The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1904, Image 7

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nilJ.HimiBi ii in lanOT-rHiTMiffflll
That Has
Thnt is the kind wo have.
Not only now but all times.
lU'ff that has l)oiii pro
duced from rich, sweet
rrointrv ifriia imil fm,
nourishing corn. It 1ms the Havor tbat is so highly nppre-.
Cllltodbv throm lm L n,,.r ,..!. l : . i? :.: .
1U1CV mill dt'liciniifl PI
Uur prices invito purclmsos. Also bear in mind that our,
Have your prescriptions tilleJ at' A.'l. Dicksnn of Kinwtxl, was
f.n iii' & Co's. It makes no difference J county .vat visitor yesterday.
wh'i the (lm-tuf U. I . ......... I.- t.t nw nn in
Mrs. Nellie; Luinhlin of Creenwood, 1 hm. wi,0 is so slow that after he leave l"k-1111,1 llll1'1' ls wl"" M'wuiatMi
l.sintl ttiis work ami oroVrs the ,lnv eveninv. his L'irl lias to muss 11 lH" 1110 movements cr me early
.huts on the F.uipire state, Ocea-
Why Net Judge Porker?
Tlie eves of the K'nmcrats of the
entire eountry are iliricteil to New
Sunday eveniny, 'lis t.'irl bas lo "lllS!i
Journal sent t lier address fr one j ul, ilt.r i:ljr in order t't mnke lielieve
K;ir- . she lias lieen kissed.
The liest- physic: Chamberlain'. .Uiut the most disacreeahte people
is up-to-date and that the quality of our Hoods cannot ho
surpassed nor our prices cannot be beat. We divide our
prolits with our customers, because we ivo them the best
goods for the same money that you havo to pay for poorer
quality. Don't bo backward, hut give us n trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office
Road Hayden Hro's ad In this paper.
Smoko the Wurl IJros." celebrated
"Cut Hell" cigars.
J. W. Pittman of Klmwood, was a
county seat visitor Monday.
P. Pearson departed Monday for a
business trip to South Dakota.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Oillce with Hr E. D. Cummins.
Louis Lorenz Is vlsitinir this week
with relatives and friends In Tobias,
IfyouarcajudKcofa food smoke,
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
'Mayor C.erintf" perhaps don't sound
well to the P. II. It., but it must Krin
and bear it, just ,thc same.
La Hook, Omaha's leading constum
er. Ladles tailored gowns and shirt
waist suits, f13, Karhach block.
H. PfelfTer, president of the Pfeiiler
Chemical Co., of St. Louis, was the
guest of the (Jerlngs over Sunday.
R. 1). Jones rctunred to his home
in Custer county, after several days'
visit with his uncle, W. 1. Jones and
Miss Clara Coleman returned Mon
day from Kansas City, where she had
been visiting her sister for several
months. .
J. J. Ruttery and family who were
here attending the funeral of Mr. lot
tery's mother, returned to their home
In Lincoln Tuesday.
J. W. Newell and wife and L. L.
Atwood and wife came down from
Omaha to spend Easter Sunday with
Plattsmouth relatives.
Painting, decorating -and sign writ
ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders
at Frlcke's drug store.
L. r.AM)WI.
Dr. Raird, of the Presbyterian
church, and Rev. A. P. Ploetz, of the
(icrman Presbyterian church, arc at
tending a meeting of the Presbytery
at Falrbury, Nebraska, this week.
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble. When the stomach
falls to perform its functions the
bowels become deranged, the liver and
kidneys congested, causing numerous
diseases, the most fatal of which are
painless and therefore the more to be
dreaded. The important thing Is to
restore the stomach and liver to a
healthy condition, and for this pur
pose no better preparation can be used
thanChamberlaln's.Stomachancl Liver
Tablets. For sale by all druggists.
Mrs. J. A. Walker of Murray, was in
the city Friday. She came for her
daughter who isattending High school
and returned Jiome with her in the
evening. Mrs. Walker is one of those
pleasant, sociable southern ladies,
whom one don't meet every day, and
the Journal feels highly delighted by
her brief visit. While here she re
newed for the Journal another year.
