The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1904, Image 6

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Women as Well as Men Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kil lie y trouble rci iijxm the miiiil,
iliM.'ouracsttniiU'M.'iiuiiiliiliuii; lwuuty,
vlor untl ihrtrtul
iis Kmn disappear
ulirn tli? kidneys are
'out of order or dis
tuned. Kiilney trouble has
in-come so prevalent
that it is not uik-oiii-'
moil for a child to le
I m r 11 afflicted with
weuk kidneys. If the
child uritiutestoooften, if the urine tteulds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
iie when it should he utile to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with lied-wet-tiiiK,
di pend aAn it, thecause of the dilli
vulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should le towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people supKse.
Women as well as tueu are made miser
able with kidney and Madder trouble,
and lioth need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, fifty
cent ami one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a
Ilonw of Swamp-Root
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Iliughamton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this pajer. Don't make any mistake,
Imt remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, und the ad
dress, Uinghuniton, N. Y., on every
"Out Hell," the favorite chjar
Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald
J. II. Hrown, of near Murray, enrolls
Ids name this week for the Journal.
W. A. Snyder departed Tuesday for
a business trip to Central City, Kelt.
Will Ramsey came down from the
university to spend Easter w ith home
Jas. Chalfant and wife of near ltock
Muffs," were I'lattstnouth visitors Fri
day. Miss Jesse liarton, attending the
State university, was home to spend
Miss Inez Reese returned Friday
evening from her visit to North 1'latte
Nebraska. .
V. II. Frees called Saturday and left
a dollar for one year's reading of the
the Journal.
Mrs. It. SeidliU and son, Otto, left
Saturday for a few days' visit with
friends In Tobias, Neb.
John (laner of Cedar Creek was in
the city Saturday, and while here
called and renewed for the Journal
another year.
Andy Snyder and Herman Ilnlucliuli
departed Tuesday in company with
Harney Miller and Tom Troop, for
Canada, to view the country.
J. It. I'. Carper and Carl Taylor of
rnion.were county seat visitors Satur
day. While here Mr. Carper favored
the Journal with a brief hut pleasant
II. II. Neltzel, the Murdock banker,
and family spent Faster Sunday w ith
Mrs. Neltzel's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. II. (fUthmau and family.
Every fanner who came in Saturday
had a lot of eggs, proof conclusive that
the hen is again working. Hundreds
of cases of eggs will be received daily
from now on.
Dr. Oscar Meyer of Watertown,
Wisconsin, arrived in the city last
Friday for a few days' visit with his
cousins, Mrs. James Donnelly and Miss
Julia Herrman.
Miss Clara Walker, who spent a few
days at home, returned to Oakdale
Saturday where she occupies the posi
'tion of assistant principal in the high
school at that place.
The I'lattsonlan quartet was given
a most royal greeting at I'nlon Friday
night, and the members feel highly
pleased Aith the manner in which
they were received.
John H. Rcckcr has purchased the
Davis property on the northeast cor
ner of l'earl and Tenth streets. Con
sideration 12,300. The property Is
now occupied by Prof. Rouse and
The farm machinery thati was left
standing hi the field where It was last
used, will soon have to he taken to the
repair shop and put in order for use
the coming summer. Weather spoils
more machinery in this country than
II. D. Jones of Custer county, Neb.,
spent a few days here the past week
visiting the family of his uncle, W. D.
Jones. He was returning home from
Tennessee, where he spent the winter
w ith his sou. He is former resident
of Cass county, and will no doubt be
remembered by the early settlers.
William Jones, the youthful Cass
county horse thief, was last Friday
sentenced to one year In the peniten
tiary by Judge Holmes of Lincoln.
The youiiK man pleaded guilty to Un
charge of stealing a horse near Have
lock. A representative of the prison
association was present and made a
strong plea to the court for leniency
In behalf of the prisoner.
