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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
I r K REACH THE S?37. T.i c an c h- ur; tv h. Tl.f a i n of I !n i:r;i.i(i. -.::). TI. tiro d cut feelin: s. You i::u.-t reach the spot get ut the cause. la most caos 'tis the kidneys. On a it's Kidney Pill are for tho kidn.-ys. ("has. Bierbaeh, stone contractor. lor Ajirliur t; mm III - 'f )."' f-.-i " . I I u I n n u t 1 ' C Chestnut St., Eric. Pa., siys: "For two years I hail kid ney trouble ami triore was such a severe paia throuvh i:iy loins and limbs tliut I could not Ktoup or up without great pain, had dimVuliy In getting about and was ur.atil3 to res: at night, arising In tho morning tired and worn out. The kidney secretions wore Irregular ami deposited a heavy sediment. lXjctors treated me lor rheumatlHtn, but failed to help me. 1 lost all confluence In medicine and began to fed as If life were not worth living. Doan's Kidney Pills, however, relieved me bo quick!) and so thoroughly that I gladly mado a statement to that effect for publica tion. This was In 1898, and during the six years which havo claimed I have never known lean's Kidney Pills to fall. They cured my wife of a severe case of backache In tho sumo thor ough manner." A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr. Bier- barb will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Ad dress Foster-Mllburn Co., Duffalo, N. Y. For Halo by all druggists, price 60 cents per box. Klmltiesa Is born of our sense kinship to all. of Tho brilliant manner In which the publishers of Everybody's Maga.lno hvo handled the subject of the St. IiO'tU exposition affords a clew to tho uncus of the publication. The April number opens with an article on "Tho Groat est World's Fair," and tho two men most able to do tho subject Jus tice have treated It. David R. Francis president of tho exposition company, furnishes the text, and Vernon Howe, flaitey. the distinguished young nrtist, bait done tho Illustrations. One Is told and shown In tho most Interesting way Just what to expect at St. Louis In May, and the prospect Is amazing, No good Is found In a difficulty by the man who crawls around It. 4.1k Tour Dealer For Allen'a Font-Tin, ft powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, punioDs. Swollen, bore, Hot. Callous, Actiina Sweating 1'ect and Ingrowing Nails. Allen'a Foot-Ease makes newor light shoeseasy. At all Druncists and Sho3 stores, 25 cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Frkr. Address Allan S. Olmsted. Le Kov, Ji. Y. The man who resists a tendency will never have to regret a habit. An Asiatic Dowle. John Alexander Dowlo, the Chicago "prophet," has his counterpart in In dia. Indeed, the Oriental product In some ways outdoes the man who, ac cording to all accounts, has made a kooiI thin out of it In Chicago. Tho Hindoo's name Is Mlrza Gheelan Ah mad, head of a distinct sect of Mo hammedans, and ho lives In the Pun- I&ub. In fine appearance, denuncia tion and propnecies be more than equals Dowle but so far he does not Kooin to have developed the sound business sense of John Alexander. He bves humbly ami only attracted official attention when he began to rorotoll the death of certain oppo nents. Mlrza was "induccM" to aban don this feature of his performance, as It cint ravened a aecMon of tho penal code. He Is G! years old and h u a'.iout 10,00(1 followers. Go.l. the eternal light of mercy, the blessing scattered through all the In- fiuitu les tho hope that vibrates the music of tho spheres the love that to life the humble flowers of the w irld and rolls the stone from sor row's sepulcher. Florida Tlnics-L'n- lon.. When a woman too frequently enters upon her household duties with an air (H resignation, her husband Is likely M g'.ve up bis Job also with nn air of rj imitation. New York Telegraph. EMPTY NOW. How One Woman Quit Medicine ' While c coffeo user my stomach troubled tuo for years," pays a lady of Columbus, O., "and I had to take modi. cln? all tho tlmo. I had what I thought wis the best stomach medicine I could get, had to keep gettlnR It filled all the time at -id cents a bottle. I did not know what the cuuse of my Iron. blii was but Just dracged along from day to day, suffering and