1 i 1 The Plattsmouth Journal R. A. UATES, ruiiLisiiEit. Catered at Ui pmufflc at I'Utunouth, Ne , . traska. a tccuu1i'laM nuturr. ri HLlSUED WEEKLY AT "Home first tlie word afterward," Is an excelk-tit motto If carried out in its true meaning. The city "election is not far distant Tuesday, April Stli. Cast your optics around and see who you waut for the various positions to be filled. U . - - . . Jlikuno from the number thrown u of employment in the past few day's by the H. & M. the wave of pros nerlty must have struck a rock. Ne braska City News. Watch out for the man who lias an, ax to grind In the next city coun cil. The present council wouldn't grind It, and he has made his brag that the next one will. Isn't the inference strong enough? Little Johnny Mickey's days as governor of Nebraska are drawing to a close, and the people will rejoice when the time arrives for the midget to step down and out. Never more will you hear of Tee-wee John in political cir cles after that time. You Just bet your bottom dollar that Iturkett is not going to run any chances on going to the senate. Believing in the. old adage that "there's many asllp betwixt the cup and the Up," he will take . a renomlnatlon for congress and then try for the senate. Elmer is a wise guy in this direction. ' r,LATTs mouth will not suffer any more In proportion to the number of men employed than other points on the Burlington system. The help at every division point has been somewhat re duced. The l'lattsmouth shops em ploy in the neighborhood of seven hun dred people and eighty were let out. Lqt. us console ourselves In the Jact that it might have been worse. ' Because two girls kiss is no sign they love each other. Speaking of girls kissing reminds ua that it is becoming a rather dltllcult thing to do when thejy are wearing their freak hats. Much experience Is making them wise though, and both tilt their heads to an angle of forty-five degrees, and with one eye on the hat and the other on the spot aimed at they advance their smackers for battle and face powder, so to speak. , Tn eke is one member of the Dietrich Investigating committee at Washing ton in whom the Journal places the most explicit confidence. When Sen ator Cockrell, the Grand Old Man from Missouri, says that Peitrich is not guilty, we can safely rely upon Ills dc clslon. A man who has been In public lie life for thirty years, with no dishon est act marked against him, his word is bound to be taked In preference to those statesmen who have been mixed ud with crooked scheme, more or less, during their public careers. The Weeping Water Herald favors Hon. . M. Toilard, of this county, for Burkett's shoes, in c&ic that blow-hard is, elevated to the senate. Of course he will be succeeded by a republican, and while the Journal would like to see, a Cass county man nominated, you can Just set it down in the back part of your day-book that It cannot be done without the consent of Lancaster coun' ty, and that county is Just hoggish enough to "keep all she gets and get all she can," no matter what other sec tlons of the district may desire. With Blow-hard Burkctt out of the way, it will be hard work to take the congress man away from Lincoln. "Old things have passed away," ex claimed Congressman T.urkett at the recent Louisville 0. A. It. reunion, and waved his hand and smiled asmole be tokening his deepest thoughts, and then said: "Shakespeare is coming to be realized and looked upon in this great age as a man of meaningless words," and went on with an air of su perior intelligence befitting a school boy who had unloaded a great chunk of wisdom, and then added "there hasn't been a Shakespearean play in the city of Lincoln for five years, and if one should come there not a half dozen peo ple would attend It." This last we presume was intended as a tribute to the wisdom of those who act in line with his great utterances on the man wiiose works he cannot appreciate. The above and similar language by our "auctioneer-like" congressman, as the Kearney Democrat puts It, is so un truthful as to be amazing, and unex pected as to be really shocking. Yet Khner J. liurkett said these things at the Louisville meeting. Come to think about, ain't some congressmen pretty steep at $5,000 per annum w hen you can buy a good steer's entire brain out fit for about 15 cents? It Is not the intention of the Journal to make any misstatement regarding matters of interest to the city. Since our last issue we have been informed further on the light proposition. None of the old leeches will be connected with the light plant if the present prop osition Is carried out. It