral Makaroff was In Chicago, and at
that time made a trip to Mackinaw
City, where he inspected the lco
crushers used In the Straits,
decrease for tho month of J2.C12.533.
The debt is recapitulated ns follows:
Interest bearing debt, $81)5,156,740;
debt on which Interest has ceased In
maturity, $2,670,510; debt hearing no
Interest, $21)2,294.486; total, $1,290,122,
011(1. This amount, however, does not
Includo $!)55,117,8i!) In certificates and
treasury r.otta outFtandlng which are
offset by an equal amount of cash on
band for their redemption. The cash
ill the treasury is classified as follows:
Gold reserve fund
trust funds. $!):;o.80C.5(i!); general fund,
$144.!iS:;.fi07: in national bank deposi
tories, $li;2.05S,35:l; In the Philippine
treasury, $5,162,945; total, $ 1 .:::: . 1 1.
175, against which there nre domain'.:)
outstanding .'.mounting to $1,U2:!,.'!11,
179, leaving a ensh balance in tho
treasury amounting t: $:I7 1,699,995.
Claim that Japanese Suffered Heavy
Loss in Latest Fight.
ST. PETEKSItrRG-The following
seinl-ofHelal dispatch has been recelv-
ed from Llao Yang:
In tho first encounter with the Jar,.
otiose in northern Corea, which was
crowned with victory ror the Russian
arms, the enemy's losses were ten
times those or the Russians Accord
ing to Corenn reports tho Japaneso
burled tUty men, while 120 wounded
were removed with the help or Cuo Co
reans to the heajnuarfera of the Jan-
nnese main force. The confusion of
the Japanese whs ho great that thev
raised two Red Cross Hags In token
of surrender. Throughout their wnr
wit n tiiina the Japanese never show
ed themselves so ills rat ted. The peo
ple here are In high spirits over tho
news of the first brilliant fight in Co
rea. Turkey Will Exhibit.
WASHINGTON. According to dis
patch received here It Is learned that
the Counsel of minister, for Turkey
has unanimously approved the propo
sition for an exhibit at the St. Ixmls
Exposition. A great number of nn
stives are permitted to partake In tho
exhibit. Religions services of the Is
lamic raith will be held at the Mosquo
of Omar, which Is an exact represent
ation of the most celebrated lnosquo
of Constantinople. The export of tho
woter from tho Jordaii has been au
thorized. Pink Fish for Yellow Men.
SEATTLE. Wiish.-The HentilA
Trade Register says Hint orders have
"e-n placid with local dealers In the
last few di'vs for l':',.nuo cases of
Ala !,a pink salnu.n for shipment t.
Li an Tor use by the tinny. The Im
mense pin. base will go forward by
the Slnwinut. sailing Saturday, while,
e-tch following ship will take some.
The Trade RdJ.-irr also says Ihsl 75,
"'"I ci-es hnv,. b-t,i purchased by J,i.
I"in In Sin Fmmisc, nd that huge
pur. bases have als been made In
Vancouver, Ii. c.
The Committee in Charge Issues a
Public Statement A Proper Ob
servance of the Signing of the Kan-sas-Nebraska
Bill in 1354.
The committee of citizens charged
with the work of arranging for the
semi-centennial of Nebraska, May 31,
have Issued the following:
To the People of the State of Ne
braska: On May 30, 1S54. the presi
dent of the United States approved
what is known as the Kansao-Nebras-ka
bill, the most Important legislative
and executive action in the history of
tho country west of the Missouri river
since the Louisiana purchase was
made under the direction of Thomas
Jefferson. The fifty years that have
since elapsed have been prolific In
great events, but none are more wor
thy of note than the development that
has como during tho half century to
the Trans-Missouri section of ihe re
public, and especially to the states of
Kansas and Nebraska.
Tho undersigned, a committee of
citizens, have been charged with the
duty of arranging for a seml-cvnten-nial
celebration of this event.
Ity both federal and state law the
30th dny of May of each year is de
Voted to memorial observances of the
gallant spirits who in their lives serv
ed their country during the great war
of 1861-65. That day being thus de
voted to holy purpose, it has been
thought best to hold the exercises
properly Incident to the semi-centen
nial on Tuesday, the 31st day of May.
Thus 'Will come a proper recognition
of Memorial day. and also of the im
portant fact that the state of Nebras
ka received after the great war a
larger proportion of ex-soldiers than
any other state in the west, and these
Boldler-cltlzens have added greatly to
Its development.