taking medl cine all the time. "About six months ago I quit tea tin. I coffee and began drinking Post mn and I have net had my prescription filled since, which Is a great surprise to me for it proves that coffee wns tho cause of all my trouble althuogh I nev er suspected It. "When my friends ask me how I feel since I have been taking Postum I say, 'To tell the truth I don't feel ut. all only that I get hungry and eat everything I want and lots of It and It never hurts me and I am happy and well an l contented all tho time." "I could not get my family to drink Pistil in for a while until I mixed It In a little coffee nnd kept on reducing the amount of coffee until I pot It Ml Po. turn. Now they all like It and they nver belch It up like coffee. "Wo all know that Postum Is a sun- shlno maker. I fir.u It helps one great' ly for we do not have to think of achcj an 1 pains all the tlmo and ran use our minds for other things." Name givn by Postum Co., llattle Creek, Mich. The one who linn t; bother with 'iff '( aches and palr I badly liandl . capped In the race fur fame and for tune. Postum I a wonderful rebuild or. There's a reamn. Wtok In each parka?" for the fam ous ll'tle hook, "The "load to Wcl. viilo." 1 Jrw.a .v?yrr tar Day and Tar Irnw-rrt, -Witt t':iy Is dead. lrli Mittit Imih nluin 1i.t Hi lor t.l. 1) Moms nr' hh tU-n-i- to kill ua lo wcU; Put out the IikIiI, a.iM hi-. A m-ff-tpr llsht than ewr mred From rUir cI ht-uvt'ii ur uf mart Hit vanlshtd in tlic unknouii uliuJtf, - She'n t-ud. slu' K Urail, siid lit". Now. In a wild, nnd n'OT-mood Thw luwny Niitlit situ null ti lirnod, I'lion th-. tluwn-tlniu wlu'ii ho utuifii 1 would ho lived, said tie. Star nii-mtiri'.s of happier timi's. 4 f loving li'fl ami luwr- riivnip Thrum forth in Mlwry I'liituiiiinn'S, Coiiib back, O iJay! tail he. -Sidney In!cr. 4T DISASTER AT Uf LVNN UOIIT MEKKIX8. Copyright, HOI, by Daily Story PubtiiMny Company. 1 . speek 2u Engleesu vera bad. Ees Itt not so?" It Is a very difficult language," sho responded. So, so. Itt ees .like ze sea zat goes nls way and zat, vut-vut you cslls It?" 'Choppy," she replied. Si, si, zat Is what you calls my Snglcesh choppy." "You are mistaken. I called It nothing of tho kind. You asked mo about the sea. I said nothing about your use of tho language. Of course, It is very difficult for one to tako up a new, speech. You do quite well." tor this ho was grateful, and he was framing his thankfulness when a large, buoyant man of aggressive healthftilncHs approached. The sea had no terrors for him. He trod the dock like ono born to command, not afraid of storm cither on land or else where. He had one of those large framed and hopeful personalities which belong to tho successful American character, and he looked as if he could buy the shin without severely Intrenching upon his fortune. He bowed in a familiar yet business- like manner and said something to the young lady. She excused herself and mado toward the cabin door. Tho foreigner and the American stood In talk f'"- tew moments and tnen part- a llle American rranKiy did not like to exhaust bis patience upon tha stumbling sentences of the pollto and very deferential European, That right In tho smoking room the Am-'-rican. Mr. John Henry Murtln dale, had made himself more popular than usual by his good stories and liberality. ' Count (FricadellI was con suming cigarettes on a neighboring sofa. Precisely at ten-thirty, as was his custom, Mr. Murtindalu arose, looked at his watch to see If the ship's clock was attending strlc'ly to Its duty, and bade a cheery good night to every one, and then quiet settled for a moment upon tho room. There was the swish of the waves without, and there was the toll of the boat, but all else seemed strangely silenced as If a little storm had pass ed In eventide and the twilight had settled down. But it did not last for long. Martlndale Is a regular old brick," suddenly exclaimed a man whore voice filled the entire apartment. "Ho s a true American, and whllo people Kav that ho is luckv. I am sure- ho deserves he has cot. Cor tainly there Is nobody who enjoys life more, or who can tackle a situation with better humor or bigger nervo. I wns In Carlopolls when he had tho street railway fight. It was when tho lines