JY I cuu, d nourishing; corn. It lm.s the llavor that is p. hiu'lilv nppro- ciattHl by thoHo who know wliat gfxxl meet is. It w tender, juicy and delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting. Our prices invito purchases. Also bear in miud that our GROCERY DEPARTMENT is up-to-date nnd that the quulity of our good cannot be surpassed nor our prices cannot bo beat. We divide our protus wun our customers, because wo mo them tho bcs4 goods for the samo money that you have to pay for quality. Don't bo backward, but give us a trial. Lorenz Brothers h of Post Office Plattsmouth. Neb. Nort LOCAL BREVITIES. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. W. T. Swan was here from Union Friday. Ir. A. H. Iiarnes spent Sunday in Nebraska City. L. li. Todd of Nehawka, was here Tuesday on business. Ir. E. W. Cummins went to Lin coln yesterday on business. John Buschc and family Sundayed with friends in Greenwood. The man who prophesied a dry spring has taken to the woods. I). S. Guild and family will make their future home in Fort Crook. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Oillce with Dr. E. D. Cummins. The matrimonial market Is not so brisk as it was a few weeks since. lion. Geo. M. Spurlock was down from Omaha Monday on business. Thos. Stevenson, of Nebraska City, was a Plattsmouth visitor Friday. Julius Pcpperberg was in Lincoln and Havclock Monday on business. Miss Carrie Baird came home Fri day evening to spend a week's vaca tion. John Coleman came over from Glen wood and spent Sunday with his parents. General Car Inspector Ed Earstow was down from Lincoln Tuesday on business. L. C. Pollard, . I. M. Palmer and F. P. Sheldon were county seat visitors Tuesday. JI. G. Todd, of the southeast part of the county, was a Plattsmouth visitor Saturday. MrsPeter Carlson and little grand son are visiting friends in Phillips, Nebraska. Glen Smith came down from the state university and Sundayed with 1 lis parents. C. E. TelTt, the Weeping Water at torney, had business in the county seat Friday. Sirs. A. L. Cox, the newly appointed P1 mistress at Mynard, was inl'latts inoulh Tuesday. One hundred picture designs in Kaster egg dyes only 00 at Goring & (Vs drug store. Henry Zuckwelllcr, who was out in Pierce county on business, returned Tliurwlay evening. J f you are a judge of a tiood smoke, t ry the "Acorn" 5 cent cigar and you will Kinokc no other. Charley Panning, that rock ribbed democrat of Nehawka, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. Ualph White was in Nebraska City Thursday and Friday of last week, the Kuest of j. C. Thygeson. Miss Amu Osliorn came in from Cripple Creek, Colorado, last Thurs day for a visit with relatives. La Book, Omaha's leading constum- rr. Ladies tailored gowns and shirt waist sultii. fi:i, Karbach block. Ed Peterson departed Tuesday for Portland, Oregon, where he expects to seek employment on bridge work. F. M. lloag and family departed this erk for Alma, Neb., where ho will enter Into the hardware business. From present Indications consider able overhauling and rebuilding will 1h! done In Plattsmouth this season. Easter Sunday Is always looked for ward to by the children for the nice red, blue and black eggs they receive. Win. Wegener, a prosperous farmer living south or Louisville, was a Plattsmouth visitor Monday on busi ness matters. Painting, decorating and sign wrlt- lo. Work guaranteed. Leave orders at FrlcU's drug store. L. Baldwin. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Aycr's Pills act directly on the liver. For CO years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. ahSUm: V nt yur mii.u'li or tennis IwaulUul Wnwn or rlrh tiln.li ? Tlnti u BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttr. Beef That Has Taste. Tluit is t'n kiml we lime. Not only now but all times, lleef tluit has been jiro riuccd from rich, sweet country irrass and tiuo poorer W. H. Pool, the Weeping Water real estate man, was here on husiness last Tuesday. Don't fail to attend the Turners' Festival at Coates' Hall next Tuesday and Wednesday night. Easy anil simple directions with our Easter egg dyes. One hundred colors for m at tiering & Co's. Misses Alice Eaton and