The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 31, 1904, Image 5

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Oash Given Away io Users o
1 pi n
We are coins to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of lion
Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for
have always given our customers, but
in Addition to the Regular Free Premiums
the name Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prize Contest, which will
mugs sumo ui our pairous rtcn men
The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the Ft. Louis World's Fair; the second relates to Total
V ote l or I resident to be cast Nov. 8, l'J04. $io,ooo.oo will be distributed in each of these contests, making
$40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more Interesting:, in addition to this amount, we will Rive a
ftranii Cirol Dmva aI CE fsfsfl All to the one who Is nearest correct on both
Five Lion-Meads
cut from Lion
Coffee Packages and a
2 cent stamp entitle you
(in addition to the reg
ular free premiums)
to one vote in
either contest:
What will bo II10 total July 4th tti-ndance nt the St. Louis
WnrM'a I' all I At C'hii-aL'o. July 4, IH93, tho attnndance wni 2M,L'T:t.
I'nr m-ari'st rorrvrt estimate reielved In Voolaon Splio Com
paiiy'H mllce, ToUmIu, Ohio, on or before Juno :)th, l'JM, wo will
klvc tir-it prim (or tht nearest corroct eitlmute, locum1 priio to the
next ncuiest.ctc, etc., & follows;
1 First Prize I2.R00.OO
1 Second Prlie
2 Prize -SBOO.OO each
6 Prizes 200.00
10 Prizes 100. OO
20 Prizes no. 00
fiO Prizes 20.00
ano Prizes 10.00
1H00 Prizes
2130 FP.IZES,
Distributed to the Public aggregating $45,000.00 In addition to
to Grocers' Clerks (see particulars In LION COFFEE cases) making &
lion- eFFEE f
IP aMtnaaag-ajKaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaF-tajaf
A Startling Discovery
13 r. Don's
Kidney 1 Backache Pills
Never before known to medical science, a dint: discovered by lr. Ior of
London, Midland, one of the nvcalest known specialists on diseases or Kid
neys and I'rinary Organs, discovem! I.y him dining his travels in the Philip
pine Islands.
For all Kidney diseases, viz: Irritation of the Madder, Scanty I'rine, Iiriglit's
hisca', lllieumatism, iMopsy, Nervousness and Lost Manhood. (Juick acting,
P"Mtive and speedy cure.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded
Mann fact u red only ly
Dr. Don Remedy Company
London and New York.
For Sale lv Your DrtiL'srist.
Mail Orders for $1.00 Size Killed Promptly.
Tor Mail Orders Address Omaha, Nebraska.
Dr. Don's Little Liver Pills, Price 25c per Box
( Mention This Taper )
& Si, Paul
1504 Farnam St.
lu HQ
fib Daily
"1 j Trains
ana women. ou can sen J in as many estimates as desired. There will he
MUiUUUiUU contests, and
mmtmmmmtmm opportunities
Whnt will be the total Popular Vote cnit for PrpaMent (vote',
for nil enndidtite combined at the election November H. l'.MH? In
l'JWclectlon, i:(.!IS!l.6?:i people voted (or President. I'or nearest cor
rect estimates received In Woolson Kplce Co.V office, Toledo. ().,
on or before Nov. S. I'JtH. we will give firnt prlie lor tho nearest cor
rect estimate, second prize to the next neu-est, etc., etc., as follows:
1 First Prize
1 Second Prize
2 Prizes $500.00 each
1 ,000.00
1 ,000.00
TOTAL, $20,000.00
5 Prizes 200.00 "
IO Prizes
20 Prizes
BO Prizes
2CO Prizes
1BOO Prizes
2139 PHIZES,
Price 50c ami $1.00
Thrt number f traln.i pjKr:itl bo.
tween Omaha nnd C1iieaio Vi.i tliu Chl, MilwauUcO A: St. Paul R.iilw.iy lias
been lncroHMo.1 t ' tlirco d.itly fant trains
each way. Tiie-0 trains are ivucnlrtonntly
enulrped wHh p ilac'i sl i'pini-raM, clin-Imi-enrs,
nnd In" T'TlimniMlialr can.
THa trains aro poltd, vv-ilu v.-stibulnl,
hnatnl by ute.un, and nri lit lit-U by
I'lntM'h Ran and plev'rMty. Nutluni; liner
moves en wbeeln. Th" s-rvloo on tho
dir.lnit-oars t wrt'ct.
Lcnv Union Depot, Omaha i
The Limited 8.05 p.m.
Eastern Express 5.45 p.m.
Atlantic Express 7.45 a.m.
f. A. HASH,
Cnrl We.ftrn Agtnt, OMAHA.
