The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1904, Image 8

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    PLATTSMoanijoimiRiissiiw VICTORY
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Tlio only important independent
rtates now remaining in Africa are
Abyssinia and Liberia.
The strike of coal miners at Ells
worth, Pa., Is ended, t lie company a
ctdlng to the demands 01 the men
Within a milo of Johannesburg
building contracts to the amonnt of
over ten millions are being carried
Dr. Emmet, a gramlnephcw of Rob
ert Emmet tho Irish patriot, ha. just
celebrated Lis gulden wedding in New
York city.
( ongressman William A. Roodor
was renominated by acclamation by
tho republicans of the Sixth district
of Kansas.
I 'a per flywheels are coming into vise,
The tensile strength oi paper in enor
tnoua. hen eo its advantage over Iron
for l hi 4 purpose.
Coorge A. Rrooko of Philadelphia
von tho racquet championship of tho
Vnitcd States by defeating Quiney A
Shaw, jr., of I'oston.
John Phillips, secretary of tho na
tinnal organization of hatters, and well
Known in labor circles, died at New
York,- aged (17 years.
At Cincinna" tho convention of In
dependent telephone companies In tho
Ohio Valley convened with over 1U0
exchanges represented.
Switzerland Is Inaugurating a sys
( in of itinerant school teachers, who
will visit and spend soma time in tho
isolated outlyi.v villages.
W. T. Stead has broken down under
tho strain of publishing his now daily
paper in London and has started for
South Africa for n complete rest.
Aluj'or Arthur MeClellan brother of
I ho late General C.eorgo It. MeClellan
mid uncle of the mayor of New York,
died suddenly of heart disease at Drif
ton, Pa.
Marry A 'ill.ifi'o was liangi d at Xit
launing. Pa., for the murder of his
wife, illafro, who was scarcely 2'J
years old, wan cool and ci.llcctcd on
tlie scaffold
William .Miller, probably the oldest
engineer In service In the United
Slates, has just been killed near Load
villo, Colo. Miller began railroading
lit'ty-two yours ago.
The Senate Committee on Com
merce authorized n favorable report
nn tho nomination of V.'. 1). C'rum. to
be Collector of Customs at tho Port
of Charleston, S. C.
John Mlllikan, the oldest editor in
the Stato of Indiana, lives in Crown
Point, in good health and at tho ago
of 8!) years, lie Is still connected with
tho Lake County Register.
Advices have been received that an
enormous tonnage of exhibits is now
enroute to St. ixmis. Within two
weeks this freight will begin to arrivo
on the grounds in great bulk.
Prof. W. IV Morgan, latj of Rich
mond, Iii't , one ot tho ton most of
Quaker educatois died at I .'well, Kas.
Me was prominent In the movement
that brought about coeducation In
Quaker schools.
Replying In the House of Commons,
tho Chancellor oi the Exchequer, Aus
ten Chamberlain, said the government
bad no Intention at present of relm
(losing the tax on grain, which was
. abolished last year
Mrs. Rradloy-Martin, tho society
leader, who Is now making her homo
in England, lias ordered twenty-seven
pairs of (shoes made to her own last
from a manufacturer of women's foot
wear In Lynn, Mass.
ha Right Rev. Joseph C. Hartzell,
misionnry bishop of the Methodist
church, nns just returned to London
Irom a ton." of the frican missions,
extending r.vei nine months and trav
eling about ::n,li(i() mile.'.
Two men wero lost by the steamer
York Castle, which arrived at New
York from Dclagia bay, In an attempt
to give aid Sunday to tho American
schooner, Willi? L. Newton, 2uu miles
southeast of Sandy Hook.
The private car used by President
Lincoln during the Civil waij and
which carried his body to Springfield
for burial, has been loaned to tho St.
Louis Imposition or exnlliition in the
Lincoln Museum by tho Union Pacific
L'mll Kuehnol of Manchester. N. H
lias a Clock which it is believed was
used in the days of Columbus. On the
tipper part of the wooden face is
carved a picture of the great discov
erer, wihlo on the lower part is neatly
cni.ed "Anno 1P.I2."
Tho heaviest man In the H. itish em
pire Is dead from a cancer, says a
dispatch from London Ho was Thom
as Longley of Dover. His weight ex
ceeded fiflO pounds, while he was r.ix
feet one Inch In height, nnd had a
chest measurement of seventy Inches.
John Hrltt, of Medorn, X. 1)., has
written to the authorities of the l.ou
Islana Taarchnse exposition that ho
rati secure for the fair a log cabin
In which President Roosevelt ouce
lived on a ranch In North Dakota.
