The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1904, Image 9

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    1 s
Indispensable f
Fcr til aches Irom hni to foci
St Jacobs Oil
T htt euritiva qualities
to reach (lie
PA!ttS end ACHES
J ff t!,e tr.nrrn (jn-.l!. H t- re-
Uvo Cirstuem promptly.
Pric. 25c. tnJ 50o.
1t!,in Tiilnilm are tlirbit dy-Pfi-lil
111. .11.11,,, n,.r ,,,,. 'A
liuwlr.-il in lilt, .tin nf Uin,, hme
in-ti mild In tin. I'nttcl Mnt,
H MI".I1 vcur. l',iltllli'li,ii I,,,..,.
t r'i 1'iirii. li-k lu-ailni'lie, lly..ln.-, lui.l
I'ri-uili, wire thn.Kt, ana i-vt-ry l,-
aP tic arl.lntf I. u .ii i ' .
'innm-h arn reltt-vi'il it iiiri-,1 hy ltlmm 'l'uliiili'
wHI Ki'iipmlly niva ri'lli'f nlililn iinty mm
i ii. 'I'lic iiif. Hni lui'kntti i I'li.mgU lor uiOliiuiy
i . .i-Ioim. All driisgl'in ull lUciu.
8:0-812 N Street. . LINCOLN. NEBRASKA
liiistworihy ladsr or lentleman to rnanate bini
ipss in Dili nniy and adjoining territory for wtdl
in, I favorably known house of solid financial Hand'
"-"v," ""'! cash itiliiryand eipensea
V ml enrn Monday by cheik direct from headiuar
ti'ti. Ipi-na money advanced; position Beruitt
noil'., fcupprii'nre nut essential. Address
T. J. COOPER, Manager.
Como Block, CHICAGO, ILL.
Not She.
"What's that you are putting on the
t liandelier?" asked her old bachelor
'Mistletoe," bhe answered.
"Oil, I see. lint, aren't you afraid
of microbes?"
"What!" exclaimed (ho pretty girl,
In artless surprise. "In the niistlo;
t.n'?" Chicago Tribune.
The Oat Wonder.
The Editor must tell Its renders of
this miirvcl. It originated with the
largest farm feed growers In the world,
.luliii A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
Win. It has stiff struw, stands up like
n fitoiie wall, is wlilte, heavy, and has
lmi ears, tilled to the tip with fat,
plump kernels. It is u great gtuoler, 80
stocks front one kernel.
10c aVl STAMPS
to above address, you will Ret a sam
ple of this Oat Wonder, which yielded
in 1903, in 40 Rates from 250 to 310 bu.
P-r acre, together with other farm
seed samples and their big catalog.
OV. N. U.)
It Isn't necessary to erect a monu.
tnt'tu when you bury animosity.
Some men are too busy to take
rest until trie undertaker gets them.
The Odd Korean Flag.
The Koreans, who have lately re
called their minister In Washington,
at tract attention for one reason If for
no other. Their peculiar flag adorns
i heir legation huildinR. The body of
the flag is white, and In tho renter Is
a design about tho size of a foot ball
in ren and blue, looking very much
like huge entwined roinnia marks. On
i lie top, bottom and Bides are short
lines of dots and dashes, reminding
one of the Morse rode alphabet.
May Subpoena Roosevelt.
If the Miit Instituted by W. A.
Wales, an attorney of Hinghanipton,
igninst .John Mitchell, president of tho
I' tilted Mine Workers, for $200,000
iatnages, comes up for trial at Uing
hiimpton, the defense may summon
President Ronsovelt and Senators
l"nit, tjuny and l'e.-.rose. Wales ns
M ils tlm? in October he proposed tho
plan which resulted In tho settlement
d' the st like and that for his services
lie lias never been paid Louis N.
I lainnierling. confidential agent to Mr.
Mitchell, says thnt President Hooso
Mil and Senators Quay, Piatt and
Penrose will he called to testify that
'he plan was formed before Wales
went to Wlllf'sbarre ar.d made his
And His Daughter Matched Him.