Our merchants are receiving their
spring shipments and the orders are
all very large. There Isn't a store In
town that has shelf room for the goods,
and counters and lloors are utilized for
storagej places. The merchants of
I'lattsmoulh are looking for an un
precedented business this year and
have stocked up accordingly. In for
mer years you have Iron able to Hud
what you wanted here and we believe
you can be better suited this year
than ever.
J. tleve Scott and wife, former!)
Miss Louise Smith, departed Monday
for then future h roe in Central City,
L. J. Pepper berg" came down from
the state uuixcrsity to spend taster
with bis parents.
J. T. Porter, one of the Journal's
substantial patrons, living near Mur
ray, was in the city Saturday, and
favored us with a brief call.
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. 1M
Clans died Thursday, M.iu li I'ioI
The funeral occurred Sat u: day iifier
noon from the family iisid.-nce, Rev
Haiiil conducting' the services.
Win. A. Ilrooks and Miss Poia
Nuiitsinan were married in this city
last '.htiiyli.v, Manh:;i, l!K4, Judge
M. Archer saying'' the words that
linked two happy hearts. The coupl.
reside at Emerson, Iowa.
Monday afternoon County Judge M.
C. Joyce united in marriage at the
court house (ieorgp W. Hurley and
Miss Nora C. Stanton, both of Cas
county. They will make their home
in tliis city.--Nebraska City Tribune.
Omaha ministers, in order to pre
vent flagrant abuse of the marriage
ceremony in that city, have signed an
agreement providing thai strangers
presenting. themselves to a minister
must be satisfactorily identilied, and
must, give evidence of moral titness,
and that a divorced person, upon
whom the uuilt of divorce rests, will
lie refused the ceremony of a re
Makes a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all the Salves you
ever heard of, liucklen's Arnica Salve
is the best. It sweeps away and cures
Hums, Sores, I'.rulscs, Cuts, Roils,
Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's
only 23o, and guaranteed to give satis
faction by F. (1. Frickc&Co.
I Perry's Restaurant
nd Short Order House
3 ir ..i. ci i ii i. O
iuouis ourvou in neguinr o
r i t t &J
mom itours. A
y From
Write for prices and description
of mating.
W. C. Hamilton. i4f0X
I'lattsmoulh, Nebraska.
Time Table
Plattsmuuth, Neb.
Lincoln. Omaha,
Chicago, St. Joe,
Kansas City, St.
Louis and all
(mints Fast and
Denver, Helena,
Hutte, Portland
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
and all points
Trains Leave a.t Follows:
No. 3-1- IM'uIlK I'lU'lfii'.lun.'tloii :': it m
No. (-loeul express, ilitily, tilt oInIs
rust unit south 10:00 inn
No. .10- KrvlKlit, ilully except Siiniliiy.
to l'lic'llle Junction 2:40 pin
No. Stl - Im-iiI to I'licllle .luni'tloii 4:45 pin
No. 2- Iak-iiI express, to Iowa points.
Clilcniro and the east 4:I.'iln
No. IO-'iist express, iliilly, from Lin
coln to St. JoM-pli. Kiinsas t'lly, SI.
louls. ( hlcii)o, mill all points eml
iiiiiI south n:Sr pin
No. I'. - I am-:iI express, ilully, lliiuihu,
Lincoln. Denver mnl Interineillalit
Motions. ?:M iti.i
No. 27 ls'ul express to Oniuliu. via
I t. Crunk mill Soiitli diiuiha. dally
except Siiiulay :'-vj urn
No. 211 I j-:il frelKhl, lo Cedar Creek,
lulsvllle ami South llenil. dally
except Sunday il in him
No. T I 'ust mall, dally. loOinaha and
Lincoln 2 TJ pin
No. i; 'I'lirouuli vesllluileil express for
all points east, 7;'.'s uui
No. 3 Vestlliuled ex press, dally. IH'M
ver. nil (Minis In Colorado. I'tah
ami ( iillfornla 3X1 ,n
No. lit Lincoln, lirand Maud. Illai'k
IIIIU. Montana ami I'acillc north
west n :2s pm
No. ,'t:i- Loral express. I ouiivlllo. Ash
land. WuhiKi. Schuyler, dally tx
vpt Sunday 3: Mipm
No. en-Krniu (iinalni 3:17 am
Mtepliiif. dlultnr iiml recllnlinf I'hulr curs
eeiiu Ireelon IhroiiKli trains. 'Ileit is elil
and hieuuxe dus ked to any mini III the
I lilli. I Mules or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call on ur rlt to W . U Picket 1, local
intent, I'latlMiioiith. Neh., or. I. Kraucls. kiii-
eral passrnxer atient. liinalia, N d.
