The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 10, 1904, Image 3

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    The girl ho has a real r,k uf ,,:
ton usually the most ut,i.,,MiH.iiiK, teen,,,,,. ,,.,,,
A man may he klmrf m love and
Mill be Ioiik on constancy.
Hood hr...(lliiK U a uTtTi- ot u
all over the world.
I-ewis-" Sn,Kle IJi,i,.r , rmi h v .
llieHiiiokvr. lh-W Imrnnl t, n-lv uu.i,
Ivona. ill" Wh qUB",T- Uw-' r
Candor is ever the brl'itest R(.m
of true criticism. Disraeli.
tain the haml or Knot the kettle ex
cejit green and purple.
ConslderliiK a duty is often explain
ing It away. Robertson.
To the hoimpwlfe who has not yat
Wome acquainted with the new
things of everyday use in the market
and who It reasonably satisfied with
the old. we would susgetit that a trial
or Defiance Cold Water Starch be
made at once. Not alone because It
is guaranteed by the manufacturers
to be superior to any other brand,
but becuime each 10c package con
tains 16 ozs., while all the other kinds
contain but 12 o.s. It Is safe to Ray
that the lady who once uses Defiance
Starch will use no other. Quality
and quantity must win.
Love is a great source of economy
in a household. llalevy.
To Cure n CoM in One day.
Tiike l.nxttttvo Hromo Quinine TubletM. AH
drugging ruf uud money if it full tm-ure. irrc
Time loosely spent will not npiin lie
won. H. (ireene.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This la why Defiance
Starch Is taking the place of all
Out of suffering have emerged the
strongest souls. K. II. Clapin.
Farming Very Success"!.
By Western or Northwest. Canada Is
Usually meant the great agricultural
country west of Ontario, and north of
Minnesota, North Dakota, and Mon
tana. Part of It is agricultural prairie,
treeless In places, park like In others,
part Is genuine plains, well adapted to
cattle ranches; part requires irriga
tion for successful tillage, most of It
does not. The political divisions of
this region are the Province of Mani
toba and the territorial district of A9
fiinlbola, Saskatchewan, Alberta and
Athubaska. At present, however, the
latter, is too remote for immediate
practical purposes.
The general character of the soil of
Western Canada Is a rich, black, clay
lonm with a clay rubsoll. Such a soil
is particularly rich in food for the
wheat plant. The subsoil is a clay,
which retains the winter frost until it
is thawed out by the warm rays of
the sun and drawn upward to stimu
late the growth of the young wheat, so
that even in dry seasons wheat Is a
pood crop. The clay soil also retains
the heat of the sun late." In the sum
mer and assists In the early ripenliiK
of the grain. It Is claimed that cul
tivation has the effect of Increasing
the temperature of the soli several
degrees, as well as the air above it.
Western Canada climate is good
cold in winter, hot in summer, but
with cool nights. Violent storms of
any kind are rare. The rainfall Is not
heavy. It varies with places, but aver
ages about 17 inches. It falls usually
at the time the growing crops need it.
The Department of the Interior, Ot
tawa. Canada, has agents established
at different points throughout the
United States who will be pleased to
forward an Atlas of Western Canada
and give such other information as to
railway rute, etc.. as may be required.
That agriculture In Western ('.'inula
pays is shown by the number of testl
monials given by farmers. The fol
lowing is nn extract made from a let
ter from a farmer near Moose Jaw :
"At the present '.ime I own sixteen
hundred acres of land, fifty horses and
a large pasture fenced containing a
thousand acres. These horses run out
a'l winter and come in In the spring
quite fat. A man with money judi
ciously expended will make u compe
tence very shortly. I consider in the
last six years the Increase In the
value of my land has netted me forty
thousand dollars."
Our Idea of an unpopular man Is
one with a fad for collecting bills.
A striking contrast
between Defiance Starch!
and any other brand will
be found by comparison.
Defiance Starch stiffen;
whitens, beautifies wlth4
out rotting.
It gives clothes bc.cR
their newness.
(lt Is absolutely pure:w
It will not injure thd
most delicate fabrics
Tor fine things and nil
things use the best there
Is. Detlancet5tarcti
to cents for 16 ounces
Other brands io' cents Jof
'ii ounces.