Elizabeth Allen came down from Omaha Tues day for a brief visit with friends. Peter Mat, and Mrs. Anna Brunk low, both of Louisville, were married by Judge Travis in this city last Sat urday. Andrew J. Reynolds of Wabash, was married in Lincoln Wednesday, March 24, to Miss Eva Kineaid of Trenton, Nebraska. W. A. Ilosencrans of Elm wood, one of the regular juryman, was called homo Friday on account of Illness in his family. Prof. A. L. Lcsscman, wife and baby departed for Nebraska City last Satur day, where they expect to reside per manently. T. E. Calvert, general superintend ent of the B. & M. railroad, was a business visitor to Plattsmouth Mon day evening. Capt. L. B. Bennett, who has been confined to his home by illness for sonic time, we are pleased to state, is convalescing. If it's a bilious attack, take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain. For sale by all druggists. Frank P.obinson, foreman of the B & M. planing mill, who has been allliclcd with erysipelas for the p;ist three weeks, is recovering. George Porter is Improving his prop crtyon Pearl street, between Seventh and Eight li, by having a new veranda built in front of the house. There has been considerable sickness in the city during the past two months, but our physicians report somew hat of an abatement. Miss .Margaret Swissing, after a visit of several weeks with Miss Yerna Ilein, in this city, returned to her home in Council Bluffs Monday. Gerlng& Co. oiler a splendid oppor. tunity to get the very latest Idea in wall paper effects: Wednesday, March .'10th, Is their opening day, we want you to come. Fred Ohm jr., after a short visit' with bis parents in this city, returned to Havclock Friday morning, where lie is employed as an apprentice in the B. & M. shops. Charles E. Holmes, who was sen tenced to serve live years in the peni tentiary for perjury, was taken to that institution by Sheriff McBride last Thursday afternoon. William A. Stoll and Miss Lena E. Stoll of Nehawka, were united In the holy bonds of matrimony in this city Wednesday, March 1, l!K)4, Judge II. D. Travis officiating. A special invitation is extended to every Journal reader to come and ex amine our Immense line of wall paper. Wednesday. March 30, is wall paper day at Goring & Co's. K. . Swearingen and G. II. Man ners 01 .Murray, were here Friday afternoon, attracted no doubt by the sensational trial of II hies vs. Connally, and gave the Journal a pleasant call. Mr. V. W, Mikesell, wall paper ex pert of the Vetter Wall Paper Co., will be at Goring & Co's all day Wed nesday, to give you the latest Ideas of how and what to use In wall paper, Come early. This spring you will need a nerve food, one that will cleanse and recon struct your nerve centers and wasted energies. IMllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea will do It. r cents. Tea or tab lets, Goring & Co. Painters and paper hangers wanted. Mechanical ability (and not memlor- ship In a labor union) the only ipialili- cation "upen shoos In Omaha alter Ayril 1. Address, or enquire of T. J Beard & Pro., lllo, Douglas street. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham, aged about two mouths, died Friday morning, March '-'. P.U. The remains were taken to the Metlio- (list cemetery, twelve miles southeast of (ilen wood, Iow a, for Interment Gatner me roses or health Tor your cheeks, While tho parks arc shining with dew (leioiiiininemoinlngrnrly and hright By taking Rivky Mountain Tea at night. Goring & Co. Railioad Notes. ri: folio hig we clip from the O n.ilu World Herald, wlndi nod-uibt w. 11 prove .f interest to l'latts;ii'mt!i i"ns an I the traveling puUio in ueral. ' General Passenger Agent Francis , the Burliugto.i. yesterday morning g-ive out these ch in es in local train serv ice: ' Train No. 4, which now leaves Lin- c 'ii at a. m., ami is due in Omaha at '.i a. m., will !) discontinued. A lew train, leaving Lincoln at 4:1" p. in., and arriving in Omaha at X p. in., will Ik' put on. This change has been necessitated by a change in the time of the Burlington train from Se:itt e. til irk anil the II :irk Kills. which will hereafter arrive at Lincoln at 4:1.1 p. m., instead of at 1 :."" p. m., as