The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 31, 1904, Image 2

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i c, in -,r, j
Miss Aeries Miller, of Chicatro. l nenks
to young women about clangers of the
Menstrual Period how to avoid pain and
suffering and remove the cause by usino-
' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable , Compound.
"To Yorrxa Womlx: I'RufftMvil for six years with dvKinenor
rhea (painful periods), so much so that I dreaded every lno'nth as. I
Jcnaw it; three- or four days of intouso pain. The doctor said
thU was duo to an inllmied condition of tho uterine appendages caused
by rop.-ated and negleutetl cold.
"If youiiff girls only realized how dangerous it. is to take coid at
this time, much mi tiering would he spared t liem. Thank God
for Lydia. E. Pinkliuin's Vegetable. Coinixmnd, that was the only
m.'dieino wliieh helped me nny. Within three weeks after I started to
take it, I noticed a marked improvement in my general health, and at
tho timo of my next monthly period tho pain had diminished consider
ahly. I kept up tho treatment, and was cured a month later. I am like
another person sinco. I am in perfect health, my eves arc brighter, I have
added 12 pounds to my weight, my color is good, and I feel light and
happy." Miss Agnes Milllr, 25 rotomao Ave., Chicago, 111.
Tho monthly sickness reflects tho condition of a woman's
health. Anything umisunl nt tlmt time should have prompt
and proper attention. Fifty thousand letters from women prove
that Lydla K. IMnkhnm's Vegetable Compound regulates men
struation and makes those periods painless.
trouble was
monm went
i invited to
Lynn, Mass., her advice Is free nnd obeerfully given to every ail
ing woman who asks for it. Her advice has restored to health
more than one hundred thousand women. Whj don't you try
It, my Bick sisters? '
,fKORF'T u, T "l" forthwith prodnca tha orlrlml attar and llrnatnret of
ub kMliuioaUU, which will .rn their al.tnlute intoilnwitM? '"
Will K. rUikinun Modleia Co., Lyun, Uau.
Nature doesn't use self made beau
ties for pntterns.
Don't you know that IXlanre
ftarch, besides being absolutely supe
rior to any other, Is put up 1C ounces
In packages and polls at same prt.'e
aa 12ounce paekaBCs of other kinds?
It Is easier to enduro tr.ilure than
to hear success.
free to Twenty-five Ladies.
The Defiance Starch Co. will give
25 ladles a round trip ticket to the
St. Ixwts Exposition, to five ladle
Id each of the following states: Illi
nois. Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send In the largest
number of trade marks cut from a ten
cent. JO-ounce package of Defiance
told water laundry starch. This
means ffom your own borne, any
where In the above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed to
and received by the Defiance Starch
Co., Omaha, Nobr, before September
1st. 1SUM. October and November
will be the best months to visit the
Imposition. Hemomber that Defiance
Is the only starch put up 1G ox. (a
full pound) to the package. You Ret
one-third more starch for the same
money than of any other kind, and
Defiance never sticks to the Iron.
Tho tickets to the Exposition will be
e.nt by registered mall September
6th, Starch for sale by all dealers.
bold heaAod man can't lose any
thing by trying a new patent hair re
storer. W. L. DOUGLAS
$3. & $3 SHOES
W. L. Douglas
shoe have ly tlielr
rxcellent style,
uvv-tlttlna, tail
superior wearing
litrtlltlev nchlcveit
the lurgit milo of
nny hIiucs lu tho
Tln-y uro Jtut a good
m lluw that runt you
M to 15 the only
iiueretn-e istlioprico.
Soli Curiwh4ri.
Look for nann ae
Iirit-A lift htt Inm
ColUkln. whlrhU.rwlur -..n-lf. to
" "" l.-ntlirrvrt fr..,unt.
rltfgrLllo. .l. t.tU,. Brurkloa, tuZ
Lincoln, Nebroaka
-t Cernna tm,
Fron,h h,ift
Th LARGEST hnritn .1 FIRST-
rl ASS l'lMn l li,, ,-nnrrm In ill Iht
F POM. On ttniinf In Llmali IM
Sr Wm timt iiiiIimik,,
it Carat t4 m Ik nt.
