The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1904, Image 5

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The Up-to-Datc
Here yon enn fjot anything
kept nt n firnt-cluHS groot-ry
utore, ami nt prices to Huit the
times. iMnest lino of
on tho nmrkot. Don't fail to
cull on them for anything in
the grocery lino. Everything
f rosh from tho markets.
Don't allow money to Ho around. It
Is easier to upend it and easier
to loso it.
l5 keepliiKlt'.ln"a"safe place such as
N r ,1 , ,
The BanH of Cass County
You can plvc a check for any part of
It at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
W lien you have a hank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
upend from it. Don't you want to
know more ahout It.
Perry's Restaurant
Short Order House
S Menls Served nt Regular
Menl Hours.
Fresh Oysters n
Fish or anvthini; in Mnrkot. 8
P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, 8
North Side - Main Street jj
In the world was from SA VI Nil- That
is true of ninety-nine In a hun
dred of the successful men whose
names you see In the papers. Fol
low their pood example and put
vour money, even a few dollars, in
this hank. That, with the Inter
est we pav, may put you in busi
ness for yourseir. Start an ac
count now.
Plattsmouth Saving Bank.
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
Menls nt nil hours. Special nt
tention to the fanner patrons. The
tnbles nre suiiplied with tho Jirst
the mnrkets nlToru.
.JOHN COKEY, Proprietor.
I'rrpsirliiir iilKtrnrKof mii, rnnvcyiiin'lm:
llllil t'MllnllllllX lltlt n ri'lll rxlllO' n mhvIiiI
ty. Work properly tlmii- mul ehurcis rrii-iii-iililc.
ii.-:-K,iriis II mul 7. .hiliti Omul
liuilillhir. OMtr Court, II HUH', I'lllttftllltMllh,
Dr, Ehter, Dentist,
Waterman Block,
(ft M .ft. ML '. -i
Swf 1a ' II' 1
If Fclloved as Contemplated tf la the
Assessors Will Kate a Hard Time.
t'opU'S of the schedule fur persmal
property to he assessed this year have
Im'cii received by the county clerk and
if followed as contemplated ty law the
assessors will have a hard time. On
the first pape extracts of the revenue
law are printed. The second and thirJ
papes contain a list of articles to he
assessed, containing Sii items. The
last pane contains four interrogatories
oath of the pcrsnif assessed, and vaii
ous other items.
On the papes pivinp list of assess
ahle property are blank spaces for
iiiihiIht of items, actual ,and assessed
value, the latter beinp 20 per cent of
the cash value, t'nder ithe jiead of
"nuinhcr" every blank, space must he
tilled out. If the person has no such
item he must write in ;i the . word,
"none." Kach person inthc county
w ill receive a blank w ith a notice that
reads: "You are required to make
out and return to the county assessor
a true statement, list or schedule, of
all personal property subject to taxa
tion which is held by you as owned,
lessee or occupant in control thereof
or as guardian, husband, parent, trus
tee, executor, administrator, receiver,
accounting ollleer, partner, apent or
other representative otlleer.''
The sections (pioted on the schedule
are as follows:
SectiomiX ; Personal property shall
he listed in the manner following:
First. F.very person of full aire and
sound mind, beinp a resident of this
state, shall list all his moneys credits,
bonds, or stocks, shares of stocks of
joint stock or other companies, when
the capital stock of such company is
not assessed in tins state; moneys
loaned or invested, annuities, fran
chises, royalties, and all other personal
.second, lie shall also list all moneys
and other personal property invested,
loaned or otherwise controlled iy him
as the agent or attorney, or on ac
count of any other person or persons,
company, or corporation whatsoever,
and all moneys deposited subject to
Ins order, check or draft, and credits
due from any person or persons, body
corporate or politic, whether in or out
of the county.
Third, 'the properly of a minor
child shall be listed by his guardian.
If he have no guardian, then by the
father If living, if not, by the mother,
If living, anil if neither father or
mother he living, by the person liav-
such property in charge.
l-ourth. 1 he property of any other
person under guardianship, by his
guardian; or if he have no guardians
by the person having charge of such
Fifth. The property of the wife, by
her husband, II of sound mind; if not,
by herself.
Sixth. The properly of a person for
whose henelit it is held Intrust, by the
trustee; of the estate, of a deceased
person, by the executor or adminis
.Seventh. The property of corpora
Hons whose assets arc in the hands of
receivers, by such receivers.
