The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1904, Image 3

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f Miss Hanrood tells how sh
escaped an awful operation by
using Lydia E. Piakham's Vege
table Compound.
' "Peak Mrs. 1'isitttAM : I milTered
for f mr years with, what tho doctor,
called Salpingitis (Inllammation of the
fallopia.i tuln-n nn,i ovarifi:.). which is
a most iHtn-a.iin -jam! painful uiltnent,
aift-etiufr all t'l-s surrounding parts,
uniUTmiulnirtliPcijustit'iti n. .:t;dif.n
r'if the lifts forces. If you liri.Uecn.
mo a year nyo, boforo I iVan tilting
Iijdill I. IMllIilliim'M V,..,nl ,!.!
oMipoiind, n.-id had noticed th.i
aunlieti ey.-, sallow complexion, and emicintod condition, und com
pared that person with me as I nru to
day, robust, h.arty and well, you
would not wonder that I foot thankful
to you and your wonderful medicine,
which restored mo to now lift- and
health ia llvo months, and saved mo
from an awful operation." MiHHlijii.NB
Hapoood, 10-3 Sandwich St. Windsor,
Out $0000 forfeit If orlnlral cf abovt littt,
trailing genulnanei cannot be proauevj.
Ovaritis or inflammation of tho
onirics or fallopian tubes which adjoin
tho ovaries may result from sudden
stopping- of tho monthly How, from
inllammation of tho womb, and many
other causc-i. The slightest indleutiou
of trouble with tho ovaries. Indicated
by dull throbbing pain in tho side, ac
companied by heat and shooting pains,
should claim your instant attention.
It will not cure itself, and a hospital
operation, with nil it:i terrors, may
easily result from neglect.
til ten the explanation has nothing
io do with tho case.
Am I In favor of expansion? Every
thing that grows expands. Soo how
tho Statu Farmers' Mutual Insurance
Company of South Omaha has grown.
Jan. 1, 1MB wo had
.$ r.0,215.00
. 2,030,1 G'i.00
. 4.221(:!75.00
. 7,5l!8,!l73.0C
. 1S.541,.1G7.00
. 10,41:1,869.00
. 18.110,388.32
would like to
" " 1837 we had....
" " 1SII8 wo had....
" " 1899 we had....
" " 1900 wo had....
" " 1901 we had
" " 1902 we had....
" " 19011 wo had....
' " 1904 wo had....
Don't you think you
onion? to a live Company like this?
Writo the Secretary, U. R. Stouffcr,
South Omaha. Nohr.
When a man undertakes to discuss
love ho winds up by pronouncing It a
form of insanity.
Mother Gray'. Sweet I'owtlrra for Chllilrn.
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse
In the Children's Home in New York, cure
Constipation, Feverishness, Had Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regulate the
Uowelsand Destroy Worms. Over 30, (XX)
testimonials. At all druffuists, 2Sc. Sample
FKEIi. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y.
The hypersensitive
wholly selfish.'
are apt to be
Tro.lnte and Itltllon Dollar Oraii.
The two greatest fodder plants oft
earth, one good for 14 tons hay and the
other 80 tons green fodder per acre,
(irowg everywhere, so does Victoria
Hnpe. yielding 60,000 lbs. sheep and
swine food per acre.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., I.a Crosse,
Wis., and receive in return their bl
nt:ilog and lota of farm seed samples.
(W. N. U.)
criticism or
on yourself.
another Is your
l'isn's Curo cirnot bo too blcblr spoken of as
ncoui'ti cure. .1. W. O'Umr.N, Hi" Tbird Avu,
Ii., iiiutiL&yulis MiuiL, Juo, 0, 1'Mi
It Is no
your life I:
u.10 sinking "sunshine"
- all moonshine.
To Cure, ft Cold In Ono day.
TnlioLuxntivo liromo OtitniiioTuulotH. All
dru'ginurefuud money if it fails tocuro.2oc,
The cook's duties are bound to cov
er a wide range. ,
Fruit adds will not stain goods dyec.
Tho true man never lets I1I3
stand In the wav ot his life.
Dennnee starcn is guaranteed tils'
pest and best ur money refunded. 16
ounces. 10 certs. Try it now.
Some men mn.. a living by letting
their wives keep boarders.
