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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
1 The Plattsmouth Journal R. A. HATES, I'liiLisiiEU. Kntervd t the pwUffli- at Pluttxmauth, Ne braskft. & nccoudcliu lumur. I'L ULISllED WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Good morning, Mayor GeriiiK? Hilly Clement Is cvidt-ntly a race horse, when it conies to beating such a popular man as Dr. Cook, lie Is a record-breaker. "Geuinu must be beat!' Byron Clark. This edict went forth, but as the returns Indicate, "the would-like-to-be boss's" will had but little cITect. Tiik license ticket was elected In Louisville Tuesday. Our friend, Lee Mayfleld, of the Courier, was one of the "city dads" elected on this ticket. Teddy says with uplifted hand that he w 111 personally Investigate every de partment of the government, If he shall be elected. Why don't he do it now, when he has a chance? Srnatok 1'latt, of Connecticut, says that unless the Panama canal Is built without reference to political In fluence, its progress will be marked by scandal. He knows his friends. Ouu friends down at Nebraska City elected their entire ticket with the exception of one solitary candidate the treasurer. They did a little better than Plattsmouth. Shake I N two years Teddy, the accidental president, has expended, besides his salary, more In extras than did Hayes, Gartleld, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison and McKlnley all put together. Stren uoslty comes high. . Tiik would-be republican national committeeman, lias assumed the roll of a "boss" already, and gave out the order all along the line "that Gerlng must be beat!" This was enough, as Mr. Gcrlng's majority sign! lies. Mu. Bahtox may be, as the News terms It, "a cracker jack," but any man that the Plattsmouth Republican Ring has anything to do with, "gets it In the neck" every time they have any thing to do with putting up a candi date. Unokr .Section 54!) of the Postal Laws and Regulations, postmasters cannot furnish Information concerning mall received or delivered. Furnish ing Information touching mail mat ter is also prohibited over telephone lines. W. L. Pickett Is a good man, an ex cellent, but shonldhavc known better than to have accepted a nomin ation at a convention In which the Plattsmouth Republican Ring manip ulated the wires, through Itschlcf fu glemen, Clark and Tolk. " u President Cleveland forbade his postmasters from mixing in politics. He said they were appointed and paid to attend to the business of the public. Things arc different now. Postmasters are expected to neglect their duties and goout and whoop it up for Teddy, the lion hunter. That General Bristow be supersed ed, was fiercely demanded by 151 con gressmen, until it was rumored that he had something else up his sleeve. And they do say Blowhard was among the number that wanted Bristow out out of the way. Wonder why? Skchktaky llm iitiK k has paid out $(iU2,000 to lobbyists In connection with an Indian claim. Senator Piatt says "this Is one of the most notorious In stances of lobbying that ever came to my notice." A discussion of It oc cupied several hours in the senate a fe days since. ConoukssmanHknsiiaw has served but one term and is considered the most Influential member of the Ne braska delegation at Washington This Is certainly pretty tough on Blow hard Burkett who has been trying to represent the first district for nearly six years. His Acudency, Teddy Roosevelt, is fond of parade and gold lace. He has matured a plan to Increase tho numlwr of handsome young ofllcers In brilliant filagree at his receptions next winter, by having them detailed to make a spe cial study of ordinance at the Wash ington gun factory. The state revenue Ixiard has decided that grain elevator men of Nebraska must pay taxes not only on the grain on hand when the assessor calls, but also on the average capital in vested during the year. This will be hard to get at and the assessor will