The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1904, Image 6

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    ! I
R. A. BATES. Publisher.
News in Brief
jKace all ( hin: s : even Adversity li
p'ollte to a man's fare Josh Billings.
The New York Stock Kxchange.
hlrikis the securities of the 1'iiited
StateR Shipbuilding Company from
the list, bin assigns no reason for the
Tht Htudchahcrs plan a $2:n,000
tmililliiK in South Ilciul. Intl.. for the
Y. M. ('. A., which will Miami as a
memorial to the five Smdchaker
Republican senators, in (Inhale on
the naval appropriation, announced
that tho po'i.y of tlx party la to make
the American navy second only to
Klchnrd Sibley, manager" of a tno
Insses iiiiM)itiiiK house at llostou, has
tiled a petition in bankruptcy, stating
his liabilities at $ 1." 1 with prac
tically no unset H.
l'rof. Frank Thilly, Ph. !., or the
university of Missouri lias been elect
ed professor of psychology of I'rincc
ton university in place of l'rof. J.
.Mark Ituldwln, resigned.
Miss Juliet Ten Kyck McHluir of
Washington. 1). ('., has been unani
mously elect ed as hostess of I ho
Hoard of i.ndy Managers' building at
tho St. I.ouis world's fair.
Walter Wellnuin says that states
men in Washington are amused at the
reports in St. Petersburg newspapers
that the I'nlted Stales has changed
Its policy toward Russia and Japan.
Tho new I'nlted Slates protected
cruiser lies Moines, built by the Fore
Kiver Snip tmd Kngine company of
Uulney, was formally placed in com
mission ut tho Chartestown navy
President Smith of the Mormon
church confesses to tho senatorial
committee, hearing the case of Sen
ator Smoot that he ban flvo wives
and that several of the apostles are
William K Curl is writes of the
Kttperb specimens of Saracenic archi
tecture to bo found in northern India
and of tho decay Into which almost
priceless specimens of ancient art are
allowed to fall.
A Jury at Carlsbad, N. M., rendered
a verdict of not utility in the case of
Clayfjourne W. Merchant, Jr., who
killed (iejirge W. Iliitchln In a duel.
Merchant, who was badly wounded,
claimed self-defense.
Tho Executive Committee of the
National Hoard of Fire Underwriters
has appointed a subcommittee to con
sider tho ndvisability of advancing In
surance, rales in tho congested dis
tricts of the large cities.
A letter from drover Cleveland de
nying that he entertained a negro at
luncheon In the White House was
read In the House of Uepresentatives
and prcceipitated nn acrimonious de
bale on the race question.
President Smith of the Mormon
church, who was before the senator
ial committee Investigating tho right
of Heed Smoot to his seat, declares
he considers the revelations of his
church higher than the law.
Secretary Shaw has notified spe
cial national bank depositories that
they will be called on by March 2"
to pay 20 per cent of their holding
of government funds on account Cf
the Panama ("anal payments.
A motion has been tiled In court at
St. Louis by the attorneys for "Lord"
Kr-'tlerick Seymour Harrington, re
cently convicted of the murder of
James I'. McCunn, setting forth
ho is entitled to a new trial.
Religious iCdttcation In the Home''
was discussed at. the joint meeting of
tho Religious Education Association
nt Philadelphia, among th speakers
being Professor Richard (Ireen Moul
ton of the Pnlvcrslty of Chicago.
Tho Illinois Trust und Savings
Hank at Chicago has made a loan of
lo.owt.Oi'O to tho Chicago, Hurlington
and Quincy Railway company. The
rate of Interest Is understood to be 5
per cent, and the time nine months.
Music from the stars Is made audi
ble by tho Invention of Albert C. Al
bert son, an electric engineer of New
York. Tue. light rays falling on a
polished plate connected by electric
Ity with a microphone produce weird
President Roosevelt. In a letter to
President Sheppertl of the James
town Kxpotdtion company. Indorses
the tercentennial to be held in 1!b)7.
is demanding the united action of the
people In commemoration of the real
birth of the nation,
Secretary Cortelyou, In addressing
a banquet In Washington of the Na
tional Wholesale Lumber Healer's As
sociation, ilef ended the term "com
mercialism" as representative. In Us
highest sense, of the best qualities of
American citizenship.
Advices received from St. Peters
burg say that new orders have been
(tent to Admiral Wirenius to keep his
quadron In the Red Sea for the pur
pose of watching passing war vessels
and to rapt tire eswl.t carrying eon
'rabantl of war.