I -
A striking contrast.
Orruha. Nib,'
Illliloa ltallar Uraia.
When we l.iti o.u eil thi remarkable
gra thie yents xo, little end wa
ilr.-nm it woul.l be the must tiilKfil-ut
Kru'S !u A II' J, tit biKKt-sl. U1' k.
bay pi mini -r on earth; bat this hut
lomei to pas.
Agr. KilUin h wrote al.out It. Agr. C1
lfr, I'liit'-nji s l. ittm i al.nut it, .Kr.
Iiitttutr Orator l.tlkM alumt it. while
in lite farm bom" by tlie qui.-t tlro-mle.
In the corner cio'-ry. In the vilUga
poMotfiVe. ut the treaineiy. at the l
pot; In fa t whfiewr farmers gath
ered, ti.ilzcr'a Hillion Dollar lira. Hint grass, good for f to 14 tons
per here, and lots of pasture b""IUi-s,
Is ulnuya a theme worthy o( the farm
it ' voke.
Then come Ilromus Inermls, than
which there Is no better grass ur bet
ter iMTinanetit Iia' in oihiirr on earth.
Grows win i ever foil is found. Then
the farmer talks about Sateer'a Teo
slnte, whli h will proitui-e 100 stinks
from one kernel of m-ciI, 11 ft. high. In
100 days, rlrh In nutrition ami K'''ejily
eaten by utile, bogs, etc., mid Is good
for 80 tons of green food per acre.
Victoria Hape. whiiii can be grown
rt :'je a ton, and Speltx at 2Uu a bu.,
both great food lor cuttle, also come In
for tlnir share In tic" discussion,
;i r srMi 10i it trims
and this notb e to John A. Sopfl
Co., I .a I'rosse, Wis., for their big cat
alog and farm seed samples. (W. N. V.i
Some people imagine I hey lose caste
by speaking civilly.
Mutual Insurance is the most popu
lar. Ten years ago there was about
$10.001), (WO in the state. Now, over
ili;ii,000,oiio. onehnll' of all the Fire
Insurance in the state is in .Mutual
Companies. It Is nisi) the oldest lit
Mirnnce in the world, and is cheapest
sul'est and best, and no company bet
ter than the STATU KAUMKKS Mi--Tl'AI.
Omaha, Ncbr , It. K. Stouft'cr, Secre
tary. No, Cordelia, a lung-bended man
isn't necessarily narrow-minded.
Mother tirny's Sn-eet Ton-iters for Clillitren.
Successfully used by Mother tiray, nitre
in the Children's Home in New York, cure
Constipation, 1'cverishness, Had Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regulate the
Howels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,(X)0
testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample
FK EE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Koy. N.Y.
A poMtivtly scllisli woman has the
most to say about the unkindness of
the world at lare.
If so, nselteil Crokt ball Iilun. It will maka
thutii white as snow, 'i oz. pai'kage b ccuU.
How Jack London Works,
.lack London's new novel, "The Sea
Woll," which befcun with the new year
In the Century, iniensitics interest in
this remarkable youtiK writer. Mr.
1uiiloii is uuthoiiiy for the statement
that he does his work the first thing
in the morning, right after breakfast,
nveraKiiiK a thousand words a day,
five days In the week. When pushed,
he has written over a thousand words
daily for many weeks at a stretch;
and has occasionally accomplished
two thousand words every day for two
weeks, lie writes tiowiy, making few
changes in his first draft. At the end
of each day he typewrites what he has
written, and this Is the completed
Lived 113 Years.
From t'astlebav, County Mayo, there
comes a slory of the death of .lames
Conway, a farmer, who attained the
aso of 1K1 years. The father of
Jame.i Conway did not die so yourift,
for his years were six score and six
that is, 12i. The grandfather! final
age was l'!0 years. These statistics
are the less unlikely because In the
same cilunty an old man died not
long ago who was proved to have at
tained the age of at least M years.
James Conway remembered the
French invasion in 1798, which was
led by Ceneral Humbert, who won
the battle known as "The Kaces of
Caailebar." '
He Abolishes "Presenting Arms."
