The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 31, 1904, Image 9

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Courtesy of The Commoner.
Commoner Comment.
The Employers' Association Is busily
engaged com batting the reosonuble re
quest of the laboring men for legisla
tion whhh w ill give them an eight-hour
day, arbitration of differences, and re
lief from the menace of government by
Do the members of the Employers'
Association know what they are dolus?
Have they counted the coat? Are they
willing to establish a gulf of ill-will
between themselves and their em
ployes? The natural and necessary ef
fect of the fight now bclug made by
the employers against the wage-earners
la to convert hopefulness and ambi
tion Into sullenness and discourage
ment. The employes have wives and
children usually more children per
family than the employers and these
men arc Interested in the welfare of
their families and In. the welfare of
their country. They have been asking
for an eight-hour day in order that
tney may have more time for physical
recuperation, more time for intercourse
with their families and more time to
devote to their own intellectual devel
opment and the study of the problems
of government. Is not their effort a
laudable one? Can it bn consistently
opposed by men who are able to care
for their families much better and to
spend much more time with their fami
lies. To say that some worklngmen
would spend their idle hours in a sa
loon Is no answer to the argument in
favor of shorter hours. With shorter
hours will come movements for the
improvement of the wage-earners
movements that are impossible so long
as men are driven from bed to work
and from work back to bed again.
Some tons who Inherit money from
their parents not only squander it, but
are Injured by It will the Employers'
Association for that reason attempt to
repeal the statute of Inheritance?
The laboring men waut arbitration of
the differences between themselves nnd
Hielr corporate employers. Can the
employers afford to oppose this? As
well advocate a return to the wager
of battle as a means of settling dis
putes between Individuals as to argue
that differences between great corpora
tions and their employes ran be set
tled by strikes, lockouts and boycotts.
When the employer was an individual,
bad a few employes and worked with
his meu, there were personal acquaint
ance and mutual sympathy, but now
the man at the head of the corpora
tion does not know many of his .em
ployes, does not come into contact with
them or know how they live. Often
Urge salaries are provided for anil gen
erally there are dividends to be paid
on watered stock. "Ciood times" are
worked for all they are worth and
sometimes the employe Is expected to
boar the brunt of hard times. The law
must supply through a board of arbi
tration the element of Justice which
is now wanting. Employers ask. Have
we not a right to control our own
property? Certainly, bo long us they
attempt to control nothing elte? but
when In controlling their own prop
erty they alsoeck to control the lives
and liberty of their employes, they sub
ordinate human rights to what they
call property rights, and this Is as dan
gerous to their own descendants as to
the descendants of those who worked
for them. No method has yet been de
vised for Insuring the t-mployers' child
ren against the possibility of being
among the wage-earners of the next
generation. No person or class, there
fore can afford to legislate for a year
or even for a generation or to place I's
immediate advantage above the perma
nent good of sorlety, and the employers
American Peopts Are Robbed of an
Immense Sum Annually Remedy
Is In trie Hinds of the Republican
The speech of Hon. Ebon W. Mar
tin, a Republican congressman lrom
South Dakota. In tho House on
March 4, is one of tho strongest ar
raignments of tho beef trust ever
made. He discussed the great de
cline in the prices of live boef, sinco
19iil and-1902, ami the great increase
lu the margin between prices
and the prices of fresh beef since
1001. Hero are somo of his figures:
Mean prices of good to extra, steers
in Chicago and ol good to extra frosh
beef (western sides) in Huston, and
the difference between theso prices,
by half years, for the years 1001, iyo2
and 190r
do this when they object to arbitra
tion. The laboring men are Becking relief
from government by Injunction. Why?
Because It is employed by corporations
to deprive their employes of the right
of trial by Jury. If a man Is accused
of larceny or assault he Is entitled to
trial by Jury, why should this right be
denied a laboring man when he Is ac
cused of interfering with his employ
ers business? it Is not sufficient to
say that he should not Interfere, for
the question of fact whether he Is In
terfering is Ihe very thing that the
jury should determine.