were being changed from tho old horse cars to tho trolley sys tem. and he wnnted new franchises Tho Aldermen or tho City Council men, or whatever you rail thoni, all expressed their willingness to do whatever tho old man wanted them to do. Ho refused to pay a red cent and put his refusal upon the score of public improvement and enterprise. Well, their favor was rather susplcl ous, but at the snmc tlmo It seemed genuine. They actually voted Just what the old man wanted, and then after everything was fixed and tho bosses thought they had' the situation in their hands they met and rescind ed their action, and on top of nil the bosses and the crowd sold they could not deliver tho goods nnd old Martin dale cleaned up a cool million and busted the whole Rang. Then ho got what he wanted after all. Tho deals In that city must have netted him from ono to two millions. Then ho "Choppy," h rtplied. came back to tho stork, short. Ho took up two other lines and bognn his manipulations. They were perfectly confident ho would not try tho srme trick threo times running, but they did not know their man. He suo ceeded tho third t'.me, and then on tho fourth affair when they tried to outdo nlm In another city ho took the other track nnd made more than In any other deal he had attempted. Ho Is worth ten mil lions." "Who will get alt that money?" In quired a young person, who should have been In bed. "His nlwes, t nuptxise.' wan the re- Ptr. "He has no chlt.tron. you know, and his wife, who Is with him, bat . "l isexs: Night. 44 SEA been 111 ever slnco we lett Southamp ton." Ten millions! Count Fricadelll could scarcely believe his ears. It means wealth beyond anything his Imagination could comprehend. Ten millions! Two hundred million francs! It was grand. It was magni ficent! On the next morning when he saw the same young lady again pacing up and down the deck, he put all his energy into tho English ho could summon, and with profuse apologies made comments upon the sea. the earth, the sky, and nil that therein Is. Sho was pleasant, and he was en. thuslastlc, and when the buoyant Mr. Martlndale came out again to say "With Mr. Martindale, my uncle!" something to her, nnd after she had disappeared, the Count let his en ouiibie lortn in many ear nest but somewhat broken syllables, "5'ces Wiltsong, 8ho Is so charm Ing." hne is a very pleasant young lady," replied Mr. Martlndale, and then he walked down tho dock with broad grin on his face. After that lie called her "Mees Wiltsong." The Count was very attentive, very persistent, very gallant, nnd every time Miss Wilson appeared on deck In some mysterious manner he man aged to be near to offer every atten tion that gallantry could suggest, that Invention could find. Ho was tinde nlably handsome and his English Im proved with the voyage. It was as If tho shaking up had rubbed the rough est edges off his syllables. When Miss Wilson was not about he culti vnted Mr. Martlndale and the burly millionaire enjoyed tho attention Finally, one day. In a great burst of confession and confidence tho Count said, "Meoster Martlndale, I would bo so glad to pay my attentions to your niece." wny, certainly. t;o ahead, ex. claimed Mr. Martlndale with a laugh that was on the point of an explosion that might have shaken the ship If It had found Its full vent. And so It went on, and tho climax came a lovely morning when the great vessel passed Fire Islnnd on her homeward stretch through tho gate. way of tho new world. The young lndy with the flush of health deep In her cheeks; her eyes as clear as tho blue of tho skies, and her whole being a persorilflcutlon of vigor nnd benutfful happiness, was standing In a corner by herself when the Count approached and told her that ho had found that for which ho had searched tho earth In vain the object of his love the most adorable woman, whom he loved with an un selfishness that no language could ex rrcsa, While ho was speaking sho wca gazing toward the horizon, and there was upon her fnee a half smile like tho play of sunlight upon the faco of a goddess. Finally he exclaimed, "I have ze permission of Mr. Martin dale, your uncle, to spook zus wlz you." ' With Mr. Mnrtindule, my undo! she exclnlmcd. "Yes, Mees," he replied, him; lie knows of It. You