The French minister of war, Cen
eral Andre, is one of the best utilised
men in France because of his recently
announced purpose to promote equal
ity in ihe ranks of the army. To fur
ther this object he has recently abol
ished the custom of "preaenting arms'
as a mark of respect. He Is accused
of fostering socialism in the French
ranks nnd of deliberately following
out a policy of religious and political
persecution. He condemned to two
years hard service In the ranks sixty
Polytechnic students who rebelled
against the severity of an examina
tion. Ciencral Andre is a great favor
ite with the common soldiers. He be
gan life In the army ns a lietitannnt
in the imperial guard.
Woman Found the Food That Fitted
A newspaper woman went out to a
Colorado ranch to rest and recuperate
and her experience with ihe food
probably Is worth recounting.
"The woman at the ranch was pre
eminently the worst housekeeper I
have ever known poor soul, and poor
"I simply had to have food good
and plenty of It. for I had broken
down from overwork and was so weak
I could not sit up over one hour at. a
lime. I knew 1 could not get well un
less I secured food I could easily di
gest and that would supuly the great
est amount of nourishment.
"Ono day I obtained permission to
go through the pantry anil see what I
could find. Among other things I
came across a package of Crape-Nuts
which I had heard of but never Irled.
I read the deKcrlpiion on the package
ami become deeply interested, so then
and time 1 got a saucer and xntuu
cream and tried the famous food.
"It lasted delicious to me and
geeined to freshen and strengthen nio
greatly so I stipulated that Ct rape
Nut iitid cream he provided each day
instead of other food, and I literally
lived on Crape Nuts and cream for
two or tinec months.
"If you could have seen how fast I
pot will it would have pleased and
surprised you. I am now perfectly
well n tnl s'tnii'.; a'uiti nnd know ex
actly how I got well and that was on
(iriie Nuts Hint furnished nie a pow
erful food I could digest Hiii nuke use
"! seems to me no brain worker
can afford to overlook Crape Nuts
after my experience." Name given
by Post urn Co, I'attle Creek. Mbh.
(Jet the miniature hook. "The Head
to Wellvlile'- In each pkp.
Citizens of Ileal tic. will ask the
llutlingtuu road to give them a new ;
The bridge over the Republican riv- i
er at Superior was badly damaged by ,
an ice gorge. ,
Claud Carpenter Is in Jail at Beat
rice for thirty days for stealing a i
meerschaum pipe. '
Some of the sheep feeders In Dodge
county are (-hearing I heir sheep and
sending them to market.
The ice and high waier in the I'latte '
river have taken tint most of the !
bridges north of Kencsavv. j
V. 11. Plainer of Omaha, a civil war
veteran, dropped dead on the streets '
oi that city a lew days ago. I
The county bridge across the Platte
river, about three miles from Coltim j
bus, was washed out by the high wat !
er and ice.
The Lincoln implement and Trans
fer company, Stu.iino capital stock, hus
tiled articles of incorporation wi'h the
secretary of state.
Cuss county's mortgage recon!
shows the amount of farm mortgages
tiled to be l.llt.'.tHL'; released. Sii.l.HlC.
City mortgages filed amounted to $2,
100; re. jasud, $l.w:.
At a meeting of I ho board of super
visors held in Heal rice J. II. Sparks of
St. Joseph was awarded (tie contract
tor huildin.'T the bridges in Cage coun
ty for the coming year.
V. V. Cook of Cheyenne county, sen
tenced to three years in the peniten
tiary for obtaining money under false
pretenses, has secured a reversal anil
will be given a new (rial.
The home of John Donner, four
miles northwest of Klgin, burned to
Ihe ground in ihe late wind storm.
Nothing was saved. The family baro
ly escaped with their lives.
Cicorge Casey, a farm hand employ
ed by Frank Hariris, nonr lVrtul. Sar
py county, attempted suicide by drink
ing six ounces of Iodine. The doctors
saved his life by pumping; him out.
An ordination service was held in
the Congregational church at Mnwood
before a crowded house, in which Mrs.
M. J. Dickinson, pastor of the Congre
gational church here, was ordained.