Neither Is It sufiielent to say thst
laboring men, organized or unorgau-
l.ed, make mistakes und sometimes
grleviously wrong their employers and
even each other. To err Is human, and
the laboring mnn Is human, but let
the law fix a limit to his activities and
lorbid anything that Is Inimical to pub
lic welfare. Then If a laboring man
violates Ihe law. let him be tried like
anyone else accused of crime, for cer
tainly a man who earns his bread by
the sweat of his brow is entitled to
every presumption that Is given to the
confirmed criminal.
The employers have started out on a
crusade against labor, ostensibly
against all labor, for the members of
the association are no more willing to
safeguard the interests of non-union
labor than they are to safeguard the
Interests of union men, where as the
work done by the members of labor
unions has benefited all laboring men,
those outside as well as those inside
of the labor organizations.
Some employers, smarting under
some particular grievance or supposed
grievance, have joined the Employers'
Assoclptlou without fully considering
the nature of the movement or the
consequences. Those who really sym
pathize with the masses, but who have
been mislead, will soon become awaYe
of the perils of the course upon which
the association has entered, and will
withdraw. They can not long remain
ignorant of the uncharitable spirit of
those who are at the head of the organ
The laboring men need the capitalist,
but the capitalist needs the laboring
men also. "Cuptains of Industry,"
with a genius for organization, are
needed, but a captain can not do any
thing without the air of sergeants, cor
porals and privates. There ought to be
onfidnncc and sympathy between em
ployers and employes, and this is Im
possible without a feeling of brotherly
love and an ungrudging recognition by
each of the rights of the other. Th"
employers are sowing dragon's teeth
hen they combine to crush the aspir
ations of employes who. In peace or
war, contribute so largely to the na
tion's wealth and strength. An at-so-
iation for the bringing of labor and
apltal together would prove far more
beneficent than nn association formed
to resist the Just efforts of laboring
men to advance their physical, mental
and moral welfare.
There is a disposition to lay all the
blame for that Springfield affair upon
the shoulders of the sheriff. But the
major portion of the blame properly be
longs to the "prominent iltl.cns" who
i (imposed the mob.
The Colorado gentleman who has
succeeded in raising a seedless apple
nerd not imagine that he has accom
rlhhed a singular feat. Mr. Knox
long ago Invented the profitle Injunc
t.ou mode of treating the trusts.
The congressional rumpus over the
Rristow report Indicates a decided bull
movement in the whitewash market.
Of roume the trusts will not oppose
the president's nomination, hut what
a price the public Is paying for Its
trust extortion!
Cheer up, Mr. Hill. The beef trust
Is able to give you a lot of pointers
that are valuable.
It seems that the reorganise are
stronger among the "leaders" than In
the rank and (lie.
Mr. Rrlstow may not have siirepedfd
In killing any game, but hit shot made
a tetrlble fluttering.
The decision in the merger rase Im
poses a duty oil democrats as well as
upon 'the administration. The anti
trust law Is held to be sound and ef
fective, but It must be enforced before
It can bring relief to the public. The
democrats must now Insist upon the
enforcement of the law. Justice Holmes
In his dissenting opinion says that In
dictments "logically ought to follow
Ihe decision." and the democrats In
nngrrss ought to Insist that the at
torney general either prosecute or ex
plain why rich and powerful violators
of the law are given Immunity while
poor and obscure violators are prompt
ly punished. Not only should the law
be enforced against those who violated
It in the merger (ae, but It should bf
enforced against thoue who are violat
ing It In the almost Innumerable trusts.
Are not the steel trust, the coal trust,
the oil trust, the beef trust, the tobac
co truet, the sugar trust, the cracker
trust, tho whisky trust, the harvester
trust, etc. are not all of these violat
ing the Sherman anti-trust l.iw? Why
are they permitted to live and prey
upon the country? If the administra
tion nuswers that the decision docs
cot reach a single corporation, but only
a cotiuinutton ol corporations, the
democrats should tnsiat upon new legis
lation covering all private monopolies,
whether they operate as a single cor
poration or as a group of corporations.