Coffee drinking troubled the family
of a physician of Grafton. W. Ya., who
describes the situation briefly:
"Having Buffered quite a while from
vertigo, palpitation of the heart and
innnv ilbr.r dnrnn momenta of tho ncr-
vous system and finding no relief'
from usual methods of treatment, A
thought to seo how much there was
In tho Postuiu argument ng..lnst cof
fee. "So I resorted to Posttim, rutting
off the coffee and to my surprise and
satisfaction have found entire relief
from all my sufferings, proving con
clusively the baneful effect ot coffee
and the wav to bo rid of it.
"I have found Posium completely
takes the place of coffee both in flavor
and in taste. It is becoming mord
popular every day with many of our
people and in havlnu great demand
Mv daughter, Mrs. linng. has been
a sufferer for a long time from at
tacks of acute Indigestion. Uy tint
dismissal of coffee and using Posttim
In Its place bhe has obtained com
ph-te relief.
"I have also heard from ninny oth
ers who havo used your Postum very
favorable accounts of Its good effects.
"1 prescribe Postum In place of rof
fee In a preat ninny cases and 1 It
Pevo that upon Its merits Postum will
utiie Into general URe." Name plvca
by Postum Co, Uattlo Creek, Mich.
lxok for tho famous little book
The Kosd to Wollvllle," In each pkg.
MEANS. Some Facts Over Which the Wool
Grower Will Co Well to Ponder Be
fore the Coming Election Compe
tition He His to Meet.
It Is rather singular that about alt
the products of the farm that have uo
real tariff protection are advancing
In price very materially but wool, the
one product that Is protected to the
verge of prohibition, is standing still,
and in some classes even declining
In price. Cotton ha been bringing
more than the average price the fi rm
er and sheep ranch nun are getting
for wool. There is no tariff on cotton,
no protection fosters its growth, w hile
the tariff on wool Is eleven cents a
pound. I low can our protection en
thusiasts explain this anomaly, which,
according to their theory, shows that
the duty cm woo! Is still too low? Why
don't they amend the tarifV and give
tie; ' farmer more protection instead
of standing pat? The imports of for
eign wool are Increasing. The last
report ot Commerce and Finance, Is
sued by the Department of Commerce
and Labor, Riven the imports of wool
for the eleven months ending Novem
ber for l'.ioi In pounds us 1 1 1.7 IS.4!)0;
i:o2, n;i,r,:u,.ns; w3, ii;;!,2"s.3,.i2.
Thus for the same period foreign wool
has been coming in the past year at
tlie rate of over liltv million pound:!
more than in l!ml.
What is the reason for this in
creased competition of the foreign
wool growers with our home product?
In spile of nearly 100 per rent pro
tort Ion the sheep Industry Is not so
prosperous as it was w hen we had free
wool tinder the tariff of 18!M. The
price of woolen goods Is declining
from the lnnbllity of the great ma
jority of our people to buy wool cloth
ing. Cotton and shoddy have largely
taken the place of wool from the
sheer necessity of the family with
limited "neonies to meet t' e increased
cost of living. The Importation of
foreign wool is principally of the
coarse grades, used in the manufac
ture of carpets. That class of wool
our wool growers cannot supply in
sufficient quantity to supply the de
mand, and the high ta-iff only adds
to the cost of the articles made from
It. The farmer, when he buys a car
pet or other product made eif coarse
wool, ppys it big tax on it, with not
even the compensating advantage of
an increased profit on the wool he
himself raises. Those farmers who
do not raise sheep are practically un
protected by the tariff, all hough near
ly all agricultural products are includ
ed in schedule fl of the tariff law. yet
the surplus of agricultural products
raised abov.- what this country can
consume, when sold abroad, must com
pete In the world's markets and the
price Is lixed by the foreign buyers.