Mr-M. t iitdiow'H Boottilng; flrrnp.
For rhtuin-n ti-i-ilili.t, t.ift.-nn ihi iimi, rt'ilued fi
tUnmikUuu, sHuyH pala.curca wUulcullu. &catjUla,
A rich
looks best
man s autograph always
on tho bottom of a check.
fllLKV.1 liJ Mil " .
JUUlL t LaaD'JjittiSP
1 rtr yuan 090 end atler nwyeara
i uac on me eastern coast Tower
WiterDroof Oi!pdCo?t
irt the West tmd were called ilidcw by
iwk has come into such $eneral use' that
it Is. freojiently thoo$h wronofully applied
to many substitutes. You vnt the oercre
the name Tower on the buttons.
. . . THC WORLD OVtR. ,n
A J Tnwrtrn iL-mnw mui iiii
Mustang Liniment
Is ii jioniilve cure for I'ilcn.
... . 1 " ' ' ' "--v ' , - , h i r,
J-iuii Jliiii.uiMirr, 11118 ii ntj .,., Tiilvl.. !".
tt M!
on's Ip Witor
m , Wi v .ii x 1 1
Attorney General Oclaret They Art
Taxable Property.
LINCOLN Attorney Ceneral Trout
has decided that securities of frater
nal and mutual insurance companies
deposited with the ftate auditor are
taxable property. Over JiOll.OdO of
such H 'citrlties are in the possession
of the auditor and heretofore have
never been taxed. Fraternal compa
nies are not compelled to place securi
ties 'a the hands of the auditor, but
may do so. voluntarily. One fraternal
company nas deposited $;."in,titi0, most
ly in fir: t mortat's on teal estate;
two mutual In-neat companies, o'le at
Omaha and one at I.iiu .i'.n, also Imvo
nr.tilo deposits.
The opinion of the a'rornoy fvnernl
has been f 1 4 -ii with the Mute board of
equalization, but I.a.s not yet been
adopted by i bat The attorney
general it is a .simple law of tax
ation that u pcion claiming eomp-
tlou mm-.t show that his rate comes
clearly within an exception to the rule
wnicli reipiire.s taxation of all prop
erty. Property is not exempt from
taxation unless the exemptio.1 Is found
in the constitution or statutes. Such
statutes cannot be extended by con-
fit ruction to include property not
clearly within the contemplation of the
law. lie holds that the securities con
stituting the re.-.crve fund of a frater
nal insurance company and deposited
w ith the auditor or public accounts are
property and must be assessed because
they are not exempt either under tho
constitution or statute.
Farmers in Furnas County ATter the
Grain Octopus.
LINCOLN Fanners in Furnas coun
ty are preparing to deal a body blow
to tho grain octopus and thoy make
no eecret of it. Articles of incorpora
tion were filed with the secretary of
state and the Fanners' asso
ciation of Furnas county organized.
In the articles the purpose of the com
pany is outlined as follows:
"The objects and purposes for which
mis corporal ion is ioriued are to pur
chase, Fell, store, ship and handle
grain, live stock and other farm pro
ducts and supplies, and to acquire, by
lease or purchase, to own, control nnd
to operate elevators elevators, ware
houses and such other business facili
ties as the association may require,
and land necessary or convenient for
such purposes."
The capital stock of tho association
is $in,(i(io. More may be added from
time to time. Leading farmers In tuo
county are enthusiastic in the move
in: at.
Improved Methods Now Govern In All
The work of the Child Saving Insti
tute, Omaha, is Bteadily .progressing.
Improved methods are now strictly ad
hered to In every department of the
work. The training school for nurses
is an Important feature of the work.
The careful, concise teaching for one
year in the Institute nnd practical
work In assisting the physicians out
side, enable nurses to rank with the
best. The senior nurses have taken
up private nursing most acceptably,
and It Is now found that the Institute
Is ready to furnish excellent nurses
upon short notice. The added dwell
ing enables the Institute to take
twelve in training. Three are ready
to graduate at this time, leaving a va
cancy which it Is hoped to fill at once.
Any who desire to take the course of
training may apply to the Child Sav
ing Institute, JMh and Ohio streets,
Omaha, Neb.
Wanted in Iowa for Murdsr.