Missouri Pacific Time TaMc
N'. I 5 37 nm
'7 .'i 40 pin
II 34 pm
No. I.1; Iim uI frelKhl 7 3i Hill
'Ala 10.40.ia
Fresh Oysters 8
Fish or anything in Market. S
j$ 01 VE US A CALL.
B P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, Si
S North Side - Main Street b
And mnrcliiny
straight tu
1 WJeebaQ) 1 1
where ynu will bo re
imitl for your trouble
by getting the best
on the. markets.
Canned Goods,
S fresh dnily from the mnrkots.
8 gnthcreil fn-Hh every morning.
'Phone 54.
3 Waterman llloclj..' riattsniolith.
I'reparlmr itlistTacts of title, ronveymiclnii
ami exainlnliiK lilies to real estate it special
ty. Work properly done and chaises reason
itlile. Olllco:- Itmmis ii and 7, .lidin (iiinil
lliillillnir. nuar t'nurt House. I'laltsuioulh,
Wall Paper
I have just rotvivcil my new
stock- of Wall Paper.
Remember, our stoclc is all
new no paper left over from
last year.
Come in ami let us show
you what pretty patterns we
You'll he surprised to learn
how nicely you can paper a
r om.
Geo. W. Gilman
Zhc IDruaotot
Bill en hinh Ri r I le I Pn ,
W ,nllt fan - ptrrr f'"H
bir,t KAUH hk AtluMOhlLii
is I r H
Exas stood the test for over 60 years.
Cures sprains, bruises, burns, cuts, sores, lameness,
piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back, etc.
A Beautiful Lithograph of Dan Patch
With Every Package of
International Stock Food
Get Your Stock in Shape
For the Heavy Spring Work.
You don't have to buy a barrel, get a 25'c or 50c package
Try it and you will buy more.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Union Block, Sixth St. Plattsniouth, Neb.
Makes the food more delirious nr.d wliotosomo
f R
'The Early Bird
Catches the Worm"
Thid in nn old Haying, but a very wise
ono in many rospectfl, and hitvcs to remind
those who aro on tho lookout for
Spring Suits
For Men and ISoys
That Williiun ITolIy is prepared to "fill tho
bill'' in this line to a dot, and invites nil to
come, and inspect his new; arrivals and get
prices. Kit and quality guaranteed, mid
prices to suit the timed. Also, a line lino
of Men's and Hoys' Shoes of all grades.
rats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
llemeinber tho place,
William Holly
East Doom Waterman Block
Corner Fourth and Main Streets
They Last
New Fabrics
For Spriiuj
In miitiiii's, troiiHoriii;rrt untl for
(ivcrctmtrt lire now to lie hccii in nil
tho luti'st in iv. lt i-H from English,
Scotch and Ainoricnii imiiiti ractu
rcirt. Wo will iniiku ymir Spring
(ivt'i'ciiiit or unit in tin1 I ivst iiml
KWt lh'st styli uikI of nrtistic vlo
jjniu o at a re lHoniililo prici'.
Frank McElroy
l ifth mnl Main Ms.- l'isl;iirs
Mi no
ret Mwni.
r wj m ii
Our Samples of
Spring and Summer
Silks, Dress Goods
2nd Wash Goods
Now Ready.