The price paid In the home market is
controlled by the price the surplus
brings, so in that raso protection does
not protect the farmer. Theie are a
few exceptions to this rule, Including
those who raise sugar cane, rice and
wrapper tobacco, but the trusts that
control the market for those products
get the largest slice of the profits.
Some farmers who live near the Cana
dian border may lie slightly protected
from their Canadian neighbors hy tho
lack of competition on eggs and vege
tables, hut this advantage, if any. is
( more than overcome by the Increased
price of what they purchase.
The farmer that votes to continue
the protective tariff votes to protect
and foster the trusts, anil not only
pays the tariff tax to the government
but a much greater tax on about all
he buys to the favo. ed corporal ions.
Republican Officeholder Denounces
His Statements as "Miserable Un
truths." The report given out from Repub
lican sources Hint Secretary Shaw Is
soon to retire from the cabinet should
be true. If the charges made by Gen.
II. II. Thomas are substantiated. He
accuses Secretary Shaw of violations
of the civil service law and of playing
petty politics In his removal from the
ofllee of appraiser of the p rt of Chi
cago. In a letter to Secretary Shaw,
Cieiieral Thouins says:
"On the 17th of December lust you
w rote, ostensibly by direct ion of the
president, requesting my immediate
resignation on the pretext of 'secure
ment of more vigorous administra
tion.' Had you stopped there I might
have had some respect for you. but.
you evidently thought a lit ! tHffy
would sweeten the bitter ditse, so
vim told me the resignation was not
wanted for the purpose of giving
somebody a place, and that 'there was
no politics In It.' I will not rharae
terl.e the statements as lies, for that
might be construed ns imparl! imen
tary. hut I will say they are miserable
untruths, nnd yon know them to be,,
and must have known that I know
them to be. Had not you agreed with
Senutor Hopkins in August to appoint
llloy, and haven't you carried out the
eoniTiict ?
"Hut 1 have other nnd more serious
charges to prefer against ou. The
Republican party prides Itself upon
Its devotion to tho civil service law,
and you have sworn to enfi rec that
as well as other laws Let us see tlie
performance. In A i Tit last there r
curied a vacancy In the tobacco exam
iner's ofllee, which carried a salary
of $loo. There being no ellglbles to
select from, you appointed Mr. Labium
for a thirty days' term at $lo per
day. You reappointed hi in each month
until Sept. 2. when n competitive ex
amination was held, in which he par
ticipated and failed to pass. A half
liorcti of them did pass and some nt
th 'in well up In the nineties, and the
law made It one of oitr duties to ap
point one if the three highest, but you
set aside the law and have apMiinted
l-ahiuin five times since."
Secer'.iiy Shaw has appointed In
place ot ( Thomas human I
lli.y, who win tnntingcr of the rain
paigtl which resulted 111 the electimi of
A. F. Hopkins to the Culled States
Ki mile, ho t Ii lit one charge Is proven,
for there certainly is "politics In it."
Secretary Sluiw may try to pose as
a civil service reformer, hut from the
appointment to filer he has mad ho
must be Julgo'l to be a spoilsman of
the rampant stripe. From the parti
san standpoint there is nothing to
complain about In the effort to reward
political strikers, but as the Roose
velt administration claims to be most
ardent In the cause of civil service re
form, the double dealing and subter
fuge employed In rewarding its
friends with otTlciul positions is de
spicable. As the president directed
Secretary Shaw to carry out this po
litical deal, It will be but retribution
if his own head falls in the basket,
when somebody more politically use.
fill demands it.
"To the victors belong the spoils,"
is the strenuous way politics are run
ning nowadays.
Republican Bluff Or Worse.
The Republicans have fooled the
people so often and so long, or at least
they think they havo done so. in r?
gard to prosperity and its causes that
tliey think the people will believe
whatever the Republicans tell them.
This Is having a demoralizing effect
upon the Republicans and is making
them even more reckless of f.cts
than formerly. If the Republican lead
ers In Congress assert that black Is
whlto they fully expect a majority of
the people to believe it, at least on
election day.