F.ighth. The property of corpora
lions by the president or proper agent
or oincer luereoi.
Ninth. The property of a linn or
company, oy a partner or agent
Tenth. The property of manufactur
ers anil others in the handsofauairent.
by and in the name of such agent, as
Section .":!. If any person shall make
aiaiseor iiaudiilent list, schedule or
statement, required by this act. or
shall willfully fall or refuse to deliver
to t he assessor, when called upon for
uiai purpose, a list -or the taxable
property which under this act is re
quired to be listed, or shall temporal'
ly convert any part of such property
into property not taxable, for the
fraudulent purpose of preventing such
property from being listed and of
evading the payment of taxes t heron.
or shall transfer or transmit any prop
erty to any person with such intent
he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
ami suiiieei 10 a line oi noi less han
lifty dollars and not more than two
thousand dollars. If any person shall
Knowingly r.wear falsely regard! in: any
matter contained in such schedule or
Interrogatories, he shall lie deemed
guilty of perjury and be punished ac
Section ;,. It shall lie the duty of
the state board of equalization ano
assessment, an county boards, countv
assessors and deputy assessors, to noli
fy the county attorney of the proper
county, of all willful violations of the
provisions of this act known to them.
and to sign and verify complaints and
information with respect thereto when
prepared by the countv attorney.
Section ,Vi. I n every case where anv
person shall refuse to make out anil
deliver to (lie proper deputy assessor
the statement required under this act.
or shall refuse to make and subscribe
to any or ttie oaths or aillnnatlons re
quired the deputy assessor shall on
eeed to ascertain the number of each
description of the several enumerated
articles of property and the vahu
thereof; and such denut v assessor shall
make a note of such refusal in a column
opposite the person's name, and tin
county assessor shall add to such vain
ations, when returned by th deputy
assessor, nuy per cent um or llie value
To avoid anything that may he over
looked in the regular list llie following
quest Ions are asked and they must all
be answered:
Section .".2. Such schedule shall liavi
.. . ....I ....I .1... r..n . - i. . ...
iiu.u oiu mi- ionowiih; nuei rogatories
which the person required to list pro)
erty shall answer in writing over hi
signature ami under oath.
Interrogatory I. Are voo, or were
you, on the first day of April llie pres
ent year the executor of the last will
or the administrator of the estate of
any deceased person, or ouardlan
of tl stale of any infant or erson of
unsound mind, or the trustee of th
property of any person, or the receiver
of any corporal ion, associat Ion or iirm
or the agent, attorney, or banker in
vest nig, loaning or ot berw ise ennl r
ing the money or the propeitv of anv
person, or the president or accounting
oincer of any corporal Ion, ora partner
consignee, or pawnbroker',?
nuei rogatory i'. nave you. mnce
ine nisi nay o ,!in ,,f last year,
either personal Ivor through the agency
of other,, caused all or any part ot
your taxable property or other proper
ty to be temporarily converted either
ov sale, loan, exchange, or in any other
manner. Into bonds or other seeurii li s
of the I nlted States pot taxable, with
the intention to pay I ack. return, rt
change, or dlsixisc' of audi nronertv
after )ou have, made out your lax
statement:1 Or did you on or U-forC
the first dav of April of the present
year, and before you saw this inter
rogatory, i a; back, return, exchange.
or dispose oi any such property for the
purpose aforesaid.'
interrogatory It. If, you have con-
verted any of your money or property
or money or piopcrly of any other per
son, as inquired or you, then state
when tin- same was so converted or in
vested, and the time and amount or
value thereof?
Interrogatory 4. Have von. at anv
time since the first day of April in the
preceeding year, w ithdrawn from any
bank any moneys there deposited, for
the purpose, of converting the same
into some form of non-taxable property
or for the purpose of sending the same
out of the state, or transferring the
same to some other person or persons.
wnn me intent to. or purpose of.
evading the payment of tax on the
Following is the oath: ,
I. being duly sworn, say that the
foregoing statement and schedule is
true and contains a full and complete
list or all property held by or belong
ing to me on the tirst dav of Anril. in
cluding all personal property pertain
ing 10 merchandise, whether held in
act ual possession or havint: been pur
chased with a view to possession or
proui, auu an personal property ap
pertaining to manufacturing, and all
manufactured articles, whether on
hand or owned by me. In all cases
where 1 have been unable to exhibit
certain classes of property to the as
sessor, such property! has been fully
and fairly described, and its true con
dition represented, and I have in no
case sought to mislead the assessor as
to the quantity or quality of the prop
erty. 1 further swear that, since the
tirst day or April of last year 1 have
not directly or indirectly converted or
exchanged any of my property tempo
rarily, for the purpose of evading the
assessment thereof for taxes, into non
taxable property or securities of any
kind, or transferred or transmitted
tl ic same to any person or in any wise
ror the purpose of evading the assess
ment thereof,1 and that my answeres
to the foregoing interrogatories are
true. So help me (Jod.