Coffee. Not only will the
the valuable premiums we
thus your estimates have two
01 winning a mcasn prize.
Printed blanks to
vote on found in
every Lion Coffee Pack
age. The 2 cent stamp
covers the expense of
our acknowledgment to
you that your es
timate is recorded,
1 ,000.00
1 ,000.00
. 1 ,000.00
. 1 ,000.00
TOTAL, $20,000.00
which'we shall give $5,000
grand total of $50,000.00.
r ail
The Anchor of Hope
When sickness or reverses overtake
you is the money that you have laid
by for the ,-rainy day." Pauperism
never conies to the thrifty, or to the
man or woman of foresight, for they
have something- put by in a safe instr
tution that is drawing 3 per cent in
Plattsmouth Savings Bank;
Red Rain of Southern Europe.
There Is red rain as well as red
snow, and It has been known to fall
upon vessels In sailing near tho coast
of Africa ami also, though seldom,
upon countries in southern Ki'ropo. It
Is a grayish nnd reddish dust, mln
pled with rain, nnd tho color seems
to be duo to oxldo of Iron, which is
Iron rust.
on Rixr.ipr or $5.00
I w III send you llm Poi.K'K Gazette fc
one year mid a complete Set of Hand mat
Iliulng (llovi s which will last for years.
or a line runuiing Uug.
RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Sq., New York
Has Greatest Proportion of Foreign
Born In the Country.
In the city of New York there are
only 737.477 white persous born of ua-
live pareuts, or but ZA per cent ot
the population of the t Ity. This state
ment moans that out of every luo per
sons living within the municipal boun
daries of New York 78 are either for
elgners or the children of foreign born
parents, or colored people.
New York, however. Is not the first,
but the second city of the country ha
luj the largest foreign born popula
tion. Fall Uiver Is first In that re
spect. Official figures show that there are
in New York city more males under
21 years of Slavonic paientage thau
of any other people, and the number
of Slavonic men more than 21 years of
ago exceeds that of any other na
tionality except Germans and Irish.
Leslie's Weekly.
Time Changes.
This Is a baby, it Is a girl bay.
How very bad tempered! How red
her eves What horrid contortions
sho makes with her face. See how
Riivaeelv she kicks. How like a de
mon she yells!
Yet In a few short years some man
will be half cra.y with wild suspense,
worshipping tho very air this being
breathes, devoutly kneeling at her
feet, and frantically begging for one
word, one pressure of the hand, even
a '.ook, which will give him hope.
Cautious Elephants.
Capt. Owen Wheeler, a British of
fleer, writes of service in India: "I
once had to pass a number of ele
phants over a river across which
there had been constructed a strong
bridge of boats quite capable of bear
ing the biggest elephant. Very near
ly tho biggest In Asia happened to bo
then In my charge and this particular
monster tested tho bridge and went
over without any rms, ami so tuu
forty-five others out of forty-eight.
Ilut three would not tako on the
bridge at any price and had to be
swum over, ono of them getting so
angry at being asked to walk where
bigger elephants than he had gono
over quite huppliy that he rushed vio
lently Into the. water and tried to
owu his mahout."
fhe WroiiK C'onurctloii.
The telephone girl and the bill clerk,
to whom she had promised her heart
and hand, were sitting in front of the
replace talking about the happy days
to come when they would be one.
From one detail to another the talk
finally drifted to the subject of lighting
the fires In tho morning. On this point
the young man was decided. He sta
ted It was hla emphatic opinion that
was a wife's place to get up nnd
start the fires nnd let her poor, haid-
orking husband rest.
After this declaration that wag si
lence for the space of about three quar.
ters of a second. Then the telephone
girl thrust out the finger enalrcled by
er engagement ring and Murmured
weetly, but firmly:
Iting off, please. You have got con
nected with the wrong number."
Ono Form of Argument.
A Denver Justlco comes to the sup
port of tho New York crusade agatnst
wheeling baby buggies on the side
walks by saying that If God meant
babies to go on wheels 1 ho would
have put wheels on them.
Record Fields of Honey.
One thousand threo hundred and
Blxty pounds of honey has been taken
from seven hives In England In one
season. A stock of Cyprian bees at
Dresden, Texas, yielded 1,000 pounds
in a ninglo season.
A New Comparison.
From tho Uowersvllle Clarion: "Mr.
S. Pugger, who lives on the Jim-
town pike, was a pleasant caller at
our office last Thursday. Mr. Peggcr
Informs us that they recently had a
severe hailstorm In their locality,
some of the hailstones being aa large
as chunks of coal." Baltimore Amer
Elect an Aged President.