She reports Mr. Walker, who has been
sick for some time, as improving
gradually, and is now able to make the
trip to the postoftlcc every day the
weather will permit.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Ceo. 1L Olive was here from Weep
ing Water today.
Postmaster (ius Ilyersof Jlavolock,
was a Plattsmouth caller Monday.
Councilman-elect W. W. Slater, went
to Weeping Water yesterday on business.
Earl Travis went to Lincoln Mon
day to resume his studies in the state
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Swearingcn of
Cnlon, were guests of relatives in this
city Sunday.
Henry Horn has purchased the
August Johnson farm near Oreapolis,
for which he paid $2,000.
There will be preaching at Kenosna
church, Sunday, April 17, at :s p. m
You are invited. S. W. Jackson.
The Journal acknowledges the re
ceipt of the wherewith to renew the
subscription of Mr. T. W. Shyrock of
Louisville. Thanks, Mr. Shyrock.
Everyone says It is a pleasure to
trade at tiering & Co's drug store, for
they are always pleased to give you
the best service If it is .rc or $."oo worth
hat you buy.
After a brief visit with relatives in
this city, Mrs. Tims, llafey and chil
dren returned to their home in Ne
braska City Monday.
Henry Kauble, who has been con
nected with the City Steam Laundry,
went to Omaha Monday to work in
the laundry owned and controlled by
Oeo. 15. LenholT.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Waybright depart
ed tills morning for Los Angiles, Cal.,
where they will spend several weeks,
The Journal wishes Mr. and Mrs
Waybright a pleasant trip.
Now Is the time to clean house-
clean your system first, drive out the
microbes of winter with Ilntlistrr'.-
uocKy .Mountain lea. it will keep
you well all summer. 3.1 cents. Tea
or tablets. Gerlng & Co.
Painters and paper hangers wanted.
Mechanical ability (and not member
ship in a labor union) the only qualifl
cation 'Open" shops in Omaha after
Ayril 1. Address, or enquire of T. J.
Heard & Pro., 1110, Douglas street.
Read M. Fanger's ad in this issue of
the Journal. Mr. Fanger has not only
remodeled his store room, but lie lias
tilled it "chock full'' with the finest
spring goods you ever looked at. Re
sure to go and see him when you come
to town.
Louis I). Toller of Kansas City, and
Miss Rosa Winterstein ef this city
were united in marriage at the home
of the liride's mother, Tuesday after
noon, April .1, 1!H4. The wedding was
a very quiet alTair, the ceremony being
performed by Rev. II. R. Ruigess, of
the Episcopal church.
Harry F. Huntington will give his
popular monologue "Sevenoaks" at
Mynard. April 21, in the M. W. A
hall. Mr. Huntington has just return
ed from a trip through the West, lib
entertainments have been well re
celved everywhere. A high class en
tertainment and an enjoyable even
log are guaranteed. School children
admitted free, provided each child i
accompanied by an adult. Adults 2."'
Stomach and Liver Tablets, Easy to
take; pleasant in effect. For sale by-
all druggists.
(i. W. Snyder and P. J. Vallery went
to t ;naha yesterday, where the latter's
brother, Coon, was to undergo an
operation in one of the hospitals for
1 know a jolly old maiden lady.
A lady of high degree,
Who never gies to bed without
A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea.
Sensible woman, tiering & Co.
(ieorkre P. licit of Eight Mile Grove,
was in the city yesterday, and gave the
Journal a call. Mr. lleil is one of Cass
county's energetic and prosperous
farmers ami w hile here renewed for the
Old Reliable.
George Horn Is engaged in remodel
ing his residence in Cedar Creek, and
adding many modern improvements
thereto, including water works, gas,
etc. Whew completed Mr. Horn can
boast of one of the most up-to-date
houses in Cass county.
Win. Oliver, of near Murray, was a
county seat visitor yesterday. While
here Mr. Olivercalled at Journal head
quarters and replenished our exche
quer to the amount of several doilars.