Representative .dart In declared In
'ho House thnt the packers control
'ho price of crtlle by having only one
Md made and then dividing the lot.
le holds that condition are worse
than they were before the Injunction
was granted.
President Roosevelt has fixed the
alarles of the Isthmian canal com
missioners nt $12.11011 per year and,
n addition, expenses of $15 per y
while they are on the Isthmus.
Archbishop Messmer of Milwaukee
Seclares that no Unman Catholic can
no a socialist.
Thomas A. Rice, aged (IT, one of
:he oldest ami most prominent real
state-men In St. Louis, died at his
lotne there.
H. I). Field, a II. phew if Cyrus W.
rld. who laid the Atlnntle cnble.
"onimlttcd suicide, at Pucb!o. Colo.,
r drinking carbolic acid
Fourth Attack Said to Have Been the
Moat Effective Since the Siege Be
gan One Russian Torpedo Boat De
stroyed. TOKIO O.'cial and private reports
burl; indicate that Admirrl Togo's
fourth uttack on Port Arthur on the
1'tth instant was the most effective
since the first assault of a month ago.
One Uustdan torpedo boat destroyer
wag sunk and several Russian torpedo
boat destroyers seriously damaged.
The fortifications of the city were sub
iecleil to a heavy bombardment, last
ing nearly lour hotr-s. ' The naval
bombardment;) of the land works have
generally been ineffective, yet the pe
culiar toimgraphleal conditions of Port
Arthur mune. Immunity from serious
loss from bombardment almost impos
sible. Admiral Togo's torpedo flotilla open
ed the action by boldly steaming in un
der the batteries and successfully plac
ing a ni;mber of inethniiical nilaes at
the mouth of the huibor. Following
that there was a desperate bow to bow
encounter between the orpedo boat de
stroyers, , which the Japs appear to
have secured a clear victory. Then
there followed a long-range duel be
tween the i-rui.ters, ending in the retire
tn.-nt or the Novik and Hayan, the only
Russians engaged.
The c'osiii" action was i ho' bombard
ment of the inner harbor by the Jap
anese battleships. The latter took a
po.iitlon southwest of Port Arthur and
used their twelve-inch guns. Thero
were twenty-four twelve-inch guns In
the squadron of six battleships and
orch gun 11 red the rounds, making a
total of 120 huge projectiles that were
fired at the citv. The bombardment
was de.iberato and carefully planned.
In oruer to aid In perfecting the firing.
Admiral Togo stationed the cruisers
in a position due east of the entrance
to the harbor, and at a right angle to
tho battleships. The cruisers observ
ed the range and effect of the firing
and signalled the results and sugges
tions by wireless telegraphy. These
observations and reports greatly aided
the gunners In their efforts to make
every shot count.
Admiral Togo was unable to defi
nitely learn the results of the bom
bardment, hut late private reports in
dicate that much (lest met ion was
canned in the city wtiere a series of
tires oroke out. There also was dam
age to the battc-ies.
Colonel Cody Files Petition Asking
Severance of Marital Ties.
DKNVEU A petition for divorce
died 111 the district court of Itig Horn
county. Wyoming, January !t, last, by
Colonel William F. Cody (HufTalo
Hill), has just been mud; public.
The complaint charges cruelty and
alleges that on December 20, limn,
Mrs. 'Cody attempted to poison tho
plaintiff. Another i round on which
the plaintiff asks a deeiee Is that the
marital relation has been made un
bearable ! him by his wife's refusal
to entertain his friends nt his former
home in North Platte. Neb.
Mrs. Cody, who is at North Platte,
denies her husband's charges anil will
contest the suit. Colonel and Mrs.
Cody were married at. St. Louis
March ti, ISM.
Names Round-Trip Price from the Pa
cific Coast.
ClIICACit) A speciul round-trip
rate of $t;7.!0 from Snn Francisco and
Los Angeles to the St. Louis exposi
tion has been announced by all the
western railroads as a result of a
m-etiiiK hero Wednesday of the Trans
continental Railway Passenger, asso
ciation. The rule will only be obtain
able cvt three days of each month,
from May to December Inclusive. A
rate of $72. rid for ihe round trip from
the Pacific coast to Chicago was also
announced to hold good on the same
dates as the exposition rates.
The we.itern roads will also give
special homeseeker rates to Wash
ington, Oregon and Idaho during the
mouths of March, April, May, August
and September.
Investigating Effect of Chilled or
Frozen Meat.
