MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN The Plattsmouth Journal Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Austang Liniment Mustang Liniment cur. Cnta, I5nrn, Lrui. Ia u fcrovrr Ixty year. fr Man, Bat or I'oultrjr. Bo fur Uor ailment. limWr. up Stiff JUot. cure. 1-rtmtblte. and Chilblalni 1 Chilblain. R. A. 11ATES, l'tnusutB. EaUrrd it th ito!.- U P!ttvroth. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Austang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Austang Liniment Austang Liniment cure Sprain ami Strain., cure-Spavin and Ringbone, heal Old Sure quickly. Bent fur Cattle ailment. penetrate to the very bone, Ue-I thing fr a lam hur-e. ITVLIMIED WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, MEXICAN The Ticket to Vote Next Tuesday, April 5. For Mayor, HENRY R GERING. For CUj Clerk, H.M. SOENNICHSEN. For CKj Treasurer, K. W.CLEMENT. For Police Jude, M. ARCHER. Councilman First Ward, FRED W. EBENGER. Councilman-Second Ward, WILLIAM TIITENS. Councilman Third Ward, JOS. M. ROBERTS. Councilman Fourth Ward, PATRICK EG AN. Councilman Fifth Ward, WILLIAM .SLATER. Members of School Board, F. G. FRICKE. GEORGE DODGE. We are watering marbles to chalk that the "same old rinir" intends to down Jake Becson for county attorney if It can. Hide-bound Republicans. The Plattsmouth Newssays that the upponents of Mickey can now ahead and writes essays on 'oil" or any other favorite theme and keep it up until election day." That this is true concerning such hide-hound republi cans as the editor of the News no one will doubt and it would not make the east difference with him. He would be for Mickey or any other nominee from the first to the hist. If the four men who attempted to bribe Mickey at the beginning of his term, and whose names were never made public nor were they prosecuted, should be nominated by the republicans they would be just as acceptable to the News man. With that individual it is party first and then come the men. Wiiy do not the republican papers defend Mickey's "oil" deal?-Nebraska City News. 1'he.hident Smith was "royally re ceivea" when he returned to Salt Lake The press dispatch adds that "then he made a round of his homes." Is voting for II. M. Soennichsen for city clerk youknow he Is the proper man for the place. "He has been weighed In the balances and not found wanting." The New York delegates to the St. Lonls convention, as the Journal long since predicted they would be, are for Judge Alton B. Parker the next presl dent of the United States. Is the matter of the selection of po lice judge the voters know the worth of the present Incumbent M. Archer. He has filled the office acceptably to all.and In every particular Is "the right man in the right place." Rural Nebraska still wants to know "who Is responsible for the 1205,000 In crease in the state debt?" Perhaps Midget Mickey will attempt to explain during the campain, If his friends around thecapital don't muzzle him A vote for Pat Egau for councilman in Fourth ward Is a vote for a gentle man In every way worthy of your sup port, and one who w"l look after the interests of his constituents In the ad ministration of the affairs of the city Many people neglect the details of their business, and this failing is going to be responsible for a lot of kicking when the assessor calls. Chattel mort gages are frequently paid and the hold er falls to release it at the recorder's office, so it stands on record and will be taxed even if It is paid. Better look the matter up, neighbor. Is the Second ward the voters are rallying to the support of W. C. Tip- pens, a gentleman thoroughly qualified for councilman. Mr.Tippens is an en terprlsingcltizen, and he wants Platts mouth to forge to the front. He ac cepted the nomination at the earnest solicitation of his many friends, and they will stand by him loyally at the polls next Tuesday. The Journal Insists that Henry R Gering should be elected mayor of the city of Plattsmouth for several reasons, the principal one being that his Interests are purely identified with those of every citizen who desires to &eefthe city thrive and prosper. vot for Henry R. Gering means a vote for 'the faithful and honest adminis tratlon of the affairs of the city. TnE Plattsmouth republican ring has already selected the ticket which will be nominated at the county con vcntlon. It seems they didn't get "set down on" hard enough last fall, and propose lo display their gall again in putting up candidates of their Ilk, with the hope that the excitement incident to a presidential election will pull them through. With all this in their favor they will nominate one candidate who, In our opinion, can't "cut the mustard." Is reply to one of