Pembroke College, Cambridge, does
not believe In young presidents. It
has elected as Its master, Sir Georgo
Gabriel Stokes, the great mathematl
clan, who is olghty-thrce years of
Die With Their Boots Off.
Whether ihey are going to nccom
pllsh their purpose by poisoning, hang'
Ing, drownlnR or otherwise, suicides
almost Invariably take off their boots
before committing the crlmo.
A Simple DeluBlon.
An Irishman, newly arrived In the
United StateH, was ono day regaling
some friends with nn account of the
glories of a piny ho had witnessed the
night before. "How much did all that
lux'ry cost ycz?" asked an envious
member of the group. "Nlvver a clnt,"
was the reply. "01 Jlst walked In
backwar-rds, nn' th' mon be th' dure
thought It wuz goln' out I wuz."
And as It Turned Out He Had Chosen
A young man, at the risk of his llfo,
oved beautiful young girl from
drowning. Her grateful father seized
tho rescuer of his daughter by tho
hand and, with a voice tremulous
with emotion, said: "Noble youth, lo
you I am Indebted for everything that
mnkes llfo dear to mo. Which re
ward will you tnke $100,000 or the
hand of my daughter?"
"Ill take tho daughter," replied tho
heroic rescuer, thinking thereby to
pet both the girl and the money.
"You have well chosen," replied
tho grateful father. "I could not havo
given you the llon.noo Just yet, iny
how. as I have not laid up that
amount, being only a poor editor, but
my daughter Is yours for life. Takt
her and bo happy. Heaven bless you,
my children!"
Writer In Good ping Give.
Valuable Advice.
Give away what you tlou t really
need In your house. lXui't let such
things accumulate. They will soou
fill attic and cellar, and overflow into
other rooms, where they do no one
any good. You are not likely to
want them atalu, and lc Is a nuisance
to have them around. Long ugo we
should have boon obliged to get a
bigger house for our growing family
If 1 had followed my huwhand'a thrifty
plan of saving thi'-fcs. Bays a writer
in September tlood Housekeeping.
At first he thought 1 .aj extrava
gant, but now he acknowledges that
if other families would likewise rid
themselves of "truck" they are not
likely to use again In a thousand
years, house cleaning would be rob
bed of half Its terrors. Thrift Is a
homely virtue that easily degeucrates
Into miserliness. Some of us heard
old clothes, unused furniture, disianl
ed bric-a-brac, and the like, simply be
cause that habit has become so fixca
we are too stingy to give such things
away to worthy folks who need them.
Yet we don't mean to be stingy, and
are ashamed to discover that we ore
Calabash Tree of Weit Indie.
In the West Indies there is a treo
n height and sl.e resembling an ap
ple tree, called a calabash tree. It has
wedge-shaped leaves, large, white,
fleshy blossoms, that grow not like
those on most trees, on the smaller
branches, but on the trunk and big
branches. The fruit that succeeds tho
blossom la much like a common guu.'d,
and a good deal stronger, and often
measures twelve Inches in diameter.
The hard shell of this fruit Is cut Into
different shapes by tho natives and
handsomely carved. It Is made into
drinking cups, dishes, buckets and
even pots. It is said these calabash
dishes can be used over the fire for
boiling water, just as we would use an
iron pot.
Some Polish Guperslitio;is.
Toland is the land of many quaint
superstitions about animals. The goat
Is very lucky, but the crow, wolf or
pigeon are harbingers of bad
fortune. Here is a curious pre
scription: "To cure cataract in
the eye, take a black cock, make him
look at the sun, look at him yourself,
then throv tho cock to the ground,
Jump on f. fence and crow threo
How the Fight Began.
An old woman Hvlng some distance
from Manchester, Ky., was sum
moned ns a witness to tell what she
knew about a fight at her house sev
eral nights before, In which three or
four people were killed. She mount
ed the stand with evident reluctance
and many misgivings, and, when
questioned by the court as to what
she knew about the mutter, said
"Well, jedge, the fust thing 1 knowed
about It was when Dill Sanders
called Tom Smith a liar en' Tom
knocked blra down with a stick of
wood. One of Bill's friends then hit
Tom with a knife, slicin' a big pioco
out of him. Sam Jones, who was a
friend of Tom'a, then shot tho other
fellow, en' two more Bhot him, en'
three or four others got cut right
smart by somebody. That caused
excitement, Jedge, and then they
commenced fitin'."
First Aid to the Injured.
A novel apparatus to ossist In ren
dering first aid In case of accidents
has been tried In Paris. It Is like a
pillar letter box, and contains a fold
ing stretcher, a few medicines, etc. In
order to get at these objects It Is
necessary to break the glnss, as when
"calling" a fire engine. In this way
the key of the case and access to a
telephone Inside communicating with
the ambulance station aro obtained.
