RXVSLATIOX. Mr niuthsr U lOwt iwautr was to m When t was yu.r. Tlwa 1 would sup xrrrts Whers, wan, soni shadow lay aluiiz the I.Ik ugh of ti lluht, and almost ft pining Intent from strange altura craft If ly ; up lo God 11k souls. And I would Iruli, Aa aeulyte of dream, (ill tha unsrtn Mad utl bul trt my blooding: oplrlt frre. Tliua richly wt-rj my days dtstlllt-d to ycaia MhsmiIvIhh pearls of patn. One dusk I WMlt Ailnam through dew to off or sarrMrs. Hut lo! iny altar cups were tilled with tfars. One waited near. Thrilled with the truth, I bent And reaj all beauty In ner quiet eyes. Zone dale, In Harper's baxar. HOW THE MINISTER WAS WON Ity KDWIN ULAIK Vtpyriyhtid, HMJ, by Tht jLutlwri PublMiHf Ctmpiny. The church was crow dud. The con gregation was la a whirlwlud of ex citement. The new minister was tu officiate. Generally there la a perceptible dl mlnlshment In the attendance prior to the sermon; but an this was the maiden attempt of Dr. Howard, the parishion ers had decided to remain. The most enthusiastic of the congregation wait ed In the vestibule after service to congratulate the young rector. He received many tempting offers to dinners, parties, etc., but courteously declined thorn all. To the aina.eiiient of the congregation he accepted the Carleton's Invitation, and shortly after wards announced that lie had decided to locale with them permanently. The Cniictous were aristocrats from the root up. Judge Sidney (!uy Carle ton was nitorneygonoral under Gov. W'inthrop, and rose rapidly In polities from that time one. The Misses Carle ton had received excellent educations, and wero raised with the greatest care. Merle was the youngest, liveliest, and most tactful of the three. Edith was more sedate, and while a clever entertainer, she failed to impress one with her studied frankness. Julia was a human icicle. Exaggerated dignity, excessive pride, and extreme egotism retarded one's advances, and left her With but low friends. From the very start the Misses Carleton were enndliiaios for Dr. How ard's heart. No man ever received more attention. The war was on. The general topic, ami the most Important (piestion was, "Who would win the minister?" To a close observer it was quite evi dent that Dr. Howard found Merle more interesting than either Julia or Edith. An even, occurred shortly ufler that couHrmcd this opinion. "1 am requested to visit an Indigent family this afternoon," said Dr. How ard, one day. "Would you like to ac company me. Miss Merle?" "Coitainly," she said, delighted and flattered, "but are you quite sure I shall not bore you?" "I am iKisltivo you won't," ho re plied, earnestly. It was a long walk, and a most jdeasnnt one. They conversed congen ially on all topics. They turned into a lovely lane, nnd saw in the distance the home of tho destitute family. They found them in a very poor clrcum- ptnnces, and sadly in need of aid. Af ter an hour of comforting and promis ing early succor, the visitors departed. It was A joyful return. They seemed to understand each other perfectly. The cider Howard prided himself on his Illustrious ancestry. He had map ped out his son's destiny, bo to speak, and had determined that Benton should marry a woman that would add to the lustre of his nnme. Now, it so happened that this astute gentleman became advised of a pretty-well ad vanced affaire du coeur between his son, and a certain pretty maid. Nora Deane by name a good girl, but poor ly connected. The idea of Howard marrying into a family of clerks and carpenters! Pre jKwtcrous! The affair must come to an end at once! About this time, Howard noticed the cold and Indifferent attitude of his friend and college chum, Carl Winter. He couldn't account for it. They had never quarreled; Winter had not criti cized any of his actions they seemed to be getting along splendidly. Then why this sudden change? Winter had Imagined that his atten- "Would you like to accompany me, Miia Merle?" tlons lo Nora Deane would meet with encouragement, he received a terrible net back, however, when he discovered that his personality hail failed to charm. Nora's resentment angered him. From that time on, he conceived dislike for his frlend-a dislike that puzr.lcd Howard. His unfriendliness foamed Into hat red when ho learned that Howard had uddenly Uft tho neighborhood. Why did he leave? Ho concluded that How ard had wronged Nora, and that he had clandestinely departed (o avoid ex posure. K one In Ballard county, except JvVlnter believed In the guilt of Ilenton Howard. He told his friends he was