If a person refuses to list or sub
scribe to the oath tho'ileputy assessor
must make such notation on the list.
Proper Treatment of Pneumonia.
Pneumonia Is too dangerous a dis
ease for anyone to attempt to doctor
himself, although he may have the
proper remedies at hand. A physician
should always be called. It should he
borne In mind, however, that pneu
monia always'rcsults from a cold or
from an attack of the grip, and that
by giving .Chamberlain's Cough Item
ed y the threatened attack of pneu
monia may be warded off. This" remedy
is also used by physicians in .the treat
ment of.'pneunionia with theibest re
sults. Dr. W. .1. Smith, of, Sanders,
Ala., who is also a druggist, says of it:
"I have Ibeen'f selling "Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy and'prescribing it in
my practice for the past six years. 1
use it in cases;of pneuinoiiia'and.have
always gotten the best results." Sold
liy all druggists.
Accidentally Shoots Himself.
Frank Stanley.ia former employe of
15. M. shops, accidently shot him
self in the right leg last Saturday. It
seems that he was engaged in cleaning
a '21 calibre revolver, when in some
manner it was discharged, the ball en
tering the limb just above the knee.
Dr. Cook is at tending him, and states
t hat the wound is not a serious .one,
hut it w ill lay him up for several days
at least.
More Riots.
Disturbances of strikers are not
nearly as grave as an individual dis
order of .the system. Overwork, loss
of sleep, nervous tension will be fol
lowed by utter collapse, unless a re
liable remedy is immediately cm
ployed. There's nothing so cllieient
to cure disorders of the Liver or Kid
neysas Kleetric'.P.itters. It's a won
derful tonic, and elfective nervine and
the greatest all around medicine for
rundown systems. It dispels Ner
vousness, Uheumatism and Neuralgia
and expels Malaria germs. Only .uc
and satisfaction guaranteed by F. ('.
Fricke - Co.
For Sale!
F.ight acres of land, 1 ) block west or
M. I'. Depot; good live' room I house,
ham, wells and other, improvements
Plenty or fruit of all kinds. For rur
ther.'paiticulars callon or address,
II. i. Snu.i., Plattsmouth.
Woeful Children.
For a long time llie two year old
child of Mr. P. L. Mel'heison, fill N
Tenth St., llarrisbiirg, Pa., would
sleep but two or three hours in the
early part of the iiMit. ubleli Miriiln it
very hard for her parents. Her mother
concluded mat the child had stomach
trouble, and gave her half of one
( hainlKM'lains Stomach and Liver T
lets, which'quieted her stomach :
she slept, the whole night through.
i wo poxes or these I ablets have
fected a permanent cure and she
now well and strong. For sale hy
Wouldn't a "P-Elm" Club Be Better?
I'lattsmoiith lias a "Jack-lhe-Ilug-ger,"
who scares young ladies every
time he meets them. A shot gun weil
loaded andjiropeily aimed would end
the pranks of of this man. Neluaska
City News.
A Favorite Remedy For Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt cures
have made Chamberlain's Coiigli Item
cay a favorite with the mothers of
small children. It quickly cures their
coughs and colds and prevents anv
danger of pneumonia or, other serious
consequences. It pot only cures croup,
but when given as soon as the croupy
cough appears will prevent the at
tack. For sale hy all druggists.
ir it's a bilious attack, take Cham-
U'llaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets
and a quick recovery is certain. For
sale by all druggists.
1 ft
. Vol'''
You Hear
Is the Sign
They are fresh
The Guarantee Clothing Co.,
151U-1521 Douglas-street, Omaha,
Nebr., has bought for spot cash at
40c on the dollar, a big stock of
goods, formerly owned by Eisinger,
Dessamer & Co., 160-102 Market
Street, Chicago, same is now being
unpacked. Sale starts Saturday,
February 2th, at 1519-1521
Douglas street, Omaha, Nebr.