I a. Dat. Til. t;i I. n..
, J em
"Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: Lydla T. Pink
linm's Vegetal-.lo rompound has greatly bene
htted me. I will tell vnn limv 1 cuflorwl
painful menstruation. I felt as each
by tlmt 1 was getting worse. I had
severe Dearuig-uowii pains m lr.y lack end abdo
men. "A friend advised mo to try Mrs. Hnkham's
medicine. I did so and am now free from all
pain during my jwriods." Jessie C. Lindbeck.
1201 Gth Street, liockford, 111. , .
Reitlnilfr. Avfrv U'Mllun lu
... mt y k it lull jr
vrlt 1j ti
Is anything about lier symptoms slip does
tinilerstimil. 1H
As the wise man knows he Is a fool
ho is miserable; the fool iinaRines lie
is wise and Is happy.
B.iUofi Earllt-at Can.
Another new thin. Can ha cut sis
, times dining a Feasoli nnd sprouts
I nwiti wltti liKhtnhiB rnpldlty. Next to
. Seizor's 'IVoKlnte it will make morn
piven fodder than anything else; cheap
I as dirt and irrown everywhere.
I of tvdzer's Itenovator tlrass Mixture,
Just the thliiR for dying out pastures
and meadows, Mr. K. Kappold. Last
I'nrk. ('.a.. wrltHM, "i sowihI sjulxer's
I Orass Mixture on soil 'so poor two men
I could not raise a fuss on It.' end In
I forty-one days after sowing I bad the
; grandest stand of urass In the county.
: 8;ilzer'n Grass Mixtures, sprout quick
ly and produce enormously." 100,000
barrels cholre Seed Potatoes.
Here Is a winner, a prodigy, a mar
vel, enormously prolllle, Btro.ig,
healthy. vlKorous, producing In thirty
states from 150 to SnO hu. per nrre. You
had l)..t sow a lot of It. Mr. Farmer.
In l!Mi4. nnd n the full sell It to youi
neighbors at 1 n bu. for seed.
to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La
Crosse, Win., and receive In return
their big eatalo and lots of farm seed
samples free. (W. N U.)
Fresh people nusht to b" snt upon,
but It's different with fresh paint
Btopn the Cough and
Work Off the lt
laxative liromoyuiu'ue Tablets. rrlee2oe.
That which is useless cannot be
rnnMntlf rami. ?Tn SUor iwrrratnm ft
1 1 a iliHttUv'. uwor tr. klln'iiumit rv Hmtnft
C: Hnd for FUF.K Oil trial Ixililr aiirt Irrati
t. k. U. Klui, lui. Mi Arch Slrevt, fiaiaaliliu, i
iHigs and porous plasters are fre
il'iently attached to nianklnd.
All creameries use butter color.
Why not do as thev do uso Jl'NE
Stationers are about the only men
who are able to Keep diaries.
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch, not alone
because they net one-third more for
the same money, but alto because of
superior quality.
A man Is as anxious to get away
from a bnby as a woman to get to It.
Am I In favor of expansion? Every
thing that aroWH expands. See bow
Him Statu Tanners' Mutual Insurance
Company of South Omaha has grown.
Jan. 1. IRfui we had f oO.21Ii.00
" " 1897 wo had CS.Sr.O.Ofl
" " 1SU8 we had S.CM.l 05.00
" " ISM we had .i2 1.375 .00
" " IflOO we had 7.6S.73.O0
" " 1.01 we hnd 10.48O.4x:i.O0
" " 100! we hnd 13,5 41. .167.00
" " 190.1 we had lk.4l:t.Rt;9.oo
" M 1904 we had lS.41ti,.1KS..12
Don't you think you would like to
belong to a live Compnny like this?
Write the Secretary, M. It. Htourfer.