The Republicans have but one cause
for prosperity the Hingley tariff act
and continued Republican administra
tion. (iooiI crops In this country with
high prices, occasioned by scarcity
abroad, cuts no Ice, in their plan of
salvation, for all of these things will
be reversed if the wicked Democrat:)
should get control of the government;
al least, so the Republicans unhesitat
ingly tell us, for haven't we had ex
perience in the past?
Now that we are In the midst of a
severe depression in industry ami that
hundreds of thousands are out of em
ployment entirely, while millions aro
working at reduced wages, the Repub
licans continue to prattle about "Re
publican prosperity" and to assert that
we are more prosperous than ever
before. When the Hon. J. G. Cannon
was nominated for opeaker of the
House, he said, in a speech to the
Republican caucus:
"The people never were so well and
perfectly employed as now."
In a speech In the House on Dec. 1,
Congressman Hepburn of Iowa tin
bliishingly stated:
"To-day every man in the United
States who wants to work finds em
ployment In the great labor fields of
the l.nited Mates, and at a compen
sating wnge. When has there been a
time when the distribution of wealth
was as great as it is now, and when
the humblest and the poorest had so
large a share of the accumulations ot
each year as now? There never has
been a time."
Of course the Democrats quickly ac
cept such challenges as to the present
condition of industry and business.
Th"y are having long lists of wage re
ductions' and closed mills printed In
the Congressional Record. They are
also printing numerous statements
from leading Republican papers and
from trade journals which freely and
frankly declare that we are now nt
the beginning of what appears to be
a period of depression and are dis
cussing the probability of the extent
of this period. But what do the Re
publicans care for these facts when
they are confident that, they can de
lude the voters into believing that
everybody Is prosperous? Are the
people really hypnotized on election
day by these leading Republicans?
Will the people ever open their eyes
and see the facts for themselves?
When they do there will he a big nnd
tiiied collection of Republican states
men out of jobs. Times will surely
get bad right away; very, very bad.
Miles and Young.
If an added proof were needed that
President Roosevelt and 'Secretory
Hoot went out cf their way to ad
minister a snub to General Miles, It
may be found In the fulsome compli
ments paid to General Young In the
onim- retiring him when he reached
the age limit. General Miles was dis
missed with a cold and blunt order,
and administration apologists claimed
that it was m.t permissible to do
otherwise. 1 tiit when Gen. Young
retired it was with extreme difficulty
that the secretary of war found words
enough to express Ills compliments.
P.y calling attention to their own lit
tleness the detractors of Gen. Miles
only emphasized his greatness. The
Secretary Shaw Again Effervescing.
Secretary Shaw finds much time
these busy days to get away from his
irksome tiensury work at Washing
ton nnd to make stump speeches in
various parts ot the country. And
when he does get away, he puts even
Senators Foraker and Lodge in tho
shade as original Roosevelt men. Ho
bubbles with fine adjectives descrip
tive of the superlative qualities of
the Roosrvcltian administration. He
told the members of the Marquetto
club nt Chicago on Lincoln's birthday
that no Issue and no candidate could
b'fit Roosevelt. He said, "He the
Isjsue what It may, the result of the
next election Is assured." Of coiirso
Hint settles it.
Whole Session
A horse can
but ealini t be
wise President
of Congress Wasted.
be led to the water,
made to drink. Like
Roosevelt can call a
special session of congress, but he
cannot make the Republican major
ity of that body pass legislation that
he recommends as urgent and Im
poitaiit. The late extraordinary ses
sion of Conmeis in November enacted
one important measure: that Is, It
was of the greatest lniH,rtanee to tho
law givers, but, ns far as the public
was concerned, they could very well
have awaited the regular session for
Its piHSMte. This sole law was a
Joint resolution providing for tho
payment of mlleace to the members.
Our Economic Attcrny General.