Tlie Reliable Store
Do You Want to Earn Money?
You can do so by trading at OUR UIG STORE, for
money saved is money earned and we can save you money
on every order. Try it once and be convinced.
1 The largost dros goodi department in tho west. The best jood. Th
most np-to-dato styles and tho best quality for the least money. Deit and
Litest from tho looms of Englund, Franco, Gcrmuny and America.
44 In. Lupin's voiles, black and CO Pricstliy'n 56 inch bluo cravanetted Si
coI" Bt DOi cillian, one we get 11.50 flO
44 inch Lupin's voiles, black and QQ ,or vJO
colored, 11.23 quality Ob Prlestley' black cravanetted SicIL
4.. inch Lupin's voiles black and QQ linn and Granada, 58 In. wide I flO
colored, vl.50 quality nt 30 92.U3 quality .. yfj
nltt8' b'mk I QQ'e'tley'sBe In. Siclllian.'one with
and colored tl.US quality... .1 0 an extra fine silk finish. You 1C
43 inch Lupin's voiles, black I QQ Py tl.23 for It (0
mm tuioruu, quality,.,.! vU
Too much cannot bo said of Lupin
1 no much rnnnnt. h rii .1 nf T nnln'J
Voiles, as the quality, color and'finis1,:arC SOle aScn.ts fCr ''riCStlcyfl
are tho best,
Tor shirtwaist suit, extra nklrts anil
waists mohair has proven to lie thr
tnot satisfactory of fabrics. Will no.
show dirt and In fuct will wash.
Priestley's bluo cliiick cruvaiiutted SI-
cillinn. fill inches wide, rcmi
lur M..10 quality
1 98
Reliable G roccrics at
Reliable Prices
Turn enno pranulaled suar
por 1(10 llm.
f ,,
TupltiCR, Farina. Shu", llitiley, FliikfjKam y Colilen fliiiitos per lb ..17J.!
.r l'earl llnminy per lb .TJc Jll II C. Special Itlund '". ,2(io
(.ml .Input! rice p. r II. 4je!Miicha and .lava
Mitiey .in pa i.l riei. 71J
iiiinii'ii innie Hj nip ptr p.n .)(
1 lb. can hiyh utailo bikini; pwilr. .2.V
Ilt-yt K iMinn.l plec, any kind per Hi ?3i
Laundry mmp, 1(10 bars in box t'l w.'
In V'rltltijt Please Mention Thin Paper.
1 6th and Dodge Streets.
M. L. Ayrcs, Shenandoah, la
Eirly In the fall I arrived with tnf
mil Importation of Perclieron ktitl
HulKlan StalUom, all of the Rood tort,
heuvy bone, low down, block kind.
Who kg, bays and Kraya.
One hundrrd or more Kecorded A ill
main nn farm to select from. We lell
all with a tuarunlee to be avwaije tool
gutters. We aid la organizing com
panion to buy. We give long time on
linnkiible paper at alx per cent. If
ynu want a good animal come and lee
me. Send lor Uiitiilog.
Write or telephone me and I will
meet you at the depot.
The picture U of Blande, the best
Fori hi'ron Bullion In America, Im
ported by an! at the head of M. L,
Ayrcs' Stud of I'ercheron Blalltona.
end For Our
Special Spring
and Summer Cat
alogue Nov
( Remember Haydcn's Bros.
. ' .
Mohairs and
30 Inch blun silk mohaif, rpjlj. rrt
ir ycjc qimiiiy
0 huh black silk finish mohair tfl
regular iiSc, quality OU
f .ansdowne, the queen of dross matef
lals, all colors and black' I t)t
prryard 3
i.liolcp ..larlcailm roffon w.r lb .. 14.'
Ihu.I Drink, 11 F.Japan, English
Itniakfast, ot Sun Dried tea
1"" I' 25c.
I'ancy Spider I.ef, Japan, Oalonj,
Ceylon or Gunpowder 3.'lo
tpfwslte trji PoNt Of flci