James Ixibbins, colored, was arrest
ed in Lincoln, suspected of being the
murderer, of a man in Oskaloosa. Ia
last September, and later admitted
that ho was tho man wanted. Sheriff
Jioore of the Iowa town arrived for
his man.
Kill Gig Golden Eagle.
BEATRICE Claude Craig and Chas.
Dockhorn, while hunting near this
city, shot and killed a large golden
eagle. This species of the eagle fam
ily la very rare and is said to be the
first of its kind ever killed In this sec
tion. Increase in Strte Funds.
According to the estimates of State
Treasurer Mortensen the educational
funds of the state will be increased
from $:!;o.20 to tl01,r,or,.3i on April
1. The state treasurer will buy Saun
ders county bonds and a call for $fn,
000 In warrants will probably be made.
Wants to Know Land Values.
iJibor Commissioner Hush will col
lect statistics concerning the land val
ues In the various counties.
Lets in All Dips.
Governor .Mickey has issued a proc
lamation rescinding his former set of
rules for the dipping of stock to pre
vent and to cure the itch nnd mange
and Issued another modifying the first.
The one that is now given out fpecl
flea that nil stock dipped under the di
rection of tho state veterinarian oilils
deputies shall be dipped In a lime and
sulphur dip, but that persons who
wished to do their own dipping would
bo allowed to use any of the stand
ard dips In order to comply with the
Bees In His Bed Room.
LINCOLN A hive of bees has been
ono of the ornaments ()f t, sleeping
apartment of J. n. s.-an of T2'. M
Ptreet for the last eighteen month's.
During that rime the bees have made
forty llvo pniiti,!:, ,,f hotiey. The win
dow affords Hk fr -e egress find In
the winter there i pi,.,,,,. f warin,), t;, 1PS fr,,M1 ,,,,!,.
whom the swarm had n!l;;it. d. After
bringing the 1,,,, , UUu.un ,(,
round thnt he had no place. for th-mi
am! finally pn. ed t!:e hhe In h!s bed
Lincoln jobbers have called a meet
Ing to talk up the extension of trade.
A local organization of the Travelers'
Protective association haa been organ
ized at Beatrice.
The First Congregational people ot
Crete are taking steps toward secur
ing a new church.
Several outside men who have be,
come interested in the Fremont power
canal undertaking are expected there
shortly to take a look at the rouu
surveyed last year.
Word was recehed In Schuyler rrom
Chicago that Herbert S. Wells of the
Wells (irocery company, had died in
a hospital, where he went for treat
ment nliotit two weeks ago.
A disastrous fire visited Tender.
It dam.v;el the opera house block and
general merchandise .stock of J. U.
House. The loss on g mds will reach
felly $10,1:110, with about $,hh) on tho
Tho South I'ark Land company of
Omaha has incorporated with a cap
ital Block of $.".0,000 and a paid up
capital of $1 0.000. Tho Incorporators
are A. P. Dodge, H. F. Wyman, E. II.
Scott, L. F. Crol'oot aud K. K. Drown.
Only sixteen banks have failed to
report under the last call, and they
are expected within the next few
days. Secretary of the State
Dunking Hoard says that, tho cursory
examination shows that they are in
excellent condition.
Many men In the Burlington yards
at Lincoln are. being discharged, and
It Is expected that the expenses of
the operating department will bo cut
one-ihird. Business Is falling off, de
clare the officials, und a policy of re
trenchment will be followed.
Tontine Investment companies have
taken fully $10,000 from Lincoln men
during the last few months. Laborers
wage earners and business men were
the victims. In one case a man parted
with $1,000 In premiums before he dis
covered that, he was being swindled.
"If you try to get a divorco I'll kill
you, was the threat with which Earl
A. Viers attempted to intimidate hia
wife. .Tennett Viers, according to her
petition filed in the district court at
Lincoln. She claims he has cruelly
mistreated her and has squandered
$.'),000 of her funds for drink.
In the libel suit against tho Norfolk
News Judge Boyd directed the jury to
bring, a verdict for the defendant,
ending the trial In a few minutes.
Tom Shelhley of Ponca sought to re
cover $fi,ou0 damages, growing out of
the publication of an article during thr
congressional campaign that elected
William Wilson bought a thresh
ing machine. He paid $500 for tho ma
chine, the company got It back, and
In the turmoil that followed. Wilkin
son lost his farm. Mrs. Wilkinson,
as intervenor, tells this story In the
district court at Lincoln. She relates
that, her husband gave a mortgage on
tho property south of Lincoln to se
cure the debt.