He says he has been a patron of the
Journal for about twenty years, and
he likes the paper better than ever.
Now is the time to take a spring
tonic to purify the blood, cleanse the
liver and kidneys of all impurities
llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do the business. .1.") cents. Tea or
tablets, tiering & Co.
V '-J w vJW -0 '.J K v j
,vrt ,rp ,
! that w ill make good, rich
S blood, and thnt will stick
to your ribs, you can al
S ways enjoy when you buy
5 your meats from our fine
! stock. The very best beef,
mutton, lamb, veal and
pork for roasting, broiling,
( '
( . 1
( .
( 1
JjU stewing or frying, ns well as Iho choicest poultry, game and
lish, you will always lind at prices a low as I lie low est. Our
(Srocery Department is complete.
i '
Farmers' Attention
for butter and eggs. llring nil
your imullry to us. Wo pay liigh
08 market priced.
Jonathan Hatt & Soi).
fv f I'M I
1 A
-V v.1 Vj '.J v . r, ,v y J -J y V v v v . . C-A
on earth are those who pride them
selves lipon their tnvn frankness and
tniast of speaking the plain truth.
Usually they are not content with
calling a spade a spade; they insist on
calling it a d n old shovel.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and
daughter, Ruth, went to Lincoln this
morning to sec their sou and brother,
Ed, who recently had an operation
performed. Mrs. Johnson and Miss
Ruth will remain until Saturday, but
Mr. Johnson will return tonight.
The ladies of St. John's church de
servo great credit for the very' excel
lent supper given at Coatcs' Hull Mon
day night and the Journal U pleased
to learn that it was a financial as well
as a local succcim. Good luck to the
ladies of St. John's church ill every
thing they undertake.
The Turners' Festival Tuesday and
Wednesday night was all that the
managers could possibly expect a
financial and social sijcciisn. The at
tendance was very large both nights
and all speak highly of the program
rendered. We are very sorry that Im
portant business matters kept us
away both evenings. a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing like dulnL' tt thing
thoroughly. Of all the Salves you
ever heard of, Rucklen's Arnica Salve
is the best. It sweeps away and cures
Hums, Sores, Rruises, Cuts, Roils,
Fleers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's
only 2'', and guaranteed to give satis
faction by F. (1. Frh'kc & Co,
sionally a western enthusiast Venturis
the assertion, and proves it to his own
satisfaction, that New York In not nc
cessary to democratic or republican
success, but many conservative and ob
servant persons clingohstinately tothe
tielief that as New York goes, so goes
the nation.
New York is necessary to democratic
succevs, and wants to name tlio candi
date. That Judge Alton li. Parker
would lead the democrats to victory is
not here asserted, but if an) man could
do this next NovemU-r Judge Par
ker could. This is the candid opinion
of the Journal. Rut even If he were
defeated, his nomination would be
most wholesome for the paity, for it
would unite under a strong and saga
cious leader the scattered, mashes that
aro now oindeting upon a soa of fac
tional dllferences, and in this the coun
try would be immeasurably benetitted.
The republican puity ha had In own
way too long; Ik cause the powerful re
straint of a well organized and vigilant
majority is lacking, it has become ex
cessive and insolent. 11 is not good for
the nation fhat thp deintiprntn are, de
moralised and iiiutinoin. The condi
tions so necessary to preserve the
wholesome political equilibrium are
wanting, and will be wanting tint II the
democrats become sane ami rally tothe
support of a standard-bearer who can
sweep the country. Tlio domonats
owe it to the country as a patriotic
duty tounite undersoine man who rep
resents high ideals and can command
the confidence and support of a united
democracy; and
much desired and necessary qualities
are in Judge Alton 1!. Parker, of New
G. Dovey r Son 3
f 044SS6 G
GI -
TTdnso Clonnin!' Time is almost here, which means that vou will have to fet
a new carpet or perhaps two. We have the same reliable makes
which we have always handled.
All-wool Ingrains from 59c to 98c.
Velvet carpets from 98c to $1.25
Moquets and Axministers; an extra
new line of desigtis, and colorings.