The Kansas City platform presents a
remedy and the merger decision vindi
cates the principle lavolved in tht
Congress has power over Interstate
commerce and that power alone can
deal effectively with the trusts. As
long as a corporation confines ltselt
to the state from which it derives its
charter the people of that state can be
trusted to deal with It, but when it
crosses the stale line and Invades in
terstate commerce it comes under the
supervision of congress. Congress has
mude It a criminal offense for two or
more persons to conspire to restrain
trade. This ought to cover conspiraej
by persons in one corporation as well
as conspiracy by persons in control o;
separate corporations, if it does not
do so, It is easy to prepare a bill that
will. The Kansas City platform pro
poses a measure making it unlawful
for a stale corporation to engage lr.
Interstate commerce without first se
curing a federal license or permit, and
it proposes that the license or permit
shall be granted only after proof that
the stock of the corporation Is not
watered and that the corporation is not
trying to monopolize any branch of
business or Ihe production or sale of
any article of merchandise. Here U
a simple remedy; a remedy easily ap
plied. It does not interfere ;th any
legitimate corporation, but, on the con
trary, aids every legitimate corporation
by destroying the greedy and con
scienceless monopolies.
If the democrats expect to win the
confidence of the people they must
propose an effective remedy. It Is not
sufiielent to rail at republicans or to
ask them for a remedy. The peopie
uie looking for relief and they demand
positive, aggressive action. The trust
question can be made an Important Is
sue In the coming campaign if the dem
ocrats w ill do their duty. Let them rail
the attention of the country to the
question by refusing to consider any
thing else until satisfactory action is
taken. If the republicans are re
quired to bring In a rule for every
measure and are each time reminded
that the trusts still live, they will be
forced to decisive action or to abject
apology. Cato, after visiting Cart hog".
resolved never to make a speech wun
out declaring It as his opinion that
Carthage should be destroyed. The
democrats In the senate and house
might paraphrase Cato's famous saying
and each day demand a vote on a reso
lution declaring thai private monop
olies must be destroyed." .The Kan
sas Cltv platform points the way will
the democrats live up to that platform
or run from It?
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cut fanff law. no matter to what ex
tent It cue bleu numerous trusts to
fatten off the ptuple. While the re
moval of the duty of two cents per
IH.und on dressed bevf ,houM be the
first step in order to curb the power
of thN gigantic tnct. yet it Is not
certa'u that this act would kill the
trust. nUcrlminuting and Illegal
freight rates and other favors are
probably largely responsible, for the
growth and power of Ibis trust. The
Interstate Commerce Commission
should have full power to rcgulato
freight rates. This would be given
by the bill recently Introduced in
Congress by Mr. John Sharp Wil
liams, the Democratic leader.
The absurdity of tho Sherman, anti
trust law as a regulator of trusts U
mudo clear by Mr. Martin's state
ments. If the courts should decide
that each of Ihe packing concerts In
this trust was guilty (if Illegal action
on each aud every day of the yeur
and if it should assess the maximum
flue ($5,000) for each and every of
fense, tho beef trust could pay all
these flues and still be ahead $100,000
a day, or $30,000,000 a year. But as
yet only one suit has been brought
aud no fine has been paid. More
over, the trust Is now, even while
the suit is pending and while tho
trust is enjoined, making greater
profits than ever before.
And yet the Republican admlnlstra
lion at Washington would have tho
people believe that It is opposed to
all bad trusts.
Confirmation oe Graduation Dress.
Dresses for the lite of confirmation
Slid for the closing functions of the
school year require to be simple at
the same time that they are smart and
are preferably made of some transpar
ent material. This one- includes the
drop yoke and broa 1 shoulders of the
season with the shillings that are so
exceedingly fashionable and Is made
of white organdy with ruches ir ihe
same and Valenciennes lace. When
liked tho neck can be left low and
the sleeves in elbow lenf.lli so ninklng
the frock available for a variety of
occasions. The ruchlnus on waist and
sleeves are specially worthy of nolo
and give the suggestion of a bolero
Those carping critics should remem
ber that a lynching In a republican
state Is demanded on moral grounds.
while a lynching In a democratic stair
lb always merely a mutter of politics.
Having proved that the Slnrma!i
anti-trust law Is constitutional, and
that it. has been violated, what Is the
matter with making a few of the vio
lators feel the weight of that law?