have to be a very careful flgurer. ' TiiESmoot commlttco neglected its duty by not making Joseph Smith tell how ho managed to get along with all his mothers-in-law. This secret should bo divulged or Smoot convicted. And then it would be some consolation to those men who can't, get along with one monthcr-ln-law,toknow the secret. Hl'KTox, the Kansas senator, con vlctcd of briliery by the federal court at St. Louis, says If he had lived In Nebraska, he wouldn't have been con vlctcd. No matter what a republican olllceholder dors In Nebraska, plenty of his friends will be found standing around with whitewash brushes in hand to douse hlin. L If the democrats succeed In getting Judge Sullivan to accept the inmiliia lion for governor, we candidly Wllevc that enough republicans, who have grown so sick and disgusted with MldgctMlckey's monkey business, will help elect him. Then the people of N braska could IkmkI of a chief executive whom all would delight in honoring. THE BATTLE OF THE BALLOTS Tuesday's Election Returns Verj Satisfac tory to Democrats. HENRY R. 6ERING IS ELECTEO MAYOR. H. M. Soennichsen City Clerk, and Bill) Clement Treasurer. ALSO THREE OF THE FIVE COUNCILMEM. Henry R. Gerlng, d Mayor M. .'i. neunicnsen,a Clerk it. W. Clement, d Treasurer William Weber, r Police Judge. F. G. Fricke, d....Mem. School Board Geo. Dodge, d " " " Notwithstanding It seems that a few of the opposition are surprised at the general results of the election on Tues day, there should lie nothing of the kind when the make-up of the two tickets is compared the democratic ticket being an exceptionally good one. One of the great surprises to the Journal was the defeat of Judge Archer on the democratic ticket; another Is the defeat of Dr. Cook ( republican ) for treasurer. However, there Is some reason for the defeat of both. Judge Archer's actions in in the campaign ast fall Is attributable principally to his defeat many democrats refusing to support him on this account. But the Journal was greatly in hopes that this feeling to a large extent had died out; but it seems as election drew near the smouldering embers from last fall bitter feeling became rekindled to such an extent that it was impossible to sup press It. Judge Archer has served as police judge for a numberof years, and In that capacity has given almost uni versal satisfaction, and the Journal only hopes thut his successor will "till the bill" as well. In the case of Dr, Cook, Ills opponent Is a young man, possessing all the qualities of a true gentleman, and was exceedingly popu lar In the city. In the face of this fact, a number of voters had arrived at the conclusion that the present incumbent had "been there long enough." From the very start the race between Dr. Cook and Billy Clement promised to quite spirited, and from the retuinsit would seem that Billy was cut out for a race horse and out-winded the Dr, In the last heat. The otllce will be in proper hands, as Mr. Clement contains all the requirements to fill the position most satisfactorily. The republicans only got two on their ticket Weber for police judge, and Stcimker for councilman in the Third waid. T lie new council will stand: Six democrats; three republicans and one (Neuman) independent. Below Is given the vote In the differ ent wards: KIltST H AUD. Mayor. Henry R. Gering, d inii w. b. l'ickctt.r uo A. Carlson, soc 4 Gering's majority City Clerk. II. M. Soennichsem d IlM (!. W. Thomas, r 4.1 r. II. Madsen, soc. 4 Socnnlchsen's majority im City Treasurer. R. W. Clement, d 1015 K. W. Cook, r 4.1 Jacob Jones, soc ;i Clement's majority 57 Police Judge. M. Archer, d 8.1 Win. Weber, r IX II. C. McKay, soc (i Archer over Weber (i Councilman. Fred Kblngcr, d , 8s Linderman, r 71 Dougherty, s.c....' 4 Kblngcr's majority 11 hkcund waiid. Mayor. Henry R. Gering, d 178 W. L. Pickett li!) Carlson, soc 17 Gering's majority i2 City Clerk. H. M. Soennichsen. d l'.i.l G. W. Thomas, r 5! i". l . Madsen, soc 8 Socnnlchscn's