Mattings all prices 15c to 50c a yard.
60 rolls to select ;from.
Oil Cloths from 1 to 2 1-2 yards wide.
Linoleums from 2 to 4 1-2 yards wide.
Art Squares in Ingrains and Brussels.
Most Complete Carpet House
(ieorgc Horn of Cedar Creek, was a
county seat visitor today, and let the
light of his good natured countenance
beam in upon us.
The return Leap Y'ear dance, to
have taken place tomorrow night, has
been postponed on account of the
death of Percy Agnew.
Arthur Crissman, one of the H. &
M. switchmen, had a narrow escape
from serious injury Tuesday afternoon.
In some inannerhegotcaught between
mi engine and coach, Injuring his right
hip and knee quite badly. Fortunate
ly no bones were broken, and Arthur
is congratulating himself that matters
aro no worse.
ShcrilT Mcl'.ride was called to Weep
ing Water early yesterday morning in
response to a telephone message tliata
team of horses had been stolen. The
team had been hitched to a rack, and
after a thorough Invest Igat ion it was
found that the horses had simply got
loose and wandered away, and were
linally found on the road near the
owner's home.
A Cure For Headache.
Any man, woman or child suffering
from headache, hillloiisiiess or a dull.
drowsy feeling should take one or two
of DeWitt's Liltle Early Risers night
and morning. These famous liltle
pills aro lamous iiecause tiiey are a
tonic as well as a pill. While they
cleanse the system they .strengthen
and rebuild It by their tonic effect
upon the liver and bowels. Sold by
I', (i. Fricke & Co.
Liver Pills
That's w hat you need: some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
ntinntion end biliousness.
Gently laxative.
ml iit in.. i...
tw-'.w ii ir rti li
U-.tH II III .1111. Oil
GMPIIMPimr'O hVCfortho
. Whibkors
m p hi t r
Spi-rliil Corri'siKinilrnt.
Lee Oldham and John Lauderniilk
are on the sick list.
James Manners visited in Platts
mouth Saturday afternoon.
Henry Panning of Union, spent Sun
day with J. M. Leek and family.
Mrs. Lee Oldham and daughter
Pauline, spent one day in Omaha this
Hobby McClannnhan made his usual
visit to Plattsmouth Sunday evening.
Still eight miles isn't bad, is it, RobV
Itisrumoied that Murray Is going
to have new side walks. This may be
true, but we're fronu Missouri
"Show us."
We are glad to report that Mrs. J.
H. Cook, who for the past four weeks
has Ih'cii in the hospital In Lincoln, is
Rev. Jackson of Cottner University,
made his regular visit here Sunday.
Quite a number of Murray people fol
lowed him to Kenosha Sunday.
Tlio entertainment given at the
church Monday night, under the aus
pices of the Ladies' Aid Society, proved
to, be quite a success- in spite of the
J. M. Leek and W. V. Copeland drove
over to Union Tuesday and report the
foundation almost completed for a
line building they have contracted for
The dance given here on Thursday
evening was only attended by the town
people on account of the weather lie
In,.' so disagreeable, but all report an
enjoyable time. 1
Miss Artensa Ross of Tabor, Iowa,
who has been spending her spring va
cation with her cousin. Miss l.nla
Leek, departed this week to take up
her srhool dul ies again.
WorHlng Overtime.
Fight hour laws are Ignored by those
lifeless, little wm kers-lr. King's
New Life Pills. Millions are always
nt work, night and day, curing Indi
gestion, biliousness. Const Ipatlon,
Sick Ileadacne and all Stomach, Liver
and Rowel troubles. F.,isy, p'easant
sate, sure. i,,y 2: at F. J. Fricke
Co a drug ktorc.
For Sale.
I have a four horse power second
hand Fairbanks-Morris gasoline engine
I will sell cheap. It Is In good run
ning order and ( ). K. Raving replaced
it with a heavier engine, I will dis
pose of it at a bargain. If you are in
terested write me at Union. Neb.
W. Ii. Ranmso.
An You Affected?