Miss Ada Ross, only 17 years old,
who lived eight miles southeast of
Oreeley, took rat poison, from the
effects of which she died. Tho cause
of the deed is supposed to have been
tho sudden death of a neighbor boy,
Ernest LIndekngal, who dropped dead.
Tho two were lovers oud Miss Iloss
had been despondent ever since she
learned of his death.
Jodo Everett, a young farmer living
ten miles south of I'lattsmouth, Is in
a critical condition as a result of an
accident. He saw a Hock of ducks
light in a field near whero ho war
working, and he brought out an obi
shot gun and went in quest of th?
birds. Sometime afterward he was
found lying near where the ducks hat:
been seen. The gun had burst nnd
a portion of his face was blown
away. Ho is not likely to recover.
The golden wedding of Mr. nnd Mrs
Denjamlu Ball was celebrated at Ta
hie Rock. They were married fifty
yenra r.o In Susquehanna county. Pa..
where Mr. Bull wan bom a little more
than SI years since.
The argument on the motion for a
rehearing in the case of tho State
against William T. Ttirley, who was
convicted by a district court Jury rt
Crand Island of murder In the second
degree, Norman T. DIIss being the
victim and tho crime occurring on
Dliss' farm March 22. 19o;i, was taken
up. It was concluded at a lale hotit
and tho court overruled the motion
and at once sentenced Tnrley tc
seventeen years in the penitentiary at
hard labor.
A prominent business man of Bea
trice Is In receipt of a letter from an
eastern capitalist anil member or n
largo construction company, making
Inquiry as to whether the parly ad
dressed would join him In tho con
struction of on electric lino from
Adnma to Odell via Beatrice-. Tho gen
tleman Is familiar with the geography
of tho. country and evidently moan?
business. The territory through which
tho proposed Hue would run Is un
occupied by a railroad line.
Tho house and household goods of
J. W. Stokes, n farmer living three
miles northwest of Yalpnrlso, were
destroyed by fire. Nothing was saved
but an organ and i.ome carpet. Tho
fire started while Mr. and Mrs. Stokca
were attending to the chores at tho
Secretary Dobson of the Board of
Irrigation has received a letter from
1'nder Secretary Francis from Craw
ford, stating that, there Is every Indica
tion of a dearth of water ami niuih
bickering among Irrigators. Lack of
snow In tho mountains Is given as the
Ouy Ixillln, ono of a prominent
family of Crab Orehnrd, wan arrested
by O.llcer Ntitomh oil a rh.irgo of
house breaking.
John Bishoff, a fanner living near
Teciimscli, got a particle of rust In
one of his eyes mid will lose tho sight
Trof. Cmd. of C.
und Prof. Cnx of W
have been .m-lcet.-d
tho Kll ides !.elin,i-;
slate university,
.-le) an university,
lis the Judge of
hip content, to bo
1 1 Id April " and 1 1.
II. I). Wet '.el wnii nrre'ded In Crev
1-y county, rharged Willi slalntori
Conditions in Island Empire Three
Hundred Year Ago.
Er.tertairing pic tures of Japan and
the Japanese as they were seen by
English m captains nearly 300 years
ago. are to be fouml in the log kept
by Capt. S.iris of the first ovage to
Japan to open up trade there for the
East India company. Because of Eng
land's fame as victor over Spain. Sar
is was received very honorably by
"the old King Foyu." The people, too,
were, as a rule, both civil and cour
teous to him. although rude boys, who
exist everywhere aud at all times, oc
casionally followed tho English sail
ors through the streets, throwing
stones and shouting: "Kore, kore, ko
core" which Saris translated In
to "Yon Koreans with false hearts."
As to their naval enterprise, Saris
says: "About eight of tonne leagues on
this side the straights of Xemina
Sque we found a large Towne where
lay ir. a Docke a Juneke of 800 or 1.000
tunms burthen, sheathed all of yron
with a gu.ird appointed to keep her
from filing nnd treachery. She was
built in a very homely fashion much
like that which describe) h Noah's Ark
unto us. The Naturals told us that
she served to transport souldiers in any
01 the Bands, it rebellion or warro
should happen.