majority 12(i City Treasurer. R. W. Clement, d 120 K. W. Cook, r 124 P. II. Madsen, soc 11 Clement over Cook 2 Police Judge. M. Archer, d Wl Wm. Weber, r 147 H.C. McKay, soc 11 Wclicr'siinajorily X Councilman. W.C. Tlppens, d ITS John Clans, rep 8ii Andy Krochler, soc 11 Tlppens over Clans Tlllltl) WAltD. Mayor. Henry R. Gerlng 114 W. L. Pickett 7M A. Carlson, soc 11 Gering uwr Pickett 3 City Clerk. II. M. Soennichsen, d 1"1 G. W. Thomas, r M I'. H. Madsen.soc U Soennichsen'smajoi ily 5 City Treasurer. I!. W. Clement, d fi F.. W. Cook, r Jacob Jones. soc l (Vok's majority H Police Judge. M. Arrher.d W Wm. WelHr, r I'" II. C. McKay, soc 1" Weber's tmjority I" Councilman. J. M. Rolierts. d f K. II. Stelmker, r H T. J. lsner, hoc Is Stehnkcr' majority. 13 roi irrn WARD. Mayor. Henry R. Gering d S3 W. L. Pickett r 57 A. C'ari.iti soc 1! Gering's majority 1$ City Clerk. II. M. Soennichsen d 113 (!. W. Thomas r P. II. Madsen soc 2 Soennichsen majority 58 Treasurer. R. W. Clement d 81 K. W. C.ok r 77 Jacob Jones soc 10 Clement over Cook Police Judge. M. Archer d Wm. Weoer r II. C. McKay soc 80 70 11 .10 Archer over Weber , Councilman. Pat Eagan d 40 Robert Hayes r 49 Henry Sanders soc ltl Frank Neunian by pet 57 Neuman over Ha 8 For members of the school board Messrs. Fricke and Dodge carried every ward in the city, and their ma jority on the whole is somewhere be tween 200 and 100. rlKTIl WAUD. Mavor. Henry R. Gerintr, d W. L. Pickett, r , A. Carlson, soc , 70 39 10 Gering's majority 21 City Clerk. II. M. Soennichsen, d 80 G. W. Thomas, r 38 P. II. Madsen, soc 8 Socnnichscn's majority 34 City Treasurer. R. W. Clement, d 52 E. W. Cook, r 72 Jacob Jones, r 7 Cook's majority 13 Police Judge. M. Archer, d 70 Wm. Weber, r 52 H.C. McKay, soc 12 Archer's majority. . 12 Councilman. W. W. Slater, d 07 George Hall, r 51 Gibson, soc 12 Slater over Hall. 16 Election Echoes. "Gering must be beat" Byron Clark. Pat F.gan made a good race in the Fourth ward. "Windy" Steimker will feel awful lonesome in the new city council. Socnnichser. as a runner In this city is a good one. He came very near leav ing Thomas at the starting point. The total vote polled for the head of the socialist ticket was eighty-six the third ward polling thirty-one of these. One of the unsuccessful candidates says a few more Don Despalns would have made the election unanimously democratic. Fricke and Dodge, for members of the school board, ran so fast that Polk's man Friday, was scarcely known in the race. W. C. Tippenscame out with colors flying in tho Second, as did also Billy Slater in the Fourth and FredEbinger in the First. Jack Denson was a great help to the democratic ticket. The next election that comes it would pay to hire Jack to stand around and abuse democratic candidates. The edict that went forth from the would-be republican national commit teeman "that Gerlng must be beat," worked just the opposite direction, as the returns denote. After the smoke of battle clears away Imw natural It is for some news paper editors to feed the successful candidates on "taffy." But all candi dates understand such matters. H. il. Socnnlchscn's tremendous majority In this city must be an eye sore to the gentleman the Plattsmouth republican ring has In training to pit against him next year for county clerk. "The city is now In the hands of the Dutch," slurrlngly remarks a republi can the day after the election. Well, they have equal rights with you, haven't they? They arc Americans and better citizens, as a whole, than any of your class. Henry R. Gerlng, the Journal pro phesies, will make one of the best mayors the city ever boasted of. He will do his duty, without fear or favor, and has the ability and courage to carry out his determinations. The in tcrests of the city at large will be his Interests. Don Dksi'ain, one of Midget Mick ey's young hirelings, came down from Lincoln Tuesday to assist his republi can friends in "sweeping tho platter." The fact Is, If Mickey had sent down one or two more of Don's calibre, tho democrats would have made a clean sweep of everything. Every man. wo man and child In Plattsmouth knows what made Don a republican. Tine facts forcibly Illustrate two points: , One Is that a man dare not launch his candidacy for a republican nomination in Nebraska unless hols backed by the B. & M., Union Pacific or F.Ik Horn railroad. And then he wants to be sure the managers of that particular road will not "throw him overboard" at a critical moment and thereby make hlscandldacy absolutely ridiculous. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Blook, Tbk Journal has ncverthought fora moment that the republicans of Ne braska would display such poor judg ment as to elect a man like Burkett to the United States senate. They have two nonenlltle going through the mo tion of representing Nebraska at Wash ington now, and it would be a disgrace to the state tosucceed either by such a man as Blowhard Burkett. Of course If the railroads simply want a "tool" Blowhard would serve them to perfec tion. Ability cuts no figure wun uie railroads, as, for instance, In the case of the present midget governor. For Sale! Eight acres of land, 11 block west of M. P. Depot; good five room house, barn, wells and other Improvements. Plenty of fruit of all kinds. For fur ther particulars call on or address, II. G. Stoll, Plattsmouth. Sheriff's Sale. B Y virtue of an execution Issued ly Jumcs U,il.rtw,n .rlc nf the UWtrlrt court. within mill fur Ch-m county, Nebraska, aud to uie aireotuu. i will on tiiu 20th Day of April. M. D., 1904 at 11 o'clock a. m., of said day at tho south door of the court house in tno city or rums- tumult. In ui lil conntv. w at mi I 'lie auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wlt: UiW six and seven (tt ai d 7 In l.liw-k this In the vlllaite of Murray. Cass county, Nebraska, together with the urlviieKes ana appurtenances uhtviiiuu luiixInKor In anywise appertaining. The same lieliiK levied upon aud tuken as tho property of .lames K. KlemliiK. defendant, to satisfy a Judgement of said court recovered by Meyer Si Kitapke, planum s aiiauisi sain m-ii-iniaNi. riatlsuioutli, iseurasKii. nmrrn inn. n.. i. imii .flillN I). Mi HK1DK. Hybom Ci.ark. Sheriff Cas Co. Nebraska. I'luliiUtr'a Attorney. LICENSE NOTICES. LICENSE NOTICE. MOTICEI9 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIK 1 ' uuderhlirned hits tiled his petition as re- uulrt'd bv the statutes of the State of No nrasKa wun uie city ciern or me eny 01 I'lattsmouth. Nebraska. reuuestliiK a license to sell malt, spirituous aud vinous lliiuors for the commit niuniciuai year in me uuiiuuik situated on block twenty-seven (27 1 lots eleven aim twelve Ul in tnecity 01 riiiusmouin Kebraska. u. r. monhok. April 7. 1U04. Applicant. LICENSE NOTICE. VTOTICE 19 HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE ' undersigned has tiled his petition lis re- mitred by the statutes of the Stale of Nebras ka wun tno city ciem or me cuy or riuits niouth, Nebraska. rwiiestlnir a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the coming- municipal year In the bulldiir situ ated on lot twulve U.Hil worn thirty ijm in the city of flatuinoutli, Nebraska. I'KTKIl liOOH. March 31st, 1904. Applicant. LICENSE NOTICE. TSTOTICE IS IIEKEIIY GIVEN TI1AT THE underslirned has Hied his uetltlon as re quired by the statutes of the State of Nebras ka Willi the city clerk or the city or rialts luouth. Nebraska, reouestlnir a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous lluuors for the comliiK municipal year in the bulldiiiK situ- nun on me wesi nair iwv or lot six no in blis'k thirty-four In the city of I'latts mouth. Nebraska. Hans II'Gooh, March 31st, WW. Applicant, LICENSE NOTICE. TSTOTICE IS IIEKEIIY GIVEN THAT THE x undersiirned has Hied his netltioii as n- qulred by the statutes of the Slate of Nebras ka Willi the city clerk or tho city or Hlatls rnoulh, Nebraska, reiuestliiR