I lie big head" is a popular way of
pressing a common and frequent ail
ment. It arises from various sources
but the real foundation is the lack of
'iise. A little money develops it in
some people, a few good clothes gives
it to others, a chance to exercise a lit
tle authority is often the cause of it,
while others will have It from having
a liettrr job than theirassociates. The
truth is, no sensible person ever gets
the "big head." The one who becomes
stuck up and stiff-necked from success
of any kind Is a weak-minded mortal
who should goaway kick and sit down.
Robbed the Grave. '
A startling Incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol
lows: "I was hi an aw ful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk
en, tongue coated, pain continually in
hack and Udos, no appetite, growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Then I was advised
to use Klectrlo Hitters; to my great
joy, the tlinl buttle made a decided
impruvemett.r 1 continued their use
for three weeks, and am now a well
man. I know they robbed thu grave
of another victim." No tu, khonhl
fail to try tbem. t inly .VI cents, guar-
anteed, at F, ti. Fricke & Co's drug
Notice to Creditors.
III tliiMimtli'rtif tlicfsOileof Lewis ( ole,
TTOTIC'i; Is hi ivliy Klvrn Hint tliu iTi illlnrs
x' i siilil (Ii iseci will inri't the Ailinlnls-
trutor nf salil I'Miitr. U'furo ine. t'oiinly
.luiliri- or ( ass i-iHinty.Ni' tin- i-oiinly
i iniri riHini In I'l.iiisiniimh. In siilil i-iiiinly. on
I lie :)M ilay nf May A. II.. I'.Ml, mill on Om lllsl
ilay tf Oilolii'P l'.Ml, at 10 nVliiek Ik. III. ein'li
iliiy. fur tlu iiiihisi of iirt'M'iilliix Uirlr
I'laiins fur cmiiiiIiiuiIiui, ailnisiiiii'til uhhI
alluuanrt'. Si nimillix urn niluwiil fur Hie
I'li illlurs uf haiit ili'i-i'iisiil In pri'M'iit tlii'lr
i'laiins. hihI oiii' yi-ur for tin' ailiiilnlstratur tn
i tl Ii' saiil csiati', finiii Hie Ikitli ilay of April
Wiliii'ss my lianil anil tin' sral (if siilil cimiii
I y court, itl I'laltniiiotitti. Ni-lnasha. this bill
ilay of April. imU. IIahvkv Ii. Tha vis.
IstAi.l County .liulwc
Notice to Creditors.
Stall' of Ni liruskn, I , ,
( ass County f ss- In Ciiunly Court.
I N Oil-mal Iit of the estate of Stephen Itrn
ton, ih'i'i'asril.
NUTICK Is liiTi-liy L'lven that the rreilltors
of -alii ilii'ianil Mill Hurl tlm Ailuilnls
Iralor of sahl est nt c. lu'fon nn', eoimly jinlm'
of Cass county, Ni liraskn. at the I'ounty court
riHini in riattsiiiuiiili. in sahl county, on Hit'
I7lh ilnyof .May. A.M.. P.Hil. ami on the 17th
day of iicIoIh t. I!M. nt III o'clock a. tn.. each
ilay. for the purHisc of pivscutlnK their
claims for i xaiiiliiallon. ailjusliiii'iit anil al
lowance. Six muni lis arc allowed for the creditors of
said deceased lo present their claims, midline
year for the ailmlnlst nilor to settle Hiild es
late. from the l.Mh day of April, A ll.. I'.m4.
W Itness niy hand ami seal of said county
court, at I'lattstumiMi. .Nehraska. tills :-ml
day of March. A. II.. I'.mf.