South Omaha. Nebr.
Short prayers have the surest aim.
f A Lenten Sacrifice
There was an accusins voice In the
swelling notes of the big pipe organ.
Teal upon peal of denunciation rolled
out Into the dim-aisled church and re
verberated back from the vaulted cell
ing, all Its solemn impeachment seem
ing finally to center Itself in tho pew
occupied by the stately Miss Weyman.
She trembled under tha stormy ar
raignment. She looked back over her
life with a shudder and realized for
the first time its utter selfishness.
There were no crimes of commission
upon her spotless life, but what had
she done to make tho world brighter
or better? Nothing! . The answer
seemed to come in mighty anger from
the big organ, rather than from her
own Inner consciousness.
Hred in luxury and reared In Idle
ness, what had she ever accomplished
with the ten talents that the Master
had given her? Mer charities? She
had given much out of her abundance,
hut she Iiad never given so much as
a crumb of bread that meant sacrifice
cf one moment's comfort. Selfishness,
selfishness, selfishness! H was the
keynoto of her life and the whole
message of the big organ that morn
ing. The sun presently shot through a
great stained-glass window that cast
a Mood of golden light athwart Miss
Weyman's pew, and that same mo
ment the thunderous rebuke of the
organ ceased, and In Its place came a
strain of pleading harmony and then
a sweet, clear note of humble praise
with a sorrowful undertone that car
ried with it a suggestion of the agony
o. the cross.
She glanced up and a bright smile
from the choir turned her cheeks
Hflnme. There was her guilt of sel
fishness! She realized now that this
was the thing that had lain dormant
upon her conscience for so long. And
there must be her sucrlflcc! She
turned faint and almost cried out at
the thought. He belonged to her!
He belonged to her! For five long
yenrs they had been ns good as bo
trothed and for two years she had
worn hhi ring, waiting, waiting until
his pride should be satisfied with the
measure of succes Vie. had set him
self to accomplish before marriage.
And the ime had utmost come.
Two years. But In that time her
younger sister, Grace, had suddenly
bloomed Into womanhood! She turned
suddenly to the sister at her side.
She, too, was looking rp Into the
choir nnd exchanging a bright smile
with the handsome young bass. Grace
.lust when the verdict was reached
that the lily had become too hack
neyed and rommonplnee to be given
a post of honor In the Enster decor
ntlons the florists face about and hold
the lily tip as a scepter over all tho
other blossoms of the season. In the
little chapel and In Imposing cathe
!t nil! be regnant.
bynixon vvateraun.
Wej. )oyoi bells! Your gla
tells mc olden,
tirtK tomb of Lenten gloo
Breads forthtlic bloom of datMps glory,
Easter moitffispints worn.
song is borne; .of
from tUcir tiiWats
bells' decMOtes
unioia, in
f 9
IJht spotless. vhltcW
m in
vmih wfli anajvpemiest
Witb iieavcn-scjt, sac
giief arise 2nd IKtvSkeir eyes
Toyernal skies of ml
(On turn glad day wc rolraway
one tbat would
ind praisiiBg (o God
JoTtiristJjme Saviour, hath ark
turned at her sister's movement and
met her eye with a calm, steady gaze
in which there was no concealment,
then smiled at her with the perfect
understanding of true sisterly affec
tum. Miss Weyman caught her breath
with a sigh of relief. There was no
disloyalty there, she knew. She re
flected with a pang that these two
young people did not know their own
secrets as yet. They might never
know It! He would, in his simple
honor, go calmly through his pro
gram and marry her when the time
came, and Grace would deck her hair
with orange blossoms. Why should
she not go through with her share
of the program, too? She would!
She must!
Again that organ! It rose once
more to its stern roll of denunciation
and Miss Weyman. as if she had done
a guilty thing, looked apprehensively
nt the calm pure face of her sister.