Tho Tope has sent a magnificent
chased gold challc to tho church ot
Qnero. a town In tho Venetian prov
inces, to toko tho placo of the one
which hod b"en used thero for a con
tury, but which was recently stolen.
Captain George Proome of the Pnit
ed States army, now stationed in Por
to Rico, filed in the Pnited States su
preme court a suit for $2r.o,noii dam
ages against James P. Harbour and
his wife, Annie 1). Harbour, for alleged
alienation of the affections of Captain
Hi'oo'ne's wife.
The discovery is announced of n
new counterfeit $' national bank note
on tho National City Hank of New
York, series of 1SS2. check letter U,
Jtoseerans, register, Jordan, treasurer!
This counterfeit Is a photograph of
tho original and bank numbers are
brown Instead of blue.
The Paris 'temps' rorrenpondent nt
Copenhagen telegraphs Hint tho high
rst political authorities there are oc
cupied constantly with the plans for
united action on the part of Denmark
and Sweden nnd Norway for mutual
protection of tholr neutrality, In the
ivctit of Hie Riismi Japanese war caus
ing European entanglements.
' News in Brief
Rumor pf Victory Spread Far and
Wide Over St. Petersburg andCauee
Much Excitement A Japanese Ruse
Which the Russians Overcome.
ST. PETERS PURG.-Reports of a
Russian victory at Port Arthur wero
current late Wednesday afternoon and
early In tho evening, uiul about mid
nlgfct they seemed to have been defin
itely confirmed but In tho absence
of an official announcement, which Is
momentarily expected, the stories of
the dimensions of this victory were
most conflicting and confusing in
character. Tho most circumstantial
report was Hint the Japanese had at
tempted to bottle up Admiral Stark's
fleet in Port Arthur by staking two
stone-laden vessels at the entrance of
tho harbor, employing (ho tactics
which were considered, but. not ex
ecuted by tlio late Admiral Sampson,
I'nitcd States navy, with the Mor
rimac at Santingo during the Spanish-American
war. According to this
account two Japanese ships appeared
ofT tho harbor with a Japanese fleet
-behind them and ostensibly in pur
suit. The Russians, however, suspect
ed a ruse and their ships steamed out
sank the stone laden vessels, engaged
nnd defeated tho enemy and drove
Hum off. The reports of the loss in
flicted, however, are conflicting.
All tho stories include tlio feature
of the vessels loaded with stones, but
according to some versions the Japan
ese fleet was convoying transports
with the purpose of effecting a land
ing at Pigeon bay, and after the fail
ure of tills preliminary maneuver, the
Kusians played havoc with both the
Japanese warships and the transports,
sinking four of the former and two of
tho latter.
One account even cives the name of
Hie battleship Retvizen ns tho vessel
which particularly distinguished her
self by ramming and sinking one of
the Japanese ships.
Rumors of tills victory spread far
and wide over the city during the
early part of tho evening and the
crowds which had gathered in the
streets In spito of the severe cold
to discuss the news were grcntly ex
cited. One newspaper printed an ex
tra relating tho victory, based on a
meager telegram from London, but as
the night wore on without, official In
formation, the crowds dispersed ex
cept from around tho uewspapcr of
fices. These remained thronged with
ofllcers and others who were resolved
to await theoflicial announcement.
LONDON. A dispatch to tho Cen
tral News from St. Petesrburg gives
another version of the reported Japan
ese defeat at Port Arthur, according
to which tho Japanese planned to sink
Eomo barges In the strait leading to
the Inner harbor of Port Arthur, thus
blocking tho exit. Tho Russian gun
Are sank the barges before they ar
rived at the intended spot.
Former Rough Riders Anxious to See
SIOPX FALLS, S. I). Evor since it
was announced in Washington dis
patches that Colonel Melvln Grisby
oi this city, who has been In Washing
ton for some time, Intended raising
a batalion of rough rldera for service
with the Japanese against the Rus
sians, the office of Colonel Crlgsby in
this city has been flooded with letters
from applicants for places. Most of
the letters are from former members
of Grigshy's Re.ugh Riders, a regiment
which was formed during tho Spanish
American war, who wish to see active
service during the war In the far east.
Colonel Grigsby has written hero to
the effect, that the report is unfound
ed, and has Instructed hh son, Sioux
Origshy, who is in charge, of the
Origsby law ofllce in this city during
the absence of the colonel In the na
tional capital, to writo such of the
applicants a letter, stating that the
report of his intended notion is un
founded; that the laws of Japan for
bid the enlistment of foreigners in the
Japanese army, and that no good citi
zen will violate the neutrality laws of
the Pnited States.
Internal Revenue Collections.