Attorney Geferal Knox, In reply to
an Inquiry, reports that In the last
car he has expended about 2."iO00
of the J"tm. Voted him to assist
III proseetiHlnf the triMa. At the rat"
he Is Vorhifg the npproprintioti will
run hi ili'pm t tin in i,,i I ; -vm.
Fven a Republican Congress expected
n lion I twenty time h nuirli activity
as he has displayed.
BaBUuaWaBatMBraaaaM . laarfaBaaaaJanBC
Secretary Shaw has permitted the ac
ceptance, as security for government
deposits in the national banks, of all
bonds which the savings bank law of
the state of New York permits the sav
ings banks to invest In. As a result,
th secretary accepts first mortgage
railroad bonds of companies which
have paid dividends on their stocks for
a period of ten years.
It will be remembered that the Aid
rich bill Introduced in the senate pro
vided for tho acceptance of railroad
bonds. The Aldrich bill did not pass,
and, Indeed, received small encourage
ment outside of financial circles, and
yet Secretary Shaw has undertaken to
demonstrate that he is a law unto him
self. The Wall Street Journal does not ap
prove of Secretary Shaw's action in
this respect. The Journal says that it
would not be inclined to enter serious
objection If this were but a temporary
expedient, and not to serve as a prece
dent. The Journal takes the pains to
say that It has no intention of "casting
discredit upon railroad bonds, which
constitute some of the best securities
that the world presents;" but we find
that the Journal fears the logical result
of the acceptance of railroad bonds. It
explains that In the light of Secretary
Shaw's action "the farmers of the coun
try may legitimately claim that If the
government is to plare its money on
railroad bonds, it should not discrimi
nate against their mortgages."
That would seem to be very natural:
and yet. It is not at. all likely that Wall
street generally will agree that the
farmers could legitimately make such
a claim.
When a few years ago the populists
proposed that the government should
loan money on farm mortgages, the
proposition was met with sneers by the
Wall street magnates; and the plan
was not at all popular throughout tin
country. And yet, when It. Is proposed to loan
money on railroad bonds. Wall street
Is very generally favorable to the plan,
while there does not appear to be,
throughout the country, any consider
able disquietude with respect to the
Perhaps American people have be
come quite accustomed to accepting the
Wail street view ns being the correct
one, however Inconsistent its protests,
rgainst one plan may be with it'i cham
pionship of another plan.
It Is but n short step from the ac
ceptance of railroad bonds as security
for government deposits and- the iv
roptnnce of railroad bonds as the ha-i
for national bank circulation. Ii' tlie
secretary of the treasury can, without
cxpre-s authority of law, accept rail
rond bonds as security In the one case,
there seems to be no reason why he
may not, without authority of law. ac
cept railroad bonds In the oilier case.
To a man like Congresinati Shafroth
the words of praise bestowed upon him
for his manly action are worth more
than congressional honors or the sal
aried emoluments thereof.
It Is worthy of note thnt the only
congressman who ever resigned a seiit
after learning that he was not honrstly
elected Is a democrat.
A dispatch to the Cincinnati Inqiiiii"-.
under date of Live Oak. Fla.. February
lil, quotes Mr. llryan as saying: "Mr.
llanna has grown In public estimation
during the last eight years, his recent
elrdion demonstrating his inirensing
hold upon the people of his state, lie
won his place nt the head If his pirty
in the actinic and In the nation by his
extraordinary exniitlve ability and by
his klll in organizing the forces that
control that party. F.veti his political
opponents recognized the strength of
his persifr.nlity and his many admirable
qualities, lie was one of the tno.,t
forceful men In modem polities."
Judging by the appointment of
"Doe" Jamleson. It must be evident
thnt President Roosevelt Is n strenu
ous civil service reformer only when
the appointment of spoilsmen will not
serve his purpose better.
If It Is true thnt .Mr. Siliwnb. tpour
lug of the shipbuilding trust, said: "All
Is lost i-bvp I'ltior." thin. Imbed, a
his assets pituoly small.