IsKAl.l County JikIk'c
ly. Ncliraskn. In the matter of ihc itunrd
lanslilp of Stephen Hellion, insani'. To the
heirs at law and all other persons Interested
III wild matter: Vou are lierehy nollllfd that
James II. roln. us guardian of said Hellion,
lias Hied In I lie oillce of the County Court a
reHirl of his acls as such iruardlan to thu -'sih
day of January. I'.nM. nImiwIiik receipts III the
sum of mJ.u'I and ilisliursc incuts In (he sum of
.::.'i.l. and ti residue at that tliiui of l.ll
from which costs and attorney's fees are u lie
paid, ami therewith prcscnlcd his ietlt Ion for
tinal set I lenient and disi'liariie its such un'ir
diau. Vou are uotllleil Hint a liearliiK will lie
had Ukii said K'tllioii anil rep.rl anil the
prayer lliercof granted or refund nt Hie
county court riHini in I'latlsmoiith in mm Id
i'ounty iimu the elulitli day of April. A. I'..
I'.ml. at In o'clock a. in., mid if you fall to np
M'ar at said lime anil oliject lo the priweed
Oil's I lie court may seiile said accouiil and
discharu'c said k'uardlaii.
W llness i ii v hand ituil the seal of snlii court
at I'lallsuioiiili this Jlih day Mur. h. A. II.,
I'.K'l. llMtvl.V H. Timvis.
County Jude.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I
Cass County. I la County Court.
In the matter uf Hie estate of Stephen ,M. lu
vls decensed,
NOTICK Is In n liy irlven that the creditors
of said deceased w ill meet the adminis
trator of said estate. Iiufore me. County Judire
of Cass county. Ncliraskn. it I tin iiuty court
iiNim In i'lnitsiiioiiili. In said county, on the
Imli day of May. I'.ml. and on Hut Hull day of
I ictolier I' III o'clock a. in., each day. for
the purosc of present iiuf their claims for ex
amination, adjustment mid allowance.
Six months arc allowed for the creditors of
salddecensed to present their claims, mid one
year for the iiilniinlslrator to settle said es
tate, from the lull dny of April. I'.tU.
W ll ness niy lianil ami senl of said county
oiiru al riattsuiiilitli, .Nebraska, this l-'lli
day of March, I'.ml.
CXninty JiiiIkc.
Pon't allow money to lie around.
Is easier to s,pend it and easier
to lose it.
by keeping It In a safe place such as
; life
The BanH of Cass County
You can glvo a clieck for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
lien you have a bank account vou
w ill be anxious to add to It rather than
spend from It. Don't you want to
know more about it.
Those who try to win them by
reckless speculation arc most
often unsuccessful. Legiti
mate methods of acquiring
wealth founded on the most
solid of financial principals
are offered by
116 South 15th Street
Omaha, Nobrnskn.
1 "f.r
1 -iv.Ji . isr. it . iv. ff, f., ft . IV, t '
pring Opening
Y()U are invited tn visit this store ami see our first complete exposition of
New Spring Styles in Fashionable Millinery, Wearing Apparel and Fa
brics. On every hand you will see Exquisite and Charming display of
Beautiful Merchandise, much of which has not hitherto been shown. Our
Store Koom has just been remodelled and we now have double the floor
space on which to display our goods and look after the wants of our many
customers. A glance at our beautiful slvnv windows will surely convince
you that our new spring styles are up-to-date.
A Superb Showing of
Spring Millinery
in all tlio 1 Idlest Mylos. Imworbil Moilel
nml Original Dcniiis. Our new lino lins
been carefully hoIim foil friun tlio lending
millinery innrkols mul einliraoeH tlio lit r
nesl ami most Ivnutiful line of Piilh rn
llatH mul original tli hi'iiH ever kIuiwii in
Tailored Suits. Shirt Waist
Suits and all Spring
and Summer
'.any ami oMinin our lurjo line
HjuiiiL,' nnd Hunimor w firing itipari 1.
In Wash Goods
Tlio Now WASH FAIiWCS for Spring
WnisU nntl Dtorroh. Importetl White
(mmmIs, Mercerized Wnistinjjs, nil tlio new
clinict' imlterns. Here w hero wo Hhine.
In fuel every department uf oijr ntore in
more complete than ever before.
Farm Produce
Wo want every farmer in Cuss (unty to
brings us tlioir fmm produce for which wo
w ill pay the highest price.
M. I Tn n i''
Department Store.