may ask him, he will comprehend." She said nothing, but seeing the ro tund form of the millionaire coming down the deck advanced to meet blm, and without a word came bark with Mm to where the Count was standing. ".vr. .Martlndale,' she said, very soberly. "I understand Count Frlca delll to say that you ore my uncle, and that you have given him per mission to speak to mo upon a some what personal subject." Mr. Martlndalo smiled broadly and replied. "The Count must bo mistaken. I have never claimed to be your uncle, although I should bo very proud If I wore." Tho Count was becoming strangely acltated. but he said, "Mooster Martin- dale, you snld I might pay my atten- tiona to your niece." "Well. Count. I have sot tho slight cut objections to that, but It happens that the only niece I have lives In I in. kul a and lias the finest family that any man ever saw." "Then Mees Wiltsong." mumbled the poor man on the verge of col lapse 'Mees Wlltnomr,'" seld Mr. Martin- 1 dale, tskln the words from lilm.Jis mo t ik li'.'tiiful a:il a r.:r eap:.i!e ;Tf.i'ssKi::"al t uri c v. !io ha- b -en inc-l tttc.itivc to my wUV duriu-; our !:t tV trip to Europe, and sl'.e i a la ly whom I can cordially recommend la any onij needing her -services." It would be hard to follow the rest of this disaster, but 'Mees Wi'sor.; and Mr. Martlndale were laughing after the Count had found solitude In the stateroom, from which he did not emerge until the stewards were al most obliged to put him off the ship. HOW THE JAPANESE KNEW. Had S.iie to Watch Building of Rus sian Battleship at Philadelphia. A story is being told which sheds an Interesting light on the marvelous foresight and precaution that charac terized the preparations of tho Japan ese for the present war. Sutne years ago a Japanese agent came to Phila delphia with a letter of introduction to a prominent Philadelphia!! who had traveled In Japan. This l'hiiadelphian tells the story. The letter was written by a Japan ese official who knew the Fhlladel- phlan. and it stated that if ho would help the bearer in what he desired the favor would be greatly appreciated. Tho favor was for the Thlladelphlan to simply Introduce the agent to a first-clasu firm of detectives. This was done and the agent described as a responsible person. Ho had plenty of money, and a bargain was mado with the firm, the latter to receive a large sum of money. . The detectives were required to dress In the clothes of laborers and secure work In Cramp's shipyard and then to gather full Information about the Russian battleship Varlag, then In early course of construction. This they did, and the Japanese govern ment was supplied with every detail of the construction and armament of the Varlag. The officials at Cramps do not yet know exactly how the Japs obtained tt. Philadelphia Press. WHY HE QUIT PLAYING POKER, Lesson Which an Old Gambler Taught Novice at the Game. An old man sat at a late breakfast In a hotel cafe last Saturday, when young man with haggard face and downcast eyes took a place near him. Tom." snld the newcomer to the attendant. "I must go light, for I play ed In hard luck last night." The old man nad finished and sat studying the other's face as he ate. Shortly he took a roll of bills from his pocket and laid it In front of him. "It's yours," he said. Mechanically and with a trembling hand the young man took the money 'You were In the game?" he said 'Yes, and that Is your money, about J.100. Quit playing poker. I began it sixty years ago on the Mississippi riv. er and have made a living out of such fools as you. With my coolness It's robbery to play against your reck lessness. I see desperation in your face. I am toid that you are a teller In a bank, and that you have a wife, to whom you will ho about your absence from home last night. Quit poker." He walked out, and the young man lowering his head to his folded arms, did not move until the attendant aroused him. New York Times. The Bismillah Ceremony. A little Moslem when she Is four years four months old goes through tho "Xame-of-God." or Bismillah, cere. mony which begins her real life. She Is dressed In clothof-gold, with a veil and wreath of flowers; and friends are invited to salute the little queen. She sits on a gold cushion, which