It seems that the only thing doliu
At the bt-ailqiiaitets of The Hague
penie trlbiinnl Is the mailer of ja'i1-
) ulstltiR in tlie d'se t( li t
The Light in the Window.
The Montgomery Advertiser in a la
bored editorial attempts the defense of
Mr. Cleveland's administration. It ns
serts that Mr. Cleveland in "his last
annual message, December, ISilli, de
nounced the trusts in the strongest pos
sible terms, declaring that 'their tend
ency is to crush out individual Inde
pendence and to hinder or prevent the
free use of human facilities and the fill!
development of human character.'"
Yes. he used those words after the
election of his successor and after his
surrender to the corporations had
caused his repudiation by his party.
Hut why did he not do something to
destroy tlie trusts? He did not. enforce
the existing law any better than Presi
dent MiKinley or President Roosevelt,
neither did he recommend any specific
measure for tlie extermination of the
trusts. After a term of inaction dur
ing which the trusts constantly grew he
went, through the farce of kicking at
them as he left the White house and
the insincerity of his effort Is shown
by the fact that he would lie the unani
mous choice of the trusts today if they
were allowed to select the democratic
candidate, provided tliey thought he
could be elected. The trusts would con
tribute more liberally to his campaign
than to the fund of any other man who
could be named .by the democratic
party, for they would feel more certain
of being allowed to make the money
back out of the pockets of the people,
regardless of its effect on tlie demo
cratic party.
A casual reading of the corporation
dailies is enough to convince any one
that there Is a concerted plan on foot
among the reorganizes to prevent in
structions. "Selei t good, conservative
men," they say, " and leave I hem frc
to act according to their judgment." In
every district they are working for a
delegate who will follow the dictation
of Wall street and If they can succeed
In sending these men uninstriiolcd,
Wall street will write tlie platform,
name the candidates and control the
organization. If the voters are heard
at all tliey must he heard In the pri
maries tind in the county conventions
A motion to Instruct for the renftlrmn-
Hon of the Kansas City platform will
draw the line lmtwtcn those who wan
to miiKe an honest light ami those
who want to surrender the party Into
the hands of t lie flnnneieis.
The Sioux City Journal nys that
Wall street Is coining around to Rote e
veil, which Is proof that a grent light
bus "dawned upon Wall siieet." The
.loiirtial Is mistaken. It is not a new
light ; It is merely Wall street acknowl
edging the fact that Its attempt to be
fuddle the people was a dismul failure.
Pending settlement of the vexed
question as to who is "father of the
new invy," it might be well to help
the child get rid of a whole lot of use
less nurses who get most of the baby's
malted milk.
J Adam llede's contention that the
di niocratlc parly should disband mav
be founded on the fact that he can not
understand why it did not after he left
it. J. Adam mistakes the size of the
hole he left.
,L? Fassett still Insists-that we
are under treaty obligations to Korn.
Strange (hat .1. Sloal falls to keep nn
with the pnnrssloii. Were we not also
under treaty obligations to Colombia?
And whnt's a little tnntter like a treaty
with. a world power when that power
wants to gobble something?
Pott master General Payne has l.isued
nn order that only l!e telephones shall
lie allowed In poMoflh rs. Why? Well,
the fact that Mr. Payne Is a stock
holder In the Hell Telephone loinpany
may have had something in n
the order.
Dr Harper siivs (hat irlthism of Mi.
R,n kel'eller Is not burred I'roni Chlt.i:
university. Certainly not, but tieiihei
I any professor in Hie unlverslt.v
barred from thrusting his head Into ii
lien's mouth If he leally wntils lo ilu
Dr. Hal per is too aw fully Innoieiit.
It appears lliat gned has not been so
thoroughly shackled Hint It ian not
r-n i!.: h lll'o It p'iili'1 ir.d i'- ,:
for the g. o. p. i niiipaiuli f.ind.