Ah, but .these two were made for each
other, and if it were not for the high
sense of honor that kept their loyal
minds untainted even by the thought
that things might be other than they
were, they would be sweethearts even
now. She reflected that herself and
the man in tho choir were of exactly
the same age and that the time would
c.ime when she would be no longer
joung; that he must sooner or later
see what he had missed to make his
lite complete. She loved him, but did
ne love her as a man should love the
woman he marries; as he could love
Grace If he were free to do so? She
looked up again into the choir and
sought the smile she loved so well.
She studied the smile when it came
ns she had never studied It before,
and as the big organ pealed out tho
opening passnges of the To Deum,
she bowed her head In her hands for
a moment, to fight back the tears
that sprang to her eyes r.s she silently
made her Ieuten sacrifice. Uis Au
geles Times.
Eoster in Russia.
In Russia Kuster Is the most Im
portant festival of the year, and Is
observed by the Orthodox church with
greater ceremony than Christmas.
There is universal Joy In the whole
country. Strangers salute each other
with a kiss and with the words,
"Christ is risen!" Tho latter custom,
however. Is rapidly dying out.
The Greek church requires a strict
fast through Int. This fust Is ob
served by all classes, from the Tzar
to the humblest peasant. It Is thought
that If the fast be neglected the Kus
ter blessings will be missing, and
misfortune will consequently follow
through the entire jenr.
One Easter event for which lavish
decorations utu used, and yet one
that Is seldom mentioned In connec
tion with this season of the year, Is
the Easter christening. This Is usual
ly held at the home, and the bow win
dow or end of tho rHini In which the
ceremony Is performed Is arranged to
resemble an altar. It Is a pretty Idea
to build three Gothic arches and hui
the frames covered with tendrils of
green for the foundation. This may
be Jeweled here and there with blos
soms of Innocence and purity, and
great long bunches t,f u,m mny be
fastened with broml ribbons to the
dividing pillars or the arches. The
center arch should, of course, be a Ut
goUen sio
.life eternal;
in gladness float
or joy supernal.
at V!
meir com? ":ss,
mce ana cemess.
4 Miuii
703S beauty.
oar faith imprison,
our Kte
Quaint faster Customs
The universal Easter rejoicings In
olden times were not all because of
the great event which Easter com
memorates. Old records show that it
was often because the long forty
days' fast was over with a return to
solid eating once more not only to
solid eating, but for the time to much
feasting .
Anciently the" paschal or Easter
season extended from the Sunday he
fore until tho Sunday after .Easter
proper. On the Holy Thursday be
fore, called Maunday or Shere Thurs
day, there were services commemora
tive of Christ's washing the disciples'
feet. The Pope at Home, the arch
bishops in various countries, and the
nionarchs in England even through
Elizabeth's time had leet washing
services, the necessary accompani
ment of which was the giving of food
and money to the poor.
On tho last day of Lent everybody
in Home rushes to the Vatican. In
Italy the "sepulchers" in the churcheS
are watched night and day by people
clad in deep mourning from the dawn
of the Holy Thursday till midday on
Saturday, when the body Is supposed
to rise from the grave. The resurrec
tion Is announced by the firing of can
non, the blowing of trumpets and the
ringing of the bells which from tho
preceding Thursday have been care
fully tied up to protect them from tho
power of the devil.
The ceremonies of Easter day It
self are grand, long and many featured
throughout Catholic Christendom, but
anciently these were barely over be
fore secular performances began.
For many years, and perhaps even
to-day, the first disli brought to th"
table on Easter day at Queen's col
lege, Oxford, was red herring fixed tn
resemble a man, put astrido a corn
salad, riding away on horseback. Thl t
Is said to be a remnant of the old
pageants which were exhibited In tho
popular rejoicings that Lent was over.