The Woman's club at Fremont has
lorwarded to Prof, harbour of the Uni
versity of Nebraska a number of In
teresting articles which will be includ
ed in the state exhibit at the St. Louis
A prairie fire north of Klvvood de
stroyed H. O. Halter's house, barn,
horses and all outbuildings; J. S. Tew
ell's barn, all outbuildings and 1,500
bushels of wheat; Mrs. Corder's house
and buildings.
Fire destroyed about forty tons of
hay on the farm of (leorge Drake, a
tanner living south of lied Cloud.
Drake swore out a complaint against
his brother-in-law, Jeff Heauchaini), for
Belting fire to the hay.
Articles of incorporation of the Dole
Floral company have been filed in the
office of the county clerk at Heatrice.
The company is capitalized for $25.
000 and the principal place of doing;
business is at Heal lice.
The women of the local Relief corps
at Schuyler have set a movement on
foot to secure funds to erect a sol
diers' monument. They have placed
the amount they desire at $750, and
come have signified their willingness
to coitt.'l'.Hite liberally.
Secretary Kennel t of the stale hoard
of equalization is confident that the
avsessors of northeast Nebraska will
not meet to agree on a basis of valu
ation. He declared that an agreement
on values would disqualify the officials
from holding I heir positions.
Little Vincent Sloggett, nged 11. p;m
of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sloggett of Fre
mont, was killed by falling downstairs
at his home. The boy's death was not
the result of Internal Injuries, but
followed the bursting of a blood vessel,
which threw him into convulsions.
A scheme is on foot at Fremont to
hold regular cattle and horse sales.
Two Oram! Island dissolute women
from the proscribed district and a man
whose identity the police have not
learned drove a horse lo dentil. When
the horse was turned Into the barn
its back showed the heavy welts of the
whip and it could scarcely wabble to
its stall, vfliere it died in thirty min
utes. '
Forty feet of the Hamilton Hal!
county bridge, owned and maintained
jointly by the two counties, wont out
the other tiny, the result of an ice
gorge, and more of It is out of line,
or has the piling cut from under it.
The midge U about a mile long, the
most serious damage being on the Hull
count- side.
Ky an order of the supreme court,
based on a decision handed down at
its last silling, the, Union Tacillc Hull
road company has just paid out JIS,-
l)io, of which sum $:!T.ooii was for the
value of a lot which Ihe company tried
to secure from Mis. Sarnh N. Stan
wood for $ I .". 1 I. The remainder of
the amount was for Interest and Inti
dental expenses.
(leorge Keeler, Thomas Cray, alias
Thomas lingers, and Samuel Itradley
ulias Sain T. Hullls, charged with rob
bing the hank at Lynns, were hound
over in the sum of $!.ooii each. Keeler
will be taken to Podge and Oray and
Kradley will be taken to the Douglas
county Jail for safe keeping.
Secretary Dolison of the Mate board
of irrigation sent out notices to ap
plicants for vvr.'.i'r nnd Irrigation pur
poses lo file thrlr ;i-oois nt once, so
tint crtlficntes could be sent them,
In li; stale there nte about l.imo ni
pli'iints who have made no pmof of
According to n decision of the su
preme court Charles Johnson, proprie
tor of n coal vnnl In Onialia. must pay
John IIe:itn $T."io. Heath got a ver
dict tor Jl, in the disltb t court of
Douglas county, but this nai reduced
ouo-half. While wheeling rnal foi
Johnson. Iicntli f(. and broke liU log.
Mr linhit, tuar (lutile Itnik, ret n
file lii burn corn si.ilks. The lire got
away and Meiioved i..i rod. of feiif t
Vjcloiming to Mitin K.iii.iil. four tel
phono polew. one wagon bridge nnd
1.'o tons of hay belmm'tig o John nnd
l-cwi Yung, vh!i. y'as Insured for
Treasurer rinds State Running Behind
in Soite of Heavy Receipts.