LONDON. The question was raised
In tho house of commons today
whether chilled or frozen meat, has
any Injurious effect on consumers,
and especially whether such meat
contributes to the increasing number
of rases of cancer in the United
President Long of the local gov
ernment board said that while he hud
no Information to the above effect,
he thought the matter might prop
erly be referred to the royal commis
sion of inquiry into the causes of
cancer, which Is now sitting.
& Engineer Receives Honors.
TOKIO-Knglneer Mlnainlsawa, the
heroic officer of the torpedo boat do
stroyer Kristimi, has been honored for
his gallantry. He has been given the
order of the Kyle, the order of tho
Rising Sun, and promoted from engi
neer to chief engineer. The order of
the Kyte is the Japanese equivalent
of the Hrlilsh Victoria cross and tho
American medal of honor. Chief En
p.noer Mlnamisawa Is the to
whom the Kyle bus been awarded for
heroism In war. It Is Improbable that
he will survive his wounds.
Jesuits May Enter Germany.
HKHLIN The Hundesraih accepted
the bill passed by the Reichstag, re
pealing t no anti-Jesuit paragraph In
tho law of July 4. 1S72. prohibiting
Jesuits from Fettling in Oennany. The
de -Islon of the Hundenrath to accept
the Reiehslug resolution to repeal the
paragraph In the anti-Jesuit law of
1S72 forbidding Jesuits to reside In
this country destroys the last frag
ment of the late Prim e Hlsman k's
war with the lergy and gives Roman
Catholics an equal position before the
law with Prcte'tnnt.
f h
He was killed in the engagement a;
Port Arthur Feb. 9. He was a mem
ber of Rear Admiral Togo's staff, and
was second in command of the battle
ihip Fuji, on which he met his death
oy a Russian shell. The ship was
damaged, hut not disabled. From the
leading Japanese newspaoer, Jiji
Gives an Account of the Engagement
at Port Arthur.
Ml KDICN. .Manchuria Admiral
Makaroff, commanding the Russian
fleet, reports from Port Arthur as fol
lows: Six torpedo boats which went to sea
March 1t. four being under the gen
eral command of Captain Mattousse
vitch, encountered the enemy's tor
pedo boals followed by cruisers.
A hot action ensued in which tho
torpedo boat destroyer Vlastini d's-
charged a Whitehead torpedo and
sank one of the enemy s torpedo bouts.
On the way buck the torpedo boat de
stroyer Steregusi hlchi commanded by
Lieutenant Sierguleff, sustuined dam
ages, its engine being disabled, and It
began to founder. Hy 8 o'clock in tho
morning five of our torpedo boat de
stroyers had returneu.
When the critical position of tho
Steieguschtehi became evident I hoist
ed my flag on the cruiser Novik and
went with the Novik and the ftayarin
to the rescue. Hut as Ave of the ene
my's cruisers surrounded our destroy
er, and as their battleship squadron
was approaching, 1 did not succeed In
saving the Sleregtisihtchi, whien foun
dered. Part of the crew were made
prisoners and part was drowned.
On the ships whicn participated in
the attack one officer was seriously
wounded and three others were slight
ly wounded; two soldiers were killed
and eighteen wouimed.
Why He Failed to Call on President
Morales at San Domingo.
WASHINGTON. Admiral Dewey,
who with several members of the
general staff and Assistant Secretary
Loom is of the State department, are
now at Havana, has teleggraphed tho
Navy department the reasons why ho
failed to Call on President Morales
of San Domingo when the party were
in Snn Domingo waters several days
ago. The failure to visit caused con
siderable surprise at the lime. It ap
poars that there was lighting n prog
ress in the vicinity on Hie dav the
party was there and for that reason
the admiral did not deem it advisable,
to make an official visit. During tho
lorcnoon there were several casual
ties in San Domingo city from tho
tlghting then in progress. This was
caused from shots crossing the river,
through which the boat must pass,
and as more fighting was expected
during the afternoon the admiral
gave up the projected visit. The ad
miral, however, sent his respects to
President Morales by I'nlted States
Minister Powell.
Inquiring Into Charges Against the
Senator Begun.
WASIHN(!TON-The inquiry Into
the charges against Senator Dietrich
of Nebraska began Friday before tho
special committee in Senator Hoar's
committee room.
The Inquiry, which was Insilinted
upon the demand of Senator Dietrich,
Is for the purpose of probing tho
charges on which the senator was in
dicted last fall in Nebraska, and
which were dismissed on deincrrer.
The committee consists of Senators
Hoar, Piatt of Connecticut, Spooner,
Cockrcll and Pettns.
All of the members of the commit
tee except Mr. Spooner were present.