Children In England, as at Wash
ington, go out and roll eggs on n
lawn or In a field, some rolling them
like Ixiwls, some throwing them up In
the air like balls. The chief glory of
a paste egg to a boy who wants to
win the championship in hard hitting
Is its hard shell. One who wishes to
gain a conquest with his egg chal
lenges a companion to give blow for
blow. He Is victor whose egg stands
the attack, and he goes on challcng
Ing. ile higher than the two side ones and
then In front of this Fhould be ar
ranged the little altar. For such a
service when the liny heir or heiress
of the house Is gowned lu Its (11 in lest
laces to celebrate the first formal
event of Its life, It Is the custom for
some relutlve to picsent a handsome
gold or silver chi Mi nlnjt chalice,
which reposes upon the flower laden
altnr Improvised for the occasion. The
top .f this nliar may bo hidden be
nea'h a velvet or le covering snd
across the front and tides Is draped a
curtain of floweis and ferns. Some
times this Is solidly overlaid with tiny
white lilies, which look ss If they had
been embroidered1 a rslseJ pattern,
Unusual Point Brought Out in Lecture
Before Body of Architects.
The tait that a knowledge of coi k
t.iils and darning are requisite to a
technical education In engineering
and an hitecture was laid before mem-
hers of the local chapter of architects
at Its meeting nt Ohio Mechanics In
stitute a few nights ago in a discus
sion on the subject of -Technical Ed
ni-iii Ion led bv Prof. Herman
Schneider of the Cincinnati univer
sity. The speaker. In making the state
ment. cited instances where inquiries
h;M come to the l.ehlgh university for
engineei rig graduates who knew how-
to drink cocktails, who could dame.
nnd whose personal appearance was
goo:! and who possessed a good edu
cation in engineering.
The Inquiry tame from a lnrgr
eastern bridge company, and two men
answering the description were cm
ployed at $I.')U per month, and Prof
Schneider stated that they were draw
ing $1,000 a year.
"Engineers," said he, "must now
have a broad education aud be able
to put up a good front and go Into
any kind of society. Firms want men
who can go out to meet prospective
big ustomers. entertain them and be
aide to till; intelligently about the
wine they are drinking, social topics
and also on engineering matters."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Experiments Made by the Engineers
in Charge of Ditch at Suez.
It has been discovered by the engi
neers who are occupied with the main
tenance of the Suez canal thut the best
of ull methods of protecting the bnnks
from crumbling and decay is provided
by the natural growth of reeds which
fringe the channel for some distance
below Ismalliu on the African side
and some rather Interesting attempts
have been lately made to plant new
beds in other parts of tho canal.
It Is stated that the local species of
reed with which the experiment has
been so far made will not live In salt
or very brackish water In the early
stages of Its growth, though It will
bear transplanting later, and that at
present the serviceableness of the nat
ural means of protection Is conse
quently limited.
Where the water Is sufficiently free
from brine, however, the network of
roots Is found to put a facing on the
loose soil of the banks more success
ful nnd permanent than a wall of
brick or stone, and it would probably
not be difficult to discover and estab
lish some coarse sedge or other plant
of the sea marshes. Country Life.
Bashful Contractor Not Fitted for
Public Speaking Gives Odd Excuse.
Elmer E. Johnston, executive com
misioner of the Washington World's
fair exhibit is attracting a great deul
of favorable attention in St. Louis.
Itecently Mr. Johnston gave the St.
Louis people some strong advice
against extortion, and the other day
he told a reporter a little story.
"Seeing all these buildings up," he
said, "reminds me of a hospital dedi
cation that I attended last October.
We had the builder of the hospital
there and we called on him to make
a spech. He was a big, ruddy chap,
timid and embarrassed. He got up,
bowed awkwardly and began:
"'Ladles nnd gentlemen, I guess I
am better fitted for the scaffold thun
for public speaking."
Overstepping the Limit.