Saris coasted round to Fushltni
wnere tie saw the garrison 3.000
strong - shifted," a change that took
place every three years. "We saw
ue su3-, me oni nanus march away,
and the new enter in most souldler-
like manner, marching five abreast
ami to every ten files an officer which
is called a captalne of fiftie, who kept
them continually In very good order."
Joshua an Acceptable Name for Par
entless Child.
Not long ago, on a certain Sunday,
a horny-handed son of toil, .with his
wife, attended by a few sympathizing
neighbors, appeared before the font of
a small village church in England,
carrying a little foundling which had
been deposited on the villager's door
steps, nnd which he was bringing up.
"Ah," exclaimed the minister, who
was acquainted with the little epi
sode; "then you have brought 'no
body's child' to be christened?"
"Yes, stir." replied the kindly vil
lager: "we ha' brought the fatherless
and mitheriess little orfin for ye to
"And the name?" queried the cler
gyman. 11s he held out his hand for
the slip of paper which he always re
quired with the name, written there
on. "Well." replied the foster father,
"we ain't quite decided yet. Ye see,
-e wanted something suited special
for 'im. We thowt first o' Melehize
dek, as he had neither father nor
mlther. but that was too long. .Then
we thowt Joshua 'ud do."
"Ah. yes." observed the clergyman;
"and pray why did you come to select
'Joshua?' "
"Well," remarked the hospitable
cottager, as the semblance of a smile
passed over his stolid features, "he
cause he was tho son of Nun."
She Admired It.
"Charming! Exquisite! Perfectly
delightful!" she exclaimed, peering
inrougn ner starers at the
artist's latest picture.
"I'm glad you like It," he said, with
becoming modesty.
"Like It? Could anybody help lik
ing It? So original! That queer little
animal with the funny legs in the
right hand foreground! What a dell.
clous conceit! How can you Imagine
such Impossible t hint's. Mr.
' Tm er-you menu this?" he asked
pointing to the strange thing in the
lower corner.
"Yes, of course."
"Fr iih that !:i niy si-;n;i!ure.
madam."-Ww York Evenln sn
Her Prayer.
Clndys had lo-t two front le-th
Mle li:,.i hii'ii told that Cod would
give her sium; new ones. She .u t..
ptirt in the Easter exercises iit
Stindny srhoi.
ing, however.
1. In. spite of nil wish-
the teeth refused In mil
In an appearance, and Easter was at
viie Uigur nop mother heard her
taiuing alter she hud put her to bed.
She went back nnd snw her hneeling
iiesiiie ner lieu in the moonlight.
"O. Cod," she was saying, "if y(ui
haven't got my now teetli done, won't
you please drop my old ones down
again till after Easter?" Llpplnootf
Africa and Her Doom.
Aud clenniv ivs thnt ip, U ,,.N,ir
H 11- Wll.l Is ,,1,1- vet y.iuiiu ,.f ,.,.
She whimi f". II th.. ,laik illsKrnee
alii s 1 i l,i,iiii I,, .nl ;
Hhe dri-.-,ms i,f nnilnns Imii; slm-o l,-,-i,,
''f " Klll.-.l l.y 11,.. , ,, ''
And thiiui:h h. r .:iMi-il Hps nr.-lli-ii.-.-ilh
In r li-ii,,.r, ur, , f,.,.(
linn ilvuli-ls ,,f ,, :
Ml-fettnnr in, t h.-i- nt In r l-lrih-
II. 1 ' lllI.i l,Tl. t. I,;,,, f can.
'"' mud" the Imini. r S ni,K,. ,. '
(If -ellKl.MM ,,,s- ,,f ,m, . ft 1111,4 '
(if slim iy und piilti:
Hit weidth liai tniilnl tminv iii.mi:
Cut fur lii-is. If nut one hull, Mluti.-d.
And Imw.t h,iw the ilnskv head
Kl-,ii, ,tnl,ei- . y.s suit wnvn 111,. he(
(if hllli r, wound, ,1 i,.-!
I.nhiliiil !3Hetiitiir.
An Age of Amazons.
Whereas a decade tdnro tho aver
age size In women's shoes was three,
five being accounted specially large!
even and eight are now commonly
asked for. while tho average sl.o has
become five.
