DO YOU GET UP WITH A I.AME BACK? KUncj Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost errlxly who nails the ir-ws-jmpcr U sure to luow of the wonderful cure wane iy ur. Kilmer's Swumt- koot. the L'reat kid- . liev, liver und Mad- j ' i.. r uer itracuj. It is the j;re:it mrd-ii-al t r iiutij li of the nineteenth century ; i I ..r. " 1 i i, i iiistuvereiiaiier jeais -vavjj of scientific research Vy l'l. iiiuiei, itic eminent kidnev and Madder specialist, and is wonderfully iuecessful in promptly curing lame hack, uric acid, catarrh of the Madder and Iirinht' Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Sw amp-Root is not rec ommended for everything hut if you have kidney, liver or Madder trouhle it will le found' just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, mid has proved so successful in every case that a special urriuiKenicnt has heeu made hy which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a look tell ing more alwut Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you havekidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer f'flZ-- & Co., l!inKhamton, j$iipw .V,!jEa N. Y. The reKular6M--SCg fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles are of Swamp-Root. Hold bv all kooi dniKKists. Don't make any niistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, mid the address, liinhamtoil, N. Y., on every bottle. The True Sentiment. Speaking upon tlio tarilT, Ucprcscn tativc Williams, In his recent and widely read address, exhibited the sound and discriminative views which characterize the democratic attitude, (saying that his party had no desire to demolish the tariff at a single blow, to explode it with dynamite, or to pull down its pillars and throw clown the structure with a'crash. It would re quire a considerable time to recon struct a tariff on democratic principles. In his opinion, though, the party's final Intent was clear. To democracy a tariff virtually represents a tax upon consumers. A democratic tariff, there fore, should as nearly as might be pro vide, for equal taxation of consumers; for an equalized charge upon con sumption, or the thing consumed. Mr. Williams thus correctly inter preted democratic conservatism. He publican conservatism is a misnomer, unless the English language has suf fered a distinct loss of meaning. The republican party stands pat on its federal scandals, on the trusts, on the tariff, and especially on its machine organization now in the (lower of de velopment. The republican party Is loath to forego the more abundant fruitfulncss which eight years' perfec tion of a machine holds forth. It is obliged to seek vindication upon its past record, its past policies: it is rigid ly held by circumstance to the defense of its career, its purposes, its attain ments. Change of attitude is utterly denied it. Its forced position from which the times admit of no escape is expressed in the unfortunate phrase "stand pat;" signifying extreme nega tion; excluding the Idea of determina tion to act, to improve, to move at all: denying intention and suggesting im potence of will. "Stand pat" is the position of a dire extreme, a party forced against a wall. Can there be conservatism In such an ultra attitude? The country is thoroughly tired of "stand pat" which denies not only the possibilily of remedy hut the existence of essential wrongs. Democracy will move along a middle course, carefully, guarding against unnecessary damage, seeking gradually to effect desirable changes. Worthy of Emulation. The spectacle, of Charles Francis, a Harvard graduate.and son of David 11. Frauds, the president of the World's Fair company, working daily at the World's Fair grounds, handling freight at $1.) a month, ought to lie an inspi ration to every youth of the country, to labor. We certainly hope that some of l'lattsmouth's unpromising loafers might emulate this example of indus try. The lesson taught, Is that labor is honorable, and that only in honest labor can happiness and comfort be found. Young Francis proposes to keep at it for a year at least. The value to him, in experience and health ns a treasury to draw from in the future, will be incalculable. At the last regular meeting or Sedg wick post, of