Secretary Shaw has a new currency
Idea, but the msn who Imagines that
It Is framed in the interests of the
people should consult a brain hpeclal-1st.
The merger Illegal what next?"
queries the MlnnrApolla Journal. An
Injunction, probably; modeled arter the
famous one against the beef trurt.
Governor Vardamann's rompllmrnU
to Governor Merrick, and Is Governor
Herrlck'a lymhltii; depreotion still on
The president secured the decision
and Mr. Hill still has his merger, and
both will probably be satisfied to let
it go at that.
The American people seem to have
discovered the color of brats under
the thin wash of the Putt I gold brick
A lot of eastern college professors
have figured that oO cents a day Is
enough to spend for food. But tho col
lege professors will continue to spend
a Utile more than that.
The Port Arthur fall Is running a
neck-and-ne( k race with the republi
can tariff reform scheme.
The men who claim to lie democrats,
but who iuve not voted a democratic
national ticket In eight years, are
wonderfully worked up lest there be
a boll.
The "leadera" propp?e, but the vot
ers dispose.
No dodging: no straddling, no eva
The artistic people who are protest
Ing against the bill board nuisance
might secure a more speedy hearing
by including the board bill nuisance
' BUhop William Benjamin Derrick I
not the first man who has attempted
to hoist himself Into fame by advocat
Ing the aendlng of negroes to Africa.
Will rtmoot be kept In because he !
a monogornist. or thrown out because
he It guilty of race inldde?
Borrowing Is a disease that ii ron
ligluu', rather than Infectious.
Lots cf people In this world only
want the things they ran t get.
Some of Congressman Martin's
comments upon theso and other fig
ures quoted In his tneeeh are as fol
lows: "They show that o,i tho first day
of August, 19o:i, the price of "good to
extra" beef steers was $5.17 per hun
dred, tho price of "good to extra"
dressed beef $8.37 a hundred, a dif
ference of $3.20. Now, if you loik
back In these tables to a data when
these concerns were selling the same
quality of beef at the same price, you
will find that on tho Hist day of Feb
ruary, 1002 eighteen months pre
vious they were selling this same
grade of dressed bsef to tho whole
sale trade at $8.37, the same as on
the first day of august, 1903. At that
time they were paying $G.50 for the
same grade cf steers. They were
getting them for $5.17 In August,
1903, making an Increased rrofit of
$1.32 per hundred, or $13.25 per steer
over the profits In February, 1902.
"293,001 beef steors were sold In
the Chicago market In the month of
August last, and if this samo ration
continued during the month it means
a difference In profit for that month
upon those steers of $3,882,203, or
$119,317 per day Increased proM for
tho month of August, 1903, over Feb
ruary, 1902, when they were selling
at precisely the samo price. Now,
you see the magnitude of this busi
ness In Chicago alone. You see at a
glance that this beef combine could
afford to pay a dally fine of $5,000
each per day, or. $:15,000 for seven
concerns, and then have left at the
close of ench day 3 business over
$100,000 Increased profit by reason of
manipulating the prices of that mar
ket. If they wero manipulating It.
Comparing the average price cf
steers and fresh beef for the first
months of 1901 with the last six
months of 1303, it will be seen from
the table that there was an average
increased profit for the latter period
over the former of C4 cents per bun
dred, or $6.45 per steer on "good to
extra" grade. There wero sold In
Chicago tho last six months of 1903
1,810,584 steers. Upon this basis the
Increased profits on these steers over
the prices prevailing the first six
mouths of 1901 would be abont $12
000,000, or $2,000,000 per month nnd
$7C.000 per day.
"Tho beef trust prosecution was
begun In May, 1902. Conditions had
become Intolerable at that lime. An
yet a comparison or the avernge
prices for the first six months of 190
with the last six months of 1903, will
show thnt the latter period was ever
worse from the standpoint of the beef
produced. The average margin of
profit to Ihe packing companies was
31 cents per hundred greater for tho
six months, making $5,889,8iS O
1,840,584 steers. This would repre
sent $081,111 per nionih. or $37 512
per day, greater profits on the busl
ness In Chicago alone than prevailed
under the extreme conditions thnt
brought on the official prosecution In
"Eight million two hundred and
eighteen thousand seven hundred
and sixty-two cattle wero marketed
in Chicago, Kansas City. Omaha, St.