will be under entirely new management, and we be lieve If the gentlemen named to us sue ceed In getting the old plant they will improve it to the extent of making It up-to-date In every particular. Tills being the case the proposition will re celve the Journal's hearty co-operation. On with the lights. But down with any Jim-crow plant proposition. Tragedy Averted. V'Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Wat kins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in W'sides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worso every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and well." Every body ought to know, Its the only cure for Coughs, Colds, and all Lung dis eases. (Guaranteed by Y. (5. Krlckc & Co., druggist. Sick Headache? 'Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Aycr's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. JS. All rUtt. W rr momorb r Iwrt a bMstllul BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtttiStr. Fifty-Six Years Old. Our old friend and fellow citizen, Peter Madsen, celebrated, what in many instances would have been his tifty-tixth anniversary, but as he was born on the 2!th day of February, 1848, he Is unable to celebrate his birthday only as leap year rollsarouirl. It has now been eight years since he has had this opportunity. So on Sun day last quite a number of his friends dropped in at his home to assist in celebrating the event. It is hardly necessary to remark that the day was most pleasantly ' spent In various amusements and at the proper hour the guests sat down to a most elegant dinner. Sunday was chosen as the day simply because it gave his friends a better opportunity to get away from the cares of business, and at the same time Mr. Madsen would also bo at leisure to more fully enjoy their com ing. In honor of the event the host was the recipient of a very handsome book case and writing desk. When leave-taking arrived, all went their way wishing Mr. Madsen many more years of life, happiness and prosperity, In all of which the Journal joins them. Those who were present to take part in the event were Mr. and Mrs. J. ll. Tarns, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Burmelster, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dose, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Selvers, Mr. and Mrs. Clause Jess, Mr. and Mrs. John Lutz, Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. "Wohlforth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goos, Mr. and Mrs. John Bock, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Soennlchsen, Mrs. A. Prcttlg, Mrs. Hans Tarns, Miss Julia Madsen, John P. Sattler, A. H. Weckbach. Matt Ploehn, C.us Titts and Theobald Rilm. Pretty Fair Business. J. E. Hines, general agent for the American Benevolent Association of St. Louis, Missouri, reports a very fair business since coming to Plattsmouth. It Is one of the safest companies doing business; and being new to Nebraska people, it may be possible that some may question Mr. Hines' right to do business in this state. He comes with properly legalized documents to do so, and his company has the endorsement of such eminent statesmen as Senators F. M. Cockrell and W. J. Stone. District Court. J udge Jesscn convened district court Tuesday morning. The only import ant case coming up was that of Mrs, Wm. Webb vs. the B. & M. railroad for damages. It will be remembered that Mr. Webb was killed by falling from the railroad bridge, while it was being constructed a year ago. Her ef fort was defeated. As we go to press the celebrated Kupkc ease is being tried. The Jury will lx here next week. On the Wing. II. A. Bates, of the Journal, made a trip to Union, Eaglo, Elmwood and Murdock this week, returning too late to make an extended notice of his visit to these places. He was well pleased with what he saw and made many ac qualntanccs. Next week the Journal will give an extended write-up of Ills brief visit to these points. I. D. Ilarmcr, administ rator of the estate of the late Bart Harmer, who died some weeks agoon his farm in the western part of the county, gave the Journal a pleasant call this morning. Mr. Harmer was returning from a trip over In Iowa, where he went to consult relatives In regard to a monument for deceased. It was agreed that a monu ment valued at 1,750 be erected In the cemetery at Tabor, Iowa. The monu ment was purchased from the Glen wood Marble company, who also has the contract to remove the remains of all the near relatives to said cemetery and InsorlU'tlielrnaincsthcreon. The mother's monogram will le placed at the top of the stone. While here Mr