positive something was wrong, and that he had determined to find Howard and have lid in prove Ills innocence or expose him. A little deflective work soon put Win ter on tho rector's track. He learned Ills whereabouts so he husteued to Auburn. As Dr. Howard and Merle walked slowly along on tlK'lr return Jouruey, they were suddenly confronted by Winter, who called out roughly: "Ilenton Howard! Scoundrels never die, do they!" Then glancing at Merle, lie continued, in nn insinuating tone. "Ahn! at your old sport ngaln, eh? We "Don't go too far, man!" the minister exclaimed. remember you kindly at home, rev erend father!" The speaker's face was distorted with rage. Merle drew closer to Dr. Howard, lie was pale, his eyes, flashing defi ance, remained fixed to the spot; and with remarkable self-control, he allow ed the speaker to po on. "Yes, little Nora remembers you, too. It was that smooth tongue of yours, you blackguard, that won her from me! Y'our face should change at the sound of that name, proud man! Ah, but I see you have schooled your self too well! This lady doesn't know you; she doesn't know how shallow you are. I I! " "Silence, coward. You miserable, despicable man; silence!" commanded the minister, unable longer to restrain his anger. "My calling protects vou. Were I yet a man of tho world, I would choke you into Bllence." Merle, pale with fear, moved from the rector'8 side. "Carl Winter," he continued, "I have known you from childhood. You know, nnd all those that remember me know, that I was a wayward and frivolous youth. But since I have entered the ministry I defy you or anyone else to recall a breath of slander that has ever coupled my name with any Impro priety." Miss Carleton, unable to support her self, sunk breathlessly to the ground. The strain was too great. Dr. How ard was at her side in a moment. "Ah! see man see!" he said, plead ingly, ee, how w e have been racking her young heart!" Raising her tenderiy, he held her in his arms until Bhe regained conscious ness. Then a blush bloomed the roses In her cheeks. Releasing her, he said tremulously and with Intense pathos: "Miss Carleton, I pray you, forgive me for seriously forcing you to po through this ordeal; but my good name my reputation, which I prize abovo all things, was at stake. If I did not prove the falsity of this man's asser tions I know I would lose " "Enough of this prattle!" Interrupted Winter, "give me the print of t'ie spot less life you say you lend, and of your honorable Intentions toward this lady." "MIrs Carleton," Dr. Howard said, turning towards her, and mastering his emotion with great effort, "yon have heard what this man has said. i you I ask you do you believe It?" "No! no! no!" she cried, wringing her hands, "I cannot I do not believe It!" "You don't, eh? Why?" asked Win ter, angered by her devotion. Her answer would decide whether Dr. Howard was an unscrupulous scoundrel, or whether her good name would he smirched, and a hitherto tin tarnished family record stained. Hef love for the divine, nnd the great prldo of tho Carletona forced her to reply: "Because because tho world doesn't believe It. Because," she hesitated and gasped, "because I am going to -be--" "Because. Carl Winter." he said triumphantly, "Miss Carleton Is going to be mv wife! "Mar!" Winter biased," 1 don't be lieve yon!" ' Don't i!0 too far. man!" the nlnls trr exclaimed, stepping up to him, "don't go too far! I am but human Take enre! ' Dr. Howard moved toward! Miss Carleton. "MIrs Carleton," ho Raid. "I have one more question to ask. This mao again tliilniN my veracity. Have I not told tba trtithr Merle raistd her deep blue ,eyet to his, aud throwing her armi tenderly around hla neck, murmured: "Yes, dear, vou have " "Now, Carl Winter," Dr. Howard ex claimed, angrily, pointing up the road, "you have the proof go!" Thus the minister won. The long series of Internecine wan that had disturbed the peace of the church came to an end, and a geceral amnesty caused the Immediate cessa tion of hostilities. BURGLARS IN BRIDE'S BED. Fortunately for Young Couple This Happened in France. French politeness is continually as suming new and bizarre aspects. The latest example Is the gallantry of two burglars toward a newly married cou ple. M. and Mme. Leroy returned tc their house at Vliioennes recently from their honeymoon trip. To their surprise they found in the passage a large number of parcels. "No doubt It is mamma, who has sent some things in our absence," said the bride. The couple went upstairs, but hard ly had the