When Meredith P. Gentry was de
feated for the governorship of Ten
nessee by Andrew Johnson, afterward
president, he was much chagrined,
principally, he said, because he "had
been run over by thnt great calf," as
he contemptuously designated John
son. Gentry's melancholy over the re
sult of the election IncrenKod as time
passed and he went Into a decline
&o some or Ills rrlends visited him
In order to cheer him up and, as was
the custom in those davs. emptied
several demijohns of whisky during
the evening. It was very late before
they thought of retiring and then Gen
i i uiiiiiiuiiii-u mm, as tnero was a
clergyman present (Parson Hrown
low), be would request him to offer up
a prayer before tho company went to
nod. urotner urownlow. whose so
cially was exhortation, began to prnr.
He Included everything In his peti
tion nnu ai last said: "and O Uird, If
in thy Infinite mercy It be possible,
nave mercy also upon Andrew John
m,n. w.-mij s on nts feet In an
Instant. "Stop, .Mr. Urownlow. stop!
ne exclaimed. "You will exhaust the
fount of Infinite mercy."
Lack of Cuss Words in Japan.
Tl"' swear b,nl",,,,'d ''allien cannot
In J.ipiin:
They pnnm no ardent man word over
In Japan.
"V.. I""! nfr "'"Ir ''i.t.
M1e11 their dnrllnKK prove untrue.
When they llp and crack their fluts
(i I wonder what they do
In Japan?
lines the hammer
never fall ii.n
In Japan?
ho Insistent Mil rlleeora never mnio
In Japan?
When they think theyvo ,t downstairs
And the bottom n far away
If the Jap mil n never neai
() I wonder what they mi),'
In J a pair:
Do they never nil-n the lust ear "lit St
nt night
In Japan?
Do thry never hit tile nldewalk When
they light.
In Japan
When they put In all their rah
Ami are therefore lirmiKhl In grief
When the market Rue in nmanti
Jow (In tli'V ohliiln relief.
In Japan?
Do the r.nple never chain e t0 ,iep on
tin k
In Japan?
Do thev never vet their fliir rsimht In
Tn Japan?
When they dnit lo-w clothe pn,
At tti nflli-e. fr nwsv.
That thev ve left their keri b-lilinl
U I wonder what they nyy
In Japan?' ''
Not on the Mouth.
Nell He has been very attentive
to me and last nlRht he tried to kiss
Hello Well. It s all right to be at
tentive, but that was overdolnir It.
Nell Oh, no: he underdid It. H
only succeeded In kissing me on tor.
W o u 1 dn't
any w,itn:m
be h.ippy.
After yenrs
tf luickaclirt
1 ' a y s of
nights of un
rest. The d I s
tress of mi
nary trim
She fin. is
relief and cure?
No reason w by any reader
Should suffer In the face of ex I
donee like this:
Mrs. Almira A. Jackson, of Put
Front St., Traverse City, Mich.. s;is
"For twenty years I never knew
It was to have good health. Even
physician consulted said 1 had liver
trouble, but their medicines did me tn
good. Just before I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills I was almost pur
alyzed. I could hardly stnnd on my
feet because of tho numbness una
lack of circulation. Had a knife been
thrust Into my kidneys the pain could
not have been more Intense. My sleep
was disturbed by visions of distorted
figures, the kidney secretions were
annoylngly Irregular nnd I was tor
tured with thirst and always bloated.
I used seven boxes of Doan's Kidney
Pills. The bloating subsided until 1
weighed one hundred pounds less,
Miuld sleep like a child and was re
lieved of the pain and the Irregular
ity of the kidney action. My circula
tion Is good and I feel better In oven
way." A FREE TRIAL of this grer.t kid
ncy medicine which cured Mrs. Jack
son will bo mailed on application to
nny part of the United States. Ad
dress Foster-Mllliurn Co., HulTalo. N.
Y. For sale by ull druggists, price
CO cents per box.
Historic 5it of Crape.
A day or two before the funeral of
Senator llanna Postmaster Emerson,
of Cleveland received by mail from
C. J. Johnso, of Greenville, Texas, a
small piece of crapo which hail been
worn on several notable occasions.