the Journal's pat rons the other day as to whether we would support the candidate nomlna ted by the democratic national con vention, no matter who may be the choice, our reply was about as follows Our democracy Is straight-laced, bible backed and copper-riveted, and we al ways take our medicine straight When the candidate Is named at St Louis, we are for him teath and toe nail. He will be a winner, too. Mark the prediction, please. Is Henry R. Gering the democrats of Plattsmouth have named for mayor a young man who Is possessed in every sense of those qualifications which will prove of great service to the city. H las the sound business judgment which Is so much desired and has the utmost confidence of every resident of the city that his action w ill be guided solely by w hat he believes to be right and for the benefit of the city as a whole. He is fully conversant with the needs of the city. Henry Geringshould receive the support of every resident of Platts mouth regardless of politics for his sterling qualities of honesty of purpose and push. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment is a positive cure for Piles. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN xfTmriN MPTiriv mpyican MEXICAN Austang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment cure Caked Udder to cow Beat for Sheep aiunent alwaya give aatuiacuou. cure- all form- of Rheumatism. Beat for Sheep aiLnent. drives out all Inflammation. The man who even dreams that har- many prevails in republican household in Nebraska, certainly hasaDioe lvinn lnse around. The certainty of "Coal Oil Johnny's" renominatiun Is net leslined to bring forth harmony, eitt- r. The midget has given Nebraska a ery unsatisfactory administration, but the "ins" have proved too many for the "outs." The "ins" have been working for the midget's remonlnation since the day of his inauguration. It was supposed that everything ran with the land" so that the 110,- uoiVKW which Congress authorized to be paid to "the Republic of Colombia" could be legally paid to the republic f Panama without any fuss. But the Comptroller kicks. So a new law must passed lie fore the money can be ii.'. Rats, "Sissy!" Congressman Burkett's popularity- seems to be very annoying to some of the little democratic sheets. They ought to take pride In the fact that eora.ska s representative stands so high, both at home and in Washing ton. News. Now ain't that a corker? Eminating as it does from the "pro lific" brain of a man who does not re cognize the ability of any man unless he Is labeled "republican." As it i Curkett, Inability, is rated is among tne lowest in congress, the same as Dietrich and Millard are in the senate. Ana an mat Keeps mm w nere he is is the great republican majority and Blowhard's oily tongue and smooth manner of "pulling the wool over the eyes" of the majority of his party in the first congressional district. hoct as little a thing as a man who prides himself on being a great states man could possibly be guilty of was the removoval of the headquarters for Ru ral Route No.3fromMynardtoPlatts mouth, no doubt because the patrons, most of them were democrats, and pre ferred to get;theirmail through Myn ard office. The Instigatorsof this petty piece of spite work constitute two or three hide-bound henchmen of Blow hard Burkett's, and are only fitted for position of ward-heelers. To say the least, it Is done for a purpose, unprin cipled In its bearing, and such pie-faced whelps w ill get their reward in the low est pits of hades. When the order came for the removal, we told a My nard resident that it was the work of two or three stump-tai'.ed henchmen of Burkett's, neither one of whom could control a half dozen votes to save their lives. A congressman who can be iniluenced by such a dirty crowd to do such dirty work, deserves the con demnation of all honest people. We make the statement, and w ith out the fear of successful contradiction, that Blow hard Burkett has clone as lit tle for his district, outside of the state capital, as any representative that ever graced the halls of congress. Now look out for some paid tool of Blowhard to "point with pride" to our rural route system, a system which has been estab lished in every county in the United States where the government thought proper and from which it thought would be beneficial to the people and ai me same time nnng in a revenue to the government. But the moment one of these routes fails in its establish ed purpose, notice the rapidity with which it is discontinued, Burkett or no Burkett or any other congressman for that matter. Blowhard has done so little for the district at large that when he is spoken of as a "slowcoach,' his hirelings rush