Louis and St. Joseph In 1903. Con
sidering our general prosperity and
comparing with other years, my esti
mate Is that they sold for $1 per hun
dred or $10 per steer less than they
would have brought had there been
free, open and actual competition.
This would mal;e the loss to stock
growers and feeders on tho year's
business in those markets alone $S2,
187.620. Men familiar with the sub
ject placo the loss much higher, as
will he seen by rcferenco to articles
and letters which will bo published
with my remarks.
"The stock growers of the country
are entitled to know that the cards
wilt not be stacked against them.
They ask -nothing more. They will
take rare of themselves In an open
All this coming from a Republican
Is very interesting. Of course Con
gressman Martin does not suggest
tho possibility of at least partial
relief from the exactions from this
beef trust by tho removal of the
tariff duty on beef. His patty Is
pledged to "stand pat" on tho pres-
An Infant Industry Demands Its
Share How Uncle Sam Is Gouged.
The cud of protection Is never In
sight. When It lu thought that all in
terests are fully protected by the
tarilt. it Is discovered that somebody
1m Is clamoring for government aid
that the tariff cannot cover. Thus
the ship trust is demanding a ship
subsidy and a monopoly of nil the
transportation of goods and passen-
crs from the Philippines and the Re
publican majority of Congress seems
quite likely to acceed to the demand.
The latest infant Industry to ask for
bonus is the Pacific Const ship
uilders who, through Representative
Cushman of the State of Washington,
proposed nn amendment to tho naval
appropriation bill providing that two
vessels should be built on the Pacific
coast at an advance, if necessary, of
B72 Conflrmat'on or (lriluatlon
Droes. 1214 10 years.
which is both becoming and in tho
height of style.
The costume consists of the waist
and the skirt. Tho waist Is mado over
a fitted foundation on which Its varl-
chlcken Inside of toast border. Then
let th. stock boll up a id 6tlr in a
pint of cream or milk. Add salt an l
pepper, ami when stock Is well heated
stir in a thickening made with a few
spoons of Hour stirred In a little milk.
Pour ibis delicious cream gravy over
it oil, and see If your platter doesn't
leave the table empty. Serve boiled
potatoes and mashed turnips with
How They Wear Veils.
The French woman arranges hers
Just to include the tip of her nose, and
allows It to fall In looss nnd graceful
folds at the back. It is a stylo that
Is recalled from the beginning of last
century. Brown and Mack Cbantllly
arranged In this way are very graceful.
The Americans drape the veil over tlw
back of the ).at in another stylo no
other nation seems able to ropy. Tlin
English woman strains hers over her
face, overlapping the (bin. Tho ltus-
Blau abjures them altogether.
Soft Taffe'as.
Soft taffetas ore ag.iln corning Into
vogue lor evening an well as day
wear. Rose color U it favorite shailo
just now In Paris, absolutely smoth
ered with bee. Ynk sill; fringe nnd
chinille form a popular trimming for
pastel doth frocks. Pale blue and
whlty brown shades nro really pretty,
but can only bo worn by women with
Rome pretension to cblc. otherwise tho
effect is somber nnd even dowdy.
Circular Flounces.
Flat circular flounces aro very much
used as trimming for tho broadcloth
skirt. Ornamentation now comes
toward tho middle of the skirt, the
lower edgo often being left un-trliiimed.