WASHINGTON The monthly slate
ment of the collections of Internal
revenue shows that for the month of
January, Ifi'M, tho total receipts were
$lfi.Sfii,4SI. a decrease compared with
January, l!io::, of fl.bSS.TI.".
Por the seven months of (he fiscal
year the receipts aggregated Si:m,0 Ll,
fCl, an increase of f 1.4'.ir..TJil, as com
pared with tho corresponding period
last y.'ar.
Uncle Sam's Cash.
WASHINGTON. Today's state
ments of the treassury balances In the
general fund, exclusive of the $130,
1)1)0,000 gold reserve In the division
of redemption, shows: Available cash
balance. $221.418.751 ; gold, J102.424,
"CO. Placed Under Martial Law.
ST. PETERSHUUG.-Tho railway
between Samara and Zlatoust, In Eu
ropean Russln, and the Siberian lines,
with oil the territory appropriated by
the government for the purposes of
these railways, have been placed un
der martini law, In order to Insure
regular military trains. The full pow
ers of a commander of an army in tho
field have been conferred on the com
manders of forces nt Kazan nnd In
the Siberian military districts, In
whoso charge those railways have
I oen placed.
Military Obiervert In Far East.
WASHINGTON. Colonel Crowder
of the general staff, who has been
selected to accompany the Japanese
army In the field during the war. left
Washington fur Ssn Francisco, whore
he will sail March ". for Yokohama.
Having finally decided to employ
Hrig.niier General A'.len ns a military
observer in Korea and Manchuria,
Lieutenant General Chaffee cabled t
that off.cer at Seoul his necessary cre
dential and Instructions. Nominally
C n. Allen will lie military attache to
the United States legation nt Seoul.
Troops Ordered to Fight Wit Those
of Mikado.
SEOUL The Korean government
has decided to order the Korean
troop to join the Japanese la the
The port of Wiju was opened to for
eign trade Friday night. The limita
tions to tie plaeod on trade and other
Incidental matters Mill be passed uru
later. This action necessitates a har
bor, t-o Yongampo has been decided
The standing army now consists of
about K.otiii men with European meth
ods. In mi; it was taken in hand by
a Russian colonel with three commis
sioned and tea non-commissioned of
ficers, who retired in 1S'.)S. The royal
bodyguard of l.uoo men has been well
drilled, and periodically a draft of
well-trained men Is transferred from
It to the other regiments of the stand'
lug army.
WASHINGTON Vice Admiral Kara
imura of the Japanese navy, in a dis
patch to the Japanese legation here,
under date of Friday, says:
"According to the report from the
torpedo flotilla, which was sent for
tho purpose of rescuing the crews of
the steamers sent to block up the har
bor at Port Arthur, the steamer Hoko
kub on the left sido of the entrance
of the harbor near the -lighthouse and
tho steamer Rushiu outside the en-
uance wero sunk purposely by tlio
Japanese by explosion. Tho steamers
Tenshine, Huyo and Jinsen sunk them
selves on the east of the Lno Loshan.
aii ine crews ol these steamers wero
picked up safely. Our destroyers and
lorpwuo not ma are unharmed. On tho
night of February 24 our destroveia
again went on a scouting cruise near
Port Arthur, Malay and Pigeon Hay.
"On February 2a our main squadron
approached Port Arthur and bombard
ed the enemy's men-of-war and forts
from a distance. We saw the Novik,
the Askold nnd the Hayan fleeing into
the harbor, it thus being apparent that
the blockading operation had not
much effect. Our squadron then fired
Into the habror and saw flames' and
considerable smoke. Wo withdrew
after lil'teen minutes' shelling. Whilo
our cruisers were thus engaged in fir
ing, wo saw one of the enemy's tor
pedo boats destroyed. Our squadron
received no dam' e
"Vice Admiral Togo is still on tho
Illness of Senator Spooner Delaya
Meeting of the Committee.
WASHINGTON Senator Spooner
was absent from tho senate Chamber
Friday by reason of a slight indisposi
tion. His nbsence, however, made it
necessary for Senator Hoar, chairman
of the Dietrich investigating commit
tor, to postpone the meeting of the
committee, which was called to meet
Friday morning, until some time next
week, the early part of tho week in all
probability. Whiles Senator Spooner
has boon compelled to undergo a slight
operation, he is able to keep up with
his work of congress, and, ns he ex
pressed the desire to read all the pa
pers In the Dietrich caso during tho
time he will be confined to the house,
all the papers wero transmitted to
him, including a supplemental letter
from District Attorney Summers re
ceived by Senator Jloar. Tho contents
of this letter is not known, as the let
ter, together with a number of accom
panying papers, were sent to Senator
Spooner intact. Senator Piatt of Con
necticut and senator Pettus have re
ceived n largo majority of the papers
on llle and will take the opportunity
growing out of Senator Spooner's In
disposition to familiarize themselves
with the papers in the possession of
the committee before the next meet
Chartered by the Government and Lo
cated on the Grounds.