Here we quote a few prices of
what you can get goods for
at this sale. Men's extra
heavy blue, genuine Leaver Over
coats 2.98. Black and fancy
worsted and cassimcre men's pants,
very strong, 75c a pair. Wool sock
Oc a pair. Men's hats 25c and 45c.
Mackintosh rain coats 75c. Silk
neckwear, your pick, 6c. Large
selection of boys' suits 98c. Boys'
long pants 48c. Men's black worst
ed suits $2.98. An enormous line
of stylish, up-to-date suits, $3.90
for your choice. Fur coats, being
as it is late in the season, $5.90.
Men's sweaters 19c. Big line of
men's shirts laundered, with or
without collars, your pick 25c.
Wool mitts 5c. Genuine English
Corduroy pants, extra heavy, every
stitch of sewing absolutely guaran
teed, $1.39. Socks, 3 pairs for 10c.
Police and firemen suspenders 9c.
Fleece lined under shirts 20c. Ex
tra heavy cotton flannel drawers
20c. All sorts of handkerchiefs,
your choice 3 cents. Men's shoes
75c a pair. Men'i heavy double
breastcdblack Thibet suits $4.00.
Overalls 25c a pair. Duck coats 48c
and 75c. Kubber lined 98c. Men's
capn. whatever is left, choice 10c,
and hundreds of other articles too
numerous to mention. Bring this
paper with you for reference, as we
have every article to show you, ex
actly as represented.
The Guarantee Clothing Co
13UM.VJ1 Dotujlas St.
Three lloors fullof genuine bargains
Are due to Indication. Ninety-nine of ever,
one humlrcd people who have heart trouble
tan remember when It wis simple Indiges
tion. It In a scientific fuel that nil ot
hert dUrse, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of Indl
peMion. All lood taken Into the stomach
whloh (aib of perfect digestion ferments and
awelis the stomach, pulling It up against Ihe
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, and In the course of lime thai
dallfale but vital orjran becomes diseased.
Mr. I) K.ubl.ot Nl. O..Uyf tnd -lwr)
tr-d' I- n I wn m b I itili 11 hi hi-art tf.-ul I
11 h it 11. KoM Dynapsit Cur fur .bout lour
tTKMhi irxl II cured me.
Kodol Digests What You Cat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
B.ton,. po si.. Mlr,c j, im.s ,hf (f)l
";e.whlrh ix-lltK 60e.
Praparad br S. 0. O.WITT A CO., CMI0AQO,
For Sale by F, 0. FRICKE & CO.
For the man Who Works
from sun to sun
For the Woman Whose
Work is neVer done
The clean, fresh, crisp food that is al
ways good, and good for all. Good for
the worker because they are sustaining.
Good for the housewife because they
are convenient. Good for the children
because they are wholesome.
Free v Free
Radios Radios Radios
Stupendous Offer Made by a Well
Known Philadelphia Firm.
Radios Radios Radios
Thousands of Persons in all Sections
of the Country Have Been Healed
by This Wonderful Discovery
Every educated person has heard of
Iladiinn, its wonderful powers ;ml
healing qualities have occupied pae
after pajre in the metropolitan puhli
eallons. Almost everyhody knows that
It is the greatest remedy that (iod has
ever Riven to suirerhur humanity. I Ms
east; nerms of every desert pt ion ilee lut-
fore it-they cannot stand the contact.
We have such faith in our proposition
that we miarantee absolutely to cure
you. What Is more we will Kiveyou
a written contract to that ellect. This
olTer lias never been duplicated. Fill
out the blank below and mark the
malady from which you are stiilVrinn
and receive hy return mail Informa
tion that will be worth hundreds of
dollars to you. Ask any banking linn
reKardiiitf our responsibility.
Free Offer Free Offer Free Offer
I'rexel Uiiildin
Philadelphia, J'a.
Sirs: -
Kindly send me free of cost
information rcardine; your l!a
dluin treatment and jour won
derful remedy 'T.adios."
I Msease
$1.00 FOR 50 CETS.
Vim certainly would ccli;iiu:e a "'
i uric i-i Ti.'' every minute Hi tin
day. Tlien Wliv lint Cnllir to the Hub
Clntlilnp Store iiml e .amine llie inanv
u in I ir n rl l.l.u 1 1 . .. i . .. .. mi.... ... ..i
'.i,l, ni- y 1 1 1 1 iik 1 1, ;u-
ni'-st cut the pile,- in the miti r with
you. All winter poods nnisl pn tn
inuUe r nit for nnr sprinvt stm k. t 'nine
im, for the pirsent prices will cer
tainly move the poods.