must be borrowed if she hasn't one, and all the rest sit on the floor. Then an old mullah recites very slowly a certain verse from the Koran, which is also written in saffron on a silver plate Pibi holds In her hand. She runs her fingers over the words, and stammers them after him. "Say it not, Hibi; be a good girl, then you shall sec your presents." Soon they all cry, "Sha bash! Shabash! Wall! Wall!" and tho ceremony of the little girl's first les son In reading, writing and religion Is over. She salaams mamma, then shows her presents to her sahelis (girl friends). Edmund Kussell, In Everybody's Magazine. Children's Children. John I). CrimniinH. who made Inst month an unusually favorable impres sion upon the Apostolic Society of Rome, Is never more delightful than when he is telling anecdotes of child ren. ".. little girl of seven." Mr. Crim- mins said ono dny, "came to me after church on a Sunday morning and nsked: " 'Have I any children?' "I dropped my newspnper and re garded her with amazement. " 'What?' I said. "'Have I any children?' she re pented. "'Well, I should hope not.' I ex claimed. 'Why on earth do you ask me such a question as that?' " 'Why. In church this morning.' said the little girl, 'the clergvman preached about children's children) and I wondered If I had any.'" Paper Gloves and Stockings. roper gloves and stockings are now being manufactured in Europe. The stockings have her-n carefully ex- nmlned by experts, nnd they are loud In their praise of them. Lot no one assume, they say, that these stockings, because they ore made of paper, will only last a few days, for they will last almost os long as ordinary stockings. The reason Is because the paper of which they are made was, during the process of manufacture, rendered Into a substance closely resembling wool, nnd was then woven and treated as ordinary wool. "The Sunrlss Never Failed Us Yet" t'pon the pndnM of tho Tin- siinwt liiiimls ri'iMi'tlullv. tl.i- i: r Innclv sl-.vv Wllhdi-Hwn tin- wistful afti-r S.i nut i-f lit'- tli" Md"iii1nr til"". (i.i ttntki'ii it 1 1 tho li.'iiipy,n p.i miihiTP iwiiikM. rnlii nn,v Hti'rn, Ilia tivti luiiil the I'luiitts huin. Ann' iii P.n't nnoi.-r il,v, Mmll iti:i"o Ui.. mr ilmn nvrnv. Win I IImuikIi itnr rf with Iimih !,. wit! The milium nt'vt r i oumi ui yet. Tlie blU'h of itiwn mil y vk r-ttr our Hum. mm ii'M mm joy tme ninn, pi. li.illl Hint- i-.imi.irT Tint rfirjrof That Miiirli-t- never fiiil"d in v-t Cuii i'huxti-r. JV Til T ?4 Walking Suits. There is nothing smarter for a walk ing or traveling suit than black and white shepherd's tartan. It does not show wear or dust, and'always looks trim and neat. This little suit Is made with a full plaited skirt that clears the ground by several Inches. It Is laid In deep plaits that aro stitched down a little way from the waist. It is finished at Ut bottom with a deep hem. f jacket is a short box coat, with rtlar and cuffs of white broadcloth strapped with half inch wide bauds of b!ck velvet ribbon. There are three pockets on the coat piped around with black velvet, and the flaps decorated with cloth covered buttons. Tho ones which fasten the coat are very large, and have black velvet ribbon on them In a cross de sign. The jaunty air of this costume Is very striking, and it would be a use ful suit to any one. Pretty Weddings. Color effect Is greatly studied nowa days at wedding ceremonies, and the result is often delightful. Hed nnd white weddings have been much In vogue during the dull winter months, with desirable result, and the little pages with brlght hued cloaks slung over the shoulder, or tiny bride maidens In mob caps, flowered frocks and muslin aprons, scattering pink and red roses, have lent a charming plcturesqucness to the bride and her surroundings. Considering the number of fashion able weddings which have taken place recently, tho variety introduced Into the functions has been little short of surprising. One of the prettiest re sults was achieved at a recent cere mony, when the snowy-gowned bride was accompanied by a train of brides maids attired In every shade of pink, ranging from the most delicate wild rose tone to that of the deepest crim son. For Fair Golfers. Golfing costume of green nnd white. White cloth strappings