Senator Dietrich was in attendance
with his attorney, U. A. Hatty, of
Hastings. A number of witnesses
were present. Mr. Dietrich repealed
his wish that the Investigation should
be the fullest possible.
Leopold 1 1 it I it), posltnasier al Hast
ings from iv.i7 to lmi. was the first
Russians Lost Sixty-five.
TIKN TSIN. Information from an
official who was an eye witness, to
the bombardment of Port Arthur on
Wednesday and Thursday Is to tho
effect thai ihe Russians hud twenty
live killed on the bnitlesblp Seliasto
pol, I wenty on the Rotvlznn and
twenty In the (own. The Russians
usserl that their damaged cruisers
have been repaired ami are against
rcudy for sea. The bnitlesblp Czare
vitch will be reudy in a few ?!ays.
There Is no dock here capable of talti
lug in the Retvl.Hll.
Collector Kills Debtor.
LF.AVF.NWOIU'H. Kan - William
(iins.iuer. a white man. on Mnmlay
shot and killed Mrs. Anna Palmer,
colored, the wile id n mill band, and
then shoi himself. Three young chil
dren of the woman were the only wit
nesses to the tragedy. t!uiinuer,
who was s grocery clerk, had been
sent to collect a small account from
the woman. Mrs. Palmer refused to
pay the bill and (iiiusauer shot her.
Then seating himself In a chair 'h
shot himself in the head. Moth wcro
dead when found.
r m
Increase of the Amount of Appropri
ation for Defense, but Defeat Over
takes the Amendment for Experi
mental Torpedo Boat.
WASHINHTON The senate pass
ed the fortification appropriation bill
Tuesday after a three hours' discus
sion of the amendment authorizing
the purchase of un experimental tor
pedo boat and the provision for the
purchase of idles of defense works in
th. Hawaiiun Islands. The torpedo
boat provision was stubbornly foupht,
hut the amendment suggested by tho
committee on appropriations was re
tined. The Hawaiiun provision,
which hud been eliminated by the
committee, was restored and the sum
Increased from $2i'.0tM), as fixed by the
house, to $."i2tl.luo. Several other
bills were passed. One of these ap
propriates $l.iMM).tti(i for a public
building ut Atlanta. (la.
In response to a request from Mr.
liOtlge, Mr. Perkins explained the rea
sons which actuated the committee
in striking out the house provision
of the bill, appropriating $:ioo.0O0 for
the purchase of sites for defenses of
the Hawaiian islands saying that the
committee's i.etion had been duo to
the fact that the government had no
option on land for this purpose, which
might have the effect of placing tho
government at ihe mercy of real es
tate owners. lie also said the
amount named was not sufficient.
Mr. Spooner and .Mr. Foraker took
the position that on account of the
outlying position of Hawaii, the Uni
ted States should be prompt in pro
viding for Its protection, and Mr. Per
kins said he was willing, if a sum
sufficient to accomplish the purpose
sought could be secured. In accord
ance with Mr. Perkins' suggestion,
r. Spooner offered an amendment
appropriating $r2li.l(M, instead of
$2(10,(11)0. This amendment was ac
cepted without division.
By common consent the senate re
sumed consideration of the torpedo
amendment, und Mr. Callinger offer
ed a substitute, providing for compe
tition, Insuring a vessel of the type
desired. The amendment was defeat
ed, 17 to :it;.
The 'fortifications bill as amended
was then passed and the senate went
Into executive session.
Hill Says They Would as Soon Go to
Mars or the Moon.
NEW YORK. In regard to the re
port that, ine Northern Securities com
of Canada was to be the successor
of the Northern Securities company
of the United Stales. President Hill
was quoted ns saying:
"We have as much notion of incor
porating a company In Mars or the
moon as in Canada. We intend to
conform to the law."
Later James J. Hill gave out ihe
"Until the full official copies of ihe
opinions und decree of the supreme
court have been receivedf ail our
attorneys have hod an opportunity
to advise us ns to our course of pro
cedure, the officers of the company
can make no further announcement
fhtin to declare their purpose to
promptly and fully follow the law as
now Interpreted.''
Bill Introduced in the House Fixing
WASHINGTON. Two hills were
nltroduced by Representative Birdsall
of Iowa. One authorizes the post
master general to allow to postmas
ters in third-class offices, out of the
surplus revenue of the respective
ollices, an amount for clerk hire In
addition to ullowance for "separat
ing service." as follows:
In offices where the salary of the
postmaster Is $l,0i), JCimi; where the
siilury is $l.8im. $.-,nti; W.rp ti, sa.
ary Is $l.7oo, $tn0; and where the
salary is ?1 ,i;im). $:;uo.