4 per cent over the lowest bids of 011S pai.ts nro arranged, tho yoke, that
casiern snip umi(iei. um oc-n n (g f(lt , 0e p1PCOi ant tho sleeves
ilepiiDllcan congress oauiueu ai mis d , , tJ t aro 8,rrod on contlnu
sectional legislation for tho debate on ,, Tho lii,H,vt,s are large and
the amendment exposed, the monopo- fuI al am, a))ove , elijov.s but form
ly prices charged the government uy , flH , i .,!l)V, wi,ich extend
the Kastem ship minding comoine, u ,, imms, Tho skirt is
being claimed that if the government n)a(,p of tl)r,,0 vccvs the front gore
advertises tor a .i,ooo,uou snip tne . circuiar Hide portions, which
Eastern builder) enter into an agreo- Q1.e Bnrru,j tu give a yoke effect, and
ment that none will Did less man , nrranired over a shallow yoke foun
000,000 and the one that gets the con- (latlon to which the shirring!; are at
tract divides with the rest. ltn tached
this 38 per cent profit in Bight, tne T1 aUantity of material required
Pacific coast builders would have or m0(um Bt7.e g 8 yards 21 Inches
plenty of margin of protlt without tne ld Ci, vanjg 27 inches wide or 4
extra 4 per cent. vaP,1a a.i inches wide with 1 yard of
The Democratic leader, Mr. Wll- Bn.OVPI. iace v. yard of silk for belt
liams, quickly punctured the mnaiea . 6(;i yar(,s cf ruchfng.
protection madder, mat woum auu to The j,att(.rn 4672 Is cut in sizes lor
tne monopoly oegot uy me tarin, me grjH Q jj, 14 and 16 years ot age
rurtner sectional protection oi on
part of the United States against the
other. He asked the protector of the
Infant industries of the Pacific coast
if he was "advocating Borne sort of
protection of some part of the United
States against some other part of the
United States," and when Mr. Cush
man bluntly said that he was, then
said Mr. Williams, "that is carrying
protection further than I ever heard
It carried
The next thing we shall have these
ardent. Republican protectionists ask
Ing for a general law for protecting
one state against another, and if logl
cally carried out they should obtain
such protection
The corn grower of the east would
be asking
corn growers of the Mississippi Val
ley. The spring wheat grower of the
Northwest will want a government
subsidy of four cents a bushel to pro
tect hlni from his Kansas rlvol who
cull uiow vtllliei w iit-ai. i iiv wiaiciu ... ...... I 1..,
states will be demanding protection coloring and often overlapped by
from the sheep and cattle men of the "vy i vvm.
Western plains. The country storo Is
asking for protection from the great
department stores of the big cities, so
Treatment of Velvet.
We have to relearn and redress our
impressions respecting the treatment
of velvet, for nowadays we find fash
ionable gowns made In it are showing
a succession of cordings below the
waist, nnd trimmed halfway up with
vandyked volants of tucked and gath
ered chiffon, whilst the sleeves are
gathered Into the shoulder pieces and
end in a hell form above tno cinow
tho new bell shape, which Is slightly
drawn in to gatherings above the ruf
Where real lace Is employed this is
often put on plain and not full. The
chiffon which trims it need not neces-
" ' , V Sarlly exactly match, but may be
for protection from the " X . .,,.,.,
KnaUUIl. aa It uurii n. ........... .
of quite a distinct character are Intro
duced, and generally beautiruiiy em
broidered, as often as not white or
cream color. Velvet is employed with
cloth as trimming, emphasizing tho
Blouse Waist.
Cape effects of all sorts mark the
season nnd are becoming to the gen
erality of figures. This stylish waist,
shows a deep collar of a novel sort
and one thnt Is quite simply made. As
Illustrated the material for the blouse
is white Persian lawn and tho trim
ming embroidered flouncing nnd In
sertion. The flouncing makes the col
lar which Is seamed ut the shoulders
where It droops well over the sleeves.
All waistlng materials are, however,
appropriate and the capo collar can
bo made to match the waist with tho
edge embroidered or trimmed in any
manner that may bo preferred.
The waist Is made with fronts nnd
backs and Is fitted by means of shoul
der and under arm seams. The fronts
arc tucked at the shoulders to yoke
depth and both fronts and back ore
arranged In full length tucks that
give a double box plait effect at tho
center. The cape collar is shaped by
means of the shoulder seams and its
edges are attached beneath tho outer
tucks of theso groups. The aleeves
are full below tho elbows, smaller
above and are finished with straight
Duck Covered Hats.