ST. LOUS.-To facilitate tho han
dling of large sums of money during
the exposition period, seventeen of the
largest banks nnd trust companies
of St. Ixiuis have organized the Hank
ers' World's Pair National bank, char-
to rod by the federal government and
capitalized at $20n,fi00.
The specific purpose of the hank Is
to have a convenient depository for
the government funds, the gate re
ceipts of the world's fair and tho con
cessionaires, and for all those that
wish to deposit their money for safo
keeping. The bank, which will he lo
cntod inside the grounds, will cease
to exist with 'no close of the exposi
tion. Kaiitr Pleased with Railroad.
MERLIN Emperor William has to!
ecrnphed to Dr. Fischer, president ot
tho Slum Tung railway, a.-', follows:
"Tlio news of tlie arrival of the first
railway train at Tsl Nan Fu afforded
nie much gratification. I congratu
late the management upon tho suc
cess which the German spirit, of en
terprise has achieved In the far east
and hope your Indefatigable labors In
China will l.o rewarded with other
similar tmccciscH."
Lots of Wisconsin Capitol.
MILWAUKEE, Wis. A special from
Madison, Wis., says that Governor Ia
Follelte had a conference with a num
ber ot state ofllelals to consider steps
to be taken with regard to the replac
ing of the state eapitol. which was
practically ruined by the recent fire.
Nothing definite was reached at tho
conference, but It is the general Im
pression that the governor will call an
extra session of tho legislature to tnko
action on the matter. The governor
announced that r.othlng would bo done
tor a few davs.
Rush Order for Transports.
NEW YORK.-Rush orders were re
ceived in this city Tuesday by tho
quartermaster's .tepartment to have
shifts of men work night and day to
put the transports MeClellan and
Sumner In readiness to put to sea.
Orders have been placed for coal and
both vessels will have tholr hunkers
filled within thirtyslx hours. Tho
commissary department has also been
ordered to provision tlie transports
for l.f.un men. It Is thought the trans
ports will be In readiness In that
Torpedo Boat Is Sunk, Askold Is Bat
tered to Pieces and Other Ships Are
Riddled With Shells. Boats that
Met the Attack.
LONDON A dispatch to the Daily
Telegraph from Yin Kow, dated Feb
ruary 29, says:
Fifteen warships furiously bombard
ed Port Arthur from 10 until 12 o'clock
this morning.
The Russian cruisers Novik, Askold
and Hayan, accompanied by four tor
pedo boats, steamed out to meet the
attaok. They wore, however, forced
to retire. The Askold was in a sink
ins condition. The Novik was in a
damaged condition, and a torpedo boat
was sunk.
The Russian battleship Retvizan
was again damaged.
The Japanese again withdrew in
good order.
The pause in the war operations In
tho far east has been broken by an
other Japanese attack on Port Arthur
after which only the foregoing brief
account it yet to hand. This report,
however, shows a repetiton of the now
familiar tactics of Japan, and it is
presumed that this attack was made
in bad weather prevailing, tho tele
graphic advices having reported a se
vere gale rasing at Port Arthur. As
usual, the Japanese did not remain
long enough off tho harbor to enable
the gunners at the forts to get their
range. Again, also tlie same three
cruisers, the Hayan. the Askold ami
the Novik, came out to moot tlio at
tack and this suggests that either they
wero the only effective ships there or
that the larger battleships wore un
able to get out.
Russia will consider the landing of
a cable to Japan on the island of Guam
a breach of neutrality on the part of
the Pnited States.
Twenty-live hundred Russian troops
have reached the Yalu river.
ST. PETERSHPRG If an attempt
is made to lay a cable from the island
of Guam to Japan during the contin
uance of hostilities it will be regarded
as contraband of war under the proc
lamation promulgated yesterday. As
pointed out to tlie Associated Press
correspondent, tlio proclamation is
specific on this point, and it is not
believed here that the United States
will undertake or authorize such a
cable now, as it would constitute a
breach of neutrality, according to the
Russian view.
United States Officers May Accom
pany Army to Observe Operations.
WASHINGTON. The Russian array
formally has granted the request of
the United States that certain officers
of the American army lie permitted
to accompany the Russian troops and
witness their operations in the war
with Japan. Ambassador McCormlck,
in a cablegram informing Secretary
Hay of this fact, states that the offi
cers cannot join the Russian army
before April 15, of the Russian calen
The officers who have been desig
nated for this service are Colonel J. It.