a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous lluuors for the coming municipal year In the building situat ed on the east half (eH) of lot twelve (12) In uiock iweniy-eiKhl l-S) in the city of I'latts mouth. Nebraska. Ku. KoKMiKiiiiKu. March 31st, 1WH. Applicant. LICENSE NOTICE JCTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TflAT THE x' undersluned has tiled his uetltli in hh re quired by the statutes of the State of Nebras ka with tho city clerk of the city of I'latls Tiioulh, Nebraska, request a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the comliiK municipal year In the building situ- un'u on me east nan H"il or nil twelve (121 In hlis-k twenty-nine () In the city of I'latts- iiiiiiiiii, m'orasKit. j..o, ion AT. March 31. 1WM. Applicant. LICENSE NOTICE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersiirned has tiled his uetltli ,11 lltt IM. quired by the statutes of the state of Nebras ka with the city clerk of the city of I'latU nioutli. Nebraska, nsiueslliiK a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the comliiK municipal year In the building shu nted on tho east half (eS) of lot three (3) in uiock wiiriy-inroe (jjj in the clly of I'lalls mouth, Nebraska. Cl.AfS Si-kck. March 31, 11W4. Applicant. LICENSE NOTICE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIK undersiirned has Hied his iu.nn. til UU pu. quired by the statutes of the Stale of Nebras ka wivn me cuy cierk or the clly of I'latU moiitli, Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous lhnir r, ,p tin, Milling municipal year In the building sltu- oi.-u i,n mi mu mi in uiiH'k iiuny threu I3.ll 111 the clly of riaUsinouth. Nebraska. . . riiii.up TiiHiitoi.r. March 31. IU04. Applicant. DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. TT OTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN THATGEU ntt A P, I, hum III...I 1I...1. i.i..-....-.. - "- ,ivlr iH-iiuuii it re quired by the statutes of the Stale of Nebras ka with tho city clerk of the city of I'lalls- ,v rvuruni( a permit loseii nialt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medic inal, mechanical and chemical purposes for thn Ciimlnir u....- I.. ,, . ... .......... j.-r in win I1II1IIIIIIK situated on the west half () of tut twelve ji.i oi oi.s a iweniy-eigni (a) M u,u city or riiittsmoutli. Nebraska. U kill NO A Co.. iiarcu .11. mu. Applicants. DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Uooriro W. Oilman has fllml i.l. ,u.,in., as required by the statutes of the Slate of ji. i.nwKn wun i mi cuy clerk of the city or I'liittsinouth. Nebraska, requesting a in-null to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal, niis-hanlcal ami chemical purposes for the coming municipal year In the building sltuati-d on tho east Imlf i,.ui ..f i... ..ii.i . of blis-k twcnty-clirhU'JN) In tl u..f Ph.ii.. niiiulh. Nebraska. Ukohok W. (Ju.kan, March 31, Applicant. DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. N 7XCJ; V '"'"KKV GIVEN THAT V. G. rrlckeA Co. hnv,. Ill...l ,i...i. ..,ni.. M rcuulri-d bv the stntuti-af n... u,. ...... v... hraska with the city clerk of the clly of I'lallsnioutb, Nebraska, requesting a pcrml! In sell malt, spirit nous and Hnnu,lqnors for nmllclnal, mechanical and chemlral purises for the ruining municipal year In the Imlldlng mated on lots oiio(l) ami two c'1 In blis'k thirty-six (3u) lu tho city of I'lattsinouih. Nc ""'. r. u. rait kg A t o.. March 31, 1UIM. Applicant. License Notice. NOTICE H HEUI-.tlY GIVEN THAT TIIK .iiivrsigiiuu na niiHi hu ix tltlon as re quire,! by the statute, of theSlateof Nebras ka, with the ctv cerk nf n... ..1.. ... 