The Grand Army of the Republic.
which has had direction of the me
morial observances, has been In tho
habit for years of detailing members
of the organization to address the
scholars of all schools throughout the
state on the last school day prior to
the 30th day of May, and It has re
quested that on the Sunday preceding
that date, in all the churches of ibe
state, the clergy should make fitting
reierenee to the Incidents of note
proper to the day and Inculcate pat
riotism and fitting sacrifice for the
The committee suggests to the
Grand Army and to the clergy that it
would be most fitting, in Ihe schools
and In tho churches, to call attention
to the fifty years of growth aiitl nros-
perlty that have come, not only to
tne united States, but especially to
the part of it in which our lot has
been cast, and on Memorial dav It
certainly will be appropriate that all
wno address the people, while giving
fitting tribute to those who served the
country and have passed away, should
make like reference to the progress
that has been made during the half
c.ntury that will close upon that day.
un tne dlst day o." May. in the cltv
of Omaha, there will be nroner oh.
servance of the signing of the Kan
sas-Nebraska bill by the president of
the United States. Tho detail of the
exercises will shortly be publisher!
and the city of Omaha invites all citi
zens of the state to join in this cele
bration by local ceremonial if thev
wish, but preferably within the limits
ol the metropolis of the state.
The committee takes pleasure in nn.
nouneing that a son of Nebraska, who
......... in,,,. a boii in ACDiaSKt
has a,.hk.vetI K,.(,at (1i.stlnction
prominence by reason of his ability
and eminence Hon. Henry I). F.sta
brook, now of New York will deliver
the oration of the day befitting the
occasion. It Is expected that other
speakers of worth and prominence
will recount the Interesting events of
the fifty years that have passed since
the blrthdn;; of the state or Nebraska.
Military and civil parades will also
be an incident, and the lalchstring of
Omaha will be out In hearty welcom
ing to all who wish to glorify the
event or Ma 30, 1854.
Sugar Factory Moves West
of dismantling the Rlnghampton beet
sugar factory, which Is to be removed
to Blnckroot, Blnghnm county, Idaho,
will be begun within n few days. Tho
change Is made because It hns been
difficult to persuade the farmers In
this locality to raise enough beets to
successfully operate the plant. The
Idaho s ill and climate are well adapt
ed to beet culture and farmers thero
are eager to make contracts to raise
enough to supply the factory.
Senate Confirms Baxter.
WASHINGTON The senate on
Tuesday confirmed the nomination of
Irving F. Baxter as Pnited States at
torney for tho district of Nebraska.
Urder Suspended Rules.
WASHINGTON In response to a
resolution the civil service commis
sion Tuesday, transmitted to the house
a statement showing the number of
times the civil service rules have
been suspended and the rhnnges In
the service resulting from March 4,
1SS5, to March 30, 11)114. president
Harrison deferred the operation of tho
civil service rules In the rnllway mall
service In 18S9 under which 1.H32
chnnges were made. Operation was
deferred ol different times in other
depart menfs.
Discussing Negro Education.
BALTIMORE, Md.-The association
of presidents of land grant colleges
nnd principals or normal and Indus
trial schools met In thU city on Tues
day and will contlni.e In session for
throe days. This association Is com
posed of the presidents and principals
of various colored educational Insti
tutions throughout the country. Tues
day's proceedings were opened with
addresses by Prof. .1. . Warini;
nnd several oilier. President H. It.
Wrkht of Georgia delivered Ms an
nual address.
low.. Railroads Are Laying Off Train
"ES MOINES, la. -On account of
the coal strike ihe railways annouue-
luiwij) uiai m it-asi i.m.i men win
;.e laid nt al once. M,,.,,, switch -
! aim nineteen nut train
crews running out of Des Moines and
Valley Junction quit wor'.i Tuesday.
Similar action by railways centering
at Boone, Reele Pluine, Oskaloosa. Oi
tumwa and Albia will mean the loss
or work to about men.
Churches here are closed on account
or the strike and the schools have
been closed for . week until coal can
be secured. Only one school room in
the city is open.
A call reconvening the joint confer
ence at Des Moines in e few days, at
which a settlement Is looked for, will
be issued.
It is Criticised in the Upper Branch
of Congress.
WASHINGTON Good Friday was
devoted by the senate to almost on
tinuous discussion of political ques
tions. The time until 2 o'clock was
devoted to consideration of the Car
nutck resolution, proposing nn inquiry
into the legality of the recent execu
tive old-age pension order. Mr. Mai
lory was the principal speaker, but no
was frequently interrupted by repub
lican senators, lie contended that
Secretary Hitchcock had transcended
the limits of executive "authority in
issuing the order.