LINCOLN The report of State
Tieasurer Motteiiseu. tiled wiih th
auditor, shows thut in the general fund
of the stale there was received during
the month $l.2.:.7S.:.o. which was oe
casioned by the working of the new
revenue ,aw, whirl, brought in ihe
personal taxes. The payments fruit
the fund, however, were g-:'atly in ex
cess of this amount. The
report shows that the state Is still run
ning behind at a rate that is Interest
ing. if not alarming. However, the
statement is not an Indication of the
financial condition (I the Mate, for
the reason that until the valuation of
property is ascertained and the levy
fixed, it will be impossible to tell just
how the state is coming out at the
end of ine bienniiini. AS soon as the
state boa id of equalization does this,
then it win he possible to tell just
where the stale ia from a financial
The report shows that the perma
nent school fund contains SXl.l'.i.Yliri
and the temporary school fund $211,
C23. Cash on hand nt the end of the
mouth amounted to $'i,021.7,'i and cash
on deposit $:i74.2!2.i::. During the
month mere was received a total of
r'S-'.luo.t;., and paid out $l-tl,3 17.07.
Early Settlers to Hold Meeting Nexl
IIUMHOLDT- An interest ing uud
Important movement was started here
when a half dozen of the pioneers of
this place got together and planned
to have some sort of a gathering the
coining summer, to be arranged and
participated In by those who settled
in the wilderness of Nebraska a half
century ago in 1S.VI. The intention at
present is to form an organization, to
wnlch shall be eligible for member
ship all residents of southeastern Ne
braska who have lived In the stnte
since the year mentioned above, and
it is urged that all who are entitle!
to participate will communicate at an
early date with H. P. Marble of this
city, sending tads regarding their set
tlement in the stale. Among the
prime movers In the matter is Samuel
H. Kobst of this city, who settled with
his parents near the west line of the
county on April 20, ISM, and is believ
ed to be among; the first settlers ot
the state. His father, Christian Kobst,
was the first probate judge of llich
unison county, when her borders ex
tended from the Missouri river on the
east to the Rocky mountains on tha
Sentence Cut Down.
LINCOLN Soney Ford of' Cherry
county, sentenced to Imprisonment foi
seven years for the killing of Allen
llothchilds near Valentine, has re
ceived a reduction of sentence to
three years and will serve four years
in the penitentiary.
Title t? the Island.
LINCOLN McKrlde & Kilgore are
entitled to tne island in the Platte riv
er upon which George S. Whaittaker
and family have been and are now
living. So the supreme court has de
ciued. Will Reduce Commission.
LINCOLN The supreme court com
mission will be reduced to three mem
hers after April a, the commission of
nine members meeting for the last
time on that date.
Hogs Bring Good Prices.
LAWKlCNCi; The sale of forty bred
Du roc-Jersey sows by Kovvman i Fitch
at this place averaged $87. 2o. Tho
top price was $lo, paid by Lo ulen &
Son of Clay Center. Neb.
Many Farmers Moving.
IIUMHOLDT There Is quite nn ex
odus of farmers from this section, ow
ing to the arrival of the month of
March. Those who are leaving the
county Invariably make for the west
ern part of the state, where it is their
belief they can be more successful in
farming. While this county has been
favored with good crops for several
years, the high price of land and con
sequent high nfte of rent made it diffi
cult for the average renter to get
ahead, and he is consequently going in
search of a section where dirt is not
so high.
Larkin Out of Jail.
RT. PAUI-Hcrl Larkin. who burg the postolllce at St. Libory last
July and was sent to the reform
school, recently escaped, and, with n
younger brother, was arrested here.
After receiving his breakfast he was
left alone in the corridor of H.e jail.
With a heavy iron poker he worked
a hole through the wall and made his
Destroyed Muth Property.
LOUP CITY Hans Keck left home
Saturday for Omaha with a caiinr-d of
cuttle and some time Saturday night
or early Sunday morning some one
visited W. Keek's furra house and
with a spade broke every window ex
cept one, turned ihe hard coal stove
over on the carpet with the lire burn
ing, took live sacks of Hour and threw
it nil over the house, cut tip n good top
on the buggy and smashed things in
general. The guilty parlies a-e tin
known, hot one o, two 111 the neighbor
hood are suspected.
Counterfeit Bills.