Kerr of the general staff. Captain Carl
Relchman of the Seventh Infantry,
Captain George Galley and Cantata
William Judson of the engineer corns.
All of the above are in Manila except
Captain Judson, who Is in this city
and who leaves at once for Sl Peters
Alarming Rumors Set at Rest by
Statement of Physicians.
MENTONE, France Contrary to
tho alarming rumors circulated in re
gard to the health of Mr. Kruger, for
mer president of the Transvaal, Dr.
Huysmans, his physician, says that
not for some years has the health of
Mr. Kruger boon as good as at present.
PARIS. The Montone correspond
ent of the Associated Press says ha
saw Mr. Kruger taking his usual daily
walk today and adds that lie appeared
in excellent health.
Young Corbett Still Champion.
cisco. Young Corbett, champion
featherweight, had no difficulty in re
tains his laurels Monday night, de
feating Dave Sullivan of New York
In the eleventh round of a scheduled
twenty-round contest. Corbett Mt
the ring without a mark, while, on
the other hand, Sullivan received a
terrific beating, only the merciful no
tion of Referee Graney in stopping the
contest Having the New York, r from
having his face beaten into a pulp.
Grants American Request.
WASHINGTON-Tho Russian army
formally has granted the request of
tho United States that certain ofllcers
of the American army be permitted
to accompany the Russian troops and
witness their operations in the war
with Japan.
Falls from Eighth Story.
NEW YORK. Mrs. Ada Crutch
field, wife of David Crutchfleld, for
merly of Nashville, Tonn., now senior
member of the Hroad street banking
firm of Crutchfleld & Co.. was instant
ly killed Monday night by falling from
a window of her homo in the eighth
story of tho apartment building at
Seventy-first street and Central Pnrkk,
west. The fall is believed to have
been accidental. Mrs. Crutchfleld
wns the daughter of Captain W. J.
Thompson, a banker of Little Rock
Filipino Tobacco Workers.
WASHINGTON. Secretary Taft
Monday submitted to the house the po
tit Ion of tho tobacco workers' guild of
tho Philippine Islands, praying for a
reduction In the tariff on tobacco. The
guild Is declared to represent fi.noo
tobacco workers. The petition stales
Hint theso Workers received twice the
wages under Spanish rule tmt. t hoy
do now, tho dally wage at that time
being CO cents. Prices of (he neces
saries of life, It Is slated, have In
creased threefold under American
Steamer Queen Takes Fire Off North
Pacific Coast.
PORT TOW.sSENI), Wash After
suffering the niost harrowing experi
ence from fire and storm that has ever
befallen a craft on tho North Paoifls
coast, the ;.:eaii:or Queen put in here
Sunday to report the loss of fourteen
About 3:4.1 o'clock .Saturday morn
ing, while off the month of the Colum
bia river Hie Queen caught tire In her
after saloon in some unexplained way.
With indescribable swiftness the tire
gained headway and threatened soon
to envelop the whole ship. To add to
the horror the heavy seas running
meant doatli lo any one sent away In
the lifeboats The flames became
more and more threatening until, when
it seemed a choice of deaths. Captain
Cousins ordered the lifeboats launch
ed. They were manned by tlie crew
and ordered to remain c lose to Hie
ship. Into these the women and chil
dren were placed. Hardly, however,
had the boats boon cast loose than, un
able 10 weather the fierce waves, two
cit them wore capsi::cd with the loss
above indicated.
ngressman Hitchcock Introdues
One for Relief of Marines.
WASHINGTON Congressman Gil
bert M. Hitchcock of the Second Ne
braska district has introduced a bill
for the relief of the members of the
First, Second and Third marine corps
and for other purposes. The text of
the bill is as follows:
"That the claims for pay of the
members ot those corps who were must-red
into tho nervlce of tlie United
Stales under the order of Major (ion
oral John C. Fremont, dated Septem
ber 12, IS; 1 . and also the like claims
of legal representatives of the deceas
ed members ot tho said corps shall
hereafter be referred to the court of
claims of the United States fur exam
ination nnd adjudication."
The bill gives full authority and jur
isdiction to the court of claims to boar
and determine these claims nnd to en
ter final judgments upon all of tlie
questions of law and fact involved
Heart of the New York City Con
verted Into a Colossa' Torch.
ROCHESTER, N. Y. The sun set
Friday night with ten engines pour
ing streams of water on the ruins
of most, of the retail dry Roods quar
ter of Rochester. Three out of five
department stores in Rochester wero
consumed in the. day's lire, which
caused a loss of more than ?:!.u00,()00.
The Sibley, Lindsay & Curr company,
the largest, retail store in Rochester,
was destroyed.