to the front with their "pride-pointer." There is no use denying the fact that the staid, discreet, conservative men throughout the country stand In constant dread of Teddy Roosevelt fearing that he will at any time Indulge his impetnosity In the direction of hopelessly demoralizing existing con ditlons, and they arc determined that he must be replaced with a man train ea to statesmanship anu who can se cure and retain the public confidence, To encompass this a democratic presi dent must be elected, as, with the death of Senator Hanna, all opposition to Roosevelt's nomination has been dissipated. With a good man at the head of the national democratic ticket victory Is Just as sure to perch upon the democratic banner as shall roll around the 8th day of November, I'M, Sbsatuk Jiixkimi R. IU utiiv, the Kansas senator, has lieen convicted of bribery in the federal court at St Louis. Now it Is in order for hi in to secure an investigation by his asM elates in the Cnited States senate They will perhaps have some "white wash" left after they get through dou Ing Dietrich, the Nebraska scapegrace It took several cats to clear hiin'of bribery stink. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Here's a Chance, Girls. The Lincoln News says there Is two Lincoln young men who want to get married, and that it is no joke either, The News says further: W. A. Conkin, of 1S04 North Thir teenth street, has recovered his assur ance, and has written the News to say that he meant all he said in his letter to the St. Louis chief of police. It was only bashfulness In the presence of a lady reporter that made him de clarc otherwise when visited a few davs ago and asked regarding his epistolary enterprise. His friend, Joseph Walil, of Thirty second ani Doane street Is of the same mind. Both are eligible young men, who are anxiously seeking mates. "Good looks and money do not cut much figure in the asperatlons of these youths, though no doubt these per- niisites to a "tine young lady" would be acceptiblc if found in the right one, What they seek is a girl who can keep house according to approved methods, and who will prove a helpmate and model wife. Do You Want Strength? If you want to increase your strength you must add to and not take from the physicial. In other words, the food that you eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from the intestines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical it gives strength to ana buiias up strength in the human system. It Is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and the only combination of digest- ants that will digest the food and en able the system to appropriate all of ts health and strength-giving quali ties. Sold by F. G. I- ricke & Co. Don't do That. Some people envy even the wealth accumulated by dishonest method: Don't do that. Is you are willing to listen to gossip you wiH surely hear it. Don't do that. The man who cannot tell a story 1; always trying to do it. Don't do that Failure to make a child happy when opportunity otTers is worse than sinful. iRm't do that. The easiest thing in the world to do is to deal out good advice all the time. Don't do that. Some men imagine that if they ad vertise their own virtues the world will be too interested to see their faults. Don't do that. 11 is easy to acquire the habit of leaving your smiles at the office and taking your troubles home. Don't do that. Some men waste time waiting for somebody to give them a start that couldn't accomplish anything if they were started. Don't do that. It is wonderfully easy to spend all of today thinking what you will do to morrow. Don't do that. Women at German Universities. There are at present 899 fam&le students at the German unlversltlM, fta aea!n?t 737 last summer. Of these Bfrlin has 370, Ponn 84, Heidelberg 7i, Drealau. C5, Leipzig, 53, Frtlburg 43. Gottinsjen 3S, Konlgsserg 36, Strashurg 2K, Halle 28. Munich 22. etc, Usually the number of "coeds" Is larger durins the winter semester than in summer. Thus, there were 1.262 "hearers" last winter and 1,029 In the winter half-year of 1900-01. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. The Midget has smooth sailing now. Harrison has "pulled oil" and the lit tle governor has no opposition for a re nomlnatlon. Mickey Is not near as strong as he was two years ago, and his henchmen rely a great deal upon the excitement of the presidential elec tion to "whip In" those republicans who arc not favorable to the midget, Easy PoDi Easy to take and easy to act Is I that famous little pill DeWltt's I Little Early Risers. This Is due to tha fact that they tonic the liver In stead of purging It. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate laJy, and yet they are so certain In rfsnlLj that ro one who uses them Is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, )aundlc, headache, malaria and ward off pneu monia and fevers. riirAtio cult iv I X. C. DeWITT CO., CHICAQO Vj Don't Forgit thi Nami. fj Early Risors For Sale by F. G. FRICKE & CO or THE Da,nk of Cass County. of riattsmouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. iQiiirtumUnt In the Stale of Nebraska, at the close of business March t:th. 1M. RESOCBCCS: Nnand Discounts I Ji 331 SO ivrrdrafls. secured and unsecured S AJ al t'k,ecurltle. juiitfiuenu,ela!uis etc i-w Banking house furniture, and fix ture ay)!) Other real estate I .T 25 Current expenses and taxes paid.. I'll ' Cash Item. 1S3 W Due from national, state and prl- vate hnnks ami hunkers H N Total cash on hand 1" w Total I 43 3Nt M liabilities: Capital stock paid In I 50 0 00 surplus runu i ' I mllvlded profits 7 I'll Se Individual deposits subject to check ItH uis Demand certificate of deujalt IH hkS 6tt Time certificates of depiwit I'M W W Due to state and private banks and nuiiKcrs " ea oi Bills payable 2S DUO UO Total Ws 3ks State or Nebraska, t county or tasa. ) I. T. M. Patterson. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear lhat the above statement ts correct and a true copy of the report made to the State Banking Hoard. 1. il. I'ATTEK-SOM. Cashier. Attest: Cms. C. Parmele, I Directors. K. F. Pattebso, "lrecloM Subscribed and sworn to before me this 35th day of March. I AM. U. K. Hame. .-notary ruuuc. My commission expires October s. I'Ari. LICENSE NOTICES. LICENSE NOTICE. VOTICE IS FIEKEBY GIVEN THAT TME undersigned haj Bled his petition as re quired Dy tne statutes or tne Mate or .enras- ka with tne city clerk or the city or nutts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous lluuors for the Coming municipal year In the building situ ated on lot twelve U-) in niocic thirty (JU) in the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. rETKR uxm. March 31st. 1904. Applicant LICENSE NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has Hied his petition as re quired by the statutes of the State of Nebras ka wun me city cterk or tne ci'.y or riatts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the coming municipal year In the building situ ated on the west half IwS) of lot six t In block thirty-four 0i) In the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, HansH Uoos. March 31st, 1K4. Applicant. t 8 8 8 8 8 LICENSE NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has tiled his petition as re quired by the statutes of the Mate of Nebras ka wuu tne cur ciera or tne city or fiatts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malL sDlrltuous and vinous lluuors for the coming municipal year in the building sltuat ed on the east nair lesi or lot twelve tl-Ji In block twenty-eight () In the ctty of Platts- moutn. .-neiirasu. ld, luobkhiiEk. March 31st, lao. Applicant LICENSE NOTICE. M-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned lias tiled his petition as re quired by the statutes of the State of Nebras ka wun tne city clerk or the city or Platts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous lluuors for the coming municipal rear in tne oiillcllng situ- ateu on toe east nail te- or lot twelve In block twenty-nine (i) In the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska. Ko. Don at. March 31, luot. A I leant LICENSE NOTICE.'- M-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE A1 undersigned has Bled his netltL.n re quired by the statutes of the state of Nebras ka wun tne city cierg or the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a Uceiu in sell malt spirituous and vinous lfmior ih. coming niumcipui year in tne liulldlng sllu- tne nki. u.ii ic-v ui mi mree ! in blx-k tblrty-three (33) In the city of Plattv mouth. Nebraska. Clais Spu'k March 31. IM. Applh.;ai)t. LICENSE NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has Bled his petition as re- quirru uy me simmes or tne .stale or .Nehras ka with the city clerk of the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a malt spirituous and vinous liquors for the cumin municipal year in tne liulldlng situ ated on lot six oil In block thirty three ,33) In the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. , ., ... Phillip TheirO!.-. March 31. 1304. AppllcamV DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. OTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN THATr.rn. Ing A Co. have Sled their n..ioi,. .... quired by the st atutes of the Stale of Nebras ka with the city clerk of the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors for medic Inal. mechanical and chemical purpim-s for the coming municipal year In the le.lldlng situated on the west half iw,i of .