at present. The new afternoon train will, therefore, start from Lin- coin for (imaii.i as soon as passengers from the west are transferred. "The train for Plattsmouth which now leaves here at 7:."iO p. m., will he discontinued altogether. Mr. Francis states that there Is not enough even ing trailie between Omaha and Platts mouth to make this local pay. "It conies from railway men at Chi cago that the Burlington road propos es to abandon Pacillu Junction as a terminal point, and that its shops and round house w ill be moved away. "Commencing with next Sunday the Pacilic Junction stub passenger and fast mail train to this city via the Ne braska side, w ill be discontinued. The fast mail No. 7, which now stops at Council Bluffs, will run to thisclty via Plattsmouth. "Commencing next Sunday, also, train No. (, Chicago special from Den ver, will be discontinued, and train No. I from Chicago to Denver, going via Ashland, will also be discon tinued." u. 6M 6E C f f House Cleaning Time is almost here, which means that you will have to get a new carpet or perhaps two. We have the same reliable makes which we have always handled. All-wool Ingrains from 59c to 98c. Velvet carpets from 98c to $1.25 Moquets and Axministers; an extra new line of designs and-eolorings. Mattings all prices 15c to 50c a yard. 60 rolls to sjblect from. Oil Cloths from 1 to 2 1-2 yards wide. Linoleums from 2 to 4 1-2 yards wide. Art Squares in Ingrains and Brussels. rt O e c GS o Most Complete Carpet House 3 C8 IN George W. Snyder, one of Cass coun ty's best farmers, dyed-in-the-wool di mocrats and excellent citizens, call- d yesterday and renew ed the suhsciip- lion of Henry Meyer, who receives the Journal at Bethany, Neb. Mr. Meyer, like everybody else, likes the Old Re liable. Thomas ICecklor, the Mauley grain dealer, was in the city Monday, and made the Journal a pleasant call, and while here renewed for the Old Re liable. He has rented bis elevator for the summer. Mr. Kecklcr is a thor oughbred democrat and we are always happy to meet him. J. W. Johnson went to Lincoln Fri day to lie with his son Ed, while the latter was lieing operated upon for ap pendicitis. Mr. Johnson returned Sat urday and says Ed went through the operation very nicely, and hopes are entertained that he will be his former l n u!,. ., t Hi.,.. H ill li nni'i u i hiii .. ... . v nr. i . .i. i mm, me ucniisi, nas op posed of his business here, and con templates removing to some point In Michigan. Dr. Todd was raised near Plattsmouth, and Is a most deserving young man, a splendid dentist and wherever he goes, the lest wishes of the Journal jo with him. Geo. Elliott, n former saloon man of Piattsmoulh, died at bis home In Con. tral City, Neb., Friday, March HI, from the effects of a paralytic stroke received a year ago. Mr. Elliott will be rememlKTedas carrying on the bush ness In the Riley IIoiisp basement, and as being a very unlet man. Mesdaincs J. A. Walker of Murray, A. W. Atwond, Isabel Richey and L. A. Moore of Mils city, at tended nil en ti'itahinicnt given in Omaha, by the Dixie club Thursday evening, Tho club Is composed of some .'no moniliors who wore horn In Kentucky, or some one of the southern states. T. E. Parmele departed Tuesday for Phoenix, Ari.oiia. and will return with Percy A jnew, who has been sojourning there for several months for the bene- nt 01 ins health. I lis many ft ends will rcrrct to learn that the change of 1 dim ite has not Vnelit ted Percy to the 1 cjicnt that was anticipated, Easter Millinery. On account of the delay in getting the new gla-s front ooiinleleJ at M. Fanger's department store, the exten sive stock of millinery carried has bet n n.t on di.-rlay on the mvou I floor of tie; store. As soon as the painters and paperhangoN complete the work they 'are doing it will be brought down , stairs, but in the meantime all ladies who wish to buy stylish Easter bm n':tsaiid other millinery goods, will call at the store and lo escorted through the room where the trimmers are at work. This spring's styles are beautiful and the prices such as will please every Ixidy. lMi't be bashful of not calling because the store isslightly "up side-down'' at present. In a few days the department store w ill be big ger and better than ever. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. Willi am Shaffer, a brakeman of Den nison, Ohio, was coniined to his bed for several weeks with Inflammatory rheumatism. "I used many remedies," he says. "Finally I sent to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of ChamtxT lain's Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and In one week's time was able to go to work as happy as a clam." For sale by all druggists. For Sale! Eight acres of land, 1J block west of M. P. Depot; good live room house, barn, wells and other improvements. Plenty of fruit of all kinds. For fur ther particulars call on or address, II. G. Stom., Plattsmouth. Reconstructs your whole body, makes rich red blood. Drives out im purities that have collected during the winter. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a family tonic. .Vj cents. Tea or tablet, tiering & Co, oovey CASS COUNTY.--- S The family of Frcdrich Stohlman, de ceased, of Louisville, consisting of Mrs. Kundegunda Stohlman and her sons George, William, Fredrich, August, Andrew and llenry.and two daughters, Mrs. Louisa Kupkc and husband and Miss Eniilie, were In attendance at probate court Saturday to make llnal settlement of Mr. Stohhnan's estate. While here they were warmly greeted by their old-time friends and neigh bors, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sehlater and son Frank. Last Saturday as William Jones, the young horse thief sent to the penllen. llary from this county, was released from that Institution, he was con fronted by the sheriff of Lancaster county on another charge of a similar character, alleged to have been com mitted on or alxwt May 17. Sheriff llolcomb, of Andrew county, Mo., was ajso on hand with papers for the ar rest of Jones, but concluded to wait irtitil the authorities of Lancaster get through witli him. The supporting of a newspaper costs a town scarcely a cent. Though papers may be well patronized and the busi ness men tuny spend sums of money In advertising, the cash very ulckly nets hack into the channel from which It came. Nearly every cent a paper gatheu in Is spent at homo and it goes to the merchants who delight in bene, tit t ing themselves nnd the community by liberal advertising. Boiled down the facts are that a newspaper returns nil the money It gets to thosewhoglvo it, and Its work for the town and country Is thrown in as good will. Advertisements are leallv news for the housekeeper, business men. young man nnd woman and often for the lxivs and girls. They tell you where you can get the licst to supply tho larder, to furnls'i the home, to assist you In business ami to make your person neat and attractive and where you may save a few dollars, for merchants buying In larger lots some special class of goods can lo uirc a lower rale and can there- foroolTor ti sell them cheaper. Be 'cans' an advertiser navs us for the privilege of tdllng you ah nit his goods Is no reason sldc'cd new. why It cannot be con- Doings la District Ccurt. The case of iVuni.iO. Dwyera.'iin.Nt "William II. Pirkeos was dismissed at cost or ilaintitT on motion in open court. A motion for a new trial was over ruled in the case of William I. Can non against Chelsea Coudale, and judgment was ordered on the verdict returned by the jury in the case. in i ne case or me mult or ( ;w county against George S. t'pton a mo tion to require the defendant to give additional security on appeal bond was overruled. John M. Carter against Ben jamin A. Gibson. Dismissed at cost or plaintiff. In the case of the Citizens' State Bank of Lawton, Okla., against Cbas. D. Cummins, ct. al Judge Jessen decided the issues generally in favor os tho defendants. The case of the First National Bank of Plattsmouth, against Francis N. Gibson, et al, was continued on appli cation of the defendant. Henry J. DuBois vs. Eli M. Smith. Decree issued quitting title to prop, erty described hi plaintiff's petition. The two cases in which Win. Brant ner Is defendant, growing out of the shooting in the Murray hotel several months ago, have been continued to the November term of court. C. C, Parmele, Philip Thieroir, F,G. Filcke, Fred Ramgo and II, M. Snennlehsen gave rocognizanco for his appearance at that time In the sum of $1,500 hi each case. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless, little workers Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Millions aro always at work, night and day, curing Indi gestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Ileadacne and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pVasant, safe, sure. Only at F. C. Fricke & Co's drug store. ca tli Of 9 William Barclay, who recently pur chased the saloon of Harry Reed, in the Staddleman block, has leased the entire building for a term of live years and has moved his family to the upper rooms. Mr. Barclay says he Is a per manent fixture In Plattsmouth, and we hope he Is, as he Is a most pleasant gentleman. The following aro tho names of those who attended the assessors' meeting at the court house Tuesday: T. N. Bobbitt,.L A. Stottler, II. E. Cole man, in. .Minrord, N. A. MoCrory. F. A. Creamer, George Woods, A. Jenkins, Wilson Glhnore, John Albert, Henry Kropp. Geo. N. LaRue, Cread F. Harris. Ben Horning. J. G. Richey, William Weber and Wayne Twitchell. The assessors begin their work to morrow. There is not a democrat in Cass conn, ty that can truthfully say that the Journal did not give every candidate upon tho democratic ticket Its most hearty support last fall. One man In part icular, in whoso Interests we work e 1 harder perhaps than we would have otherw ise done, bad It not been for the opposition In Ids own party ranks, Is now engaged In repaying us for the "enemies we made" in so doing by get ling bis printing done at an opposition print shop. Why, w e are unable tosay. Wo simply done what we considered to he our duty last fall -Is he doing his now ? . We have already had a touch of spring, the warm sunshine and the southern l.ree.es pushing back tin rigors ot w inier aim snow ing evidences of the eariy changing of the season, in which all sleeping nature will take on new life. First appears the grass, painting the bosom of the earth in lioatitlful coating of green. Next comes the wild (lowers in their fra granc" ami neauiv. 1 lien tho luidson the bushes and trees, and In the mean time the birds which at the approach of winter Hew to southern climes will return to chatter and slug nnd build homes among us. The changing from the bl akness and desolation of winter to the buds and bli vsoins of spring Is tho most beautiful transformation af forded usliy the passing of the seasons. ' Parmele Theater Tuesday Eve'g, April 5th The New Musical Comedy Craze WEARY WILLIE WALKER : v J ) : - j v : : t The Funniest Farce Fvcr Written The Funniest Comedy ICver Played. The Happiest Comedians Living The PRICES Lower Floor, 50c Balcony, 35c Gallery, 25c Seats on Sale Monday Morning vV Smoke the Wurl Bros. celebrated Gut Hell" cigars. A report was in circulation Satur day that Boo Craig, living south of the city, had been seriously injured and rendered unconscious from the kick of a horse. Hoc came in a dav or two later to show his friends that the horso must have got In his work on someone else. Alexander B. Baldwin of Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska, and Mrs. Julia L. Monroe of this city, were married at tho rectory of St. Luke's church, in Hi iscity on Thursday afternoon, March l!Mt, Rev. H. B. Burgess officiat ing They will make their future home at Cedar Bluffs. The citizens of Nehawka arc made of the right kind of material. They went to work hist Monday and raised l.0 to increase, the reward olfercd for tho arrest of the thief who stole Louis Ingwcrson's team of mules, buggy and harness on Thursday night, March 24. The reward now readies the sum of $:ioo. People should be more careful in burning trash. Some have gone to bed and left burning the raking oil of their gardens and front yards. This is carelessness. If the wind was to blow hard In the middle of the night it w ould scatter tho tire in every direc tion, and the damage then can be imagined. Fred (J. Egenberger, who has been absent for two months' touring Cali fornia, Mexico and other southern points, returned home last Thursday afternoon, coming by the way of