Tho llillc glove has likewise grown
Into a good sized hand-shoo. My
lady's hosiery has become bigger at
tht same time In short, tho avcrn:p
girl of l'.w-l could not wear any ar
ticle of appanl that titled the r (l(
1MI. And where, one now trembling.
Iy nsUs. N this eiid?-l.oii,)m
Lady's I'letoilal.
Mail Distribution.
The fnlii-d Stat, s eniplnved
nn 11 In distributing mail laM
I. t'i
act .
I lerkl
The ensi. distriliiite-l aiming
Ilm whs $',.':,.",:u. ;i7 j
tletits t, mail cms clditccti
( re kill' d Illid t evenly 1 i;h( y,
Iy Injure-!.
Luxurir: in London. straw!,, itl, s bronchi ),! n
pound in I-oiidon last mouth, and th
V. t nsiiiirai:us wax ttr. a !,. t.
- . - n .... 11. u.
Pe-ru-na Is a Catarrhal Tonic
Especially Adapted to the De
clining Power of Old Age.
In old age the mucous
become thickened and
their function.
partly lose
ThiB leads to partial loss of hear
ing, smell and taste, as well as digest
ive disturbances.
Peruna corrects all this by its spe
cific operation on all the mucous
membranes of the body.
Ono bottle will convince anyone.
Once used ami Peruna becomes a
hfo-lonc sund by with old and youus.
Strong and vigorous at the Age
of Eighty-eight.
Ilev. J. N. Parker, Utica. N. Y
writes: "In June, 19U1, I lost my sense
of hearing entirely. My hearing had
been somewhat impaired for several
years, but not so much affected but
that I could hold converse with my
friends; but In Juno, llHil, my sense
of hearing left me so that I could hear
no sound whatever. I was also trou
bled . Ith rheumatic pains in my
limbs. I commenced taking Peruna
and now my hearing Is restored as
good as It was prior to June, 1901.
My rheumatic pains are all gone. I
Scalled Head
j'V'v -Vy:. . VA CVKio:,-V - . J-V- v-:---..'.;- .
o $mjp Ii 1 11 II 0
m Km fflWMMli rft70t F "o highly of Pe-nna. M BOjwJBH
4Mi imlMuf no vvhen 8 years old can sav it h
M l !!lWf IJ has invigorated my whole system' I tlj t. ' . 1 Lk
QajMg i 1 ' '?J"MW? UUI must f,'Pl vrr' lliaiiki'iil to the all- a Jfl Mi B fl S I
rmT itirl lo)",K, Fa""'r '"" ll,lV0 ''een per- S 6 B Q B a
& , ft ....Ir .. t a" J'!?" .""vo been to I I n N I fll H I VRT
The spring Is the best time to treat catarrh. Nature renews her
self every spring. The system is rejuvenated by spring weather.
This renders medicines more effective. A short course of Peruna,
assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of
catarrh that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should
have a copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on catarrh. Address The
Peruna Midlclne Co., Columbus, Ohio.
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men:
Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children's Shoes.
See that our name is on the shoes you buy.
1 m
W. I Doiiglni
Rimes luivo by tlitdr
eellent, a'tyle,
eiisy-littlng, it nil
fiiiperlor veriiii
italitics, achieved
tho largest prIo of
any shoes lit tho
Tin y uro just ns good
us those tlmt rust you
SI to S3 ihu only
Jilforeneo is tlioprico.
Soil lotryjuhtrt.
Look for name an
price on bottom.
Ooilu-lHt lle l ornna
t'oltakln, irhlcli Urvorvn here rinKnlrd to
ietlm tliiPM I'Htrnt l..-n(hrr vet iriilurrd.
Jn.f (.oor Curing urtd. Nh.Hohf nmll.-J.-.r.rilr.
R rite fur Calaloa. H.L.Uuuiilaa. Ururkton. Ho.
Horse Cellar
1( U rolin flir,.anll rh(lnr. tt
lll ,,-lllvrtjf t'llri' Hint prr..H
K'lila an, I ire ili'-uliliT- anil lo
awav witb pn,l. Aik ,,ur .1. lrr
f ,r (hem. rtrllo t .r raiui,,rt
at,.l r.'.-rlir nir ,i,r"i-.rn,lntn
a,-,-,iiin' I.,1( trr THE POW.