It Is a part of the first, that came out
in tho army of tho Potomac, and was
worn nt. tho funerals of Lincoln,
Grant, Garfield, Logan and several
minor celebrities. Tho knot lu the
crapo has never been untied. Post
master Emerson wore It at tho Hanna
funeral and then sent It back to lis
owuer In Texas
to every Sufferer of Stomach, Heart
and Nervous Uiaoase.
Tlie Klino Chondral Company. Slfl (imxl
ftlnck. lies Moines, liiwn. Iiuve diseiiviTed
new Slid wonderful Medicine Mch t hey rail
" Klino CaclHrino " which irlves liiiinriluu
relief snd permanently cures every ease of
Momach. Heart or Nerve Ulseases 1)1x1 liuvn
tried It. They have made iirritiitri-ineniis lo
lv away jd.iKi Ki-ceni. Uixcs of Klnm t'ae
I arlne lu the Tutted stales to iienplc a tl 1 1 -1 1
with any disc asi) or weakness of the Mean,
Stomach or Nerves. They want every IkmIv to
try it at their exucnse. N nd 110 money or
slumps- Just, write your Hume and address
plain and say what puimt ymi saw. this In and
get, a Ikix of this wonderful Medicine free,
(et well and tell your friends, that'n all wo
want. Write today.
Senator Hoar's Long Service.
An anniversary of somo Interest to
Massachusetts came on Friday last.
Senator Hoar that day completed
thirty-five vears of continuous service
In congress. In this respect bis rec
ord surpasses that of any other Massa
chusetts . statesman. Doth John
Qulncy Adams and Daniel Webster
were In public life many years, but
their terms of aervlea In executive
office broke the continuity of their
life In Washington, especially the leg
islative phase.
fje the Iwwt. That's why they buy Ited
Cross hll liluo. At leading frix-un, & ceuU.
Classical Example of Cheek.
Surely It will remain a classical ex
ample of "cheek" that Is described In
the following story, told by the Coun
try Gentleman: One of tho English
generals, during tho Iloer war, hav
ing secured a turkey, asked his
friends to dinner When the. day
camo the bird has disappeared. It
was traced to the quarters of the
naval brigade, and a young midship
man owned to having "pinched" It.
Tho Infuriated general exhausted his
vocabulary In abuse of this delin
quent, who replied: "I'm very sorry,
sir! Hut you wouldn't have liked It.
We fried to get our teeth through II,
but It was so tough we had to throw
It away. If I'd known you would have
taken It bo much to heart I'd have got
the carpenter to make you another."
10,000 Plants for 1 Co.
This Is a remurkublo offer the John
A. Salxer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis.,
makes. They will send you their big
plant and seed catalog, together Willi
enough seed to grow
l.Ooo tine, solid Cabbages.
2,000 delicious Carrots.
2.000 blanching, nutty Celery.
2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce.
1.000 splendid Onions.
1.000 rare, luscious Hadlshes.
t.OuO gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great offer Is made In order to
Induce you to try their warranted needs
for when you once plant them you
will grow no others, and
ALL FOB BI T lKg rorriOB,
providing you will return this notice,
and If you will send them SOc In post
age, they will mid to the ubove a p.n k
sse of the famous Berliner CuullUower.
(W. N. U.)
The Smallest Coin.
The smallest coin in the world hav
ing a genuine circulation Is probably
the Maltoso "gain," a tiny fragment
of branzn about as big around as the
top of a slate pencil, and worth only
onetwentleth of a penny.
WlaaleStlckLAiMKT ni.t r
Won't spill, break, freeze nor imt .-ho lie.
Costs 1U rents and cotial 'JO cent worth of
hut other bluing, if vonr grocer doe rot
ki-ep it end Ilk- for aai'n pie to The latiDdrv
blue Co., It Michigan Street, Chicago.
If we arc to Judgo pooplo by what
they say, some men must tlvo on hay
and thistles.
It's an easy mntter for a stingy man
to get rich hut what's tho use?
Make tho best of the troubles you
have and don't hunt more.
t ttM t Airat tram lacwy, Tfein. I4
rvfn ...