Kearney, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Ilesolved, That E. Benjamin An drews Is an unsafe man to preside over the university ofthestateof Nebraska and should not only be asked to resign, but should lie tired bodily and driven from the state: that he has challenged the contempt of every liberty-loving, loyal citizen of the state, and especially old soldiers, who sincerely cling to the memory of our martyred president, Abraham Lincoln: and further, that we commend the World-Herald, of the city of Omaha, for the stand It has taken in opposition to the proposition of erecting a Koekefellermonumcnt on the university ground and will support the said paper by every means in our power. The Turners' Festival. Tlie various classes of the l'latts mouth Tumvcreln are very busy prac ticing for their festival Tuesday and Wednesday, April and ('.. The pro gram will be out next week, and an Invitation Is extended to all parties Interested in physical exercises, to see tho work that Is done by the classes of Tumvcreln. The Idea of the com mittee Is to nit' kt these evenings en tertaining as well as Instructive to the public in behalf of physical culture. Dancing will lie the concluding feat ure rach evening, and refreshments will 1k served In' the dining room by the ladies. Admission 2" cents. y T 1 J I I 1; 1 lH t I I Ten New Commandments. I. halt not go away from home to do thy trading, tmr thy mhi, nor thy daughter. J I. Thou shalt do whatevcrlicthin thy power to encourage and promote the welfare of thine own town and own people. III. Thou shalt spend thy earn ings at home that they may return whence they came and give nourish ment to such as may come after thee. IV. Thoii'shait patronietby home merchant and thy printer, for yea. verily doth not thy home printer spread all over the laud tidings of iliy goodness and greatness tliat the peo ple shall patronize thee. V. Thou shalt not ask a printer to take less than his price. VI. Thou shalt not ask for credit as goods cost money, and the mer chant's mind is over burdened with hills. Mis children clamor daily for bread, and his wife ahideth at home for lack of such raiment as adorneth her sister. Blessed, yea thrice blessed is the man that pays cash. VII. Thou shalt not suffer the voice of price to overcome thee and if other towns entice thee, consent thou not, for thou may he deceived. Kt'in cmber the fate or the calf that left its mother and followed a stray away from home and lost its supper. VIII. Thou shalt not ask for re duced prices for thine "Inlluenee'' for guile Is in thy heart and the merchant readeth it like an open book, lie laughest thee to scorn and shouteth to his clerk, "ha ha!" IX. Thou shalt not ask thy printer to take two dollars for a three dollar job because some other printer will do it for less money. The other printer may use cheap stock and may under pay his help. If thou trade with such as he, thou art accessory to his crime. X. Thou shalt not hear witness against thy town wherein thou dwell- eth, but speak well of it to all men, that thy home town and thy people may he proud of thee. As to City Affairs. The day is rapidly drawing near when the voters of I'lattsmoiith will he called upon to elect a mayor, clerk, tresurcrand one councilman from each or live wards. That it is important for every citizen to lie interested in the outcome of this election, goes without saying. Every citizen of the city Is mere or less interested in having a clean, conservative anil business-like administration of the affairsof the city. It is Important llrst that the interests of the taxpayers be carefully guarded, that franchises, when granted, should he given on terms equitable both to the holder and to the city, that the treas ury of the city he carefully and zeal ously guarded, and that expenditures be judiciously made and economically practiced. All this is necessary as wel' as to sec that the city Is kept within the bounds of its resources. We have good material to select from, and it is important that every .qualified voter should exercise his right as an A inert can citizen by voting for no man who is not in favor of "Kqual rights to all special privileges to none," in admin tering to the welfaref the city of I'lattsmoiith. A Favorite Remedy For Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough I!ein edy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger or pneumonia or. other serious consequences. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the at tack. For sale by all druggists. Time Table Plattsmouth, Neb. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joe, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points Mast and South. Denver, Helena, Hut to, l'ortlaml Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and all points Wct. Trains Leave as Follows: .o. ,;i -Local to I'ai'llli' .1 ii iii-t li li:. u 1111 No. 4 l,(M'iil express, (hilly, all points east anil south IO:iK am No. .HI I reltflit. ilally except Sunday, to l'aiillc .liiiiclliin 2:lii pin No. Ill- Local to I'aclllc .liuicllnil 4 : 1 .". phi No. 5 -Local express, I" Iowa points. t'hlcajjii ami the east J pm No. Ill- 1'ust express, ilally, from Lin coln to SI. Joseph, Kansas Chy. SI. I.ouls. CIiIi'iik'o. anil all Milnts tut. anil south s::.T pm No. Ill - IxhmiI express, dally, Omaha, Lincoln, lienver ami Inli rnii illale stations T:.M am No. I.'" - Local express In Omaha, via l'l. Crook anil South Omaha, ilally except Siinilay !l:'.'.'i am No. ?.i l,ocal freight. In Cellar Creek, louhillle anil South lleml. ilally except Sunday (1:10 am No. 7 Fast mall, dally, to I iinalia and Lincoln 'MS pm No. H Throntfli vesllliuled express for all points east ?;SS :im No. 3 - Vislllitiled express. dally, ii u ver. all ihiIuIh In Colorado, I'tah ami California ri : .'Kt pm No. I.'l Lincoln, tlraml Island, black Hills. Montana and I'aclllc nnrrii west n:'S, , No :i:i lical ex press. Louisville, Ash land, Willi. mi, Schuyler, daily ex cept Sunday 3; No. Si) I'rom Omaha ,"1:17 inn Sleeplm;, illnlnir and riclluliiK rlialr ears (seats free) oil throuuli trains. Tickets sold and liuitiMife cheeked In any point. In the l ulled Nines or Canada. Lor Information, lime tulilrs. maps and ll.'ki'ls.'all on r wrlie to V. I'icki'tt. I.xnl aniiit. I'latlsiMonth. N"l.. or.l. Francis, u eral passenni r iiifent, Omaha. N li. Missouri Pacific Time Tabic TIIA1NS (lOISU SOUTH. i .5 :i: ii dt 5 4d pm TIIAINS (HUSK SIH TII. N' 2 II :il pm No. ISS. Im'Hl frelithl y x am hUiiiui Wall Paper I liavo jut iwcivc-il my now i-tuck of Wail Paper. Remeinler, our slook is all now no paper left over from lat year. Come in and let us show you what pretty patterns wo have. You'll lie surprised to learn how nicely you can paper a room. Geo. W. Oilman Zhc JDnuifltst COATES BLOCK Perry's Restaurant I (,nd Short Order House ( KlHHlliX BUILUINU, X H North Side - Main Street S V - o t,,.. ....... jl ...For... illf Hatching Wr From THOROUGHBRED BUFF - ORHPINGTONS. Write for prices and description of muting. W. C. Hamilton, p- 2A0X riattsmoutli, Nebraska. ;XDOGOCXIXDOOSQQC3S3(DGi BY KEEPIN& LINE! And inarcliing ntiaiglit to Ueelbael? ?o, where- you will bo re paid for your trouble by Kettintr the best on tho markets. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, fre:-li daily from the markets. VEGETABLES, gathered frt fsh every morning. 'Phone 54. Wiilernniii llloek I'liiUsmoutli. R B. WINDHAM ATTiiliNKV-A'l'-I.A W. I'hilsmimth : : NehrusKii, Probate, Commercial Law, Real I'state Litigation and fonvlosureof niorttranesa specialty JOHN M. LEY DA, ATTORN tY-AT-L AW, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. rrep:ir!nu' nlistrui'H of lllle. runveyiineliiK nml eviiiiiinliii: lilies to mil esdie a hieehil- ly. W'nrk iimperlyil ami ehuiKes rensnn- ulile. uiliee:-Hduins li nml John IoiihI llulliline. near Cnurl llmise. I'latUinoulli, .SeliMisl.ii. Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many years It has been snonosed thai Catarrh, of tho Stomach caused indigestion and dy.-pepsia. but ths truth (3 exactly tho orposile. bulirc.llon causes catarrh. R. realcd allacks of Indigestion Indames th mucous momoranes lining the stomach and epo:Mt!ia nerves of the stomach, thus caus ing tha glands to secrets mucin Instead of tho lulces of natural nVi--.!ir,n Thi. ! called Catarrh of tho Stomach. Ko Jo! Dyspepsia Cure relieves all Inflammation of ths mucous membranes lining the stomach, prolects Ilia nervei. and cures bad breath, sour rl-.lncn . sense of fullnrss after eating, Indigestion, ayspepsia anj ail siomactl troubles. Kodol Digests What You Eat mane mc aiomacn awect. BoMlM . l-'wi'ir vr: $1 00. h"ldm 24 tlmal In Iriil whi.