1KB KFU, CO., Waterloo, lowi.
It's funnv how much more extrava
gant It seems to tako your own sister
to a 23-cent lecture than an old school
( hum to a champagne dinner. New
York Tress.
For St.eS Mnnny Ordrr.
The John A. Salier Seed Co., La
Crosse, Win., mall nostnuld 15 troi
consisting of Apricots, Apples. Crabs.
( hrrrlr. rllimn. l'euehea and I'mir.
Just the thlnu for a city or country
Kardn, Including tho great ltlBtnark
Apple, all hardy Wisconsin tock. tire
ent you free upon receipt of 11 63.
you got Kumclont seed of Celery. Car
rot. CnhbiiKC. Union. I.illine tin, Huh
nnd Flower Peed to furnish bunhe'.s
of choice flower and lots of Vegetable
for a big family, together with our
Slcat plant und need cutalog.fW. N. U.)
A wise youth onco Net out to win
tho oxpeiiKfB of a yachting crul"o on
tho races. II,. nunc back with a
Idiot crnckcr from the chowder coun
ter. Try One Package.
If "Dcllaiieo Htnrch" does tint
pleaBP you, return It to your dealer.
If It doon you pet one-UiIrd more lor
tho Juno money. It will give oi:
sni It-faction, and will not i-ili I, to t'jo
A year of mutiimony often tives
poor lntlc I'upid it bade case or paint
1 r' mile. I!,tt (ii.n p,,,,,. Mid 1 jimmy
may not bo na ba I 11 s paii.ted.
J lllfll fill MM
lff "Crust
Fneal; ton MpMv f n,
and now when 88 years old can say it
has Invigorated my whole system! I
cannot but think, dear Doctor, that
you must feel very thankful to the all
loving Father that you have been per
mitted to live, and by your skill be
such a blessing as you have been to
suffering humanity."-Rev. J j
A Bishop's Letter.
T. H. Lomax, I). I)., Hishop Sd Hist
A. M. E., of Charlotte. N. C.. writes
"I recommend your Peruna to all who
want a strengthening tonic and a very
effective remedy for all catarrhal com
plaints." T. 11. Lomax.
If you do not receive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a foil statement or your ease!
and he will be pleased to give you his"
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Mart man, President of
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus
& CO. TiIlT ln
HE ONLY PAINT9 mdo mtely for Hi!.
Wfnieni 'llium. TMey mhihI li-ltke ilm
flinljfl that won't cnnift nlT ilipv .i.v s. 1
thr wi'iitlii'r. W rim in ruriiuinrnrnrurriit aKont,
nd trl a i-prcliil uoluMlt-KlKu K-lthuul cunt.
M-uwiii v iiur ii'inir wi ini'v nntLprr 11 Tp,.m
Lincoln, Nebr.
A Huston physician's dis-" '
roverv wIulIi i k-anses and
heals all infla'innation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In local treatment of female ilh I'ax
tine is invaluable. Used as a doutlie it
is a rcvelatitui 111 cleansing and healing
power; it kills all disease germs which
cause inllammation and discharges.
'I holism, dsof letters from women
firove that It Is the greatest euro lor
eiieori lia'ii ever discovered,
l'axtine never fails tu cine pelvic
catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore
mouth and sore eyes, because iliese
diseases are all caused by intlumnuiion
of the mucous memlirane.
l'or demising, w lilienit, nnd pre
ervlii the teeth vtocliulletigo tho
world to prodiico itsequiil.
I'hysit ians and spe i.tlists cverywhero
presi-iilieand endorse l'axtine, and tlioii
saiulsof testimonial let tets prove its value.
At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A large trial pnckngontnl book of
Instructions absolutely free. Write
The R. Paxton Co., Dent. 5 Huston. Mass.
J.?.,!:?ir.'.1'."!! or to man... b,.si-
........ .,. v...m am, aiicinin t.rriio. y for w,.
ocu, tTrrrnru.,rB,'0',U'
Como Block. CHicann r. .
D-al DlrMt with
(Mir.tiieilMlM.lir.l. ITI. r. I hr 1 r.l. I r-.tnnt kI,,?.
llir.,1.. lrllv.rTOf.ll iMinralt.itliaianlrH. hrilint
ran -plrt ill,.! r. . U fr.-r Srn, rnr i-.lsl.arii. A.liV..