wife cast a glimpse into the bedroom when she sprang back with the whispered exclamation 'burglars!" Peeping round the door, the husband saw two men asleep, their heads comfortably disposed on the dainty pillows trimmed with lace. The young bride screamed for help, her cry waking the sleeping ruffians. They sprang to their feet and ap proached the couple threateningly. Tremblingly the young woman Bald: "Please go away, messieurs! Take what you want, but dou't hurt us. We are only Just marled. "Don't be alarmed, little one," said one of the robbers with a gallant bow. "Since you are so polite, we won't even take the parcels we had packed up. We have slept two nights in your do do (slang for bed). We didn't think you were coming back so soon." Then, just as they were leaving, one turned and said, "Ah, you were lucky to be honeymooners." Then the delightful pair disappeared into the night. HAULED OVER THE COALS. Admiral Schley's Reminiscence of His Service Under Farragut. At a Masonic banquet given In Washington Admiral Wlnfleld Scott Schley w as one of the guests of honor and was called upon for a speech. In the course of his remarks he dropped Into reminiscences and told the veter ans about Admiral Farragut, "the sea king of the sovereign west," with whom he served as a boy officer. Admiral Schley, in telling of the great union admiral, said that once the accident of battle" deprived the ship on which he Rerved of her com mander, and the care of the vessel fell Into his hands. "I was but a boy," he said, "but the task frightened me. I was told to take the ship and demol ish a battery up stream. I thought it was a big undertaking, but I went at It. During the engagement we ob sered a signal on the admiral's ship. but we could not read it. I gave or ders to be told what It was if it could it read, and continued battering down the fortifications. We succeeded and dropped back, I expecting to be pat ted on the shoulders for the success. To my dUmay I was ordered aboard the flagship and reprimanded for dis obeying orders the first time a com mand was intructed to me. But after ward I was Invited Into the cabin, and once inside the admiral said: "1 rep rimanded you on the quarterdeck, but within the cabin I want to say you did just right. Whenever you are able to remain near an enemy and be sue' cessful 'go ahead, and d n the sig nals.' " Laugh on Would-Be Lover. An incident suggestive of Boccac cio has just taken place in the village of Eseszeran in Austria. Gaber Aron, known in the village as a veritable Don Juan, made eyes at the newly married wife of Stephen Vlro, a small landed proprietor. The lady told her husband and they conceived the Idea of having a little fun at Don Juan's expense. She Invited him to the house In her husband's absence. He had only been there a few mln utea when the lady, with well simu lated alarm, announced the unexpect ed return of her husband. "Quick!" she cried, "there's no time to be lost! Get into the flour bin!" The husband Informed his wife that he had sold the flour bin, and pres ently two men came and carried it away. On their way they dropped the bin In the mud, the lid flew open, and out rolled Don Juan covered with flour. He crept away In great dlS' comflture, amid peals of laughter. The Tourist and the Porter. An English tourist flopping at the Fifth Avenue Hotel was discussing the relative merits of British and American railway service the other evening, when he suddenly sprang the following clincher on his els-Atlantic cousin: "I tell yon, though, there's one point you folks are behind In, and that Is the lack of consideration shown white passengers In having them pass In s pert Ion by an African. Why, the Idea oi such treatment Is an Insult to any gentleman. "A few days ago. when boarding your famous Kmplre State Express train, I was chagrined, to put It mild ly, to be asked by a liveried colored man to show tny ticket to him. I sub Rcqucutly learned that this same In dividual Is nothing but a train waiter, Such a thing could not happen In my country." New York Press. Naturally Adapted. "The man who has the worry of a business on his mind really has the most responsibilities. "Well." said Mrs. Wiggins, "I guess Joslah will be a great man one of these days. Ho don't care much about actual work, but he'll lake almost any business you mention and Rlt down and worry about It hy the hour." Aoe of European Cities. Rome is 2.CSI years old, Marseilles rlaium to be t DvO years old and ("as- eel, In PniRsIa, 1,000. LONDON HOME OF ! TO BE CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED It is believed the great financier handsome mansion. MORGAN AS A SOCIETY MAN I Belief In English Capital That This Will Be Hla Future Life. J. Pierpont Morgan has purchased No. 14 Prince's Gate, just off 1 1 vle Park, and will make It part of bis London home. He owns No. 13 Prince's Gate, where most of the magnificent art treasures, for which he paid hun dreds of thousands of dollars and which he Intended to take to the Unit ed States, are stored, but It Is an nounced that he has changed his plans, and intends to make the two houses Into one and refurnish them throughout. His art treasures will re main here. Neither of the houses Is Imposing, but when the alterations are complet ed the new dwelling will be In keep ing with the aristocratic neighbor hood. The purchase of No. 14 Prince's Gate is Interesting, as its owner was Mrs. Schenley of Pittsburg, whose death recently resulted In the disper sion of a huge property among her relatives here and in America. Rumor credits Mr. Morgan with the intention of spending more time In Indon in the future and going in for society on a larger scale than he lias ever dreamed of dofug before. He was present at the dinner given by Mr. Choate to the King and Queen through a personal expression of the King's approval, and with this and other royal recognitions on the one hand, and with his financial connec tion with so many of the British aris tocracy on the other hand, Mr. Mor gan could fill his house with the social elect without having to stop the gaps with any nonentities. The under standing is that he has lately acquired rather a taste for this sort of tiling. Another fact that points to the pos sibly permanent residence of Mr. Morgan In London is tho prospect tliut his great Underground Railway schemes, which Yerkes hitherto has managed to keep In abeyance, now seein likely to go through. It Is said Mr. Morgan's Interest In these schemes has gradually become some thing more personal than merely financial capital. TOLD OF "GABE" BOUCK. Eccentric Lawyer Told Judge He Would Break a Record. Several years ago the late Col. Gabe Bouck of Oshkosh, Wis., was trying a case before a Judge noted for his ar bitrary rulings. The Judge, becoming weary, said he would postpone a fur ther hearing till the following Friday. But that Is Good Friday." suggested Col. Bouck. "We'll hear the case then, anyway," said the Jurist. "You'll break a record that has stood since the Christian era," said Bouck. "Pon tius Pilate Is the only other Judge who held court on Good Friday.' On one occasion during the civil war It was reported In camp that six men of a New Jersey regiment In the brigade hud been baptized that morning. When Col. Bouck heard II he c.illod his adjutant nnd issued this com maud: "Adjutant, detail twelve men for bHptb'in to-morrow morning, I'm not going to have any blank New Jer sey regiment get ahead of the Eight eenth Wisconsin." Germans Insist on Justice. The Germans are resenting punish ment for "Majestatsbeli'ldlgung" more and more. Not long ugo a toucher at Ottweller mis accused of speaking disrespectfully i f the I'mp.tor. He denied tho charge, but was neverthe less suspended and put on half pay. The whole town took his part. Every ilny ho was Invited to minis, and otherwise cared fur: a petition was sent to the gov i rninont, and a boycott was placed on the men bant who had denounced him, niul who, eoiiscipiout ly, had to go out of business. Familiar With His Subject. A certain congressman from Ohio Is noted by bis colleagues for smoking tho HHist Villainous brand of singles It has ever been tliilr Inrd luck to smell. One day last week he made a singularly dry speech, discussing the duty nu Fhlllipln hemp. Afior he bad talked half an hour a bored mem ber In one of the near Rents rA, ,n4. .usti'dly: "What tin dicki lis (Iocs , know about hemp?" "Known nil ubout." grow lid the equally disgusted man addressed. ' Doitmt hlin, thnt'4 what he fttuil.c." J. P. MORGAN means to entertain largely In this , REALLY SAVED HIM MONEY Alabama Representative Glad Mileage Was Not Allowed. Representative Clayton of Alabama Is a philosopher, who does not Join in the gloom of his colleagues, cut off from extra mileage allowances. Every little while a coterie of members, con gregated In the cloakroom, digress into bitter reflections at the loss of so much money. The other day they caught Judge Maddox of Georgia, who was in part responsible for the defeat of the extra mileage proposition In the house, and