The other bill authorizes Ihe post
master general to designate offices at
the Intersection of mail routes as
distributing or separating offices, and
making reasonable allowances for
clerk hire for this work.
No Nursery at the Fair.
ST. LOUIS. Announcement was
niude Monday that the hoard of lady
managers of the World's fair hud de
rided to abandon the project of estab
lishing u model day nursery at Ihe ex
position to care for the Infants of
visitors. The cost was est limited at
J.' and It wus decided not to ex
peud that amount.
Favor the Reduction.
CLEVELAND, O. Specials from
tho Coshocton, Massillon and Alliens
coal fields show the vote in favor of
reduction in pay.
Russia Looking for Contraband.
PORT SAID. Kgypl.-Tho Russian
afmored cruiser Diniltrl Donskol Is
visible from this port put ndlng In
search of vessels carrying contra
band of war. It mistook Ihe Italian
nrniored cruiser Marco Polo for a
merchant inun and stopped It by firing
blank rait ridge across lis bows.
On discovering Its mistake the Dinil
trl signaled apology. The Donskol
Stopped Ihe Norwegian l earner
Standard this moinlng. It s said that
lh Standard was within the three
mile limit.
Would Protect Chinese Railway.
TIKN TSIN The British consul
here has filed ti pmiesi with Sir Er
nest Satow, the Hrlilsh minister at
Pi-king. iiKHlnst the projected aban
donment id New Chwung end of 'the
Chinese railway by Us directors and
the management in (ircit Britain.
The reasons given by the consul for
his action are that the British gov
ernment had previously made known
its Intention of pr-iteciing the road
and Also that lis abandonment at
this time means Ihe piolmblllty of lis
destruction by Ihe Uin-sUns.
People Send Messages Showing Pleas '
ure Over the Merger Jurors.
WASHINGTON -Mcs.-axes of con-' from wl! parts of the iou:i '
try are being delivered to President
Hootevt-lt by telegraph, by mail and j
111 person en the supreme court's de
cision in the Northern Securities case, j
President Roosevelt personally con
gratulated Attorney General Knox !
Tuesday utter the announcement of
the decision and nt the cabinet meet
ing he renewed his congratulations to
Mr. Kn.ix. In his cordiul expressions
he was joined by the attorney gen
eral's fellow cabinet members.
The attorney general, just before the
cabinet meeting, declined to lndicai
whut action, if any, be might take in
the future in following up the su
preme court's decision. He would not
say whether he had formed any plans
looking to prosecutions of further ac
tions under the Sherman anti trust act
or not. Thus far he has not hud op
portunity thoroughly to digest the deci
sion of the court and until he has
considered it carefully he will not de
termine, much less indicate, what fu
ture action he make take.
Is for the Benefit of All Legitimate
WASHINGTON. The attorney gen
oral, being asked concerning die mer
ger decision, sold:
"My views of the decision cannot
bo better expressed than in the lan
guage of one of the best known rail
road presidents in the United Stales
upon tho decision in favor of the
government by the court below. He
said: 'The decision is souml law,
good and for ihe benefit of all legiti
mate interests and for the country's
welfare, und It voices the Judgment
of probably nine-tenths of the most
conservative business men of the
"As to Ihe bearing upon oilier rail
roads, 1 have ibis to say: The gov
ernment has never claimed ihat tho
law Is any broader than its language
plainly indicates.
"During the trial and argument
the government paid no heed to the
defendant's contention that tho
makeup of substantially all the great
American systems of railroads was on
trial. The government's position was
then, that the question before the
court was as lo the validity of Ihe
Northern Securities device."
Fight with the Moros.
WASHINGTON. Adjutant General
Hall has received the following ca
blegram from Major General Wade,
duled Manila, March l:!:
"Major General Leonard Wood re
ports an attack on a reconnoitci ing
force east of Colobalo by a strong
party of Moros. made hostile by the
passage of the .anii-sbivery law. Tho
Moros' position was shelled and the
Moros flunked and the out works were
taken. They were strong and well
constructed. A cannon, twenty-one
old Spnnlsh guns, t hilly three Ian
Ih litis and large quantities of am
munition and supplies wer captured.
There were no casualties on our
Propose to Make Two States Out of
Four territories.
WASHINGTON. The statehood
problem was taken up by the sub
committee of the house committee on
territories, recently appointed to iIi'Hfl
statehood bills for Arizona, New Mex
ico and Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory. The bill making a stale of tho
first, two was practically completed.
The difficulty of adjusting the luxa
tion und other questions with regard
to the admission of Oklahoma und
Indian Territory as a state are next to
be taken up.