1-1...... mouth. Nebraska, rvmiettlng a llrense to sell malt. Isplrlluoua and Mn,m, liquor fur the coming municipal year In the building Itu a .! on the wesl half 11,, llf , ,. (Vl , t-Ti 111 uiec ty or I' all mouth, Nebraska. NarcuiM. I. W. M.ItAii, i r. Applicant. V Abstracts of Title V Tt?oma5 Ualli. OKrICK-Anlnuer iluh Block. Staple and P. y 0 m u o u 0 u o 0 c (6 w c 13, y m . Kunsmann & Ramge Still lead all other Meat Markets in furnishing the people of I'latts mouth and vicinity with First Class Meats Of Every Description. Fresh and SmoHed Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc REMEMBER They have removed to the lirst room west of their old stand. I!y courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and gain many new ones. i'-N .i...rr:- i.'-f.i. i SXA(J I'KOOF Rubber Boots TIIK KINU THAT WKAD $3.5044.00 We have them cheaper Ladles Rubber Boots $1.75 SHERWOOD & SON CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS tV. l.nillM. vk PriinrlM (lt I llllllt.HIHII III Hrrf Kllil nitNllli' hiitM, mmiIiI Willi hlim rlibiiil. 1 nfc fi wlhrr. Hrfnw 4iinrmiii tnh.ll. (u, ! axil Imllallnn. Iln ( ir lmiviti.1. nr mini 4r. In piiiim l-r rartlrnlur. lull, mnlali '"! Hrllrf fnr l.nill"." in I'llrr hi rrora lll. IK.lHX ((mmuihiiiiiUi, BoIJ b II riiuiitmiTMa chumicai. oo III - nmr. rillLA r. IWhi tklt MM Take Laxative bromo yuinine Tablets. Seven Million boxes told In post 1 2 months. ThlS SijUiatUTe. fancy Groceries, 'Queensware, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes PEARSON DKALKK IN- General Merchandise UNION BLOCK Independent Telephone No. 198 Plattsmouth, Neb., March 10, 1904. Dkar Rkadkk: We see new faces every day, but we still we still want to see more, so if you have not called and given us a trial why not do it now. Our business is increasing every month, but is still in its infancy, and a robust infant at that. You can save money by joining hands with this in fant, as it will lead you to low prices, first quality goods, courteous treatment, full weight and measures. All we ask is a trial by you, dear reader. We want you for our judge. Yours to serve, P. PEARSON To Puro a PnTH in One Xnr mm Yrlfllfcll s Qaitkiiv Aim Bottled in Bond. Flnillip PLATTSMOUTn R. B. WINDHAM ATTOltNKV-AT-I.AW. I'lattsiniuilli : N,.iriisliii. Probate, Commercial Law, Real Estate Litigation andforeclosureofmortkjagcsaspcclalty ED. FITZGEKALD, rnorniKTOR of MOVING VAN. Removing of Household floods a Specialty. Also, Heavy Drnying. 1 ffifipfEiiC'iiil I iit m D0TTLL: ! Livery, ' Hack and ! Baggage Line DeWITTS WITCH HAZEL SALVE THE ORIGINAL,. A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstlnata tores, chupped hr.d, eo iem, skin diseases. Mkes burns did sctlds pslnless. We could not Improve the qusllty If paid double the price. The best sslve that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWllt's Is the original and only pure and renulne Wlt. h Hatel Salve made. Look tor the name EfcWITT on ewy boa. All other ia counterfeit. ,rAM0,f t. C. DeWITT 4 CO.. CHICAGO. For Sole by F. C. FRICKE & CO o o o o o o fl w P (A o (0 Cores Crip b Two Days. on every c S.'jCyr box. 25c j to tbe Cbcapeet in tlx Cntt Toor Whiskv ia not onl Hreenble to tnste, but undou ly injurious to the stomach m tlo good Whisky is a fir Uii0 uf liolps instead of liarnii uhysloiun Whiskies ns Yellowston ',,en '"' stance, will do you iust ll,X good as a doctor s preBcrianKt.nlrt you don't know how gr.. or tlm como in and try it. rolcnscil -y lull? on 9 oil PRICES: ei"n' i;c(ill CiUckcnhelmenRye, per gallon.. Yellowstone, " " ...,or Honey Dew, " " ...iRy Illgllorn, " " Thierolf. NEBRASKA Independent Cigar FACTORY! 5c CIGAR, Cliiilli'nfrrCtmRrlin In (jUHllty and WurkuiHimlilp. JULIUS PEPPERBURG, Munufni'turur. Bee Hive Restaurant, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE COUHT HOUSE. Mcnlg at all hours. Spooial nt lention to tho fiuinor pntrons. Tlio tnblt'8 aro supplied with tho brut tho market atrord. JOHN COKEY, Proprietor. D It. MAUIIALU .HKNTI8T... All lilnilmif hii(I work. I'lutra iiimIh thul Hi. Wyi'iint i'X rlvnc. VtWn rcumnml.ln. Work xunrniiti-vil. tlr'KICK- KlTtOKKAM) IIUK'K. Tai.Ki'iiooB No. I oh 47 W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. oi i icni Wataraa Block Plattsmouth, Nobraska ...... ui am jofflie to '"'" "- j Kin i 1 sh