The latter half of Hie day was de
voted to tne postolrlro appropriation
bill, but no appreciable progress was
made with that measure, the speeches
on it being in the main political and
of a general character.
President Decides Upon the Appoint
ment of Judge Baxter.
WASHINGTON". The long fight ov
er tho displacement of United States
Attorney W. S. Summers of Nebraska
is ended. , The President will appoint
Judge Irving W. Ilaxter of Omaha to
the position. The appointment s ex
pected to go to the Senate Friday.
The appointment of Judge Baxter was
settled on at the White House in a
conference between the president ami
Senators Millard and Dietrich, and D.
E. Thompson. The two senators and
Mr. Thompson agreed upon Judge
Baxter, and so assured tin, president.
The term of District Attorney Sum
mers has been out, for two years, but
he has held on, regardless of this.
Provides Military Commission.
WASHINGTON. I). C. Represen
tative Parker of New Jersey on Tues
day Introduced a bill to provide a na
tion military park commission. It
terminates the present Military Park
commissions July 1, 19(1(1. The new
commission is to consist of five mem
bers, who are to be appointed bv- the
president ami confirmed by the senate,
the term of appointment to be for
five year. All of the commissioners
for the first five years of the opera
tion of the law shall be veterans of
the civil war.
Burton'a Apoeal Not Ready.
ST. LOUIS-When the United
States district court convened Tues
day it was expected that the bill of
exceptions to be filed by the counsel
for United States Senator J. R. Bur
ton of Kansiut In the proceedings to
secure a rehearing of his case, would
be formally placed before the court.
but. neither Senator Burton or his at
torneys were present and the bill was
not filed. If the bill is not filed bo-
fore the day is over it Is confidently
expected that it will lie submitted to
the court V. ednesilay.
Best Sugar Mads in 1603.
NEW YORK-The animal meeting
of the stockholders of the American
Heel Sugar company was held Tues
day in Jersey-City. The old directors
were elected with the exception that
H. Rieman Duval was chosen to suc
ceed J. Archibald Murray. The re
port of President Henry to Oxnard
showed that during the season of
ll03-ti4 the company produced 81,053.
100 pound!! of refined sugar. Tho
company owns factories in California,
Colorndo and Nebraska, and is capi
talized at $20,000,000.
For Incitinq ta Riot.
IIAVrtNA Warrants wore Issued
Tuesday for former Congressman Lo
isas Castillo Pedro Sotolango, editor
or El Liberal, and D. Martin Valdez,
police Inspector charged with Inciting
the public to riot in eonnctlon with
Monday's extraordinary disorders In
the house of representatives.
Provisions Plentiful in Manchuria.
ST. PETERS UP KG The chief of
the commissary tleparfinent. Riv-tkov-sky.
says that not a pound of incut
or bread Is being sent to Manchuria,
as the cnttle and grain available there
are more than sufficient for tho de
mand. King Edward Very Gracious.
COI'ENIIAGEN-ln the course of
King Edward's reception of diplomats
he was especially cordial ami friend
ly In his attitude toward I'nlted States
Minister Swenson. The king express
ed the warmest admiration for Pres
ident Roosevelt and said he was glad
the president's Influence hail been
thrown In the direction of the cultiva
tion of friendly relations between
Great Britain and the Pni'ed States,
and added that he believed such rela
tions worked toward peace nnd pros
perity. Annual Mormon Conference.
SALT LAKE CITY-Thnnksglvlng
for the prosperity ami growth of the
church marked the second tiny of the
annual conference of the Mormon
church In this cltv. "It lWA be tils
coiliaglng to the enemies of this peo
ple," declared Apostle A. O. Wood
ruff, 'where they look liver the past
mid s-'o that all tin y have done to
crush this church bus only tended to
strerir.tiien the tlnuvh nnd Increase
the laith of the saints. TI.e clouds on
the horl.-.on do not idiuke Iho f.iltli of
j the saints."
Japan Apparently in Complete Posses
sion of Korea All Indication! Point
to a Nearby Engagement of the
LONDON The Times' correspond
ent at Chee Foo. cabling under date
i i,i-;i j . n. ...... ..., .. .,i
I bombardment f Port Arthur April 3.
but that there are no authentic de
tails of the engagement available.
Eight weeks from the opening of
war sees Japan, without any real
fighting, pppnrently In complete pos
session1 nf Korea and the first stage
oi the campaign ended.