All Orders
Proo'Jv Fill
By Experienced
Mail Order
The Reliable Stre
They must ko
! Cheap RUols arc not always pood Kimk1h h tit whe " J'ou can bu 800'1
at cheap go kU prices WHY NOT? Ke.nem.ber nut Isfartlon is guaranteed.
S ( ) ( ) made and worth up to I0. 00. For 1 ,ve.rtcn0nftlll!, "
O1. V JW) ba(.k Vt,ry am tJxford ravan(, ,,n wn moltons strictly
all wool, well tailonul in medium weight and length wor 1,1 UP 10 w-w
Those, overcoats aro nuulo up
in tins very latest slylen, new
est fabrics and nobbiest pat
terns, all colors in cheviots,
vicunas, koreys and cassi
nicros hand tailored with
pood iiniiijs and trimmings,
not a eout that is worth lesv
than $irf.0U and up to $20. at
If y.)U need a SUIT or OTKUCOAT you cannot equal these prices, -quality
considered. If you want oi m -ond at once, Thoy Wont lail Lonff.
Wash GooduS Bargains "iy
bpucKU iticcs on tue very iewesi priiis rauncs in ,
"Washable Material .
1") pieces if 40 Inch wliiUi TndiR I 40oat 25o '
1 nou, 2.".e srrudo. per ra -d lfio (10 piece snowflake Hiiltini In pray
,'.9 pieei H ;n-iiieh blade 1 nen
sateen, 2'n! prrade,..
U cates whit inereol'l.zed Htripo
waistini;s, 3"o prado
2 cases A. l O. zephyr pin,iham
ntriies nnd checks, all colors,
l'Jjc pradu
CO (ilrees plain French Toilo, v.-hite
dnk, liiht blue, cream, navy,
champuipu, tun and black, w urtli
Special sale, next week on white ponds for radiiatinp Bnd Confirmation
drcssi-s. Samples hcnt dicorfc.lly upon applieati ,n- In writing plcaso mon
tiuii this paper.
A Great Shoe Opportunity
Hundreds of pairs of men's and women's sample sho bought from four
of the largest factories In Massachusetts at just a frae,'1"" of thoir alue
All tho best leathers, all tho newest styles for winter nnd . 'Piff trrdo.
Lad ins' $2."i0, 3.00, and .LfiO shoes in kl.l. patent colt and k n 1 f f
psroo I'.ulf with hand turned and lood Vesr w it soles I l )
Men's 2.50, ;i.OO and :i...i .dioos In putont culf vici kid and pat
nit colt.
O UK WW .1..r)0, 1.00 and R.00 shoos, patent colt. Ideal vlel' and to'
'tJ nmelivl leathers. Tho greatest snap on the market
Watch our advertisement:; for bargains jou will' always
find tlu'tn then; ami remember we guarantor satisfaction of
yi ur money will he refunded.
16th and Dodzc Streets.
ATTt'ltNl -M -t.AW.
l'l:iitMii"inli : i NVIiriisltn,
I'robatc, Commcrclnl Law, Real
I:(.-ilc l.itiiration
and fjieilosiuvvf tiioilwapesa sMTlally
V 'v I
' ..... nnnrn llftllPC I
We Can Save You
Money on Every
Order, Satisfac
tion Guaranteed.
Money Refunded
buy M. ns Winter Salts and
dtirhiss t Ho next eek ot tlic
For Men's
from SI." to
Fine Suits worth
20. Tlmy coma
in cheviots, 'asslmures, sorg-
ps, thitMits, sll. mixo.I and un
finished worste. 1 I" H colora
and combination of colors.
Hand tailored t "elf re
taininp 1 air clotn fronts and
hand padded thoud.'rs.
tan or cadet blue, the new shirt
.l.'d waist suit fabric, worth 40c.
5,) nieces lined madras in strinos.
colors black, red, blue, and lin
en alternation with white, regu
lar .i.ic vaiucs iuo
lc 40 pieco silk nions do soio in all
C()rs and black and white, Otto
prau 1
ojl,r0st ortir.
oi i ten
H tt rman Block
3 mm.
I'liuts. J-lmnrs ''.,m',r.,"!
I 1'IJ