The gentlemen who are shrieking so
loudly for harmony." are ihe geini..
tneii who rul ed the runiptis That r,et
i luv.ild n il be ovei In !,'"!
Courtesy of The Commoner.
Some of the organizers profess to
believe that the silver question is the
only obstacle in the way of harmony.
As evidence that complete surrender
is demanded it Is only necessary to
cite the recent experience in Ohio. The
democrats of that state uinile a fair
test of this matter lasl fall. Mr. Clark',
the man namd for the United Stales
senate against Mr. llanna, was a bolter
in islili and made speeches for the
Palmer and Hui-kuer ticket. On other
questions lie was with the parly and
had shown his sympathy with the peo
ple by supporting the reforms for which
Johnson wns contending. Relieving
that his sympathies were right, tin
democrats, at the request of Mr. John
son, nominated him nnd th" silver
men ns a rule supported him. but in
spite of the fad that the republican
papers took pnins to advertise that he
had not changed his opinion on tlie sil
ver question he was defeated by an
overwhelming majority. His advocacy
of (be gold standard did not. save him,
nor did it conciliate the reorganize!-.-.
They make a great deal of noise about
l(i to 1. but they are not content with
a surrender on that point. They In
sist that tlie platform, candidates and
the party organization shall represent
organized wealth on all points and that
the democratic party shall be a minia
ture edition of the republican party.
Nothing less than this will 'restore the
kind of "harmony" they want.
The Louisville Post says that In 1SM!
and l!)0ii the democratic party repudi
ated the platform of 1K!C. and adds:
"Now if the democratic parly has
again changed Its opinion there Is no
reason why it should not have th"
equal boldness to repudiate tlie plat
forms of isiui and Hum." Are the post
and the people whom if represents will
lug to make th" test of the election of
delegates to the national convent ion tile
quest ion as to whether the national
pint forms of lSlnl nnd Jimo shall be re
pudiated? If the Post leally desires
to be bold, will it be willing that the
boldness be displayed at the primnricn
rather than reserved for the convention
tloor. after delegates have been elected
on the so-called harmony platform.
In his address nt Chicago. Bishop
John I.. Spalding sounded this wn:n
Ing: "If the present methods continue
a few individuals and trusts will soon
control the means of production and
distribution and this In an era In which
money Is the mightiest form of social
Influence and dominion. I'd these ft w
individuals nnd corporations will be
long nn authority nnd power greater
than any history makes know n - an
authority nnd power whiih are Incom
patible wli!i poliiiuil libeity anil pop
ular iiisiiiuiior.s. If our national wi I
fare cense lo resi on a foundation of
religion and morality It will vanish."
It seems I hut nn Invest igat ion has
brought mil the fact that 20 per cent
of the gas meters In New York City
measure loo fjsl nnd that the gas wns
In many msen adulterated. This Is the
natural result of a private monopoly,
but would not exist under municipal
It will be observed that the newspa
pers that howl loudest about "yellow
journalism" have nothing to say about
the crimson and buff tendencies of the
ndmlnlsirniion malingers of Washing
ton court clique! '.e.
The Washington Post savs:
Bryan declares thnt no one will
ndmllied to the St. Louis convention
who is ntitagonlsilc to the Kansas City
plat form." Annniiliis was struck dead
for Just such misrepresentation, but
owing to chnnges the Post pninginpher
Is safe-for ft time.
The Iowa null-trust law has been de
i hired tiucoiisiliiitlonnl on a techni
cality. Some or these days It mnv
happen thai the taxpiiyns will bene
lil by n teehnli alily, but It uppenrs to
be a very fiilnt sort of a hope.
A democrat ir ndnilnlsiinilon pur.
ihii-ed Willi trust money would be
worse for the lonsiiiners than a repub
lican admilil: nation. That's the only
difii n nee.
When n "mptaln of ludui lr " us,
the mails to defined It Is nil'ed "rublle
liiiNl'i Ii ring." When nnvhmly obe doe
ib.e same ll 1-.. ::li- d a i rime.