Harmer ordered the Journal sent to his address at Avoca. A special Invitation is extended to every lady In Cass county to call and examine our line of wallpaper. Then you w ill say It Is beyond comparison In price, quality and style. Gering & Co. are the largest dealers in wall In Cass county. Everyone says It Is a pleasure to trade at Gering .V Co's drug store, for they arc always pleased to give you the best service if it is 5c or IVW worth that you buy. For rent- several pieces of acreage property with cottages. Also, a num ber of hirgalnslncottagrnon monthly pay menu. K. B. Wimmian. iT " . . . . '" 11 ' " " ' ' 11 V Hasrstqodjtheltest for over 60 years. MEXICAN IDDOCjuCSOOQ FOR MAN OR BEAST. Cures sprains, bruises7 burns, cuts, sores, lameness, piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back, etc. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of un onler of sule Issued ,y ju,. HolHTtson. clerk of tin- cllsirirt. I'miri. within und for Cass coll lit v. Neliruskii. mill lii wc tlirectril. I will on tliu Stb Day of March, A. D., 1904 at 2 o'clock p, ni of said day at the south door of the court house. In the City of IMiittsiiimitli, in said county, sell at public auction, to the MKhcxt Milder for cash, the nillnwintf real estate to-wlt: ileslnnlnK at the northwest corner nf north- east quarter of the northeast quarter of sec- lion in lownsinp l- raiiKe IX east of the ttth principal meridian In Cass county. Nehraska. thesice rninsliiK south alonir the west line of said tract t.sO and JHuu feet to a Inirr-onk stake, thence north 'if denmn, 4i minutes east rrom sain west tine mi and hu-iuu feet to the north Hue of said tract, thence west alnnn said north line 4!ti feet to the place of In'kIii- iiinit. contatninK 3 ami Ni-nw acres more or less. Kxcept from the first description herein the following descrllied land, coumieiiclnir at a point lit feet east of the northwest corner of tliu northeast quarter of the northeast quar ter of section 24, In townshiu li ran ire 13, Cass county. Nehraska, thence rurnliiff south tarallei with ine west line of said tract 174 'eet, thence east parallel with the north line of said tract 44 feet thence north 174 feet thence west 44 feet to the place of hcKlnnliiK conlalnintf 1711-IUnUof an acre, which said des cription has been released from the lien of said innrtKiiKt). together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto lielonitiiiK or In anywise apicrtalnlntr The same liolnir levied uMnand taken as the property of Daniel Iturrls, Nancy A. llurrls. John I). Tutt. Lloyd I), ilennett, Margaret llennett, Artlu Al. Mor row, as administratrix of the estate of Wil liam Morrow, deceased. Ila.xter (.iirter. and Mrs. Ita.xter Cnrter and the City of l'latts mouth. Oc fendc nts to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Anselmo 11, Smith, plaintllf, against said defendants, l'latts mouth, Nebraska, February 2nd., A. I.. Itm4. .INO. I. McHKlDK, Jr.KSB I,. Uoot. Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb, rialnlllt's Attorney Administration Notice. TN THE COUNTY COI KT OK CASS COIIN A ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Stephen M. lMivbuleccased. Mary M. Davis, Troy L Davis, Frank .1. Davis and Searl S. Davis, a minor, and all oilier persons Interest ed In the estate of said deceased am hereby notllled that upon the l."ili day of February, A. D., m4. Frank J. Davis tiled In said court his duly verified petition alleging among other things that Stephen M. Davis died In testate in said county on the Kith day of Keln ruary. 11104, sel.ed and possessed of real and personal estate situated In said county to lie administered Uwn. The prayer of said pe tition Is that the court apixilnt said Troy I., Davis as administrator of said estate. You are notllled that a hearing will lie had upon said petition at tliu county court room at IMattsmuuth. Cass county, Nebraska, upon the tilth day of March, Hurt, at II o'clock In the forenoon, and If you full to appear at said time and object to the pns-eedings the court may itmmlnl Troy I.. Davis, or some other suitable person administrator of said estate und proceed to a settlement thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at I'lallsmouili, tins i;iii nay of February, A. I1AKV t.X 1. TKA VI!. II., IWH. IStAI.I. County Judge. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska I County of Cass lM In the CotnUy Court. In the matter of the. estate of Hubert Kuriies, dis'eased : TToTicr Is hereby given that the creditors of said diseased will meet the administra tor of said estate before me, county Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room In l'lattsmouth, In said county and state, on the Ititu day of March, loot, and on nun nay oi rcpuimer. imn, at 1U:0U uTlorlc a, m, eai'n uay, ror ine pursise or presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowisl for Hip creditors of said deceased to present their claims, ami one year for the administrator to settle said estate from the iOth day of March, I!i04. Witness my hand and seal of said county court al riattsmotith, Nebraska, this 4th day of February, imh. Haiivkv l. Tiiavih. County Judge. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, I Cass County, f1 In County Court. In the matter of the estate of llarton W. Har mer, dis'eased, TsJOTICKIs hereby given Unit llu creditors of said decease! will meet tho adminis trator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at tho county court room In l'lattsmouth. In said count v. on the 14th day of April, 1IM. and on the Will day of Septcmlier llM.at III o'clock a. in. .each day. for the puriiose of presenting their claims for ex amination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said dis'eased to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said es tate, from the 12th day of March. IH04. W Itness my hand and seal of said county court, at I'lallsmouili, Nebraska, this Itiih day of February, lii4. Ikkai.I IIAltVKY D. TRAVIS, County Judge, Notice of Administration. TN THE MATTFK OF THE KSTATE OK A Michael (I'Donohue. deceased. All persons Interesiml In said estate are hereby notlllisl that a petition has Mt n tiled In the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska, alleging that said dis'eased died leaving no last will ami praying for administration iikiii his estate, and that If they fall lonopear at said court In Iheclty of riattsmoiiih, Nebraska, on the loth day of March. I'l. at nine o'clock a.m., to (SMUest the said petition Hie our I may grant the same and grant ailinlnlsl' atloiiof said es tate toAsher Clark or sonic other suitable m rson and proceed to a sclilcicert thereof, tsi.l, II A It KY l. THAVIS. County Judge, i j A box of tho lxsl inatclioM murio for only U', at Oerlnijf S; IVh dniK store. Wall Paper I have just received my new stock of Wall Paper. Remember, our stock is all new no paper left over from last year. Come in and let us show you what pretty patterns wc have. You'll be surprised to learn how nicely you can paper a room. Geo. W. Gilman COATES BLOCK Independent Cigar FACTORY! rr.v ua 5c CIGAR, Challenges Comparison In Quality and Workmanship, JULIUS PEPPERDURG, .Manufacturer. i V Abstracts of Title V Ji7oma5 Ualli. OI'l'ICE-Anheuser-Hush Hlock. ED. FITZGEKAID, PROPRIETOR OP Livery, Hack I and Baggage Line. MOVING VAN. Removing of Household Goods a Specialty. Also, Heavy Draying. qk. maushalu DKNTIHT All kind of Dental work. Plates made that lit. 211 years experience, l'rloes reasonable. Work guaranteed. OFFICE FiTZomtAt.n Hixick. Tki.ki'Iionk No. 8oit47 Kunsmann & Ratnge Still lead all other Meat Markets In furnlshirifr the people of l'latts mouth and vicinity with First Class Meats Of Every Description. Fnsh and Smoked Meats, Frish Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc. REMEMBER They have removed to the first room west of their old stand. l?y courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and gain many new ones. f RAMBLER AUTOMOBILES 3 ( an Birth ReitrdUia of P,lc H I W lellell toriiiposdrnci Itom pto.ue'e. jjxHAHgHAtJTUMOMIIE Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ttfnored by those tireless, little workere-Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, nlrht and day, curing Indi gestion, Ulllousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and llowcl troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 20c at Y. IX Prltke Co's drug store. ..HORSES.. FOR SALE OR TRADE! I have just shipped in a couple of car loads of ikkhI ;ill purpose horses and mares, which 1 will o(!'er for sale or will trade for smaller horses for the the southern market. Cull and see horses at my farm. A. S. WILL. Our January Business Increased 1 331 Per cent, over our December, business of 1903 Why? because the people arc becoming acquainted with our meth j 0(ls ()f tloinff business, and find that wc represent nothing I ' we do not do and they pay for nothing they do not get. MR. READER Just try us Yourself. ..P. PEARSON 1 INDKPENDKNT 'PHONIC 198. UNION BLOCK, Plottlsmoulh, Nebraska.. 1 O o o &- w 0 0 w p to o en To Cure a Cold in One Day Sk A on every Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. $ y Seven Million fcoio told In part 13 month. This Signature, jfrjCyT