and green pipings. White hat with green velvet band. Pale Tints to Have Vogue. As ono notes carefully the various new fabrics and modes in spring dis plays it becomes a noticeable fact that the all-while fad is being pressed hard fur first plnce by the beautiful palo tints now so artistically presented Pi dainty stuffs for miladi's Inspection. In the new transparent cottons, in thj nineapplo cloths and the very fine ba tiste and linens the delicate pinks an 1 blues, greens nnd Invonders are juiot t daintily wrought or printed, and whlli of course the all-white gown will bo n favorite In tho summer girl's ward robe, it will not monopolize her fancy as it did last summer. Handsome Street Gown. A handsome street gown Is of mauve cloth. A hip yoke formed of stitched bands of cloth fits snugly and fastens with gold buttons a triflo to tho loft. The bodice is fashioned after tho same idea, the stitched straps giving n short Jacket effect, closing on the side to correspond with skirt decoration. The sleeves are similarly treated and the larpe, loose puff which falls from elbow Is at tached to a narrow cuff. Tho collar Is also mode of stitched straps and ridd en brown satin, the loiter being used for tho deep girdle and scarf, which Is finished with brown silk fringe. Blouse Problems. Tho difficulties of the blouse prob lem are greater than they used to be, lor, unless of a very Fmart order, wo do not seem anxious to have much In tho way of collars. The hour of tho trait "parent yoke and decollete neck for day wonr Is happily over, though there nre still n few women who per sist In showing favor to this most In congruous fashion. High collars nre do rigour now nnd even our capos nnd ruffles have softening pllsse effects brought up high at the back of the neck, hold In place by n buckle; they nre sometimes even finished with a wide Medici collar. For Young Glrlr. With ono white and a io colored evening gown a girl may go to any number of dances through a season, and look smartly gowned, for chawr Ing tho trimming of tho waist with lu"Vi ; lace bertha, chiffon fichu, or different artificial flowers, makes the gown look like new each time. Tho present fash ion of wide belts of different colors helps immensely, too, In changing tho appearance of a gown; a palo blue bolt Instead of pink and blue flowers o:i the waist and a lace bertha Instead of a work wonders. Harper's I5a;ar. Wonderful Handwork. In a convent the patient sisters sat stitching upon a waist of delicate blue linen. The pattern upon which they w ere working was ono designed by an artistic sister. It showed a great spl derweb of blub silk. In which a large gray spider was, struggling. The spider was round and fat and was made en tirely of embroidery threads. The w eb was repeated In smaller slzo upon the cuffs and upon the stock. To wear with this there was a very pretty Eton made of lace with a deep collar bound in silk, the whole falling open In front to display the delicately woven web. Roses for Hat Trimmings. "A good ostrich fall makes a good flower spring" Is an old saying with milliners, and the spring of 1904 will bear out the truth of this statement. Hoses promise to take tho lend. The tiny button variety. In single and dou ble garlands, edge the brims, encircle tho crowns or otherwise trim the hats. Medium size roses are used as garni ture in single or doublo wreaths, and largo roses are often used Blngly. When tho large flower Is employed tiny green leaves bordering the brlni9 make a charming effect. Fadg In Neckwear. The fad of the season In neckwear will be to havo the stock and a prt of tho dress below It of transparent laco. Round yokes and lower fitted sleeves of lingerie will be much worn with spring nnd summer gowns and tho fashion i as pretty as it Is sen sible. The upper part of the neck and the lower part of tho sleeves show wear easiest, and when these can be removed and laundered frequently tho gown may be kept fresh nnd new look ing for an entire season. Dainty Maid's Stocks. A pretty device for keeping tho twentieth century girl's white stocks and starched collars immaculate when not encircling her fair throat Is made of a round basket. Line with silk: of delicate hue, with an Interlining of wadding, sprinkled with