According to the Mail's Kobe. Japan,
correspondent, who telegraphs under
dale or Ap-il 4. a Pin;; Yang dispatch
has been received there confirming
the report I'loin Shanghai that Japan
ese scout j entered Wi.iu. Korea, in 11
a. m . ami ltn Russians apparently re
treated beyond the Yalu river, but no
other news of any kind Is to hand,
throwing lij,ht on either laud or sen
operations. Everything is regarded as
pointing to the Imminence of impor
tant developments.
The Mail's Seoul correspondent, tel
egraphing Sunday, says that the land
ing of Japanese troops at Chinninpo
has now ceased, but that the port Is
guarded by a lnrge fleet and the Jap
anese base lias moved north from ling
Yang, where only a few troops now
The correspondent of the Standard
at Tokio reports that the correspond
cuts at. the front who followed the
army through the Cliino-Japnnese war
express great surprise at the improve
nieiit. of the Japanese troops duiinp
the past decade. The improvement U
notable alike in equipment, organiza
tion and discipline, and more espe
dally In the educational standard of
the men.
The Post's Toklo correspondent says
that a Japanese torpeifj boat scouting
around Port Arthur discovered a
channel which still admits passage of
vessels. The Times' correspondent al
sea on April 4, In a wireless message,
via Wei Ilai u'oi, snvs:
"I am cruising In the vicinity of
Port Arthur and have discovered no
evidence or vessels of either belliger
ent. The impression Is gaining ground
that the Russians were not totally
shut in by the Japanese nitack of
March 27.
The Times' Chee Foo corresnondent
says the Llao river is extensively
mined and that twelve stone-laden
Junks are ready for sinking at the
entrance to tho river at a moment's
notice. The ruins of the Russian gun
boat Sivoiitch have been rcshipped.
Preparations to Circumvent Attempt
to Bottle Up Port Arthur.
PORT ARTHUR. - Preparations
have been made lo give the Japanese
a warm reception In case they again
attempt to block the harbor. Vice
Admiral Togo was right in surmising
that Vice Admiral Makaroff Is respon
sible for the change in Russian tac
tics and the inspiration of Russian
A Signalman named Aronkonso
who, during the bombardment of Vlad
Ivostok, remained at a small signal
station on Askold Island near the one
my's ships and wired Information ol
the movements of the enemy to the
fortress has been decorated with the
cross of St. George.
Pickpocket Arrested on a Kock Island
DES MOiNES. la.-One of the most
original pickpockets ever 'o opernt.
In the wot v.n.-: cnniureil on a Rock
Ishnd :ii!ssei;g.r train r.enr Certer
wne. won a rag nr.d cotton wound j
around bis foreflng'T. us though i'
were Injured, he saturated it with !
chloroform nnd sat tlovn by .the ride i
of a drowsy passenger. Open In;; a
paper lie i.tcanio interested in n stor.v
nnd soon worked his linger near
enough his victim to cause an unnat
ural stupor, lie had victimised .sev
eral passengers when arrested by tie
tectives. In bis grip was found knock
out drops and other professional ma
Orders Cannon from England.
PARIS. The St. IVter.-biir,T corre
spondent of the Flgnro says that Rus
sia has ordered 250 cannon in Eng
land for the Manchnriun army. He
adds that the Tenth nnd Seventeenth
army coips will not start for the seat
of war before the end of the mouth.
Delegates From Philippines.
MANILA. The Republicans nnd
DeinociuU here are organizing in nl.
ect delegates to the national conven
tion. They will urge the adoption of
legislation favorable to the I'hllinnlm.
Greek! Join Russian Forces.
sr. rETERSBPKG Manv Greek
naval officers belonging to the aristoc
racy nre applying for permission to
join the Russian forces In the for east
and Greek physicians ore also volun
teering for the same purpose.
"Ungrateful Yankees."
MOSCOW The Gazetto publishes
a historical review of the relations be
tween Russian and America, conclud
ing: "Henceforth t. Americans
will be styled the ungruteful Yan
kees." Coinage Executed in March.
WASIIINGTON-Tho coinage ce
cuted nt the Mnts t,r , l-;ied
States dining March aggregated 15.
30S.503 pieces and $C,.2f,2.1i;s In value,
as follows: Gold, .;.-?.i;t .--;m. Hlv,,r
$1.!:il..ViN; minor coins. $ic,s;i i
llddlllon. 3..;:t pieces were coined .for
the Philippine government.
Frlrccss Ed-.vard Pscs Aw?y.
IU-:U!.I. - pi It-cess IMw,.r. rr s ..