Ii seems that China Is destined to prt
humped If the door is open, nnd badly
jammed if the door Is closed.
The pass Ib-nd will have some dim
cull y In nii 'nklnp Into lo aven that wr.
Hymn Scared the Crows.
The daughter of a country lector
taught the choir boys a new tune at
a Monday evening's practice, to bi
sung oil til follow ing Sunday. Suu
day mornlnc came.
"Well, Sammy, " said Miss X .
"I hope you haven't forgotten the
new tune, for we depend much oil
"Naw, mum, not a bit. Why, I'vo
been askeering the crows with it all
the week." London Answers.
Scotch Dialect.
"I got quite Interested In a book
that a man left out In the woods tho
other day." said the Cist owl.
"Nonsense!" cried his mute; "you
can't understand tic human lan
guage' "lint this wasn't altogether human.
It was by a mini named McTnvisli
M icPliersoii. and it was full ot
'hoots.' "
Modern Sherlock Holmes.
Again the modern Sherlock wu: vic
torious. "1 have discovered that It Is a girl
baby," he whispered.
"How did you lind thai out?" asked
the mystified man.
"I gave it a newspaper to play with
and it tore out the bargain Males first
Sad Home-Coming.
"At the sight of his son tho happy
father fell on his neck."
The Man Behind the Gun.
"That," remarked the resident of
the town in a whisper, "Is one of our
'big guns.' "
"And who is Hie quiet little chap
with him?" asked the visitor.
"Tlie man behind the gun," replied
the resident, "who keeps It tin from
mooting off ills opinions tit the wrong
time. He is the big fellow's secre
tary." Dcntictry's Religious Training.
Dentist (after struggling for twenty
minutes In a vain endeavor to extract
tho tooth) "1 must say you -yon
have the firmest tooth I ever had to
ileal with."
Patient "I'm In nne hurry. It's
grauu' practice for ye; an" it'll teach
ye that we maun a' work for oor liv
In'." Stray Stories.
The Fireproof Drama.
"How did you enjoy the play last
"I was a good deal disappointed.
The fireproof paint on tins scenery
looked Just like any ordinary paint,
and I don't believe the nevj steel cur
tain Is as heavy ns 2.0O0 pounds as
It has been advertised." Chicago
Six Months Ahead.
"I r-upose things are rather back
ward in jour business now," said the
"Backward?" exclaimed the sport
ing goods salesman, "they're decid
edly forward. The boss just told me
If 1 wanted a vacation this summer
I'd have to take it now while we're
It All Depended.
"Don't we go any higher?" asked
the facetious guest In the Chicago ho
tel when the elevator stopped at the
twenty-fourth floor.
"Not unless the elevator drops, sir,"
answered the truthful elevator hoy.
Shutting Him Up.
"It strikes me, Mary," mildly
scrvid Mr. Slowun, "that these cakes
would be decidedly belter if they bad
a liHle more ginger in them."
"So would ymt, John," calmly re
joined the feminine end of tho com
bine Tricks All Photographers Know.
'He claims to havo in vented a
camera, that makes peoplo prettier
than they are."
"How Is that?"
"By simply maklns tho lens flatter."
St ray StorleH.
Times Have Changed.
"The hand that rocks the cradle Is
Ihe hand Hint rules Ce world" not
Bench and Bar.
.lud!,e Row tides -Your fjco Is fa
miliar. I've seen you before.
Prisoner Yes, your honor, quite
Judge Rowndes Ah! vhat was the
:hargu the last tln.e I saw you?
Prisoner I think it was 15 cents,
your honor, 1 mixed n cocktail for )ou.
Asking Too Much.
"My denr," mil. I Ardupp. "I lure
tin le a little ptep.irntl'in for your fu
ture. Had my life Insured for $5,009
to day."
"Oh. how thoer.htfiil of you. John."
jxrtalmed Mr. A. "And con I il the
money right aw a; '" ,
rat'!? 1SI