LINCOLN-An olhcrr of the sectct
service was here and visited the tniec
hanks. He dl-pluved a codple of conn,
terfi'it $10 bills which are being clrcn
lllled ill liver cities. The object of
the visit was to pick up tiny puiii bills
if any had been passed here. All ol
the bunks reported that no such hill
had been turned in. Receiving and
li.-.villg tellers were glve.t nil oppol'tll
nity of tukltiK a good look nt the bocur
bills. The sinlctneut was made that
the counterfeits w. e very good iir.l
tailor) of the genuine bill.
Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty.
Peru-na flakes Women Healthy and Beautiful.
; Miss liora Hauser, HK2 S. New i, . r.- ; -
Jersey Street, ludiauapolis, lnd., ',' " f lsttZ-f - .-?--f '
' "rites: II , ' ? , V)' ;
! think I must have been trou. i A'o ', "Sr-- ' . - '' - - V-' "
' bled with catarrh ever since I was " 1 Jlmmm !' inrS -' -x.'" .".--rVr W?r
I caught a cold. This did not 1 . AfVu-hd S. SEESS ."-' v-'
prove mfficlfurtly serious to be ob-, p,,jt vl sic-1
and found to my relief that it cured , autiful or !' 1 - I j
Hundreds ol Women Cured by Pe-ru-na
of Annoying Catarrh.
DU. IIAItTMAN has probably dono
nioro than any other physician
toward iMipulurmng u means of
escape from tho facial deformities, such
as watery eyes, tvvi.'tcd nose, offensive
breath, dry cracked lips, duo to tho rav
aging effects of catarrh.
Ho has made chronic cutarrh a lie-long
study. His remedy, pnpurirly known as
Perunti, is the most famouj remedy for
catarrh in existence.
Probably there is not n man or woman,
boy or p!ti, within tliu hounds of tho
United States that has not heard of lo
runa. liy far tho largest majority iiuve
Used Peruna.
Tho multitudo of people that hnve been
rured of chronic catarrh by usiag Peruna
Can never bo known.
The ministry will never he a soft
snap to the man with a sensitive soul.
No chromos or cheap premiums,
but a better quality and one-third
more of Pefiance Starch for the same
price of other starches.
Harper's Weekly says that G'real
Britain provides the world's largest
market for motor cars. The great
majority of these machines come from
the continent, the Importation figures
for last year being I'.iiOO cars, valued
at $."1,2.10,11(1(1; for the current year the
figures have increased to 5,:i:!t) curs,
amounting in value to $S,00(i,oi)o. It
Is said that most of the expense Is a
matter of wages, us the raw material
of the machines is of little compara
tive value.
American Born Diplomat.
Count Frederick Iloyos, the young
Eecretarv of the Austrian embassy,
who has lately arrived in the capital,
comes from Vienna, where lie has
been residing for the lust year. His
last foreign post was Pekln, China.
He Is 2C years old and speaks Kng
Bllsh fluently, thanks to his Knglish
mother, who was Miss Whitehead,
daughter of the Invention of a tor
pedo and owner ot a large torpedo
factory In Hungary. Count Iloyos Is
the brother of the Princess Jlisma'rok,
one of the brightest young women of
Europe and reputed author of "Eliz
abeth and Her Oermnn tlurden."
Count iloyos was born in Washing
ton and Is .the son of Count Iloyos,
who was minister from Austria from
to 1S78.
A Physician's Advice.
Yorktown, Ark., Murch 7th. Tlodd's
Kidney Pills must not be confounded
with the ordinary patent fuediclne.
They are a new discovery, a specific
for all diseases of the Kidneys and
have been accepted by pliysic'ans
only after careful tests in extreme
cases. Mr. I.eland Williamson, of this
rlace heartily indorses Dodd's Kid
ney Pills "as a remedy for the vari
ous forms of the diseases of the Kid
neys, pains In the back, soreness In
tho region of the Kidneys, foul-smell-Ing
mine and cloudy or thickened con
dition of the urine, discharges of pus
or corruption, flout. Rheumatism, In
flammation and Congest Ion of the Kid
neys und all kindred complaints."