-..u.Z (13 of block twenty-eight , lhe r- f Plattsmouth. Nebraska. 0 mi Nil .V. Co.. .nan u m. ijo.. Applicants. N DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT George W. Gilman has Hle.1 hi. as required wy the statutes of tlie Mate of Nebraska with the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, requesting a permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal, mechanical and chemical uurtioses for the coming municipal yesr thehtllMIng situated on the east half lev of lot eight ( of bl.s-k twenty-eight ex In the city f f'lmu mouth. Nebraska. Ueohoi W. tin. wan March 31, Urt. Appllcaut. DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH T F U r rlcke Co. have Bii ,,. as required by the statutes of the "tfite of Ne braska with the city clerk of the cltv of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, requesting a permit lo sell malt spirituous and vinous" Wiuors for medicinal, mechanical and chemical puries for the coming municipal year In the Willing situated on lots one Hi and two In hi.s k thlrty-sli (31!) In the city of Platumouth Ne- r. r nitas & Co., hraska. March 31, 1AM. Applicant License Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has Bled his p-iltlon . re quired by the statut.-sof the Su,.. of .Nebras ka. with the cliy clerk of the cliy of platts hioiilh. Nebraska, reum-stlng a li, enw to sell malt 'spirituous and vinous liquors for the coming municipal y.-ar In the building situ ated on the west half. ws of i nlim (V in block twenty-nine (S) In the city of Platts mouth, Nebraska. Mwh24.l-.V4. W. M.llAHtl.AT. Applicant 1 Abstracts of Title V Thomas Uallin$. Or nCK-AoLraHt-llusb Block. y co o es u u 0 0 u o 0 c (6 c rC (0 y Staple and fancy Groceries, Queensware, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes P. PEARSON 'A DKALKK IN General Merchandise UNION BLOCK Independent Telephone No. 198 Plattsmouth, Neb., March 10, 1904. Dear Reader: We see new faces every day, but we still we still want to see more, so if you have not called and given us a trial why not do it now. Our business is increasing every month, but is still in its infancy, and a robust infant at that. You can save money by joining hands with this in fant, as it will lead you to low prices, first quality goods, courteous treatment, full weight and measures. All we ask is a trial by you, dear reader. We want you for our judge. Yours to serve, P. PEARSON " 8 D O o o Cu (A 0 0 e4- (A P eT 0 k To Cure a Cold in One Day Tate Laxative Bromo Quinine iTatiets. a mL Seven Million boxes sold ia post 1 3 aonths. This Signature, Cat Crip li Two Day. OA every box. 25c UEl'ORT OF THE CONDITION or THE Murray Sta.te Bank, of Murray, Nebraska. Charter No. 378. Iin-orpi)r:itfl In the S'tutfuf Nebraska at the close uf business March 17th, 11)04. KEMOfltCES: Loitnsaml IMscmints I 3) W1 tU i ive nd ihimh-uiviI. . TiC HI Ounvrit expenses mid taxes paid.... 1 4) Iue fnmi national, state and private hanks und hankers 6 175 10 Check and Items of ex change none Total cash on hand 1 X- 43 J 7 si.Cl U Total f 30 601 (A i.iabii.itik-h: Capital stork paid In i i UW 00 surplu fund UTS ?:t I nillvldcd profits 1 :) OW Individual deposits snti- Ject U) check I 21 Ml OS Time certificates of de. p.,lt 1 3WS 60 3 157 f Total i 30 601 64 ;!tate or Nfiiiiaska, t County of Cass. I I. has Stone, Cashier of the above name ed liank. do solemnly swear that the above statement Is correct and a true copy of the re port made to the State HankliiK lioard L'iias. S. Stone. Cashier. Attest: .1. M.TONf, '.Directors. .1. A. I'oi.i.ARn t r tors. SulKCrthed and sw jrn to before me this 'Xllt day of March. I.4 II. C. Wr.sT. Notary P'lhllc. My commission expires March 15, IW. J .V 'x 1 J -V Bottled in Bond. id tbc Gbcapcdt in tbc EnM liili foiriW Oronrtth Arfo anri ftiaM; 'JlCJiii.oiiuiiiiiicuiiuyupii; m fill mi Toor Whisky is not only dis RLrrnble to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the Btomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is. como in and try it. PRICES: Phillip PLATTSMOUTH, GuckcnhelmeriRye, per gallon... $4 00 Yellowstone, " "... 4 00 Honey Dew, " "... 3 00 Ug Horn, " "... 2 00 Tliieirolf. - NEBRASKA Free While They Last Free SNAli 1'KOOF Rubber Boots THE KIND THAT WKAI) $3.50$4.00 We liave tlirm clicaiwr Ladles Rubber Boots $1.75 SHERWOOD & SON A Beautiful Lithograph of Dan Patch With Every Package of International Stock Food Get Your Stock in Shape For the Heavy Spring Work. You don't have to buy a barrel, get a 25c or 50c package Try it ami you will buy more. F. G. Fricke & Co. PHARMACISTS Union Block, Sixth St. Plattsmouth, Neb. Best Job Printing at This Office