Weimar died her,. Snn-lny ,'-,,'.
Dreed:ng Tortoiifs.
An enterprising Mexican has rent
ed a lake in tho Island of t'ounui.
off the east coast of Yucatan, from
the Mexican government for the pur
pose of breeding tho shell-producing,
tortoise, ami cyecls to make a for
tune. He pas $100 a year for ten
years. The tortoise lives to a great
age, and its growth Is nearly as slow
as its movements. Its shell consists!
of thirteen plates, which ure surround
ed by twenty five smaller plates as a
protective margiu. As a new layer
of horny substance Is produced each
year, a plate at Its excised edge
marks ihe ago of the animal. Tor
toise shell in iho arts and for use as
combs is coming into favor again,
notwithstanding Its easy itniutlou lu
free to Twenty-five Ladies.
The Defiance Starch Co. will glve
25 ladles n round trip ticket to the
St. Loiil.i Exposition, to live ladles
In each of the following slates: Illi
nois, lowfi, Nebraska. Kansas and
Missouri who will send in the largest,
number of trade marks cut from a ten
cent, lti-ounco package of Defiance
cold water laundry starch. This
means from your own home, any
where In the above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed to
and received by the Defiance Starch
Co., Omaha, Nobr, before September
1st, p.104. October aud November
will be tho best months to visit the
Exiiosltlon. Remember that Deflanco
Is the only starch put up 10 oz. (a
full pound) to the package. You get
one-third more starch for the saint
money thnn of any other kind, and
Defiance never sticV.s to the Iron.
The tickets to the Exposition will bo
sent by registered mail Sepfembor
6th. Stcrch tor sale by all dualurs.
The frontispiece of the April St.
Nicholas is a half-tone reproduction
from a Copley print or "Dorothy,"
winsome a little hiss as ever sat for
her picture. Tho original portrait,
was by Lydla Field Knmu tt. Temple
Bailey's stories always please youii:;
renders, and "Tho General's Easter
Box" Is seasonable aud cheery, well
worth the second reading it Is suro tt
have. Anne McQueen's "A Work of
Art" Is n quaint story nf a quaint
little maiden of long ngo. a tale good
enough to bo true. Every girl and
boy, of whatever age, will be Intensely
interested In the two Robinson Cru
soe articles. "Tho Author of 'Robinson
Crusoe'," by W. B. Northrop, und
"Robinson Crusoe's Island Two Hun
dred Yeats Later," by Francis Arnold
A girl has nn Idea that a man's
suspenders go all the way down to hlrt
socks und that his trousers stay up
with a button.
Defiance Starch is put up K, ounces
in a package, 10 cents. Onethird
more starch for the sinue money.
The confidence a woman has in her
husband may be the result of his very
The heart of a woman can stand
more bruises than she Is willing t
Some people seems always sure they
are right and then do the other thing.
Singers shouldn't drink, and yet the
tenor often Indulges in a high ball.
I would rather be beaten In right
than succeed in wrong. Garfield.
A dressmaker says that fitting a,
dress is a mere matter of form.
The vice tif envy is a confession ot
lnfei iorlty. Theodore Roosevelt.
Chance gives ns relations, but wo
must make our own friends.
It 1:; safer to take time by the fore
lock than a mule by the tail.
The only man lit to die ;; the man
fit to live.-II. W. Be-cher.
Men of shift ler.a habits are never of
immovable character.
When n woman loses her temper
she shows her age.
The self -conceited are bound to suf
fer from solitude.
There are solemn sinners us well
as solemn saints.
He who rebels against conscience
ruins character!
Thero Is no merit in sacrifice de
void of service.
lessons are for our learnlrg rather
than our liking.
A little vim In religion is worth a
lot of vliion.
Heart keeping Is the secret of happy
Try me Just nn ann I nm sure
to como again. Defiance Starch.
The trilling man never attends to
the great, trifles.
Some men mnko positive failures
even of their mistakes.
Every man Is willing to decllre ha
has sown his wild outs.
Men often buy experience at the ex
pense of someone else.
When a man talks too much he dis
likes to bo Informed of It.
Women who wish they could swear
wonder why men laugh nt them.
A womnn In lovo Is always blind to
her own folly.
The old Ren dog Is easily known by
his bnr pie.
Love Is always a door Into larger
I.of:y i oiiIs never despise lowly per-
v ic
cry 1 1 in t a Fyiiimyni for ni'irnl-
( ! s t nnitof mum the poiil.
Sorrow Is only our Ride of lliclr Joy,