Continuing he says:
"I could mention many cases In
which I have prescribed Dodd's Kid
ney Pills witli success. For Instance,
Mr. Robert Weeks, fanner, miliaria,
hucniiituria or swamp fever three
times, kidneys weaktr.ed.' continual
pain nnd son r.css in back, w hich
made litn very nervous, hud a Utile
fever and sometimes chilly. I'rlne
hnngi able, but generally very high
colored; an old chronic case who had
taken much medicine with little ef
fect. After taking Hodd's Kidney Pills
nhoitt six weeks he wits entirely
rured nnd had gained fifteen pound
in height. The last time I saw him
hi was the picture of perfect mail
hood." Winn the flying machine Is perfect
ed we can all get up In the. air, ir we
want to.
Many a girl has regained her faded
beauty, ninny a matron has lciurthened
the days uf her comely appearance by using
Peruna produces clean mucous mem
branes, the base of facial symmetry aud u
perfect complexion.
The women have not been slow to dis
cover that a course of l'cruna will do more
toward restoring youthful lieauty than all
the devices known to science.
While it is true that Peruna cures ca
tarrh wherever located, yet it, is advis
able for everyone to uso Peruna us n
preventive uiid not wait until catarrh
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men:
Star and Crescent
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all
See that our nam
mw t m m0 mm
tf iffltrtfil with
Thompson's Eye Water
furs eye".
We ran tnve joi ihil.lli'niin profit by MuvitiK mir
iwn wiirelioUKfa Mini let'iiiug y.iril. anil r-.urlnn
iiluiii'it ponMli prlc fur viMir urdlu tiiil tO'i'lt.
i'iiil fiiriuir I'KKK Huoklrt."
FarmtrV drain and Live Stock Commisiion Co.
?li Colony ttuildmg, Ch'M(0, 111.
Trustworthy liulr or fenileman to mmage tm-i-tins
in this County and JjuiniiiK territoiy fur welt
aiiilfuvntul'lv known liousu ut ..lid lumiicial iitiind
inn. 'iO.OO uiuiidii roll jl.uviii(t miirniri
paid oi h Monday by ehrrk direct f nun headquar
ter. Kipense inuurr advanced; pn-ition pcuna
nea. tipeiience imt ron-mial. Addiesa
T. J. COOPER, Manaajer,
Como Block, CHICAGO, ILL.
Cffffr nuriiri
larieil stti potato pobmia thi hotlJl
Klecant atiK-lc. Trenienrtoua ylelila,
hum w to loco buiin-ia H-r rr,
n1 thla notice wraend Ton tut of (arm
aw aainMia anil bit cuKUoune, telllua;
j ...,, i.ima. nMiii, i-eaoal, Aerul
M llid lUrley, Macaroni Wheat, llnilniM,
lutf Heat Otna, elo. bend for aaiiielouay.-
3. &3 SHOES B
w. I DoiikIiih
shoe have by tlielr
excellent at j
ciiy.tUtliix, nutl
sitpei-lur wearing
liialltl.M, iiclilcvril
the l.ll'gi Ht -i:.!;- uf
nity shoes in tho
They ura jut n' goml
,IH (llllMl (sl V'll
'1 iT
M to the only
Jiliereiicv is tlit irn u.
io J ton nn itur.
I"" ior linino av
price on Imttntn.
Diillirtita uapa I iiruiia f l ,,w fv.-j V
I'oluklii, u hli li li rrlii'ir rnni e.lril iu
lollin ttnvil I'Hlrnl I i.tlii i v I .io,l.H ,..
iif t'cnf fu'ir'n Bur. Mi..r I,) mall '.','ir.etlra.
Srltatur talali.s. n.L.PuaKlaa. Iliorktoa. ZiMa.
j When AntwerinQ Advertiiementa
I Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No, 11-1904
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
MUs Amanda Jobuson. I'uiivhiM, Wis., writes.
'i w rite to tell you how much Pcrmia bonetUivl me. Fe
ft number of yours I had paiu In my head around n y f s
aud I thought U was because my eyes needed tivntiiici.t,
so I went tj an oovu'iist and had places fitted to my cyc
ntul wore them for semo time, but felt no relief whatcvr.