St. Louis. Fred reports a pleasant trip, and feels very much better In conse quence. He says it will do any one good to make a like tour. The happy musical comedy "Weary Willie Walker" wit li its load of laugh ter, and song, comes to the Parmele Theatre Tuesday, April Sth. All of the latest song hits including the new fad "Navajo" will be introduced. The announcement is made by the manage ment that a year's supply of laughter is crowded Into the throe acts of mirth and melody. Mr. Thos. Kecklcr of Mauley, while here Monday, reported that William Schleifert was very low, and his life despaired of. Mr. Schleifert is one of the old settlers of Cass county, is a re tired farmer and very wealthy. He has been ill with that dread disease, consumption, for many months, and bis lifo has been slowly ebbing away. Ho Is pastall human aid, and bis death is looked for at any moment. It doesn't do your town any good to air to the world the short comings of Its Inhabitants. If we were all saints one wouldn't want to live in Platts mouth. It takes all kinds of people to make a live town and besides you wouldn't appreciate us good people if It weren't for some bad ones. Platts mouth, taken as a whole is far ahead, morally, of most tow ns of Its size. A good, religious gentleman recently told us that Plattsmouth was heaven beside the town he had Just left, and wc believe him. ?5 For a Spring Tonic S Try a case of the Favorite John Guild 8 neens pcc nccn 8 0 i unc oi tnc surest 0 8 8 o Call on Ed Donat at the Peerless Sa loon, or telephone 112 and ICd will do the rest. All we ask is a trial for this popular brand and you will buy no other Try a Case To-Day. 8 8 lHhi:-:rEbRLIiSS- j ED. DONAT, Proprietor. S -JL A i X' A A A :A z; Uiggost Hit Ever Made 0 ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will 1)0 hold in the city of Platts mouth, Nebraska, on April fl, ltH)4, for the purpose of choosing: One councilman for tho First ward. ( ine councilman for the Second ward. One councilman for the Third ward. One councilman for tho Fourth ward. One councilman for the Fifth ward. Two members of the school board for i iiitKK years. One mayor. One clerk. One treasurer. ne police Judge. Said election will be held at the fol lowing places: First ward Perkins House. Second ward Tumor Hall. Third ward Jones' Livery Barn. Fourth ward Odd Fellows' building Fifth ward-Bach's Store. The polls w ill bo open at o'clock a. in., and remain open until 7 o'clock p. in. on said day. By order of the mayor. Fuank J. Moiuiav, Mayor. Attest: II. M. Soicnmciiskn, Clerk. Turners' Festival. Every amusement-lovinjr citizen is looking forward to one of the most en taining and enjoyable events of tho season -tho Turners' Festival, next Tuesday and Wednesday nights, April 5 and li. The working members of the Plattsmouth Turnvercin are putting forth their best elTorts to make this an exhibition worthy of your patron age. After the exhibition, dancing w ill be in order to those who love to "trip tho light fantastic toe." Re freshments served during the evening. Follow ing Is the program: Dumb Boll Exercises Boys Class Turning on Horse Active Class Indian Club Swinging. . . .Ladles Class Jumping Boys Class Horizontal Bar Active Class Basket Ball Game, Glenwood vs. Plattsmouth Wand Drill Active Class Apparatus Turning Boys Class Fencing Bout. E. II. Schulhof and Otto Wurl Flag Drill Girls Class Turning on Paralcl Bars. .Active Clas9 Basket Ball Game Ladies Class For Sale. I have a four horse power second hand Fairbanks-Morris gasoline engine I will sell cheap. It is in good run ning order and O. K. Having replaced it with a heavier engine, I will dis pose of it at a bargain. If you are In terested w rite me at Union, Neb. W. II. Banning. Miss Lydia Ostcnberg, Intermediate teacher in the Union public schools, spent Sunday w ith her aunt and uncle, County Superintendent Wortman and wife, returning to Union Sunday evening. County Superintendent Wortman departed this afternoon for Beatrice to attend the Southeast Nebraska Teachers' association, and will return Saturday. Have your prescriptions filled at Goring & Co's. It makes no difference who the doctor Is. o isccrs on the Market ft K