Jao Inouence in Korea.
LONDON The correspondent of
the Times al Seoul comments on the
remarkable civil Influence which Jap
an bus brought to bear on Korea
without adopting un attitude of over
bearing coercion, 'i he correspondent
says that, on the contrary, everything
Is being done to conciliate the Kore
ans, but he points out that from Che
mulpo to Seoul every controlling in
fluence is Japanese railway, police
and telegraph. He adds that Japan
must have been laying the foundation
for this condition of affairs for many
Regarded at Significant.
SKOl'l.. The Jupunese authorities
ltavo ordered the newspaper corres
pondent!! at Plug Yang uild Anju to
return. They also refuse to honor
the permits formerly given for cor
respondents to accompany it oops to
the front, and ure holding them at
Seligman Get Five Years.
DK.S MOINKS-Mux Seligman. a
clever insurance swindler, who do
trnuiled the K(iiitable Life Insurance
company out of several thousand dol
lars by false represent aiioti In secur
ing notes which the company rushed,
was senledccd lo live years' Impris
onment. Lining Uo for the Fray.
WASHINGTON A call was Issued
for a caucus by the republican mem
bers of the Semite und house, to bo
held In the hull of ihe house Monday
evening nevt al H o'clock lo elect
members of the national republiian
campaign committee.
Three to One Against Strike.
SKKLKYVII.I.K, I ml. The seven lo
ml unions in ihls vicinity Tuesday
voted against going on u sliike. The
mujority against striking is estimated
at three lo one,
Russian Captain Is Shot.
NKW YOUK-A telegram from'
l-cniborR. forwarded by the Uindon
Times i oi respondent ai Vienna, says
that Captain l.eoiitleff. of the Uusslan
general stHti. bus been arreaied at i
Warsaw for having sold to a foreign
power a list of the secret ngelt'S
malm allied by the ftussiun general
stuff in the frontier districts or Itus
sis. on the west. The discovery wns
tnaile through the delivery or a
money order to another person of the
sHiue name. I.eontieff l repotted to
have breu shot j
All Vessels on the Outside Keep Up
Steam for Emergency - Believed
that Vice Admiral Makaroff Will
Adopt the Offensive.
LONDON--A correspondent of tin-.
Dully Mail at New Chwung says that
after the removal of the battleship
Ri'tvlan four Russian steamers, the
Harbin, the Huilar. the Niuguta and
the Sungurl. were authored al the
mouth of the entrance to Port Arthui
In proper posh ion and sunk, leaving
only u smull channel available. Vice
Admiral Makuroff having previously
ordered tne whole fleet to remain out
side with st en in up, economy of coul
being unnecessary.
This dirputch. which is prominently
displayed by the Dally Mall, and
which the correspondent says Is "on
Russian information," Is, If true, news
of the first Importance, conflnniiig lh
idea that Vice Admiral Makaroff will
adopt the offensive nnd make u des
perate attempt lo bring together Rus
sia's scattered naval forces and en
deavor lo iufliei damage upon tho
Japanese navy.
The story must, however, be view
ed cautiously, the only approach to
confirmation from any other quarter
being in a dispatch from the corre
spondent of Ihe Daily Telegraph nt
Yin Kow. which says: "Vice Admiral
Makaroff has issued orders that tho
saving of cotil l.i unnecessary, but the
big gun aiiimuuit ion in the fort must
not be wasted. Evidently the ammu
nition is running short."
There is no other nev s to hand on
the subject.
The Daily Telegraph's Tokio corre
spondent sends an unofficial rumor
thai the .Ii'panese have occupied
Da I n y.
Ii is remarked that Ihe British
newspapers all regrrd Vice Admiral
Togo's report that he has laid mines
at Port Arthur as a mere bluff and
they sav lltrt such u feut would be
im ntistiihle under fire.
The Dally Mail thinks that ir Vice
Admiral Makaroff closed the channel
II was in order lo prevent the in
gress of Japanese torpedo boat do
stroyers, as was done ut Wei llai Wei
during the Chluo-Jnpaiiese war.
It is a subject of unceasing remark
and conjecture ihui nothing has been
beard of ihe Vladivostok squadron,
and it is beginning to be believed that
It is really inside the harbor of Vladi
vostok. The Standard's Tokio correspond
ent says that according to a dispatch
from General San Ihe Hnssiuns are
believed to lie w ithdrav. ing from the
northwest frontier of Korea and con
cent rut ing at Vladivostok.