In fact, I felt vvii'-n) than before, ami ramo to tho conclu
sion that the trouble was not w'.th my eyes, but with n
head and that it umst be catarrh. As so many of n.r
friends had Vsed Periiuu with benefit for this trouble, 1
thought I would try it. I was tot Sorry that I did so, for
In a short tiuio 1 began to improve, and In four weeks lny
eyes wero in splendid condition, ir.y penernl health, wai
nnuil improved and all tho catarrh of tho bead was Toiiq
I was glad to get rid of this troiihlo mid am glad to rndori
inch a good uieflh'ino ur lVriuia." Miss Amanda, Johuson.
Miss Flora Hauser. I
has fastened Itself in somo part of the
" Peruna acts quickly and beneficially
on the Inhumed nuicomi nicmlirani J
lining the iliffurunt organs of the body.
Thus it will euro catarrh wherever
If you do not derive prompt and sa'.ls fac
tory' result a from tho uso of Porund write
at once to iJr. Ilartman, giving a full
statement of your case, and he will bu
pleased to give you bis valuable advice
Address Ir. Ilartman. President of Too
ilartman Han it ariumt Columbus, Ohio.
E. Z. Walker
Cock of Walk
others in Women's and Children's Shoes.
is on the shots you buy.
I. m Manufactured In
50,000 AF.1ERIUANS
Wm Canada
They aie telllrd and ccttlint on Ihe Gmin ami
Ciaum I amis, and aie prospeiou and saii-hfil.
Sii Wilfred Lauiier recently tHid : "Anewtiar
has lisen on ihn lioiuon, and it In lowanl il llit
every iinmiiiranl who leavea Ilia land ot Ini an.t v
lors lo coma and seek a hotua fur uiuuel! tvm
Cunt his Canada. Theia i
Room for Millions.
FltrK llomratraila given wjf. M-huula,
1 linn hea, luilnnya, Mnrketa, I'llmntf,
everylliliiu U be dealred.
For a tletrriptire Allal ami other Information,
apply to Snpeiintendent I mmiiiraiion, Ottawa. Cm
ada. oi anihoiired I anadian (Mivernment Auem -V.
V. nennell, till New Votk Life DuiWiin.
Ouiiiha, Neb.
o Tllf UNCOlfl IMPORTIfiC HORSE (0 c
X Lincoln. Nnhrnain O
r-uy (icrmdn (0(,,
q J pcrcnerons.
V m
J . Inilisb Shire
and Belgians.
The t APf.FIT I . i cmcr
-- ....yv, i in o I .
... lallmiu ot any roniern in all Ihe
v ... . . . " iwium in an l r,f rt
0 riUM. Un arnviof in Llnfoln takt ll.
O Suit Farm iirtcl far which mm rirwily to
O m bim. Urn and ic nt or write. i;
O Lg- lit. Tel. A L SullUan. ilgr q
MARCH la and 13th.
From Ut. Lou! anrl Kanaaaj City, tIS.OO
From Chu bo. 7).O0
From Ura Moini, $lu.O) -From
Cincinnati, 2B.40
From Inilianapolla, 20.BS
TlfVet. aie lnlrl-.. ami pi rniil uni mnt
on noma u,i. umih ,,f in,u,, M wnl.m
lianm I, .ml id If ilav ,r,,. 21
loin dule i, .1, Nerr hefoi ha ll.eie
lieen u, Ii a r Inure m trr s,,Mhisr , in all
it", pio- l run. linr,, .-i-, 1 , ..t i. I,, i,
will Ii-m., nnir ni a i,., i d iie. Nert
j nX . aiMiii will the fate lie o li.w
lllT7," Nuw' '"' !" '"!.
Ipy T I "'i" "i 'ill on
Knty Blil. 8l.Lnuln.Mn.
CAR LIC DC ir ox hrtm
" ' V" ' 1 '" I'oUart antf Saddle
f "V 'nh t'B iradi mark are made li,n tlx
i VK P- 4 laihlniud (. tldornia lull. if.
I I LJ I i'h rare will lail a lilflnni. A. y.-if
I J J ' hey do not handle air
J e"f 2 rent ,tmp Ine i.auW ol i.r
i Haeheej aiW Sadl.i, itiuw yet, a
av re ray them.
Ul(Harrf 111(1)4., Hi lUrneaa M.v,
I IrtiTOllI, NeUrtaihaa,