were berating him with spirit. "You ought to thank Maddox, gentlemen," observed Mr. Clayton, en tering into the conversation. "I feel that he has saved me money. I would have received J300 if the mileage puragraph had remained in the defi ciency bill, but It would have cot me $Tuu to explaiu to my constituents why I took it." IS A VASSAR GRADUATE. Wife of Count Oyama of Japan Edu cated in America. Countess Oyama, wife t,f the field marshal of Japan, who will direct tho field operations of the island empire against the Russians In the far east, graduated from Yassar college In 1882 as Stematz Yamakama, and nearly one-quarter of her life has been spent; In the United States. She Is the; daughter of a former dalmlo, one of the class of chief feudal barons or territorial nobles of Japan who exer cised Independent authority over their respective domains, though they ac knowledged the mikado as the legiti mate ruler of the whole empire. HAS HAD UNEVENTFUL CAREER. At Sea Forty-eight Years and Never an Accident. ('apt. Alexander McKay, F. R. 0. S commodore of the Cunard fleet, sailed his last voyage on Hie Lucanla before his retirement. He had been at sea forty-eight years, thirty-four of them in the service of the Cunard company, fourteen of whose vessels he com manded. For one with so long an ex perience his record Is probably unique. As he puts It himself: "I have never met with a disaster in my life, never lost a ship, neer grounded, never ran anybody down, never was run down by anybody, haven't even had my feet washed by salt water since I went to sea." KEEPS UP OLD CUSTOM. English Duke Has Retainers on Guard Night and Day. The old duke of Rutland keeps sev eral retainers at his historic home, Helvolr castle, whose duty It Is to act as watchmen by night and by day. The night-watch begins at 11 o'clock. One watchman, silent and soldierly; paces the biitilemented walls and at Intervals calls the hour and state of the weather. Another watchman guards tho castle below. Guests un aware of the custom have been gome times startled by the tones of a sonor ous voice outside their bedroom doors proclaiming: "One o'clock and a flne, frosty morning;" Terry and the Butcher Boy. Miss Ellen Terry has the habit of taking long walks. One day, some where off In the country, she spied a butt her boy wearing his long apron, which is not unlike an artist's blouse. "There," she said, "I want that boy's butcher's apron." She called him hack, saying, "I would like to have our blouse." "Well." he said. "I'll nu gle It you." "But I want to buy it from you." "Na. I need It, and I iliutu want our money." However, after much persuasion. Miss Terry nieceeileil ill getting the blouse. British Diplomat Is Popular. one of the best known and most popular among the younger Ret of the diplomatic corps in Washington Is Herbert G. Dcrirg, second Recretary ol the British embassy. Mr. Derlng has taken a lend In social affairs and Is toiisldereil one of the most graceful lenders of gorman. In Washington. He Is r.lso a crack tennis nnd golf player,' His diplomatic career has been spent prim 'pally In the east, where he did Important service for Gn at Britain In China. He spent Rvr years at FeUu. Traveler's Compastea. It is not generally known that when the sun Is shining an accurate watch Is about as good a compass as a man need carry, showing at any time of the day in just whHt direction the south polo lies, and enabling any one to Immediately set himself right If he knows In what direction he should bo traveling. By pointing tho hour hand to the sun the south pole will be fouud Just half way between that point on the dial and the figure 12. But for the man wh. Is on a long trip through country which Is strange to him there can be ;.o substitute for the compass, as the sun will not shine every day, and the points of direction are hard to locate without it unless this convenient little Instrument Is at hand. Even with its use, however. Instances are on record where travel ers have forgotten tho direction In which they were marching aud be came so confused as to double on their track or travel at an angle to the correct path. As a precaution against an accident of thla character a marching Instru- Shows Direction of Travel. ment has been designed by a Euro pean Inventor, as shown in the illus tration. In addition to the box con taining tho compass, with its mag netic needle, there is a covering disk of transparent material, which Is ca pable of rotation. In the cover of the case are two slots, through which the line