Of tliu loss $7:;"i,000 represents
buildings and the remainder stocks
and furnishings. It Is said that 2,500
persons were thrown out of work by
the fire. Tho burned region lies on
the north sido of the main street, be
tween St. Paul street and Clinton ave
nue, north from St. Paul street almost
the entiro length of ihe block.
Burlington Announces Rate on Sugar
to the Missouri River.
CHICAGO. Officials of tho Burling
ton railway announced a rate on sugar
from Chicago to the Missouri river of
2 cents less than the cut rate put in
effect by the Great Western.
Its new rate will be 10 cents per 100
pounds from Chicago to the Missouri
river, 5 cents from the Mississippi
river to the Missouri river and 7 cents
from Chicago to St. Paul and Minne
apolis. The old rates on sugar were
27 cents from Chicago to the Missouri
river, 22 cents from the Mississippi
to the Missouri and 14 cents from Chi
cago to St. Paul.
Tho Great Western had made no
reduction in tlio rate from Chicago to
St. Paul, and the 50 per cent cut in
tho St. Paul rate by the Darlington is
taken as an indication that the Hur
lington will become more aggressive
in the prevailing war of rates.
Our Minister at Seoul and Great
Britain's Like It.
TOKIO The Korean court has do
nated f 1M,000 to tho Rod Cross hos
pitals. The ministers of tlie Pnited States
and Great Hritaln at Seoul are fa
vorably inclined lo the Japanese-Korean
The Tokio givernnicnt has in
structed the locnl auihiirit ics to ex
tend special protection nnd facilities
to the Russian consul at Fiisaii, Korea,
who is to reach Moji, Japan, tonight
nnd proceed thence for Nagasaki,
whence he will sail for home.
Russia to Present Her Protest.
WASHINGTON At an Important
conference, scheduled for Wednesdny
at. the State department between Sec
retary Hay and Count C'nsslnl, tho
Russian ambassador, Russia's protest
to the powers against Japan's alleged
violation of international lnw will bo
communicated to the Washington gov
ernment. Bail for Anarchist Turnsr.
WASHINGTON. In the supreme
court of the United States Monday
an order was Isiiuod for the release of
John Turner on ball and setting the
hearing of his case by the court, for
April 4 next. Turner Is a Hrillsh
subject ,who wns taken Into custody
upon nrlval in New York last October
on the charge of being an anarchist,
ami his deportation ordered. Ho was
detained nt Ellis l.dand and instituted
habeas corpus proceedings In the cir
cuit court for the southern district of
New York.
Attacked by Korean Soldiers.
WASHINGTON-Unllod States Min
ister Allen has cabled tho F.tnl" de
partment from Seoul, under Thurs
day's date, that a company of Korean
Foldlers attacked an electric: carriage
belonging to an American citizen.
Stop Shipment of Horses.
LIHAU. Russln-A shipment of f.oo
horses wns about fo bo loaded Into a
steamer here when It wa.i stopped by
the authorities. The horses Were be
llovod to have boon bought by lliltlsh
agents for Japan.
Two Battleships and Dispatch Boats
are Said to be Missing Survivors
of Sunken Transports not Allowed to
See Anyone.
ST. PETERSHPRG. A dispatch re
ceived here from Liao Yang, and dated
February 28. says that Chin.-se on tho
Yalu river report that an advance
guard of Ruslan cavalry, which has
penetrated Corea for a distance ot
about 2(U) versts across the river, had
au encounter with a detachment of
Japanese and that the Japanese were
compelled to retreat and fled, leaving
their horses, which were seized by (lit
Cossacks. General Linevltch ells-
patched cavalry and a body of Infantry
In pursuit and with orders to occupy
northern Corea.
An official dispatch received from
Major General Pllug, Viceroy AlexielTs
chief of staff, which Is dated Febru
ary 2S, says:
CHE FOO. While the Japanese re
port that their Hoot was unscathed
in their latest attack on Port Arthur
they are using every endeavor in at
tempting to prevent details of any in
jury to the Japanese fleet from leaking
out. Survivors, said to bo from
sunken Japanwse transports, who
landed here Saturday are not allowed
to see anyone. They will bo sent
home on parole. The original Japa
nese fleet ill front of Port Arthur con
sisted of sixteen ships. Two battle
ships and a dispatc h boat are missing.
It Is learned from two sources that two
of the missing warships wero taken
to Suseho in a ('isabled condition. It
is being circulated among the Chinese
that Port. Arthur has fallen.
The ,1 a ii n( -e sailors who arrived
Saturday are from the Jinsen Mam
and the Hisliii, two of tlie five mer
chant vesels with which it was at
tempted to block ti:e entrance to Port
Arthur on the morning of the 2!tli.