The woman who prefers a lint to
that even the people ot one state, not tho all-white costume might select
mnient with mnnnnolv for their in- pale blue linen. Tho blouse can bo
terosts within Its borders are already laid in tucks and embroidered, In tho
Phinwinir for nrotectlon from their front, with wash sl!K in icrsian or
1 I .... i i ttMiu h
llfdl t l H.-1IIIWI tl.
This I nmteetion run mad and vet hat and parasol, also or tune linen
all these people have as much right and a pair of neatly fitting white can-
to be protected from their competl- vas snues. sin- . i o....r.,
t,, n ihr. hin builder nf the Pacific the most extravagant critic.
rwt from bis Eastern countrymen The cotton-covered sailor hat Is to
in tho cm i,iitIe This mania for figure largely in next summers mn
mnnnniv or government aid. which linery. Linen, batiste and broderlo
the protective theorist preaches as anglalse will all be used as covering ;
breaking down bv Its self Imposed nglaise-ls also found to some cx
burden of protecting everyone from tent on linen suits and shirtwaists
,, i, for thnt u lmricllv On the thin gowns, such as mulls
tthnro nrnlnrtlnn lends to under the 'ItmiUCS BUU BU oil, mo no.i .-"
ihanrd nmnnsltlon of the Congress- "apl 1" profusion.
man from Washington.
1 iji Ly
Hunting the Trusts With Their
Own Weapon. Omaha World-Herald.
About the Same Thing.
"So your little party faced starva
tion for longer than a week?"
"Practically that. We didn't have
thing but health foods."
To Clean India Rubber.
Hot-water bags, air cushions and so
on are liable with use to lose their
pristine fairness: It may therefore
prove useful to know how this may
be restored. Omnipotent soap and
water again is called Into requisition.
A piece of clean household flannel
should be wet with lukewarm water
and rubbed upon tt bar of common
yellow soap. When a lather Is oh- I ler figure.
tallied, apply the fiannel to the rub
her and pass It briskly over the sur
face. This will speedily make the
ortlclo clean, and It may then be set
to dry In a cool place, but not by the
fire or In the sun.
To Test Handkerchiefs.
When 0110 Is buying handkerchiefs It
Is a good plan to moisten the tip of a
finger and to press It on one of them.
It the wet penetrates the handkerchief
at once It Is linen, but If cotton be
present It will take some seconds for
It to wet through the thread. In linen
the threads ore tess even than in cot
ton materials.
4671 Blouse Waist, 32 to 40 basL
cuffs In conformity with tho accepted
The quantity of material required
for medium size Is 4 yards 21 Inches
wide, 3"d yards 27 Inches wide or 2
yards 44 Inches wide, with 1 yards
of embroidery 9 Inches wide for capo
collar and 1 yards of Insortlon to
trim as illustrated In medium size.
Tho pattern, 4671, Is cut In sizes for
a 32, 34, 3G, 3S and 40 Inch bust measure.
excellent stuffing for green peppers.
A housewife of an experimental fraran
of mind who had hash left over filled
some peppers with it, poured arounj
them a brown gravy of butter, flour
and water nnd baked them. She says
there Is no doubt of the s'ici ess of that
Short and Long Skirts.
While the short kilted skirt Is prac
tically the only one at present for
street wear, the smart visiting tollett
still retains Its limp, trailing drap
eries and its eminently characteristic
outMnc, wheh is ho chic on a tall, slen-
Ttendril of this pnper en ircurn my M(f
Msntnn iUnrnlllU!iiruuMiibov f UUIncoul
;i bUuka lu coupon, ami mailing, with luoeuw,
,o1. i' HarrlmnACo..uri)nHutbPlaoe,Chl
ido. lmlt"rD will bo uiallad promptly.
At (If child tor niKi'i pattern) .....
How to Prepare Fowl.
Boll the fowl un'.ll It Is done and
then take out and cut all tho meat
from the bones. Then make a num
ber Of Slices Ol TOari, iniiimiiiK im me Wr, plllBly ,,, piU , hitnkK ,-
crusts, arrange them about the sides f4. tun to k. k. UairlwnatV.BJ'ljm,
of a large platter, nnd then put the i-iso. Cnicr
rmern Xo...
VVuln Measure (if fur alilro .
Uut Mmmrr (If fnr rait