of march can be sighted from one prominent point to another, as the traveler progresses. Upon sotting out for the Journey the exact direction of the destination should be ascertained and with the needle pointing to the north the case should be rotated un til the line of vision through the slot ted cover will point to the termination of the march. Then, with the case in this position, rotate the transparent disk until the Indicating arrow on its surface parallels the needle beneath. Whenever the direction is needed thereafter It Is only necessary to turn the case until the two needles point In the same direction, when the slots will give the desired Information. Job nn n vou Bezard of Neusohl, Austria-Hungary, is the iirventor. Fireless Ovens. A baker's oven heated by electricity Is an operation In Montauban, France, and it Is said to be a success In every particular. From the standpoint of economy, It Is said to be superior to fuel, for the reason that the heat Is under absolute control, and when the baking la over the heat Is cut off at once. Another advantage is that the oven is heated up to the baking point in much less time than with coal or wood. This Is done In a few minutes, and the great celerity with which the oven Is placed In working condition Is due largely to the fact that there Is no energy wasted, but all Is directed to the heating of the oven. The latter Is entirely enclosed, with no opening except the door through which tho bread is entered ar,d withdrawn, and, accordingly, no heot Is lost up tho chimney, as with the flre-heated oven. Tho heating elements, of which there are twenty, are placed on racks at the Bide of the Interior, and are raised and lowered from the outside. They are raised while the bread is placed Inside and lowered toward the end of the baking, During the initial netting of the oven quite a consider able amount of the current Is consum ed, but, having reached the desired temperature, a very small current is sufficient to maintain the proper de gree of heat. Shall We Eat or Drink Coffee. To such persons as can not drink hot coffee on pain of a disturbance of the digestion, coffee Jelly Is recom mended by the Lanse, the well known English medical authority. Gelatine is cooling, soothing, thirst assuaging and anti-acid. It also bus the property of presenting the destruction In the body of proields, such as albumen. Moreover, the astringent principles of the coffee are nulllflod by the gelatine, which Is thus In many ways an excel lent vehicle for the stimulant. Exces sive coffee-drinking Is, of course, an evil, but In moderation coffee Is to bo preferred to alcohol In that It dimin ishes organic waste and causes energy without subsequent collapse. The Mendellnn Law. The great Interest with which the Mcndcllan law Is retarded by biolo gists Is evidenced by the fact that In the current number ot Biometrika no less than three articles are devoted to It. In accordance with this law, the characteristics of parents are distrib uted In hybrid offspring according to a numerical law, and the hybrids are not Intermediate In their characteris tics between their parent forms, but have certain unchanged characteris tics of one parent or the other. The law was originally worked out In re gard to certain plants. Why Not Invent a Stoking Machine? An Italian shipbuilder has Invented an electrical device which will pre vent the stokers on ocean steamships from shirking their work. If the stok ing Is not properly done the machine gives the alarm. The Invention has been adopted by the Italian navy. It Is well enough to keep the stokers at work, hut why not Invent a machine that will make their work easier? Why not devise a machine that will give fresh air to the stokers and protect tbem from the fierce heat ot the furnaces? GOOD PLAN OF PIGGERY. Convenient Structure Put Up by On tario Farmer. The plan which is given here U taken from a new piggery, built thU year by Mr. J. K. Brethour, BurforJ. Out. Its construction is comparative ly cheap, and It possesses many de sirable features. It Is capable of many modifications: nnd a careful htudy of the plan will be helpful to those who Intend to build. Of course, the building can be made any length desired. The building Is 30x100 feet, outside measurement. A cement wall 8 In. J Jc7L -EH- irH jh .h-fc-i E3 n Side Elevation of Hog Pen. thick rises 3 feet above the floor. On top of this wall the frame Is built. The walls are built of 2x4 Inch stud ding, boarded on the outside with cheap lumber, covered with building