Lieutenant Sa'to commanded the Jin
sen Main and Lieutenant Tarishi the
Hiisbiu. The latter was manned by
thirty men. Mie man of Lieutenant
Saito';; command was killed while low
ering a bout on the .Jinsen Maru. The
details of how the slenmers wore
taken Into the out ranee to the- harbor
and sunk are being withhold by tho
sailors, but Lieutenant Saito stated
that they got ro cmse to the Retvizan
that had they been armed with rille.s
they could have tired into ts crew.
When it was found that the scheme
was a failure they dropped anchor
and tho crews crowdeu into the re
maining boats. They then blew up
tho steamers.
It Is Passed by the Lower House
WASHINGTON The houso passed
tho naval appropriation bill Friday
after having had it under consider
ation for a week, mere was a party
contest on a number of iwoposals dur
ing the day. especially on an effort of
different minority members to secure
an amendment to fix tho price of ar
mor plate at the figures made by tho
Midvale Steel company. Several
amendments were ruled out on pointa
of order and the republican leaders,
by parliamentary tactics, left the ques
tion of armor plate in the discretion
of the secretary of the navy. An in
effectual attempt was made to have
the eight-hour law applied to all ship
construction, the contest over sub
marine boats was exciting and an
amendment was adopted which leaver
the question of the typo ot boat opet
but Increases the amount ol the ap
propriation for such boat3. Tho mi
nority failed to secure a record vote
on the proposal to recommit with in
structions, the proposed instructions
being declared out of order.
Forty Thousand Disembarked at Che
mulpo and Other Points.
LONDON Cabling from Clio Foo,
February 2:1. a correspondent of tho
Morning Post says 4i),(ioo more- Jap
anese troops have landed ut Chemulpo
and that he has received confirmation
of the report that some Japanese have
landed at Pigeon bay, others at Ta
Lien Wan. and that an engagement
occurred tho night of February 12.
Tho correspondent at Seoul of tho
Daily Mail reports a panic at Ping
Yang. Korea, which is regarded as
heralding the approach of tho oppos
ing ainiies.
According to the Standard's corn.
spondent at Seoul, the Japanese bom
barded Port Arthur nt intervals be
tween February S and II, causing,
however, only slight damage.
Sign Arbitration Treaty.
PARIS The foreign office announc
ed that a treaty of arbitration be
tween Franco and Spain had been
signed. The terms are Identical with
tho recent arbitration treaties con
cluded between France and Great
Hritaln nnd Italy nnd Great Urltain.
France Sympathizes v.lth Russia.
PARIS Russia has the sympathetic
support ot France in tho former's
latest representation to the powers
that Japan Is guilty of a violation of
International law in consequenco of
tho attacks upon tho Russian war
ships nt Port Arthur nnd Chemulpo
before the declcratlon of war. No In
tention exists In official circles to take
up the Russian noto on tho subject
with the View of pressing action by
the powers, nnd it Is said that nothing
effect ivo could lo dono In this direc
tion. Could Is Not Borrowing.
DALLAS, TUX. In a telegram from
Fort Worth, Ceorgo Could says thero
Is no truth In tho story that tho Mis
souri Pacific is soon to bo In tho
"Down wi n czarhjn. Umi llvo In
tcrnney. "We do not contemplate
any loan whatever."
Chlnete Cruisers Go to Shanghai.
SHANGHAI Two Chinese- cruisers
are expected here to settle the ques
tion of th" refii' iil of (he Russian gun
boat Mandjur to obey the order of tha
taotal to leave Shanghai
Western Canada Will Soon Become
the 8upply Depot for Wheat for
Great Britain.
During ihe pait year ah.vit M 000
AinoricKiis went from lh Pnited
States to Canada. Most of those set
tled upon farm laols. and th writer
Is Intorined by aRonts of the Cana
dian Government that th greatest
success has followed th.i efforts of
nearly all. To their friends on this
side of ihe boundary line thu fullest
assurance is given of tho prosperity
that is in store for them. There will
always be a splendid market for all
the grain, cattle, and Other produce
that can bo raised In Western Can
ada, and wiiii the advantages offered
of a froo homestead of ItiO acres of
land, and other lands which may be
bought ehoHply, an excellent climate,
splendid school system, c Ideational
advantages of the best, what more
is required. The husbandman gets
more return for his money than In
any other country In tho world.