Educating Chinese Women.
Eight young Chinese women of the
highest circles in Klangsu have been
sent to Japan for a three years' educa
tion. It la the first known case of the
Jewels Owned by Rulers.
The Shah of Persia owns tlu biggest
diamond, the Sultan of Turkey the big
gest ruby, and tho Popo will shortly
possess the biggest topaz In the world.
Drawback to Temperance.
Measures to promote temperanco
In Swiss towns are Impeded by tho
fact that In nearly all hotels and res
taurants guests aro expected to drink
wine or beer.
Record Albatross.
Tho albatross varies from 12 pounds
to 28 pounds In weight. The largest
ever nhot was 17Vj feet between tho
tips of its outstretched wings.
Good Laws In Two Countries.
Neither In Frnnce nor In Austria arc
pauper children permitted to enter tho
Workhouse. They arc boarded with
peasant families.
Heavy Cost of Armaments.
Tho armies ard novice of tho nlno
Ir.rgeBt European powers cost alto
gether Just over 1,000 millions yearly
A Railroad Without Victims.
On tho Mexican National Narrow
Ounge Itnilroad from Corpus Christie
through Laredo to tho City of Mexico,
with Its branches amounting to moro
than 1,200 miles of operated road, for
more thnn 20 years no passenger has
been killed. Yet this road climbs moro
mountains nnd turns moro curves
thnn any road In the United States.
Similarity In Languages.
i urre are o.imu worn Which aro
used alike In French nnd Englis
without rlinngo In spelling.
Cities of Germany.
The German Empire has 412 cities,
with populations between 10,000 aud
Strange Retting Placet In Vogua In
Foreign Countries
Considering that a third of our
wholo Uvea Is spent lu bed. It Is not
surprising that much care, trouble,
and money should be spent on our
sleeping places.
In Kngland tne unhealthy feather
bed has beeti almost entirely succeed
ed by tho more Hygienic mattress,
which also la the rule In America.
French t eds are so short that the
average foreigner often complains
mat it demands a special education
to fold oneself up to the riyht sUo
for them. Many Norwegian beds aro
made to pull out from recesses. In
South and Central America tho hum
mock reigns, and tho Indians of
Guiana plait the most beautiful ham
mocks of grass, which they dyo
charming colors.
In Japan the bed consists of tho
matting covered floor with a curious
wooden neckrest; a form of bolster
that to a Europeuii would be a simple
Instrument of torture. Tno Chlneso
use low bedsteads, often elaborately
carved, with mattresses ai.d cover
ings of matting, In winter they
sleep In heavy garments wadded with
cotton. No one Is more easily suited
with sleeping accomodation than tho
negro; he, like a cat. can curl up and
take his rest any where. Modes and
Set Too Hot a Pace.
In the Hush of youth and health as
she Is, on athletic member of a
"Btreruous" household, Miss Alice
Itooscvt t is reported as having found
tho Newport "pace" too hot for her
physical powers. This Is not surpris
ing. Tho life lived by those of our
citlzeiiH whose irksome task Is to
keep themselves amused grows ever
more dillicult and is only to be en
dured by a sort of professional train
ing. It Is a familiar observation that
at a daylight function at tho end of
the "season" the "smart" women can
easily be singled out even by a stran
ger by their ha;;gard, fugged appear
ance. He Wanted Lime.
A recent visitor it, Maine tells of un
amusing experience lu tho "Prohibi
tum state." Anticipating the difilculty
of getting things to drink there hit
took with him, an ample supply of
"makings" for r,'r rickeys, all except
the limes, which he supposed he coulU
procure anywhere.
The day oftor arriving at his desti
nation, a small town near the Range
ley lakes, he went to the only storo
and asked the clerk if he kept nny
limes. The clerk thought a moment
and replied, tentatively:
"We got chloii-'n of lime and quick
lime, If those'U do you." New Yoilt
French Canadians In the U. S.
There are about 3,000,000 French
Canad'ans In America, to wit: 1,404,
974 in Canada and 1,228,000 In the
Unit ' States. Massachusetts has
310,000, and the otner New England
states from 00,000 to 95,000 enoh.
New York has 130,000, Michigan 140,-
000, the Dakotas 14,000, Illinois GO,
000, Wisconsin 50,000, Minnesota, CO,-
000; New Jersey has but 3.000, and
ennRylvania but 4,000. The 1,400,000
credited to Canada aro French-speak
ing. Those credited to tho United
States aro of French-Canadian origin,
but aro mostly English-speaking. Tho
distribution of the latter will afford
some surprise.