sachet pow der. A circular piece of pasteboard covered and wadded serve for a lid, and also as a convenient resting place for the fancy pins worn at the front and back of tho stock collars. Old-Fashioned Fancy Revived. An old-fashioned fancy which has been revived again Is the darned net one. A pretty table cover was made from a piece of net a yard square. A narrow hem was turned up all around the edge and covered with a flat lace braid. Inside the hem was a simple darned border. Cushions of darned net are also popular, as are center pieces, doilies, piano scarfs, curtains and portierres. Smart Little Spring Coats. The spring coats are broadcloth or velveteen, tho long, plain sacquo style, single-breasted and without col lars. And the hats cro moderately low, round corners nnd wide brims, and are often gardens of tiny flowers or fields of waving ribbon loops. Black chip will bo much worn with all colors of dresses and for all occasions. Sail ors have tho wide, up-curving brim and are most often of fino straw. Styles in Sleeves. The sleeve, made of a thin material and differing from that of the gown, is seen in tho latest imported models. This Is sometimes the full sleeve of lace in a silk or crepo gown. Again, it may be of net, spangled or plain and of an entirely different color from that of tho rtst of the costume. Hang ing sleeves of chiffon Insido others of silk nre very stylish and effectivo for ball costumes. Dainty Unlined Waists. Very dainty waists of pleated chiffon or crepo do chine are mado in the un lined style. The pleating Is set into 8 deep yoke, which falls well over tho top of the shoulder. Bodices of chiffon also nave the pleated part falling loose In bolero style, and the lower part of plain chiffon, which Is almost hidden by the frill. Skirts of Many Patterns. Skirts nro of ninny patterns. Somo are smooth fitting round tho hips, but Into others creeps tho Victorian full ness. Some of those full skills havo tho width held In by plaits to tho depth of a hip yoke. Some havo a flat yoke ami front pnnel set In, tho full ness starting on tho sides at the lower edge of the yoke. A Novel Pen Rack. A novel pen rack, suited for a hand some library table In a hnuso lighted by electricity. Is in the shape of a low trough of sienna colored majolica. At tho back of the trough, on Its edge, aro seated two blinking owls, with luminous eyes, the light being sup plied by hidden electric bulbs. Shaped and Stitched Bands. Shaped and stitched ,n,s of tho ninit-rlal make a simple but pretty fin ish for an afternoon suit. They out line fronts, ruffs and cape of the bob ro nnd tho edges of tho skirt and of all flounces. "Monster" Belt Pins. Rome of the now belt pins show monsters and grotesque heads, sug gestive of the Japanese broncos. Tho di awing Is carried out In gold and some color outlined with black rr gobl. V How's This? W otr iut- Uunlrvil 1 i;r lrt f, r ,f ra. r t NUiih VUM vuiik I. C.m4 l.y I nri ti l urv. t. J I UK M Y tli. T-lc'... O. W tln.lrre'tm-.l. hat- kin- 1. J. t hriirv fvr Hi.. l. i . teal-, ttt.l Ix-Urm Inui I'vilrt iH li.i, iiimI.. In m.i t.u.lti . imr. U. u. an. I fl:iu, uiy al'.t. lo cairy out au .!'. l at ! na n.ali. ! I! Bliu. VIai.i.imi. Kiwis M'-A Ml il.l l".!t O. lla :'a CdUritl ( Hit la lHki.t IhUTu.tlH . ai'tliu iliit.-U) iiimu llf Im.nhI an, I Hi if "'ii ui'la't a ,( tt, ir.u. Ii-MIiiioiiIhU ai'iil frv. I'rte 1 CCUU I'ar !.!. so.. I I. ail I'rlltf.lalp. lake Hill Kaiut.y i'li.a ti.r owtltpalloo. Anyway, old maids don't have to go down stairs at 3 o'clock in the morn ing; to let in a man who tried to upon the front door with a trunk key. lVIflqIeSticlt I.AIMIKY BUT Wen t spill, break, livtvo mu- siot clothes, t'nsts III cents and equals L'n cents Wurth uf liny ether hliilnjr. If your grocer duo not kit-pit Mint 1 1 la fur sample le The laundry Liluo Co., 14 M it-h Urn ti street, tiilcii,ro. "Hew to the lino, lot the chips fall whore they may!" When the days Is done the bookies on the lino have nc 011 m n la i eel most of tho chips. I'wiV '-SiiiKle Hinder "straight .V cigar. Price to dealer ;m.oo prr ;. They cost si iino mortt Hum oilier IiihiuIk, but uo niorti thiiu a good fte cigar should cost, lwis' factory, Peoria, 111. You have to handle some people with kid gloves, other with boxing gloves, others with bare fists anil tho rest with an old-fashioned ax handle. If yon don't get the biggest and best lt't your own fault. Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there Is positively nothing to equal it In quality or quantity. The only effective criticism of a poor religion is the creatloln of a bet ter ono. The bill-poster acquires a grent many stuck-up notions in his busi ness When a man Is satisfied he made a mistake by marrying, he Isn't satis fied. Goods are among the least of the rewards for goodness. The World's Greatest Railway. Under tho title of "The Great Si berian Railway," James VV. Davidson, F. n. G. S.. United States Consul nt Antung, Manchuria, will give much valuable Information In the April Cen tury about "tho greatest railway which the world has ever soon." Trav elers on the great Siberian railway will find the many days on tho train wonderfully comfortable. For its pas sengers the train de luxe plans to pro vide brass bedsteads, private toilet rooms, baths, gymnasium, electric, fans and lights, steam heat, and a hand somely furnished drawing room. Mr. Davidson estimates that ono may enjoy all this luxury from Paris to Daluy or Peking for not over $280, Including sleeper, food nnd all Incidental ex penses. You never hear any one complain about "Deflanco Starch." There Is none to equal It In quality and quan tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. Before arithmetic was Invented peo ple multiplied on the face of the earth. Physicians Use Carrier Pigeons. Country Physicians In many In stances havo adopted the use of pigeons as messengers. A physician raises a loft of carriers, and when he visits a patient four or five miles away ho carries with him a basket contain ing ono of his birds. If dangerous symptoms arise In the night or the following day the pigeon Is released with a message. Some physicians with long country routes carry half a dozen or more of these pigeons on their rounds and leave ono nt each place. . A dally report of the different cases can thus be obtained by pigeon service. This service has also been extended on largo Western farms. Some farmers receive dally reports of the markets from tho city in this wny when there are no telephone or tele graph wires to send tho messages. All that Is required is a trip to the city once a fortnight to enrry back the birds and some ono In tho city to write the reports and release the pigeons. Women of the world never use harsh expressions when condemning their livnlu. Like tho savage, they hurl ele gant arrows, ornamented with feathers nf purple and azure, but with poisoned points. Chamfort. How a woman does like to talk about the doings and tho sayings of the man of whom she is fond. In the Spring. Lowndes, Mo., April 4th. Mrs. II. C. Harty of this place, says: "For years I was In very bad health. Every spring I would get ho low that I was unable to do my own work. I seemed to be worse In tho spring than any other time of the year. I was very weak and miserable and had much pain in my back and head. I saw Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised Inst spring and began treatment of them and they have certainly done mo more good thnn anything I have ever used. "I was nil right last spring nnd felt better thnn I havo for over ton years. I nm fifty years of ago and am strong er today than I havo been for ninny years and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills credit for tho wonderful improve ment." Tho statement of Mrs. Harty Is only ono of a great many whore ' Dodd's Kidney Pills have proven themselves to be the very best spring medicine. They are unsurpassed as a tonic and aro tho only medlclno used la thou sands of families. I noticed a woman chewing gum once during tho progress of a nitle race. The race was run In 1:4.1. She overed the distance In 1:40 flat. The Vnltod Mutual Hall Ins. Ass'n is tli" olilesi. Is tho strongest. Is the best; has paid $1 fJ.ftoo no more for losses than the combined payments of nil other companies. Paid Jo:t. :,'.o; 10 in P.":). Has paid $.'uo,01 1 xn for losses since Its organl.nlion. Wants good representatives In every preclncl. Address Home Office, lit South UHh Street, Llucclii, Nib. i. t j