-h i.L r.n . frtar.d by E. 0. D.WITT CO., Chicago, III. j$ Mcnl.s Served at Kegulnr S $ Moul Honrs. S I Fresh Oysters k j (IX SEASON') X J Fish or nu ythiii in Market. K $ O0O03O3GOO 8 g (ilVK US A CALL. S j P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, EGGS Mm 3GXDGSOSX8 For Sole by F. C. FRICKE & CO r ' FIRST Frm and Ranch Lands In Adams, Phelps, Counties, AT $12 to $45 PER ACRE Depending on Location and Improvements For Price Lists and Maps write to W. Al. Lowman or E. A. Paine & Co. 212 Lincoln Ave. Oxford, Neh. Hastings, Nebraska ' PERCHERON JPIIWBSS contributes to l c matervaK Ts:...;t Company' - up". Protection-S'fe . .rntrctcd. The Biscuit. Crackers vcn iTTmpany ate door. SBP Lcc. as Acy baked. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY II 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'll 1 1 II 1 1 II I ill 1 IT1 1 ITTTTfTITITI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' T'lLIXU,,', a a. . i, B Example r instantly recognize their H you ever tasted. They contain hanced hJ GLASS : Harlan and Furnas Nebraska FK'OM - New Fabrics For Spring In MiitiiiijH. (rotiHorinH nml for ovorcdiils ure m;v to 1h kocii in all llio latest, novrllii's from English, Scotch and Anicrican nintiufactii rcrn. Wo will uiako your Spring overcoat or unit in tho liont and BWi'llosl htylo anil of artistic elc anco at a reasonable price. Frank McElroy Fifth and Main Nts.-rpstalrs STALLIONS lUPORTltD AM) lllll'.l) DT M. L. Ayres, Shenandoah, la Fnrlylntlm full I nrrlvixl with my liwt ImiHirtallon nf IVitIipi-oii unci lli'lKlun HtiillldhH, Hit nf tlm iiihhI Hurt, hi-iivy Ixiiin, low dnwn, bluckj kind. llliirkH, Imys and KriiyH. (n liunOrnl or ninin Hi'oorilcd Anl miilmin fiirm ti HPlcrt friiin. VimII hII with it eiinrmili'vtoliavirf:p IohI Ki'tKTH. Wn aid In iirKHiilrlnit cuui liHnlm to hiiy. V kIvh Iiiiik tlnnuin limikiililn impcr Dt hit pop c,Mit. If ynu wimt ii k. id iiuliiiitl comii umi ico me. fend lur t'utulnir. M. L. AYRES. Wrltn or tolpphono tiio and I will mp'l ynu ut tln depot. Tlio pli'lurn In of lllandc, tho liopit 1'iirclmmn Btulllon In AmiTlrn, m ported by unl lit the hid nf M. L, Ayr' Stud of IVroliernn Htitlllona. W -0 ia i,nno. -ri . .. placed in air do not As an example of this nerfWr k,,,: P-kage of Graham Crackers, - J Cnckcrs- nl 1 Graham cs f e best Graham flour, cn. V Absolutely Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovm ttKiNo SEND FOR OUR 1904 SPECIAL CAT ALOGUE NOW HEADY ' t! Reliable Store The saving possil-ilities our low prices create should appeal to all thrifty shoppers. We want only satisfied cus tomers, therefore we guarantee perfect satisfaction or cheer fully refund your money. The thousands of satisfied cus tomers we have in all parts of the country attest the good ness of our ";oods, the Lowness Of Our Low Trices. Special Showing . . OF . . Spring Shoes j-ty.-'if.'.7:-- mmm 4.50 and 5,00 ever AS EXTRA SPECIALS THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL fl.7r Women's Donolii luce shoos at .1, 2.2" Womon'a Vlrl KM (.'ood Year wolt oxttMiHii n polo slnws at 1,59, Mon'it and Wihihii"b Fin Vici Kid niid jintont colt choes tnu'lo to xull at 2.5l. :!.0H, ami M.'.n at 1.96 ham: you i-vi-u mvrN ot R Millinery Department A mail oinIit'.' If not wliy not? At nrisctit wo aro tiflcrinc bi totiUhiny xmIuph In STKKKT II ATS at l,t)S In :i nilir. WIumi writing dtute color '.vanti'd, or whether you diro a Har or face stylo. Write lor prices on anything everything. In please mentionJHs ai 16th and Dodge Streets. WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE ?FPM?t rst- mm ta;at LT will Purf Pownrn ro., nrw vornt. WRITE US FOR SAMPLES, THEY ARE ALWAYS CHEERFULLY FURNISHED All the Newest Styles arc here, the best leathers, the best makes In endless vo rlety. We have striven to make our SIIOK STOCK complete In every detail uiid have succeeded In the fullest sense of the term. You will nml nnr SIKii'S Always l't"t in quality mid Lowest in l'riru The greatest line of Fine Shoes 2,50, 3,00, 3,50, shown in the west, writing OMAHA