Sagacious Birds.
Mexico has a clever bird called the
melanarpes, which has discovered a
new use for tho telegraph pole. At
tho foot of the post this bird makes
a large hole, in which It rears Its
family; somewhat higher up the post
It makes nn observatory, from which
bored holes permit It to observe tho
horizon In every direction; still high
er this sagacious bird makes its store
house, and thus the polo serves as its
home, fortress, and warehouse.
Matter Enough.
During a voyage, on tho sudden
stoppage of tho machinery, tho vessel
having run aground, considerable
alarm took place, especially among
the female passengers.
"What Is the matter? What Is tho
matter? For heaven's sake, tell mo
the worst!" exclulmed one more unxl
ous than the re?t.
"After a short pause a horse voice
from tho deck replied:
"Nothing, mndnm, nothing; only tho
bottom of tho vessel and tho top of
the earth are stuck together."
He Was Spooney, Anyway.
The young man In tho tram, obserr
Ing that tho handsome young lady on
the opposite Beat was looking at him
very Intently, nnd thinking that ho
might havo Impressed her favorably
changed his seat for one by her sido
and ventured to remark:
"Haven't I seen you beforo some
"well," sho replied, "I'm not qtilto
certain, but I think you are the ninn
who stolo our spoous!"
He got out
The Law In Mississippi.
Mississippi's twenty-two legal
hangings this year Is called by ono
paper a "ghastly though creditable
exhibit." During the same period
there havo been but four lynching!
lu the state.
Spltibergen Deserted.
Spitsbergen belongs to no country,
ftnd sliico tho cessation of whnllng,
It In deserted, even In luimmer. There
are deposits of conl nml phosphates
but It does not pny to work them
300 Species cf Mooni-itoes.
A work by K. W. Theohold on tho
hiosipiltoes of the world, prepared to
aid medical men In Identifying the
kinds suspected of spreading dls
ease, deserlUs 300 species, 136 being
new, Most of these species are
round in and around towns, or are
pests known to trawlers and traders.
1 have just ship noil in a couplo of
car loads of nood all purpose liorscs ami
mares, which 1 will oiler for sale or
will trade for smaller horses for tho
the southern market. Call nnd Reo
horses ut my farm.
Independent Cigar
THt . .. V:
I'lialU'infrs Comparison In Quality ,
unci Wnrkiniuirililp.
Removing of Household Gooda a
Specialty. AIho, Uenvy
Bee Hive Restaurant,
.Main Street.
Mcnls nt nil hours. Special at
tention to tho f minor pntrona. Tho
tables nro supplied with the best
tho tnnrkets ntlord.
JOIIN COREY, Proprietor.
fvilk Churned In Calf's Stomach.
A Jersey cnlf at (ialesburg, Mich,
was treated to a breakfast of fresh
milk and then turned out to gambol
on the (jrcen. it frolicked to Its beart'i
content, but suddenly dronned dead. A
post-mortem examination showed that
tho stomach was full of butter, churned
from the calf's breakfast by tho ani
mal's activity. Tho stomach made a
good churn, but failed to digest its own
Big Prices for Diamonds.
Tho biggest prlco in cash ever paid
for a diamond wa9 . 123,000, given by,
the Duke ot Orleans for the Great Re
gent Stone, The Koh-i-Noor Is valued
at 140,000.
Hold Officials Responsible.
Chlneso olllcl 'Is aro held to bo
guilty before tho Son of Heaven for
Hoods, droughts, famines, fires, and
other natural calamities.
Th nam Fldrds hsM4
fnMrto Hf.S I lr trt bawlnl
McM nn Wmld.
npi c-x Horn ink Nw d
J rVLR. tnd S.rM
IrtHll olhr
M Ihirn.litiir
llnp tirUr; rlf
a Mintllr nulomie
tminn fit nv; m;lrui ,h- 1,Miu vxtxlrr; pool
ttv tour in.nliiii I v.l: f.uiw prntlr hun bll
brnrlnit wli.H ntvl )iitmnn; fiv f'v lnitiintd
wnolwroW. wil'i n tw.iulilul art rf n-krtrri Mrt
attn lim -uii lit vl vl I'tinl f.mrv iitIiiI htrt. .
Ak vi'ir ilrnli-r lor Ui In 'imnl Klclrfr
"n ' nn I 'Vi not tmy any wachltif vnlll yoa
llav arrn II.
N.llon1 So wind Machine Co.
J RrMV .. Nrw Vork. CM
4 Madia lrwl, C Mr art III
Nraral llulldln(, Van f'rinclKS, Cl