Russia Expects No Trouble From the
I'AUIS. The correspondent of the
Journal nt Tien T.sln says that Colo
nel Munthe, aid-decanip. and Dr. l-a-voile,
counsellor for foreign affairs to
the viceroy of I'e Chi Li province,
who are starting on a mission to
Viceroy Alexieff, made to him the
following sialemenl:
"We sincerely believe Ihat China
will nol interfere In ihe conlliet.
Doubtless certain agitators at court
are in favor of Japan, but Ceneral
Yuan Shul Kill, who is the empress'
confidential man, the most powerful
viceroy in China, and virtual chief of
Ihe Chinese uriny, is too prudent lo
expose his country lo the conse
quences of such an adventure. The
dispatch of reinforcements to tho
frontier Is genuine, from which wo
conclude thai China is determined to
remain neutral."
The correspondent adds: "I con
fess there are not many symptoms In
accord wlih ibis authoritative decla
ST. JOSKHI. Mo.-Mark Dunn wus
banged here at 10:4(1 Friday.
Dunn went to the scuffoh'i attcmHI
by Hev. M. M. C.oodo of the Christian
church. Doctors had examined him
and hail said his condition was such
Ihat there wns no reason jvhy tho ex
ecuiion should not proceed. The re
sult was telegraphed Coventor Dock
cry nnd he said he would not Inter
fere. On the scaffold Dunn mado a
statement charging that his convic
tion was Hie result of u conspiracy
und that Kent Ion wan shot by a man
named Cy Fisher.
The murderer's wife was In St. Jos
eph und appeared at ihe undertaker'
soon after the lxxly had been removed
there to he prepared for burial.
Dunn's neck was broken by the drop.
The murder for which .Mark Dunn
wus hanged was that of Alfred Fen
ton, a wealthy young fanner of Uush-villi-,
this couiiiy, July () w up
was sentenced lo be hanged March 11.
Some Records Unprintable.
WASHINGTON. At the executive
KeHKlon of the committee certain pro
ceedlngs from the divorce cuse of
AMistle Tciisdule) were put Into the
record un evidence. The ailiiilxsiotiH
niude in Hint chsp were offered by the
prosecution to comhiit the testimony
of President Joseph K. Smith thnt
Teusdale wus ii'.'irrled to Lillian Hook
for eternity only, mid that nhe whs
riot considered an TcHsdalc-'n wife
when he contracted the marriage. The
testimony la unprintable.
Squiers En'.ertains Engineers.
HAVANA The member (,f the
American Institute of Mining Kn
Rliicern who, with their wIvch and
families, are touring the Went Indie
on board the Until Inn g-Aniei lean line
Kteiitner 1'rllicess Vlelorlu Louise,
were uiteiiiiined at a reception Sun
day at the residence of I'nited Sl-ilea
Minister SipileiH of Mariano, a mihiirl
of Havana. Aasistant Secretary of
State LiHinils. who accntupntiled Ad
miral Itcw.y tc Smiling!) on board
the Ma flower. I "topping a Hie
Vi ItlWag In wrt4 to pr.
4u ftiu4 (fflill.', fl. k"f
ai4 mm lliaa ilwr't
Hum CulUrr. i4
rtrt at) t " wf tti.s o '
V i l4 v b..lh tit ItMt Out
VI i rui'i" ! iu tl WullUJ .
luMMi Iwt l iimi(, l t tt kit.
n. r u ?tM ?
wuki ha-l f Un emu i 1MM:
11? ton. r m-rt.
Rt J I . i. I f it -. Uil.
UtO kn. prr arre.
Hi (t, I Mi. (.Mi. M.'Hi. lo., I).
Itfrt prr
pt IU i.tti fiM'. 1 1 . Iri-
!'.( bu. per irr.
fer .1 I. H , IttKUlta !'.,
I run
R lr-K tHttvimi, tipHt
l. M'.'H.
uit I. r !.
Ut J. tt , Mmm;, lfttl C,
Hit Si.t.'.s, l.-i.n.w u , V D.
' Lipcu. .1 Ml 1-tt ill .
)iiidp4 ft hu. fwr Bit
tt I il fiuw Ui bit ft Mi
fmiu if
National Oats.
fffftnoty pri'llfl. ui Mlt
1 1 l' i. H n I lei j ur -r
!UtK lei tUn im ha. ' Trjr tt.