paper and tightly clap-boarded on top of the paper. On tho inside, tho walls aVe lined with matched lumber, so as to form a dead air space Inside. The lining also extend over tho lower side of the rafters, giving a dead ulr space to the roof, as well as tho walls. From the cross-section It will be seen that the total height of tho wall on the north side Is 11 feet and of that on the south side 8 feet. The roof has the same pitch on both sides, ho that there Is a drop of 3 feet from one section of the roof to tho other, at the center of tho building. In this space windows are inserted to throw light and a cortuln amount of sun Rhine into the row of pens along the north side of tho building. These windows are hinged at the bottom and 71 c t PTm 'Tt Ij.lj. j TIs 1 J) TiT J : 'A A A "A- 'A 4l can bo opened at any angle according to tho requirements of ventilation. A ratchet device, similar to that used for opening for ventilators in green houses, would be very convenient for this purpose. Montreal Family Her ald. Milk Soon Sours. E. W. K., Ohio. We have been hav ing some trouble with sour milk on the route and among some few re tail customers. The night's milk has a sour smell on tho following morn ing, and the can tops are left up and there Is good out-of-doors air; morn ing's milk has tho same smell and sours in about 24 hours. Cans are washed and scalder each day. We are feeding oat. clover and timothy hay, and oat straw. For grain we feed fresh malt from the brewery, and stock beets. Cows have water In the stable and have not been out for three weeks on account of cold weather. I may say that in my experience with milk I find that If the milk la dean, and the vessels which are used for milking and keeping It In are per fectly clean, the temperature at which It Is kept will control the keeping qual ities. If this milk has been cooled im mediately after milking to a tempera ture of 50 degrees Fahr, or under, as it should be, there Is only one cause, so far as I can see, for It souring aud that is the feeding of fresh malt from the brewery. Purifying Milk by Ozone. An apparatus in use In Germany for (he purification of milk by (ionization Is so constructed that the. milk con tained in a vessel flows thence in a thin stream Into another vessel placed beneath. The wires and carbon points of a strong electric battery are so ar ranged that the arc formed by the jumping of the current from one rar bou point to the other sses through or in close proximity to the stream of milk. The ozone which Is thereby engendered from the oxygen of the air is said to be sufficient to kill all micro-organisms contained in the milk. While no reference has been made to the use of this apparatus for the purification of water, there seems to be no reason why ozone could not be applied to this end, unless it t the difference in cost between the milk and water, the price obtainable for the latter possibly not permitting the use of this purifying agent. Pasteurization of Cream. To test the relative merits of pas teurizing sweet and sour cream, a number of trials have been made at tho Dairy School of the Ontario Agri cultural College during December and January. On the whole, better results have been got by the pasteurization of the cream when sweet, or as soon as delivered by the patrons or hauler. This cream contained from .2 to .6 per cent of acid and w as pasteurized with out difficulty. In some cases the pas teurized ripe cream was cooled and churned Immediately, with good re sults In flavor and texture of the butter. So far as the work of this dairy school hits gone It Indicates that good results are likely to be got in cream-gathering creameries by the pasteurisation of the cream, sweet it possMe; if not. then pastcurle It after ripening or souring. Remodeling an Old Barn. D. McK. I have an old barn 32 feet wide and U'l feet long having 16 feet posts; how should I go about extend ing Its height and length? I would recommend putting a steep high roof. on the same posts, which would add considerable to the capacity of the barn. It Is very easy to lengthen the building by the addition of one or more bents to either end. Barns 70 feet or over In length are tho better for having two drive ways, with ona or two mows between them. Oil In Trinidad. On the Island of Trinidad oil Is found amid a huge tropical vegetation, and Is Raid to be of first class Illumi nating power. Tho actress Is so attractive to men because she Is woman In the abstract the Ideal ho has forever pursued be cause le 14 a man. V V