ALAK . KROLL-CO.. M.. "lr BmlZs, Cb!ca
U . U
Hirnrii. Cohan and SaiMl
'ith MB uiii m.ur. tn n (. ....
d l.uliiMKd t..rn:( '.'.i .f-r.iu Itatl,...
1 ith cum w,ll I am a M... ,.. a, .
ilr d lliry do lot I tin t o,.r ..o.,!.
.rd J tint Rt.imn 1,,, v. .,,., i
II in-.ev: J: d S uj t:, l.ich tiow vn. -
" .o Nv llini.
Ill I I. . t A I I It HUM.. Hip llrnr.. Men,
Lincoln, Ncliraaltn,
l!l' ,"l T.iiinira kit Ilir Kr.i ..
rfil,,J,,)Ml" iII1.ii. ,,. 11
V Jt-r 's'""'" '" ""' 1 M"l.'s H.
tff'JVy t -1" ( , .,.
VVr.Vr "" ' fl .enlnr...
Vts5 ' ' ti'ft'. lt.l r.rrv l!
, I"'- .-i.-'iK' 1 r .in n ,, j,.r,,.
' "" t am !,,, , 1 , ,m., i,v t '. t ) . . ii i,,!,,,,,.
'"" 'i m . i-i. r-i;--r r .1 hi 11 to,,,,,. ,,..:
"" ,'' '"' . !'" 1 - I.-II4M f-.t unllua-y
-,.i- ii-. Ail ,1iiii.iiii ill, in, '
CURLS cutarih vt the storrnch.
ii Hi
1 tt. j wit n m m mn d-x
ii! uunr
And gentle anointings
OINTMENT, purest
and sweetest of emollients
and greatest of skin cures.
It means instant relief and
refreshing sleep for tor
tured, disfigured, itching,
and burning babies, and
rest for tired, fretted
mothers, when all else
1oM thmorrinut t ti world.
i form uf Chorolditi 'olel J'llli, 'Je. pr vial
r ant.
Ointment, 4c,
. Hum. Vh-
lifpot: lndiii. tl 4. 'hart Ar
I"Um Sq. , I'trli, Hue ) Is l'it
nold n, i.n foiuiaMi
t FuUtt hrag ft t'htru. Corp , Mult I'rnprtctott.
mr tMiul vi " Ilvw lu Curt Lit IIuum."
Every . housewife " cleats
over finely starched
Jinen end .white jjoods;
Conceit Is justifiable
icifter using Defiance
starch. It gives a
stiff, glossy white
ness to the clothe
nnd docs not rot
ithem. It Is abso
lutely pure. It is
the most economical
because It goes
farthest, docs 'more
bnd costs less than
Others. To be had of all
grocers at 16 oz.
for 10c,
li" I"n"''," .n.l Car-
' 10 had a. . f,r. f,. r i ,ch.
fluin Kuilwa, lommuo, totporan. m. nu
o.! tn,, li.K,tr ,uIlmir, .(.icndidl
cIiimiI ij,,.,, jwrf,.,. r,,,,,!,,,,,,,,.i,ri mllwiiymUmitRB,..,,,,.! mltb
ml uflliii nrr ai-qulrrd ru.lly.
irv1ii,ri!",'"i',n "' W""" l innraant
KSSU,,,,,,, ,hU ,"''U4"
f.i .l,li' S.iin.ol Iimi.ik-rnimn.()it..Ca.,.:-
v,:. 1 ; 1,1 cw oik lii.
Lawn Fence
In,,, ft-fi-rr.-',lr
.' ni.'ll rv
I. In-r; U
f- 1 1 1 a: mi
V Ire llillnv a'v'r-
ii-. . i-li, in I ,-i.ih I,
I " 1 ! t ; V 1.1 11 Imc
l.i in;. . 1 nit I.
(t!..irr.i' Irnn (id Hirr Vtcrki,
(, M.MIA. xi:m.
W. N. U Omalui.
No. 15130
AnaV.V V.I.. - .i;a Ji'Ui ii., , J
lli'at 1 mitt, (.rri-ii 'I iwira (..-i. t'ac
I'll,. A I.. ,1,1 l