On the occasion of Sir Wilfred Ijiin
rier's visit to the Corn Exchange. ,oi
don, England. Colonel Montg. UIHII V, ,
D.. made several Important stall
ment;;. "Tlie function," lie said, "which
ou have Just been assisting in eon
neeti.m wii'i a kindred association haT
dm, lit less show n you the importance of
the provision trade of Liverpool in its
relationship wiiii the Dominion, ami
Hie enormous possibilities of the fu
ture development r that Ira-bv Well,
the grain trade of Liverjiool has in
terests with Canada no less important
than those of the provisioj trade.
When ft is borne In mind that Ml per
cent of tho breadstuff of tills great
country has to be brought from
abroad, you v. Ill readily appreciate
"I'll what (.Teat satisfaction we view
tlie largo ninl steadily Increasing sup
plies of grain which are annually avail
a')!. tor evport from Canada, mid I
challenge contradiction when I say
"''I of tl;e wheats W! import
m l!'i- i.i, l.idia. tli.' p.
an. I the length and iu-.-a,
the United Stales, none i;i. -il'inial
satisi'acllon, none :s
-'enerally iippivekitcd than
raised in t lie Province of
lib of
folia. Wo cannot got enough
if it.
and it is no exaggeration to say ilinr
there are liel'ore us do. '.is i.f millers
v. bo lui'i-i r for it. This is not the
liuie to onicr into statislirj (pies
Pons. !,:it we look forwtir-l with con
fidence to t, e time at which, with the
prosetit rate of progress, the Dominion
of Canada will have a siilllelent. sur
plus of wheat to render tills country
hull -p r.dt nt of oilier sources of sup
ply. 1 think I may, with justifiable
pride, remind you that this is tlie chief
grain market of tlie liritisli Empire,
and Hi rough its excellent geographical
position, as well as through the enter
prise of ils millers, it is now the sec
ond milling center In the world.
' Send to any authorized Canadian
Oovernment agent for copy of Atla.i
and information us to railway rate,
The Useful Camel.
Tlie Somali camel can eat every- and drinks nothing, it. will make
a meal where even the couniry pony
would starve. Darenio, mimosa, aca
cia all come nlike t-o It: and when
shoots and leaves are withered it er.n
fall buck on roots, thorns and liiitk.
That sort of digestion makes it. of
course, valuable in a country where,
the bill of faro seems compiled in the
interest of tlie carnivora. but ns in
difference to liquid Is its espoeinl
virtue. While Ihe Aral) ram 'I needs
drink daily, his Somali brethten when
on a march are watered only every
fifth day, and when droii'h prevails
may be left in- ten. When ".racing;
they are supposed to bo wa -'ied ev
ery sixth day, but such regularity de
pends on the eiietcy of the herders
and the condition of the grass, tlio
herds when the grass is green being
often left without wr.tor for as Ions
as three! months.
Japanese "Singing Insects."
Among tne natural curiosities of
Japan are its singing iuseits. Tlio
most prized of these tiny musicians i;
a black bottle named "snsumushi."
which means
that it emits
lie silver hoi
most delicate
"insect Ik 11." Tlie sound
resembles thai of a lit
I of the sweetest and
..The Moct Common Disease.
Yorktovvn, Ark., Feb. 2:tth.- Poland
Williamson, M. 1).. a successful and
clever local physician, says:
"Thero is scarcely another form of
disease a physician is called upon so
often to treat as Kidney Disease. I
Invariabily prescribe Dodd's Kidney
Pilis and am not disai pointed In thei
effect for they are always reliable.
I cou'd met:! ion many cases in which
I have used this medicine with splen
did iueooss, for example, I nii"!it re
fer to the case of Mr. A. II. Cole.
"Ago HI. greaily emaciated, som
f- ver, great pain nnd pressure over
region of Kidneys, urine filled wl'h
pu or corruption and veiy foul smell
ing and passed some blood. Directed
to drink. a great deal of water, gave
brisk purgative and Dodd's Kidney
Pills. The pills were continued regu
larly for three weeks and then a few
doses every week, especially If patient
fell any pain In region of Kidne.vf.
Cured completely and patient per
formed his duties as faini laborer in
four weeks."
"Dr. Williamson has been a roguliir
practitioner for over twenty years and
his unqualified Indorsement of Dodd's
Kidney Pills is certainly a uidorful
tribute to this remedy.
It Is witli men an with here-;; those
that do tho most prancing make the
least pr.igross.- Huron no Si a. sari.
If you wMi lionutlful, clour, whit clothes
0i llixl en Hull llluo. Luigu 'A ot,
packiifce, 5 cents.
Patience and earnestness are
words to success.
Fortune befriends
the bold Dry
Try One Package.
If "Deflnnco Starch" does not
please you. return It to your dealer.
If It docs you get one-third more for
the same money. It will give you
satisfaction, and will not stick to the
Hope li
tho r.ialnrprlng of life.