Billion iHillar O.r
Moil thlk'' of (rat In Americ,
W . ,1 b haanil r H- if H t
1 l.-i,lr.1 i llitB 1 4 tuna wt siyUQiiil
ba t per m i
lor 10c. In Stamp
til Ihf mm of tM aT r
H i mil r aen4 Ti'tt Vl of fvm
red Mii I". llVlU It
tl atari nti, trttirr "i'h our
muimi. ih " "v Illustrated
ratalaiaj, dirnUnc ii.ti i.iri
( . A r LI I in.lllnrla l.n.' irout
hait. Two ti)t OiU, J 01
ii-oiiuta, tKiwria
lit' HV.IU' ..T.1
FREE to WO ME hi
A l arge Trial Box and book of in
structions absolutely I'ree and Post
paid, enough to prove the value of
Paxtln If In pomder
form to dlMiilve In
water non-polsimnui
andlarmiperior to liquid
anllnrptks containing
alcohol which Irrllatr
Intlomrd lurlacci, and
have nu cleansing- prop
crtic. The content!
of every box makra
more Antiupttc Solu
tion Units longer
goe (urlher has more
uses In Ihe (anlly and
does more good than any
antiseptic preparation
you can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, forLeucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all sorcneis of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of fenialo Ills P.-txtineln
invaluable. Csod s a Viunnal SVa-li w
challenge tho win Id to produce its r usil for
thoroughness. It is a revelation in rluun.-.lng
nd healing power; it kills nil germs whicn
r utin inflammation and dimlutrgos.
All e.-i'linn(lrii.'Kitj keep l'muii-; prlca.Mlo.
ehiz; if iMirKiliH-iiriot,si-iiil to uifr ir,' liun't
Into a a nl .s l it ult- tin-re l.i iiotlilt: liku l':ilme.
W -lie for the Fri-e I'.os uf I'littinit to-ilm.
. PAXTOIf CO., 5. Pope Llclg., loitoa, Man-
3." & '3 SHOES Hi
W. I,. Douglas
'iocs have b.V liteir
excellent style,
iisy-liitin, a u il
superior wearing
liia!lties nchievcil
the birgesl -.ek' of
tiny shoes in the,
Tliey are io.-t f.s g.ioil
:is tlniM) tlmt cost you cyVTii. i I
H to W Hid only ttt.i-&;$?,.-
. ' iB'Ski.
aoit tvtriiwtute.
finite for li-imrt nnt I
prlci on bottom. Lj&v
DlMltrtlt I1HI-S I'oriitia tP3xJ,t'i.
'ollkln, wlili h UwervH hero com-rilfil (
Mitlm finest I'Hleut I t-Mi hi-r vi-l iirotlnml.
'nit Color Eti'ltti mid. Milieu ntnmil.eni-.ettra.
il rite for CaUlof. H.L.Douiilu. Urockloa.llaM.
Lincoln. Nebraska g
2 C P Perchcruns.
f(SK9fc French Drift g
o WSaTOtfSV and Belgians. S
0 The LARGEST rmporttn of FIRST- 2
0 CLASS "lilliont ol ai.y ronrtm in ill tht
O FROM. On srnvinf in Lincoln uk the q
q Finn irm fsr whlth rum -lireclly to q
n our bM. Conic siid iee ut at write.
0 L. Dut. Til. i5 A U Sullivan. nKr
Mustang Liniment
cure Cut, HuriiH, ItruUi'M.
M) who formerly stnoM 10? Cigars now jftMe
Tour JoblMj or direct tmm factor)-, 1'sorU, IM.
Slickers I
tVurranfnl Wjtrr Vim', '
Oilod Clothing 1
H'lofi alt ktmUof work, t.rt I
only On Hniniii tluit il. n I '
rt.v k, il r it-t (! kf . If J
tiHir ialT (Iimm i l'it i
Utun, wnn for culrf ii In
H. M.MH r H ftON,
T)l Dirsetwith
sButsotu r t r
Our i-hhI Itir lip. I. I'rtrr. ths liiwrat, 1'r.ilnlif lilp
mmis, Drllvrry nf ill portraits (iisrsntsivl. rlrrsiil
Will- Bll4 " trr- S.ll.l iii,!. A.l.lrr.s
AlllH I. KKOLL-CO., htw tr. SuiUiu,, C.'c.J."
UHtb ttntst Ail
i vuga Birum l aama
In tim s.,irf v rirnast.
BHrTf """""'h Ho )"Ki- llluatraicd t2 f
t ratalsaj, dirnUn ii.d iiri- rjiut '
mri a nar i t n. iarii'r aun our aaa.
l&SrrVrN I II II tissnol-rmrsfnr
I mV.ri) I VJI tlisniaoli.iw,-srs '
Mt WFri v
Uuuo. Cm f I
Sipucrs linine.